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    这是一份2022舟山高二上学期期末检测英语含答案(含听力),文件包含浙江省舟山市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末检测英语Word版含答案doc、英语mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。







    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1.    Why did the woman go to Sweden?

    A. To see a friend.    B.    To    look for a job.    C. To relax herself.

    2.    What did the woman do?

    A. She knocked over the man's table.    

    B.    She    bought a new cup for the man.

    C. She broke the man’s cup.

    3.    Where does the conversation take place?

    A. On the plane.    B.    At    home.    C. In a restaurant.

    4.    How does the woman feel about the TV programs?

    A. She thinks they are bad in general.    

    B.    She    thinks they are good on the whole.

    C. She thinks they are not educational enough.

    5.    What do we know about the roan?

    A. He is out of work.    

    B.    He    is short of money.

    C. He lives with his brother.


    听下面S段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项 .中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小題5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


    6.    Why is Charles unwilling to join the woman?

    A. He is too lazy.    B. He wants to watch TV. C. He has a pain in his knee.

    7.    What will the woman probably do next?

    K. Stay at home.    B.    Take    Charles    to    the    hospital. C. Do some exercise.


    8.    How did the man go to London?

    A. By bus.    B.    By car.   C. By underground.

    9.    What did the man and his friends have for the meal?

    A. Spanish food.    B.    Chinese  food.   C. Mexican food.

    10.    What does the man say about the restaurant?

    A. It was full.    B.    It    was    quiet.   C. It was expensive.


    11.    What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter.   C. Manager and secretary.

    12.    What do we know about the woman?

    A. She is running a fever.

    B. She is having a toothache.

    C. She is having a sore throat.

    13.    What does the man advise the woman to do?

    A. Take some pills twice a day.    

    B.    Take a good rest for a couple of days.

    C. Drink plenty of water and have fried food.


    14. What is the man doing?

    A. Interviewing an athlete.

    B. Visiting the Olympic Village.

    C. Taking part in the Olympic Games.

    15.    How long does Andy swim every day?

    A. About hours.

    B. About three and a half hours.

    C. About four and a half hours.

    16. What does Andy usually do in her free time?

    A. Sleep.    B.    Browse Tik Tok   C. Go dancing.


    17.  How many years has this store been in business?

    A. More than ten years.

    B. Exactly ten years.

    C. Less than ten years.

    18. Why is the store closing?

    A. They have to move far away.    

    B. They want to try something new.

    C. They don't have enough customers.

    19. What might the discount be on Thursday?

    A. 60% off.    B. 70% off.   C. 80% off.

    20. When can customers buy the best products?

    A. On Monday.    B. On Wednesday.   C. on the Weekend.





    People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word  “mouth”. But some of

    them are not so nice.

    For example, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person's feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell. The speaker might say WI really put my foot in my mouth this time.”

    Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something. The other person might protest MI did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth!”

    Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend was going to say. When this happens, the friend might say “You took the words right out of my mouth!” Sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person. He might say that experience “left a bad taste in my mouth”.

    Or the person might have had a very frightening experience, like being chased by an angry dog. He might say “I had my heart in my mouth”.

    Some people live “from hand to mouth”. They are just opposite to those “born with a silver spoon in their mouths”.

    OK, I have been running my mouth long enough and that’s all for today’s Words and Their Stories in VOA Special English. Tm Faith Lapidus. Do join us again next week.

    21. Which of the following best matches the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?

    A. Great minds think alike.          B. Sharp tools make good work.

    C. Two heads are better than one.    D. Kill two birds with one stone.

    22. When Jack was nearly scared to death by the sudden appearance of the fierce dog, he would

    Say “_____________”.

    A. I really put my foot in my mouth this time       B. Do not put words in my mouth

    C. It left a bad taste in my mouth                 D. I had my heart in my mouth

    23. Where is the passage probably taken from?

    A. A magazine.      B. A radio program.

    C. A TV series.      D. A newspaper column.


    The spiders have long, scary legs. Some spiders even bite. But Spider-Man is another story. He might help people see spiders less negatively, a new study finds.

    After Menachem Ben-Ezra, a proud fan of the Marvel (漫威公司) films and also a psychologist, saw the movie Ant-Man and the Wasp (黄蜂)he walked out with a sudden scientific idea that he should measure people before they went into the theater, and afterwards to see if the fear of ants would be reduced or changed.

