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    1.    The vast Caspian Sea, though sometimes classed as a lake, is the largest landlocked body of water in the world. The gateway between Europe and Asia, it is bordered by Iran to the south, Azerbaijan and Russia to the west and Turkmenistan to the east, while Kazakhsta's Mangystau region lies to the northeast. Many visitors crowd to Caspian Sea every year to experience its beauty.
        Fishing is a popular pastime and important industry throughout the waters of the Caspian Sea. From the shores of Mangystau in Kazakhstan, it is possible to rent fishing boats or join fishing tours to spend a day fishing on the water.
        The Caspian Sea is filled with boats, ferries and ships. It is a popular way to travel from other major port cities such as Baku in Azerbaijan to Aktau, or down the mighty Volga Canal. Meanwhile, on a smaller scale, boats can be rented from Aktau for a day on the water.
        The beaches of Mangystau, lapped by the waters of the Caspian Sea, are the jumping off points for many popular water sports. In the summer months especially, visitors enjoy sunbathing and taking a refreshing dip, while more active holidaymakers can windsurf and parasail to their hearts’ delight.
    1.How many countries are there circling around the Caspian sea?
    A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
    2.What can you do if you want to fish on the Caspian Sea?
    A.Buy your own boat. B.Employ a local fisher.
    C.Rent a fishing boat. D.Buy fish on the boat.
    3.What will you do if you are an adventurous person?
    A.Go swimming. B.Go diving. C.Go sunbathing. D.Go windsurfing.
    2.Medical errors (ME) are among the most important patient safety challenges facing hospitals and healthcare systems nowadays. Since the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report in 1999 “To Err is Human,” an increasing number of studies have shown how common and deleterious ME are, especially in hospital medicine. With this, healthcare leaders invested time and resources toward identifying and reducing ME.
    A medical error is defined as “an incidence when there is an omission or a mistake in planning or execution that leads or could lead to unintended result.” While the majority of ME do not lead to an apparent adverse effect, a significant number of patients either suffer a permanent injury or death from ME every year in the United States and around the world as a result of those errors.
    Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. It is estimated that more than 200,000 patients die annually in the United States from ME. Furthermore, in addition to the harm inflicted on patients, medical errors are associated with an increased healthcare cost. In a 2008 report, it was estimated that medical errors cost the healthcare system in the United States more than 17 billion dollars annually.
    The first step in combating ME and improving patient safety is to study the different types of medical errors to better understand why medical errors happen. The causes, types, and rates of ME can vary from one institution to the other and change over time, especially as we implement changes in our healthcare delivery. Therefore, it is important to capture, track and analyze all medical errors as possible at the institutional level.
    As most of the nonmedication medical errors are hard to capture electronically and manual chart review is both unmanageable and time consuming, self-reporting is still the most reliable approach to capturing ME. Unfortunately, underreporting of ME is a commonly reported challenge even when healthcare institutions mandated reporting. While there is no agreement on what defines “underreporting of ME,” it commonly refers to the lack of reports on significant ME events.
    1.What does the underlined word “deleterious” probably mean in the first paragraph?
    A.Important. B.Useful C.Harmful. D.Adequate.
    2.What is the worst effect of ME?
    A.Annual patients deaths. B.Heart disease and cancer.
    C.Increasing healthcare cost. D.Destruction of healthcare system.
    3.What is the first step to fight against ME to improve the patient security?
    A.To do research on the different types of ME.
    B.To figure out the reason why ME happens.
    C.To identify different institutions over time.
    D.To analyze the changes in the health delivery.
    4.Why is self-reporting still the most reliable way to capture ME?
    A.Because less typical medication ME events recorded.
    B.Because the patients are willing to offer the report of ME.
    C.Because healthcare institution gives the authority to the patients.
    D.Because there is difficulty in electronic capture as well as manual inefficiency.
    3.People often discuss the dangers of too much stress, but lately a very different view of stress is gaining popularity: this view of stress, held by members of the positive stress movement, argues that some stress might actually be beneficial.
