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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Brklyn Children's Museum
    Funded in 1899 as the cuntry 's first museum specifically made fr children, tday BCM is cmprehensive,with a permanent cllectin f 30, 000 bjects, including musical instruments, masks and dlls. Kids lve the interactive Wrld Brklyn, a small cityscape(城市风光) lined by stres where children can pretend t be wrking grwn ups.
    Children's Museum f Manhattan
    Lking fr interactive art that welcmes curius minds? Then head t Inside Art, the current shw up at CMOM,which lets yur little nes climb in and ver and all arund the exhibits. It's ideas like this that make the 40 ,000-square ft s special. Learning abut culture, histry and science is a pride fr kids aged six and under. CMOM als hsts classes- like Grss Bilgy fr kids wh are interested in insects-- all designed with the latest child- develpment research in mind.
    DiMenna Children's Histry Museum
    The hands--n displays at this kid--fcused arm f the New Yrk Histrical Sciety transprt children back thrugh 350 years f US histry, with a special fcus n NYC. Children are encuraged t climb arund and interact with exhibits that highlight the lives f kids wh grew up t becme famus dctrs. athletes and plitical figures! Little New Yrkers can get in n sing--alngs and crafts. Other family prgrams include cking classes, games and stry hurs.
    Staten Island Children's Museum
    Staten Island Children's Museum nurtures(培养) creativity. It ffers hands n experiences like the Blck Harbr( plenty f blcks t play with!), larger than life games like Cnnect Fur and Dmines, and even the pprtunity t climb thrugh a human-sized anthill r play firefighter at Ladder 11, s yu'll find immersive(沉浸式的) fun arund every crner. Dn't frget t stp by Green Living Rm pwered by the wind energy, where the kids can learn abut ways t reduce ur carbn ftprint.
    1. Which museum prvides bilgy classes fr kids?
    A. Brklyn Children's Museum.
    B. Staten Island Children' s Museum.
    C. Children's Museum f Manhattan.
    D. DiMenna Children's Histry Museum.
    2. What can kids d in DiMenna Children's Histry Museum?
    A. Play interesting games with great firefighters.
    B. Knw abut famus peple's childhd lives.
    C. Run stres like adults in different small streets.
    D. Ck delicius lcal fd with freign athletes.
    3. Where can kids learn hw t prtect the envirnment?
    A. At Ladder 11. B. At the Blck Harbr.
    C. On a human- sized anthill. D. In Green Living Rm.
    In 1990,Hal Dnaldsn was 23 years ld, fresh ut f cllege and fund himself in Calcutta,India, where he was asked t interview Mther Teresa.
    Dnaldsn says abut the great wman famed fr feeding the hungry, “She wasn't wearing shes and her ankles were swllen. She sat dwn with me and was very plite. ”After the interview, Mther Teresa asked him,“What are yu ding t help the pr?” Dnaldsn admitted that he was yung and wasn't fcused n helping thers. With a smile n her face, Mther Teresa said,“Everyne can d smething.”
    Thse wrds deeply struck Dnaldsn and frced him t face sme hard truths abut himself.
    Hal Dnaldsn grew up in the San Francisc Bay area. When he was 12 years ld, his parents were hit by a drunk driver; his father died, and his mther was seriusly injured. T make ends meet, they went n welfare.Dnaldsn says,“I had hles in my shes and clthes. When yu're teased at schl fr that, yu just want t escape.”
    He managed t d just that. Dnaldsn gt int cllege and turned his fcus t making mney fr himself. He says.“I was just trying t find my way ut f insignificance. Hwever, it's easy t verlk thers alng the way. I was the guy that wuld see a hmeless persn and crss the street, s I didn't have t cnfrnt(面对) him. My fcus was n climbing t the tp instead f helping thse trying t climb with me.
    Dnaldsn returned hme frm India with a different thught. He traveled t eight cities in America and stayed n the streets and listened t stries f the hmeless.“My heart brke," he says.“I knew I culd n lnger just live fr myself. ”
    Inspired by Mther Teresa's wrds and the stries he 'd heard acrss America, Dnaldsn laded a pick up truck with $300 wrth f grceries and handed them ut t anyne wh needed help. In 1994. Dnaldsn created the nnprfit rganizatin, Cnvy fr Hpe, which wrks with cmmunities acrss America and arund the wrld. Their wrk fcuses n feeding children, wmen’s empwerment, helping farmers and disaster services.
