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    这是一份2022年山东省淄博市临淄区一模英语试题,文件包含2022年山东省淄博市临淄区一模英语试题docx、临淄一模答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共57分)
    一、完形填空(共10小题, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
    Fr the past 20 years, the Tuching China annual (年度的) peple award (颁奖) has hnred peple frm all walks f life acrss the cuntry. They are peple wh 1 ur hearts with their actins. They all have smething 2 cmmn: they try t serve the cuntry in their wn way.
    Wrking as a 3 and TV hst fr ver 20 years, Janis Chan frm Hng Kng has always tried t create a windw t the mtherland. In 2021, Chan hsted a shw called N Pverty Land. The shw recrds 4 peple in remte (偏远的) areas f China get rid f pverty. In the dcumentary, Chan spends three mnths 5 acrss muntains and rivers t reach remte villages in Hainan, Guizhu and s n.
    T 6 ne village, she climbed a 2,556-step ladder (梯子) up a steep (陡峭的) muntain. She als went thrugh sandstrms in nrthwest China and vercame altitude (高原) sickness n the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (高原). Chan nt nly talked with peple there but 7 their lives. She wanted t shw the audience the changes that have taken ___8 in these areas.
    After the shw wn gd reviews at hme and abrad, Chan said she wants t prduce mre 9 t get mre peple t knw China better. “There are peple ut there wh’d always like t questin the achievements f the mainland and mistrust (不信任) them. We 10 the changes since 2020, and we felt it necessary t d a prgram like this.”

    A. warm B. clse C. break D. shut
    A. n B. ff C. in D. ut
    A. wrker B. scientist C. athlete D. reprter
    A. hw B. why C. where D. what
    A. talking B. walking C. lking D. cking
    A. get B. arrive C. cme D. reach
    A. celebrated B. experienced C. discussed D. cmmunicated
    A. away B. up C. place D. ff
    A. bks B. films C. magazines D. shws
    A. will see B. have seen C. were seeing D. saw
    二、阅读理解 (共21小题, 满分42分)
    阅读短文A、B并做每篇后面的题目, 从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。
    Each weekday, Raden rides her three-wheeler with bks fr children in Muntang village. She will lend the bks t children wh give her plastic cups, bags and ther waste. She tld Reuters that she is helping the kids learn the value f reading as well as making them prtect the envirnment. As sn as she shws up, little children surrund (围绕) her “Trash Library”.
    All f the children are all carrying rubbish bags and Raden’s three-wheeler quickly fills up with them as the bks fly ut. She’s happy that the kids are ging t spend less time n nline games as a result.
    “Let us build a culture f literacy (素养) frm yung age t mitigate the harm f the nline wrld,” Raden said. “We shuld als take care f ur waste in rder t fight climate (气候) change and it is ur respnsibility t save the earth frm trash,” Raden said.
    She cllects abut 100 kg f waste each week, which is then srted ut (挑选) and sent fr recycling r sld. She has 6,000 bks t lend and wants t take the mbile service t neighburing areas as well.
    Kevin Alamsyah, an avid 11-year-ld reader, searches fr waste lying in the village. “When there is t much trash, ur envirnment will becme dirty and it’s nt healthy. That's why I lk fr rubbish t brrw a bk,” he says.
    What’s the purpse f Raden’s mbile service?
    T get kids in the village t read mre.
    T make villagers cllect the waste.
    T encurage children t buy the bks.
    T ask the villagers t give her bks.
    What des the underlined wrd “ mitigate” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    add B. brighten C. increase D. reduce
    Which wrds can best describe the librarian?
    Humrus and caring. B. Respnsible and creative.
    Talented and hardwrking. D. Outging and brave.
    Big snwstrms and cld air swept acrss nrthern in the first week f Nvember. At the same time, a glbal (全球的) meeting n climate (气候) change was held in Glasgw, Sctland. There, leaders frm arund the wrld tried t deal with glbal warming.
    Why are we experiencing such a cld winter n a warming planet? The cld winter and glbal warming, tw seemingly ppsite facts, are nt cntradictry. Glbal warming des nt happen evenly (均衡地) n Earth, and it causes mre extreme (极端的) heat and cld, Zhu said.