    The positive stress movement is made up of people like Zachary Rapp who are looking for an edge in a competitive world. He wakes up most mornings at dawn, goes for a run, sips black coffee while looking through emails, and then steps into a freezing cold shower. This is a routine designed to reduce the stress of running simultaneously(同步地)three different health and biotechnology companies for 18 hours a day. In addition to running and freezing showers, Rapp also uses ice baths, hot yoga, and unconventional eating practices, eliminating milk, sugar, and various other foods high in carbohydrates.
    Although Rapp's practices may sound extreme, he is part of a growing movement, consisting largely of tech industry workers who claim that such methods will help them live better and longer. Inspired by influential figures in different fields, including entertainers, athletes, entrepreneurs and scientists, positive stress practitioners seek out some combination of extreme temperatures, restrictive diets, punishing exercise routines and general discomfort.
    They believe these extreme practices put stress on their bodies, which actually keep them balanced. For them, the difference between day-to-day stress, like the kind we feel when moving apartments, and positive stress is that the latter involves pushing their bodies to extremes, forcing them to build up a tolerance and finally making them feel less stress from work.
    But it is important to note that not everyone agrees with these practitioners; indeed, some medical professionals argue that positive stress is not for everyone, and that it might even be dangerous for people who are unhealthy or older.
    1.What do we learn about followers of the positive stress movement?
    A.They are usually quite sensitive to different types of stress.
    B.They hold a different view on stress from the popular one.
    C.They get much pleasure from living a very busy life.
    D.They gain a competitive edge by enjoying good health.
    2.What does the underlined word "eliminating" mean?
    A.Rem ving. B.Hating. C.Drinking. D.Choosing.
    3.Why do positive stress practitioners feel balanced?
    A.Because they live better and longer. B.Because they suffer various stress.
    C.Because they forget day-to-day stress. D.Because they become more tolerant of stress.
    4.What is the writer's attitude toward the positive stress movement?
    A.Supportive. B.Tolerant. C.Objective. D.Conservative.
    4.    As of 2020, the world’s biggest lithium-ion (锂离子) battery is hooked up to the Southern California power grid and can provide 250 million watts of power, or enough to power about 250,000 homes. But it’s actually not the biggest battery in the world: these lakes are.
        Wait – how can a pair of lakes be a battery? To answer that question, it helps to define a battery: it’s simply something that stores energy and releases it on demand. The lithium-ion batteries that power our phones, laptops, and cars are just one type. They store energy in lithium-ions.
        How do the two lakes store and release energy? First, one is 300 meters higher than the other. Electricity power pumps that move billions of liters of water from the lower lake to the higher one. This stores the energy by giving the water extra gravitational potential energy. Then, when there’s high demand for electricity, valves (阀门) open, releasing the stored energy by letting water flow downhill to power 6 giant turbines that can generate 3 billion watts of power for 10 hours.
        Unfortunately, neither of the giant batteries we’ve talked about so far is big enough to power multiple cities. The two lakes setup requires specific geography, takes up a lot of land, and has high upfront costs to build. The giant lithium-ion battery in California can power about 250,000 homes, yes, but only for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries also require certain heavy metals to make. These resources are limited, and mining them causes environmental damage. Inventors all over the world are rising to the challenge of making batteries that can meet our needs – many of them even weirder than the two lakes.
    1.Why is the world’s biggest lithium-ion battery mentioned in Paragraph 1?
    A.To make a comparison. B.To introduce the topic.
    C.To stress its importance. D.To declare a fact.
    2.Which statement is true according to the passage?
    A.With the help of the pumps, the two lakes store energy.
    B.The water flow by itself to release the stored energy.
    C.The two lakes setup is able to power multiple cities.
    D.Lithium-ion batteries are environmentally friendly.
    3.What will most probably be talked about in the following paragraph?
    A.Inventors’ worries. B.Inventors’ efforts.
    C.Stranger batteries. D.New challenges.
    4. Which is the best title for the passage?
    A. Battery Inventors Face New Challenges.
    B. The World's Biggest Battery Looks Nothing Like a Battery
    C. Giant Batteries Fail to Meet Our Needs.
    D. Newly-invented Batteries.
        You are busy in your kitchen and your lovely kid is painting with her fingers on the kitchen table. Trying to be encouraging, you ask her, “What are you making with this mix of colors?” and she shrugs(耸肩). ①________ She just loves the way it feels when she pours paint on paper, and even the soft sound a brush makes as it crosses the page.
