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    My grandfather was a writer f many bks.As a child and a teenager,I wrte 1 trying t be an authr like him.When I 2 my first bk,I was nt sure if I shuld thrw it ut t the wrld r shelter it frever.That's why I went t grandpa that night,my faithful reader,wh nce again gave me tremendus 3 .
    "Did yu bring the bk?I heard yu talk abut it and I can't wait t see yur 4 .
    “Oh yeah,the bk.I cmpleted it yesterday,”I handed him the draft,“but I dn't think it's that gd…”
    He turned t a randm page and 5 mre f the pages."Why d yu think this isn't gd?It lks fine t me.Very heart-warming."
    “Well,I'm nt sure.It culd be better than it is nw."
    “Yu can't expect fr the bk t be 6 .Writing is a skill that takes time.Yu already finished the stry,and nw yu have t 7 thers what yu've gt,"he passed the bk back t me."If peple dn't like it,then write again.Criticism is imprtant,but yu are ging t have t keep n writing till yu are 8 with yur wrk.”
    "Is that hw yu became a writer?"
    “Yes,and every ther writer befre me.Yu have t start frm the 9 and then reach the tp.”
    I finally brke ut int a smile and he did t.I lked carefully at the bk ne mre time.The pages bund tgether gave me hpe fr the future.That settled it.I was ging t have t 10 myself and let thers see my wrk.Fr me and fr my grandpa.
    1.A.fast B.well C.nnstpD.little
    2.A.plished B.finished C.deleted D.published
    3.A.tasksB.pressure C.rewards D.inspiratin
    4.A.prgressB.style C.cmmentD.reactin
    5.A.cpiedB.wrteC.scanned D.edited
    10.A.give upB.cunt nC.lk afterD.get ver
    Sphie dedicated her time t crafting "chem cmfrt bags"fr hspital patients.She decided t brighten the days f chemtherapy patients shrtly after knwing 11 the treatment was like. 12 the help frm her family,Sphie filled each bag with items that were meant t enhance cmfrt,including blankets,pillws and czy scks.Last mnth,Sphie and her family 13 (dnate)ten cmfrt bags t patients.When 14 (ask)hw it felt t see that her cmfrt bags were making a difference in peple's lives,Sphie said,"It feels s nice."
    Recently,many wh drink milk have switched t plant-based milks 15 (cme)frm almnds,sy r rice.And the newest star amng them is at milk.This creamy,delicius drink makes cffee,cereal,and baked gds taste delicius.Anther reasn fr its 16 (ppular)lies in its benefits.Oat milk cntains vitamins and minerals.It als has fiber,which can help t reduce the risk f heart disease.It is 17 (cheap)t make and requires less water t prduce than sme ther plant-based milks.Sme peple believe it's an envirnmentally-friendly chice.
    Children are unwilling t seek help in schl because they feel it makes them lk incmpetent.Hwever,if they are afraid t ask fr help,their learning experience 18 (suffer)。Hw can we help children vercme the barrier?First,teachers culd create activities 19 each student becmes an“expert"n a different tpic,and then children must ask fr help t master all f the material.If seeking help 20 (understand)as a cmmnplace classrm activity,kids may be less likely t think f it as an indicatin f ne's ability.
    第二部 分阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    Institutins and individuals can subscribe t Jurnal f Science (JS)either by print r nline.Ordering Prcedures
    Bth institutins and individuals can cmplete their rder frm and submit payment t start their print and/r nline subscriptin.Thse wh chse the print versin receive access t the nline service as well.They may als subscribe t nline-nly access t JS.Once the publisher has received payment,the institutin r individual will begin receiving the print jurnal if they rder the print ptin.They will receive an e-mail with instructins fr btaining access t the nline editin.The e-mail will direct them t an nline frm.They will be asked t prvide the fllwing infrmatin necessary t activate their subscriptin t JS:
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    With their subscriptin,they will receive 10 issues per year f the JS in additin t access t tables f cntents,abstracts,full text searching,full text display,and PDFs,full access t all psted back cntent t 1860,fr as lng as the subscriptin is active.Fr institutins,access is limited t cmputers within a particular set f Internet IP addresses.Individuals will enjy the advantage f having passwrd access t JS frm any device cnnected t the Internet.Withut a subscriptin,access t tables f cntents and abstracts is available.