    4. What did 23-year -ld Hal Dnaldsn d in India?
    A. He interviewed Mther Teresa.
    B. He fed the hungry with Mther Teresa.
    C. He attended an interview fr a cllege.
    D. He did smething t help the pr.
    5. What can we learn abut Hal Dnaldsn frm paragraph 4?
    A. He was brn with disability.
    B. He led a hard life as a child.
    C. He was well treated at schl.
    D. He survived as a parentless by.
    6. Hw des Hal Dnaldsn describe himself in cllege?
    A. Self-centered B. Sympathetic
    C. Ppular D. Casual
    7. Hw did Hal Dnaldsn change after he returned hme frm India?
    A. He preferred traveling t vlunteering.
    B. He suddenly fell in lve with jurnalism.
    C. He turned his fcus t living fr himself.
    D. He gradually devted himself t helping thers.
    If yur fingers get chilly all year rund- even in the peak f summer- yu're nt alne. Many peple get cld hands during all f the seasns, due t a number f causes, frm genetic t chrnic illnesses.
    Cmmn reasns include being elderly and thin. If yur hands are regularly cld r numb, hwever, it's a gd idea t see a dctr t rule ut mre serius causes. Cld hands are ne f the symptms f bth anemia (贫血症) and hypthyridism (甲状腺机能减退). Diabetes, which reduces bld circulatin, can als trigger it. And if yur heart is weak frm heart disease, yur bdy may priritize sending bld t yur cre ver yur limbs.
    Fr many thers, cld hands are a sign they have a largely harmless cnditin called Raynaud's disease. When any f us ges ut in the cld, ur bdies activate the muscles in ur smallest bld vessels t make them even smaller- -a survival mechanism t keep bld, and thus warmer temperatures, in ur cre. Fr peple with Raynaud's, this reactin is t strng, and instead f just a bit less bld ging t their fingers, far t little gets there.
    Raynaud's is mre cmmn in wmen, and it mst ften develps befre the age f 30. In fact, if yu develp Raynaud's when yu're lder- -usually after 40- -it can be a sign f anther underlying issue. That culd be a smaller prblem- -a previus incident f frstbite (冻伤) r a sign f a mre serius autimmune cnditin, like lupus (狼疮).
    Fr the majrity f peple living with Raynaud's, medicatin wn't be necessary. Hwever, a rare, mre severe frm f Raynaud's affects less than ne in 1000 peple. In these cases, bld can becme cmpletely blcked, causing sres n the hands. If they g untreated, it can lead t gangrene (坏疽) and, very rarely, amputatin (截肢).
    8.What's the purpse f paragraph 1?
    A. intrduce a tpic
    B. present an argument
    C. describe the characters
    D. clarify his writing purpse
    9. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing is nt the cause f cld hands?
    A. Diabetes B. Heart disease
    C. Obesity D. Aging
    10. What d we knw abut Raynaud's disease?
    A. It appears when bld vessels in yur bdy verreact t high temperatures.
    B. In sme cases, it can be a sign f sme health issues.
    C. Males never suffer frm it befre the age f 30.
    D. Fr mst peple, it is a serius health prblem.
    11. What will the authr talk abut in the fllwing paragraph?
    A. The reasns why peple have cld hands
    B. Disadvantages f cld hands
    C. Medical research n Raynaud's Disease
    D. Ways t treat Raynaud's disease and prevent cld hands
    Six "sacrificial pits (祭祀坑)", dating back 3,200 t 4,000 years, were newly discvered in Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan, Suthwest China's Sichuan prvince. Over 500 artifacts, including gld masks, brnze wares, ivries, jades, and textiles, were unearthed frm the site.
    Sanxingdui site, first fund in 1929, is generally cnsidered as ne f the mst imprtant archaelgical sites alng the upper reaches f the Yangtze River. Hwever, large-scale excavatin n the site nly began in 1986, when tw pits — widely believed fr sacrificial ceremnies — were accidentally discvered.
