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    这是一份2022合肥六中高三考前诊断预测卷英语试题含答案听力,文件包含安徽省合肥市第六中学2022届高三考前诊断预测卷英语试题docx、英语答案pdf版pdf、安徽省合肥市第六中学2022届高三考前诊断预测卷英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。







    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上, 并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。

    2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

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    第一部分听力共两节, 满分30

    第一节5小题; 每小题1. 5, 满分7. 5

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    :  How much is the shirt?

    A. £19. 15.      B. £9. 18.       C. £9. 15.


    1. How does the man want his steak cooked?

    A. Rare.      B. Medium-rare.      C. Well done.

    2. Where does the conversation take place?

    A. In the library.    B. In the teachersoffice.    C. In the science lab.

    3. Why does the man look different now according to himself?

    A. He lost weight.    B. He gets older.      C. He had a haircut.

    4. When does the next train for London leave?

    A. At 8:  30.     B. At 10:  30.      C. At 11:  30.

    5. Who might the woman be talking with?

    A. A repairman.     B. A policeman.      C. A parking lot attendant.


    第二节15小题; 每小题1. 5, 满分22. 5

    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

    听第6段材料, 回答第67题。

    6. Where does the woman want to go?

    A. To her home.    B. To a restaurant.     C. To a stadium.

    7. How does the man feel about his work?

    A. Relaxed.      B. Worried.       C. Uninterested.

    听第7段材料, 回答第89题。

    8. How long did Marco Polo travel?

    A. For 13 years.     B. For 17 years.     C. For 24 years.

    9. What does the man suggest the woman do at the end?

    A. Read a storybook about Xuanzang.

    B. Write an essay about Marco Polo.

    C. Imagine the life in ancient times.

    听第8段材料, 回答第1012题。

    10. What are experts predicting about robots within 10 years?

    A. They will completely replace humans.

    B. They will take over the top 10% of jobs.

    C. They will take over 30% of all jobs.

    11. According to the man, what difficult job are robots doing now?

    A. Data analysis.    B. Acting.      C. Writing documents.

    12. What do the speakers think people should do?

    A. Drive less.

    B. Let robots do more dangerous jobs.

    C. Learn new skills and work with robots.

    听第9段材料, 回答第1316题。

    13. What will Henry do at the beach?

    A. Go swimming.    B. Go walking.     C. Go biking.

    14. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Classmates.     B. Colleagues.     C. Manager and customer.

    15. Why won't Kelly go to the beach tomorrow?

    A. It will rain.     B. She has to work.    C. She is sensitive to the sun.

    16. Who will drive the car today?

    A. Ryan.      B. Henry.      C. Kelly.

    听第10段材料, 回答第1720题。

    17. What goods should be mainly sold next week?

    A. Skirts.      B. T-shirts.      C. Pants.

    18. Which of the following is giving away a free pair of shoes to the top salesperson?

    A. Adidas.      B. Under Armour.    C. Nike.

    19. Who will be the new assistant manager?

    A. Tim Golding.    B. Jane Lewis.     C. Dianne Greenberg.

    20. When should staff members finish counting their items?

    A. By Friday.     B. By Wednesday.    C. By Monday.


    第二部分阅读理解共两节, 满分40

    第一节15小题; 每小题2, 满分30

    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


    Help to care for the world's most beloved animal in Eastern Europe's largest bear reserve. You'll play a vital role in readapting over 100 bears that were previously captive as prisoners and abused before being rescued and brought to this place. Provide for the basic needs of these beautiful creatures, and enjoy seeing them live happily and healthily in their new-found freedom.

    Duration:  1-4 weeks 2 weeks maximum between June and August

    Dates:  Throughout the year except the months over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year

    Qualification:  General level of fitness required. The reserve is hilly and there is a lot of walking.

    Age:  17+

    What will I be doing?

    Your working day starts with a wander through the reserve. This is the perfect opportunity to see the bears playing, climbing trees, swimming and even having a good back scratch against the trees.

    Typically the volunteer work with bears includes at least some of the following tasks: 

    ·Food preparation:  this will be your main task as bears need to eat up to 10 kg per day to stay healthy-that's a lot of food!

    ·Watching the bear feeding process:  a real highlight is to see the bears coming out of the undergrowth to get the best bits.

    ·Bear watching:  it is important to keep an eye on how the newest bears are coping, and how quickly they are adapting to their new surroundings.

    ·Reserve conservation work:  sometimes there can be some basic maintenance维护work required, such as gathering hay for quarantine隔离, clearing undergrowth etc.

