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    --- When wuld yu like t g swimming with me, this Friday r this Saturday?
    ---_ .I am free nly this Sunday.
    A. Nne B.Bth C.Either D.Neither
    2.A child shuld be encuraged t tell the truth instead f stries whenever he r she
    has dne smething wrng.
    A taking up 3. putting up C. making up D. setting up
    3. ---Culd yu tell me the music?
    ----He used traditinal Chinese music art and the sunds f an ancient Chinese bell.
    A. hw he made
    B.hw did he make
    C. why he made
    D. why did he make
    4.---Why desn't the surgen stp lunch?
    --- Because he is t busy a dying patent tn the peratin rm.
    A. t have; t save B. having; t save
    C.t have; saving D. having: saving
    5. A hard-wrking man becme a great scientist,but a great scientist___be hard-wrking man.
    A. may nt; must
    B. may nt can
    C. can't; must
    D. can't; can
    6. I wn't stp lving English the sun rises in the west.
    A. if
    B. unless
    C. because
    D. althugh
    7.- Jim, turn dwn the music. Our baby is sleeping.
    Dn't wrry.He fr half an hur.
    wke up B.has brken up C. was awake D.has been awake
    8.His parents wuldn't let him marry anyne was pr.
    A. that
    B. which
    C. whse
    D. Whm
    9.----- I'm ging t give a talk n that Dragn Bat Festival t the exchange students.
    ---- Great! But dn't frget t tell them
    A. what shuld they eat at the festival
    B. what kind f race is ften held
    C.why peple enjy the full mns
    D. hw d peple celebrate it
    10. ---Culd yu shw me hw t make a fruit salad?
    ---- .First, yu need t chse sme fresh fruit f different clrs.
    A. It desn't matter
    B.My pleasure
    C. Yu're welcme
    D. With pleasure
    Researchers at China Aerspace Science and Industry Crp have develped and made the wrld's first rbt whale shark,which has been 11 in an aquarium(水族馆)at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park in the city's Pudng New Area since January.
    The whale shark is a slw-mving carpet shark and the largest knwn living fish.
    12 and built by engineers at the Shenyang-based N. 111 Factry, the underwater rbt is4.7 meters lng,13 350 kilgrams and can mve 14. the speed f 42 meters a minute.
    Pwered by a lithium(锂) battery, it can swim, turn,_ 15._ and dive like a real shark by mving its mechanical fins. The muth and gills(鲐) can als pen and clse like a shark's.
    The rbt can reach the 16 f 10 meters and perate fr _ 17._ 10 hurs, said FangXuelin, a senir researcher at the factry's Underwater Prpulsin Technlgy Labratry wh is incharge f the rbt shark prgram.The shark can be remtely 18 and can als swim based n preset(预设的) prgrams r its wn sensrs(传感器), he said.
    "Our rbts are t serve three purpses--t perfrm in aquariums 19 entertainment,
    spread knwledge abut the sea and aquatic animals _20 _ yungsters, and _21 scientific tasks such as hydr lgical surveys,underwater phtgraphy and envirnmental inspectin."
    The factry nw plans t develp mre types f aquatic rbts,_ 22._ sme extinct(灭绝的)
    mammals,fr display in parks and schls. It will als prmte(推进)the prducts t business engaged in fields such as underwater salvage(打捞) and mineral prspecting.
    11.A. n display B. in shw C.n duty D. in place
    12.A. Made B.Perfrmed C. Designed D. Slved
    13.A. weighs B.measures C. reaches D.deepens
    B . with C. in D. at
    I5.A. land B. flat C.raise D. breathe
    16.A. depth B. length C. weight D. height
    17.A. as far as B. as lng as C. as wide as D.the same as
    18.A. cntrlled B. replied C.passed D. received
    19.A. fr B. t C.n D. f
    20.A. f B. with C. amng D.beynd
    21.A. break ut B. carry ut C. carry n D. break in
    22.A. except B. including C. within D.unlike
    Lking at art shuld be like walking in the cuntryside. Yu may nt knw exactly where yu are, what bird is making that strange sund, r what the hill ahead f yu is called, but that’s part f the fun f it. Yu dn’t need t knw these things t feel the beauty f nature.
