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    这是一份2021宿迁高一下学期期末考试英语试题含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了 What des Mr, What is Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    1. When did the speakers meet last time?
    A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago.
    2Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In the Forbidden City. B. At a bus station. C. In the street.
    3. What is the probable relationship between the man and Peggy?
    A Boss and employee. B. Father and daughter. C. Neighbors.
    4. What is the woman doing?
    A. Changing a reservation. B. Making a reservation. C. Checking a reservation.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. An item of clothing. B. The weather. C. A shop.
    6. What does Mr. Brown think of the gift?
    A. Special. B. Interesting. C. Useful.
    7. What is Mr. Brown probably going to do this Christmas holiday?
    A. Stay at home. B. Go on a trip. C. Visit some friends.
    8. How did the woman know about her favorite advertisement?
    A. From her phone. B. From a computer. C. From television.
    9. What does the woman say about her favorite advertisement?
    A. It told a story about a stepfather.
    B. It could be found in many public places.
    C. It was performed by well—known actors.
    10. What is the woman's attitude toward advertisements?
    A. Supportive. B. Ambiguous. C. Disapproving.
    11. Why doesn't Jay move?
    A. He is short of money.
    B. He likes where he lives now.
    C. His wife does not want to move.
    12. What does Molly advise Jay to do?
    A. Save money as much as he can.
    B. Make a decision within two days.
    C. Buy a house in a special way.
    13. Who owns a house bought from the government?
    A. Jay's son. B. Molly's aunt. C. Jay's aunt.
    14. When will the speakers meet this week?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    15. What do the speakers decide to do?
    A. Go out for dinner. B. Have a drink at a bar. C. Watch a DVD at home.
    16. Where is Orange Tree?
    A. On Church Road. B. On Potter Street. C. On Orange Street.
    17. At what time will the speakers meet?
    A. 6:40. B. 7:10. C. 7:20.
    18. Who would most likely suffer from depression according to the researchers?
    A. Those who often sent text messages.
    B. Those who suffered from heart disease.
    C. Those who did no physical exercise.
    19. How did students behave when they told a lie?
    A. They sent long messages.
    B. They responded more slowly than usual.
    C. They typed 10 percent faster on average.
    20. What is the third piece of news mainly about?
    A. Why marriage helps fight cancer.
    B. How unmarried people survive cancer.
    C. Whether chemical therapy works.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Europe's busiest shopping street
    London is a shopper's paradise and one of the best places to go is Oxford Street. Selfridges, one of the world's first department store, is here. There are at least four other major stores and European's largest music shop. In December the Christmas lights are always switched on by a famous person. Nearby in Regent Street is Hamleys. This is the biggest toy store in the world, opened in 1881.
    All things for all people
    A fashionable area for shopping is Kensington High Street. You can buy clothes, cosmetics and accessories here and there's an organic food supermarket. Harrods in Knightbridge has 330 different departments and sells absolutely everything, from electronic goods and jewellery to pet food and furniture. The food hall is spectacular and if you feel hungry, you can choose from 32 different restaurants.
    You can't leave London without visiting a market. One of the oldest is Borough market. Walk around and look at the fresh fish, bakeries, and fruit and vegetable sellers. You can also buy specialist food, like cheese, pork pies and chutney. For antiques, jewellery or collector’s items go to Portobello Road on a Saturday. You never know what you will find. If you like browsing for jewellery and gifts, there is nothing better than Covent Garden market. There are lots of cafes here and always some kind of street entertainment.
    Outside the city
    Tired of city life? Most medium—sized towns in Britain have regular farmers' markets. Here local producers sell their food, drink and handicrafts—they will usually let you try the bread, cakes or wine before you buy. One market town called Totnes even introduced its own currency. Now seventy local businesses accept it.
