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    这是一份2022年福建省厦门市同安一中滨海校区中考英语试卷(word版含答案),共39页。试卷主要包含了﹣ Hi, Jill等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.(1分)I want to go to________unusual place with friends for vacation.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the
    2.(1分)﹣ ________does May go to the shopping center,Kate?
    ﹣Never.As far as I know,she only shops online.(  )
    A.How often B.How far C.How long
    3.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Why do so many Canadian companies want him to work for them?
    ﹣﹣﹣He can speak both English and French.It's certainly his .(  )
    A.decision B.condition C.advantage
    4.(1分)________this question was difficult for most of the students,they didn't give up.(  )
    A.If B.Although C.Since
    5.(1分)﹣ Our teacher advised us to read English articles or communicate with others in English every day.
    ﹣ Yes.________of them are helpful for our spoken English.(  )
    A.Neither B.Either C.Both
    6.(1分)﹣ Tom, it smells so terrible here.
    ﹣ Sorry, mum. I will my socks and wash them right away.(  )
    A.put off B.take off C.turn off D.cut off
    7.(1分)If you want to get a better grade in math,you should correct your mistakes________and learn from them.(  )
    A.in time B.by mistake C.at first
    8.(1分)—This wooden dragon is so lively.How did you make it?
    —I carved it ________ these knives.(  )
    A.with B.by C.in
    9.(1分)﹣ Look at the "No Fishing" sign.You________fish here,
    ﹣ Sorry,I won't do it anymore.(  )
    A.won't B.mustn't C.needn't
    10.(1分)﹣ Hi, Jill. I'd like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.
    ﹣Really? Make sure the news is true before you it.(  )
    A.receive B.spread C.cancel D.hear
    11.(1分)Over 40 papers________by Chinese scientists in the past,based on the data collected by FAST (中国天眼).(  )
    A.wrote B.are written
    C.were written
    12.(1分)Chinese researchers________so hard in the past few months and finally created an AI model that can tell COVID﹣19 from other diseases.(  )
    A.worked B.have worked
    C.will work
    13.(1分)He often helps us,especially during the hard time.So we should be________him.(  )
    A.strict with B.thankful to
    C.thirsty for
    14.(1分)Nowadays,Gu Ailing seems to be the most popular idol in China________helps people develop the hobby of skiing.(  )
    A.who B.where C.which
    15.(1分)﹣ Could you tell me________?
    ﹣ Oh,I bought it on the Internet.(  )
    A.how you got this novel
    B.what you bought last Sunday
    C.where did you buy this novel
    16.(15分)When Sammie Vance was eight,she learned about Buddy Benches from a video.The video showed the way these benches are (1)    on playgrounds. "If somebody is (2)
     they can sit on the bench," Sammie explains. "Another person can(3)   them and invite them to play."
    Sammie thought her school could use a Buddy Bench and provide a place for those (4)   ,so she and her mom set up a meeting with the headmaster.They learned of a local company that recycles plastic bottle caps into benches.Sammie liked the idea of a Buddy Bench that would help(5)    and the environment.Her headmaster liked the idea,too.
    Sammie created a comic (漫画) that showed (6)   a Buddy Bench works.She and her mom posted it on social media to ask friends and family to save caps.They also took the (7)   to local businesses to ask for their help.
    As word spread,collection bins at school and around the community were filled up (8)
       I got caps from 50 states in two months," she says.She needed 400 pounds of caps to make one bench.The project (9)   more than 1,200 pounds!
    After reaching the goal,Sammie set a new one﹣"Buddy Benches everywhere"!So far,she has had (10)   caps to donate (捐赠) 100 benches to schools and organizations in 12 states.She continues to collect caps to share with kids working toward their own Buddy Benches.

    (3)A.take care of
    B.come up to
    C.look down upon
    (4)A.in total
    B.in danger
    C.in need
    IV.阅读理解(共两节,满分45 分)
    第一节阅读以下A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给A. B. C. D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 (每小题2 分,满分40分)
    Violin Club
    ★One﹣to﹣one training with experienced teachers and convenient transportation on Sat& Sun from 4:00 pm.to 6:00 pm.(150 yuan per hour)
    ★Violin offered for free
    ★Tel:312﹣ 9997
    ★Add:318 RenMin Road
    Volunteer Club
    Maybe you want to help others but don't know how to do it.Then Volunteer Club will help you.Here you will get the best idea of volunteering and receive friendship.
    ★Email address:Lisa@hot﹣mail.com
    Red Bird Club
    Do you like dancing?Do you want to show off your cool dance at parties?Join us and make your dream come true.
    ★Closed on weekends
    Sunny Club
    ★For teenagers:16:00﹣18:00
    ★200 yuan a month (no less than 3 months,with a whole sale of 10% off)
    ★Add:Ninth Road
    ★All native(出生地的) English﹣speaking teachers,English songs,films and more.
    (1)This text is written to    .
    A.give a travel guide
    B.issue (发布) a notice
    C.give a report
    D.place an advertisement
    (2)How much should you pay for a two﹣hour training in Violin Club?    
    A.150 yuan.
    B.300 yuan.
    C.200 yuan.
    D.400 yuan.
    (3)If you want to help the old but you don't know how to do it you can call    .
    C.822 ﹣3331
    (4)If you want to practice English with foreign people,you can join    .
    A.Violin Club
    B.Volunteer Club
    C.Red Bird Club
    D.Sunny Club
    (5)Which of the following is TRUE about the clubs?    
    A.Red Bird Club teaches teens about birds.
    B.You can email to Violin Club to ask for more information.
    C.Teens don't need to bring violins themselves in Violin Club.
    D.Some teachers in Sunny Club are Chinese.
    18.(10分)Bilibili is widely seen as a place for young people,as most uploaders (上传者) and audiences (观众) are very young.However,Jiang Minci,89,has quickly become very famous in this young and fashionable place.She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers.She wins greetings and respect from users of her grandson's age.
    "Young people are spending their time on Bilibili and I want to be an uploader,too." said Jiang,who called herself Minci Bu Loo on Bilbili.
    To finish her autobiography (自传) through videos,the grandma became an uploader with the help of the grandson in April,2020.Jiang tolls stories of her marriage,family and wartime history before 1949.Her voice shakes because of her age,but people greet the grandma with warm words and patience.
    In one of her popular videos,Jiang talks about her special experience:She got away from an awful marriage at an early ago and then left home to continue her studies.Jiang once said, "Whether they are married or not,women shouldn't depend on others and they should have their own jobs and lives."
    Before making a video,Jiang will spend time preparing notes and discussing many little things with her family.She still depends on her grandson to do a lot of things,but she said, "I hope one day I can do it all by myself just like the young."