        Most preschoolers aren't self-conscious about what they're doing or focused on creating a finished product. That can be hard for parents to accept. ②________ It allows kids to enjoy the process of creation and they will be better off in the long run if they're allowed just to be in the moment and express themselves.
        Developing creativity won't just increase your child's chances of becoming the next Picasso. ③________ As kids use a paintbrush, their line motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colors, they learn the basics of math. When children experiment with materials, they dive in science. Most important perhaps, when kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence.
        ​④________ Set up an art space where your kid can be free to experiment. Throw a drop cloth or a newspaper on top of your kitchen table or in the garage. If weather permits, let kids paint outside. Avoid giving directions. Don't tell your kids what to make or how to make it. Instead of saying, “Paint a rainbow,” encourage her to “experiment with mixing colors using different types of brushes and paper.” When a child finishes a piece, don't suggest additions or changes.⑤________
    A.So just prepare for a mess.  
    B.Drawing when young is very important.
    C.She actually doesn't know it.  
    D.But letting go can harvest big rewards.
    E.So find a tutor for them.
    F.You're also helping him develop mentally, socially, and emotionally.
    G.Just show your appreciation of the work.
    It started when I was in third grade. At that time, I heard that if I played the French horn, I could go to any     1     I wanted. I told the band teacher about my new     2     for the French horn, but     3     a trumpet(小号) in my hand. The teacher advised me to     4     with a simpler instrument. I played trumpet for five years,     5     stopped before high school, when I would have     6     to French horn. The band would have     7     with soccer, which was going to be my college sport.
    So I     8     the French horn for soccer and made the junior school team as a sophomore(二年级学生). But I     9     that I would never make the school team senior year, so soccer wasn’t going to get me into college. Then, I learned that I could     10     a rower(划艇运动员) and get admitted to any college I wanted.
    I gave up soccer and     11     a rowing crew(划艇队). Finally, several coaches at top colleges were     12     in admitting me. To their     13    , I decided that I didn’t want to make a four-year promise to a(n)     14     that I wasn’t sure I would keep. So I didn’t use it to get into college.
    It seems that I gave up all of my get-into-college     15    , but what I got was amazing high school     16    . In addition, I could talk about them     17     throughout the college application process.
    And one of my high school passions, being an EMI volunteer, has actually     18    , and today I am still an EMI on my college campus, which I guess is where I have been     19     all along.
    High school should not be viewed as just an entrance to college; it should be its own     20    .
    1.A.college     B.club     C.team     D.class
    2.A.basis     B.search     C.love     D.support
    3.A.got rid of     B.ended up with     C.put up with     D.made use of
    4.A.mix     B.vary     C.start     D.compare
    5.A.or     B.nor     C.thus     D.but
    6.A.led     B.agreed     C.referred     D.changed
    7.A.conflicted     B.connected     C.begun     D.settled
    8.A.took up     B.picked up     C.fixed up     D.gave up
    9.A.thought     B.required     C.remembered     D.expected
    10.A.help     B.visit     C.become     D.train
    11.A.observed     B.ignored     C.joined     D.created
    12.A.successful     B.interested     C.careful     D.skilled
    13.A.delight     B.surprise     C.relief     D.admiration
    14.A.athlete     B.judge     C.partner     D.coach
    15.A.reasons     B.plans     C.dreams     D.scholarships
    16.A.experiences     B.scores     C.housework     D.ceremonies
    17.A.worriedly     B.deliberately     C.eagerly     D.confidently
    18.A.appeared     B.paused     C.continued     D.delayed
    19.A.escaping     B.heading     C.staring     D.waiting
    20.A.journey     B.power     C.response     D.introduction
        Located in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou Valley is famous ①_______ its greenish-blue lakes, beautiful waterfalls, colorful forests, snow-capped peaks ②_______ the local Tibetan ethnic culture.
        Jiuzhaigou got ③_______ (it) name because there are nine Tibetan villages in the valley. For centuries Tibetan people have lived in the region, but it was not officially discovered by the government until 1972. It ④_______ (declare) a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.