    Cst f Subscriptins
    Purchasing Individual Issues r Articles
    Yu can purchase access t individual JS issues r articles.Brwse thrugh ur current nline cntent r ur archive (ging back t 1860),select the article yu want access t,and click Add t Cart.Yu will be prmpted t create an accunt at this time if yu dn't already have ne.Purchases can be made by visiting ur nline stre:httpsepay.ustre.edu/js.
    21.What is the prcedure fr nline-nly subscriptin?
    ①cmplete an rder frm②receive an email with instructins
    ③activate the subscriptin④submit payment
    22.Hw much des it cst a student in Beijing t subscribe t bth print and nline versins f JS 2022?
    23.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Thse wh subscribe t the print versin have n access t nline service.
    B.Individual articles are nt available unless yu make a yearly subscriptin.
    C.There is n limit n Internet IP addresses fr either institutins r individuals.
    D.Peple have access t tables f cntents and abstracts even withut subscriptin.
    Abut 20 years ag,Daniel Hffman,a classically trained vilinist met a yung musician playing in the twn square in Marrakech,an ancient city in Mrcc.They cmmunicated in the little French they bth knew,but their main cmmn language was music.On the back f a mtrbike f the fellw vilinist,Hffman weaved thrugh the back streets f the city and then learned his first lessns in Andalusian music,the classical music f Nrth Africa.
    That experience gave birth t an idea:What wuld it be like t try t learn hw t play different vilin styles arund the wrld in just ne week?Oh,yes,and at the end f that week,play a cncert.He even gt a name fr the cncept "musical extreme sprts".
    It tk him almst tw decades t launch that dream with a friend,wh intrduced him t the wnders f Kickstarter,a funding platfrm fr creative prjects.Up t nw,the dream has taken the frm f a new dcumentary currently airing n American public televisin statins called "Otherwise, It's Just Firewd."
    In the dcumentary,Hffman travels t Cunty Clare,Ireland,where he takes lessns with James Kelly,a master Irish vilin player,fr less than a week and then perfrms tgether with him in frnt f an audience,many f whm are star Irish musicians.
    The film is what Hffman hpes will be the first f an eventual series f shrt dcumentaries, shwing him learning t play the vilin in a variety f styles,including the flk music f suth India, Sweden,Greece,Rmania,and West Virginia.
    That wuld add t his extensive repertire(全部曲目),which already includes Balkan,Middle Eastern,and Turkish styles.“The big jke is what's the difference between the fiddle and the vilin?It's the persn wh plays it,"says Niall Keegan,a traditinal flute player.“It's the music yu make n it that makes it Irish r English r French r classical r jazz r whatever else.It's hw we imagine it and hw we create thrugh it that make it and give it character."
    "Otherwise,it's just firewd,"he says,wrds that became the film's title.
    24.Where des Hffman's idea f musical extreme sprts cme frm?
    A.His explratin f the lcal music.
    B.His cperatin with the yung vilinist.
    C.His sightseeing tur n a mtrbike seat.
    D.His cnstantly changing taste in vilin styles.
    25.Accrding t the passage,the series f dcumentaries ___________.
    A.help Hffman t becme a master vilin player
    B.are funded by American public televisin statins
    C.intrduce different styles f musicians arund the wrld
    D.recrd Hffman's experience in learning varius vilin styles
    26.The title f the dcumentary“Otherwise,It's Just Firewd"is used t emphasize.
    A.the pwer f diversified artistic expressin
    B.the pleasure in learning traditinal music
    C.the technique f instrument playing
    D.the imprtance f famus artists
    Micrplastics-tiny pieces f plastic waste less than five millimetres lng that have been degraded by waves,wind and ultravilet rays-have been discvered in the deepest ceanic trenches and within the stmachs f the rganisms that live there,but we have little idea abut where the great majrity f them end up.Mre than eight millin tnnes f plastic enters ur ceans every year,cmprising between 80 and 85 percent f all marine trash,but with inadequate data,there are cncerns that these figures culd be underestimates.
