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    1.(1分)Gu Ailing,______ 18﹣year﹣old Chinese﹣American skier,won two gold medals and a silver medal at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D.不填
    2.(1分)—The 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games started _____ the night of February 4,2022.
    —Yes,we are proud of Beijing,which has become the first Dual Olympic City in the world to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.(  )
    A.on B.at C.in D.of
    3.(1分)— Don't always _______ your children with others because every child is a treasure.
    —I see.It may make them less confident and lose their interests in studies.(  )
    A.complain B.contact C.connect D.compare
    4.(1分)﹣Excuse me, can I park my car here?
    ﹣Sorry, you can park it on _____ side of the street. There is too much traffic.(  )
    A.both B.either C.neither D.none
    5.(1分)—Did you watch the women's final match between China and South Korea?
    —________ unbelievable match it was!The first half 0﹣2,but the final result was 3﹣2.(  )
    A.How B.What C.What a D.What an
    6.(1分)—I wonder _______ he stayed up late for last night.
    —To prepare for this morning's interview with the exchange students.(  )
    A.why B.how C.what D.where
    7.(1分)In class,the kids are always full of ________and they often give us unexpected answers.(  )
    A.discovery B.invention
    C.development D.technology
    8.(1分)—With the two﹣child policy,some young couples are willing to have a second child.
    —That's wonderful.I do believe our population will get ________ in the near future.(  )
    A.more and more B.fewer and fewer
    C.larger and larger D.smaller and smaller
    9.(1分)—The war between Ukraine and Russia _______ on February 24,2022.
    —Terrible,many people will lose their lives.We must treasure peace and development.(  )
    A.carried out B.broke out
    C.handed out D.turned out
    10.(1分)We offered courses _________ the local farmers know the importance of guarding
    against the fraud(诈骗)and protecting their wealth and safety.(  )
    A.help B.helped C.helps D.to help
    11.(1分)—You should spend some time taking exercise ______ you are busy with schoolwork.
    —Yes,I know there is nothing without health,nothing is more important than health.(  )
    A.if B.though C.unless D.because
    13.(1分)—Mum,why do I still have to send my Travel Card and Health Code every day?
    —For everyone's health and safety,we ________ be too careful.(  )
    A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't
    14.(1分)—Could you please tell me ___________?
    —Yes,besides the Beijing Winter Olympics,we will also hold the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.(  )
    A.where we will hold the 19th Asian Games
    B.when we held the Beijing Winter Olympics
    C.what important games were held in China in 2022
    D.whether the year 2022 is a big year for sports in China
    15.(1分)—Anything I can do to help?
    —________ Thanks.I think I can manage.(  )
    A.Why not? B.Not exactly.
    C.No way. D.Not really.
    二、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    16.(15分)In a restaurant,I met a young man.He was complaining continuously ever since he sat down,complaining his company for little pay,his(1)    line manager and the unkind workmates.Finally,I caught the moment he stopped and curiously asked him(2)   ,"Since you are so unhappy(3)   your work,why not give it up?" He looked at me as if I had come from the moon. "Give up the job?Where should I go?You know the(4)   is improving." I got it.Actually,his job was not so(5)   .
    It reminds me of Arthur Ashe,a well﹣known tennis player in America.He(6)   to catch AIDS when he got a blood transfusion.A lot of his fans showed their care and(7)   and blamed (责怪) the God.Arthur Ashe announced: "I get a deadly cancer,but I would not(8)   the God and myself because I know there is something that cannot be(9)   .I have no choice but to(10)   it when the day comes."
    In his words,there is a(11)   ,kindness,open﹣mindedness,as well as the behaviors of a grown﹣up man.Unfortunately,we complain everything when we have to run across the(12)   and troubles in reality.
    We always think that the God is unfair.But it is worth complaining if our dissatisfaction goes away,sadness(13)   ,and feelings become motivational (激发的) after complaints.(14)   ,the problem is like a mass of cool fog.The complaint is so misleading (误导的)that it can't make our minds think clearly and then drops us deeper and deeper in the wrong direction.
    Life is like a (an)(15)   ,from ignorant (无知的) to mature (成熟的).And I believe that true maturity starts from no complaint.
    三、阅读理解 (本题共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Takeover Day
    Want to be a football coach,a policeman or a musician?If you could do any job for a day,what would it be?Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

    Takeover Day is an event for young people to "take over" the day from adults.Of course,it's difficult to give someone the job of a film star or a model!However,Takeover Day has offered young people jobs as news reporters,teachers or even politicians (政客).
    The event serves two purposes.First,it gives young people experience in different kinds of jobs.Second,adults can learn from young people's opinions and fresh ideas.
    Here's what the students say about their Takeover Day.
    Simon,16,went to Coventry Football Club.He became coach of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players was an unforgettable experience," said Simon. "If I had the chance,I would do this job every day."
    Sally,15,became the head teacher of her school. "I'd go mad if I were a head teacher!" she said. "So many meetings!" Sally thinks she learned a lot. "My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week.It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating.
    Paul, 17,spent the day with an important politician.He can even went to a meeting at Buckingham Palace!Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day,they'd be amazed. "It isn't a nine﹣to﹣five job.It's 24/ 7," he said. "We even had no time for lunch."
    (1)What may Simon choose to be in the future?    
    A.A model.
    B.A politician.
    C.A head teacher.
    D.A football coach.
    (2)What do Sally and Paul probably think of their Takeover Day?    
    A.Busy but exciting.
    B.Peaceful but tiring.
    C.Amazing and relaxing.
    D.Easy and unforgettable.
    (3)Takeover Day is set up for young people to    .
    A.spread ideas
    B.become famous
    C.know more about jobs
    D.work for their schools
    18.(8分)I don't remember the exact date I met Marty for the first time.Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line,I found my thoughts on speed,nothing more.The line I was standing in wasn't moving as quickly as I wanted,and I took a look at the cashier (收银员),who was busy receiving money from customers.
    He was an old man in his sixties.I thought,well,it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done.For the next few minutes I watched him.He greeted every customer before he began scanning (扫描) the goods they were buying.Sure,his words were the usual, "How's it going?" But he did something different—he actually listened to people.Then he would respond (回应) to what they had said and talk with them briefly.