    1. Which place in London is a music fan's paradise?
    A. Kensington High Street. B. Regent Street.
    C. Oxford Street. D. Harrods in Knightbridge.
    2. Why are markets recommended to visitors?
    A. Because the oldest Borough market is full of snacks and vegetables.
    B. Because antiques, jewellery or gifts may go beyond your expectations.
    C. Because visitors can go to Portobello Road to choose antiques on Sundays.
    D. Because visitors can try the local bread, cakes or wine after they buy.
    3. What's the purpose of writing the passage?
    A. To introduce readers to Britain cultures.
    B. To present readers with guidelines in life.
    C. To instruct readers in the history of shops.
    D. To inform readers of some specialty shops.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    推理判断题。根据“Europe's busiest shopping street”部分第三句“There are at least four other major stores and European's largest music shop.”(至少还有其他四家大型商店和欧洲最大的音像店。)和第一句 “London is a shopper's paradise and one of the best places to go is Oxford Street.”(伦敦是购物者的天堂,牛津街是最好的去处之一。)可知,在伦敦牛津街是乐迷的天堂。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Markets”部分第五句到第七句“For antiques, jewellery or collector’s items go to Portobello Road on a Saturday. You never know what you will find. If you like browsing for jewellery and gifts, there is nothing better than Covent Garden market.”(对于古董、珠宝或收藏品,请在周六前往Portobello路。你永远不知道你会发现什么。如果你喜欢浏览珠宝和礼物,没有什么比考文特花园市场更好的了。)可知,向游客推荐市场是因为古董、珠宝或礼物可能超出预期。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“Europe's busiest shopping street”部分第二句“Selfridges, one of the world's first department store, is here.”(世界上最早的百货公司之一塞尔弗里奇就在这里。),第三句 “There are at least four other major stores and European's largest music shop.”(至少还有其他四家大型商店和欧洲最大的音像店。),最后两句“Nearby in Regent Street is Hamleys. This is the biggest toy store in the world, opened in 1881. ”(摄政街附近是哈姆雷。这是世界上最大的玩具店,1881年开业。),“All things for all people”部分第三句“Harrods in Knightbridge has 330 different departments and sells absolutely everything, from electronic goods and jewellery to pet food and furniture.”(奈特布里奇的哈罗德百货公司有330个不同的部门,销售的东西应有尽有,从电子产品和珠宝到宠物食品和家具。)等可知,文章的目的是向读者介绍一些特色商店。故选D。
    What do you do with the things you love? You probably take care of them and keep them safe. That’s not what Cameron Payne does. The boy from North Carolina is sharing his love of books by giving them away.
    When Cameron heard about a family who lost everything in a house fire. He was looking for a way to help them. He was sad that all of their books were destroyed. That’s when he created his program, which gives books away to people in need.
    Cameron’s program collects books for young people of all ages and reading levels. He collects books for kids who are blind or with low vision, too, because he wants everyone to have books. Cameron knows that books can help kids think about their future. They do this by helping kids dream about what they might be when they grow up. Learning about new things can give kids new interests. Six years later, Cameron is still giving away books.
    Many of the books he gives away were given to him by others, but Cameron’s grandmother also shops for books that don’t cost a lot. She buys books that are new or that look new. In addition to working with schools, Cameron and his grandmother give books to children in places near their home, such as hospitals, libraries, and day camps.
    Cameron wants to keep his program going and growing. Over the past six years, he has given away more than 3,000 books. He has also won many prizes for his work. His program has grown over the years, too. Last Christmas, Cameron was able to give away toys and books.
    Cameron Payne is making a difference in kids’ lives by giving away the things he loves. Who needs help in your community? How might you help?
    4. What caused Cameron to create his program?
    A. His own books destroyed by a fire.
    B. Someone’s losing all the books to a fire.
    C. His house’s being consumed by a fire.
    D. Somebody’s sadness about the accident.
    5. What can we learn about the collected books according to paragraphs 3-4?
    A. Children with hearing loss can receive new books.
    B. Books are given to children with advanced levels.
    C. Children have no interest in new books at all.
    D. Cameron’s granny makes contributions to book collection.
    6. Why does the author put two questions in the last paragraph?
    A. Because the author wants to appeal to people’s sense of justice.
    B. Because the author would like to attract readers’ interest.
    C. Because the author intends to call on people to help others.
    D. Because the author plans to leave a deep impression on readers.
    7. Which words best describe Cameron’s personality?
    A. Selfish and distant. B. Selfless and helpful.
    C. Passionate and hopeful. D. Confident and optimistic.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B
    【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一个来自北卡罗来纳州的男孩Cameron Payne通过送书的方式来分享他对书籍的热爱。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“When Cameron heard about a family who lost everything in a house fire. He was looking for a way to help them. He was sad that all of their books were destroyed. That’s when he created his program, which gives books away to people in need. (当Cameron听说有一家人在一场火灾中失去了一切。他在想办法帮助他们。他很伤心他们所有的书都被毁了。就在那时,他创建了一个项目,把书送给有需要的人)”可知,因为有人在火灾中失去了所有的书,所以Cameron创建了这个项目。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Many of the books he gives away were given to him by others, but Cameron’s grandmother also shops for books that don’t cost a lot. She buys books that are new or that look new. (Cameron赠送的很多书都是别人送给他的,但Cameron的祖母也会自己买不贵的书。她买新的或看起来新的书)”可知,Cameron的祖母为收集书本做了贡献。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Cameron wants to keep his program going and growing. (Cameron想让他的项目继续发展下去)”和最后一段中“Who needs help in your community? How might you help? (社区中谁需要帮助?你能帮上什么忙?)”可知,作者在最后一段提出了两个问题是因为作者想号召人们去帮助别人。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“The boy from North Carolina is sharing his love of books by giving them away. (这个来自北卡罗来纳州的男孩通过送书的方式来分享他对书籍的热爱)”和最后一段的“Over the past six years, he has given away more than 3,000 books. (在过去的六年里,他已经捐赠了超过3000本书)”可知Cameron是无私的;第三段中“Cameron knows that books can help kids think about their future. They do this by helping kids dream about what they might be when they grow up. Learning about new things can give kids new interests. (Cameron知道,书籍可以帮助孩子们思考他们的未来。它们帮助孩子梦想他们长大后可能成为什么样的人。学习新事物能给孩子们带来新的兴趣)”和最后一段中“Cameron Payne is making a difference in kids’ lives by giving away the things he loves. (Cameron Payne通过分享他所爱的东西改变了孩子们的生活)”可知Cameron是乐于助人的,因此,Cameron是一个无私和乐于助人的人。故选B项。
    Back in 2011,archaeologists first discovered a lost highway littered with Viking artifacts(古器物)—sleds, horse bones, walking sticks, a 1,700—year—old sweater and heap after heap of horse dung.