    (1)Jiang has been an uploader    .
    A.since 1949
    B.for one year
    C.since her early age
    D.for less than two years
    (2)Which is true about Jiang's life when she was young?    
    A.She had a good job.
    B.She bad a perfect marriage.
    C.She ran away from her school.
    D.She was independent and loved to study.
    (3)What does Jiang want to do in the future?    
    A.She wants to teach her grandson.
    B.She wants to have more followers.
    C.She wants to make and upload videos by herself.
    D.She wants to help other people to make and upload videos.
    (4)What can we know about Jiang from this passage?    
    A.She likes to tell stories of her present life.
    B.She is popular for her unusual life experience and age.
    C.She only wins greetings and respect from users of her age.
    D.She makes her videos without any preparation or discussion.
    (5)What would be the best title for this passage?    
    A.A Special Uploader
    B.A Famous App﹣ Bilibili
    C.A Helpful Grandson
    D.Warm﹣Hearted Audiences
    19.(10分)Here comes 2022,the Year of the Tiger!For Chinese people,the tiger is the king of all the animals.So in Chinese culture,tigers stand for being brave,strong and powerful!That's why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses.They are to protect these places from disasters end danger.
    In ancient times,some great generals were called the "tiger generals".Normally,generals would be given a tier﹣shaped piece called hufu to send soldiers.Tigers also have a place in the lives of Chinese people.Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes which are made in the shape of a tiger's head.Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers.People make cloth tigers during Dragon Boat Festival.It is said that the "tigers" could "eat up" the bad animals and keep illness away.In some parts of China,people make tiger shaped buns (馍) when the new year comes.
    Westerners also consider tigers as a symbol of Asia.Singapore,South Korea,China's Hong Kong and Taiwan﹣were called "The Four Asian Tigers".In the book Life of PI,the Canadian writer chose a tiger as the partner for Indian boy Pi on his adventure.French fashion brand (品牌) KENZO takes the tiger as its main pattern when it tries to show Eastern elements.
    Tigers are my favorite animals.If you ask my mom,she'll tell you that my best﹣loved toy while growing up was my toy tiger,which I still treasure dearly to this day.As a young animal lover,I felt so sad that they were endangered and I wanted to help protect then.

    (1)Why do Chinese people paint tigers on the walls of temples and houses?    
    A.To make their buildings beautiful.
    B.To show their love to tigers.
    C.To better get away from disasters and danger.
    D.To celebrate the Year of the Tiger.
    (2)What will people do to wish their children strong?    
    A.Give them a tiger﹣shaped piece called hufu.
    B.Dress them with tiger hats and shoes.
    C.Make cloth tigers during Festivals.
    D.Make tiger ﹣shaped buns for them.
    (3)What can you infer (推断) from Paragraph 3?    
    A.Tigers are important in Asian culture.
    B.Tigers are popular all around the world.
    C.Life of Pi is a book about Asian tigers.
    D.Tigers mostly live in Eastern countries.
    (4)What will the writer most probably talk about next?    
    A.Traditions about tigers in the West.
    B.Introductions of endangered animals.
    C.The importance of protecting tigers.
    D.Celebrations of the Chinese New Year.
    (5)In which part of the newspaper can we read this article?    
    20.(10分)Have you ever splashed (溅洒) water onto your shirt right before an important event?Usually,clothes become darker in color when they get wet.It will certainly be nice if the water doesn't change the color of the clothes so much.But sadly,this isn't how things work.So why do clothes often appear darker when they get wet?
    Before understanding this question,we should first take a quick look at how we "see" colors.Take a red shirt as an example.When it's hit by the light from the sun,it will absorb (吸收) different wavelengths (波长) of light,except for the red light wavelength.The red Tight wavelength is reflected (反射) to our eyes.That is why the shirt appears red to us.
    Now let's return to the wet shirt,When the light hits a wet shirt,it has to pass through the water on the shirt.The light that should be reflected by the shirt is reabsorbed by the water.This means less light will be sent to our eyes.As a result,the shirt looks "darker".
    But remember,sometimes a wet shirt can seem brighter when viewed from a certain angle (角度).The surface of shirt is usually rough.Adding water to it makes it smoother.A smooth surface reflects light in a different way from a rough surface.Thus,you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain angle.So basically,a wet shirt will be darker than a dry one,but it can also appear more "shiny" at times.

