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    河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案
    河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案01
    河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案02
    河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案03
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    河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案

    这是一份河南省洛阳市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案,共11页。

    1.When is the shw t start?
    A.At 7: 10.B. At 7: 20.C. At 7: 30.
    2.Why des the man have t miss the mvie tnight?
    A. He’s seen the mvie. B. He’s t recite the lines. C. He’s t d his task.
    3.What club is the man in?
    A.A stry-telling club.
    B.A wildlife prtectin club.
    C.An after-schl interest club.
    4.Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. At a shp.B. At a restaurant.C. In the drmitry.
    5.Hw is the price f petrl?
    A. It’s lwer.B. It’s higher.C. It remains the same.
    6.What des the man like ding?
    A.Watching ftball games.
    B.Playing in the pen air.
    C.Playing ftball with his friends.
    7.What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.Lse sme weight. B. Learn frm his father.C. Stp watching TV series.
    8.What are they mainly talking abut?
    A. An interview plan.B. An applicatin letter.C. An educatin cmpany.
    9.What des the man think shuld be included?
    A. Educatin.B.Family.C. Childhd.
    10.Where des the wman see the mvie Kng Fu Yga?
    A. At the cinema.B. In her uncle’s.C. In her sn’s.
    11.What des the by like accrding t the wman?
    A. Science fictins.B.Chinese Kngfu. C. American culture
    12.Hw des man like Jackie Chan?
    A. He's great.B.He’s handsme.C. He's humrus.
    13.When did the wman use t get up?
    A. At 6: 30.B. At 7: 00.C. At 7: 30
    14.What d the speakers have in the mrning?
    A. Prridge.B.Hamburgers. C. Cffee.
    15.Hw much did the wman pay fr the machine?
    A.$300.B.$350.C. $450.
    16.What is the wman mst prbably?
    A.A writer.B.A teacher.C. A saleswman.
    17.What des tlir speaker d with a missed flight?
    A.She gets extremely wrried.
    B.She talks with the agent abut it.
    C.She des smething t make up fr it.
    18.Hw shuld we face failed expectatins?
    A.Angrily.B.Casually.C. Psitively.
    19.What can we d in a traffic jam?
    A.Get relaxed.B.Take a walk.C. Change the vehicle.
    20. Hw many pieces f advice des the speaker give?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.
    Services cvered by Healthy Smiles Ontari
    Healthy Smiles Ontari is a free dental prgram fr children and yuth 17 and under. Gd ral health is imprtant t the verall health f children and yuth. It’s very imprtant t start seeing a dentist when yur child is 12 mnths ld and t keep ging regularly. Healthy Smiles Ontari cvers regular check-ups, preventive care and treatment. With Healthy Smiles Ontari yu can prevent ral health prblems befre they start!
    Getting registered
    Wh is eligible (符合条件)
    Children and yuth 17 and under may be eligible if:
    They are residents (居民)f Ontari; and they are members f a husehld that meets the incme eligibility requirements.
    Hw lng is a client (当事人)eligible fr service
    Up t ne benefit year (August 1st t July 31st) , r 12 mnths frm the date f registratin r up t their 18th birthday.
    Hw t apply
    Visit Ontari, ca/healthysmiles r visit yur lcal Public Health Unit.
    If yu have any questins f please call the ServiceOntari INFOline tll-free at:
    ServiceOntari tll-free: 1-844-296-6306
    ServiceOntari TTY tll-free: 1-800-387-5559 416-327-4282 (TTY Trnt nly)
    Once a child’s registratin has been cnfirmed, they will receive a Healthy Smiles Ontari dental card. The dental card must be presented t a dental prvider at each visit t receive dental care under the Prgram.
    Wh may apply nline
    T apply nline yu will have t:
    Enter yur Scial Insurance Number
    Sign and mail a cmpleted Cnsent Frm within 30 days f submitting an nline Applicatin.
    21.What can Healthy Smiles Ontari prgram ffer?