    I thought it was strange,but I guessed I had got used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking.Usually,after a while,you don't give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.
    This old cashier seemed sincere (真诚的) about wanting to know how people were feeling.Meanwhile,the high﹣tech cash register rang up their goods and he announced what they should pay.When customers handed money to him,he pushed the appropriate keys,the cash drawer popped open,and he counted out their change.
    Then magic happened.
    He placed the change in his left hand,walked around the counter to the customers,and offered his right hand in an act of friendship.As their hands met,the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. "I want to thank you for shopping here today,"he told them."You have a great day.Bye﹣bye."The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.
    Now it was my turn.I looked down at the name tag (牌) on his red waistcoat,the kind experienced Wal﹣Mart cashier wore.It read, "Marty."
    Marty told me how much I should pay and I handed him some money.The next thing I knew he was standing beside me,offering his right hand and holding my change in his left hand.His kind eyes locked onto mine.Smiling,and with a firm handshake...
    (1)While the writer in the checkout line,she felt    .
    (2)In the writer's opinion,when people were greeting him,they actually wanted to    .
    A.show their politeness
    B.talk about unimportant topics
    C.find a person to talk to
    D.show their happiness to see him
    (3)The writer thought Marty special because    .
    A.he spent as much time as possible serving customers
    B.he was patient with all the questions from customers
    C.he showed special interest in customers' personal life
    D.he expressed his sincerity while giving back the change
    (4)What can we infer from the passage?    
    A.Many people would possibly become usual customers of Marty.
    B.Marty must be a talkative man in his daily life.
    C.The writer looked down upon the old in their sixties.
    D.Every customer would be satisfied with Marty's service.
    19.(8分)Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking(背包旅行)seem to be more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home?That's my experience,anyway.Very often,you'll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know.I've spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures.It's a great way to learn more about the world.
    It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling,and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days,until one of you leaves for the next exciting place.Relationships of this kind are shorter but can be just as strong as friendships back home,because you do so much together in that short time.I often find I like to share things about myself that I'd never say to my close friends.It is safe,I think,because we probably won't meet again,except online.
    One thing that's important when you're backpacking is to make sure you carry only basic needs,so your backpack isn't too heavy.I travel "light" these days.One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on,instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.Many hostels(小旅社)don't provide shampoo and shower gel.You can get mini bottles in supermarkets.
    I've discovered that many backpackers visit little places other tourists don't go to,and by using local shops and guest houses,they help those places with much﹣needed financial(经济上的)support.Most small guest houses allow you to stay for unlimited time,so you can spend as long as you like exploring the local area.Backpackers are also kinder to the environment,because they use trains and buses rather than cars.So,what are you waiting for? (By Andy Robinson)

    (1)According to Andy,friendships made with other backpackers    .
    A.are less serious than those with his friends at home
    B.end at the moment they separate from each other
    C.help him to decide where he would like to travel to
    D.allow him to talk about himself in an honest way
    (2)Which of the following is true?    
    A.Andy prefers staying at home to backpacking.
    B.It isn't often easy to make friends while travelling.
    C.It's important to take everything you need while travelling.
    D.Backpacking is good for the environment and the development of the local places.
    (3)Which text message would Andy send to a friend?    
    A. "Why don't you fly out to visit me?We'll stay in a famous hotel on the coast. "
    B. "I'm leaving here tomorrow and then I will drive a car along the coast. "
    C. "I've met some great people.Tomorrow we're going by boat to an ancient village in the mountains together. "
    D. "I'm glad I filled up my backpack—I've got everything I need,though it isn't easy to carry it around!"
    (4)The best title for the passage can be    .
    A.Friendships on the Way
    B.Traveling with a Backpack
    C.A Backpacking Experience
    D.Tips on Travel
    20.(8分)Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate(激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's moods.But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.
    Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is special true for your close friends and family.A kind act makes someone what is sad feel better. It can also make ourselves feel good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?
    Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kid acts like buying someone a present make friendships to stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.
    In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's sprites.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.
    The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship.doesn't it?

    (1)The writer leads in the topic by    .
    A.telling a story
    B.asking questions
    C.giving examples
    D.making a survey
    (2)The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 2 refers to    .
    A.The situation
    B.The family
    C.The kind act
    D That chain
    (3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?    
    (4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "    " of a newspaper.
    21.(1分)Could you tell me the cause of your being    (缺席) from the important meeting?
    22.(1分)To everyone's surprise,the little girl can recite over ninety Chinese ancient     (诗歌).
    23.(1分)Neither my trainers nor his    (go well with) the colour of the trousers.
    24.(1分)Wang Yaping,together with her teammate,has to wear space clothes that are    (for one purpose) designed for them to carry out the task outside the spacecraft.
    25.(1分)Liu Hao always works to high standards,and he never allows himself     others.
    五. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
    (1)Tomorrow is my grandma's    birthday,so my parents are preparing for it.
    (2)—I hope the leaders of Russia and Ukraine can reach an    to stop the fight soon.
    —Exactly.Only in that case,people,especially women and children won't be in fear of their lives.
    (3)—China    held the 2022 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
    —Yes,we're proud of her.And Beijing has become the first Dual Olympic City in the world.
    (4)With the temperatures in the thirties,the writer felt even     after drinking some wine.
    (5)—Whom do the driving licences belong to?
    —I'm not sure.Maybe they're those    .Let's go and ask.
    (1)My younger sister    a new study habit since the Double Reduction Policy was carried out in September 2021.
    (2)—Sandy,I still can't use the APP properly.
    —Don't worry,dear.It's not so difficult.I     you later.
    (3)—Excuse me,where's Ms Huang?
    —She,together with her children     the bedrooms which are in a mess.
    (4)—What can we learn from the story of Jiang Mengnan,a deaf girl?
    —Her success tells us:Never give up.Nobody but yourself     your life and future.
    (5)Yesterday's discussion    about forty minutes,but there was no result.
    28.(1分)My father had to walk to his company the other day. (改为否定句)
    My father        to walk to his company the other day.