    Of curse, if yu d knw yur birds, trees and lcal histry, a walk can be mre attractive. Yet such knwledge cmes slwly. It is picked up thrugh experience. A true knwledge f nature cannt just be given t yu thrugh an app n yur phne. Imagine pinting yur phne at the hill and getting plenty f infrmatin n screen. Wuld that enrich yur dreamy walk r ruin(毁灭) it?
    Braggarts enjy an app that allws them t shw ff their knwledge, fr example, abut barque(巴洛克风格的) paintings. In fact, apps in museums try t prvide n-screen art histry at nce just t encurage peple t read their phnes instead f lking at paintings.
    It is a mistaken idea that yu need t be spn-fed(灌输) amazing facts abut a wrk f art in rder t appreciate(欣赏) it. Our first experience f a wrk f art shuld be raw(自然状态的), unguided, and a bit puzzling, like fllwing a path in the wds. Later, yu might chse t d sme persnal research int the wrk. It can further increase yur enjyment and appreciatin fr it. Yet it is best dne when yu’re away frm the art itself, s that even when yu return, the wrk still feels fresh.
    Anyne wh thinks knwing sme dates and details makes yu better understand a wrk f art is wrng. We all need t put aside ur screens and ur suppsed knwledge when we lk at art. Let the paintings flw in; let yur intuitins(直觉) fly ff. Art is a jurney in the wilderness r it is nthing at all.
    23.What des the writer mainly want t say?
    A.Art is best with the help f apps.
    B.Art is best when hidden in mystery.
    C.Art is nthing cmpared with nature.
    D.Art is nthing when details and facts are knwn.
    24.What’s the main idea f Paragraph 4?
    A.Hw t appreciate a wrk f art.
    B.Hw t persnal research int a wrk f art.
    C.Hw t keep yur feelings abut a wrk f art fresh.
    D.Hw t be spn-fed amazing facts abut a wrk f art.
    25.what can we infer(推断) frm the passage?
    A.Because f apps, art will be ruined in the future.
    B.A gd piece f art is usually made abut nature.
    C.Research wrk and intuitins can bth help understand art.
    D.Museums are nt suppsed t allw the use f mbile phnes.
    While it is cmmn fr restaurant wners t cnnect with their custmers, a restaurant wner in the US is taking it t a whle new level. Tim Harris gives ut free hugs t every custmer at the end f each meal.
    The atmsphere(气氛) at his restaurant “Tim's Place” is s psitive(积极的) that custmers ften call it the “Wrld's friendliest restaurant”.
    “Tim's Hug” is in fact an item n the menu described as a “lve” treat. Tim's hugs are dubly special because f everything he has achieved. The 26­-year-­ld man is prbably the nly Dwn Syndrme Sufferer(唐氏综合症患者) in the US t wn a restaurant, but he has several ther things t be prud f—he's a skillful special Olympian, an excellent sailr, and an experienced fisherman. He was als chsen as Hmecming King and Student f the Year in high schl!
    When Tim expressed interest in pening a restaurant, Keith, a small businessman himself, supprted him. Tim hired(雇佣) ther peple t manage the place and d the cking, and he intrduced the idea f free hugs. He realized that peple want t feel at hme at a restaurant. That is why he included “lve” as an item n the menu. Custmers can rder the free hug frm Tim, and even if they dn't, he'll prbably hug them anyway.
    The restaurant has been arund since 2010, and Tim has given ut ver 19,000 hugs in the past five years—he keeps cunt using a special Hug Cunter. “I've been cming here nce a week,” said Michelle Garth­Jnes, a regular custmer. “I lve lcal restaurants, and this special ne has a stry that stays with yu.”
    26.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Tim Harris?
    27.Why did Tim put the item f “lve” n the menu?
    A.Because he wanted t get mre mney by hugging them.
    B.Because he hped t make his menu really special.
    C.Because he tried t make custmers feel relaxed in his restaurant.
