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    这是一份精品解析:2021年山东省德州市临邑县中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板),文件包含精品解析2021年山东省德州市临邑县中考二模英语试题解析版doc、精品解析2021年山东省德州市临邑县中考二模英语试题原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。



    1. 本试题共六个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;选择题计80分,非选择题计70分;试卷总分150分,考试时间120分钟。

    2. 考生应将答案全部答在答题卡上,注意事项请参照答题卡要求。考试结束后,试题和答题卡将一并收回。

    一、听力测试(25小题; 1-20小题,每小题1分;21-25小题,每小题2; 共计30分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)


    1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. That's right.

    C. Sorry, I won't do it again.

    2. A. Not at all. B. Never mind. C. All right.

    3 A. Of course. B. A piece of cake. C. My pleasure.

    4 A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. That's a good idea!

    5. A. Sure, sounds good. B. No way. C. I agree with you.


    A.   B.   C.

    6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________


    9. How often does Peter play basketball?

    A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

    10. What kind of movies does the male speaker like best?

    A. Foreign films. B. Documentaries. C. Action movies.

    11. What are they going to do this evening?

    A. Listen to the radio.

    B. Go to a theater to watch Beijing Opera.

    C. Watch Beijing Opera online.

    12. What can Betty drink at the party?

    A. Beer. B. Juice. C. Wine.

    13. What does Jason think about school?

    A. It’s stressful. B. It’s boring. C. It’s OK.


    14. They are talking ________.

    A. in an office B. at school C. on the phone

    15. What job does the woman probably have?

    A. Manage B. Teacher C. Secretary

    16. Why does the man make the call?

    A. To ask about a meeting.

    B. To set a meeting time.

    C. To explain why he's late.

    17. What will the man do later?

    A. Give the woman his number.

    B. Call Mr Collins again.

    C. Leave a message.



    A. want to join a club to practices the violin at school

    19. Charles

    B. encourage others to read books like Journey to the West

    20. Cody

    C. have two problems while learning English


    Information about staying in the hotel

    About the rooms

    Two (21) ________ rooms have been ready. They are on the (22)________ floor. And each room is $150 each night.

    About meals

    (23)________ breakfast is offered from 7 to 9:30. Lunch and dinner must be paid.


    Don’t forget to bring your (24)________ card.

    About the date

    Peter will arrive at the hotel on (25)________ 30th.




    Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete, and a person who refuses to use the words “no” or “can’t”.

    She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic legs (假肢) all her life. She grew up in Alabama, US and had an active childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and in the swimming pool. She feels lucky because her family has treated her the same way they would treat anyone.

    When a person is born without legs, there are lots of things that are difficult to do. But Sullivan believes she can do anything. She chose to do two things that are difficult even with both legs.

    As a teenager, she saw a movie that made a big impression on her. Before it was over, Sullivan had made her mind up to be an actress.

    She earned a degree (学位) in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played roles in theater, television and movies. She has a positive view of life. She thinks that if you believe you can do something, you should go for it. So when Sullivan’s friend asked her whether she’d like to try running, she said “yes”. She was given a pair of running legs and started running.

    Sullivan was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to take up running as a competitive sport. She made it to the 100-meter finals in the 2012 London Paralympics.

    Sullivan’s family, friends and fans look up to her as an example of someone who has overcome difficulties and achieved her dreams.

    1. What was Sullivan’s life like when she was young?

    A. She stayed at home most of the time.

    B. She did the same things as her sisters and brothers.

    C. Her sisters and brothers didn’t like to play with her.

    D. Her family took care of her in a special way.

    2. The “two things” in Paragraph 3 refer to ________.

    A. gymnastics and swimming

    B. being a student and a director

    C. being an actress and a runner

    D. being a teacher and a theater performer

    3. Sullivan accepted her friend’s suggestion to start running because ________.

    A. she got fed up with acting

    B. she believed she could do it

    C. she refused to work in theaters

    D. she wanted to be treated normally

    4. Put the following sentences into the right order according to the time.

    ①Katy started running as an athlete.

    ②Katy earned a degree in a theater.

    ③Katy enter the 100-meter finals in 2012.

    ④Katy swam with her sister and brother at home.

    A. ①③④② B. ④①②③ C. ④②①③ D. ③①④②

    5. Which description is unsuitable (不适合的) for Sullivan?

    A. She is a determined person. B. She has big dreams.

    C. She is positive toward life. D. She often changes her mind.


    A young man went to the boss of a logging Crew(伐木队) and asked for a job.