    (1)According to the text,how do we see the colors?    
    (2)What will happen after the light passes through the water on the shirt?    
    A.More light will be sent to our eyes.
    B.Certain light will be reabsorbed by the water.
    C.The water on the shit will be absorbed.
    D.The light reflected by the water will be less.
    (3)What can we know from the last paragraph?    
    A.People can make their shirts rougher by adding water to them.
    B.The light a smooth surface reflects is different from that a rough surface reflects.
    C.We cannot see a small and bright reflection of the light from different angles.
    D.It is unusual to see a wet shirt is darker than a dry one in our daily life.
    (4)What does the underlined word "rough" in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese?    
    (5)What's the purpose of the text?    
    A.To show us how the red light wavelength is reflected to our eyes.
    B.To explain why clothes often appear darker when they get wet.
    C.To tell us why clothes often appear more "shiny".
    D.To warm us against splashing water onto the shirts before an event.
    第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共五小题, 每小题5分,共5分)
    21.(5分)The material we call "chalk" is used to write something on the blackboard. (1)   It bad its history about millions of years.And the material came from ocean.When the oceans were rising higher and higher,the ocean water would cover most of the earth's lands.Then some materials under the sea came into being,including chalk.
    (2)   They were so small that you could not have seen them.These small animals had shells (贝壳) made of the Ca (钙).When these animals died,their shells fell to the bottom of the oceans.After thousands of years there were many shells on the ocean floor.
    As more and more of the tiny shells pressed down from the top,those on the bottom gradually became harder and began to stick together. (3)   It is the main part of the rock known as "limestone (石灰岩)".
    Many millions of years passed after the first chalk was made.The earth's surface changed its shape,and the land and sea developed new coastlines (海岸线) . (4)   
    However,the chalk that you now use in classroom is not a piece dug from those places. (5)   So next time you use a piece of chalk,please think about the history of it.

    A.This left much chalk on the dry land.
    B.In those oceans lived billions of tiny animals.
    C.Finally the shells changed into a special thing.
    D.But do you know about the process of its development?
    E.It is made in factories by mixing several other materials together.

    Peter,    .
    Could you please tell me    ?
       ? .



    30.(2分)there be,front    


    VII.短文填词阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。(共1小题: 每小题10分,满分10分)
    32.(10分)Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot ( 吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.The design was (1)    (choose) from 5,816 works from 38 areas.Cao Xue,the man designer of Bing Dwen Dwen,said the idea first came from the (2)___   (tradition) Chinese snack bingtanghulu ﹣﹣﹣ the syrup (糖浆) coat later turned (3)
       an ice shell(壳).
    (4)   ,a simple snack couldn't stand for a country by itself.Cao's team (5)__   (try) many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda. "We don't need to explain anything to make it understood across different cultures,because the panda is the (6)___    ( /'sɪmb(ə)l/) of China," said Cao.Bing Dwen Dwen waves its left hand to say (7)_    (/hə'ləʊ/) to the world.The two red hearts on its hands show (8)    (kind) and love.The colored lines around its head are known (9)   the"Ice Ribbon"(冰丝带).They refer to (代表) Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval (场馆) .The colorful lines also refer to fast 5 G signals.
    Bing Dwen Dwen wears a full﹣body "shell" made of ice.It looks like an astronaut in a space suit,which (10)   (/kə'nekt/) winter sports with modern technology.
    Tomb Sweeping Day

