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    英 语
    考试时间:120分钟 试卷总分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What are the speakers going to do?
    A.Eat out. B.Have a walk. C.Go to class.
    2.What day is it today?
    A.Friday. B.Thursday. C.Wednesday.
    3.What does the man think of building the library in their town?
    A.Inspiring. B.Worthwhile. C.Impossible.
    4.Where is the bike now?
    A.Under the stairs. B.In the garden. C.At the gate.
    5.How many hours is the pool open today?
    A.10 hours. B.12 hours. C.14 hours.
    6.How does the woman feel?
    A.Angry. B.Satisfied. C.Confused.
    7.When can the woman get her computer back?
    A.Tonight. B.A few days later. C.Two weeks later.
    8.What is the woman doing when the accident happened?
    A.Driving a car B.Walking across the street C.Riding a bike.
    9.What can we learn about the driver?
    A.He didn't drive very fast.
    B.He was driving out of the street.
    C.His view was blocked (挡住) by something.
    10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Brother and sister. B.Husband and wife. C.Father and daughter.
    11.Where are the man's glasses?
    A.In the bathroom. B.In his pocket. C.On his nose.
    12.What impressed the man most about his forgetfulness?
    A.He went fishing without taking the fishing pole.
    B.He forgot about his wedding and went fishing.
    C.He went out without having pants on.
    13.What is the man's problem?
    A.He hasn't had a vacation for three weeks.
    B.He doesn't know where to spend his vacation.
    C.He doesn't have time to go abroad.
    14.Which continent does the man dislike?
    A.Africa. B.Asia. C.South America.
    15.What does the man think are boring?
    A.Monuments. B.Hotels. C.Museums.
    16.What makes the man interested in Paris?
    A.Night clubs. B.Excellent hotels. C.Interesting sights.
    17.What is the speaker mainly talking about?
    A.When and how bicycles began.
    B.What a simple means of transportation is.
    C.How did the first bicycle appear.
    18.What do we know about the first bicycle?
    A.It looked like a horse on a wheel.
    B.It was easy to ride but uncomfortable.
    C.It was difficult to ride and uncomfortable.
    19.When did the bicycle become a practical means of transportation?
    A.In 1790. B.In 1861. C.In 1900.
    20.Why did people like bicycles?
    A.They were very fashionable.
    B.They were of the same prices as horses.
    C.They didn't need to be fed and were easy to ride.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Find volunteer opportunities on Australia's largest volunteer website:
    Community Visitors Plan
    Volunteer to visit and talk with a selected resident in an aged care facility in Sydney on a one- to-one basis, at least once a fortnight or a minimum of 20 visits per year. Your visit will help brighten the day of an elder member of your community and improve their quality of life through friendship and companionship.
    Volunteer Non-Executive Director
    Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) is looking for a willing and experienced industry or community leader from the Whitsunday region who is passionate about the economic development of the greater Whitsunday region to join the GW3 board as volunteer, non-executive director.
    Gallery Attendant
    Your commitment to volunteering at the Museum is highly valued by Army Museum North Queensland, the Australian Army History Unit and the Australian Defence Force. The role of volunteers is important in enhancing Museum activities and providing programs and services that would not otherwise be available.
    Red Cross Shop Summer Season Volunteer
    Multiple volunteer positions available at Red Cross Shops across Metro Melbourne: From Monday to Sunday (minimum of two four-hour shifts per week), lasting 13weeks. By joining the team you'll get the opportunity to provide customer service, create window and visual merchandising displays, sort donations, and help raise money for those in need.
    21.Who will most probably get the job as non-executive director?
    A.An agricultural expert in his fifties.
    B.A retired economist from Whitsunday.
    C.A senior college student majoring in finance.
    D.An accountant expecting a handsome income.
    22.How many hours at least will a volunteer work in the Red Cross Shop for the season?
    A.48. B.52. C.104. D.144.
    23.Which one might interest a military fan most?