    A.Overall physical examinatin.B. Preventin f dental disease.
    C. Regular check-up fr babies.D. Life-lng free ral treatment.
    22.What is the age range required by Healthy Smiles Ontari prgram?
    A. 0-12.B. 1-12.C. 0-18.D. 1-17.
    23.What must a client d at each visit t the dental care?
    A. Apply nline.B. Make an appintment.
    C. Present the dental card.D. Enter Scial Insurance Number.
    Many students have truble sitting quietly. They play with pencils, talk ut f turn, and jump t d things befre thinking. Others can sit still but find it hard t fcus n classwrk. They may daydream, struggle t rganize their wrk and frget t d assignments.
    Mst peple feel restless r unglued frm time t time, but sme feel this way almst all the time. Nearly ne ut f ten kids have ADHD ( Attentin-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disrder ). But ADHD des nt have t be a radblck t achievement. Here, tw prfessinals in their fields share the secrets f their success.
    Astrnaut Sctt Kelly has flwn n fur space tasks, including ne that lasted clse t a year. But when he was grwing up, he had truble fcusing in schl. As a result, he earned lw grades. 441 read a nvel in cllege abut the space prgram. The bk mtivated me t study harder and becme a much better student and eventually, an astrnaut. The lessn I learned was: Dn’t give up n yurself. Find smething r smene that mtivates yu and use that t help mtivate yurself. ^
    Figure skater Zachary Dnhue placed furth fr ice dancing at the 2018 Winter Olympics. In elementary schl, Zachary had a hard time making friends because his classmates thught lie was wild, verly excitable and lacking rderly cntinuity. “A lt f very successful peple have ADHD, s wear it with pride. When I was 16, I realized that it was OK fr me t be different than thers. Nw, at 27, I’m learning t understand my wn feelings. I still struggle with ADHD,but I’ve learned that I’m respnsible fr mre than just myself. I’ve learned hw imprtant it is t be rganized and t be a step ahead. “
    24.The authr may agree that___________.
    A.failure is the mther f success
    B.nthing can stand in the way f success
    C.the secrets f success shuld be shared
    D.peple with ADHD are mre likely t succeed
    25.hat cntributes t Sctt Kelly's success?
    A. Living with ADHD.B. The lessns n astrnmy.
    C. His great interest in space.D. The mtivatin frm his grades.
    26.What des Zachary Dnhue d with ADHD?
    A. He faces it respnsibly.B. He views it differently.
    C. He takes advantage f it.D. He sees it as a disadvantage.
    27.Hw is ihe passage mainly develped?
    A. By examples. B. By cmparisn. C. By explanatin. D. By classificatin.
    A designer is recently creating flral installatins (花篮)n the streets f Manhattan, New Yrk, that are meant t brighten the days f healthcare and ther imprtant wrkers.
    Lewis Miller s mst recent creatin is an arrangement ppping ut f a rubbish can at the crner f W 58th Street and 10th Avenue. “They were very simple. It was just cherry branches. ” Miller said. “ We didn’t disclse the lcatin(位置)s nbdy culd necessarily g and find them. But plenty f peple did find them and then they fund his Inslagram infrmatin. A pst with pictures f the “flwer flash” as Miller calls them has gtten mre than 16,000 likes in less than a day. u Listen, Pm kind f bred. I’m a creative persn. I did smething new and it tk ff,’’ Miller said. 44 It still surprises me reading the cmments frm yesterday like really hw much it feeds pepled suls.
    Miller has been dtting Manhattan with flral sunrises fr a few years with his arrangements ppping ut f thse New Yrk City ht dg carts (推车)and even cnstructin equipment.
    “ And the cmbinatin f which is s hard aggressive, cmpared with flwers which are the exact ppsite f that,” Miller said.
    Vgue magazine nce wrte abut him but it’s the reactin frm the public many f whm have been restricted inside fr weeks that he values mst.
    “If yu can just stp, pause and just have ne secnd f jy — that’s amazing because that’s ne f the things that’s s lacking and it’s hard,” Miller said.