    plans & reasons


    Dear Tom,
    I'm glad to share my holiday plans with you.___________
    Li Hua

    1.(1分)I want to go to________unusual place with friends for vacation.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the
    2.(1分)﹣ ________does May go to the shopping center,Kate?
    ﹣Never.As far as I know,she only shops online.(  )
    A.How often B.How far C.How long
    【解答】A.How often多久一次,提问频率;B.How far多远,提问距离;C.How long多久,提问时段;根据题干Never.可知问的是频率。
    3.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Why do so many Canadian companies want him to work for them?
    ﹣﹣﹣He can speak both English and French.It's certainly his .(  )
    A.decision B.condition C.advantage
    【解答】A. decision决定 B. condition条件 C. advantage 优势.根据He can speak both English and French,可知他既会说英语又会说法语.这是他的优势.
    4.(1分)________this question was difficult for most of the students,they didn't give up.(  )
    A.If B.Although C.Since
    5.(1分)﹣ Our teacher advised us to read English articles or communicate with others in English every day.
    ﹣ Yes.________of them are helpful for our spoken English.(  )
    A.Neither B.Either C.Both
    6.(1分)﹣ Tom, it smells so terrible here.
    ﹣ Sorry, mum. I will my socks and wash them right away.(  )
    A.put off B.take off C.turn off D.cut off
    【解答】put off推迟;take off脱掉;turn off关上;cut off切除.根据前句句意"汤姆,这里很难闻"和语法可知,后句句意为"对不起,妈妈.我要脱掉袜子,马上洗",填"脱掉",其它选项语意不通.
    7.(1分)If you want to get a better grade in math,you should correct your mistakes________and learn from them.(  )
    A.in time B.by mistake C.at first
    【解答】in time及时,by mistake错误地,at first起初,开始,根据前面you should correct your mistakes以及后面learn from them.可知,此处指的是"你应该及时改正错误并从中吸取教训"。
    8.(1分)—This wooden dragon is so lively.How did you make it?
    —I carved it ________ these knives.(  )
    A.with B.by C.in
    【解答】A.with使用 B.by被 C.in在里面。根据I carved it ________ these knives,可知是指:我用这些刀刻的。with表示使用具体的工具。
    9.(1分)﹣ Look at the "No Fishing" sign.You________fish here,
    ﹣ Sorry,I won't do it anymore.(  )
    A.won't B.mustn't C.needn't
    【解答】won't不会;mustn't禁止、绝对不能;needn't不必。根据No Fishing"禁止钓鱼"可知,你"不能"在这里钓鱼。填mustn't。
    10.(1分)﹣ Hi, Jill. I'd like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.
    ﹣Really? Make sure the news is true before you it.(  )
    A.receive B.spread C.cancel D.hear
    11.(1分)Over 40 papers________by Chinese scientists in the past,based on the data collected by FAST (中国天眼).(  )
    A.wrote B.are written
    C.were written
    【分析】在过去,中国科学家根据 FAST 收集的数据撰写了40多篇论文。
    【解答】根据in the past可知句子时态为一般过去时态;此题的主语是Over 40 papers,和动词write之间是被动关系,故此题为一般过去时态的被动语态,其构成是:was/were+过去分词。
    12.(1分)Chinese researchers________so hard in the past few months and finally created an AI model that can tell COVID﹣19 from other diseases.(  )
    A.worked B.have worked
    C.will work
    【解答】worked过去式;have worked现在完成时;will work一般将来时。根据时间状语" in the past few months ",可知中国研究人员在过去的几个月里一直工作那么努力,因此句子应用现在完成时。
    13.(1分)He often helps us,especially during the hard time.So we should be________him.(  )
    A.strict with B.thankful to
    C.thirsty for
    【解答】be strict with对......严格;be thankful to感谢;be thirsty for渴望;根据句意,他经常帮助我们,尤其是在艰难的时候,可知我们应该感谢他。
    14.(1分)Nowadays,Gu Ailing seems to be the most popular idol in China________helps people develop the hobby of skiing.(  )
    A.who B.where C.which
    【解答】题干包含一个定语从句。先行词是Gu Ailing ,空格上应填一个代替先行词且在从句中作主语的关系代词。who在引导的定语从句中作主语或宾语,指代人;where在引导的定语从句中作状语;which在引导定语从句中作主语或宾语,指代物。因此本题正确答案是A。
    15.(1分)﹣ Could you tell me________?
    ﹣ Oh,I bought it on the Internet.(  )
    A.how you got this novel
    B.what you bought last Sunday
    C.where did you buy this novel
    16.(15分)When Sammie Vance was eight,she learned about Buddy Benches from a video.The video showed the way these benches are (1) A  on playgrounds. "If somebody is (2) B they can sit on the bench," Sammie explains. "Another person can(3) B them and invite them to play."
    Sammie thought her school could use a Buddy Bench and provide a place for those (4) C ,so she and her mom set up a meeting with the headmaster.They learned of a local company that recycles plastic bottle caps into benches.Sammie liked the idea of a Buddy Bench that would help(5) C  and the environment.Her headmaster liked the idea,too.
    Sammie created a comic (漫画) that showed (6) B a Buddy Bench works.She and her mom posted it on social media to ask friends and family to save caps.They also took the (7) C to local businesses to ask for their help.
    As word spread,collection bins at school and around the community were filled up (8) B I got caps from 50 states in two months," she says.She needed 400 pounds of caps to make one bench.The project (9) A more than 1,200 pounds!
    After reaching the goal,Sammie set a new one﹣"Buddy Benches everywhere"!So far,she has had (10) B caps to donate (捐赠) 100 benches to schools and organizations in 12 states.She continues to collect caps to share with kids working toward their own Buddy Benches.

