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    常州市金坛区2022年中考英语一模试题 (无答案)
    常州市金坛区2022年中考英语一模试题 (无答案)01
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    常州市金坛区2022年中考英语一模试题 (无答案)

    这是一份常州市金坛区2022年中考英语一模试题 (无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。



    1.Is Thailand _____ Asian or ______ European country?

    A.the;a     B.an;a     C.an;an   D.an;the

    2.Amy may not spare a whole day for the outing.Her time is fully ______with exams.

    A.made up    B.taken up   C.setup  D.looked up

    3. ___with the price of houses,the price of cars has become a little lower recently.

    A.To compare    B.Comparing    C.Compared   D.To be compared

    4.Because of the hero's rushing out of the building on fire with a baby, all the people are _______of him. So he is _______ of us.

    A.the pride;proud   B.proud;pride   C. the proud; pride  D.proud;the pride

    5.Neil Armstrong______with the Medal of Freedom because he became the first man on the moon.

    A.present   B. is presented   C.presented  D. was presented

    6.He promised to get home earlier_______attend his daughter's birthday party.

    A. in order that     B.so that    C. in order   D. in order to

    7.Take the GPS with you,or you may become ________a blind man in the big desert.

    A.as good as    B.as well as   C.as poor as  D.as silly as

    8.—We should wear masks to care for ourselvesand the people around us during the epidemic.

    —So it does.________, life is the most important to everyone.

     A.At all     B.Above all    C.After all   D.In all

    9. I didn’t know__________.

    A.how many times he has been to his hometown this year

    B. why did he go to France last year

    C. what's the matter with your mother

    D. who I could ask for help when in trouble

    10.—Could you tell me how to use the Ant Forest to plant trees on smartphones?

    A.Take it easy

    B.It doesn't matter

    C.Never mind

    D.Sure,I'd love to




    I don't have a dog myself, but when I take my morning walk, most pet dogs in my neighborhood are out. Whenever one of them spots me, he or she often stops to___II___me. Of course, I try to talk to him or her friendly.___12__this, the dog may frequently snuggle(依偎)against my legswhich often makes me wonder"What is he thinking?"

    My furry (毛茸茸的)friends ShadowKramerFrankieOliver and Daisyjust to name__13_are so cool.Thenthere is Grumpy.He is shy,__14___he has warmed up tome and now lets me pet him while he puts his nose on mine. And Sophia always likes to have a doggie conversation with me.

    Over the yearsI have___15___that dogs are nonjudgmental (无偏见的)in so many ways.They don't overthink. They__16____care how old we are, what we sound like, whatlanguage we speak, and so on. They figure us out in seconds__17___one or two sniffs()and then we are accepted.They give us comfort,make us laugh and stay by our side no matter what happens. Sometimes, dogs are like___18___of life. They teach us about loyalty, trust, respect and love.

    Throughout the particularly difficult times we've__19__many people__20___their prejudices(偏见)to work together.Like these lovely furry friends of mine,they have chosen to reach out to those who are___21__, regardless of who they may be. I hope we will continue on this path to respect and care for one___22___.I also hope more people will join their ranks(行列) and stop being judgmental.

    1. A.look around B. look into  C.look up at D.look after
    2. A.Before B.AfterC.UntilD.From

    13.A.few B.a few C.littleD.a little

    14.A.so B.therefore C.andD.but

    15.A.smelt B.noticed  C.touched D. heard

    16.A.always B.oftenC. never D. usually 


    18.A.teachers B. childrenC.neighboursD.classmates

    19.A.spent B.takenC.costD.paid

    20.A.put off  B.put upC.put outD.put aside

    21.A.in order B.in need C. in danger D. in control

    22.A.the other B.others C.otherD. another



    My name is Tony Fontes.I am a native Californian.In 1979 I went diving at the Great Barrier Reef for the first time.I was so amazed by the experience that I decided to stay in Alastralia. For the past 42 years, I have lived at Airlie Beach. It's a small seaside community in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.