    Currently,mst f the data we have n micrplastics are accidentally captured by research ships, which use planktn nets t cllect marine-micrrganism samples.Hwever,researchers Christpher Ruf and Madeline Evans frm the University f Michigan have discvered an innvative way t identify and track cncentratins f micrplastics in the cean.
    The technique relies n NASA's Cyclne Glbal Navigatin Satellite System (CYGNSS),a cnstellatin f eight micr-satellites used t predict hurricanes that calculate wind speeds abve the cean by measuring the rughness f surface waters.As the satellites are cntinuusly recrding,Ruf and Evans realised that they cllect a great deal f additinal data.It was while analysing these data that they nticed sme differences times where the surface f the cean appeared t be much smther than it shuld,given the prevailing wind(盛行风)cnditins.
    Knwing that water isn't rughened as much when it cntains a lt f flating material,Ruf and Evans identified a pattern that linked areas f unusual smthness and predicted micrplastic distributins.They fund that the difference between their measurements,and hw much rugher thesurface wuld be if winds f the same speed were blwing acrss clear water,was "highly crrelated with the presence f micrplastics,and the degree f the difference als crrelated with the cncentratin f the plastics.”
    The research reveals that there are seasnal variatins,where the cncentratins f micrplastics tend t be higher in the summer and lwer in the winter in a very clean,peridic way,which Ruf explains mirrrs the way in which the cean circulatin changes thrughut the year.It als cnfirms,as was previusly thught,that rivers are the main surce f cean micrplastics.
    Raising awareness f the issue f cean micrplastics amng the public and pliticians is just ne f the researchers'future aims;they are als in cnversatin with Dutch nn-prfit The Ocean Cleanup and Finnish clean-technlgy specialist Clewat,which are interested in using the infrmatin t mre efficiently target their trash-cllectin campaigns.
    S far,nly ne year's wrth f data have been prcessed since CYGNSS was launched in 2016.By lking at a lnger time perid,Ruf and Evans aim t determine whether the seasnal pattern is repeatable,and whether the cncentratin f micrplastics in the cean is getting wrse.
    27.What is Paragraph 1 mainly abut?
    A.The limited knwledge abut cean micrplastics.
    B.The harm f cean micrplastics t sea creatures.
    C.The methds f degrading cean micrplastics.
    D.The previus research n cean micrplastics.
    28.Accrding t the passage,CYGNSS________.
    A.has ffered data abut the repeatable seasnal pattern
    B.guides research ships t gather data abut sea animals
    C.prvides unexpected data abut the changes f sea surface
    D.was designed t measure the distributin f cean micrplastics
    29.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Micrplastics will end up in the stmachs f the cean rganisms.
    B.Micrplastics play a vital rle in the yearly cean circulatin changes.
    C.The surface f the cean can get smther with mre micrplastics in it.
    D.The new way f tracking micrplastics has helped prevent cean pllutin.
    30.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T intrduce the technlgy f CYGNSS.
    B.T present a way t study cean micrplastics.
    C.T test an assumptin n cean micrplastics.
    D.T prpse a new means f prtecting the cean.
    Americans clearly lve their museums.One f the mst famus,New Yrk's Metrplitan Museum f Art (the Met),saw a recrd 6.5 millin visitrs in 2015.But recrd attendance desn't necessarily translate int recrd revenue(收入)。Last mnth.the Met said it was trying t erase a US$10 millin budget deficit(赤字)。Meanwhile,ne f its rivals,the Museum f Mdern Art(MMA),was abundant in cash,but nly abut three millin peple stpped by in 2015.Why d sme museums flurish while thers flunder?My research leads me t believe there are three reasns:fashin,billinaires and demgraphics.
    First,underlying the Met's financial challenges is the prblem with the acquisitins plicy.Recent directrs f the Met did nt add much t the museum's mdern cllectin.The argument was that museums such as the MMA were already prviding such wrks in their cllectins and that the acquisitin f cntemprary art by living artists was prblematic and risky.Hwever,given the fact that museum-gers increasingly favr cntemprary art,the revenue f the Met will likely fall if it isn't able t keep up with the tastes f the custmers.And by the time it might recgnize this,it's already t late t d much abut it because the csts t acquire the in-demand art is sky-high.This leads t a secnd critical issue-the changing distributin f incme and its effects n museum finance and peratin.