        The valley is the ⑤_______ (nature) habitat for two of China’s most treasurable endangered species — the giant panda and the Sichuan takin(羚牛). You are likely to see other ⑥_______ (creature) including birds, insects and fish.
        Over 80 percent of the scenic area is covered by forests. In the lower regions, there are plenty of grasses and reeds. These are quickly replaced by bamboo forests ⑦_______ in turn give way to conifers(针叶树) at the upper regions. Beyond them, snow-capped peaks of the Minshan Mountains are also very ⑧_______ (attract).
        The most comfortable climate ⑨_______ (visit) Jiuzhaigou is in July. Umbrellas and wet weather clothing, as well as sun protection cream and hats are ​⑩_______ (high) recommended as the weather is often changing.
    8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的増加、删除或修改。
        Here is good news for you which a writing competition about “Chinese Dream” is organizing by the Students’ Union. Everyone is welcome to take an actively part in the competition. You are required to writing a story about “Chinese Dream” within 400 word. We had already invited four of our English teachers to be the judges. Of course, your hard work will pay off. The student who wins the one prize will be given a set of famous ancient Chinese works. In a addition, your story will be filmed into a video. As for the deadline, we are expected to hand your story before December 20.
    1. 表达问候;
    2. 介绍视频内容;
    3. 期待回复。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    1.答案:1-3 CCD
    解析: 1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句The gateway between Europe and Asia, it is bordered by Iran to the south, Azerbaijan and Russia to the west and Turkmenistan to the east, while Kazakhsta's Mangystau region lies to the northeast.可知,里海南与伊朗接壤,西与阿塞拜疆和俄罗斯接壤,东与土库曼斯坦接壤,东北是哈萨克斯坦的曼吉斯托地区。一共有五个(five)国家,C项符合题意。故正确答案为C。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章小标题FISHING下的第二句From the shores of Mangystau in Kazakhstan, it is possible to rent fishing boats or join fishing tours to spend a day fishing on the water.可知,如果在里海钓鱼,可以租渔船或参加钓鱼之旅,然后在水上钓上一天的鱼,C项,“租一条渔船”,符合题意。故正确答案为C。
    2.答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.A; 4.D
    解析:1.词义猜测题。根据文章第二段内容对" Medical erros"的进一步解释". a significant number of patients either sutter a permanent injury or death from ME every year in the United States and around the world as a result of those errors(在美国和世界各地,每年都有相当数量的患者因为这些失误而遭受永久性伤害或死亡)"可知,医疗失误会导致患者遭受永久性伤害或死亡由此可知," an increasing number of studies have shown how common and deleterious ME are"应是表达医疗失误是普遍的,也是对患者有害的。由此可推知,划线单词" deleterious"应是表达有害的”含义,与选项 harmful(有害的)"表达含义一致。 A Importan重要的B Useful有用的; C Harmful有害的; D Adequate足够的。故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据文章第三段内Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United states after heart disease and cancer It is estimated that more than 200,000 patients die annually in the United States from ME.(医疗失误是美国第三大死亡原因,仅次于心脏病和癌症。据估计,美国每年有超过20万名患者死于医疗失误)"可推知,医疗失误最坏的影响是每年导致很多死亡。故选A项。