    (3)A.take care of
    B.come up to
    C.look down upon
    (4)A.in total
    B.in danger
    C.in need
    【解答】(1)动词辨析。used使用;sold卖;taken拿走。根据下文"If somebody is...invite them to play."(如果某个人...邀请他们玩)可知,此处指的是伙伴长凳的用法。句意:该视频展示了这些长凳在操场上的使用方式。故选A。
    (2)形容词辨析。happy开心的;lonely孤独的;angry生气的。根据下文"Another person...invite them to play."(另一个人...邀请他们玩)可知,此处指觉得孤独了可以坐在长凳上,别人看见了会邀请他们一起玩。句意:如果有人觉得孤独,就可以坐在长凳上。故选B。
    (3)动词短语辨析。take care of照顾;come up to走近;look down upon看不起。根据"and invite them to play"(邀请他们玩)可知,此处指的是走过来邀请他们一起玩。句意:另一个人会走过来邀请他们一起玩。故选B。
    (4)短语辨析。in doubt可怀疑的;in danger在危险中;in need需要。根据语境可知,此处指给那些有需要的人提供地方。句意:Sammie认为她的学校可以使用伙伴长凳,为那些有需要的人提供一个地方。故选C。
    (6)宾语从句连词辨析。that作宾语引导词时没有具体意义;how如何;what什么。根据"showed...a Buddy Bench works"(展示伙伴长凳...工作的)可知,此处指的是伙伴长凳是如何工作的。句意:Sammie创造了一本漫画,展示伙伴长凳是如何工作的。故选B。
    (7)名词辨析。stamp邮票;postcard明信片;picture图片。根据上文"Sammie created a comic(漫画)"(Sammie创作了一本漫画)可知,此处指的是Sammie画的漫画,也就是图片。句意:他们也把图片带去当地商店,寻求他们的帮助。故选C。
    (8)副词辨析。politely有礼貌地;quickly快速地;lightly轻轻地。根据下文"I got caps from 50 states in two months"(我在2个月内得到了50个州的瓶盖)可知,收集瓶盖的速度很快。句意:随着消息传开,学校和附近社区的收集箱很快就装满了。故选B。
    (9)动词辨析。collected收集;borrowed借;created创造。根据上文"collection bins at school and around the community were filled up"(学校和附近社区的收集箱很快就装满了)可知,他们是在收集瓶盖。句意:这个项目募集了1200多英镑。故选A。
    (10)形容词辨析。few很少;enough足够的;good好的。根据"she has had...caps to donate(捐赠) 100 benches to schools and organizations in 12 states"(她已经有...瓶盖,捐赠了100张长凳给12个州的学校和机构)可知,此处指的是足够的瓶盖,才能捐出100张长凳。句意:目前,她已经有足够的瓶盖,捐赠了100张长凳给12个州的学校和机构。故选B。
    IV.阅读理解(共两节,满分45 分)
    第一节阅读以下A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给A. B. C. D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 (每小题2 分,满分40分)
    Violin Club
    ★One﹣to﹣one training with experienced teachers and convenient transportation on Sat& Sun from 4:00 pm.to 6:00 pm.(150 yuan per hour)
    ★Violin offered for free
    ★Tel:312﹣ 9997
    ★Add:318 RenMin Road
    Volunteer Club
    Maybe you want to help others but don't know how to do it.Then Volunteer Club will help you.Here you will get the best idea of volunteering and receive friendship.
    ★Email address:Lisa@hot﹣mail.com
    Red Bird Club
    Do you like dancing?Do you want to show off your cool dance at parties?Join us and make your dream come true.
    ★Closed on weekends
    Sunny Club
    ★For teenagers:16:00﹣18:00
    ★200 yuan a month (no less than 3 months,with a whole sale of 10% off)
    ★Add:Ninth Road
    ★All native(出生地的) English﹣speaking teachers,English songs,films and more.
    (1)This text is written to  D .
    A.give a travel guide
    B.issue (发布) a notice
    C.give a report
    D.place an advertisement
    (2)How much should you pay for a two﹣hour training in Violin Club?  B 
    A.150 yuan.
    B.300 yuan.
    C.200 yuan.
    D.400 yuan.
    (3)If you want to help the old but you don't know how to do it you can call  B .
    C.822 ﹣3331
    (4)If you want to practice English with foreign people,you can join  D .
    A.Violin Club
    B.Volunteer Club
    C.Red Bird Club
    D.Sunny Club
    (5)Which of the following is TRUE about the clubs?  C 
    A.Red Bird Club teaches teens about birds.
    B.You can email to Violin Club to ask for more information.
    C.Teens don't need to bring violins themselves in Violin Club.
    D.Some teachers in Sunny Club are Chinese.
    (2)推理判断题。根据Violin Club中150 yuan per hour(每小时150元)可知,在小提琴俱乐部接受两个小时的培训需要300元。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Volunteer Club中Maybe you want to help others but don't know how to do it.Then Volunteer club will help you.(也许你想帮助别人,但不知道如何去做。然后志愿者俱乐部将帮助你。)以及★Tel:822﹣5566可知,如果你想帮助老人,但你不知道怎么做,你可以拨打822﹣5566。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据Sunny Club中All native(出生地的)English﹣speaking teachers,English songs,films and more.(所有以英语为母语的教师,英语歌曲,电影等等。)可知,如果你想和外国人练习英语,你可以加入阳光俱乐部。故选D。
    (5)细节判断题。根据Violin offered for free.(免费提供小提琴。)可知,在小提琴俱乐部,青少年不需要自己带小提琴。故选C。
    18.(10分)Bilibili is widely seen as a place for young people,as most uploaders (上传者) and audiences (观众) are very young.However,Jiang Minci,89,has quickly become very famous in this young and fashionable place.She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers.She wins greetings and respect from users of her grandson's age.
    "Young people are spending their time on Bilibili and I want to be an uploader,too." said Jiang,who called herself Minci Bu Loo on Bilbili.
    To finish her autobiography (自传) through videos,the grandma became an uploader with the help of the grandson in April,2020.Jiang tolls stories of her marriage,family and wartime history before 1949.Her voice shakes because of her age,but people greet the grandma with warm words and patience.
    In one of her popular videos,Jiang talks about her special experience:She got away from an awful marriage at an early ago and then left home to continue her studies.Jiang once said, "Whether they are married or not,women shouldn't depend on others and they should have their own jobs and lives."
    Before making a video,Jiang will spend time preparing notes and discussing many little things with her family.She still depends on her grandson to do a lot of things,but she said, "I hope one day I can do it all by myself just like the young."