    As ne persn n Instagram put it, New Yrk City rubbish has never lked s pretty.
    28.Wh are the flral installatins mainly intended fr?
    A.Medical wrkers.B.Busy pedestrians.
    C.Cleaning staff.D.Very imprtant persns.
    29.What d the citizens think f Miller’s idea f the flral installatins?
    A. Bring.B. Hpeful.C. Valuable. D. Admirable.
    30.The design is creative because .
    A.it is simpleB.it is made f rubbish
    C.it pps ut f a rubbish canD.it is the symbl f New Yrk City
    31.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Street ArtB. A Big Surprise
    C. Lewis Miller’s Creatin Is Amazing D. Flwer Flash Brightens Streets
    One f the mst traditinal British hlidays is the seaside hliday. Typically, families travel t British seaside twns.
    In the late 1970s, air travel became affrdable fr the average family, and mre and mre British peple started travelling abrad fr their summer hlidays. After all, the British weather isn’t very gd, even in summer-
    In the 1980s and 1990s, British yung peple became mre wealthy. They started t g abrad in grups. Once at their destinatin they scialised with ther yung peple and had ne lng party.
    British hlidaying habits have begun t change, hwever. The UK nw has a warmer j climate than befre, s peple dn't always feel they need t g verseas. Als, the wrld seems a less certain place as intercnnected ecnmies(经济)rise and fall, which means that the cst f freign hlidays is less predictable than befre. The dmestic (国内的)turism industry — when peple g n hliday in their wn cuntry ——is healthier than it has been in decades. UK newspapers have even invented a new wrd : a “staycatin”.
    In sme ways, therefre, the UK has cme full circle. There is nw an increased appreciatin amng Britns fr the diversity f the UK. It is nt just the gegraphy, which ranges frm the flat fens (沼泽)f East Anglia t the valleys f Wales t the muntains f Sctland, which is diverse. And it is nt just the diversity f climate-based activities n ffer, which range frm surfing in the warm suthwest f England, t hillwalking and skiing in the nrth, it is als the diversity f the cultures in the UK that is beginning t be f interest t dmestic turists. Peple frget smetimes that there are different accents, languages, traditins, cuisines and peples acrss all the parts f the UK.
    32.Why d mre British peple take their hlidays in their wn cuntry?
    A.The Internet makes them clser.
    B.They are wealthier and mre sciable.
    C.The glbal climate is getting much warmer.
    D.The expense n freign hlidays is unsteady.
    33.What des the underlined wrd “staycatin” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.A vacatinspent at hme.B.A healthier style f living.
    C.A new wayt spend hliday.D.A fashinableturism industry.
    34.Which is the best heading that matches Paragraph 5 ?
    A.Flights f fancy.B.Sun, sea andsand.
    C.The lengthand width.D.Ftlse andfancy-free.
    35.What^ the purpse f the authr in writing the passage?
    A.T prve the UK has diverse scenery.
    B.T shw the UK starts t discver itself.
    C.T tell the develpment f the United Kingdm.
    D.T explain why the British spend hlidays inland.
    Each summer, Craig Stihler and Jack Wallace, scientists fr the state f West Virginia hike t Peacck Cave t cunt Virginia big-eared bats. 36 . They want t see if the number f bats is ging up r dwn.
    I was there t learn abut the bats fr my bk. After we arrived at the small entrance t Peacck Cave, Craig and Jack unpacked their equipment. Crale said, “ 37 .Hibernating (冬眠)bats may be awakened and fly arund and burn up the fat they've stred in their bdies. Withut that fd supply, they might nt live until spring when they can eat insects again. And bat mthers may drp their babies. “
    As night settled in,they set up a night-visin scpe (观察仪器).38 .They als set up a radi-like bat detectr utside the cave. It picks up bat sunds that ur ears can’t hear. Fr the next tw hurs, Craig cunted the bats by speaking int a handheld vice recrder each time five bats flew ut f the cave. By the time the last bat left the cave at abut 10:30 p. m., Craig and Jack had cunted 1,242 bats! 39 .Craig explained that when the first cunt was taken at Peacck Cave in 1983, there were nly 160 Virginia big-eared bats. Prjects t help prtect bats have helped the bats make a remarkable cmeback. Tday the ttal number f Virginia big-eared bats there are mre than 25,000.