    As a dive instructor(教练),I spend much of my time underwater.Through careful observationI have noted heartbreaking changes in the environment. One of them is the increase in coral bleaching(珊瑚白化).This serious problem happens when the green and brown coral reefslose their colors and turn white. In the early 1980sbleaching was not a serious problem. By the mid-1990s, it was happening each summer. The late 1990s and early 2000s brought some of the largest bleaching events on record. You could even see the tleached coral from the air. Unlike before, these more recent bleaching events have resulted in the death of the coral.

    Coral bleaching and many other dangerous changes are being caused by climate change, especially global warming. It often takes ten years for a coral reef to fully recover. However, more bleaching events are taking place each year. It's hard to say whether the bleached coral will ever recover.If the world's coral reefs are to survive, we must keep the global increase in ocean temperature below two degrees Celsius. We need to reduce our emissions(排放) of carbon dioxide and pay more attention to the health of our oceans.All of us can do somethiing to save the coral. Take action now. It's going to be hard to explain to our kids how we lost the beautiful Great Barrier.

    23.The underlined word“heartbreaking”can be replaced(代替)by______.

     A.very sad    B.very incrusting

    C. very exciting  D. very important

    24. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

    A.The increase in coral bleaching. B.The cause of coral bleaching.

    C.The changes in the environment. D.The beauty of coral bleaching.

    25.What does the writer mainly want to say?

     A.It is difficult for us to save the coral.

    B.It is important for us to save the coral.

    C.It is impossible for us to improve the situation.

    D.It is dangerous for us to live on the Earth.




    Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter,Maureen. With a checklist of criteria(衡量标准,尺度)in handthe Dallas family looked around the country visiting half a dozen schools. They looked for a university that offered the teenager intended major(主修科目), one located near a large cityand a campus(大学校园)where their daughter would be safe.

    “The safety problem is a big one,”says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn't alone in his worries. On campus tours other parents voiced similar worries, and the same question was always asked: What about crime? But when college officials always gave the same answer—"That's not a problem here.”—Mahoney began to feel uneasy.

    “No crime whatsoever?”comments评论Mahoney teday.“I just don't believe it.”In 1999 the U.S.Department of Education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on oraround our campuses.“Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college,”says David Nichols, author of Creating a Safe Campus.“Campus crime mirrors (反映)the rest of the country.”

    But getting exact information isn't easy. Colleges must report crime statistics(统计数字)by lawbut some hold back for fear of bad publicity(名声),leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. "The truth may not always be serious."warns S.Daniel Carter of Security on CampusIne.the country's leading campus safety watchdog(监视) group.

    To help concerned(关注的)parentsCarter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country to find out major crime problems and effective solutions(解决方法).

    26 The Mahoneys visited quite a few colleges last August_________.

    1. to express the opinions of many parents

    B.to choose a right one for their daughter

    C.to check the cost of college education

    D.to find a right one near a large city

    27 It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges__________.

    A.receive too many visitors

    B.mirror the rest of the country

    C.hide the truth of campus crime

    D.have too many watchdog groups 

    28.What is the text mainly about?

    A.Exact campus crime statistics.

    B.Crimes on or around campuses.

    C.Effective solutions to campus crime.

     D.Concerns about kids'campus safety.



    Octopuses(章鱼)are kind of like aliens. They are amazing in many ways. They have three hearts. They can walk. They can swim, and they can drive themselves forward at high speed. They can change colour and copy what other animals do. They even know how to open screw-top jars(带螺旋盖的罐子)and how to use tools!

    Octopuses are mollusks(软体动物).But unlike many other mollusksthey don't have a shell. This allows them to pass through tiny spaces. Although octopuses mainly eat small fish, they are able to attack and kill small sharks. They make the sharks unable to breathe by covering their gill(锡) openings.

    One thing that makes octopuses seem like aliens is their blue blood. It is much better at transporting oxygen in cold and low-oxygen conditions(like the deep sea) than our red blood. Octopuses lose energy easily. This may help explain their outstanding intelligence∶ They can't chase after their prey(猎物) for a long time. They must use clever tricks.

    As a hunteran octopus brings prey under control through tle use of a powerful poison(毒).The smaller the octopusthe stronger the poison. The ten-centimeter-long blue-ringedd octopus is so poisonous that it can easily kill a grown man. Octopuses themselves can be delicious prey to many differeent animals in the vastiZ阔的)oceanbut they are clever enough to know how to keep themselves safe many of the timees. With their colour changing skin, octopuses can easily"hide"themselves or flash alarming colours to frighten their enemiesaway.If that doesn't work,the octopus will release a cloud of dark ink and quickly escape.