    A.Gallery Attendant.
    B.Community Visitors Plan.
    C.Volunteer Non — Executive Director.
    D.Red Cross Shop Summer Season Volunteer.
    The bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth, Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me. They asked typical travelers' questions—where was I going and why was I traveling alone? My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend, I explained, but when I called her that morning, she didn't pick up and I had no other way to reach her. My stomach was in knots, but I decided to head out anyway, thinking I might run into her if I traveled to Tiberius, where we had planned to go together.
    “Why don't you travel with us?” one of the backpackers offered. They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as they could. Their current plan was to explore the Middle East and Europe in three months while working in London.
    It seemed risky to travel with strangers, but my instinct said yes. For the next two weeks, I explored Israel with the backpackers and learned to trust my instincts in all types of new and interesting situations. When they hook a ride, I took the bus, but when they wanted to steal into the King David Hotel's swimming pool, I led the way. The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone. I joined complete strangers, who become close friends. Years later, one couple from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to be in my wedding. The trip was such a special experience that it gave me confidence in all areas of my life. Since then, I've backpacked alone across South Africa, sky-dived from 12,000 feet in New Zealand and even moved across the U.S. with no job lined up.
    On my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends, I bumped into the woman I was supposed to meet. Though I was happy she was all right, I was grateful she hadn't picked up the phone.
    24.By “My stomach was in knots” (in paragraph 1), the author most likely means that she was _____.
    A.sick of riding on a bumpy bus B.nervous of meeting strangers
    C.upset about the sudden change D.sorry about the impractical plan
    25.Which of the following best describes the backpackers the author met?
    A.Courageous but disrespectful. B.Jobless and poorly educated.
    C.Warmhearted and trustworthy. D.Homeless but lighthearted.
    26.The author's sixth sense told her that ______.
    A.she would get along with the backpackers B.it might cause trouble to have a swim
    C.she ought to stay away from the backpackers D.it could add excitement to get a free ride
    27.What can be inferred from the passage?
    A.Most of the backpackers became the author's lifelong friends.
    B.The author gathered the courage to be a fulltime backpack traveler.
    C.The woman missed the phone call with the purpose of traveling alone.
    D.The author considered it the best decision of her life to travel on her own.
    For centuries, people have kept large amounts of cash at home during difficult times. But during the coronavirus crisis, things are different. Metal coins and paper bills can be a source of worry rather than hope.
    The fear is that these objects, possibly touched by thousands of people, could provide a way for the coronavirus to spread. Public officials and health experts have said that the risk is small. Still, some businesses refuse to accept cash and some countries have suggested that their citizens should stop using it altogether.
    Zachary Cohle is an economics professor at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. “In many areas, cash was already beginning to disappear due to the increased risk of robbery, the ease of Internet ordering, and the ubiquity of cell phones,” he said. “Sweden, Finland, Norway, Canada and others have slowly reduced cash use to the point where using it in large amounts seems unusual. Britain and Australia are expected to become cashless countries. And in China, cash use has dropped as electronic payment services have increased in popularity over the past decade.”
    “Cash ist Fesch” is a common saying in Austria and southern Germany. The words mean cash is beautiful. But since the virus outbreak, shops that have remained open there, like grocery stores, have encouraged people to pay with cards. And Germany's central bank said 43 percent of Germans recently paid for goods and services with a card. The Bank of Japan estimates that cash makes up for 53 percent of household assets. But the threat of the coronavirus could move the country toward going cashless, said Hiroki Maruyama, head of the nonprofit Fintech Association of Japan. He added, “The culture is slowly changing.”
    However, cash use is still common in places like West and Central Africa. Some experts say that the world will not be cashless until everyone and every country has reliable access to the Internet.
    28.Why is cash regarded as a source of worry?
    A.Cash may carry viruses after being used. B.Some countries refuse to accept cash.
    C.It's risky to keep a lot of cash at home. D.Cash can't be used during the crisis.