    Ben-Ezra and his colleagues asked 424 people questions, about one-quarter of them about

    spiderssuch as “Did you find them scary?” “Did seeing one make your hearts race and palms

    sweat?M A second group received similar questions, this time about ants. The last two groups got the same questions about other insects. Afterward, everyone watched videos. Group one got a Spider-Man movie. Group two saw Ant-Man and the Wasp. Groups three and four watched unrelated video—wheat waving peacefully in the breeze.

    After viewing the movie, Ben-Ezra again asked the participants how they felt about spiders, ants or other insects in generaland found the ant and spider exposures seemed to make people

    insensitive and less afraid. Between 3.5 and 6.1 percent of people experience such a phobia (恐惧症) of spiders. Phobias can stop people from travelingworking and enjoying their lives.

    Ben-Ezra hopes that their movie research might help people with phobias. But they caution that people with phobias shouldn't just run out and watch movies and expect their fear to go away. “What we did is only the first step in a very long road,” Ben-Ezra says. “We didn’t say you’ll be cured. We don't have evidence for that/' But eventually, presenting peopled fears in a positive context—such as a superhero movie—might help people surmount their fear or disgust. After all, if spiders produce Spider-Man, maybe they,re not so bad.

    24.    What method did Ben-Ezra use in his study?

    A. By giving examples.    B. By asking questions.

    C. By analyzing causes.    D. By making assumptions.

    25.    What does the underlined word “surmount” in the last paragraph mean?

    A. Overcome.    B. Discount.    C. Intervene.    D. Delete.

    26.    What did Ben-Ezra advise people to do with phobias?

    A.    They should travel, work and enjoy their lives.

    B.    They should keep their phobias of insects a secret.

    C.    They should adopt a positive attitude to their fear.

    D.    They should watch more super-hero Marvel movies.

    27.    What is the best title for this passage?

    A. The Insect Phobia Cured With Wasp

    B. The Positive Energy of Superheroes

    C. Spider-Man’s Spider Fear    

    D. Fighting Spider Fear with Spider-Man


    “ELSA, IT’S YOU!” It was the four-year-old’s surprise birthday party, and her favorite Disney character, Elsa from Frozen, had arrived. The two merrily began to sing the movie’s big song, “Let It Go”. You would swear they were celebrating at the most magical place on earth, but this wasn’t Disney World. It was the pediatric (儿科)cancer ward at a hospital on Long Island in New York. And the princess was a college student volunteering for A Moment of Magic, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to lift the spirits of sick children, which has 400 volunteers from 11 colleges around the country.

    It all began with a movie Frozen. Kylee McGrane, now 23, noticed that she and Elsa had matching blond hair and big blue eyes. At that time, she was searching for a new community project, ideally one with kids. That sparked an ideadressing up as Disney princesses and visiting pediatric cancer patients.

    “When kids are in a hospital for so longthey don’t get all the magic that most kids do,” says McGrane. “It’s nice to give them time to be themselves.” In 2015, after raising S2,000 on a Go Fund Me page to pay for costumes and travel expenses, McGrane and her friend landed their first gig, at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York. They dressed as Elsa and her sister, Anna, to the squealing delight of the girls and blushing smiles from the boys. “To see the kids believe in me, my character...It was life changing,” says McGrane.

    They also have a growing kingdom of fans. Shara Moskowitz from New Jersey says that her

    seven-year-old daughter, Avery, still talks almost every day by phone or text to the princesses she

    met nearly two years ago at her birthday party. Avery was receiving treatment for a neuroblastoma (成神经细胞瘤). “My daughter found something that she really needed to connect to,” savs Moskowitz. “These girls gave her that moment of imagination, freedom, and happiness of dreaming”.

    28.    The princess performances were given in order to___________.

    A.    raise money for “A Moment of Magic”

    B.    cheer up children suffering from cancers

    C.    celebrate children’s birthday in Disneyland

    D.    share the spirits of the movies with volunteers

    29.    What can we infer from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

    A.    Kylee landed a good part in the movie Frozen.

    B.    Kylee was financed by Cohen Children’s Medica Center.

    C.    Kylee had matching blond hair and big blue eyes with Elsa.

    D.    Kylee's idea of princess performance was inspired by the movie Frozen.

    30.    By referring to Avery Moskowitz, the author wants to indicate that _________.

    A. their performances were well received and popular

    B.    their performances greatly depressed those children

    C.    their performances helped build a magic world for girls

    D.    their performances freed the kids with cancer from sufferings



    Many people find bats frightening creatures. They have incredibly odd habitslike sleeping upside do»n, staying up all night and occasional bloodsucking. __31__

    We characterize bats as supernatural. __32__  It’s for that ability to “see” with their ears that bats are perhaps most well-knownthat, and their supposed blindness, which makes echolocation (回声定位)necessary for finding and feeding on fruits and insects and other small animals. __33__?    What    if    being    “as    blind as a bat” just meant, wellbeing able to see perfectly well?