    Perhaps the most amazing part of an octopus is its arms. They can turn in any direction. The arms are too complex to be controlled from a central brain. Instead, they work almostindependently. An octopus gives instructions and believes that they will be carried out. This means that the animal doesn't lhave a very good idea of where its arms are. They can't work out the shape of something by feeling it like we can.

    29.What can octopuses do?

    a.walk and swim

    b.drive forward at high speed

    c.change colour and open the jars

    d. copy people's action

     A.abcB.abd C.acdD.bcd


    30.What colour is octopuses'blood?






    31.Why do octopuses flash alarming colours?

    A.Because they want to hide themselves.

    B.Because they want to make themselves beautiful. 

    C.Because they want to keep themselves safe.

    D.Because they want to show their clever tricks.


    32. Which of the following sentences is true?

    A.Octopuses are mollusks with shells.

    B. Octopuses can kill small sharks by covering their gill openings.

    C.The bigger octopuses have stronger poison than the smaller ones. D.Octopuses'arms are easy to be controlled.



    A long time ago the Mongols ruled(统治)China.The Hans wanted to force the Mongols back to Mongoliabut they could not find a way to organize their army.Evelrywhere they went, the Mongols watched closely.

    Worst of all, the Mongols forced every twentiethChinese family to give shelter to one Mongol soldier.

    Zhu Yuanzhang was a hero of the Han people.He wanted tooverthrow(推翻)the Mongols.He had already led several uprisings(暴动),but he had been defeated.He was talking one day to his adviser Liu Bowen.

    “It's nearly time for the Mid-autumn Festival,”he said.“We still haven't been able to drive the Mongols away. I'm very unhappy about it.”

    Liu Bowen did not reply. He was thinking about moon cakes. People would exchange moon cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival.

    Zhu Yuanzhang continued,"The Mongols will be watching every move we make. They will be in the houses when we go to greet our friends. They will listen to everything we say.How can we organize our army?How can we overthrow them?”He looked at Liu Bowen,“Why aren't you speaking?”he asked.

    "Moon cakes," said Liu Bowen."That's the answer. Moon cakes."

    "I think you've gone mad," said Zhu Yuanzhang,"How can cakes be the answer to a problem like this?”

    "Do you think that the Mongols will object if we give our friends moon cakes?"

    "Of course not," said Zhu,"We do it every year. They're quite used to it."

    “I have an idea for passing information without the Mongolls knowing anything about it,"said Liu Bowen."We'll put a message into each cake telling people when to attack."

    Zhu Yuanzhang was delighted."What a good idea!"he said."The Mongols will never suspect anything."

    Their people worked very hard to make moon cakes for the Han people. Into each moon cake they put a little piece of paper. Then it was wrapped in waxed paper so that it would not be spoiled.

    When the Han people received their moon cakes, theysoon learned the time and date of the attack. The Mongols suspected nothing.

    At last the night of the attack came. The people in the city rose up and killed the Mongol soldiers living in their houses. The Han people won and the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown. At last the Ming Dynasty was set up in 1368.


    33.Who came up with the idea for passing information by moon cakes?

     A. The Han people.B. The army commander.C.Zhu Yuanzhang.D.Liu Bowen.


    34.Which of the following sentence is true?

    A. All the Chinese families have to give shelter to the Mongol soldiers.

    B.A little piece of paper was put into each moon cake to pass information.

    C. The Mongols suspected something at first,

    D. The Mongols were used to giving cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival. 35.Please put the events below into a correct order.

    a.The Mongols ruled China harshly.

    b.People learned the information about the attack.

    c.Liu Bowen thought of an idea to organize the army.

    d. The Ming Dynasty was set up.

    e. The moon cakes were baked with a little piece of paper slipped into each one.

    f.Zhu Yuanzhang led some uprisings but was defeated.

    g.People rose up and killed the Mongol soldiers.

    A.acgfbed  B.aegfcbdC.afcebgdD.afebcgd

    36.Which could be the best title for the passage?