    40 .They will cntinue t need human’s help if they are ging t survive int the
    A.Why d they d s?
    B.It allws them t see the bats in darkness.
    C.Virginia big-eared bats are medium-sized.
    D.Bats are imprtant because they eat insects.
    E.They want t catch sme bats fr their research.
    F.Bats living in caves can suffer if disturbed by peple.
    G.That was the mst Craig and Jack had ever cunted there.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处 的最佳选项。
    This was what all f the training and pain was abut -winning. I watched TV t see the 41 runner AVHO had been under my 42 fr the last few years. I wuld have been 43 had it nt been fr the traffic prblem. 44 the yung runner enter the 45 f thusands f peple, I culd nt help thinking f the 46 that he had 47 in his training.
    The yung runner was 48 cnsidered t be prmising when he first came t me. There were 49 training sessins (训练课)full f pain fr him. I had seen tiredness 50 n his face. I had been 51 abut his anger and pain. It was clear that nly hard wrk culd 52 him success. I had53t myself when I fund that he had t much passin ( 热情)t give up. And he wuld keep up the training until he reached achievement. I had never frgt t 54 him that regardless f the 55 he had t keep n practice.
    The thunderus shuts arid cheers 56 me back t the 57 . The yung runner was gaining speed! He was running t the finish line. He was strng enugh t 58 ther runners. His curage, heart and discipline(纪律)tgether with his years f practice wn him the hnr. Tears 59 dwn my cheeks when I fund n the screen the yung runner was lking arund. I understd at nce that he was lking fr me. Fr years, lie had becme s used t my60 , success r failure.
    41. A.slimB. yungC. successfulD.smart
    42. A.repairB. cnstructinC. assessmentD.caching
    43. A.n the sptB. n the airC. in n wayD.in the meanwhile
    44. A.MakingB. HearingC. WatchingD.Letting
    45. A.alarmsB. whistlesC. whispersD.cheers
    46. A.cnflictsB. wrriesC. painsD.dangers
    47. A.gne thrughB. put lip withC. gt rid fD.brught up
    48. A.eventuallyB. hardlyC. directlyD.nrmally
    49. A.cuntlessB. effrtlessC. wrthlessD.breathless
    50. A.stuckB. printedC. writtenD.signed
    51. A.unbelievableB. ptimisticC. bredD.uncncerned
    52. A.sendB. earnC. leaveD.keep
    53. A.sighedB. saidC. smiledD.thught
    54. A.persuadeB. remindC. cmmandD.scld
    55. A.rewardsB. chancesC. adventuresD.challenges
    56. A.drewB. keptC. heldD.gave
    57. A.screenB. classrmC. fieldD.scene
    58. A.cmpeteB. affectC. beatD.shck
    59. A.pulledB. rlledC. pushedD.turned
    60. A.cncernB. defeatC. imprtanceD.presence
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1 _5分,满分15分)
    Sme peple just can’t keep frm giving. That was the way it was with my neighbur. Althugh disabled, she was very active. In fact, she did mre fr the cmmunity (社区)every day 61 I ever d in a year’s time.
    I was always amazed at the pace she kept. On Mndays and Fridays, she wrked at a cllege giving students guidance s that they culd have a gd 62 (chse) f career. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she helped ut as a vlunteer t give aid t peple withut 63 (hme). And n the weekends, she 64(teach) lcal kids wh needed extra help with
    their schlwrk. And mst 65( imprtant) , she always had a psitive attitude. I dn’t
    remember nce 66( hear) her cmplaints abut her trubles. 67 stresses f everyday
    life seemed l make her lk fr every ccasin she culd find 68( spread) her gd
    humr arund instead 69 bthering her. 1 remember when I had just lst my jb, she spent a day with me and listened t me. She never became impatient with my cmplaints.