    But now archaeologists have discovered so much more. They've published new research describing hundreds of items that have been found along Lendbreen pass: shoes, parts of sleds, and bones from packhorses. It would have remained hidden forever had the ice not rapidly begun melting, revealing all that roadside Viking litter.
    The highway winds its way over the Lendbreen ice patch(流冰区) in Norway's Jotunheim Mountains, about 200 miles north of Oslo. "The pass was at its busiest during the Viking Age around 1,000 A.D., a time of high mobility and growing trade across Scandinavia and Europe," study co—author James Barrett said.
    According to researchers, the highway was possibly built around the year 300. At the time, heavy snow covered rocks underfoot. Trading posts were built along the nearby Otta River. The road may have thrived for many more centuries.
    “The decline of the Lendbreen pass was probably caused by a combination of economic changes, climate change and late medieval pandemics(中世纪流行病), including the Black Death,” study co—author Lars Pilo explained. “When the local area recovered, things had changed, and the Lendbreen pass was lost to memory.”
    “The objects are amazingly well preserved,” study co—author Espen Finstad added. “It is like they were lost a short time ago, not centuries or millennia ago.”
    For archaeologists, the Lendbreen ice patch seems like a gift from the ancient past. But it's alarming that it's unwrapping itself so rapidly. "Global warming is leading to the melting of mountain ice worldwide," said Pilo. “Trying to save the remains of a melting world is a very exciting job—the finds are just an archaeologist's dream—but at the same time, it is also a job you cannot do without deep worry.”
    8. How many archaeologists joined efforts to publish the new research?
    A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
    9. What does the underlined word “thrive” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
    A. Grow weakly. B. Develop badly.
    C. Grow happily. D. Develop successfully.
    10. From the last paragraph, what feeling do the archaeologists have about saving the remains of melting world?
    A. Excited and concerned. B. Satisfied and disappointed.
    C. Delighted and depressed. D. Astonished and discouraged.
    11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A. An ancient highway lost to memory. B. A history of the lost highway.
    C. The mystery of the lost highway. D. How to find the ancient highway.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第三、五和六段分别提到study co—author(研究合著者):James Barrett、Lars Pilo和Espen Finstad,所以是三名考古学家参与了这项新研究。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第四段划线词前句“According to researchers, the highway was possibly built around the year 300. At the time, heavy snow covered rocks underfoot. Trading posts were built along the nearby Otta River. (据研究人员称,这条公路可能是在300年左右修建的。 当时,大雪覆盖了脚下的岩石。 贸易站建在附近的奥塔河。 )”可推断,这条路可能已经繁荣了好几个世纪。所以thrived为“成功地发展”之意。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“"Global warming is leading to the melting of mountain ice worldwide," said Pilo. “Trying to save the remains of a melting world is a very exciting job—the finds are just an archaeologist's dream—but at the same time, it is also a job you cannot do without deep worry.” (“全球变暖正在导致世界各地的高山冰融化。”皮洛说:“试图拯救这个正在融化的世界的遗迹是一项非常激动人心的工作——发现这些遗迹只是考古学家的梦想——但同时,这也是一项你不能不忧心忡忡的工作。”)”可知,考古学家对拯救正在融化的世界的遗迹既兴奋又担心。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Back in 2011,archaeologists first discovered a lost highway littered with Viking artifacts(古器物)—sleds, horse bones, walking sticks, a 1,700—year—old sweater and heap after heap of horse dung.( 早在2011年,考古学家首次发现了一条失落的公路,上面散落着维京时代的文物——雪橇、马骨、手杖、一件1700年前的毛衣和一堆又一堆的马粪。)”、第五段“When the local area recovered, things had changed, and the Lendbreen pass was lost to memory. (“当当地恢复元气时,情况发生了变化,伦布林山口消失在人们的记忆中。)”及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了考古学家首次发现一条遗失在记忆中的古老公路。故选A。
    Newly released images of the Sun taken by the pace-based NASA High-resolution Coronal Imager telescope(高分辨率日冕成像仪望远镜) are the highest-resolution pictures of our star ever taken.