    3.细节理解题。根据文章第四段内容"The first step in combating ME and improving patient safety is to study the different types of medical errors to better understand why medical errors happen.(对抗医疗失误和提高患者安全的第一步是研究不同类型的医疗失误,以便更好地理解医疗失误发生的原因)"可知,第一步是研究不同类型的医疗失误。故选A项
    4.细节理解题。根据文章末尾段内容"As most of the nonmedication medical errors are hard to capture electronically and manual chart review is both unmanageable and time consuming, self-reporting is still the most reliable approach to capturing ME.(由于大多数非药物医疗失误难以通过电子方式体现记录,且手工图表审查既难以管理又耗时,因此自我报告仍然是体现记录医疗失误最可靠的方法)"可知,自我报告之所以被认为是最可靠的方法是因为大多数非药物医疗失误难以通过电子方式体现,且手工图表难以管理又耗时。故选D项。
    3.答案:1-4 BADC
    解析:1.根据第一段中的“this view of stress, held by members of the positive stress movement, argues that some stress might actually be beneficial”可知答案。D选项意为“通过享有健康而获得竞争力”与原文第二段第一句后面的“who are looking for an edge in a competitive world”(他们想在竞争激烈的世界里寻找一种优势)的意思不符。
    2."Rapp also uses ice baths, hot yoga, and unconventional eating practices, eliminating milk, sugar, and various other foods high in carbohydrates”意为:Rapp也使用冰浴,热瑜伽以及非传统的饮食惯例,除去(不吃)牛奶、糖以及其余各种富含碳水化合物的食品。
    3.第四段最后一句“For them, the difference between day-.to-day stress, like the kind we feel when moving apartments, and positive stress is that the latter involves pushing their bodies to extremes, forcing them to build up a tolerance and finally making them feel less stress from work.”意为:对他们来说,日常的压力,比如搬迁公寓的感受,与积极的压力之间的区别是后者迫使身体处于极限之中从而使其增强容忍度最后使得他们更少感受到来自于工作的压力。故选D.A选项是结果不是原因,B选项中的various stress应该是positive stress, C选项错在不是忘记是减缓
    4.答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.C; 4.B
    解析:1.推理判断题. 根据第一段关键句 "But it's actually not the biggest battery in the world these lakes are . (但它实际上并不是世界上最大的电池 : 这些湖泊) " 可知 , 第一段首先介绍了世界上最大的锂离子电池 , 然后话锋一转, 虽然它是世界上最大的锂离子电池, 但并不是世界上最大的电池, 世界上最大的电池是这些湖泊, 接下来的段落介绍了这些湖泊是如何发电的. 由此可知, 第一段提到了世界上最大的锂离子电池是为了引出文章主题—湖泊发电. 故选B项.
    2.细节理解题. 根据第三段关键句 "How do the two lakes store and release energy? First, one is 300 meters higher than the other Electricity power pumps that move billions of liters of water from the lower lake to the higher one. This stores the energy by giving the water exra gravitational potential energy( 这两个湖泊是如何储存和释放能量的? 首先 , 一个比另一个高 300 米 . 电力泵将数十亿公升的水从下游湖泊输送到上游湖泊 . 它通过给水额外的重力势能来储存能量 ) " 可知, " 在水泵的帮助下, 这两个湖能够储存能量" 是正确的. 故选A 项.
    3.推理判断题. 根据最后一段关键句 "Inventors all over the world are rising to the challenge of making batteries that can meet our needs― many of them even weirder than the two lakes ( 世界各地的发明家都在迎接挑战, 要制造出能满足人类需求的电池一一其中许多甚至比这两个湖还要古怪 ) " 可推断出, 接下来的段落最有可能谈到的是一些更奇怪的电池. 故选C 项.
    4.主旨大意题. 通读全文 , 结合第一段关键句 "But it's actually not the biggest battery in the world : these lakes are . ( 但它实际上并不是世界上最大的电池 : 这些湖泊是) " 可知, 文章主要介绍的是世界上最大的电池, 而这些电池看起来不像电池, 而是两个湖泊, 并介绍了它们是如何储存和释放能量的. 由此可知, The Biggest Battery Looks Nothing Like a Battery (最大的电池看起来一点也不像电池) 适合作本文最佳标题 . 故选 B 项 .