    29.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A.The disadvantages of paying in cash.
    B.The introduction to cashless countries.
    C.The present situation of cash use worldwide.
    D.The increasing popularity of electronic payment.
    30.What do we know from the example of Germany and Japan?
    A.Shops in Germany only take cash because it's beautiful.
    B.Less than half of the Germans still like to pay goods in cash.
    C.More than half of the Japanese prefer to put cash in the bank.
    D.The Japanese are changing their traditional attitudes to cash.
    31.Why is it impossible for the world to be cashless according to the passage?
    A.The virus crisis will last for a long time.
    B.The habit of paying in cash is hard to change.
    C.The Internet is not available in all the countries.
    D.People in Africa can't afford the banking services.
    In 1926, US automaker Henry Ford shortened its employees' workweek from six eight-hour days to five, with no pay cuts. It's something workers and labor unions had been calling for. Ford wasn't responding to worker demands; he was being a businessman. He expected increased productivity and knew workers with more time and money would buy and use the products they were making. It was a way of encouraging consumerism and productivity to increase profits, and it succeeded.
    Since standardization of the 40-hour workweek in the mid-20th century, everything has changed but the hours. If anything, many people are working even longer hours, especially in North America. This has a severe influence on human health and well-being, as well as the environment. Until the Second World War, it was common for one person in a family, usually the oldest male, to work full-time. Now, women make up 42 percent of the world's full-time workforce. Technology has made a lot of work unnecessary, with computers and robots doing many tasks previously performed by humans.
    Well into the 21st century, we continue to work the same long hours as 20th century laborers, using up ever more of Earth's supply to produce more goods that we must keep working to buy, use and replace in a seemingly endless cycle of hard work and consumption. It's time to pause and consider better ways to live like shifting from fossil-fueled lifestyles with which our consumer-based workweeks are connected.
    The UK think tank, New Economics (经济学) Foundation, argues that a standard 21-hour workweek would address a number of interconnected problems: "overwork, unemployment, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, low well-being, and the lack of time to live sustainably, to care for each other, and simply to enjoy life".
    Economic systems that require constant growth on a finite (有限的) planet don't make sense. It's time for a change in our economic thinking.
    32.Why did Ford decide to shorten the workweek?
    A.To cut workers' pay. B.To make more profits.
    C.To respond to worker demands. D.To meet labor unions, requirements.
    33.What change in the workforce happened after World War Ⅱ ?
    A.More women worked full-time.
    B.The number of laborers decreased.
    C.Technology enabled people to work shorter hours.
    D.It was unnecessary for a family's oldest male to work.
    34.What can we infer from the third paragraph?
    A.Longer working hours means better consumption ability.
    B.The 21st century sees the longest working hours in history.
    C.The cycle of hard work and consumption should be changed.
    D.Pausing our way of living can change the present workweek.
    35.New Economics Foundation thinks a 21-hour workweek will _______.
    A.increase unemployment B.cause various problems
    C.encourage people to enjoy life D.challenge the economic growth
    As many countries go on nation-wide lockdowns to battle COVID-19, more people around the world are staying at home, leading a life similar to what many Chinese began a month ago. 36 .
    Working at home.
    In order to create a comfortable working environment, purchasing some office goods will help you concentrate more on your work. Liu Jian, a 28-year-old IT engineer in Beijing, told the Global Times that he used remote working software to control the computer at his office through his laptop at home. 37 "It used to take an hour and a half to arrive at my office by subway, but now I can spend more time on my work and life, which made me feel things aren't that bad for me during the epidemic." he said.
    Reading time.
    Many Chinese discovered that they don't have much time to read books as they had wanted.
    38 Some reading apps have also released many e-books and audio versions of books for free to enrich people's lives. Chen Ran, 29, told the Global Times that she is currently reading the book Little Women. planned to watch the film Little Women, but was postponed due to COVID-19, so I decided to read the book first and 1 will better understand the film version." said Chen.