    Investigatin in the area arund N 1 and 2 pits was relaunched in Octber 2019, and N 3 pit was fund in December 2019, accrding t Lei Yu, a researcher f Sichuan Prvincial Cultural Relics and Archaelgy Research Institute wh heads the nging excavatin. Thirty-fur research universities and research institutes have cperated in this prject. He said the new discveries will help t better understand many unexplained findings in 1986.
    Mre excavatin fllwed in March 2020, and five mre pits were fund last year. And detailed research began in Octber. Excavatin capsules with hi-tech equipment were set up in the pits t better cnserve the site.
    Sanxingdui site cvers an area f 12 square kilmeters, and its cre zne f an ancient city cvers nearly 4 square kilmeters. Accrding t the Natinal Cultural Heritage Administratin, studies f Sanxingdui site will becme a crucial prject in an nging prgram Archaelgy China, which tries t explain the rigins f Chinese civilizatin and hw diverse cultures cmmunicate and cme tgether.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “excavatin” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. DiscveryB. Dig
    C. ExplratinD. Expansin
    13. Hw did archaelgists preserve the Sanxingdui site?
    A. By dividing the task f excavatin int several parts.
    B. By cperating with research universities and institutes.
    C. By using excavatin capsule armed with hi-tech equipment.
    D. By cnducting mre investigatins arund the site.
    14. What can we infer abut the pits frm the text?
    A. All sacrificial sites were discvered in the meantime.
    B. The excavatin f Sanxingdui site nly began in 1986.
    C. There were altgether six sacrificial pits discvered in Sanxingdui site
    D. The size f the cre zne is apprximately 1/3 times that f Sanxingdui site.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Sacrificial pits were unearthed in Sanxingdui Site.
    B. Sanxingdui Site needed t be cnserved.
    C. Sanxingdui discveries cast light n ancient China.
    D. Hi- tech helped t excavate Sanxingdui Site.
    (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    When germs, such as bacteria r viruses, invade the bdy, they attack and multiply. ____16_____ The immune system uses several tls t fight infectin (感染). Bld cntains red bld cells, fr carrying xygen t tissues and rgans, and white r immune cells, fr fighting infectin. These white cells cnsist primarily f macrphages (巨噬细胞), B cells and T cells.
    Macrphages swallw up and digest germs, plus dead and dying cells. They leave behind parts f the invading germs called antigens (抗原).____17____B cells are defensive white bld cells which prduce antibdies. T cells are als defensive white bld cells. They attack cells in the bdy that have already been infected.
    The first time the bdy cmes acrss a germ, it can take several days t make and use all the germ fighting tls needed t get ver the infectin. After the infectin, the immune system remembers what is learned abut hw t prtect the bdy against that disease.
    ____18____ They help develp immunity by imitating an infectin. This type f infectin, hwever, almst never causes illness, but it des cause the immune system t prduce T cells and antibdies. Smetimes, after getting a vaccine (疫苗), the imitatin infectin can cause minr symptms. Fr instance, a fever. ____19____
    Once the imitatin infectin ges away, the bdy is left with a supply f defensive cells that will remember hw t find that disease in the future. ____20____Therefre, it is pssible that a persn infected with the disease just befre r just after vaccinatin culd develp symptms and get a disease, because the vaccine has nt had enugh time t prvide prtectin.
    A. Vaccines basically wrk the same way.
    B. This invasin, called an infectin, is what causes illness.
    C. Vaccines prevent diseases that can be dangerus, r even deadly.
    D. Scientists take many different appraches t develping vaccines.
    E. The bdy identifies them as dangers and excites antibdies t attack them.
    F. Such minr symptms are nrmal and shuld be expected as the bdy builds immunity.
    G. Hwever, it typically takes a few weeks fr the bdy t prduce thse defensive cells after vaccinatin.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Bingley, a Sayre Schl student frm America, decided that he wuld devte himself t studying the envirnment t have a brad influence n the cmmunity.
    T reduce the carbn ftprint, Bingley planned t 21 enugh slar energy t pwer the schl's science labs. Nw his plan is set t happen. T fix 30 slar panels is 22 fr late Nvember,
    As he began his research 23 slar energy, he discvered a useful phne app. By entering an address, he culd find ut hw much sunlight the 24 receives each day. Based n the data, he fund that his schl building was the best psitin. At the suggestin f his science teacher, Debbie Wheeler, he first perfrmed an energy 25 f the science lab t see hw much energy a typical lab uses per day. Then, he started his research, 26 a lcal cmpany f slar panels t d the jb. He lacked mney fr starting the prject, s he 27 Sayre's head t supprt him after explaining the 28 f slar pwer fr the schl and cmmunity.