    According to Scientists from the University of Central Lancashire and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, these pictures reveal that the sun's atmosphere is much more complex than first thought. Parts of the Sun's atmosphere, thought to be dark or mostly empty, are in fact filled with strands(缕)of hot electrified gases 311 miles wide. Each of those strands are up to 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit, according to researchers. What exactly created these strands remains unclear, although it will now become a focus for researchers.
    NASA's Hi-C telescope can pick out structures in the Sun's atmosphere as small as 43 miles in size---or about 0.01 per cent of the total size of the star. It was able to capture the incredibly tiny magnetic threads in the "dark areas". The Hi-C telescope is a unique astronomical telescope carried into space on a rocket flight. The telescope launches to the edge of space where it then captures images of the star every second before returning to Earth after five minutes.
    Dr. Amy Winebarger, Hi-C principal investigator, stated: "These new Hi-C images give us a remarkable insight into the Sun's atmosphere. Along with ongoing missions, this fleet of space-based instrument in the near future will reveal the Sun's dynamic outer layer in a completely new light.
    Scientists will debate why the strands are formed and how their presence helps us understand the eruption of solar flares (太阳耀斑) and solar storms. Those are events from the Sun that could directly affect life on Earth.
    Tom Williams, a researcher who worked on the Hi-C data, said the images would help provide a greater understanding of how the Earth and Sun related to each other. “This is a fascinating discovery that could better inform our understanding of the flow of energy through the layers of the Sun and eventually down to Earth itself. This is so important if we are to model and predict the behavior of our life-giving star.” he said.
    12. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
    A. The Sun's atmosphere was full of strands of hot electrified gases.
    B. The Sun's atmosphere is considered to be filled with darkness and emptiness.
    C. Scientists think the Sun's atmosphere is as complicated as what was expected.
    D. Scientists now concentrate on what exactly generated these strands.
    13. What do we know about the Hi-C telescope?
    A. It is incapable of taking the highest-resolution pictures of the Sun.
    B. It can recognize the structure of the Sun's atmosphere.
    C. It has been launched to the edge of the Sun on a rocket flight.
    D. It is capable of capturing images of the star every five minutes.
    14. Why are these new Hi-C images so remarkable?
    A. They will make the Sun's dynamic outer layer known from a new angle.
    B. They will help scientists figure out how the strands come into being.
    C. They will help scientists work out why solar flares and solar storms erupt.
    D. They will reveal the little effects of solar flares and solar storms on life on Earth.
    15. What does the article mainly talk about?
    A. The importance of the Sun to Earth.
    B. How scientists take pictures of the Sun.
    C. The highest-resolution pictures of the Sun.
    D. What functions the Hi-C telescope possesses.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段“What exactly created these strands remains unclear, although it will now become a focus for researchers.(究竟是什么造成了这些丝还不清楚,不过这将成为研究人员的焦点。)”可推知,科学家们现在集中研究是什么产生了这些一缕缕的炽热的带电气体,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“NASA's Hi-C telescope can pick out structures in the Sun's atmosphere as small as 43 miles in size---or about 0.01 per cent of the total size of the star. (NASA的Hi-C望远镜可以识别出太阳大气中的小到43英里(约为太阳总大小的0.01%)的结构。)”可知,它能识别太阳大气层的结构。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“These new Hi-C images give us a remarkable insight into the Sun's atmosphere. Along with ongoing missions, this fleet of space-based instrument in the near future will reveal the Sun's dynamic outer layer in a completely new light.( 这些新的高温图像让我们对太阳的大气层有了深刻的了解。随着正在进行的任务,在不久的将来,这批太空仪器将以全新的方式揭示太阳的动态外层。)”可知,这些新的Hi - C图像是值得瞩目的,因为它们将从一个新的角度了解太阳的动态外层,故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Newly released images of the Sun taken by the pace-based NASA High-resolution Coronal Imager telescope(高分辨率日冕成像仪望远镜) are the highest-resolution pictures of our star ever taken.( 最新公布的太阳图像是由NASA高分辨率日冕成像仪拍摄的,这是迄今为止拍摄到的分辨率最高的太阳图像。)”可知,本文主要讲述了最新公布由高分辨率日冕成像仪望远镜拍摄到的分辨率最高的太阳图片。故选C。
    As an English learner, we sometimes get questions like this: “How can I speak English with more confidence?" That is a great question. ____16____ Today, we have several pieces of advice to help you.
    Every day, the most important person you talk to is yourself. That's to say, your own thoughts matter. If you lack confidence as an English speaker, you may say things like, "English is too hard" "I'm so sorry for my English." What's worse, you are sure to start believing them. ____17____
    To sound more confident, speak loudly and slowly enough so that people can easily hear you. Many English learners worry that speaking too slow will make them sound inexperienced. ____18____ So avoid worrying that you are speaking too slow for the people around you.