    “That depends,” replied the boss. “Let’s see you fell this tree.”

    The young man stepped forward and skillfully felled a big tree.

    The boss was amazed and said. “You can start on Monday.”

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday went by, and Thursday afternoon the boss went to the young man and said, “You can pick up your wages(薪水) on your way out today.”

    The young man was very surprised. He replied, “I thought you would pay on Friday.”

    “Usually we do,” the boss said. “But we’re letting you go today because you’ve fallen behind. Our daily felling charts(日程表) show that you’ve dropped from first place on Monday to last place today.”

    “But I’m quite hardworking,” the young man argued. “I am the first to arrive, and the last to leave, and even work during my coffee breaks.”

    The boss thought for a minute and then asked, “Have you sharpened your axe(斧子)?The young man replied, No, sir. I’ve been working too hard to take time for that.Our lives are like this. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to “sharpen the axe”.

    There’s nothing wrong with working hard. But we all need time to relax,to think,to learn and grow. If we don’t take time to relax,we will feel bored and lose our effectiveness(效率).

    6. How did the young man get the job?

    A He answered the boss questions.

    B. He showed his ability to fell a tree.

    C. He gave the boss a sharp axe.

    D. He made a promise to work hard.

    7. The young man got paid a day early because ________.

    A. the boss was asking him to leave

    B. he wanted to buy a new axe

    C. the boss wanted to reward(奖励) him

    D. he wanted to take the next day off

    8. How did the young man do his work?

    A. He spent too much time sharpening his axe.

    B. He was always the last to arrive at the workplace.

    C. He was always the first to leave the workplace.

    D. He worked hard, even during his coffee breaks.

    9. From the passage we can know that ________.

    A. the young man became lazy later

    B. the young man was the fastest worker

    C. the boss found the reason for the young man

    D. the boss asked the young man to go on working for him

    10. What does the story tell us?

    A. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    B. Health is the best treasure a man can have.

    C. Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.

    D. Taking time to “sharpen the axe” can make us more effective.


    Chinese people are eating too much salt. On average, people in China eat about 10.5 grams of salt each day, much higher than the 6 grams recommended(建议)by Chinese Dietary Guidelines2016. China now has one of the highest salt intakes in the world. To fix this, China issued the first salt reduction guide for its food industry on April 18, 2018, People’s Daily reported.

    If the guide is followed properly, the average salt intake for Chinese people will drop by 20 percent by 2030. The guide calls for food companies to lower the salt content in their products by improving their production techniques(技术)and changing flavors(滋味).

    The salt we take is mainly comes from processed(加工的)food. For example, a 104-gram can of Lay’s classic potato chips contains about 0.66 grams of salt, which accounts for over 10 percent of the recommended daily salt intake.

    A small amount of salt makes food taste better and is important for good health, but eating too much increases the risk of high blood pressure, Xinhua reported.

    Less salt leads to better health. And there’s no need to worry that food will be less tasty in the future. A study by the Monell Chemical Senses Center in the United States found that it’s easy for people to reduce their salt intake. Although you may think your food is not salty enough at first, your taste buds(味蕾)will gradually get used to it and you will feel that your food tastes the same as it did before.

    11. From Paragraph I and 2, we know that Chinese people ________.

    A. eat six grams of salt each day on average

    B. take in 75 percent more salt than is recommended

    C. have the highest salt intake in the world

    D. have never had their own salt intake guide

    12. Who or what is the salt reduction guide aimed at?

    A. Chinese people. B. Food industry.

    C. The salt industry. D. Potato chip makers.

    13. The Chinese meaning of "contains" in Paragraph 4 is ________ here.

    A. 含有 B. 克制 C. 拦截 D. 包围

    14. If the guide is followed properly, what change will take place in China?

    A. Many people will find the food not tasty.

    B. There will be no more processed food.

    C. Chinese people will take in less salt than they do now.

    D. Chinese people will not get enough salt in the future.

    15. What does the author want to tell us in the last two paragraphs?

    A. High blood pressure is common in China.

    B. Taking in less salt can make us healthier.

    C. There is no need to worry about a lack of salt.

    D. Our taste buds prefer the flavor of salt.


    Chinese space exploration(探索) made great achievements in 2020 with the most significant event being the Chang’e 5 mission(任务)China Daily reported.