    Since Sayre prvided the 29 seed mney t prvide infrastructure and the purchase f ne panel, the prject has 30 t include a ttal f 30 panels. They are expected t prduce enugh energy t 31 all the science labs n campus.
    “It feels like a dream t think that an idea I had frm my AP Envirnmental class wuld have this kind f 32 ,” said Bingley, expressing gratitude fr Wheeler's help. Wheeler said the success was due t Bingley's effrts and 33 t fllw thrugh n the prject frm start t finish. “I've had ther students talk abut 34 initiatives (倡议) n campus, but Bingley had the persistence and curage t make it happen," she said.
    Bingley said that he wuld 35 like t study envirnmental engineering at university.
    Fifteen elephants are appraching the Chinese city f Kunming. Up t nw altgether the animals ____36____ (cver) 500km frm their habitat in a nature reserve near the brders with Myanmar and Las. And they are nw near ____37____ city f 6.6 millin peple. They have travelled alng highways ____38____ thrugh farms ver the past few mnths. And their jurney has been attracting the attentin f the Chinese public.
    Experts are nw ding all they can ____39____ (keep) the elephants away frm Kunming city. They are setting up barriers alng the way,____40____ (hpe) t get them t g back twards the nature reserve. N ne knws ____41____ the animals have walked s far away frm ____42____ (they) riginal habitat. One reasn culd be a decline in the amunt f edible (可食用的) plants in their reserve, especially ____43____ (supply) f their favurite fds. Anther reasn culd be a rise in numbers in the wild elephant ppulatin in the area, frm 193 in the 1980s ____44____ arund 300 tday. A further _____45_____ (pssible) is that the elephants’ leader culd have led them astray (迷路).
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是高中生李华。为了庆祝国庆七十二周年,你市举办了“中华之美” 中文演讲比赛,你校交换生 Ryan 在本次大赛中获得了第一名。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示祝贺;
    2. 评论与赞赏;
    3. 表达祝愿。
    1.词数 80 左右;
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    My first year living in Ls Angeles, I was a birthday-party clwn (小丑). I struggled a lt with my identity because, thugh I viewed myself as a filmmaker, everyne in my life viewed me as this ridiculus day jb. T make matters mre cnfusing, being a clwn is itself an identity-masking jb. Yu wear makeup t cver yur features. Smetimes I’d have t wear a mask and cmpletely cver my face.
    Fr certain parties, I’d have t g as a specific character. The way that wuld wrk is smene frm the cmpany wuld drp ff cstumes fr me the night befre a party at an appinted spt. It was like a shameful deal.
    One night, they handed me my trash bag and said, “Tmrrw yu’re ging t be Batman.” Nw, keep in mind that at the time I had a giant mustache. I knw: a clwn with a mustache—that’s a huge red flag fr parents. But I hadn’t wanted t change my physical appearance fr that jb, because that wuld have been me subcnsciusly (下意识地) admitting I was mre f a clwn than an artist. S fr the party, I chse nt t shave.
    The next day, I went t the party. It was at this huge public park, and I had t leave my car parked far enugh away s that the kids culdn’t see me getting ff my car. S I was all the way n the edge f the park, and the nly way fr me t get t the party was t walk t it. Nrmally at these parties, all yu have ging fr yu is the element f surprise. Yu pp in thrugh the frnt dr: “Surprise! Batman’s here!” All the kids g crazy. Withut the element f surprise, these visits are meaningless. S I thught, “Shuld I try t make an entrance (入场) fr them?” Reflecting what t d next, I heard a scream, “Lk, a Batman with a mustache!” Suddenly, the entire party brke ut in laughter.