    29.(1分)The three astronauts will be back in two weeks' time. (对画线部分提问)
           will the three astronauts be back?
    30.(1分)My sister would rather read more books than do some extra exercises last year.(保持句意基本不变)
    My sister     reading more books to     some extra exercises last year.
    31.(1分)Peter wonders if he will go on a camping trip with his friends. (改为简单句)
    Peter wonders        go on a camping trip with his friends.
    32.(1分)What do they sell in their online shop?(改为被动语态)
    What        in their online shop?
    八、短文填空 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。
    33.(10分)Look!Here is a paper cutting for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
    Let's enjoy it.It's so amazing.
    Paper cutting is a special folk art in China,with a(1)h     of nearly 1,000 years.The materials used are(2)s    :common paper and a pair of scissors(or a cutting knife).A skilled paper cutting craftsperson(手艺人)cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks.A piece of red paper is folded(折叠)and then(3)c     several times,before being unfolded into a beautiful picture.Some craftspeople do not(4)e     set their eyes on what they are doing and then cut it (5)i     a wonderful pattern.Paper cutting is a type of art with powerful expression:a paper cutting artist does not need a model picture to(6)c     from,but depends on a pair of scissors to(7)p     a work of art,each time with small differences.Paper cuttings are very popular in the countryside.
    In the city of Xi'an,Shanxi Province,people once used paper (8)i     of glass as window﹣covering.Clever and skillful young women cut pieces of red paper into lovely babies or beautiful butterflies,and put them on the windows to (9)a     liveliness to ordinary windows.
    In ancient China,people enjoyed the tradition of making and (10)h     lanterns for festivals.People sometimes drew pictures on the lanterns but more often would prefer to stick paper cuttings of different patterns,which became brighter and more interesting by the lantern light.
    九、阅读与回答问题 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。
    34.(10分)A 64﹣year﹣old Chinese grandpa's traditional skills attract millions of viewers' attention online as he creates woodwork without nails (钉子) or glue.
    The Chinese master carpenter (木匠),Wang Dewen,known as "Grandpa Amu" on YouTube,has been considered as a modern Lu Ban,because of his rich knowledge about making wooden things.His most popular video,which shows he is making a fantastic wooden bridge,got more than 42 million views.
    Grandpa Amu follows an ancient Chinese skill,which means no nails or glue are used in the whole process of building the bridge.He has also made several wooden toys for his grandson using the same skill.Among all the items,a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble﹣blowing toy are his grandson's favourites.
    It was not long before Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law decided to video his efforts.Now the master carpenter has over one million fans on YouTube,but Grandpa Amu insists that he is just a common farmer.Grandpa Amu is just like Li Ziqi,who lives in a village of China's Sichuan Province and has made a name for herself by making different kinds of Chinese dishes YouTube.In her videos,she impresses viewers with her understanding of food and nature while showing the beauty of Chinese culture in every detail of her daily life.Grandpa Amu now in fact is also trying to spread Chinese culture to the world.
    Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law now work full﹣time on his videos,hoping that the popularity of the videos will help local villagers sell their products better. "We came up with the idea of making the videos because we wanted to bring our countryside culture to others and let people learn about these ancient Chinese skills," said Grandpa's daughter﹣in﹣law.

    (1)How old is Wang Dewen?
    (2)Why is Grandpa Amu popular online?
    (3)How many fans does Grandpa Amu have on YouTube?
    (4)Who came up with the idea of videoing Grandpa Amu's efforts?
    (5)What do Grandpa Amu and Li Ziqi have in common?(请自拟一句话作答)
    There have been many great changes in school life since the "double reduction" policy was carried out since last term.______________

    1.(1分)Gu Ailing,______ 18﹣year﹣old Chinese﹣American skier,won two gold medals and a silver medal at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D.不填
    【解答】根据Chinese﹣American skier,可知此题考查冠词"一个";结合关键词18﹣year﹣old ,可知此处考查冠词an,因为18﹣year﹣old的首字母e发元音,故用an。
    2.(1分)—The 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games started _____ the night of February 4,2022.
    —Yes,we are proud of Beijing,which has become the first Dual Olympic City in the world to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.(  )
    A.on B.at C.in D.of
    【解答】on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上;at用于具体的时刻前面;in用在年、月、上下午的前面;of属于。on the night of+具体某一天"在具体某一天晚上"固定搭配。
    3.(1分)— Don't always _______ your children with others because every child is a treasure.
    —I see.It may make them less confident and lose their interests in studies.(  )
    A.complain B.contact C.connect D.compare
    【解答】complain抱怨;contact联系;connect联接;compare对比;由"Don't always _______ your children with others"可知,把孩子与其他孩子作对比,compare sb.with sb.把某人与某人作对比,符合题意。
    4.(1分)﹣Excuse me, can I park my car here?
    ﹣Sorry, you can park it on _____ side of the street. There is too much traffic.(  )
    A.both B.either C.neither D.none
    【解答】neither两者都不;none没有一个;both两者都;either两者中任一.从There is too much traffic判断在路的两边都不能停车.
    5.(1分)—Did you watch the women's final match between China and South Korea?
    —________ unbelievable match it was!The first half 0﹣2,but the final result was 3﹣2.(  )
    A.How B.What C.What a D.What an
    【解答】在感叹句中,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词/副词,语境中match是可数名词,主语和谓语是it was,句型结构为;What +a+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语动词!排除AB;unbelievable是形容词,其首字母u发元音,故用an。
    6.(1分)—I wonder _______ he stayed up late for last night.
    —To prepare for this morning's interview with the exchange students.(  )
    A.why B.how C.what D.where
    【解答】A.why"为什么";B.how"怎样";C.what"什么";D.where"哪里"。根据"To prepare for this morning's interview with the exchange students.(为今早的交换生面试做准备。)"可知问句为"我想知道他昨晚为了什么熬夜"。根据题干"I wonder _______ he stayed up late for last night."可知本句为宾语从句,for为介词,后缺宾语,for sth"为了什么",what充当从句里的宾语。
    7.(1分)In class,the kids are always full of ________and they often give us unexpected answers.(  )
    A.discovery B.invention
    C.development D.technology
    8.(1分)—With the two﹣child policy,some young couples are willing to have a second child.