    39 .
    Since gyms have all shut down, many Chinese have turned to training apps or watching online exercise programs at home. Gao Wen, a 52-year-old woman living in Tianjin, told the Global Times that she used to take yoga class in a nearby fitness center but has now turned to online classes.“ 40 But the good thing is that I can choose any teacher I like online without being bound by geographic restrictions.” Gao said, adding that the teacher she chose is far more professional than her old coach near her home.
    B.Exercising at home.
    C.The drawback is that our yoga coach cannot correct my movements.
    D.Here are some tips that Chinese are sharing for dealing being stuck at home.
    E.However, cooking meals together will help you develop a closer relationship with your family.
    F.He also bought a desk and a comfortable office chair to create a working environment at home.
    G.Many bookstores and e-commerce platforms offered delivery services for books during the epidemic.
    I am writing this story to express the important value of sportsmanship(体育精神). Some years ago, my traveling 41 team took part in a nationwide competition. This competition is very 42 and the atmosphere is far from 43 . After we completed our performance, the next competing team laughed at us and gave us a mean 44 as we passed them. They looked 45 at us and laughed at our costumes and our performance. My team and I were all very 46 , even to the point of tears.
    One of my team members 47 that we should boo(发嘘声) them as they performed. Finally I said, “Let's teach them a lesson.” I was the oldest member of the team and their role model. What I said next totally 48 them. I said, “They are on stage right now. Let's go and 49 them.”I then looked up at the stage and started to scream, “Come on!” My teammates all started to shout loudly with me to show support for the team. At first they were 50 .Then I noticed that they were having 51 screaming for the team that a couple of minutes ago they hated.
    When the team finished dancing and walked off stage, my teammates and I all started to 52 them. Most members of the opposite team 53 and said “thank you”, and they were a little embarrassed.My team and I felt a lot better about the 54 .After that, my teammates understood what a great 55 it was and they were glad that they had shown good sportsmanship.
    41.A.design B.football C.dance D.drama
    42.A.fierce B.reasonable C.common D.serious
    43.A.practical B.heavy C.tense D.friendly
    44.A.fee B.look C.job D.paper
    45.A.politely B.happily C.straight D.funnily
    46.A.upset B.surprised C.excited D.disappointed
    47.A.decided B.learned C.thought D.suggested
    48.A.shocked B.delighted C.annoyed D.puzzled
    49.A.praise B.comfort C.cheer D.thank
    50.A.surprised B.embarrassed C.reluctant D.disagreed
    51.A.anger B.wish C.sadness D.fun
    52.A.welcome B.congratulate C.receive D.scold
    53.A.smiled B.fainted C.cried D.left
    54.A.position B.future C.place D.situation
    55.A.team B.age C.idea D.help
    Yungang Grottoes (石窟) in Datong, Shanxi Province, are a world cultural heritage (遗产) site with a history that 56 (go) back more than 1,500 years. In Yungang's 45 big grottoes and more than 200 small grottoes, roughly 59,000 figures of the Buddha, 57 (be) a priceless treasure of human culture.
    58 because of the effects of climate change and natural disasters, the grottoes face damage year after year. Thanks to 59 (advance) digital technology, researchers are busy “duplicating” (复制) the Yungang Grottoes in an attempt to preserve the precious cultural relics (遗物). Employing 3D laser scanning technology, the researchers 60 (digital) record the shapes, colors and other fine details of the grottoes and later reproduce 61 by using 3D printing technology.
    The new technology could enable more people 62 (access) the cultural relics despite the distance. In June, 2020, the Zhejiang University Cultural Relics Research Institute and Yungang Grottoes Research Institute together “copied and pasted” Cave No. 12 of the Yungang Grottoes for an
    63 (exhibit) in Hangzhou, in which is the world's first 3D-printed 1:1 “copy” of a grotto.