    D.Because he is the Hmecming King and Student f the Year.
    28.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.Tim is very talented in many things thugh he is in pr health.
    B.Unless yu rder Tim's Hug, he will nt hug yu.
    C.As sn as yu enter Tim's Place, yu will get a warm hug.
    D.Michelle Garth­Jnes lves listening t the stry in the restaurant.
    On Nv 8, Wang Yaping, a female taiknaut f Shenzhu XIII missin, became China’s first and the wrld’s 16th female space walker. The expected six-mnth jurney in space has left many curius abut the differences between male and female astrnauts, especially in terms f perfrming extravehicular (舱外的) activities (EVAs). Despite (即使) physical challenges, female astrnauts have unique (独一无二的) advantages.
    Understanding between astrnauts is very imprtant fr carrying ut EVAs, which is based n excellent cmmunicatin skills. Wmen are superir (更好的) in cmmunicatin and language expressin, and this helps female astrnauts d extravehicular activities, accrding t Yang Yuguang, vice chair f Space Transprtatin Cmmittee f the Internatinal Astrnautical Federatin.
    Men and wmen are different in bdy size, which als gives wmen unique advantages fr spacewalks. “Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as wmen will be able t cntrl their weight better and perfrm a wider variety f tasks,” Pang tld China Daily.
    Wmen in general weigh less, eat less fd, cnsume less xygen (氧气), and therefre required less fuel (燃料) t get int space. A taiknaut must weigh between 55 kilgrams and 70 kilgrams t fit in the cabin f spacecraft and cnsume less fuel, accrding t CGIN.
    A different bdy shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailr-made spacesuit was prepared fr Wang’s extravehicular activities, which was lighter than the males’. Designers ptimized the pattern f this spacesuit in the lwer limb (下肢) area t make it mre suitable fr astrnauts with slimmer figures.
    Accrding t Pang, many studies have fund that female astrnauts are mre suitable fr space missins, and have advantages ver male astrnauts in qualities such as attentin t detail and thinking cmprehensively (全面地).
    Men tend t excel in shrter-term, gal-riented (目标导向的) situatins while wmen are better in lnger-term habitatin-type (居住类) circumstances, accrding t Natinal Gegraphic.
    Wmen’s participatin in EVAs is an integral (不可缺少的) part f space missins, and we are witnessing histry thanks t Wang’s bravery, accrding t Yang.
    29.What d we knw abut Wang’s extravehicular activities?
    A.She is the first ever female space walker.
    B.The missin was planned t shw gender equality.
    C.She perfrmed sme tasks that her male partners culdn’t d.
    D.The spacesuit she wre was specially designed.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “ptimize” mean in this passage?
    A.make smething betterB.make smething wrse
    C.make smething clurfulD.make smething clurless
    31.Which f the fllwing is an advantage females have ver male astrnauts?
    A.Females have better cmmunicatin skills.
    B.Females deal with gal-riented situatins better than males.
    C.Female bdies are strnger and mre flexible.
    D.Females can adapt t space mre quickly.
    32.What’s the main idea f the article?
    A.The challenges female astrnauts face during a spacewalk.
    B.The imprtance f females ding extravehicular activities.
    C.The advantages f females ding extravehicular activities.
    D.The preparatins fr the females t carry ut space missin.
    If yur friend says she feels relaxed, but yu see that her fists are cenched. yu may dubt what she says.Rbts, n the ther hand, might take her wrd fr it. Bdy language says a lt, but even with the develpment f cmputer visin and facial recgnitin technlgy, rbts cannt easily r successfully ntice small bdy mvement and can miss imprtant scial cues as a result.
    Researchers at Carnegie Melln University develped a bdy-tracking system that might help slve this prblem. Called Open Pse, the system can track bdy mvement, including hands and face, in real time. It uses cmputer visin and machine learning t prcess vide frames, and can even keep track f several peple at the same time.Als, it can track nt nly a persn's head trs,and limbs but als individual fingers.