    —That's wonderful.I do believe our population will get ________ in the near future.(  )
    A.more and more B.fewer and fewer
    C.larger and larger D.smaller and smaller
    【解答】more and more越来越多;fewer and fewer越来越少;larger and larger越来越大;smaller and smaller越来越小;根据句意,由于二胎政策,一些年轻夫妻想生二胎,可知人口会越来越多,population指人口的数字,修饰population用large或small。
    9.(1分)—The war between Ukraine and Russia _______ on February 24,2022.
    —Terrible,many people will lose their lives.We must treasure peace and development.(  )
    A.carried out B.broke out
    C.handed out D.turned out
    【解答】carry out实施;break out爆发;hand out分发;turn out结果是;根据句意,乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的战争在2022年2月24日____,可知此处用broke out,表示"爆发"。
    10.(1分)We offered courses _________ the local farmers know the importance of guarding
    against the fraud(诈骗)and protecting their wealth and safety.(  )
    A.help B.helped C.helps D.to help
    【解答】help帮助,动词原形;helped过去式;helps第三人称单数形式;to help不定式。这里用不定式to help表示目的。
    11.(1分)—You should spend some time taking exercise ______ you are busy with schoolwork.
    —Yes,I know there is nothing without health,nothing is more important than health.(  )
    A.if B.though C.unless D.because
    【解答】A.if 是否;如果 B.though虽然 C.unless除非 D.because因为。根据You should spend some time taking exercise ______ you are busy with schoolwork.可知是指:虽然你忙于学业,但你应该花一些时间锻炼。though引导让步状语从句。
    13.(1分)—Mum,why do I still have to send my Travel Card and Health Code every day?
    —For everyone's health and safety,we ________ be too careful.(  )
    A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't
    【解答】A.不能,B.不应该,C.禁止,D.不必要,固定短语can't be too careful再小心也不为过。
    14.(1分)—Could you please tell me ___________?
    —Yes,besides the Beijing Winter Olympics,we will also hold the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.(  )
    A.where we will hold the 19th Asian Games
    B.when we held the Beijing Winter Olympics
    C.what important games were held in China in 2022
    D.whether the year 2022 is a big year for sports in China
    15.(1分)—Anything I can do to help?
    —________ Thanks.I think I can manage.(  )
    A.Why not? B.Not exactly.
    C.No way. D.Not really.
    【解答】A.Why not?为何不……(用来提建议);B.Not exactly.不完全是;C.No way.不行;D.Not really.没事;根据题干Thanks.I think I can manage.可知应说没事。
    二、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    16.(15分)In a restaurant,I met a young man.He was complaining continuously ever since he sat down,complaining his company for little pay,his(1) B  line manager and the unkind workmates.Finally,I caught the moment he stopped and curiously asked him(2) A ,"Since you are so unhappy(3) C your work,why not give it up?" He looked at me as if I had come from the moon. "Give up the job?Where should I go?You know the(4) D is improving." I got it.Actually,his job was not so(5) B .
    It reminds me of Arthur Ashe,a well﹣known tennis player in America.He(6) D to catch AIDS when he got a blood transfusion.A lot of his fans showed their care and(7) D and blamed (责怪) the God.Arthur Ashe announced: "I get a deadly cancer,but I would not(8) A the God and myself because I know there is something that cannot be(9) B .I have no choice but to(10) B it when the day comes."
    In his words,there is a(11) C ,kindness,open﹣mindedness,as well as the behaviors of a grown﹣up man.Unfortunately,we complain everything when we have to run across the(12) A and troubles in reality.
    We always think that the God is unfair.But it is worth complaining if our dissatisfaction goes away,sadness(13) B ,and feelings become motivational (激发的) after complaints.(14) A ,the problem is like a mass of cool fog.The complaint is so misleading (误导的)that it can't make our minds think clearly and then drops us deeper and deeper in the wrong direction.
    Life is like a (an)(15) D ,from ignorant (无知的) to mature (成熟的).And I believe that true maturity starts from no complaint.
    【解答】(1)形容词辨析。A.honest诚实的;B.unfair不公平的;C.modest谦虚的;D.loyal忠诚的。根据He was complaining continuously ever since he sat down(他一坐下来就不停地抱怨)可知抱怨的内容应是不好的,因此空处应是unfair修饰line manager,表示"不公正的主管"。故选B。
    (2)疑问词辨析。A.why为什么;B.how如何;C.what什么;D.when什么时候。根据下文why not give it up?(为什么不辞职呢?)可知作者询问的是原因,因此空处应为why。故选A。
    (3)介词辨析。A.against与……相反;B.over在……上面;C.with和……;D.beyond超出。句中包含短语be unhappy with表示"对……不开心"。句意:既然你对自己的工作不满意,为什么不辞职呢?故选 C。
    (4)名词辨析。A.possibility可能性;B.condition条件;C.advantage优势;D.situation情况。根据前文Give up the job?Where should I go?(辞职?我能去哪里?)可知年轻人不想辞职,可推知他也认为情况在改善。故选D。
    (6)动词短语辨析。A.used过去常常;B.seemed似乎;C.failed未能;D.happened碰巧。本题考查动词加介词to的短语,结合when he got a blood transfusion(当他输血的时候)可知Arthur Ashe得艾滋病的情况属于碰巧,因此应为happen to。故选D。
    (7)名词辨析。A.support支持;B.respect尊敬;C.worry担忧;D.love爱。句中and为并列连词,结合名词care,可推断很多球迷对Arthur Ashe表达了关心和爱,并责怪上帝。故选D。
    (8)动词辨析。A.complain抱怨;B.punish惩罚;C.praise赞美;D.doubt怀疑。结合前文blamed the God(责备上帝)和转折连词but,可知粉丝们责怪上帝,但是Arthur Ashe却不因为自己得了致命的癌症而抱怨上帝和他自己。故选A。
    (9)动词辨析。A.accepted接受;B.avoided避免;C.achieved取得;D.afforded承担。结合上下文,可知本句话解释了Arthur Ashe不抱怨的原因,即他认为有些事情是无法逃避的。故选B。
    (10)动词辨析。A.reduce减少;B.face面对;C.hide隐藏;D.explore探究。结合前文I have no choice(我别无选择)可知遇到这种情况只能面对。故选B。
    (11)名词辨析。A.sickness疾病;B.loneliness孤独;C.calmness镇定;D.weakness虚弱。空处和kindness(善良)及open﹣mindedness(豁达)应是并列的关系,可知为表达正面意义的词汇,结合所给的选项,可确定为calmness,说明Arthur Ashe的话有一种镇定,善良和豁达的心态,和一个成年男子的担当。故选C。
    (12)名词辨析。A.difficulties困难;B.differences不同;C.distances距离;D.dreams梦想。结合并列连词and后的名词troubles,相近的词应是difficulties,the difficulties and troubles表示"困难和麻烦"。句意:不幸的是,当我们在系那是种遇到困难和麻烦时,我们抱怨一切。故选A。