    【小题1】根据前文“What are you making with this mix of colors?”and she shrugs(耸肩)。(你试着鼓励她,问她:“你用这些颜色做什么?她耸耸肩。)"和后文“She just loves the way it feels when she pours paint on paper,。and even the soft sound a brush makes as it crosses the pg.(她只是喜欢当她把颜料倒在纸上时的感觉,甚至当它穿过页面时,画笔发出的柔和的声音。)可知,孩子也并不知道自己在做什么。C选项:She actually doesn't know it.(她实际上不知道。)符合题意,故选C。
    【小题2】根据前文“That can be hard for parents to accept.(这对父母来说很难接受。)"以及后文"It allows kids to enjoy the process of creation and they will be better off in the long run if they're allowed just to be in the moment and express themselves.(它允许孩子们享受创造的过程,从长远来看,如果他们被允许只是在此刻表达自己,他们会更好。)"可知,前后转折,这里陈述的是放手让孩子做的好处。D选顶But letting go can harvest big rewards.(但是放手可以收获很大的回报。)符合题意,故选D。
    【小题3】根据前文Developing creativity won't just increase your child's chances of becoming the next Picasso..(培养创造力不仅仅会增加你的孩子成为下一个毕加索的机会。)"可知,本段介绍的是培养创造力的好处。F选项You're also helping him develop mentally, socially,and emotionally.(你也在帮助他发展智力、社交能力和情感。)符合题意,故选F。
    【小题4】"Set up an art space where your kid can be free to experiment.Throw a drop cloth or a newspaper on top of your kitchen table or in the garage.(建立一个艺术空间,你的孩子可以自由实验。在你的厨房桌子上或车库里扔一块布或一张报纸。)"可知,本段是指让父母有心理准备,放手让孩子进行创造。A选项“So just prepare for a mess.(所以准备好迎接混乱吧。)符合题意,故选A。
    【小题5】根据前文“When a child finishes a piece,don't suggest additions or changes.(当孩子完成一件作品时,不要建议添加或更改。)"可知,这里是在告诉父母们对孩子完成作品的正确评价。G选项'Just show your appreciation of the work.(只要表达你对作品的欣赏。)”符合题意,故选G。
    6.答案:1.A; 2.C; 3.B; 4.C; 5.D; 6.D; 7.B; 8.B; 9.A; 10.C; 11.C; 12.B; 13.B; 14.D; 15.B; 16.A; 17.D; 18.C; 19.B; 20.A
    解析:1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那时,我听说如果我吹法国号,我可以去任何我想去的大学。A.college大学;B.club俱乐部;C.team团队;D.class班级。根据下文第二段“getrecruited to any college Iwanted(被任何我想去的大学录取)”可知,此处知应是指可以去作者想去的任何大学。故选A项。
    2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我告诉了乐队老师我对法国号的新爱好,但是却以老师交给我一个小号结尾。A.basis基础;B.search搜索;C.love喜好;D.support支持。根据上文“Atthat time, I heard that if I played the French horn, I could go toany ___1___ Iwanted.”可知,作者得知吹法国号可以去任何想去的大学,说明作者应该是喜欢上了法国号,想吹法国号。故选C项。
    3.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我告诉了乐队老师我对法国号的新爱好,但是却以老师交给我一个小号结尾。A.got rid of除去,免除;B.ended up with以……结束;C.put up with忍受;D.made useof利用。根据上文“but”可知,设空处以上文是转折关系。作者告诉老师新爱好之后,老师不同意,而是交给作者一个小号,让作者从小号开始。故选B项。
    4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师建议我从简单的乐器开始。A.mix混合;B.vary变化;C.start开始;D.compare比较。根据上文“but”及下文“asimpler instrument”可知,老师应是建议作者先从简单的乐器开始,而不是从法国号开始。故选C项。
    5.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我吹了五年的小号,但是高中前就停止了,那时我想转到法国号,因为乐队和足球是有关联的,而足球将会是我大学的运动。A.or 或者;B.nor也不;C.thus这样,因此;D.but但是。根据上文“Iplayed trumpet for fiveyears”可知,作者吹小号已经5年了,此处应是转折关系,表示“但却在高中前就停止了”。故选D项。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我吹了五年的小号,但在高中前就停止了,那时我想转到法国号,因为乐队和足球是有关联的,而足球将会是我大学的运动。A.led通向、导致;B.agreed同意;C.referred参考;D.changed改变。根据下文“becausethe band would have ___7___ with soccer, which was going to be my college sport.”可知作者大学时的运动将会是足球,为了为大学做准备,作者应是选择改变为足球相关的法国号。故选D项。
    7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我吹了五年的小号,但在高中前就停止了,那时我想转到法国号,因为乐队和足球是有关联的,而足球将会是我大学的运动。A. conflicted 冲突;B.connected联系;C.begun开始;D.settled安定。根据上文“whenI would have ___6___to French horn”和下文的“SoI 8 theFrench horn for soccer”可知,作者想转学法国号,是因为它与足球相关。故选B项。
