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    Unit 4 Exploring literature Part 1-2022版英语必修第二册译林版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    Unit 4 Exploring literature Part 1-2022版英语必修第二册译林版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    Unit 4 Exploring literature Part 1-2022版英语必修第二册译林版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    Unit 4 Exploring literature Part 1-2022版英语必修第二册译林版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步测试题

    这是一份牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步测试题,共17页。试卷主要包含了    7,In 考查介词及搭配,written 考查过去分词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.Prfessr Philip Davis studies the effects f (文学) at the University f Liverpl and is the authr f a bk called Reading fr Life.
    2.Plastic is a petrl prduct. Therefre, it is part f the glbal warming (问题).
    3.The cmpany will cntinue t develp technlgies t safely and securely (推出) the flying car in 2023.
    4.He was (唤醒) at dawn by the sund f crying.
    5.There is still much t discuss. We shall, t , return t this item at ur next meeting.
    appeal t; draw n; in summary; devte neself t; in stre (fr sb.)
    1.There will be a big surprise fr him when he gets hme tnight!
    2.Tshiba did nt permit Masuka t the inventin f flash memry.
    3.The package was decrated with cupids and rses t custmers shpping fr Valentine’s Day gifts.
    4.As the afternn , we were jined by mre f the regulars.
    5. , the less yu sleep, the shrter yur life will be.
    1.Please infrm us if there are any (significance) changes in yur plans.
    2.I’m afraid I haven’t gt a very gd (sensitive) f directin, s I easily get lst.
    3.She had devted herself t (practise) fr ten years and became ne f the best swimmers.
    4.I fund an envelpe (cntain) a hundred-dllar bill n my way hme.
    5.The likely reactins f the market need t be reflected befre we act.
    The freeway nw will lead t Xingang.
    a tall teaching building.
    the writers f the reprt are all men.
    just nw is that the sprts meet has been put ff.
    Many farmers fertilize their crps mre quickly.
    When we begin the study f literature, we can discver a new wrld. T enter and enjy this new wrld, we need t lve literature, and make 1 effrt t explain it. The first step is 2 (determine) sme f its significant qualities.
    The first quality f literature is its 3 (describe) f truth and beauty. Sme truth and beauty remain unnticed until a 4 (sense) human sul brings them t ur attentin. The secnd quality f literature is its appeal 5 ur feelings and imaginatin. Its attractin lies mre in 6 it awakens in us than what it says. The third quality f literature, 7 (cme) ut f the ther tw, is its permanence. T achieve this, it shuld cntain tw 8 (element): universal interest and persnal style.
    9 a wrd, literature is the expressin f life in frms f truth and beauty, the 10 (write) recrd f man’s thughts and feelings, and the histry f the human sul.
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
    Since it was first published in 1843, the nvella (中篇小说)A Christmas Carl by Charles Dickens has been lved by millins f peple, and perhaps has inspired them t lve mre and give mre. It has been adapted fr theatre, televisin and film. Dickens is knwn as the best authr f Victrian times writing n scial issues affecting his times, such as pverty, child labur and urban develpment, especially in Lndn where he lived.
    Charles Dickens was n stranger t pverty. His father was thrwn in prisn fr debt in 1824, and he was remved frm schl and put t wrk as the secnd ldest child f eight children.
    Dickens’ father was set free frm prisn after a year, and Dickens was put back int schl fr three years until he had t leave again t wrk as an ffice by. Eventually, he started writing stries fr the papers. With mney cming in and then children, Charles had taken a mrtgage (抵押贷款)n a big huse. His next nvel was nt as well received and his future payments were cut. Charles needed t make mney and he needed t make it fast. Criticism (批评)f his new nvel hurt his cnfidence; it is nt easy t write when yu are dwn and struggling. He needed new ideas and inspiratin, but he was running ut f time.
    He happened t find the idea f a Christmas stry that culd warm the hearts f the pr and pen the hearts f the selfish. He needed t write fast and that is prbably why we nly have a nvella, but a nvella is enugh t share his stry. He filled the stry with characters and scenes which he had already written abut in his ther stries. Scrge, the main character, is a selfish self-centred man wh hates Christmas—the time f giving. His late business partner, als a greedy man, cmes back as a ghst t warn Scrge.
    The plan t rescue himself financially als rescued Dickens emtinally. As he wrte abut Christmas and the wnderful time f gift giving, family gathering, carl singing and feast sharing, his wn heart was cheered and he remembered thse things that really mattered t him. He lved writing the bk and prduced a special stry, which is still lved arund the wrld. New inspiratin and fresh cnfidence set Dickens n a new path t success.
    1.What difficulties was Dickens faced with when writing A Christmas Carl?
