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    人教版新高考英语二轮复习课件 语篇填空
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    人教版新高考英语二轮复习课件 语篇填空

    这是一份人教版新高考英语二轮复习课件 语篇填空,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了内容索引,命题透析•知考情,策略指导•觅捷径,考点一有提示词,类型1 提示词为动词,◆考查谓语动词 ,◆考查非谓语动词 ,◆考查派生词 ,类型2 提示词为名词,类型3 提示词为代词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    N.1 考情透析•明晰语篇填空考什么
    N.2 读文总策略•破解语篇填空3步法
    N.3 题型微技法•突破语篇填空9大类型
    N.4 真题实战•经典对练拿高分
    语篇填空题着重从句子和语篇两个层面, 考查考生在阅读理解的基础上运用语法、词汇与语篇知识, 对语言的结构形式、意义呈现与功能表达等的综合运用能力, 对考生分析句子特征、理解语篇结构、把握语篇主题与话题以及熟练使用语法知识等方面的能力要求比较高。语篇填空题的测试点包括词法、句子关系以及在具体情境中如何确保语义连贯的篇章知识等。下面通过分析2021年全国高考真题, 为大家总结出语篇填空的解题3步法: 完形—定性—顺意。
    【典例印证】(2021·全国甲卷)The Xi’an City Wall is the mst cmplete city wall that has survived China’s lng histry. It  61 (build) riginally t prtect the city  62  the Tang dynasty and has nw been cmpletely restred(修复). It is pssible  63 (walk) r bike the entire 14 kilmeters. We accessed the wall thrugh the Suth Gate. The wall is 12 meters high and frm here yu can see streams f peple mving inside and utside the City Wall.
    After  64 (spend) sme time lking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time fr sme actin and what  65 (gd) than t ride n a piece f histry! We  66 (hire) ur bikes frm the rental place at the Suth Gate. My bike was ld and shaky  67  did the jb. It tk us abut 3 hurs t g all  68  way arund the Xi’an City Wall. Suppsedly yu can d it in tw hurs, but we stpped at the different gates and  69 (watchtwer) t take pictures r just t watch the lcal peple ging abut their  70 (day) rutines. 
    语篇导读本文介绍了西安城墙的历史、景观以及作者游玩西安城墙的体验。解题流程第一步:完形——解决词形转换问题完形指通过判断所给提示词在句中所做的成分及其词性后, 完成词形的转换。
    分析: 61.was built 考查动词的时态和语态。主语It 指代The Xi’an City Wall, 与build是动宾关系, 故用被动语态; 根据下文的the Tang dynasty可知, 此处应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was built。63.t walk 考查非谓语动词。it is pssible t d sth为固定搭配, 意为 “做某事是可能的”。故填t walk。64.spending 考查非谓语动词。在介词After后用非谓语动词, spend与其逻辑主语we之间是主谓关系, 故填spending。
    65.better 考查形容词比较级。根据空格后的than可知, 这里用比较级形式。66.hired 考查动词的时态。根据下文的 “My bike was ld and shaky...” 中的时态可知, 此处应用一般过去时。69.watchtwers 考查名词单复数。watchtwer表示 “瞭望塔”, 是可数名词。根据空格前的different gates and可知, 此处应用复数形式。70.daily 考查词类转换。空格处在名词rutines前做定语, 应用形容词, daily rutines在此处表示“日常生活”。
    分析: 62.in 考查介词。表示 “在某个朝代” 用介词in。67.but 考查连词。My bike was ld and shaky与did the jb是转折关系。故填but。68.the 考查冠词。此处表示沿着西安城墙走完全程花费了三个小时, 应用短语all the way, 意为 “一直; 自始至终”。
    第三步:顺意——根据语意验证答案通过对设空的位置、词性以及成分的分析填出答案后, 还需要最后一步——顺意。也就是说, 理解设空处所在句子的意思尤为关键, 这也是对此题的最后一个检查过程。分析: 67.本题必须认真分析句意才能顺利解题。此句的难点是理解ld and shaky和did the jb在语境中的含义。结合上下文语境可知, 设空处前后两部分之间是转折关系, 这是解答本题的关键。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·山东新高考质量测评联盟4月联考) Bai, a classic prductin by the China Natinal Opera and Dance Drama Theater,  37 (tuch) a chrd with glbal audiences thrugh the telling f a lifelng jurney f the literary giant Li Bai s far... 