    Contrary to what most people believe, bats are generally not blind at all and in fact are believed to have eyesight keener than that of most humans. Because they hunt mostly in the dead of night, when lighting conditions are, of course, very dark, bats rely on echolocation to pinpoint exact locations of prey. __34__ Instead,  a bat’s eyesfar from useless, are accustomed to

    low-light conditions to better aid in finding prey and are enhanced by their super hearing power. Being as blind as a bat doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

    __35__ However, there are six species of bats that don’t hang upside down. For most bats, their feet have evolved to be relaxed in a clenched position. When they're ready to fly, they let go and gain force from falling, since their little legs and wings can’t give them the kind of lift birds get.

    A.    Most people also believe all bats hang upside down

    B.    This ability docs not, however, require or have any connection to blindness

    C.    But you may not actually know as much about bats as you think

    D.    Another myth with bats is that they have no feet

    E.    That’s no surprise with their talent for echolocation

    F.    But what if the most basic truth you've been told about bats was not true

    G.    Here are some possible reasons why they are so scary




    The COVID-19 pandemic put a lot of celebrations on hold. During what seemed like an end to the pandemic, Dawn planned a birthday party __36__ for her son JJ at a park with plenty of space to social __37__. For one reason or another, kids and their parents __38__ to stay at home. No guest __39__ on the celebration.

    After __40__ the birthday party at a park for her son that nobody went to, this mom __41__ her heartbreak online. All parents just want __42__ for their kids. Imagine watching your young kid’s excitement __43__ sadness when none of his friends go to his __44__.

    Dawn’s video quickly __45__ hundreds of thousands of views. Other moms talked about their understanding and a bunch of viewers wished JJ a happy birthday. Some people  __46__ offered to send gifts to the birthday boy to make his __47__ day a little bit better.

    Dawn even took it one step __48__ for her boy. She hosted a(n) __49__ birthday party for JJ by going live online, and almost 30,000 __50__ joined in. Hundreds of thousands of strangers getting together just to make a kid feel special on his birthday!

    JJ’s mom posted a follow-up video, __51__ that both she and her son were __52__ thankful to those Wishing him a happy birthday and wanting to send toys. __53__, she said that JJ didn't want or need toys, and __54__ he wanted was to have fun with his friends. JJ even __55__ that people send toys to their closest Children's Hospital instead of to him. One boy’s sad birthday party ended up delighting more kids in need in this special situation.

    36. A. outdoors

    B. indoors

    C. elsewhere

    D. somewhere

    37. A. relation

    B. contact

    C. media

    D. distance

    38. A. pretended

    B. refused


    D. agreed

    39. A. turned out

    B. turned up

    C. turned off

    D. turned in

    40. A. postponing

    B. throwing

    C. canceling

    D. attending

    41.A. told

    B. healed

    C. divided

    D. shared

    42. A. happiness

    6. health

    C. cleverness

    D. strength

    43. A. result from

    B. suffer from

    C. give way to

    D. contribute to

    44. A. house

    B. party

    C. school

    D. class

    45. A. attracted

    B. created


    D. responded

    46. A. still

    B. yet

    C. even

    D. ever

    47. A. bright

    B. sweat

    C. beautiful

    D. special

    48. A. further

    B. away

    C. back

    D. around

    49. A. rewarding

    B. embarrassing

    C. artificial

    D. virtual

    50. A. members

    B. viewers

    C. acquaintances

    D. friends

    51. A. saying

    B. predicting

    C. confirming

    D. reporting

    52. A. incredibly

    B. slightly

    C. obviously

    D. totally

    53. A. Instead

    B. Otherwise

    C. However

    D. Therefore

    54. A. that

    B. who

    C. which

    D. what

    55. A. judged

    B. suggested

    C. dreamed

    D. learnt




    Can red TV dramas awaken a strong desire in young people __56__ (explore) about China’s revolutionary history? The answer is yes. Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, __57__ tells the story of how the Communist Party of China( CPC )  __58__ (found) in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a __59__ (heat) discussion on social media. It has played __60__ positive role in educating young people about China’s revolutionary history.