    A.How the Moon Cakes Saved China

    B.How the Han People Exchanged the Moon Cakes

    C.How the Mongols Ruled China

    D.How the Yuan Dynasty Was Set up



    When she was little,Gladys Kalema liked to play the piano. One day when she was at her piano, a monkey climbed up to join her.

    ___37__It also planted the seeds of a dream inher mind. The girl wanted to work with animals when she grew up.This dream came true when Kalema was in her early twenties.She became a wildlife vet(鲁医)in Africa _38__Since then,Kalema has never stopped caring forwild animals. She does her best to save the mountain gorilla地猩猩).This animal is in great danger.But she doesn't just protect the individual(单个的)animals. She puts her focus on helping the local communities.

    Many local people lived a poor life. Some of them made rmoney by hunting wild animals. Kalema wanted to protect these animals from bullets(子萍).The key to doing soshe realizedwas to improve the local people's quality of life. The woman provided these people with fast-growing crops. By growing the crops, the locals could feed themselves and make a living. They no longer needed to go hunting. Slowly, theil attitude towards these wild animals began to change. 39_

    So we can save animals by saving people.

    Last month, Kalema received the Champions of Die Earth award for her work. It is the United Nations' highest environmental honour.__40____You can learn fromKalema and start by getting to the root of the problem.


    1. The environment is much destroyed,and animals lose their home.
    2. This became the most unforgettable moment of her childhood.

    C. Now, many of these hunters of wildlife have become protectors of it. D.Gladys Kalema not only likes playing the piano but also likes helping people. E.That was three decades(十年)ago.

    F.Do you want to help protect the wild animals in your area?



    Felix Finkbeiner, a German boy, was not famous as achild actor but an environment hero. One day he__41__inviteto speak at the United Nations General Assembly(联合国大会).“Adults know the environmental problems and they know the solutions,”he said.“But we don't know why there iss little action. Perhaps we have to depend on 42 (we) to save our future.”He had been calling on(号召)children around the world___43___helpslow the earth's warming.

    "Plant-for-the-Planet" came out of a school project when Finkbeiner was a fourth-grader. __44____topic was climate change.To his nine-year-old worldview,that meant a__45___(dangerous) to his favourite animal, the polar bear. The boy began to do his research online.Instead of information aboutpolar bears, he found stories___46____Wangari Maathai. The Kenyan woman had planted 30 million trees in order to fix the environment of her hometown. The effort won her the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.Finkbeiner realized___47____it was not really about saving polar bears. Instead, it was about saving humans. He made a big decision: to plant one million trees inGermany. He talked about it with all his__48____(classmate)and his head teacher. No one expected anything to come cf it, but the boy was serious about his goal. Two months later, Finkbemer planted his first tree.

    The story attracted a lot of media attention in no time. Woord spread___49___(quick).By the time he delivered his speech at the UN, the young man had planted his millionth tree in Germany. Now, Finkbeiner is 24 years old and his group members__50___(plant) over 14 billion trees in more than 130 nations.



    The Winter Olympic Games Village___________________________the athletes spoke highly of it.

    52. 这种类型的机器人大体上已经满足了人们的需求。

    This type of robot____________________________________________________


    With the manager's help,he____________________________________________

    54. 去国外的旅程将会令人激动也会有挑战性。

    The journey abroad_________________________________________________

    1. 美丽的常州是我的家乡。它位于中国的东部。

    The beautiful city——Changzhou is my hometown. ______________________

    1. 芦笛岩是一个有着众多奇特造型岩石的洞穴。

    The Reed Flute Cave is a cave__________________________________________


    57.假如现在是2092年,你是Kate,生活在火星上,你的朋友Jim 现在在地球上,他即将来火星生活。请你写一封100词左右的信,向他介绍你在火星上的生活。


    interesting and comfortable

    no schools, hovo lessonsonline


    more space, more free time, robots help...

    no pollution, trees and flowers





    1. 信中必须涉及上述几个方面的内容,可适当增加相关细节,使意思表达更加完整。

    Dear Jim,

    Now,I'm writing a letter to you on Mars.It's really wonderful to live on Mars.


    Best wishes,
















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