    Accommodation and food

    ·Most volunteers will be based in a comfortable, central apartment that Oyster rents for you and your fellow volunteers.

    ·Wi-Fi is included.

    ·You are expected to share a room with at least one other volunteer.

    ·The volunteer flat has a well-equipped kitchen, two bedrooms, two toilets and a shower.

    ·Food is not included-volunteers either cook in the flat or enjoy some of the many amazing restaurants located on your doorstep.

    21. What is the goal of the project?

    A. To seek financial support.     B. To help wildlife in need.

    C. To find young volunteers.     D. To foster environmental awareness.

    22. When can you possibly work in the bear reserve?

    A. In January.   B. In August.   C. In November.   D. In December.

    23. What is the daily responsibility required by the project?

    A. Teaching the bears new tricks.

    B. Adapting the bears to new environments.

    C. Keeping the reserve in good condition.

    D. Preventing bears scratching each other.


    Getting a snow day off from school was a rare occurrence when I was a boy. A couple of inches on the roads wouldn't do it. It really took an overwhelming winter storm to cancel school for everyone.

    I can still remember those few special snow days that I got growing up. First, I would wait for the announcement to come over the radio. Having a snow day meant that I could watch all of Captain Kangaroo instead of leaving part way through to stand in the bitter cold outside and wait for the bus. I would go outside and play in the thick, wet, heavy snow. When I got too cold and wet, I would go inside, sit in my cozy chair by the wood stove and reread my favorite old books with my dog curling up on my chilly toes. In the afternoon I would sneak into the kitchen and see what Mom and Nana were cooking for dinner.

    After dinner I would sit next to Mom on the couch, under a blanket, eating popcorn, and watching TV until bedtime. Then I would pull my sheet, blanket, and quilt up to my chin while my dog curled up on the bed by my feet. I would think back on the day with happiness before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.

    I think all of us should take a few snow days off in our lives, if not in our activities, then at least in our hearts. We should make time for the important things. Stop and see the beauty all around us, playing, reading, eating, laughing, and singing. Be thankful for this precious life and all the joys in it. We need to make time for loving instead of just making a living. May all your days feel like a Snow Daythen, be they Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall.

    24. What made the author delighted according to the text?

    A. Encountering rare occurrences.   B. Getting a snow day off.

    C. Staying at home.       D. Delivering announcements.

    25. What did the author do when he needn't attend school on snow days?

    A. He played with snow in the yard.

    B. He watched cartoons all day long.

    C. He tried cooking in the company of friends.

    D. He reviewed the happy moments of the day.

    26. Which of the following best describes the author?

    A. Positive.   B. Determined.   C. Lazy.   D. Naughty.

    27. What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. My Winter Holidays    B. The Approach of Winter

    C. The Significance of Family  D. The Value of Appreciating Life


    Stay off social media. Lose 20pounds. Make $1 million in sales. Do these kinds of goals get you into action or cause you to hesitate in fear? For some, direct, concrete wording is motivating, clarifying, and effective. For others, these goals make them want to give up before theyve even started. If you find yourself in the latter category, a kinder, more self-compassionate自我同情的approach to wording your goals may be the best approach for you.

    Talking to yourself in a self-compassionate tone supports the achievement of your goals in multiple ways. For one, it can help you normalize any negative feelings around your goals because it acknowledges that discomfort is a natural part of the human experience. Self-compassion can also allow you to let go of paralyzing perfectionism because it leaves room for human fallibility and that's okay for being careless. And self-compassion can help you to stick with your goals by heightening your ability to recover from setbacks instead of getting stuck in endless reflection about what went wrong.

    Where should you start? First, decide what you will do. Goals focused on what you will do, instead of what you'll stop, can be the kindest and most effective. For example, the book The Willpower Instinct shares a study done by Laval University in Quebec where they found that focusing on what research participants should eat leads to two-thirds of the participants losing weight and maintaining that weight loss 16 months later. This was a much better outcome than the results of most approaches emphasizing what to cut from their diet. Then, the I willstrategy can be applied to goals in all areas of your life. Instead of telling yourself to stop watching TV at night, make your objective to get ready for bed and start reading a book after dinner. Positive action goals not only sound better but also can be much more effective in terms of getting results.

    In short, self-compassion could be the difference between giving up on your goals and achieving them step by step.