    The Chang’e 5 was China’s first sample(样本) return mission. It traveled in space for 23 days and brought back 1.7 kg of lunar(月球的) rock and soil samples to Earth. This was the world’s first lunar return mission since 1976 and made China the third country to complete a lunar return mission after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

    The lunar samples have been sent to laboratories for research that will improve understanding of the statetemperatureand material content(物质含量)of the moon. Some of the samples will be put on display to encourage scientific interest. "This will greatly encourage people, especially young people, to study and explore the worlds beyond Earth, " Xiao Long, a planetary scientist said..

    China also views the mission as part of mankind's exploration of the moon as a whole.

    The Chang’e 5 landing site was very deliberately(审慎地) chosen. The Mons Rumker site, which had never been sampled before, is geologically younger than the sampling areas of the US and Soviet missions. Scientists believe the new samples could help to understand the moon’s volcanic(火山的) activity and evolution(演变).

    China has promised to share its samples with scientists from other countries. Some foreign scientists have shown interest. Lunar exploration is for the benefit of international scientific research. Mankind will explore the moon together, as large exploration projects will require international cooperation in the future. China will play a leadership role in the international scientific community, China Daily noted

    According to President Xithe mission was also the latest achievement by China’s overall system, which is characterized by its ability to mobilise(调动) all available resources to deal with difficulties and achieve its goals. This will play a big role in future space missions.

    16. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 1?

    A. dangerous B. helpful C. important D. painful

    17. What do we know about the mission?

    A. It was done secretly.

    B. The missions landing site has never been sampled before.

    C. It involved cooperation with other countries.

    D It was the first lunar return mission ever

    18. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    A. What China's future space missions will be like.

    B. China's ability to unite other countries.

    C. The role China will play in future space exploration.

    D. The advantages of China's system

    19. What can we infer from the passage?

    A. The United States will lead the international scientific community.

    B. We can easily make achievements if we work together.

    C. Chang’e 5 mission might encourage more people to study science.

    D. Space exploration is the most important scientific field.

    20. This passage may be found in/on a ________.

    A. notebook B. guide book C. newspaper D. storybook


    Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, and emptiest place on Earth. But it is also home to penguins and many kinds of ocean life. The cold weather over millions or years has created a huge layer(层)of ice that covers Antarctica. ____21____

    Yet the continent (大陆) is also one of the driest parts on Earth.

    ____22____ The first human to set foot on land in Antarctica is said to be John Davis, a US seal hunter, in 1821. Tourists visit the coast of Antarctica during summer, which is from November to February in the southern hemisphere. They get to see penguins, seals, whales and a beautiful icy view.

    ____23____ They are mostly scientists and those who help them carry out their research.

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a US organization. ____24____ “Each year, we send more than 100 teams of scientists to our three research stations in Antarctica,” Polar Programs spokesman Peter West said.

    Some scientists study the movement of glaciers (冰川) or the activity of volcanoes. ____25____ There are even scientists looking for dinosaur bones!

    A. Polar Programs, which is part of the NSF, supports scientists in the Antarctic.

    B. Humans have explored the area for hundreds of years.

    C But who lives and works in Antarctica?

    D. What animals live in Antarctica?

    E. In some places, the ice is about 20 meters thick.

    F. Others study animals such as whales, seals, birds, and fish.




    however, between, happy, early, other, five, though, them, owner, proper, who

    For many dog owners, walking their pet may be one of the ____26____ moments in a day—a time of relaxation for ____27____ and their pets.

    ____28____ , for dog owners in Wenshan city in Yunnan province, walking their dogs has just become more inconvenient.

    The city released a notice saying that dog ____29____ are stopped from walking their pets in urban areas from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m.

    Some people agree with the rule, saying it makes people feel safer. “It is from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. that people are very active, and stopping dog walking at that time could help avoid conflicts (冲突) ____30____ dogs and people,” reporter Gong Dazhong wrote for the Yangtse Evening Post.

    ____31____ say the rule is inconvenient for pet owners and their pets. “Every body’s situation is different, but the rule is too strict,” a Wenshan pet owner surnamed Zhang told The Beijing News.

    The rule was introduced due to a growing number of conflicts between dog owners and people walking on the street. Early this month, a dog owner in Hangzhou attacked a woman ____32____ tried to drive an unleashed (末拴绳的) dog away as it started barking at her son. A fight followed. That’s the ____33____ report about this kind of incidents (事件) this month.