    These Yungang 64 (researcher) attempt is a good example of technology helping to preserve cultural heritage. It is hoped 65 the new digitalized technologies will facilitate the “rebirth” of the cultural relics, and bring them to more places worldwide.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    Larrella was born in Deora, a small village in eastern India, but moved to the city of Mumbai when she was 3. In 2020, when the pandemic(疫情)broke out, the family returned to her ancestral village to wait out the pandemic.
    It greatly shocked her when she found that attending school was uncommon in Deora, where almost half of the villagers couldn't read. Unable to afford textbooks, many families often withdrew their children from schools. They didn't wish to educate their children, many of whom had to work in the fields with parents though some had the desire to read.
    Larrella, the college girl with a strong sense of social responsibility, has been trying to seize opportunities to open doors for others. She often speaks at inter college events on the right to education and enjoys a high reputation among college students.
    Used to taking on challenges, Larrella was determined to do something for the children. One day last July, Larrella sat down with her family elders and proposed the idea of setting up a library. Many shook their heads in disagreement--this wasn't how a young girl should spend her time.
    After many discussions, Larrella finally convinced them and gained access to her relative's guesthouse, mending it with $67 that she'd won in public speaking awards. She took the help of her uncle, Akbar, and cousin, Nawaz, and got to work. Walls were repainted, the bamboo roof was repaired and lights and bookshelves were fixed, and the room was filled with chairs and a long table. Vivid charts stuck on the walls--from anatomy (解剖) to transportation, lightened the space. Looking at the newly decorated “library”, Larrella couldn't hold back her excitement while imagining the children reading books here by light.
    All was ready except books. So what Larrella was desperate to do next was fill the shelves with books. She drew on all her savings and purchased many hooks suitable for children online. But her effort was not enough.
    Paragraph 1:
    She wanted to get more help.
    The big day finally came.

    1--5 BCCAB
    6--10 AABAB
    11--15 CBBAC
    16--20 AACBC
    21.B 22.C 23.A
    24. c 25.c 26.A 27.D
    28.A 29.C 30.D 31.C
    32. B 33.A 34.C 35.C
    36-40 DFGBC
    56.goes 57. are 58. But 59. advanced 60. digitally
    61. them 62. to access 63. exhibition 64. researchers’ 65. that

    作文1:Possible Version 1
    Dear Jim,
    I’m very pleased to know from your e-mail you’re coming to travel in China.
    As for which city to visit, I guess Beijing is the best choice. To begin with, as a capital city, Beijing is not only the political and culture centre but also scientific and educational heart, from which you can have a general understanding of China. What’s more, the ancient and modern city will provide you with its rich and varied history and scenery.
    I recommend you travel by subway. It’s convenient to travel by subway around Beijing and you can avoid traffic jam and travel environment friendly.
    looking forward to your coming!
    Li Hua.

    She wanted to get more help. To ensure children get access to more books, Larrella took pictures of the library and uploaded them online, calling on students to donate books to the children library. Before long, hundreds of new and secondhand books poured in, but they needed checking, classifying and arranging in order on the shelves, which took Larrella, her uncle and cousin a whole week. Tired as Larrella was, a smile lit up her face when she pictured the scene where children were buried in reading by the book-filled shelves.
    The big day finally came. Several children stepped in curiously, asking Larrella, “Can we read the books?” “Sure. Welcome!” Larrella encouraged them. Some chose what they liked, while others hesitated. Realizing they had trouble reading, Larrella gathered them in a corner, teaching them from the very beginning. Soon more children joined in. Every night Larrella spared some time to give lessons so that more children could gain knowledge from the books. Larrella’s efforts opened the wisdom door for them, which would surely make a great difference to their lives.
    (Text 1)
    W: It’s a beautiful evening, Tom. Why don’t we go out for a walk?
    M: That’s a fine idea. I’d like to walk around our school.
    (Text 2)
    W: Hi, Sam. I hear you are going off to Chicago. When are you leaving?