    What I regret nw 70(be) nt having ever really dne anything fr her. I suppse she never needed it.
    假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    My mther wrks as dctr in N. 1 Peple’ s Hspital. She is devted t her wrk and treats her patients kind. Ifs said that she smetimes pay fr the cst f medicine and treatment fr sme pr patients. Many peple praise her fr her great virtue r her excellent medical level, she is always busy cared fr her patients and ften wrks vertime. Smetimes I can' t see her at hme fr several day. Once I cmplained t her because f she hardly had time t accmpany myself. She smiles and tld me that her patients were mst imprtant than ur family members.
    假定你是李华,你的英语外教Mn Black打算买一些中国特色的礼物带回国送给亲友,请你给他写信,推荐礼物。要点如下:
    Dear Mr. Black,
    Li Hua
    1-5 CCBBA6-10 AABAB11-15 BAACA16 -20 BCCAB
    21-25 BDCBC 26 -30 BAADC 31-35 DDACB36 -40 AFBGD
    41-45 BDACD 46 -50 CABAC 51 -55 DBCBD56 -60 AACBD
    61.than62.chice63.hmes64.Taught65. imprtantly
    66.hearing67.The68.t spread69.f70. is
    1. dctr 前 a2. kind 改为 kindly 3. pay 改为 pays
    4. r 改为and5. cared 改为 caring 6. day 改为 days
    7.去掉f8. myself 改为 me9. smiles 改为 smiled
    10. mst 改为 mre
    第二节 One pssible versin:
    Dear Mr. Black!
    I amLi Hua.In yur last letter yu askedme abut sme Chinese gifts. I am writing t
    recmmend sme gifts t yu.
    As is ften the case, tea is yur first chice because teades gd t health and there is a variety ftea fr yu t chse frm.Anther cmmn gift is Chinesepaintings, which have a lng histry and special beauty. Inadditin,yu canchse smeChineseknts r sme traditinal Chinese fd, like Beijing Rast Duck.
    I think yur friends and relatives will be excited with the gifts.
    All the best.
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    M : Hurry up! The shw begins at 7: 30 pm. Its already 7:10 p.m. nw.
    W : Dn’twrry.Theclck nthewallis ten minutes fast.
    M : Then we can get there n time.
    W : Sam, what abut ging t a mvie tnight?
    M : I’d lve t,butI can’t. If I g,I’ll miss the deadline fr thetaskagain.
    W : Then I’ll g alne.
    M :Sara, ur wildlife prtectin club is lking fr sme mre members. Are yu interested? W : I’m really interested in yur club. But I’m t busy with my studies. Next year, perhaps. M :OK.
    Text 4
    W : Oh! lk at all the fds yu’ve rdered.
    M : D yu like them? Ihpe yu d.Srry!I dn’t really knw what yu really lveeating.
    W : Actually yu’ve rdered all that I lve eating. Thank yu.
    Text 5
    W : The price f petrl keeps drpping recently.It’s reallygd news,isn’tit?
    M : Yes.ButI’mafraid it’llkeep ging up pretty sn.Yuknw,it can’t drp all thetime.
    W : That’s true. And when the price ges up, I’ll drive less.
    Text 6
    W: Peter,why dn’t yu g utside and play ftball with yur fiends?It is such a wnderful day tday.
    M : N,I’drather stay inside.There is a ftballgame in just abut tenminutes.Yuknw hw much I lve watching ftball games n TV.
    W : Oh,Peter.Yureally shuld g and d sprts yurself rather thanwatching games. If yu dn’t,yuput n weightquickly.Yu’ll end up being as fat as yur father ne day.Just stp being a cuch ptat! It wn’t d yu any gd.
    M : OK I’II g utside.