    (1)Jiang has been an uploader  B .
    A.since 1949
    B.for one year
    C.since her early age
    D.for less than two years
    (2)Which is true about Jiang's life when she was young?  D 
    A.She had a good job.
    B.She bad a perfect marriage.
    C.She ran away from her school.
    D.She was independent and loved to study.
    (3)What does Jiang want to do in the future?  C 
    A.She wants to teach her grandson.
    B.She wants to have more followers.
    C.She wants to make and upload videos by herself.
    D.She wants to help other people to make and upload videos.
    (4)What can we know about Jiang from this passage?  B 
    A.She likes to tell stories of her present life.
    B.She is popular for her unusual life experience and age.
    C.She only wins greetings and respect from users of her age.
    D.She makes her videos without any preparation or discussion.
    (5)What would be the best title for this passage?  A 
    A.A Special Uploader
    B.A Famous App﹣ Bilibili
    C.A Helpful Grandson
    D.Warm﹣Hearted Audiences
    【解答】(1)细节判断题。根据To finish her autobiography (自传) through videos,the grandma became an uploader with the help of the grandson in April,2020.(为了通过视频完成她的自传,奶奶在孙子的帮助下于2020年4月成为上传者。)可知江已经上传了一年了,故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据She got away from an awful marriage at an early ago and then left home to continue her studies.Jiang once said, "Whether they are married or not,women shouldn't depend on others and they should have their own jobs and lives."(一年前,她从糟糕的婚姻中解脱出来,然后离开家继续学习。江泽民曾说:"无论已婚与否,女性都不应该依赖他人,她们应该有自己的工作和生活。")可推断她年轻时很独立,喜欢学习,故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据but she said, "I hope one day I can do it all by myself just like the young."(但她说:"我希望有一天我能像年轻人一样独自完成这一切。")可知她想自己制作和上传视频,故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers.She wins greetings and respect from users of her grandson's age.(她比Bilibili上的任何其他上传者都年长,拥有超过30万粉丝。她赢得了孙辈年龄段用户的问候和尊重。)可知因为她特殊的经历和龄而深受上传者和观众们的喜爱,故选B。
    (5)题目归纳题。根据However,Jiang Minci,89,has quickly become very famous in this young and fashionable place.She is older than any other uploader on Bilibili and has over 300,000 followers.She wins greetings and respect from users of her grandson's age.(然而,89岁的蒋敏慈在这个年轻时尚的地方很快变得非常有名。她比Bilibili上的任何其他上传者都年长,拥有超过30万粉丝。她赢得了孙辈年龄段用户的问候和尊重。)结合内容可知文章主要讲了一个特殊的上传者﹣﹣﹣89岁的蒋敏慈。所以这篇文章最好的标题是一个特殊的上传者。故选A。
    19.(10分)Here comes 2022,the Year of the Tiger!For Chinese people,the tiger is the king of all the animals.So in Chinese culture,tigers stand for being brave,strong and powerful!That's why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses.They are to protect these places from disasters end danger.
    In ancient times,some great generals were called the "tiger generals".Normally,generals would be given a tier﹣shaped piece called hufu to send soldiers.Tigers also have a place in the lives of Chinese people.Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes which are made in the shape of a tiger's head.Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers.People make cloth tigers during Dragon Boat Festival.It is said that the "tigers" could "eat up" the bad animals and keep illness away.In some parts of China,people make tiger shaped buns (馍) when the new year comes.
    Westerners also consider tigers as a symbol of Asia.Singapore,South Korea,China's Hong Kong and Taiwan﹣were called "The Four Asian Tigers".In the book Life of PI,the Canadian writer chose a tiger as the partner for Indian boy Pi on his adventure.French fashion brand (品牌) KENZO takes the tiger as its main pattern when it tries to show Eastern elements.
    Tigers are my favorite animals.If you ask my mom,she'll tell you that my best﹣loved toy while growing up was my toy tiger,which I still treasure dearly to this day.As a young animal lover,I felt so sad that they were endangered and I wanted to help protect then.

    (1)Why do Chinese people paint tigers on the walls of temples and houses?  C 
    A.To make their buildings beautiful.
    B.To show their love to tigers.
    C.To better get away from disasters and danger.
    D.To celebrate the Year of the Tiger.
    (2)What will people do to wish their children strong?  B 
    A.Give them a tiger﹣shaped piece called hufu.
    B.Dress them with tiger hats and shoes.
    C.Make cloth tigers during Festivals.
    D.Make tiger ﹣shaped buns for them.
    (3)What can you infer (推断) from Paragraph 3?  A 
    A.Tigers are important in Asian culture.
    B.Tigers are popular all around the world.
    C.Life of Pi is a book about Asian tigers.
    D.Tigers mostly live in Eastern countries.
    (4)What will the writer most probably talk about next?  C 
    A.Traditions about tigers in the West.
    B.Introductions of endangered animals.
    C.The importance of protecting tigers.
    D.Celebrations of the Chinese New Year.
    (5)In which part of the newspaper can we read this article?  D 
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段That's why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses .They are to protect these places from disasters end danger.(这就是为什么在中国,你可以在寺庙和房屋的墙上看到老虎的照片。他们要保护这些地方免受灾难和危险。)可知中国人在寺庙和房屋的水井上画老虎是为了更好地远离灾难和危险。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes which are made in the shape of a tigers head .Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers .(中国婴儿经常戴虎头形状的虎帽和虎鞋。父母希望他们的孩子能像小虎一样强壮。)可知,人们会给他们戴上老虎帽和老虎鞋,来希望他们的孩子坚强。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段Westerners also consider tigers as a symbol of Asia .Singapore ,South Korea ,China's Hong Kong and Taiwan ﹣were once called " The Four Asian Tigers ".In the book Life of Pi ,the Canadian writer chose a tiger as the partner for the Indian boy Pi on his dangerous journey .French fashion brand KENZO takes the tiger as its main pattern when it tries to show Eastern features .(西方人也认为老虎是亚洲的象征。新加坡、韩国、中国的香港和台湾一度被称为"四亚洲虎"。在《皮的一生》一书中,加拿大作家选择了一只老虎作为印度男孩皮危险旅程的伴侣。法国时装品牌 KENZO 在展示东方特色时,以老虎为主要图案。)可知,此处举例子说明老虎不仅在中国,甚至整个亚洲都有很重要的文化意义。比如:加拿大作家的书、法国的时尚品牌都有老虎的元素出现。所以从第3段你能推断出老虎在亚洲文化中很重要。故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段As a young animal lover ,I felt so sad that they were in danger and I w anted to help protect them .(作为一个热爱动物的年轻人,我感到非常悲伤,因为它们处于危险之中,我想帮助保护它们。)可知,老虎现在濒临灭绝,作者热爱动物,想要保护它们,由此可推断下文会继续讨论保护老虎的重要性。故选C。
    (5)文章出处题。根据全文尤其第一段For Chinese people,the tiger is the king of all the animals.So in Chinese culture,tigers stand for being brave,strong and powerful!(对中国人来说,老虎是所有动物之王。所以在中国文化中,老虎代表勇敢、强壮和强大!)可知全文讲了虎文化。故可以在报纸上的文化栏看到本篇文章。故选D。
    20.(10分)Have you ever splashed (溅洒) water onto your shirt right before an important event?Usually,clothes become darker in color when they get wet.It will certainly be nice if the water doesn't change the color of the clothes so much.But sadly,this isn't how things work.So why do clothes often appear darker when they get wet?
    Before understanding this question,we should first take a quick look at how we "see" colors.Take a red shirt as an example.When it's hit by the light from the sun,it will absorb (吸收) different wavelengths (波长) of light,except for the red light wavelength.The red Tight wavelength is reflected (反射) to our eyes.That is why the shirt appears red to us.
    Now let's return to the wet shirt,When the light hits a wet shirt,it has to pass through the water on the shirt.The light that should be reflected by the shirt is reabsorbed by the water.This means less light will be sent to our eyes.As a result,the shirt looks "darker".
    But remember,sometimes a wet shirt can seem brighter when viewed from a certain angle (角度).The surface of shirt is usually rough.Adding water to it makes it smoother.A smooth surface reflects light in a different way from a rough surface.Thus,you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain angle.So basically,a wet shirt will be darker than a dry one,but it can also appear more "shiny" at times.