    Paragraph 1:
    I was s embarrassed and wanted t run back. ____________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    I stared at the cake with a clwn wearing a mustache in disbelief.____________________________
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
    16. B17. E18. A 19. F20. G
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    21. C22. D23. B24. A25.D
    26. B27. A28. C29. A30.B
    31. C32. A33. D34. B35. C
    (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    have cvered 37. the 38. and 39. t keep 40. hping
    41. why 42. their 43. supplies 44. t 45. pssibility
    第三部分 写作
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    Dear Ryan,
    Learning that yu wn first prize in the Chinese Speech Cntest “The Beauty f
    China” held in ur city t celebrate the 72th anniversary f the funding f the PRC,
    I’m s prud f yu and writing t cnvey heartfelt cngratulatins t yu n yur
    It came as n surprise t me when the hst annunced yu as the winner. It was
    yur fluent Chinese and prfund knwledge regarding Chinese culture that amazed
    all thse present and in frnt f TV. T be hnest, it’s extremely difficult fr a freigner t speak Chinese, let alne deliver a speech in Chinese. I still remember yu were nt gd at Chinese initially. Hwever, yu seized every chance t speak Chinese every day. Finally, yu made it! There is n denying that yur achievement is surely wing t yur diligence and perseverance. I’m mre than delighted that yur hard wrk has finally paid ff.
    Sincere cngratulatins t yu nce again! Wish yu further success in the
    Li Hua
    I was s embarrassed and wanted t run back. Standing frzen as ice, never had I thught abut being trapped in such a dilemma that I was flded with verwhelming awkwardness and panic. Hw I wished I culd find a hle t hind myself. Thugh my mind struggling, my jb as a clwn wuld nt allw my bdy t escape n any ccasin. When I was abut t run like the Batman, hwever, the laughter changed and merged with cheer and applause. I then fund myself in frnt an amazing birthday cake n a dining cart pushed by a by and his parents.
    I stared at the cake with a clwn wearing a mustache in disbelief. The thick black line drawn underneath the cream Batman’s nse just lked like my mustache. “Yu are the real Batman! The same as the cake!” The birthday by yelled in a determined vice, with his parents smiling beside him. It dawned n me that why everyne was cheering and applauding. Clearly, t save my face, the family made the magic clwn. “Yes, I am the real Batman. I just shave my mustache fr mvies!” I respnded. Nticing the kids’ eyes danced with jy and excitement, I was ttally mved, tears welling up in my eyes. Thugh it was a tugh year when I struggled a lt with my identity, it was at the birthday party that I fund it and realized I culd be a her the kids needed instead f an artist I myself needed.
    本题总分为 15 分,按五个档次进行评分。
    词数少于 60 的,酌情扣分。
    第五档(13~15 分)
    第四档(10~12 分)
    第三档(7~9 分)
    第二档(4~6 分)
    第一档(1~3 分)
    零分 未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容与题目要求完全不相关。
    第二节读后续写(满分 25 分) 评分原则
    本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次进行评分。
    词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分。
    第五档(21~25 分)
    有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构清晰,意义连贯。第四档(16~20 分)
    比较有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构比较清晰,意义比较连贯。第三档(11~15 分)
    基本有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。第二档(6~10 分)
    未能有效地使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不够清晰,意义不够连贯。第一档(1~5 分)
    零分 未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目
    21. A. explre
    B. invest
    C. prduce
    D. switch
    22. A. defined
    B. identified
    C. utput
    D. scheduled
    23. A. beynd
    B. n
    C. with
    D. thrugh
    24. A. lcatin
    B. destinatin
    C. transmissin
    D. ccasin
    25. A. incme
    B. allwance
    C. budget
    D. calculatin
    26. A. emplying
    B. cntacting
    C. prtecting
    D. urging
    27. A. cnvinced
    B. demanded
    C. refreshed
    D. submitted
    28. A. causes
    B. plts
    C. benefits
    D. rigins
    29. A. initial
    B. flexible
    C. ptinal
    D. sustainable
    30. A. awarded
    B. grwn
    C. rewarded
    D. spnsred
    31. A. decrate
    B. furnish
    C. run
    D. equip
    32. A. influence
    B. criterin
    C. experience
    D. management
    33. A. cautin
    B. encuragement
    C. inspiratin
    D. willingness
    34. A. cultural
    B. envirnmental
    C. practical
    D. theretical
    35. A. casually
    B. deliberately
    C. eventually
    D. gradually
    1. C
    2. B
    3. D
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. D
    8. A
    9. C
    11. D
    12. B
    13. C
    14. D

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