    答案 has tuched  解析 分析句子成分可知, 设空处做谓语; 根据时间状语s far可知, 此处应用现在完成时; 主语为Li Bai, 因此谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填has tuched。
    B(2021·山东潍坊二模) wrd “ski” cmes frm the Old Nrse wrd “skið”,  37 (mean) split(劈开的) pieces f wd r firewd. ...
    答案 meaning 解析 分析句子成分可知, 句中已经有了谓语, 故设空处应用非谓语动词形式, 且mean和其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系。故填meaning。
    C(2021·湖北黄冈4月调研)... T begin with, human beings are  60 (frget) beings; therefre, nly when we use knwledge, make mistakes, and try t use it again will we be able t remember it by heart... 
    答案 frgetful 解析 根据设空处后的名词beings可知, 此处应用形容词frgetful做定语。故填frgetful。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·湖北武汉3月质检) 80% f Chinese characters are cmpsed f smaller  62 (part), which are cmbined in many different ways t frm tens f thusands f hanzi... 
    答案 parts 解析 根据设空处前的形容词smaller以及定语从句中的谓语are cmbined可知, 此处应用可数名词part的复数形式。故填parts。
    B(2021·江苏南京、盐城高三下学期第一次模拟)... The gap between putting ut ld fire and burning the wd t btain new fire wuld be three, five, r seven days accrding t different  62 (histry) recrds. ...
    答案 histrical 解析 分析句子成分可知, 设空处修饰后面的名词recrds, 应用形容词, 所以此处应填histrical。注意: histric “历史上著名(重要)的”, 在此处不符合语境, 故只能用histrical, 表示 “(有关)历史的”。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·山东济南高三模拟考试) the peratic arts develped, perfrmers gradually tk ff their masks and painted clurful patterns n their faces instead, s peple culd better see  38 (they) facial expressins. ...
    答案 their 解析 分析句子成分可知, 设空处修饰后面的名词短语facial expressins, 应用形容词性物主代词。故填their。
    B(2021·北京高三综合能力测试) it’s intentinal r nt, high-pwered peple place  19 (them) scially at a distance and tend t act n their wn cncepts, which they believe will help them gain cntrl ver valued resurces. 
    答案 themselves 解析 根据下文的act n their wn cncepts及句意可知, 此处指有权势者让自己在社交上保持一定的距离, 所以设空处应用反身代词themselves做宾语。故填themselves。
    类型4 提示词为形容词和副词
    【对点微练习】A(2021·浙江温州3月适应性测试) matter cntains micrscpic particles that are s small that they can be breathed in and make ne  61 (serius) ill... 
    答案 seriusly 解析 分析句子成分可知, 设空处修饰形容词ill, 应用副词。故填seriusly。
    B(2021·广东深圳二模)Tw special friends in the Cincinnati area have created a  56 (merry) Christmas than ever fr the children and families affected during the pandemic(大流行病), and it was inspired by the experience f gratitude they bth felt as they grew up. ...
    答案 merrier 解析 根据设空处后面的than可知, 此处应用形容词的比较级。故填merrier。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·广东佛山质检) language barrier can be  39  big challenge fr freigners. There are a few reasns fr this... 
    答案 A 解析 句意: 语言障碍对外国人来说会是一个很大的挑战。challenge在此处表示泛指, 且big是以辅音音素开头的词。故填a。
    B(2021·湖北九师联盟质量检测) amazing light shws in  63  sky f the Arctic regins ccur frequently between September and Octber and then ccur again between March and April... 