    W : Gd.
    Text 7
    W :I’ve just finishedwriting my letter f applicatin.But I think it needs sme imprvements. Mike,yu’rewrriedfr vertenyears.I’msureyucan give me sme advice.Culd yu help me ut?
    M :Certainly.I’d be glad ttell yu what I think. Let mesee.Er... IfI were yu, I wuld change the beginning.
    W : Why?
    M : Idn’t think it’s necessary t write abut yur childhd.I dn’t think yur bss wuld be interested in that. Why nt write abut yur educatin first? It interests emplyers mre.
    W : Ithink yu’re right.What dyuthink abut the secndpart?
    M :Yu’dbetter say smething mre abut yur wrk experience. Many cmpanies cnsider wrk experience imprtant.
    W : Yu’re right. I’ll change it. Hw abut the last part?
    M :The lastpartis abut yur hbbies. I dn’t find anything imprper abutit.
    W :OK. Nw I’ll rewrite it.
    Text 8
    W : What mvie did yu see last night?
    M: Rung Fu Yga.
    W : Did yu like it ?
    M : Certainly. I culdn’thelplaughing when I was watching it.Jackie Chan had a very great perfrmance in.
    W : I’ve als seen this mvie.I watched it at my uncle’s with his sn. He’s a big fan f Jackie Chan’s mvies.He has watched almst all f hismvies thugh he’just ten yearsld. He’s very interested in Chinese Kung Fu.
    M : I think nw many American children like ChineseKung Fuandthat’s why Jackie Chan’s mvies are s ppularhere in it the US.D yu like his mvies?
    W : Yes. But I dn’t think Jackie Chan is handsme enugh.
    M : It seems yu girls lve mvies starring handsme actrs. But Jackie Chan has great character. He can act with great depth.
    W: I agree. Oh, the class begins. Let’s g inside.
    Text 9
    M : Lisa, when d yu usually get up in the mrning?
    W : Well, I used t get up arund 6:30 a.m., but nw I can get up half anhur later.
    M : Hw cme?
    W : I used t get up early t makecffee. But nw I dn’thave t.
    M : Yu dn’ drink cffee nw?
    W : Dn’t get me wrng. I still drink cffee.I just dn’t have t getup that early t make cffee. I bught an alarm clck abuttwmnthsag. Yumay ntbelieve it,butthis alarm clck can make cffee. S I usually get up after the cffee is ready.
    M : Really? It must have cst yu an arm and a leg.
    W : Well,yuhave t pay 420 dllars frit nw. But when I gt it, I just paid 300 dllars. Are yu thinking f getting ne as well?
    M : Yes. I g t wrk very early. I used t make cffee myself in the early mrning. But it was nt an easy task, s I stpped. Having such a machine wuld mean I culd drink cffee in the mrning again.
    W : Many peple lve it. I have recmmended it t many f my clleagues. And sme f them even have recmmended it t their students’ parents.
    Text 10
    Hw t cntrl anger? In tday’ prgram, I’ll give yu sme tips.
    Since anger arises frm failed expectatins, changing expectatins is a gd way t cntrl anger. S instead f getting upset abut a missed appintment, try t accept the missed appintment in a calm manner. Then plan fr what needs t be dne t make up fr the missed appintment. That’s what I ften d.
    Secnd,try t lk at yur current situatin in a psitive way. Fr example, insteadf Bad luck. I missed the flight”,yu can say “It’s a gd thing that I missed the flight. Nw I have sme time t read a nvel befre my next flight. That was an experience f my clleague Tm Brwn.
    Third, yu can relax and take a deepbreath.Smetimes there is really nt much yu can d —like when yu arestuck in a traffic jam. There are,f curse, anger management games that help us practice dealing with such situatins.
    Furth,takea break.We all need that smetimes! Take a break frm whatever yu are ding,andchange the envirnment pssible. Get utandget a cup f cffee. Thank yu fr yur listening. Nw please listen t a cmfrting sng.

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