    ____19____ If you are not confident, you may try to say as little as possible. For example, if asked what people's favorite color is, an English learner may give a short, direct response like, "blue", while a native English speaker is likely to say, “Well, to be quite honest, I don't really have an actual color, but I guess I may go for something like blue or grey.”
    Reading out loud can help build confidence in how your English sounds. List words you have trouble saying and later check their pronunciation. ____20____ So avoid checking word meanings in a dictionary while reading.
    A. But you are more likely to make mistakes if speaking too fast.
    B. Take a few minutes to read the materials that you enjoy aloud.
    C. So replace unhelpful thoughts with better ones when speaking.
    D. Using long sentences shows that you speak English confidently.
    E. Learners should read for pleasure and enjoy what they are reading.
    F. Speak in complete sentences and give longer responses when possible.
    G. Whatever language we are learning, we would all love to speak confidently.
    【答案】16. G 17. C 18. A 19. F 20. E
    根据前文“As an English learner, we sometimes get questions like this: “How can I speak English with more confidence?"”(作为一个英语学习者,我们有时会遇到这样的问题:“我怎样才能更自信地说英语?”)可知,此处是讲自信地说外语,所以选项G “无论我们在学什么语言,我们都想要自信地说。”切合文意。故选G。
    根据前文“If you lack confidence as an English speaker, you may say things like, "English is too hard" "I'm so sorry for my English."”(如果你作为一个说英语的人缺乏自信,你可能会说“英语太难了”“我为我的英语感到抱歉。”)可知,选项C中的unhelpful thoughts是指认为自己的英文很差,根据前文“That's to say, your own thoughts matter.”(也就是说,你自己的想法很重要。)可知,因为你自己的想法很重要,所以要用好的想法代替无用的想法。所以选项C“所以说的时候,用更好的想法来代替无用的想法。”切合文意。故选C。
    根据前文“To sound more confident, speak loudly and slowly enough so that people can easily hear you.”(要想听起来更自信,说话要大声,语速要慢,这样人们就可以很容易地听到你说话。)可知,作者主张慢而大声地说英语,再根据前文“Many English learners worry that speaking too slow will make them sound inexperienced”(许多英语学习者担心说得太慢会使他们听起来缺乏经验)可知,此处应是讲说得太快会有什么坏处,选项A“但如果说得太快,你更容易出错。”切合文意。故选A。
    根据后文“For example, if asked what people's favorite color is, an English learner may give a short, direct response like, "blue", while a native English speaker is likely to say, “Well, to be quite honest, I don't really have an actual color, but I guess I may go for something like blue or grey.””(例如,如果被问到人们最喜欢的颜色是什么,一个英语学习者可能会给出一个简短、直接的回答,比如“蓝色”,而一个以英语为母语的人可能会说,“嗯,老实说,我没有真正的颜色,但我猜我可能会选择蓝色或灰色之类的颜色。”)可知,作者主张用完整的句子尽可能给出较长的回答。所以选项F “用完整的句子说话,尽可能给出较长的回答。”切合文意。故选F。
    根据后文“So avoid checking word meanings in a dictionary while reading.”(所以在阅读的时候避免查字典里的词义。)可知,空格处应解释在阅读的时候避免查字典里的词义的原因,所以选项E“学习者应该为快乐而阅读,享受他们正在阅读的东西。”切合文意。故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分35分)
    This Father’s Day certainly seems different to me. My ___21___as a father during the pandemic (大流行)has taught me something new and special about fatherhood.
    I’m a photographer and have to travel frequently. ___22___, living in isolation brought me closer to my son Diego. We ___23___every corner of the house together: reading on the sofa, watching movies in the bedroom and grilling on the roof. Now___24___ always yelling, “Mommy, Mommy,” my son screams, “Daddy!” That makes me ___25___. I’m so thankful for this unexpected gift of a deeper___26___with my son.
    On our first day of freedom after two months of isolation, I discovered Diego had lost his familiarity with ___27___. While visiting a park in the city, I noticed that he was even___28___ of ants. So my wife and I arranged a trip to the ___29___. My father joined us and, for a couple of days, three ___30___ - my father, my son and I - found ourselves walking in the woods.
    The pandemic allowed me to take the time to___31___on what it means to be a father, with the honor and duty to ___32___ my parents’ teachings to my son. Of course, I really ___33___the time I spent working in the field. But I've___34___ a lot of time with my family, especially with my ___35___ . I used to think that without photography, I was nothing. Now I see that, without love, I am less than nothing.