    Because f the warming climate, China has seen a grwing temperature in winter. It has increased by 0.41 ℃ every 10 years since 1961. But in sme cases, the cuntry has als seen extreme cld — fr example, the icy weather in early 2008.
    Glbal warming has affected the lcal weather thrugh sea-air r land-air interactin (相互作用). Fr example, in Octber, La Nina affected China. It is caused by strng winds abve the Pacific Ocean. It brught mre cld air t China. Anther reasn fr the cld weather is the warming Arctic, accrding t BBC. It is warming almst three times as fast as any ther place n Earth.
    Will this winter be much clder? The fficial frecast (预报) said a cld winter is likely. Nrthern China will prbably see mre snw than average, and Suthern China less rainfall than average.
    What des the underlined wrd “cntradictry” mean in Chinese?
    ppsite B. cmmn C. similar D. false
    15. When La Nina happened, China ________.
    A. had an increase in temperature B. suffered frm extreme drught
    C. was much clder than usual D. had a htter summer than usual
    16. The recent cld weather in China was influenced by cld air frm ________.

    ab B. ac C. bc D. bd
    17. Accrding t the fficial frecast, ________.
    A. there will be lts f snw in suthern China this winter
    B. this winter will nt be as cld as usual
    C. Suthern China will be warmer and wetter this winter
    D. Nrthern China will prbably see a cld winter

    We all knw there is a prblem with plastic pllutin. Five trillin (万亿) plastic bags are used every year. One millin plastic drinking bttles are bught every minute.
    What if we culd use plastic waste t build rads? This is exactly what Tby McCartney has dne.
    In 2019, McCartney’s UK-based cmpany, MacRebur, built the wrld’s first plastic rad in Elgin twn, Sctland. The plastic waste was made int grains (颗粒) and then mixed with bitumen (沥青). The rad lks just like any ther rad. But it is mre stretchy (有弹性的) thanks t the plastic.
    “ Our technlgy can help slve the prblem f plastic waste. It can als prduce rads that deal better with changes in the weather, reducing pthles (坑洼),” McCartney tld the BBC.
    McCartney’s idea came frm a trip t India. “ I saw peple in India wuld put plastic waste int pthles and burn it. The plastic wuld melt dwn (熔化) in the hle,” said McCartney.
    “ I knw there must be sme similarities between the plastic and bitumen, which bth cme frm il. That’s hw I started t think abut mixing them,” he said.
    After lts f testing, McCartney fund the perfect idea. And nw his cmpany has built many plastic rads arund the wrld, frm Australia t Eurpe. A ne-kilmeter stretch f rad uses abut 684, 000 plastic bttles r 1.8 millin plastic bags. The rad itself can be recycled at the end f its lifespan (寿命). The materials can be reused t build new rads.
    “ We are just a small part f ending the plastic prblems, but it is nice t be part f it,” McCartney said. “I just dn’t want my daughters t live in a wrld where there are mre plastics in ur ceans than fish.”
    Paragraph 1 is written t shw that plastic pllutin is _____.
    A. faster than imagined B. better than ther pllutin
    C. mstly unknwn D. a serius prblem
    19. Cmpared with cmmn rads, the plastic rad _________.
    is easy t break B. is afraid f ht weather
    C. is mre stretchy D. csts mre mney
    20. What inspired McCartney t build the plastic rad?
    A. Indian peple’s way f repairing rads.
    B. Seeing cracks and pthles n rads ne day.
    C. His wish f reducing plastic pllutin.
    D. His knwledge f plastic and bitumen.
    21. _________ plastic bttles are needed t build a 10-kilmeter stretch f plastic rad.
    A. 684, 000 B. 6.84 millin C. 1.8 millin D. 18 millin
    22. What des McCartney mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Children shuld als jin t reduce plastic pllutin.
    B. Plastic pllutin will sn be slved with his help.
    C. Plastic pllutin will becme mre and mre serius.
    D. He is willing t ffer help in reducing plastic pllutin.
    阅读短文D, 根据短文内容, 从短文后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。
    Parents cmplain abut their teenagers’ nses always in their phnes, but they might want t pay attentin t their wn screen time habits.
