展开仁爱版七年级下册期末复习根据情景写句子 必背句型1.你想问你的同学多经常去动物园,你可以这样问他:How often do you go to the zoo?2.Mike学习基础较差,你建议他要勤奋,笨鸟先飞。可以这样说:The early bird catches the worm, Mike.3.你想知道你的同桌在哪里出生,你可以这样问她:Where were you born?4.妈妈想要John把桌子上的那些玩具收起来,她会这么说: Put away the toys, John.5.你想知道今天天气怎么样,你可以这样问:What’s the weather like/How is the weather today?6.你想知道这本书可以借多久,可以这么问:\How long can I keep the book?7.你告诉朋友,你暑假想去加拿大,可以这样说:I plan/wish/want/would like to go to Canada.8.你想问朋友的礼物是什么形状的,可以这么问:What shape is the/your present? What is the shape of the/your present?9.当你看到同学 Tom 脸色不好,你想知道他哪里不舒服,你可以这么问:What’s the matter?/ What’s wrong with you?10.你想了解你的朋友Mary的生日是什么时候,你可以这么问她:When is your birthday, Mary ?11.你想知道对方是否现在正在体育馆里游泳,可以这样问:Are you swimming in the gym now?12.你向对方借课外书,对方没有,你可以这样说: Thank you all the same.13.饭店的服务员给顾客引路时,会这样说:This way, please14.你忘了今天是几号,可以这样问你同学:What’s the date today?/What date is it today?15.你生病了,想知道附近有没有医院,可以这样问:Excuse me, is there a hospital near here?16.朋友告诉你明天要去上海迪士尼乐园玩,你可以这么祝福他:Enjoy yourself!/Have a good time!/.Have a good trip!/17.你想邀请朋友参加你的生日聚会,可以这样说:Would you like to come to my birthday party?18.当别人夸奖你时,你可以这样应答:Thank you.19.昨天Jerry的班上组织了元旦晚会,你想知道他有没有唱歌或跳舞,可以这样问:Jerry, did you sing or dance last night?20.你想知道对方的书房里是否有一台电脑,可以这样问:Is there a computer in your study?21.当你向Kangkang求助时,你可以这样说:Could/Can you help me, Kangkang?22.见到一些小朋友在街上玩耍,你会这样告诫他们:Don’t play on/in the street/road./You shouldn’t(had better not/can’t) play on/in the street/road.23.你要去图书馆,可以这样问路:Excuse me, which is the way to the library/can you tell me the way to the library/how can I get to the library/where is the library/is there a library near here24.你忘记了今天是星期几,可以这么问:What day is it today?25.你借了图书馆的书,你想知道你能借多久,可以这样说:How long can I keep this book?26.你看到一个外国人在向路人求助,可是该路人不会说英语,你可以这样提供帮助:Let me show you the way/me help you.27.你想知道Jenny对电视剧《开端》的看法,你会这么问:Jenny, what do you think of the TV series Reset?28.朋友对你说新年快乐,你可以这样回答:The same to you/Happy New Year.29.你想知道对方是否会跳舞,可以这么问:Can you dance?30.妈妈告诉孩子要照看好自己的东西,可以这样对她说:Take care of your things.31.你想知道这栋楼有几层,可以这样问他:How many floors are there in this building?过马路时你想提醒同学要小心,可以这样说:Be careful (when you go across the road/street)33.你不小心撞倒了别人,你可以这样道歉:Sorry/ I’m sorry34.你想提醒对方上课的时间到了,可以这样说:It’s time for class./It’s time to have class.35.你的朋友Jack想要邀请你去参加他的生日派对,但是你必须照看你的妹妹,你可以这么跟他说:I’m sorry, I have to look after/take care of my sister.36.你的朋友生日到了,你可以这样祝福她:Happy birthday!37.你想借用同学的自行车,可以这样问:Excuse me, may I borrow your bike?38.你想叫对方下次别再迟到了,可以这样说:Don’t be late again39.在Kangkang的派对上,我们大家都玩的很开心,可以这样说:We all had a good time at Kangkang’s birthday party40.你想知道这台电脑有多宽,可以这样问:How wide is the computer?41.你想了解福州昨天的气温,可以这样问:What was the temperature in Fuzhou yesterday?42.你想知道你的朋友每天怎样来上学,可以这样问: How do you come to school every day?43.你想夸奖对方很聪明,可以这样说:How smart you are!44.好朋友来你的新家拜访,你想表示欢迎,可以这样说:Welcome to my new home.45.你想知道Jack住哪种类型的房子,可以这样询问:What kind of house do you live in, Jack?