    28. What are people advised to do if they want to give up?

    A. Ask others for guidance.    B. Reset their goals.

    C. Speak out directly.     D. Be self-compassionate.

    29. What is the second paragraph mainly about?

    A. The purposes of wording.

    B. The classification of goals.

    C. The benefits of self-compassion.

    D. The definition of self-compassion.

    30. What does the underlined word fallibilityin paragraph 2 mean?

    A. Tendency to commit mistakes.

    B. Willingness to start new goals.

    C. A lack of emotional support.

    D. A sense of achievement.

    31. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

    A. Right decisions are important to better results.

    B. People will lose weight easily through diets.

    C. People should be encouraged to eat less.

    D. I will" policy should be applied to all areas.


    As the politicians made clear at last month's United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Glasgow, now isthe time to act on climate change. We need to cut carbon emissions. But will people really be prepared to makechanges in their lives? Can we really make society much greener than it is now?

    Someone is feeling optimistic mostly because of one factor:  Batteries. It isn't obvious but over the last decadeor so, just as we've watched our computers get faster and screens get thinner, batteries have dramaticallyimproved too.

    Battery innovation is exploding. According to the European Patent Office, the number of battery patents filedgrew by an average of 14 percent every year between 2005 and 2018. Energy storage is getting better and better, asmore companies are discovering new chemistry and processes to make them work more efficiently. And the costswill continue to fall, both as battery chemistry improves and because manufacturing lots of batteries on a massivescale makes the production of individual batteries a lot cheaper.

    And the results of all of this work are astonishing. Today, battery power per kilowatt hour costs around onlyten percent of what it did a decade ago, which has made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and longer-lasting.

    For example, the new Nissan Leaf is now capable of upwards of 230 miles without needing to recharge. This is abig deal, as it doesn't just make electric cars more useful, but it also reduces the range anxiety" worry that youwill run out of charge before you can find a charger on a long trip.

    Better batteries do not just mean better cars, however. They can also help us decarbonize the entire nationalgrid. Storing energy has always been a problem for the grid. Today, only a tiny amount of generated electricity isstored for later use, which leads to lots of power going to waste. But better batteries make it technologically andeconomically workable to store large amounts of energy from the grid.

    It's likely that in the not-too-distant future, alongside other essentials in our homes like a boiler, we nightalso have an enormous battery in the garage. Batteries may not be as flashy as phones, rockets or other newtechnologies. But when it comes to technology to fight climate change, they're definitely leading the charge.

    32. What do the politicians say about climate change at the conference?

    A. It calls for a joint effort.     B. It needs gradual action.

    C. It is becoming more serious.    D. It is an urgent problem to be solved.

    33. Which of the following is the possible benefit of innovative batteries?

    A. They can last longer.      B. They are slightly cheaper.

    C. They improve battery. chemistry.   D. They can produce more energy.

    34. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the better batteries might _____.

    A. reduce the companies' carbon footprint

    B. enable people to travel further

    C. be used to clean the environment

    D. be produced in factories in future

    35. What is the main purpose of the text?

    A. To introduce a method of studying electric cars.

    B. To explain the principle of a special battery.

    C. To present a way to cope with climate change.

    D. To propose a new means of keeping eco-balance


    第二节5小题; 每小题2, 满分10

    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    At times, talking to kids can feel like learning a foreign language. Unfortunately, there's no handy phrasebook or translation app that can make you sound friendly and firm at the same time. Don't worry. We've put together plenty of conversational tips, tricks, and ideas, so you can have an open and honest. chat with any kids in your life.

    Sit or kneel at their level.

    __36__ Even if you're keeping things light and friendly, a child might feel frightened if you' re towering over them. Instead, grab a seat or take a knee near the child, so they don't have to look up at you. __37__

    Let the child speak without interrupting.

    Interrupting will only shut down your conversation. Think of it this way-if you were sharing a really exciting story with a friend, would you want them to interrupt and talk over you?__38__ Give children plenty of time to share what's on their mind, even if they’re having some trouble coming up with the right words. Once they've finished sharing, feel free to reply and comment on whatever they shared.

    Offer lots of options to comfort your child.

    __39 __The more you want them to finish the task to your heart's content, the more they may feel controlled by your command. So, break a task or command into a fun this or thatscenario设想. Your child will be happier to play along when they feel in control of their decisions and routine. Instead of telling your child to pack their lunch, ask if they'd like a ham cheese. Sometimes, there might not be any practical options to offer. That's okay!__40__

    A. Just offer alternatives when you can.

    B. The same principle applies to kids, too.

    C. Some kids don't respond well to orders.

    D. Sometimes, kids just want a listening ear.

    E. This can help take the edge off your conversation.

    F. Lowering yourself makes you a lot more approachable.

    G. Let the children be aware of the value of time and care from others.


    第三部分语言知识运用共两节, 满分45

    第一节20小题; 每小题1. 5, 满分30

    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    One day I was at home with nothing particular to do so I decided to turn on the TV. The San Diego Chargers __41__ to be playing the Detroit Lions. At the time, I wasn't really into __42__ at all. However, the seemingly down and out Chargers made a miraculous comeback to __43__! It was the players' great dedication 奉献 that brought them the victory. Now years later, that simple decision of turning on the TV created a __44__ for sports and a lifelong fan. But __45__ I had never turned on the TV that day? Would I still have the same passion for sports?