    21. A. knowledge B. promise C. experience D. performance
    22. A. Gradually B. Hopefully C. Strangely D. Luckily
    23. A. enjoyed B. cleared C. searched D. decorated
    24. A. due to B. regardless of C. along with D. instead of
    25. A. confused B. delighted C. embarrassed D. surprised
    26. A. communication B. relationship C. cooperation D. satisfaction
    27. A. people B. society C. nature D. art
    28. A. afraid B. fond C. aware D. ashamed
    29. A. beach B. museum C. streets D. mountains
    30. A. branches B. generations C. categories D. divisions
    31. A. reflect B. impress C. count D. comment
    32. A. bring up B. show off C. pass on D. write down
    33. A. imagine B. forget C. regret D. miss
    34. A. gained B. spared C. wasted D. saved
    35. A. wife B. son C. father D. mother
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在疫情期间,我作为父亲的经历教会了我一些关于做父亲的新而特别的东西。A.knowledge知识;B.promise承诺;C.experience经历;D.performance表演。根据“during the pandemic”可知,此处是指在大流行期间“我”作为父亲的经历。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,与世隔绝的生活让我离儿子迭戈更近了。A.Gradually渐渐地;B.Hopefully有希望地;C.Strangely奇怪地;D.Luckily幸运地。根据前文“I’m a photographer and have to travel frequently.”(我是个摄影师,经常出差。)可知,因为经常出差,所以在与世隔绝时和儿子变得亲近是一件幸运的事。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们一起享受房子的每一个角落:在沙发上看书,在卧室里看电影,在屋顶上烧烤。A.enjoyed享受;B.cleared清理;C.searched搜查;D.decorated装饰。根据“reading on the sofa, watching movies in the bedroom and grilling on the roof”可知, “我”们一起享受房子的每一个角落。故选A。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:现在,我的儿子不再总是大喊“妈妈,妈妈”,而是尖叫“爸爸!”A.due to因为;B.regardless of不顾,不管;C.along with连同……一起;D.instead of而不是。根据“my son screams, 'Daddy!'”可知,此处是指而不是总是大喊 “妈妈,妈妈”。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这让我很高兴。A.confused困惑的;B.delighted高兴的;C.embarrassed尴尬的;D.surprised惊讶的。根据“I’m so thankful for this unexpected gift”(我如此感激这份意料之外的礼物)可知,这让“我”很高兴。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我非常感谢这份意外的礼物,让我和儿子的关系更加亲密。A.communication交流;B.relationship关系;C.cooperation合作;D.satisfaction满意。根据“living in isolation brought me closer to my son Diego”可知,此处是指“我”和儿子的关系更加亲密。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在经过两个月的隔离后,我们获得自由的第一天,我发现迭戈已经失去了对自然的熟悉。A.people人们;B.society社会;C.nature自然;D.art艺术。根据“found ourselves walking in the woods”(在森林中发现自己)可知,此处是指迭戈已经失去了对自然的熟悉。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在参观城市里的一个公园时,我注意到他甚至害怕蚂蚁。A.afraid害怕的;B.fond喜欢的;C.aware意识到的;D.ashamed羞愧的。根据“Diego had lost his familiarity with nature”可知,此处是指他甚至害怕蚂蚁。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我和妻子安排了一次爬山旅行。A.beach沙滩;B.museum博物馆;C.streets街道;D.mountains山。根据“found ourselves walking in the woods”可知,此处是指“我”和妻子安排了一次爬山旅行。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的父亲加入了我们,在几天里,我的父亲、我的儿子和我这三代人在树林里散步。A.branches树枝;B.generations几代人;C.categories种类;D.divisions分割。根据“my father, my son and I ”可知,此处是指三代人。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次疫情让我有时间思考作为一个父亲意味着什么,有荣誉和责任把我父母的教诲传给我的儿子。A.reflect反思;B.impress使印象深刻;C.count数数;D.comment评价。根据“what it means to be a father”可知,此处是指这次疫情让“我”有时间思考作为一个父亲意味着什么。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:这次疫情让我有时间思考作为一个父亲意味着什么,有荣誉和责任把我父母的教诲传给我的儿子。A.bring up养育;B.show off炫耀;C.pass on传递;D.write down写下。根据“my parents’ teachings to my son”可知,此处是指把父母的教诲传给“我”的儿子。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,我真的很怀念我在野外工作的时光。A.imagine想象;B.forget忘记;C.regret后悔;D.miss思念。根据“Of course”可知,此处是指“我”真的很怀念在野外工作的时光。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我获得了很多和家人在一起的时间,尤其是和儿子在一起。A.gained获得;B.spared匀出;C.wasted浪费;D.saved节省。根据“a lot of time with my family”可知,此处是指虽然“我”失去了很多在野外工作的时光,但同时获得了很多和家人在一起的时间。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我获得了很多和家人在一起的时间,尤其是和儿子在一起。A.wife妻子;B.son儿子;C.father父亲;D.mother妈妈。根据“especially”和“living in isolation brought me closer to my son Diego”可知,此处是指尤其是和儿子在一起。故选B。
    A 1973 job ____36____ (apply) filled out by Apple co—founder and former CEO Steve Jobs has sold for $222,400 at auction in London (via iMore). The rare employment form went up for auction on Feb 24 for a one—month bidding session.