    答案 the 解析 此处特指北极地区的天空, 应与定冠词the连用。故填the。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·浙江名校新高考联盟第二次联考) made clay tkens(陶土币) shaped like animals, jars and ther gds, and recrded deals  58  cvering the tkens up in clay envelpes... 
    答案 by 解析 句意: 他们制作形状像动物、罐子和其他商品的陶土币, 并通过将陶土币封在陶土信封里记录交易。设空处表示 “通过”, 且后跟动词-ing形式, 因此应用介词by。
    B(2021·山东济南4月适应性考试) they came up  39  an idea f creating a brief set f lessns frm which kids and adults culd learn easily t prgramme. ...
    答案 with 解析 句意: 然后他们想出了一个主意, 创建一套简单的课程, 孩子和成年人可以轻松地从这套课程中学习编程。cme up with意为 “想出; 想到”, 是固定短语。故填with。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·广东佛山顺德高三仿真题)Paul Grisham returned hme frm his 13-mnth assignment in Antarctica in 1968,  36  his wallet didn’t. Grisham, 91, jined the Navy in 1948 as a weather technician befre being shipped t the frzen cntinent t wrk as a meterlgist.  ...
    答案 but 解析 此处表示Paul Grisham在1968年完成了他在南极洲的为期13个月的任务返回家, 但是他的钱包却没有。空格前后为转折关系。故填but。
    B(2021·浙江杭州高三质检) Kurien felt dwn with the life in his huse  58  decided t mve int this ld age hme here in Hyderabad... 
    答案 and  解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格前后是两个并列成分; 根据句意可知, Kurien先生对自己家里的生活感到沮丧, 决定搬到养老院。前后两部分属于并列关系, 故填and。
    类型4 填从属连词或关系代/副词
    【对点微练习】A(2021·山东烟台一模)...“Smetimes it desn’t seem real because we are clse t a city f eight millin residents  39  generate nise every day, ” said Camil Cantr, a caretaker in the park, whse jb is t mix water and sugar and put it in bird feeders alng a 300-meter path.“The park is a truly special place, like an asis(绿洲). It is a place where peple can g t ease stress, frget abut trubles and get a break frm the busy city life,” he added. ...
    答案 that/wh 解析 空格处引导定语从句修饰先行词residents, 引导词在从句中做主语, 指人, 应用关系代词that或wh引导。故填that/wh。
    B(2021·浙江台州4月调考), lng-lasting clthing is  36  we shuld buy and wear... 
    答案 what 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处引导表语从句, 从句中的buy 和wear缺少宾语, 故填what。
    【对点微练习】A(2021·湖北六校联考) Athey at the University f Trnt pints ut micrfiber invlved is chemically treated.  44  is believed that washing jeans less ften culd help reduce the pllutin effectively. 
    答案 It 解析 此处表示人们认为少洗牛仔裤可以有效地减少污染, 应用句型it is believed that..., it做形式主语, that从句为真正的主语。故填It。
    B(2021·广东综合检测)It’s just anther day fr William Lindesay. It begins by spending sme time with his sns... and the Great Wall f China. He has lst cunt f the number f times he has climbed the wall. Hwever, he still remembers the day when he first saw  62 . 
    答案 it 解析 此处表示他仍然记得第一次看到长城的那一天, 空格处指代的是长城, 应用代词it。
    A(2021·浙江卷)It desn’t impress like Gerge Washingtn’s plantatin n the Ptmac, but Lincln’s hme in dwntwn Springfield, Illinis, 1.      (prve) irresistible t visitrs since it pened t the public. Beautifully restred(修复) t its 1860 appearance, the huse was Abraham and Mary Lincln’s hme fr 17 years. In 1844 they bught it 2.       $1,200 and sme land frm Charles Dresser, wh perfrmed their 3.       (marry) ceremny in 1842. 
    When the huse was built, it was much 4.      (small) than it is tday. Mary’s niece wrte,“The little hme 5.      (paint) white. It was sweet and fresh. Mary lved it. She was extremely pretty, and her huse was a reflectin f 6.      (she), everything in gd taste and in perfect rder.”  