    M: This coming Friday, that is to say, the day after tomorrow.
    (Text 3)
    W: I heard a new public library is going to be put up near here.
    M: Well, I think it’s too much to expect when our town is so poor.
    (Text 4)
    W: Why are you looking so upset, Tim?
    M: I had my bike repaired and last night I put it at the gate, but I cannot find it now.
    W: It was in my way when I went to the garden, so I put it under the stairs and it’s still there.
    (Text 5)
    W: City Park Swimming Pool. Good morning.
    M: Good morning. Could you tell me if the pool is open today?
    W: Yes. The pool opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m.
    M: Oh, good. Thank you very much.
    (Text 6)
    W: When can I collect my computer? You know, I brought my computer here two weeks ago.
    M: I’m sorry. We’re still repairing it.
    W: Look here, every time I call, you give me the same answer.
    M: Be patient, madam. We would be grateful if you could wait a few more days.
    W: Wait? I can’t wait anymore.
    M: I understand that. But we’re trying our best to ...
    W: I need no excuse.
    M: Alright madam, we’ll repair the computer immediately and have it sent to you tonight.
    (Text 7)
    M: Did you see the accident, madam?
    W: Yes, I was walking along and suddenly ...
    M: Now, can you tell me what happened first?
    W: Well, I was crossing the street when the boy ran out of the gate and jumped on his bike. Then he started riding his bike down the street when a car was turning around the corner and driving into this street, and the car knocked the boy off his bike.
    M: Was anything blocking the driver’s view?
    W: No, I don’t think so.
    M: Right. Now, can you tell me how fast the car was going?
    W: Oh, it wasn’t going very fast.
    M: And how fast was the boy going?
    W: Well, he was only on a bike, but he was moving very fast, and he didn’t even notice the car.
    (Text 8)
    M: Have you seen my glasses? I can’t find them anywhere.
    W: Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror.
    M: You mean I’ve got them on. How could that be?
    W: You’re the most absent-minded person I’ve ever met.
    M: I can’t deny it. I’d lost my head if it weren’t placed on my shoulders.
    W: I’ll never forget the time you went fishing and forgot to take your fishing pole.
    M: I won’t forget it either, but that’s not the most memorable example of my forgetfulness.
    W: How about the time you started to leave without having any pants on?
    M: No, that’s not it.
    W: I’m tired of guessing, tell me.
    M: You never would have guessed. Well, anyway, the day we were supposed to get married was such a beautiful day that I forgot all about the wedding and went fishing instead.
    (Text 9)
    M: I have a three-week vacation coming up in a few months, and I want to take a trip. But I don’t really know where I want to go.
    W: Do you want to stay in this country, or would you prefer to go abroad?
    M: I think I’d like to visit a foreign country. I’m not interested in Africa, but anyplace else would be fine.
    W: Well, that leaves Asia, South America and Europe. Oh, I almost forgot Australia. Are you interested in seeing anything in particular? Historical monuments? Museums? Countryside? People?
    M: Monuments might be interesting, but museums are too boring. I’d like to see a little night life, too. If I’m going to spend lots of money on a trip, I don’t want to be bored.
    W: It sounds as if you would do as well to go to Europe — possibly to France, Spain or Italy. There are excellent hotels, so many interesting sights to see and plenty of night clubs.
    M: Well, you’ve convinced me. I’ll take a ticket to Paris. They say the night clubs are really wonderful too.
    (Text 10)
    M: Do you know when and how bicycles began? Well, in the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. And people moved from the countryside and small towns to the cities because there was more work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every family had a horse. So people needed a simpler means of transportation, and inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem.
    Therefore, the first bicycle, which was very simple, appeared in 1790 in France. People called it “the horse on wheels”, but it was difficult to ride and it also felt uncomfortable. Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, bicycles became a practical means of transportation. And people liked bicycles, because they were not as expensive as horses, and better still, they didn’t need to be fed. However, they could go anywhere and were easy to ride.


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