    A study fund that tw-thirds f parents are wrried abut the amunt f time their teenage children spend in frnt f screens. 23___
    The study calls teens’ relatinship with their phnes “clsely cnnected” at times. It shws that nearly three-furths check messages when they wake up. They als check their ntificatins (通知). 24 But parents d it at a lwer rate.
    Big tech cmpanies face a grwing backlash (强烈反应). There are cmplaints against the nature f their phnes and apps. Peple cmplain abut the endless ntificatins and ther features. They say they are created t keep peple tied t their screens.
    25 Sme f them began t change their screen time habits. 52 percent said they have cut dwn the time they spend n their phnes. 57 percent did the same with scial media.
    Researchers say parents have a big rle in their kids’ screen habits. 26 “ Kids dn’t always d what we say but they d as we d,” said Dnald Shifrin, a prfessr at the University f Washingtn Schl f Medicine. “ Parents are the dr that kids will walk thrugh n their way t the wrld.”
    A. Setting a gd example is a big part f it.
    B. Sme tech cmpanies make it hard fr peple t fight against phne addictin (上瘾).
    C. Parents d the same.
    D. But a third f parents are wrried abut their wn screen time.
    E. Many teens have realized the prblem.
    阅读材料, 将左栏人员的相关信息与右栏的信息相匹配。
    第II卷 (非选择题,共63分 )
    三、选词填空 (共10小题, 满分15分)
    根据短文内容, 选择适当的单词填空, 使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次, 有两项剩余。
    A great translatr—Xu Yuanchng
    Frm hill t hill n bird in flight;
    Frm path t path n man in sight.
    A 32 fisherman aflat (在船上),
    Is fishing snw in lnely bat.
    -- Fishing in Snw by Liu Zngyuan
    The translatr f thse classic lines, Xu Yuanchng, 33 at the age f 100 in Beijing n June 17, 2021.
    Xu was als a prfessr (教授) at Peking University. Within nearly frty years, Xu published (出版) mre than 150 translatin 34 . They are translatins frm Chinese t English, English t Chinese, French t Chinese and Chinese t French.
    He was 35 knwn in China as “the first persn able t translate Chinese, English and French classics”. Xu started his career (事业) in 1958 by 36 sme pems int English and French. But he finished mst f his translatins after 1983, ___37 he started wrking at Peking University.
    At the age f 93, he started translating Shakespeare’s wrks. Befre he died, he had been 38 n The Prtrait f a Lady by Henry James at the speed f 1,000 wrds a day.
    Xu’s lve f translatin cntinued 39 the end f his life. “ Lve nce 40 , will never end.” And 41 translatin f The Peny Pavilin, a classic play by Tang Xianzu, best describes his lve f translatin.
    四、语法填空 (共10小题, 满分20分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    “ I feel great!” said Wang Yaping when she came ut f the Tiangng space statin, waving (挥手) back t earth.
    42 Nv 7, the 41- year- ld made histry. She became China’s 43 (ne) female (女性) space walker! Wang, tgether with astrnaut Zhai Zhigang, cmpleted a 6.5-hur space walk. They adjusted (调整) the statin’s rbtic arm. They als tested the safety f their spacesuits and these spacesuits 44 (make) by China.
    Wang’s space dream started in 2003. In that year, China sent Yang Liwei, 45 was the first astrnaut in the histry f China, int space. 46 (achieve) her dream, she pushed herself hard and gt the same training as men.
    Since 1984, nly 16 wmen (including Wang) arund the wrld 47 (d) spacewalks, accrding t Glbal times. But wmen spacewalkers are very imprtant t space explratin (探索).
    If we dn’t let wmen take part in this, 48 (us) effrts wuld be nt cmplete. Wang said that as astrnauts, wmen have their wn 49 (advantage). Wmen are mre patient and can better deal with lneliness. Wmen’s hearts are als easier t get used t the weightless (失重的) envirnment, s it is much 50 (easy) fr them t stay lnger in space. It is very imprtant t study hw female bdies adjust t the space envirnment. That’s 51 Wang’s spacewalk is meaningful (有意义的).