    Althugh Mary lved flwers, 7.       she nr her husband was knwn as a gardener. A lng-time neighbr said they never planted trees and nly kept a garden fr ne year. Mary’s sister, Frances Tdd Wallace, ften came ver 8.      (plant) flwers in the frnt yard.  9.       Linclns enlarged the huse t a full tw stries in 1856 t meet the needs f their grwing family. Three f the fur Lincln sns were brn here. After Lincln was elected President f the US in 1861, they rented the huse and 10.      (sell) mst f their furniture. 
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了美国总统林肯在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市中心的老房子的变迁历史。1. 答案 has prved/has prven 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处做谓语, Lincln’s hme做主语; 结合句意及空格后的时间状语从句since it pened t the public可知, 此处用现在完成时; 主语Lincln’s hme是第三人称单数, 所以助动词用has, 提示词prve 的过去分词是prved或prven。故填 has prved/ has prven。
    2. 答案 fr 解析 句意: 在1844年, 他们以1,200美元的价格从查尔斯·德雷泽手中买下了这座房子和一些土地, 查尔斯·德雷泽在1842年举办了他们的婚礼。结合句意可知, 此处考查固定短语buy sth fr +价格, 意为 “以……价格买某物”。故填fr。3. 答案 marriage 解析 此处表示婚礼, 应用marry的名词形式。marriage ceremny意为 “婚礼”。
    4. 答案 smaller 解析 根据空格前的much和空格后的than可知, 此处应用形容词的比较级, small的比较级形式为smaller。5. 答案was painted 解析 分析句子成分可知, 设空处在句中做谓语, hme与paint之间是动宾关系, 所以要用被动语态; 根据上文的was built可知, 此处为一般过去时; 主语The little hme是第三人称单数, 所以要用was, 提示词paint的过去分词形式是painted。故填was painted。
    6. 答案 herself 解析 句意: 她非常漂亮, 她的房子是她自己的写照, 一切都很有品位, 井井有条。根据句意可知, 此处意为 “她自己”, 应用反身代词herself。7. 答案 neither 解析 句意: 虽然玛丽喜欢花, 但她和她的丈夫都不是有名的园丁。根据句意可知, 此处考查, 意为 “既不……也不……”。故填neither。
    8. 答案 t plant 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处在句中做目的状语, 应用动词不定式t plant。9. 答案 The 解析 根据空格后的Linclns可知, 此处考查“the+姓氏复数”, 表示夫妇俩或者一家人。空格处位于句首, 所以首字母要大写。故填The。10. 答案 sld 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处和前面的动词rented一起做并列谓语; 根据时间状语in 1861可知, 此处用一般过去时, 提示词sell的过去式是sld。
    B(2021·全国乙卷)Ecturism is cmmnly regarded as lw impact(影响) travel t undisturbed places. It is different frm traditinal turism because it allws the traveler t becme 1.      (educate) abut the areas—bth in terms f gegraphical cnditins and cultural characteristics, and ften prvides mney fr cnservatin and benefits the 2.      (develp) f the lcal areas.  Ecturism has 3.      (it) rigin with the envirnmental mvement f the 1970s. It was nt widely accepted as a travel cncept 4.       the late 1980s. During that time, increasing envirnmental awareness made it desirable.  
    Due t 5.       grwing ppularity f envirnmentally-related and adventure travel, varius types 6.        trips are nw being classified as ecturism. Actually, a true ec-friendly trip must meet the fllwing principles: •Minimize the impact f 7.      (visit) the place.  •Build respect fr and awareness f the envirnment and cultural practices. •Prvide 8.      (finance) aid and ther benefits fr lcal peples.  •Make sure that the turism prvides psitive experiences fr bth the visitrs and the hsts.