    (1)According to the text,how do we see the colors?  D 
    (2)What will happen after the light passes through the water on the shirt?  B 
    A.More light will be sent to our eyes.
    B.Certain light will be reabsorbed by the water.
    C.The water on the shit will be absorbed.
    D.The light reflected by the water will be less.
    (3)What can we know from the last paragraph?  B 
    A.People can make their shirts rougher by adding water to them.
    B.The light a smooth surface reflects is different from that a rough surface reflects.
    C.We cannot see a small and bright reflection of the light from different angles.
    D.It is unusual to see a wet shirt is darker than a dry one in our daily life.
    (4)What does the underlined word "rough" in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese?  C 
    (5)What's the purpose of the text?  B 
    A.To show us how the red light wavelength is reflected to our eyes.
    B.To explain why clothes often appear darker when they get wet.
    C.To tell us why clothes often appear more "shiny".
    D.To warm us against splashing water onto the shirts before an event.
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段When it's hit by the light from the sun,it will absorb (吸收) different wavelengths (波长) of light,except for the red light wavelength.The red Tight wavelength is reflected (反射) to our eyes.That is why the shirt appears red to us.(当它被太阳光击中时,它会吸收不同波长的光,除了红光波长。红色的波长会反射到我们的眼睛上。这就是为什么我们觉得这件衬衫是红色的。)可知,红色波长反射到我们眼中,我们看到的物体就是红色的,这也就意味着我们看到的颜色是由反射到我们眼中的波长决定的,D项是反射示意图。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段The light that should be reflected by the shirt is re﹣absorbed by the water.(应该被衬衫反射的光线被水重新吸收。)可推知,当光线经过衬衫上的水时,应该被衬衫反射的光重新吸收了。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段A smooth surface reflects light in a different way from a rough surface.(光滑表面反射光线的方式与粗糙表面不同。)可知,光滑表面与粗糙表面反射光线的方式不同。故选B。
    (4)词义猜测题。根据第四段Adding water toit makes it smoother.A smooth surface reflects light in a different way from a rough surface.(加水可以使它更光滑。光滑表面反射光线的方式与粗糙表面不同。)可猜测出,前句"衬衫的表面通常很粗糙"下划线单词"rough"的意思与smooth相反,应为"粗糙的"。故选C。
    (5)目的意图题。通读全文,尤其是第一段最后一句So why do clothes often appear darker when they get wet?(那么为什么衣服湿了之后颜色会变深呢?)可知,本文解释为什么衣服湿了会显得更深。故选B。
    第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共五小题, 每小题5分,共5分)
    21.(5分)The material we call "chalk" is used to write something on the blackboard. (1) D It bad its history about millions of years.And the material came from ocean.When the oceans were rising higher and higher,the ocean water would cover most of the earth's lands.Then some materials under the sea came into being,including chalk.
    (2) B They were so small that you could not have seen them.These small animals had shells (贝壳) made of the Ca (钙).When these animals died,their shells fell to the bottom of the oceans.After thousands of years there were many shells on the ocean floor.
    As more and more of the tiny shells pressed down from the top,those on the bottom gradually became harder and began to stick together. (3) C It is the main part of the rock known as "limestone (石灰岩)".
    Many millions of years passed after the first chalk was made.The earth's surface changed its shape,and the land and sea developed new coastlines (海岸线) . (4) A 
    However,the chalk that you now use in classroom is not a piece dug from those places. (5) E So next time you use a piece of chalk,please think about the history of it.

    A.This left much chalk on the dry land.
    B.In those oceans lived billions of tiny animals.
    C.Finally the shells changed into a special thing.
    D.But do you know about the process of its development?
    E.It is made in factories by mixing several other materials together.