    As we all expect, most businessman are curious ____37____ the lives of those who have managed to create large companies and what are the contents in the form. ____38____ (date) back to 1973, the form was filled out with a handful of simple phrases containing spelling errors. Yet it gives a glimpse into the interests of ____39____ (ambition) young Jobs. In the form, he listed his special abilities ____40____ “electronics tech or design engineer,” and wrote “yes” next to computer skills. However, the ____41____ (invent) of the iPhone wrote “none” next to the column “Phone.”
    Today, the company he was applying to ____42____ (remain) a mystery. However, in 1974 Jobs joined Atari as a technician, ____43____ he worked with Steve Wozniak and two years later they ____44____ (found) Apple. Jobs is believed to have completed the form after _____45_____ (drop) out of Reed College in Portland, Oregon and it is listed as being in “very good condition,” with “light staining and old clear tape to the top edge.”
    【答案】36. application
    37. about 38. Dating
    39. ambitious
    40. as 41. inventor
    42. remains
    43. where 44. founded
    45. dropping
    考查介词。句意:正如我们所料,大多数商人都对那些成功创建大公司的人的生活和形式的内容感到好奇。be curious about“对……好奇”是固定搭配。故填about。
    考查非谓语动词现在分词。句意:早在1973年,这张表格就只填了几个简单的短语,其中含有拼写错误。非谓语动词短语date back to“追溯到”和主语之间是主动关系,故用其现在分词作状语,句首字母大写,故填Dating。
    考查形容词。句意:但它也让我们看到了雄心勃勃的年轻乔布斯的兴趣所在。根据后文短语young Jobs可知,此处应用ambition的形容词ambitious作定语修饰名词Jobs。故填ambitious。
    考查动词时态。句意:今天,他申请公司仍然是个谜。分析句子可知,空格处为谓语,(he was applying to为定语从句,)主语the company为第三人称单数,根据时间状语Today可知,句子描述现在的状态,用一般现在时。主谓一致,故填remains。
    考查动词时态。句意:然而,在1974年,乔布斯作为一名技术员加入了雅达利,在那里他与史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克一起工作,两年后他们创立了苹果公司。分析句子可知,此处为谓语,根据时间状语in 1974可知,用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填founded。
    46. If you want to fully appreciate a poem, sometimes you need to stop thinking ________ (符合逻辑地) to discover its true inner beauty.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    47. In the Galwan Valley last June, China tried to cool down the situation, showing China is________ (容忍的,宽容的) and responsible as a major country. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【答案】tolerant / endurable /bearable
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:在去年6月的加尔万河谷事件中,中国试图缓和局势,显示了中国作为一个大国的宽容和负责任。根据汉语提示“容忍的,宽容的”,以及上文系动词is,可知此处要用形容词tolerant/ endurable/ bearable,作表语。故填tolerant / endurable /bearable。
    48. State Councilor Wang Yi made a statement that U.S policy makers should see clearly the trend of the world and________ (抛弃)biases to ensure a healthy and steady development of China—US relations. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    49. The young man makes great efforts in his work, for he knows there are no simple ________ (诀窍) for success. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:这个年轻人努力工作,因为他知道成功没有简单的诀窍。根据汉语提示“诀窍”以及形容词simple可知,此处要用名词recipe,由there are可知,要用名词的复数形式。故填recipes。
    50. One mouthful of comfort food gives us the "taste of home" that we cry out for and________ (缓解)our feelings of homesickness. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:一口可口的食物能让我们有一种渴望的“家的味道”,减轻了我们的思乡之情。句中先行词为taste of home,根据句中时态可知,用一般现在时,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。根据汉语提示及句意,故填relieves/reduces。
    51. An idea s________ to his mind that smart shoes with sensors could help blind people to detect obstacles(障碍物)up to four meters away.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    52. L________ at the countryside, the restaurant still gains a great fame for its food of good quality and good service. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:位于农村,这家餐厅仍然因为它的食物质量和良好的服务获得了很高的声誉。根据句意及首字母提示可知,此处使用动词locate,固定短语be located in/at“位于,坐落在……”,be located at的逻辑主语是主句主语 the restaurant,此处省略be动词,作状语,表示主语的状态。故填Located。
    53. As we know, only through t________ and error will a scientist make it to the top of his research. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:正如我们所知,只有通过试验和错误,一个科学家才能使他的研究达到顶峰。根据首字母和汉语提示“试验”,以及上文介词through可知,此处要用名词trial,由and error可知,此处要用名词的单数。故填trial。
    54. We have a________ to the internet, enabling us to gain more useful information and getting in touch with the outside world. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:我们可以上网,使我们能够获得更多有用的信息,并与外界取得联系。根据“enabling us to gain more useful information and getting in touch with the outside world”可知,此处是指可以上网,根据首字母a可知,此处应用名词access表示“使用”,作动词have的宾语。have access to意为“使用”。故填access。
    55. The tunes of country music are easy to sing, as o________ to some classical music whose rhythm is hard to follow. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:乡村音乐的曲调容易唱,而它与古典音乐相反,古典音乐的节奏很难跟上。短语be opposed to“与……相反”,根据汉语提示“相反”以及上文as可知,此处是一个由as引导的省略句,原句为as country music is opposed to some classical music whose rhythm is hard to follow。此处可以省略与主句主语一致的从句主语及be动词。故填opposed。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    56. 假如你是李华,你班将要举行一次关于弘扬中国饮食文化的主题班会。请你写一篇发言稿,介绍你的观点。内容包括:
    Good morning, dear friends. My name is Li Hua. I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about my favorite food.