    Kmd Natinal Park, fficially recgnized in 1980, is ppular fr ecturism because f its unique bidiversity. 9.      (activity) there range frm whale watching t hiking(远足) and accmmdatins aim 10.      (have) a lw impact n the natural envirnment.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了生态旅游和传统旅游的区别以及生态旅游需要遵循的原则。1. 答案 educated 解析 分析句子成分可知, 所填的词做表语。由于educate和the traveler之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系, 故用动词-ed形式。2. 答案 develpment 解析 根据空格前面的定冠词the可知, 所填的词是名词形式, 故用develpment。
    3. 答案 its 解析 分析句子成分可知, 所填的词修饰名词rigin做定语, 故用形容词性物主代词。4. 答案 until 解析 分析句子成分并结合前面的nt可知, 本句是结构。5. 答案 the 解析 所填的词位于名词的前面, 且名词后有f短语做定语, 因此该名词是特指, 故用定冠词。
    6. 答案 f 解析 此处为短语varius types f..., 表示 “各种各样的……”。7. 答案 visiting 解析 所给的词是动词且位于介词后, 故用动词-ing形式。8. 答案 financial 解析 所填的词做定语, 修饰名词aid, 故用financial。9. 答案 Activities 解析 所给单词是名词, 且句子的谓语动词为range, 因此该名词要用复数形式。10. 答案 t have 解析 aim t d sth意为 “旨在做某事”, 故填t have。
    A(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)Many peple have the hbby f cllecting things, e.g. stamps, pstcards r antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 1.      (wealth) peple travelled and cllected plants, histrical bjects and wrks f art. They kept their cllectin at hme until it gt t big 2.        until they died, and then it was given t a museum. The 80,000 bjects cllected by Sir Hans Slane, fr example, 3.      (frm) the cre cllectin f the British Museum 4.       pened in 1759.  
    The parts f a museum pen t the public 5.       (call) galleries r rms. Often, nly a small part f a museum’s cllectin 6.      (be) n display. Mst f it is stred away r used fr research.  
    Many museums are lively places and they attract a lt f visitrs. As well as lking at exhibits, visitrs can play with cmputer simulatins(模拟) and imagine 7.       (they) living at a different time in histry r 8.      (walk) thrugh a rainfrest. At the Jrvik Centre in Yrk, the city’s Viking settlement is recreated, and peple experience the sights,sunds and smells f the ld twn. Histrical 9.      (accurate) is imprtant but s is entertainment. Museums must cmpete 10.       peple’s spare time and mney with ther amusements. Mst museums als welcme schl grups and arrange special activities fr children.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了博物馆的由来、经营与生存之道。1. 答案 wealthy 解析 空格处做定语, 修饰后面的名词peple, 因此应用形容词, 故填wealthy。2. 答案 r 解析 此处表示收藏家将收藏品放在家中, 直到收藏品足够丰富或者他们死后, 收藏品会被捐赠给博物馆。因此填并列连词r, 表示选择。3. 答案 frmed 解析 分析句子成分可知, The 80,000 bjects为句子的主语, 再根据后面的时间状语判断, 应使用一般过去时。故填frmed。
    4. 答案 which/that 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处引导定语从句, 且在定语从句中做主语。故填which/that。5. 答案 are called 解析 此处陈述一般事实, 主语与动词call之间是被动关系, 故用被动语态。6. 答案 is 解析 根据后一句 “Mst f it is stred away r used fr research.” 可知, 此处用be动词的第三人称单数形式is。
    7. 答案 themselves 解析 此处表示来访者可以同电脑模拟互动, 并想象他们自己生活在历史的不同时期……由此判断应使用反身代词。8. 答案 walking 解析 由并列连词r判断, 后面部分应与living at a different time in histry形式一致, 故填walking。
    9. 答案 accuracy 解析 根据空格前的Histrical可知, 此处应使用名词。故填accuracy。10. 答案 fr 解析 句意: 博物馆必须与其他娱乐方式为人们的业余时间和金钱而竞争。cmpete fr... “为……而竞争”。故填fr。
    B(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)China has becme the first cuntry t land a spacecraft n the far side f the mn. The unmanned Chang’e-4 prbe(探测器)—the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese mn gddess—1.      (tuch) dwn last week in the Suth Ple-Aitken basin. Landing n the mn’s far side is 2.      (extreme) challenging. Because the mn’s bdy blcks direct radi cmmunicatin with a prbe, China first had t put a satellite in rbit abve the mn in a spt 3.       it culd send signals t the spacecraft and t Earth. The far side f the mn is f particular 4.      (interesting)