    The TV series __61__ (celebrate) this year's 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC has been __62__ (high) thought of online. The stories of the young people in the drama—who gave everything, even their __63__ (life), to the revolution have touched a large number of viewers.

    Many audiences were inspired to find background information about the series, saying that this was the first time that they __64__ (learn) voluntarily the history about the founding of the

    Party and the country. “I read many of Lu Xun’s novels such as when I was in elementary school, but I couldn't understand the angry feelings hiding behind the characters. After watching the drama, I read these novels again and found that I can now understand what they wanted to convey __65__ readers,w said Li Lin, a 29-year-old viewer.



    因受疫情影响,学校许多外出社会实践活动受到限制。为此,你校在校内举办了以健康饮食为主题的“Foodie Carnival (美食嘉年华)活动。假定你是校英语报记者李华,请你就此活动写一 篇英文报道,内容包括:

    1. 活动目的;

    2. 活动过程(时间、地点、内容)

    3. 活动反响。








    It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads to attend his friend Harrison’s engagement party. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was playing classical music.

    They were about five miles from Harrison’s house when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement: “The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a young lion escaped from Colford Zoo earlier this morning. The young he-lion, though gentle by nature, might be a little bit aggressive due to panic or hunger. He is described to have light brown fur, about the size larger than a home raised dog. People in the Cheshire’ area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked^ and to call the police immediately if they see the little lost creature.”

    “A young lion,” Marie shivered. “ And he’s out there somewhere. That is frightening.”

    “Exactly,” said her husband. “ Anywaywe are not that “lucky”. Besides, if we stay in the car, we are safe.”

    As he spoke, the car began to slow down. At that moment, they realized that the engine was dying and worse still, they found their phones were out of power. The only things they had were Marie’s make-up purse and a torchlight.

    The engine died completely and George pulled the car off the road.“Blast!” said George angrily.

    “Now we’ll have to walk in the rain.”

    “But that’ll take us at least an hour,” said Marie, “And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on. They’ll be ruined!”

    “Wellyou’ll have to wait while 1 run to the nearest house and call someone to pick us up,” said George.

    Very tired, she fell asleep. The rain stopped and hours later, she was woken up by some noise.


    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    Paragraph 1: Thinking it was her husband, she rolled down the windows excitedly.

    Paragraph 2: At that very moment. George came with a villager in a car, headlights on.




    高二英语参考答案(2022. 1)




    1-5 ACABB 6-10BCABA 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 BABCA



    21-23 ADB 24-27 BACD 28-30 BDA 


    31-35 CEFB A



    36-40 ADCBB 41-45 DACBA 46-50 CDADB 51-55AACDB


    56. to explore 57. which 58. was founded 59. heated 60. a

    61. celebrating 62. highly 63. lives 64. had learned 65. to



    To enrich students, school lifeour school launched a cuisine festival entitled “Foodie Carnival” last Sunday in the school canteen.

    The moment the Foodie Carnival kicked off, it met with a wide range of participation. Each class presented a typical Chinese traditional food, attracting many students. Besides, a lecture given by an expert enabled the students to better understand how a balanced diet could help fight against diseases.

    The carnival turned out to be a great hit. Not only did it lift students’ spirit, it also countered the negative impact caused by the current pandemic.    ( 95words )


    Paragraph 1: Thinking it was her husband, she rolled down the windows excitedly. But the moment Marie rolled down the windows, she froze with cold horror. Outside the car, there was no George. Instead, there, some yards away from the car, stood a light brown furred creature. It was the lion? In the dim light of the night, Marie could tell he looked very tired and weak, maybe from panic or hunger, having no fight left in him. Marie soon calmed down and remembered the torchlight in the car. She picked it up and turned it on, aiming at the lion, but it was not scared away.

    Paragraph 2: At that very moment. George came with a villager in a car, headlights on. They quickly pulled up, and rushed out of the car. George dashed to check whether Marie was OK, while the villager, noticing that the lion was hurt in the leg, quickly reported to the police. Soon the policemen came and sent him back to the zoo. When everything was done, George and Marie made it to Harrison’s party, which was nearly at the end. However, their friends were more than delighted to welcome them, and even more than thrilled to hear their adventurous story.




    2022-2023学年浙江省舟山市高二上学期期末检测英语试题Word版含解析: 这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省舟山市高二上学期期末检测英语试题Word版含解析,文件包含浙江省舟山市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题Word版含解析docx、浙江省舟山市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

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