    This technlgy culd be applied t all srts f interactins between humans and machines. It culd play a huge rle in VR experiences, allwing finer detectin f the user's physical mvement withut any additinal hardware like stick-n sensrs r glves.
    It culd als help build mre natural interactins with a hme rbt. Yu culd tell yur rbt t"pick that up,"and it culd immediately understand what yu're pinting at. By perceiving and interpreting yur physical gestures,the rbt may even learn t read emtins by tracking bdy language. S when yu're silently crying with yur face in yur hands because i rbt has taken yur jb, it might ffer yu a tissue.
    33.Rbts used t _
    A. understand bdy language well
    B.dubt what peple say
    C. ntice tiny bdy mvement
    D.miss imprtant scial cues
    34.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Open Pse?
    A.Open Pse can track bdy mvement with humans help.
    B.Open Pse can prcess vide frames with the help f cmputer visin and machine learning.
    C.Open Pse can nly keep track f ne persn at a time.
    D. Open Pse can't track individual fingers.
    35.With the use f this technlgy,
    A. there will be fewer natural interactins between humans and machines.
    B. rbts can help human d anything it is asked t d.
    C. a hme rbt can silently cry.
    D.rbts might read human emtins.
    In which part can yu mst prbably read this passage in a magazine?
    A. Technlgy
    C. Sciety
    In 1950, at the age 17.Stephen William Hawking enrlled int the Oxfrd University, which his parents wanted. It was estimated that Hawking spent ver 1000 hurs n learning in his three years in the university. 37 Hwever, when he was 21 years ld, he fund ut that he was suffering frm an incurable mtr neurn disease. The dctr said that he culd nt live ver 2 years.38 At that time, a girl made him cnfident.They fught with the disease tgether.Hawking lived ver tw years. Then, the girl married Hawking39 He had t mve with an electric whee chair. He used a machine t read bks and kept n ding research.
    40 Because he shwed that Einstein's General Thery f Relativity implied space and time wuld have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black hles. One cnsequence f such a unificatin that he discvered was that black hles shuld nt be cmpletely black, but shuld emit radiatin and eventually evaprate and disappear.
    A. He struggled t research physics.
    B.He agreed t help peple take their wn lives.
    C. He was very hardwrking.
    D.After that, his disease was getting wrse and wrse.
    E. He is really a great persn.
    F. He gt many awards, medals and prizes.
    (41) space science develps. men have learned mre and mre abut space. Space is nt nly amazing but als dangerus. While (42) (wrk) in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.Scientists have fund ut that the radiatin is(43) greatest danger t spacemen in space. When spacemen are wrking in space, they are in danger f the radiatin frm the sun and ther stars, which is bad fr their health.The harm f the radiatin (44)_
    _ (nt discver) until their children even grandchildren are brn: Sme special medicine may wrk a little but n really effective medicine(45) (find) s far.Space rubbish is als thught (46)_ (be) a great danger t spacemen. It's reprted that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space.Abut 30% f these are satellites,10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish.An explsin in space in 1999 made a clud f 300.000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size A small piece f these even kncked a spaceship windw and (47) (cause) sme damage.
    Scientists are watching and reprting any pssible danger all the time. They are wrking t deal with space rubbish.Althugh space is really (48). (challenge),it interests many peple. In the past, it may be (49) (pssible) fr peple t live in a space htel.(50). , it may cme true in the future. We may even chse t leave the earth and live in space in a few years. S we shuld d smething t help imprve the space envirnment.






    Evening self- study at schl
    Our schl has a discussin n whether we need evening self- study at schl.

    6选4 CDAE
    综合: as wrking the wasn't discvered has been fund t be caused challenging impssible hwever
    I realized my dream thrugh studying hard , and I felt s prud
    Since yu have fallen behind , yu shuld spend less time n yur hbbies
    Thugh the scientists' achievements are thught highly f ,they never shwed ff
    Hw unhealthy it is fr the teenagers t stay up late t play cmputer games
    My mther ften encurage me t ask the teachers fr help when I have prblems
    Yu shuld try yur best t imprve yurself instead f lsing heart

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