    t scientists because it has a lt f deep craters(环形山), mre s 5.       the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hpe t use the instruments nbard Chang’e-4 6.      (find) and study areas f the Suth Ple-Aitken basin.“This really excites scientists,”Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brwn University, says,“because it 7.      (mean) we have the chance t btain infrmatin abut hw the mn 8.      (cnstruct).”Data abut the mn’s cmpsitin, such as hw 9.       ice and ther treasures it cntains, culd help China decide whether 10.      (it) plans fr a future lunar(月球的) base are practical.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了嫦娥四号无人探测器在月球背面成功着陆, 彰显了中国成为第一个使探测器在月球背面着陆的国家的民族自豪感。1. 答案 tuched 解析 分析句子成分可知, 主语为The unmanned Chang’e-4 prbe, 空格处为谓语动词。根据空格后的last week可知, 此处应用一般过去时。2. 答案 extremely 解析 空格处修饰形容词challenging, 应用副词。故填extremely。
    5. 答案 than 解析 空格处与前面的mre构成比较结构。故填than。6. 答案 t find 解析 分析句子成分可知, 这里用不定式短语做目的状语。7. 答案 means 解析 根据上文的时态可知, 此处应用一般现在时, 主语为it, 故用mean的第三人称单数形式。
    8. 答案 is cnstructed解析 分析句子成分可知, mn与动词cnstruct之间是被动关系, 故用被动语态。9. 答案 much 解析 空格后面的ice是不可数名词, 故用much修饰。10. 答案 its 解析 根据空格后的名词plans可知, 此处应使用形容词性物主代词。故填its。
    A(2020·全国Ⅱ卷)Decrating with Plants, Fruits andFlwers fr Chinese New YearChinese New Year is a 1.      (celebrate) marking the end f the winter seasn and the beginning f spring. This is why decrating with plants, fruits and flwers 2.      (carry) special significance. They represent the earth 3.      (cme) back t life and best wishes fr new beginnings.  These are sme f the mst ppular in many parts f the cuntry:
    Oranges: Orange trees are mre 4.       decratin; they are a symbl f gd frtune and wealth. They make great gifts and yu see them many times 5.       (decrate) with red envelpes and messages f gd frtune.  Bamb: Chinese lve their “Lucky Bamb” plants and yu will see them ften in their hmes and ffices. 6.      (certain) during the hliday perid, this plant is a must. Bamb plants are assciated 7.        health, abundance and a happy hme. They are easy 8.       (care) fr and make great presents.  
    Branches f Plum Blssms(梅花): The 9.      (beauty) lng branches cvered with pink-clred buds(蓓蕾) make fantastic decratins. The plum trees are 10.       first t flwer even as the snw is melting(融化). They represent the prmise f spring and a renewal f life.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国人过新年使用的一些装饰品以及各自的含义和寓意。1. 答案 celebratin 解析 根据空格前面的不定冠词a可知, 此处应用名词形式。2. 答案 carries 解析 该句含有why引导的表语从句, 从句的主语是decrating with plants, fruit and flwers, 所以谓语应用第三人称单数形式。
    3. 答案 cming 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处应为非谓语动词形式, the earth与cme为逻辑上的主谓关系, 应用动词-ing形式。4. 答案 than 解析 根据前面的mre以及后面的a symbl f gd frtune and wealth可知, 此处用than。mre than在此处意为 “不仅仅是”。5. 答案 decrated 解析 分析句子成分可知, 此处为 “see+宾语+宾语补足语” 结构, decrate与其逻辑主语之间是动宾关系, 所以用动词-ed形式。
    6. 答案 Certainly 解析 空格处位于句首, 修饰整个句子, 应该用副词形式。7. 答案 with 解析 be assciated with是固定搭配, 意为 “与……有关”。8. 答案 t care 解析 此处为 “be+adj.+t d” 结构。故填t care。
    9. 答案 beautiful 解析 根据空格后面的lng branches可知, 此处应用形容词修饰名词。10. 答案 the 解析 空格处修饰后面的序数词first, 所以用定冠词, 特指 “第一个”。
    B(2020·全国Ⅲ卷)In ancient China lived an artist 1.       paintings were almst lifelike. The artist’s reputatin had made him prud. One day the emperr wanted t get his prtrait(画像) dne s he called all great artists t cme and present their 2.      (fine) wrk, s that he culd chse the best. The artist was sure he wuld 3.      (chse), but when he presented his masterpiece t the emperr’s chief minister, the ld man laughed. The wise ld man tld him t travel t the Li River—perhaps he culd learn a little frm the greatest artist in the wrld.  