    We are living in a bm perid fr cntemprary art.The number f auctins(拍卖)and art fairs has grwn enrmusly t accmmdate this grwing market.In a wrld with abut 1,800 billinaires,it nly takes a relative few t drive high-end art prices t astrnmical levels.Wrks by the German artist Gerhard Richter have generated $1.2 billin in sales in recent years.The saring prices mean museums simply can't keep up and must usually depend n dnatins t assemble the best wrks,r they're priced ut.Mrever,billinaires themselves are increasingly setting up their wn private museums, further distancing the ability f public museums t get the gd stuff.
    A third interrelated prblem is that demgraphic issues have put pressure n the revenue side.
    Unemplyment,early retirements and the aging f the ppulatin in the US have cntributed t increased attendance at museums.Yu might think it's a gd thing,but mre traffic means higher csts,and when thse additinal visitrs dn't result in mre revenue,prfitability ges dwn.This is because f the lngstanding mvement tward making museums "free"by having individuals, gvernment r businesses "spnsr"the cst.But when that supprt gets reduced by budget csts r anther reasn,museums must either cver the cst themselves r lse patrns by suddenly charging fees.There is evidence that attendance rises when ecnmic grwth slws,but that's als when thse
    "spnsrs"are mre likely t begin t disappear.
    Museums will certainly cntinue t exist and prvide us with invaluable insights int ur culture.But they must exist under ecnmic principles,and it'd be wise fr their administratrs t cnsider the ecnmics in their calculatins.
    31.Accrding t the authr, __________.
    A.MMA saw a rise in dnatin due t its increased attendance
    B.the Met failed t respnd t the artistic tastes f mdern visitrs
    C.the Met cnsidered wrks f the living artists as questinable
    D.MMA added t its mdern cllectin despite the budget deficit
    32.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.Billinaires cntrl art auctins t price ut public museums.
    B.The bm f mdern art will lead visitrs t private museums.
    C.The increase in visitrs can hurt the prfitability f museums.
    D.Ecnmic slwdwns result in a weakened interest in museums.
    33.What is the authr's attitude twards the future f museums in the US?
    34.Which is the best title f the passage?
    A.Hw can Museums Bst Revenues?
    B.Shuld Museums Charge Entrance Fees?
    C.Will Museums Survive in a Fast-changing Wrld?
    D.What Causes the Financial Challenges f Museums?
    Website cpywriting(文案写作)invlves writing text and cpy fr websites.35 Cmmercial websites may require standard sales-style cpywriting,while infrmative r educatinal websites culd require mre structured material.
    Almst all websites require sme type f website cpywriting.The material n a website is imprtant nt nly t attract custmers,but als t raise page ranks and create search engine traffic.This means that website cpywriting can be smewhat different frm regular writing because writers must write fr tw audiences.
    Search engine ptimizatin (SEO)can smetimes be imprtant in website cpywriting.SEO refers t the prcess f creating cpy that is tailred tward catching the attentin f ppular search engines. 36
    An understanding f keywrds and search engine behavir are imprtant fr SEO when writing cpy fr the web. 37 If thse keywrds are used prperly and in the prper places within the article, mre traffic will cme t the website via a search engine,and the wner f the website culd have the ptential f making mre mney.
    Website cpywriters ften have t have bth a writing backgrund and a marketing backgrund.
    A persn wh is acting as a website cpywriter fr a site usually needs t be able t write active prse that inspires actin.They als need t be able t drive traffic t the site,s that custmers can see the prducts fr sale.
    Being able t write effective sales cpy may als be essential fr website cpywriting. 38 Cntent has t be well written in rder t accmplish its gal,and adherence t standard writing rules is ften a prerequisite t a well-written article.
    39 Peple brwsing the web tend t read differently than peple reading a bk r a newspaper.S the cntent must capture their attentin quickly and be relatively easy t read,which ften invlves writing prse that is easily readable.Headings,bullet pints,and simple language are ften preferred as a result.