    【答案】Good morning, dear friends. My name is Li Hua. I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about my favorite food.
    Of all the foods I have ever tried the mooncake is my favourite.
    Mooncake is like a full moon with varieties of patterns around the surface and various fillings in it. Mooncake stands for family reunions and happiness, and we often taste mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival every year.
    Not only is mooncake delicious, but also the way to make it is easy. First, turn flour into thin layers, put the different fillings on the layer, and make it a round ball. Next, put it into a mold. At last, bake it in an oven, then delicious mooncakes will came out.
    各种各样的:all kinds of→various/varieties of
    代表:represent=stand for
    原句:Mooncake stands for family reunions and happiness, and we often taste mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival every year.
    拓展句:We often taste mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival every year because mooncake stands for family reunions and happiness.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Not only is mooncake delicious, but also the way to make it is easy. (运用了部分倒装)
    [高分句型2] Of all the foods I have ever tried, the mooncake is my favourite. (运用了省略了关系词的定语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分20分)
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    I was 8 years old. I had little need of luggage. But something about that old leather suitcase appealed to my imagination. In fact, I found it in my grandmother's attic. Grams didn't object, and so the suitcase came to live beneath my bed. I didn't use the old suitcase before that day.
    It was a cloudy fall morning in our North Carolina town, and a fine mist wet the fallen leaves. I was angry. My mother had slighted me somehow, though now I have no idea what stirred up my anger. I was upset, and I wanted to make her pay. I wanted to give her a taste of what life would be like without me.
    I would run away.
    “Goodbye, Mom.”
    I stood outside the kitchen door, suitcase grabbed firmly in hand. I wore my red overcoat and gray ski cap, looking the part. “Goodbye, Mom,” I repeated twice more to make sure she'd heard.
    At last, Mom appeared, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She looked at me quickly. I lifted the suitcase a little just to make sure she didn't miss it.
    “I'm leaving,” I said.
    I'd rehearsed for the expected reaction. The plan was to let her feel guilty and beg for a minute or two and then I would give in after I was sure of her regret.
    “Did you pack a lunch?”
    Mom's question knocked me off balance. Where were the tears? The begging? "I'm leaving," I said. "I'm running away. For... ever." I repeated, sure it would change her mind. Instead, she smiled.
    “Well, would you like me to fix you something? A sandwich? A bag of chips? I just made chocolate chip cookies.”
    “I'm really going," I said. “I can see that.”
    “Maybe a cookie.” And then, “All right, I'm off” The misty rain lent drama to my journey.
    As I stepped onto the front walk(步道), fresh—baked chocolate chip cookie was put in my coat pocket.
    I bite the cookie and thought that my mother deserved one last chance to stop me, so a moment later, I was back in the doorway of my home.
    【答案】Para 1:
    As I stepped onto the front walk(步道), fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie was put in my coat pocket. I looked back at our big yellow house. I stared at the front door, waiting for it to fling open. I watched the lace curtains in the living room window for movement. My mother didn't show up. So I had no choice but to continue. I got to the sidewalk and took a right, moving slowly up the avenue. I stopped at the corner and looked back at our house. I had no idea what would come next. Feeling the cookie that my mother had given me, I hesitated.
    Para 2:
    I bite the cookie and thought that my mother deserved one last chance to stop me, so a moment later, I was back in the doorway of my home. I peeked in. My mother was on the couch, positioned just right for a view out a large window. I stepped into the room, still holding that suitcase. "I'm happy you're home,” she said. She'd been crying. She managed a smile when I stepped over to her. My anger, disappointment and heartbreak faded away. I knew she loved me. I slowly opened the suitcase so she could see what I had packed for my runaway journey: Nothing. It was empty. I often recall the lesson of that day: My mother loved me enough to let me find my own way back home.
    出现:show up / appear
    继续:continue / go on
    走进:step into /go in
    愤怒:anger / rage
    逃走:runaway/ escaped
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Feeling the cookie that my mother had given me, I hesitated. (运用了that引导定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I slowly opened the suitcase so she could see what I had packed for my runaway journey: Nothing. (运用了what引导宾语从句)

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    2021普宁高一下学期期末考试英语试题含解析: 这是一份2021普宁高一下学期期末考试英语试题含解析,共23页。






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