    How __46 __would the world be if one seemingly unimportant choice never happened? One would think it __47__ how significant that event was. A decision an__48__ has to make on whether to go to war seems to have a much __49__ impact than a decision on what a person decides to have for lunch. __50__,even the most insignificant choices can have major effects, even changing the course of history. Could you ever believe that a little mold 霉菌__51__the world? Without it, Alexander Fleming would not have made the revolutionary __52__ of penicillin青霉素. It all happened due to a simple accident in a lab.

    This does not have to be __53__ to significant historical events, but small events can also lead to major changes in a person's life. Turning on the TV __54__ making a huge impact in my life. Through sports, I've learned the value of __55__.

    It's our __56__ that make each of us unique. __57__ as they may seem at the moment, over time the significance of each of them greatly __58__whether you see the impact or not. This is why it is important to live life with intention as the choices you make __59__ the life you live. Every choice __60__.

    41. A. seemed B. happened C. pretended D. wanted

    42. A. football B. technology C. programming D. travelling

    43. A. quit B. defend C. win D. bargain

    44. A. passion B. history C. rule D. record

    45. A. how come B. only if C. for what D. what if

    46. A. fascinating B. good C. different D. civilized

    47. A. reacts to B. results in C. depends on D. tums over

    48. A. housewife  B. university professor 

     C. English learner  D. world leader

    49. A. quicker B. greater C. fuller D. simpler

    50. A. Therefore B. However C. Instead D. Moreover

    51. A. built B. destroyed C. controlled D. transformed

    52. A. statement B. discovery C. gesture D. comment

    53. A. applied B. attached C. limited D. compared

    54. A. ended up B. took up C. referred to D. appealed to

    55. A. commitment B. teamwork C. consideration D. friendship

    56. A. promises B. motivations C. choices D. dreams

    57. A. Comforting B. Useful C. Delightful D. Small

    58. A. increases B. divides C. strikes D. appears

    59. A. improve B. dictate C. brighten D. occupy

    60. A. helps B. changes C. functions D. matters


    第二节10小题; 每小题1. 5, 满分15

    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡上。

    During the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, athletes from all over the world 61 ____amaze at the opening ceremony and the technologies used in Beijing. Compared with the ceremony in 2008, this one showed a modern China and 62____especial the younger generation to the world instead of offering 63 ____audience a glimpse of China's glorious history. Zhang Yimou, chief director of the ceremony, said, It is not only the advanced technology but also the country's confidence in its culture 64_____brings about the shift.

    At the Winter Olympic Village, the athletes were satisfied 65 ____smart beds", the devices which allow users66____experience different sleeping positions', including one called zero gravity. That setting is supposed to reduce pressure on muscles and joints and support high quality sleep. Different from the lower-tech versions67____provide for Olympic athletes at last year's Tokyo Games, the devices collect information on things like breathing and heart rates.

    Besides, an app called MY2022 must be used by all Olympic attendees for 68____day monitoring for COVID-19. Users can send personal health information every day as a 69____require for their stay in the Games, during70____ the system is part of China's aggressive efforts to limit the spread of the virus.


    第四部分写作共两节, 满分35

    第一节短文改错10小题; 每小题1, 满分10

    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:  在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除:  把多余的词用斜线\划掉。

    修改:  在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意:  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10, 多者从第11处起不计分。

    Hearing that you are stressed about study, I am really concerned and would like to offer you some advices on how to study effectively.

    Firstly, that you need most is to participate in sports on a regularly basis. Thus, you can be ease your pressure and learn in a relaxing way, which makes you study an easy job. Not only does exercise build up the body, but also it gave you some time to relax yourself. Listen to music is undoubtedly an effective means of refreshment for your mind or body. Last but not least, you'd better exchanged your ideas with your friends who you can turn for help.



    假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Tom 即将来你校做交换生, 他对中国文化感兴趣, 想报名参加你校课后社团, 寻求你的建议。请给他回信, 内容包括: 

    1. 推荐的社团和理由;

    2. 参加所推荐社团的准备工作和注意事项。

    注意:  1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    Dear Tom,


    Li Hua



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