    (13)动词辨析。A.increases增加;B.disappears消失;C.remains保持;D.spreads传播。结合our dissatisfaction goes away(我们的不满意消失了)和feelings become motivational(情绪变得积极了),可知if后描述的是假设能出现的好情况,因此sadness应使用"消失"。故选B。
    (14)副词辨析。A.However然而;B.Besides此外;C.Moreover而且;D.Instead反而。根据下文The complaint is so misleading (误导的)that it can't make our minds think clearly and then drops us deeper and deeper in the wrong direction. (抱怨是如此地误导,以致于它混淆了我们的思想,然后把我们陷在越来越深的泥沼中。)可知抱怨并不能改变什么,因此空处应表示转折。故选A。
    (15)名词辨析。A.game游戏;B.race比赛;C.ocean海洋;D.journey旅程。根据from ignorant to mature (从懵懂到成熟)可知生活就像一段旅程。故选D。
    三、阅读理解 (本题共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Takeover Day
    Want to be a football coach,a policeman or a musician?If you could do any job for a day,what would it be?Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

    Takeover Day is an event for young people to "take over" the day from adults.Of course,it's difficult to give someone the job of a film star or a model!However,Takeover Day has offered young people jobs as news reporters,teachers or even politicians (政客).
    The event serves two purposes.First,it gives young people experience in different kinds of jobs.Second,adults can learn from young people's opinions and fresh ideas.
    Here's what the students say about their Takeover Day.
    Simon,16,went to Coventry Football Club.He became coach of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players was an unforgettable experience," said Simon. "If I had the chance,I would do this job every day."
    Sally,15,became the head teacher of her school. "I'd go mad if I were a head teacher!" she said. "So many meetings!" Sally thinks she learned a lot. "My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week.It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating.
    Paul, 17,spent the day with an important politician.He can even went to a meeting at Buckingham Palace!Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day,they'd be amazed. "It isn't a nine﹣to﹣five job.It's 24/ 7," he said. "We even had no time for lunch."
    (1)What may Simon choose to be in the future?  D 
    A.A model.
    B.A politician.
    C.A head teacher.
    D.A football coach.
    (2)What do Sally and Paul probably think of their Takeover Day?  A 
    A.Busy but exciting.
    B.Peaceful but tiring.
    C.Amazing and relaxing.
    D.Easy and unforgettable.
    (3)Takeover Day is set up for young people to  C .
    A.spread ideas
    B.become famous
    C.know more about jobs
    D.work for their schools
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Simon,16,went to Coventry Football Club.He became coach of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players wasan unforgettable experience,"said Simon. "IfIhadthe chance,I would do this job every day."(可知16岁的西蒙去了考文垂足球俱乐部,当了一天的足球队教练"尝试训练职业球员是一次难忘的经历,"西蒙说"如果有机会,我会每天做这项工作。")可知西蒙想做一名足球教练。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据 she said."So many meetings!"Sally thinks she learned a lot."My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week.I was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!" (她说,"这么多会议!"莎莉认为她学到了很多东西。"我一天中最喜欢的部分是会见学校厨师,改进学校一周的菜单。我是一个很好的机会告诉她我们真正喜欢吃什么!"以及Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day,they'd be amazed. "It isn't a nine﹣to﹣five job:It's 24/7,"he said. "We even had no time for lunch." 保罗认为,如果每个人都有机会跟随一位政治家一天,他们会感到惊讶的。"他说:"这不是朝九晚五的工作,而是全天候工作。"我们甚至没有时间吃午饭。")可知萨莉和保罗在接管日这天都感到忙碌但令人兴奋。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Want to be a football coach,a policeman or a musician?If you could do any job for a day,what would it be?Takeover Day offers young people this chance.(想成为一名足球教练、警察或音乐家吗?如果你能做一天的工作,你会做什么?接管日为年轻人提供了这个机会。以及However,Takeover Day has offered young people jobs as news reporters,teachers and even politicians(政客).然而,接管日为年轻人提供了新闻记者、教师甚至政客的工作。)可知接管日是为了让年轻人了解更多关于工作的知识而确立的。故选C。
    18.(8分)I don't remember the exact date I met Marty for the first time.Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line,I found my thoughts on speed,nothing more.The line I was standing in wasn't moving as quickly as I wanted,and I took a look at the cashier (收银员),who was busy receiving money from customers.
    He was an old man in his sixties.I thought,well,it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done.For the next few minutes I watched him.He greeted every customer before he began scanning (扫描) the goods they were buying.Sure,his words were the usual, "How's it going?" But he did something different—he actually listened to people.Then he would respond (回应) to what they had said and talk with them briefly.
    I thought it was strange,but I guessed I had got used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking.Usually,after a while,you don't give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.
    This old cashier seemed sincere (真诚的) about wanting to know how people were feeling.Meanwhile,the high﹣tech cash register rang up their goods and he announced what they should pay.When customers handed money to him,he pushed the appropriate keys,the cash drawer popped open,and he counted out their change.
    Then magic happened.
    He placed the change in his left hand,walked around the counter to the customers,and offered his right hand in an act of friendship.As their hands met,the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. "I want to thank you for shopping here today,"he told them."You have a great day.Bye﹣bye."The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.