    Wang Yukai, a professor, said that ____34____ Wenshan’s rule is well-intentioned (好意的), stopping dogs from being walked from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. is a bad idea. Efforts to prevent conflicts should focus on making sure that dog owners raise their dogs ____35____ , Wang told The Beijing News.


    阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给11个动词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化 (可添加助动词或者情态动词),填入空白处。

    grow, live, hear, encourage, slow, try, get, worry, become, treat, complete

    “Oh, my god. Are you serious?”

    That’s a reaction(反应) I often get when people ____36____ the story of my childhood.

    It’s s a story I don’t often share. ____37____ up in a bad home, I learned to protect myself by not speaking up. I’ve seldom said anything about how badly I ____38____ and hurt as a child.

    I don’t talk about how my name was changed at least three times,what it was like ____39____ in my van(箱式货车),or how I’ve struggled with anxiety(焦虑).

    But I learned to start speaking up for myself. I went on to earn two graduate degrees and I ____40____ my doctorate(博学学位) this year. Also, I ____41____ a widely published author already. So, how did I get to where I am today?

    What’s helped me is surrounding myself with caring, loving people. They often ____42____ me to be brave and gave me a hand while I ____43____ about something. They taught me how ____44____ down, to breathe, to be thankful for what I’ve got.

    I don’t think I’m in any way special or unique. I’m a common man and I ____45____ to live a happy life by myself now.

    Pain and fear teach us to be silent. It’s time for that to change.

    五、阅读表达 (5小题,每小题2分,计10)


    According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the year starting on Feb 12 will be the Year of the Ox. Many Chinese people believe it will be a good year, partly because they have a strong liking for the animal itself.

    In Chinese culture, the ox stands for the spirit of hard work and unselfishness. We often say that the ox is enduring(忍耐的)and generous(慷慨的). The term laohuangniu, describes those who help others and ask nothing for themselves. Just as Chinese writer Lu Xun once wrote, “Cows eat grass but give milk.”

    But in the West, people have a different opinion about the animal. “ Bullheaded people are very stubborn(固执的)and will not listen to advice.

    If you search on the internet for the word “bull”, you'll also find other interesting English expressions. For example ,if someone behaves “like a bull in a china shop,” he or she behaves in a clumsy(笨拙的)manner when they should be more careful.

    4.With the new year coming, we hope that all of our readers will work just as hard as the ox does. Avoid anything that might make you as angry as “a red flag to a bull”. We hope you can always “take the bull by the horns(不畏艰险)” when you have to deal with a difficult situation.

    46. What does the ox stand for in Chinese culture?


    47. What are bullheaded people like?


    48. If a person acts carelessly, which word or phrase might be used to describe them?

    A. laohuangniu B. like a bull in a china shop C. take the bull by the horns

    49. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


    50. How would something like a red flag to a bull make people feel?



    51. 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。节约粮食,避免浪费是中华民族的传统美德。即使如今人们生活富足,我们也应当提倡节俭,避免浪费食物。某英文网站正在开展以拒绝食物浪费为主题的征文活动,作为一名中学生,请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文稿件,谈谈为什么要节约食物,你平常是怎么做的,有什么收获,并号召大家珍惜粮食、拒绝浪费。


    1. Why should we avoid wasting food?

    2. What do you usually do in order to save food?

    3. How have you benefited from doing so?

    4. …


    food waste食物浪费;cut down减少;leftover剩饭;cherish珍惜



    3. 100词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Food waste has become a big problem these days.




    精品解析:2021年山东省曲阜市中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板): 这是一份精品解析:2021年山东省曲阜市中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板),文件包含精品解析2021年山东省曲阜市中考二模英语试题解析版doc、精品解析2021年山东省曲阜市中考二模英语试题原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2021年山东省德州市夏津县中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板): 这是一份精品解析:2021年山东省德州市夏津县中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板),文件包含精品解析2021年山东省德州市夏津县中考二模英语试题解析版doc、精品解析2021年山东省德州市夏津县中考二模英语试题原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2021年山东省德州市德城区中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板): 这是一份精品解析:2021年山东省德州市德城区中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷板),文件包含精品解析2021年山东省德州市德城区中考二模英语试题解析版doc、精品解析2021年山东省德州市德城区中考二模英语试题原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。







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