    (1)根据后句"It bad its history about millions of years.And the material came from ocean.(它有着数百万年的历史。这些材料来自海洋。)"可知说的是粉笔的历史,结合选项,应说但是你知道它的发展过程吗?故选D。
    (2)根据后句"They were so small that you could not have seen them.(它们太小了,你根本看不见。)"可知说的是小动物,结合选项,应说在这些海洋中生活着数十亿小动物。故选B。
    (3)根据前句"As more and more of the tiny shells pressed down from the top,those on the bottom gradually became harder and began to stick together. (随着越来越多的小贝壳从顶部往下压,底部的贝壳逐渐变硬,开始粘在一起。)"可知说的是贝壳的变化,结合选项,应说最后,这些贝壳变成了一种特殊的东西。故选C。
    (4)根据前句"Many millions of years passed after the first chalk was made.The earth's surface changed its shape,and the land and sea developed new coastlines (海岸线) . (在第一支粉笔问世之后,数百万年过去了。地球表面改变了形状,陆地和海洋形成了新的海岸线。)"可知说的是粉笔的形成过程,结合选项,应说这在干燥的土地上留下了许多白垩。故选A。
    (5)根据前句"However,the chalk that you now use in classroom is not a piece dug from those places. (然而,你们现在在教室里使用的粉笔并不是从这些地方挖来的。)"可知说的是现在粉笔的来源,结合选项,应说它是在工厂里混合几种其他材料制成的。故选E。
    Peter,  these are my parents .
    【解答】根据题意可知,此题为陈述句,且用一般现在时态。these are....这是....,my parents我的父母。
    故答案为:these are my parents。
     How delicious the soup is !
    故答案为:How delicious the soup is。
     I like cartoons best .
    【解答】根据题意可知,此题为陈述句,且用一般现在时态。like best最喜欢,
    故答案为:I like cartoons best.
    Could you please tell me  when the library closes ?
    【解答】根据题意可知,此题为宾语从句,且用一般现在时态。宾语从句要用陈述语序,when什么时候,the library做主语,动词要用第三人称单数,close关闭。
    故答案为:when the library closes。
     Whose dictionary is this ? .
    故答案为Whose dictionary is this?
    27.(2分)Jack,now  Jack is reading the newspaper now. 

    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"杰克现在正在看报纸。现在进行时,be+动词ing,"read the newspaper "看报纸。
    故答案为:Jack is reading the newspaper now.
    28.(2分)heavy,than  Mary is heavier than Joe. 

    故答案为:Mary is heavier than Joe.
    29.(2分)have,since  I've had this watch since I was ten. 

    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"我自从十岁就有这块手表了。"主句时态为现在完成时。从句时态是一般过去时。have this watch有这块手表;since自从,引导一般过去时的句子;be ten十岁。
    故答案为I've had this watch since I was ten.
    30.(2分)there be,front  There is a bus in front of the Fuhao supermarket. 

    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"在富豪超市前面有一辆公交车。"There be 句型意为"有",根据句意可知本句用一般现在时态,主语a bus 为第三人称单数,因此be动词用is,in front of 意为"在...前面"。
    故答案为:There is a bus in front of the Fuhao supermarket.
    31.(2分)too...to...public  He is too afraid to speak in public 

    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"他太害怕了以至于不敢在公众面前演讲。根据句意可知本句用一般现在时态,"too...to......"太....而不能...",in public"在公众面前"。
    故答案为:He is too afraid to speak in public.
    VII.短文填词阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。(共1小题: 每小题10分,满分10分)
    32.(10分)Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot ( 吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.The design was (1) chosen  (choose) from 5,816 works from 38 areas.Cao Xue,the man designer of Bing Dwen Dwen,said the idea first came from the (2) traditional (tradition) Chinese snack bingtanghulu ﹣﹣﹣ the syrup (糖浆) coat later turned (3) into an ice shell(壳).
    (4) However ,a simple snack couldn't stand for a country by itself.Cao's team (5) tried (try) many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda. "We don't need to explain anything to make it understood across different cultures,because the panda is the (6) symbol  ( /'sɪmb(ə)l/) of China," said Cao.Bing Dwen Dwen waves its left hand to say (7) hello  (/hə'ləʊ/) to the world.The two red hearts on its hands show (8) kindness  (kind) and love.The colored lines around its head are known (9) as the"Ice Ribbon"(冰丝带).They refer to (代表) Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval (场馆) .The colorful lines also refer to fast 5 G signals.
    Bing Dwen Dwen wears a full﹣body "shell" made of ice.It looks like an astronaut in a space suit,which (10) connect (/kə'nekt/) winter sports with modern technology.
    【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:这个设计是从38个地区的5,816件作品中挑选出来的。分析句子可知,主语the design与谓语动词choose之间构成被动关系,再加之设空处前面有was,表明这里用被动语态,动词要用Vpp形式。故填chosen。
    (3)考查介词。句意:冰墩墩的设计者曹雪说这个想法来自中国传统的小吃冰糖葫芦﹣﹣糖浆外衣转化成冰外壳。分析句子可知,这里含有"turn into(变成)"固定搭配。故填into。
    (9)考查介词。句意:它头上的彩色的绳子被称为"冰丝带"。分析句子可知,该句含有be known as(被称为)故填as。
    Tomb Sweeping Day

    plans & reasons


    Dear Tom,
    I'm glad to share my holiday plans with you.___________
    Li Hua
    It will rain on April 1st.4月1日将下雨。
    I'm going to do my homework at home.我打算在家做作业。
    be going to+动词原形,表示打算;将要……。
    【解答】Dear Tom,
    I'm glad to share my holiday plans with you.It will rain on April 1st. 【高分句型一】I'm going to do my homework at home because I should finish my homework first. (4.1的计划以及原因)【高分句型二】It will be cloudy on April 2,I'm going to p lay basketball with my friends in the park because it is neither hot nor cold.. (4.2的计划以及原因)On April 3,it will be sunny,I plan to go hiking with my friends because it can make me relax.(4.3的计划以及原因)
    Li Hua
    声明:试题解析著作权属所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/5/9 8:43:20;用户:平安;邮箱:orFmNtyKKPUFdOqsWsH2OJ6NfYlE@weixin.jyeoo.com;学号:41666386


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