    Now it was my turn.I looked down at the name tag (牌) on his red waistcoat,the kind experienced Wal﹣Mart cashier wore.It read, "Marty."
    Marty told me how much I should pay and I handed him some money.The next thing I knew he was standing beside me,offering his right hand and holding my change in his left hand.His kind eyes locked onto mine.Smiling,and with a firm handshake...
    (1)While the writer in the checkout line,she felt  B .
    (2)In the writer's opinion,when people were greeting him,they actually wanted to  B .
    A.show their politeness
    B.talk about unimportant topics
    C.find a person to talk to
    D.show their happiness to see him
    (3)The writer thought Marty special because  D .
    A.he spent as much time as possible serving customers
    B.he was patient with all the questions from customers
    C.he showed special interest in customers' personal life
    D.he expressed his sincerity while giving back the change
    (4)What can we infer from the passage?  D 
    A.Many people would possibly become usual customers of Marty.
    B.Marty must be a talkative man in his daily life.
    C.The writer looked down upon the old in their sixties.
    D.Every customer would be satisfied with Marty's service.
    (1)根据第二段He was an old man in his sixties.I thought,well,it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done.(他是个六十多岁的老人。我想,嗯,他可能花了更长的时间来完成工作。)可知,当作者排队结账时,她感到不耐烦。故选B。
    (2)根据I thought it was strange,but I guessed I had got used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking.(我觉得这很奇怪,但我猜我已经习惯了人们只是在谈话中不假思索地问我怎么样了。)可推理出,在作者看来,当人们向他打招呼时,他们实际上想谈论一些不重要的话题。故选B。
    (3)根据第七段As their hands met,the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. "I want to thank you for shopping here today,"he told them."You have a great day.Bye﹣bye."The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.(当他们的手相遇时,老出纳员看着顾客的眼睛。"我想感谢你们今天在这里购物,"他告诉他们。"祝你今天愉快。再见。"顾客脸上的表情是无价的。)可以推理出,作者认为马蒂很特别,因为他在回馈零钱的同时表达了自己的真诚。故选D。
    (4)根据第二段For the next few minutes I watched him.He greeted every customer before he began scanning (扫描) the goods they were buying.Sure,his words were the usual, "How's it going?" But he did something different—he actually listened to people.Then he would respond (回应) to what they had said and talk with them briefly.(在接下来的几分钟里,我看着他。他向每位顾客打招呼,然后开始扫描他们正在购买的商品。当然,他的话和往常一样,"进展如何?"但他做了一些不同的事情,他实际上是在听别人说话。然后,他会回应他们所说的话,并与他们简短交谈。)可推理出,每位顾客都会对马蒂的服务感到满意。故选D。
    19.(8分)Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking(背包旅行)seem to be more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home?That's my experience,anyway.Very often,you'll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know.I've spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures.It's a great way to learn more about the world.
    It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling,and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days,until one of you leaves for the next exciting place.Relationships of this kind are shorter but can be just as strong as friendships back home,because you do so much together in that short time.I often find I like to share things about myself that I'd never say to my close friends.It is safe,I think,because we probably won't meet again,except online.
    One thing that's important when you're backpacking is to make sure you carry only basic needs,so your backpack isn't too heavy.I travel "light" these days.One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on,instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.Many hostels(小旅社)don't provide shampoo and shower gel.You can get mini bottles in supermarkets.
    I've discovered that many backpackers visit little places other tourists don't go to,and by using local shops and guest houses,they help those places with much﹣needed financial(经济上的)support.Most small guest houses allow you to stay for unlimited time,so you can spend as long as you like exploring the local area.Backpackers are also kinder to the environment,because they use trains and buses rather than cars.So,what are you waiting for? (By Andy Robinson)

    (1)According to Andy,friendships made with other backpackers  D .
    A.are less serious than those with his friends at home
    B.end at the moment they separate from each other
    C.help him to decide where he would like to travel to
    D.allow him to talk about himself in an honest way
    (2)Which of the following is true?  D 
    A.Andy prefers staying at home to backpacking.
    B.It isn't often easy to make friends while travelling.
    C.It's important to take everything you need while travelling.
    D.Backpacking is good for the environment and the development of the local places.
    (3)Which text message would Andy send to a friend?  C 
    A. "Why don't you fly out to visit me?We'll stay in a famous hotel on the coast. "
    B. "I'm leaving here tomorrow and then I will drive a car along the coast. "
    C. "I've met some great people.Tomorrow we're going by boat to an ancient village in the mountains together. "
    D. "I'm glad I filled up my backpack—I've got everything I need,though it isn't easy to carry it around!"
    (4)The best title for the passage can be  B .
    A.Friendships on the Way
    B.Traveling with a Backpack
    C.A Backpacking Experience
    D.Tips on Travel
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据I often find I like to share things about myself that I'd never say to my close friends.It is safe,I think,because we probably won't meet again,except online.(我经常发现我喜欢分享我自己的事情,我从来不会对我的好朋友说。我想这是安全的,因为除了网上,我们可能不会再见面了。)可知,安迪认为和其他背包客的友谊让他可以诚实地谈论自己。故选D。
    (2)细节判断题。根据they help those places with much﹣needed financial(经济上的)support.(他们为这些地方提供急需的财政支持。)以及Backpackers are also kinder to the environment.(背包客对环境也更友好。)可知,背包旅行有利于环境和当地的发展。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据 It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling,and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days,until one of you leaves for the next exciting place.(旅行时结交新朋友很容易,你可以和他们待上几天,直到你们中的一个离开去下一个令人兴奋的地方。)由此可推知,安迪会给朋友发短信说"我遇到了一些很棒的人。明天我们一起坐船去山里的一个古老的村庄。"故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking(背包旅行)seem to be more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home?That's my experience,anyway.Very often,you'll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know.I've spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures.It's a great way to learn more about the world.(为什么你在背包旅行时遇到的人似乎比在家里的朋友更有趣、更外向?无论如何这是我的经验。通常,你会遇到和你一起旅行很有趣、值得结识的人。我花时间和许多国家的人在一起,发现了一些关于他们文化的有趣的事情。这是了解世界的好方法。)以及通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是背包旅行。所以这篇文章最好的标题是"背包旅行"。故选B。
    20.(8分)Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate(激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's moods.But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.
    Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is special true for your close friends and family.A kind act makes someone what is sad feel better. It can also make ourselves feel good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?
    Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kid acts like buying someone a present make friendships to stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.
    In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's sprites.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.
    The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship.doesn't it?

    (1)The writer leads in the topic by  B .
    A.telling a story
    B.asking questions
    C.giving examples
    D.making a survey
    (2)The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 2 refers to  C .
    A.The situation
    B.The family
    C.The kind act
    D That chain
    (3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?  D 
    (4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "  A " of a newspaper.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?But why and how does it happen?(每个人都喜欢善良的行为。但是你能解释为什么吗?但是为什么会这样,又是如何发生的呢?)可知,作者是通过问问题引出话题的。故选B。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据A kind act makes someone what is sad feel better. It can also make ourselves feel good. (一个善意的举动会让悲伤的人感觉更好。也能让自己感觉良好。)可知It指代前面提到的a kind act。故选C。
    (3)文章结构题。根据第一段But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.(但是为什么会这样,又是如何发生的呢?这里有一些不同的方法。)可知第一段引出文章话题。后面第二三四五段Being kind can make someone smile.Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.(善良能让人微笑。第二,友善开始或发展与他人的社会联系。在最近的另一项研究中,即使是中学一年级的孩子也知道善良如何让他们感到快乐。故事并没有到此结束。友善可能会改善你的心情,但研究也表明,如果你心情好,你会表现得更加友善。)可知后面四段都在介绍善良的好处。所以D项符合文章结构。故选D。
    (4)理解判断题。根据But research shows that being kind can activate(激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's moods.(但研究表明,善良可以激活大脑中的纹状体区域。研究还表明,善良能改善人们的情绪。)本文是一篇科学研究的结果,因此science最符合。故选A。
    21.(1分)Could you tell me the cause of your being  absent (缺席) from the important meeting?
    【解答】根据提示"缺席"可知,be absent from"缺席......"固定短语。
    22.(1分)To everyone's surprise,the little girl can recite over ninety Chinese ancient  poems  (诗歌).
    23.(1分)Neither my trainers nor his  match (go well with) the colour of the trousers.
    【解答】go well with"与......相配",可以表达为match"相配"。主语his代指"他的运动鞋"复数形式,一般现在时态,谓语动词用原形。
    24.(1分)Wang Yaping,together with her teammate,has to wear space clothes that are  mainly (for one purpose) designed for them to carry out the task outside the spacecraft.
    【解答】for one purpose"只有一个目的",可以表达为"主要地",这里修饰动词,用副词mainly。
    25.(1分)Liu Hao always works to high standards,and he never allows himself  behind  others.
    五. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
    (1)Tomorrow is my grandma's  ninetieth birthday,so my parents are preparing for it.
    (2)—I hope the leaders of Russia and Ukraine can reach an  agreement to stop the fight soon.
    —Exactly.Only in that case,people,especially women and children won't be in fear of their lives.
    (3)—China  successfully held the 2022 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
    —Yes,we're proud of her.And Beijing has become the first Dual Olympic City in the world.
    (4)With the temperatures in the thirties,the writer felt even  sleepier  after drinking some wine.
    (5)—Whom do the driving licences belong to?
    —I'm not sure.Maybe they're those  strangers' .Let's go and ask.
    (2)考查名词。句意: ﹣我希望俄罗斯和乌克兰领导人能达成协议,尽快停止战斗。﹣没错。只有在这种情况下,人们,尤其是妇女和儿童,才不会害怕自己的生命。reach an agreement达成协议 ,故填agreement。
    (1)My younger sister  has developed a new study habit since the Double Reduction Policy was carried out in September 2021.
    (2)—Sandy,I still can't use the APP properly.
    —Don't worry,dear.It's not so difficult.I  will show  you later.
    (3)—Excuse me,where's Ms Huang?
    —She,together with her children  is tidying  the bedrooms which are in a mess.
    (4)—What can we learn from the story of Jiang Mengnan,a deaf girl?
    —Her success tells us:Never give up.Nobody but yourself  shapes  your life and future.
    (5)Yesterday's discussion  lasted about forty minutes,but there was no result.
    (1)句意:自2021年9月实行"双减"政策以来,我的妹妹养成了新的学习习惯。since+一般过去时态,主句要用现在完成时,have/has+过去分词。sister要用has,故填has developed。
    (2)句意: ﹣桑迪,我还是不能正确使用这个应用程序。﹣别担心,亲爱的。没那么难。我一会儿给你演示。一般将来时will+动词原形,故填will show。
    (3)句意:﹣打扰一下,黄女士在哪里?﹣她和孩子们正在收拾凌乱的卧室。现在进行时be+动词ing,with表示伴随,主语是she,要用is,故填is tidying。
    28.(1分)My father had to walk to his company the other day. (改为否定句)
    My father  didn't  have  to walk to his company the other day.
    故答案为didn't have。
    29.(1分)The three astronauts will be back in two weeks' time. (对画线部分提问)
     How  soon  will the three astronauts be back?
    【解答】根据题干,被划线部分的意思是"两周后",用"how soon"提问。
    30.(1分)My sister would rather read more books than do some extra exercises last year.(保持句意基本不变)
    My sister  preferred  reading more books to  doing  some extra exercises last year.
    【解答】would rather do sth.than do sth. =prefer doing sth.to doing sth.宁愿在某事也不愿做某事。根据 last year可知用一般过去时。
    31.(1分)Peter wonders if he will go on a camping trip with his friends. (改为简单句)
    Peter wonders  whether  to  go on a camping trip with his friends.
    32.(1分)What do they sell in their online shop?(改为被动语态)
    What  is  sold  in their online shop?
    八、短文填空 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。
    33.(10分)Look!Here is a paper cutting for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
    Let's enjoy it.It's so amazing.