    8.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:所以为了足球我选择了法国号,二年级的时候加入了初中的球队。A.took up占据;B. picked up捡起,选择;C.fixed up修好;D.gave up放弃。根据下文“for soccer”可知作者为了足球应是选择与之相关的法国号。故选B项。
    9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,但我认为我进不了高三的校队,所以足球不能让我进大学。A.thought 思考,认为;B.required 要求;C.remembered记得;D.expected 期待。根据下文“Iwould never make the school team senior year”可知这是作者的一种猜测。故选A项。
    10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来我了解到,我可以成为一名划艇运动员,可以被任何我想要的大学录取。A.help帮助;B.visit拜访;C.become变成;D.train训练。根据下文“getrecruited to any college Iwanted”可知,设空处应是指通过成为一名划艇运动员而被任何一所想去的大学录取。故选C项。
    11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我放弃了足球,加入了划船队。A.observed观察;B.ignored忽略;C.joined参加;D.created创造。根据上文“Ilearned that I could ___10___ a rower and get recruited to anycollege I wanted.”可知作者得知可以通过成为划艇运动员进入大学,说明他应是加入了划艇队。故选C项。
    12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后,几所顶尖大学的教练对把我招进去感兴趣。A.successful成功的;B.interested有兴趣的;C.careful 细心的;D.skilled熟练的。根据上文“Igave up soccer and___11___ arowing crew.(我放弃了足球然后加入了划艇队)”可知,作者加入划艇队,应是引起大学的教练的注意,想把作者招了进去。故选B项。
    13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:让他们吃惊的是,我决定不对教练做出我不确定能否遵守的四年的承诺。A.delight高兴;B.surprise惊讶;C.relief减轻;D.admiration羡慕。根据下文“Idecided that I didn’t want to make a four-year commitment to a(n)___14___that I wasn’t sure I would keep.(我决定不对教练做出我不确定能否遵守的四年的承诺)”可知,作者并没有加入顶尖的皮划艇队,故此处应是指“让他们惊讶的是”。故选B项。
    14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:让他们吃惊的是,我决定不对教练做出我不确定能否遵守的四年的承诺。A.athlete运动员;B.judge裁判;C.partner搭档;D.coach教练。根据上文“severalcoaches at top colleges ”可知,此处应是指不对教练做出承诺。故选D项。
    15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:看起来似乎是我放弃了所有的大学的计划,但我得到的是很棒的高中经历。A.reasons理由;B.plans计划;C.dreams梦想;D.scholarships奖学金。根据上文“SoI didn’t use it to get into college.”可知,作者是放弃了之前为了进入大学所做的种种计划。故选B项。
    16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:看起来似乎是我放弃了所有的大学的计划,但我得到的是很棒的高中经历。A.experiences经历;B.scores成绩;C.evaluations 评估;D.ceremonies典礼。根据上文“but”可知,设空处与上文是转折关系,说明此处应是指作者却得到很好的高中的体验。故选A项。
    18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我高中时的爱好之一,成为EMI的志愿者,实际上也在继续,现在我仍然是我大学校园里的EMI,而这一直是我努力的方向。我想这就是我一直以来的目标。A.appeared 出现;B.paused停顿;C.continued继续;D.delayed延迟。根据下文“andtoday I am still an EMI on my collegecampus”可知,作者现在在大学仍然是EMI的志愿者,说明此处应是指作者高中时代的爱好之一(成为EMI的志愿者)仍然在继续。故选C项。
    19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我高中时的爱好之一,成为EMI的志愿者,实际上也在继续,现在我仍然是我大学校园里的EMI,而这一直是我努力的方向。A.escaping逃跑;B.heading朝某方向前进;C.staring盯着;D.waiting等待。根据上文“andtoday I am still an EMI on my collegecampus”可知,作者肯定作为志愿者的价值,应是会朝这个方向发展。故选B项。
    20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:高中不应该仅仅被看作是进入大学的入口,它应该是有自己的旅程。A.journey旅程;B.power力量;C.response反应;D.introduction介绍。根据上文“Highschool should not be viewed as just an entrance tocollege(高中不应该仅仅被看作是进入大学的入口)”可知,设空处应是与上文成转折关系,说明此处应是指高中应有自己的旅程,属于高中的精彩。故选A项。
    7.答案:1. for2. and3. its4. was declared5. natural6. creatures7. which/that8. attractive9. to visit10. highly
    【小题1】考查介词。句意:九赛沟位于中国西南部的四川省,以其蓝绿色的湖泊、美丽的瀑布、五彩缤纷的森林、雪峰和当地的藏族文化而闻名。be famous for"因......而闻名”,是固定短语,故填for。