    Filled with 4.      (curius), the artist packed his bags and left. 5.       he asked the villagers n the banks f the river where he culd find the legendary(传奇的) artist, they smiled and 6.      (pint) dwn the river. The next mrning he hired a bat and set ut 7.      (find) the well-knwn painter. As the small bat mved 8.      (gentle) alng the river he was left speechless by the muntains being silently reflected in the water. He passed milky white waterfalls and muntains in many shades f blue. And when he saw the mists rising frm the river and the sft cluds 9.      (surrund) the muntain tps, he was reduced t tears. The artist was finally humbled(谦卑) by the greatest artist 10.       earth, Mther Nature.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位画家的画栩栩如生, 有一天他将画拿给宰相看时, 这位睿智的老人告诉他去漓江旅行——也许他可以从世界上最伟大的艺术家那里学到一些东西。画家最后发现这位世界上最伟大的艺术家就是大自然母亲。1. 答案 whse 解析 空格处引导定语从句, 修饰先行词artist, 且定语从句中缺少定语, 故用whse引导。2. 答案 finest 解析 根据空格后的s that he culd chse the best可知, 这里表示展现出他们最好的作品, 故用形容词的最高级finest。
    3. 答案 be chsen 解析 wuld后需跟动词原形, 主语he与谓语动词chse之间是被动关系, 故用be chsen。4. 答案 curisity 解析 with为介词, 后面需要跟名词做宾语。filled with curisity表示 “充满好奇”。5. 答案 When/As 解析 当他问漓江岸上的村民在哪里能找到这位传奇的艺术家时, 他们微笑着指向河的下游。此处表示 “当……的时候”, 故用When/As。
    6. 答案 pinted 解析 根据空格前的动词smiled可知, 此处也应用一般过去时, 表示当时的动作。7. 答案 t find 解析 第二天早晨, 他租了一条船, 出发去寻找那位著名的画家。这里用动词不定式表示目的。故填t find。8. 答案 gently 解析 分析句子成分可知, 这里应用副词gently来修饰动词mved。
    9. 答案 surrunding 解析 根据the mists rising frm the river and可知, 空格处与rising并列, 应用动词-ing形式。故填surrunding。10. 答案 n 解析 n earth为固定搭配, 意为 “在世界上”。
    A(2020·浙江卷)Sme time after 10,000 BC, peple made the first real attempt t cntrl the wrld they lived 1.      , thrugh agriculture. Over thusands f years, they began t depend less n 2.       culd be hunted r gathered frm the wild, and mre n animals they had raised and crps they had swn.  
    Farming prduced mre fd per persn 3.       hunting and gathering, s peple were able t raise mre children. And, as mre children were brn, mre fd 4.      (need). Agriculture gave peple their first experience f the pwer f technlgy 5.      (change) lives.  By abut 6,000 BC, peple 6.      (discver) the best crps t grw and animals t raise. Later, they learned t wrk with the 7.      (seasn), planting at the right time and, in dry areas, 8.       (make) use f annual flds t irrigate(灌溉) their fields.  