    Paper cutting is a special folk art in China,with a(1)h  istory  of nearly 1,000 years.The materials used are(2)s  imple :common paper and a pair of scissors(or a cutting knife).A skilled paper cutting craftsperson(手艺人)cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks.A piece of red paper is folded(折叠)and then(3)c  ut  several times,before being unfolded into a beautiful picture.Some craftspeople do not(4)e  ven  set their eyes on what they are doing and then cut it (5)i  nto  a wonderful pattern.Paper cutting is a type of art with powerful expression:a paper cutting artist does not need a model picture to(6)c  opy  from,but depends on a pair of scissors to(7)p  roduce  a work of art,each time with small differences.Paper cuttings are very popular in the countryside.
    In the city of Xi'an,Shanxi Province,people once used paper (8)i  nstead  of glass as window﹣covering.Clever and skillful young women cut pieces of red paper into lovely babies or beautiful butterflies,and put them on the windows to (9)a  dd  liveliness to ordinary windows.
    In ancient China,people enjoyed the tradition of making and (10)h  anging  lanterns for festivals.People sometimes drew pictures on the lanterns but more often would prefer to stick paper cuttings of different patterns,which became brighter and more interesting by the lantern light.
    【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:剪纸是中国一种特殊的民间艺术,有近1000年的历史。根据空后"of nearly 1,000 years"可知,此处指剪纸有近1000年的历史,history符合语境。故填history。
    (2)考查形容词。句意:使用的材料很简单。be动词后应跟形容词作表语,根据"ordinary paper and a pair of scissors(or a cutting knife)."可知,用料简单,simple符合语境。故填simple。
    (3)考查动词。句意:一张红纸被折叠,然后剪几次,然后展开成一幅美丽的图画。根据上文" cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks."可知,展开之前,应会被剪很多次,cut符合语境;由folded可知,空处用过去分词,构成被动语态。故填cut。
    (9)考查动词。句意:聪明伶俐的年轻女子把红纸剪成可爱的婴儿或美丽的蝴蝶,贴在窗户上,给普通的窗户增添了活力。根据"and put them on the windows to ...liveliness to ordinary windows"及常识可知,此处表示给普通的窗户增添了活力,add符合语境;to后跟动词原形。故填add。
    九、阅读与回答问题 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。
    34.(10分)A 64﹣year﹣old Chinese grandpa's traditional skills attract millions of viewers' attention online as he creates woodwork without nails (钉子) or glue.
    The Chinese master carpenter (木匠),Wang Dewen,known as "Grandpa Amu" on YouTube,has been considered as a modern Lu Ban,because of his rich knowledge about making wooden things.His most popular video,which shows he is making a fantastic wooden bridge,got more than 42 million views.
    Grandpa Amu follows an ancient Chinese skill,which means no nails or glue are used in the whole process of building the bridge.He has also made several wooden toys for his grandson using the same skill.Among all the items,a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble﹣blowing toy are his grandson's favourites.
    It was not long before Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law decided to video his efforts.Now the master carpenter has over one million fans on YouTube,but Grandpa Amu insists that he is just a common farmer.Grandpa Amu is just like Li Ziqi,who lives in a village of China's Sichuan Province and has made a name for herself by making different kinds of Chinese dishes YouTube.In her videos,she impresses viewers with her understanding of food and nature while showing the beauty of Chinese culture in every detail of her daily life.Grandpa Amu now in fact is also trying to spread Chinese culture to the world.
    Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law now work full﹣time on his videos,hoping that the popularity of the videos will help local villagers sell their products better. "We came up with the idea of making the videos because we wanted to bring our countryside culture to others and let people learn about these ancient Chinese skills," said Grandpa's daughter﹣in﹣law.

    (1)How old is Wang Dewen?
    (2)Why is Grandpa Amu popular online?
     Because he creates woodwork without nails or glue. 
    (3)How many fans does Grandpa Amu have on YouTube?
     Over one million. 
    (4)Who came up with the idea of videoing Grandpa Amu's efforts?
     Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law. 
    (5)What do Grandpa Amu and Li Ziqi have in common?(请自拟一句话作答)
     They try to spread Chinese culture to the world. 
    (1)根据A 64﹣year﹣old Chinese grandpa's traditional skills attract millions of viewers' attention online.( 一位64岁的中国爷爷的传统技艺在网上吸引了数以百万计的观众的注意,)可知Wang Dewen 64岁。故答案为64.
    (2)根据A 64﹣year﹣old Chinese grandpa's traditional skills attract millions of viewers' attention online as he creates woodwork without nails (钉子) or glue.(一位64岁的中国老爷爷的传统技艺在网上吸引了数百万观众的注意,因为他不用钉子或胶水就能做出木工活。)可知因为他不用钉子和胶水就能做木工活。故答案为Because he creates woodwork without nails or glue.
    (3)根据Now the master carpenter has over one million fans on YouTube,(现在这位木匠大师在YouTube上有超过100万粉丝,)可知有超过一百万的粉丝。故答案为Over one million.
    (4)根据 It was not long before Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law decided to video his efforts.(不久,Amu爷爷的儿子和儿媳决定把他的努力录下来。)可知Amu爷爷的儿子和儿媳。故答案为Grandpa Amu's son and daughter﹣in﹣law.
    (5)根据Grandpa Amu now in fact is also trying to spread Chinese culture to the world.(事实上,Amu爷爷现在也在努力向世界传播中国文化。)和李子柒的情况,可知他们努力向世界传播中国文化。故答案为They try to spread Chinese culture to the world.
    There have been many great changes in school life since the "double reduction" policy was carried out since last term.______________
    【解答】There have been many great changes in school life since the "double reduction" policy was carried out since last term.(点题)Students' homework is reduced.It used to take us two hours to finish our homework every day,but now it takes only one hour. 【高分句型一】(作业量)In the past,we focused more on study.We spent most of our time on how to improve our grades.Now we learn to learn on our own.We have more time to develop our hobbies.(学习)My parentsdon't have to spend much money on after﹣classtrainingcourses.After﹣classtraining institutions aren't allowed to have classes on weenkends and on holidays.We have two more classes after school.The teacher helps us in class.(父母的负担和延时学习)
    I think "doublereduction" policy is very good,which reduces the burden on our students and makes our school life more wonderful.【高分句型二】I hope we all get good grades.(希望)


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