    【小题4】考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:1992年,它被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产。根据时间状语1992”可知描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态,declare和主语之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,主语为it,是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填was declared。
    【小题6】考查名词。句意:你很可能还会看到鸟类、昆虫和鱼类等其他生物。creature为可数名词,根据下文“including birds, insects and fish"可知,此处用复数名词。故填creatures。
    【小题9】考查不定式。句意:去九寨沟旅游最舒适的气候是七月。形容词最高级修饰名词,后跟不定式作后置定语。故填to visit。
    ​   Here is good news for you a writing competition about “Chinese Dream” is by the Students’ Union. Everyone is welcome to take an part in the competition. You are required to a story about “Chinese Dream” within 400. We already invited four of our English teachers to be the judges. Of course, your hard work will pay off. The student who wins the prize will be given a set of famous ancient Chinese works. In a addition, your story will be filmed into a video. As for the deadline, are expected to hand your story before December 20.
    解析: 1.考查同位语从句。句意:这有一个好消息给你,学生会组织了一场关于“中国梦”的写作比赛。根据句意和句子结构可知,句子为同位语从句,“a writing competition about “Chinese Dream” is organizing by the Students’ Union”用来解释说明抽象名词news,故应用that引导从句,which不用于引导同位语从句。故将which改为that。
    3.考查形容词。句意:欢迎大家积极参加比赛。根据句意可知,句中涉及固定短语“take an active part in…”,意为“积极参加……”,part意为“部分”,名词词性,前面应用形容词修饰,actively意为“积极地”,副词词性,对应的形容词为active,意为“积极的”。故将actively改为active。
    4.考查固定短语。句意:你被要求写一篇400字以内的关于“中国梦”的故事。根据句意可知,句中涉及固定短语“sb. be required to do sth.”,意为“某人被要求做某事”, to后接动词原形,writing的原形为write,意为“写”,动词词性。故将writing改为write。
    7.考查数词。句意:赢得一等奖的学生将获得一套中国古代名著。根据句意和句中“the”可知,句中指的是“一等奖”,表示次序应用序数词,one对应的序数词为first,意为“第一”,“win the first prize”意为“赢得一等奖”。故将one改为first。
    8.考查固定短语。句意:此外,你的故事将被拍摄成视频。根据句意可知,句中涉及固定短语“in addition”,意为“另外,此外”,故句中a多余。故将a删除。
    10.考查固定短语。句意:至于截止日期,你应该在12月20日前上交你的故事。根据句意可知,句中涉及固定短语“hand in”,意为“上交”,句中指“上交你的故事”。故在hand后加in。
    Dear Sir or Madam,
        How’s everything going? I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union. On behalf of our school, I’d like to share the video of New Year’s Eve Party launched by our school with you.
        The party began with an English poetry reading, presented by both teachers and students. The following were singing, dancing, instrument performance and several skits. At last, our headmaster addressed a speech, wishing all of us a year filled with health and happiness. We shot this video to express our heartfelt New Year’s greeting to you.
        I would appreciate it very much if you could share with us how you’ll celebrate the coming New Year at your earliest convenience.
    Li Hua
    短剧:skit → short play
    发表演说: address→give
    原句:The party began with an English poetry reading, presented by both teachers and students.
    拓展句:The party began with an English poetry reading, which was presented by both teachers and students.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】On behalf of our school, I’d like to share the video of New Year’s Eve Party launched by our school with you.(运用了非谓语动词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】I would appreciate it very much if you could share with us how you’ll celebrate the coming New Year at your earliest convenience.(运用了条件状语从句和宾语从句)


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