    五、阅读表达 (共5小题, 满分10分)

    Oliver asks fr mre
    The bys in the wrkhuse (济贫院) had their meals in a large stne hall, with a large pt at ne end. The warden (管理员) served the sup frm this pt at meal times. Each by was allwed ne bwl f sup and n mre, except n special hlidays when he was given anther 60 grams f bread. The bwls never needed washing, as the bys cleaned them with their spns, trying t eat every bit f sup.
    After three mnths, ne f the bigger bys wh was nt used t being hungry tld thers that he had t have anther bwl f sup each day. If he did nt, he might eat ne f the smaller bys. The tall by had a wild, hungry lk in his eye and everyne believed him. The bys had a meeting. They decided that ne f them shuld ask fr mre fd after supper that evening. They wrte the bys’ names n pieces f paper and picked ne ut. It was Oliver Twist wh was chsen.
    The evening arrived and the bys went t their places. The warden std by the pt. The sup was served and disappeared dwn the by's thrats. The bys said t each ther in a lw vice and pushed him with their hands. Oliver, wh was desperate (绝望的) with hunger, rse frm the table and walked tward the master.
    Frightened (害怕的) by his wn curage, he said, “Please sir, I want sme mre.”
    The warden was a fat, healthy man, but his face became very pale. He was in cmplete surprise and held n t the pt fr supprt. After thirty secnds, the man said in a weak vice, “What?”
    “Please, sir,” replied Oliver, “ I want sme mre.”
    Hearing this, the warden hit Oliver n the head with the sup spn. Then he went t the bard (委员会) t tell them what had happened. Oliver Twist had asked fr mre! The bard culd nt believe their ears. They thught that Oliver was t much truble and he was sure t end up in jail (监狱).
    Oliver was immediately lcked in a cld, dark rm. The next mrning a ntice was put up n the dr f the wrkhuse, ffering a reward (奖励) t anybdy wh wuld emply (雇佣) Oliver Twist.
    52. Hw did the bys clean their bwls?
    53. Why did ne f the bigger bys tld thers that he wanted sme mre?
    54. Hw was Oliver chsen t ask fr mre?
    What was the warden’s reactin (反应) when he heard that Oliver asked fr mre at first?
    56. What happened t Oliver after he asked fr mre again?
    六.书面表达 (共1小题, 满分18分)
    开幕式(the pening ceremny f the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games)
    吉祥物 ( masct)

    文中不得出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名。 27 Jack shws great interest in bks abut the infectius (传染的) disease because f COVID-19. He wants t get sme infrmatin frm them.
    28 I have sme expired batteries (过期电池) ,but I dn’t knw hw t deal with them. Maybe I shuld put them int a dustbin.
    29 My mther likes t buy sme fresh prduce (农产品), s she prefers ging t sme markets.
    30 Sunny becmes interested in traditinal Chinese painting and she wants t learn hw t draw bamb in ink.
    31 Mary has a five-year-ld brther, wh has difficulty in getting alng with thers at kindergarten.
    Shp fr fresh fd and vegetables in
    seasn at Dupnt Circle Farmers Market, where mre than 50 farmers sell bth traditinal and rganic (有机的) prduce. Yu can get almst whatever yu want fr everyday eatables.
    Clark is a shark wh lves life, but his
    enthusiasm (热情) is t much fr his friends, s his teacher helps him find a way t turn it dwn. Finally, Clark knws hw t get alng with his friends.
    There will be a shw f traditinal Chinese
    ink paintings in the art museum this weekend. Yu can enjy many beautiful paintings.
    It is a dustbin which cntains waste invlving
    risk r danger, especially dangerus t peple’s health r safety but nt including medical waste.
    This is a bk by an American writer Laurie
    Garrett. It describes hw fast the mdern wrld has changed the nature f disease, hw imprtant preparatin is and hw endangered humans are withut it.
    wrks until died translating his widely
    lnely begun when translatr wrking by

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