    This style f farming lasted fr quite a lng time. Then, with 9.       rise f science, changes began. New methds 10.      (mean) that fewer peple wrked in farming. In the last century r s, these changes have accelerated. New pwer machinery and artificial fertilizers(化肥) have nw ttally transfrmed a way f life that started in the Stne Age.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了农业的发展史。1. 答案 in 解析 根据空格前的the wrld they lived可知, 此处指 “他们生活的世界”, live为不及物动词, 后需跟介词in再跟地点名词。故填in。2. 答案 what 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处引导宾语从句; 根据空格后的culd be hunted可知, 从句中缺少主语, 因此需用what。故填what。
    3. 答案 than 解析 根据空格前的mre fd可知, 此处是将Farming与hunting and gathering进行比较。故填than。4. 答案 was needed 解析 所给提示词need和主语mre fd之间为动宾关系, 因此需用被动语态; 根据上一句的were brn可知, 此处应用一般过去时且fd为不可数名词, 因此需填was needed。5. 答案 t change 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处做目的状语, 因此应用动词不定式。故填t change。
    6. 答案 had discvered 解析 根据时间状语By abut 6,000 BC可知, 此处需用过去完成时。故填had discvered。7. 答案 seasns 解析 此处表示他们学着随着季节耕作, 所给词汇seasn为可数名词, 因此需用复数形式。故填seasns。8. 答案 making 解析 分析句子成分可知, make use f和逻辑主语they之间存在主谓关系, 因此需用动词-ing形式做状语。故填making。
    9. 答案 the 解析 with the rise f 意为 “随着……的崛起”, 为固定词组。故填the。10. 答案 meant 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处做谓语。根据下文的时态可知, 谓语动词应用一般过去时。故填meant。
    B(2019·全国Ⅰ卷)The plar bear is fund in the Arctic Circle and sme big land masses as far suth as Newfundland. While they are rare nrth f 88°, there is evidence 1.       they range all the way acrss the Arctic, and as far suth as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult t figure ut a glbal ppulatin f plar bears as much f the range has been 2.      (pr) studied; hwever, bilgists calculate that there are abut 20,000-25,000 plar bears wrldwide.  
    Mdern methds 3.       tracking plar bear ppulatins have been emplyed nly since the mid-1980s, and are expensive 4.      (perfrm) cnsistently ver a large area. In recent years sme Inuit peple in Nunavut 5.      (reprt) increases in bear sightings arund human settlements, leading t a 6.       (believe) that ppulatins are increasing. Scientists have respnded by 7.      (nte) that hungry bears may be cngregating(聚集) arund human settlements, leading t the illusin(错觉) that ppulatins are 8.      (high) than they actually are. Of 9.        nineteen recgnized plar bear subppulatins, three are declining, six 10.      (be) stable, ne is increasing, and nine lack enugh data.  
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了由于居住范围广、监测费用高等因素, 北极熊的数量难以准确估算。近年来, 人们认为北极熊的数量有所增加, 科学家对此做出了回应。1. 答案 that 解析 空格前后均为句子, 且空格后面的句子是对空格处前面的名词evidence的内容的解释说明, 由此判断该空为同位语从句的连接词, 表示陈述语气, 故填that。2. 答案 prly 解析 分析句子成分可知, 空格处在句中做状语, 修饰谓语部分, 故填prly。
    3. 答案 f/fr 解析 该空格前面为名词methds, 后面为动词-ing形式tracking, 故应填介词。用f表示所属关系, 也可填介词fr。4. 答案 t perfrm 解析 空格处所在分句已有谓语动词are, 因此此处应为非谓语动词形式。根据 “be+adj.+t d” 结构可知, 应填t perfrm。
    5. 答案 have reprted 解析 本句的时间状语为In recent years, 是现在完成时的标志。主语Inuit peple与reprt之间为主谓关系, 且peple为复数形式, 故填have reprted。6. 答案 belief 解析 空格前面有冠词a, 因此空格处应为名词。故填belief。7. 答案 nting 解析 空格前面为介词by, 且Scientists与nte之间为逻辑上的主谓关系, 应填动词-ing形式, 故填nting。

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