    A.The type f cpy that is required varies depending n the type f website.
    B.Online cmpanies may ffer infrmatinal articles abut prducts and services.
    C.Website cpywriters have t be familiar with basic grammar,style,and structure rules.
    D.Internet cpywriting als invlves the cmpsitin f shrt headlines r advertisements.
    E.Theretically,the higher the SEO,the higher the number f readers that will be directed t the website.
    F.Website cpy nt nly serves the verall functin f the website,but needs t capture the attentin f readers.
    G.This means cpy fr a website may have t cntain certain keywrds that peple search when lking fr smething.
    Fr many students,having classes nline makes them easily distracted.They face challenges when learning nline.
    A main surce f distractin is digital technlgy.While electrnic devices are required fr nline learning,they easily steal attentin fr lng perids f time.Mst students will hld their phnes r leave them n their desks while studying.There is n dubt that during this time a text message frm a friend can start a cnversatin that results in ttally ignring an assignment.Students might pen new tabs t watch a fun vide r scrll thrugh scial media threads.T vercme this challenge,students are encuraged t put all devices ut f sight while wrking and build a slid timetable.
    In additin t electrnic devices,backgrund nises can be a huge bstacle when it cmes t nline learning.In fact,sitting in a silent envirnment ften emphasizes backgrund nises even mre.Televisin,family members,pets running in the huse,r siblings listening t lud music can all be surces f interruptin.Even weather can be a distractin!Imagine a strng wind blwing thrugh the trees r a lud thunderstrm with rain.All these nises can end up disrupting students and affecting their study.A pair f headphnes can minimize nise and help students stay n task.
    Indeed,where and hw we study can be a surce f distractin as well.Sme students wear cmfrtable pajamas while lying n their beds with laptps t watch class lectures.This can be a prblem fr cncentratin because humans mentally assciate the bed with resting.Likewise,kitchens raise even mre prblems!Thinking abut fd frequently can disturb studying r cause a student t miss part f the class.This prblem can be slved by trying t slwly train the brain t separate schl time frm resting and eating time.Als,a student can grab a light snack befre class starts r even befre starting an assignment.
    Different students face different challenges at hme.Students need t figure ut ways t ensure they stay n track t achieve their academic gals.
    40.Accrding t the passage,what can students d t vercme distractins caused by digital technlgy while learning nline?
    41.Why d kitchens raise prblems fr students studying at hme?
    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement,then underline it and explain why.
    T avid being disturbed by backgrund nises,students culd sit in a silent envirnment r wear a pair f headphnes.
    43.Please briefly intrduce hw nline learning benefits yu.(In abut 40 wrds)
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
    11. what12. With13. dnated14. asked15. cming
    16. ppularity17. cheaper 18. will suffer/suffers 19. where20. is understd
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. B
    31. B 32. C 33.C 34.D
    35.A 36. E 37. G 38. C 39. F
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    40. They can put all devices ut f sight while studying and build a slid timetable.
    41. Because thinking abut fd frequently can disturb studying r cause them/a student t miss part f the class.
    42. T avid being disturbed by backgrund nises, students culd sit in a silent envirnment r wear a pair f headphnes.
    Accrding t the passage, sitting in a silent envirnment ften emphasizes backgrund nises even mre.
    43. With nline learning, I enjy mre flexibility in rearranging curses and cmpleting tasks. It als allws me t learn at my wn pace. Fr instance, I can start and pause the vide when it suits me t ensure that I've really mastered the material.
    Dear Jim,
    Thank yu very much indeed fr the wnderful lecture yu gave n reading methds. I’ve learnt really a lt, because yu helped me vercme the bttleneck f my reading—hw t increase the reading speed.
    Hwever, I am still puzzled by sme difficulties in reading. Fr example, I find it hard t grasp the gist f the passages, and I als feel it hard t cntinue reading when cnfrnted with new wrds. What can I d? Wuld yu please give me sme advice? I wuld be really grateful if yu culd help me ut.
    Thank yu very much again. Yur earliest reply wuld be appreciated.
    Li hua
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