    A.Lack f time and educatin.
    B.Lack f lve and cnfidence.
    C.Lack f patience and ideas.
    D.Lack f inspiratin and cnfidence.
    2.What can be inferred abut A Christmas Carl frm the passage?
    A.Dickens gt his inspiratin by visiting the pr peple n the “black street”.
    B.It is impssible fr the readers t knw the characters befre reading the bk.
    C.Scrge becmes a generus and kind man in the end.
    D.The bk is nly meant t criticize the selfishness f the rich.
    3.Why is A Christmas Carl such an imprtant wrk accrding t the last paragraph?
    A.It is very ppular amng readers.
    B.It serves as a turning pint in Dickens’ writing career.
    C.It helped Dickens earn a great deal f mney.
    D.Its theme is abut a wnderful time full f lve and giving.
    4.What is the purpse f this article?
    A.T shw the greatness f Charles Dickens.
    B.T recmmend sme great wrks f Charles Dickens.
    C.T present hw pr Dickens’ life was.
    D.T intrduce the bk A Christmas Carl.
    The imprtance f reading literature ften seems lst n many Chinese peple. Even experts in educatin think that the first gal f educatin is t encurage the lve f learning. There is therefre the pssibility f smething wrng with the way students are taught here.
    Why shuld they read literature? D stries have value cmpared with the reading and learning f facts? Studies shw clearly that the mst pwerful ways f learning are by experience, actin, ding experiments and taking risks. Yet there are s many imprtant things t learn that cannt be learned in these ways: feelings, prblem slving, danger and relatinships, fr example. Research int this has shwn hw deep reading is a valuable experience different t the learning f wrds r facts. Keen(热心的) readers f literature shw a better understanding f thers. Their abilities t make gd decisins are raised. Yung children wh enjy a parent reading stries t them shw greater awareness when they reach schl age.
    The best schls d seem t prvide a limited chance t enjy literature, usually abut the Chinese classic stries but there is nt enugh “free” time fr students. There are enugh reading materials. Chinese bkshps are full f strybks, and mst f them are f gd quality in terms f cntents, plt (情节) and language. Was there nt a Chinese authr wh received a Nbel Prize fr literature recently? There are mves in Chinese educatin t prmte decisin making and shared values. The value f literature is helpful t these as well as t the future f China.
    5.What des the authr think f the way students are educated in China?
    A.He is prud f it.
    B.He is interested in it.
    C.He desn’t quite accept it.
    D.He is cnfident abut it.
    6.Which is nt amng the mst pwerful ways f learning accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A.By experience.
    B.By taking risks.
    C.By reading deeply.
    D.By ding experiments.
    7.What can be learned frm the last paragraph?
    A.Reading literature helps develp gd values.
    B.Chinese students like reading stries as they get lder.
    C.Strybks in Chinese bkstres are generally f pr quality.
    D.Chinese students have n chance t read enugh materials.
    8.What’s the main idea f the text?
    A.Literature is a kind f art.
    B.Reading literature shuld be valued.
    C.Gd reading materials are in great need.
    D.Smething is wrng with Chinese educatin.
    Hw t Have a Successful Teenage Life
    Everyne dreams f success in their life, dn’t they? Even as a teenager, yu can achieve success in yur life; it really isn’t that hard. 1
    •D well in schl.
    N matter hw bring it is nw, educatin will help yu be a prductive member in sciety. Try yur best fr excellence in schl; listen t the teachers, d yur hmewrk, study, and get gd grades. Ding s will help yu get int a better university, which will enable yu t have a bright future. 2
    •D gd in yur cmmunity(社区).
    Vlunteering can nt nly imprve yur cmmunity’s status, but it can make yu happier. Studies shw that peple wh vlunteer are less likely t develp depressin (抑郁) than peple wh dn’t. 3 Fr example, if yu lve animals, vlunteer at an animal shelter. If yu lve helping the envirnment, plant trees r pick up litter. When yu help thers, it will make yu feel better abut yurself.
    • 4
    Remember, they’re there t help yu be the best that yu can be. Respect them and value their pinins, even if they anny yu smetimes. 5 Yu dn’t get t chse yur teachers r yur family, but yu still have t put up with them. Learn hw t deal with peple nw, because when yu’re an adult, yu dn’t get t chse yur bss r yur c-wrkers, s learn hw t respect them nw.
    These pints can help yu enjy success in yur teenage life.
    A.Live life t the fullest.
    B.Schl sets yu up n the right track!
    C.Be nice t yur parents and teachers.
    D.Find chances t d vlunteer wrk that interests yu.
    E.It will help yu pass the time and develp yur persnality.
    F.Here are sme imprtant pints that yu may find helpful.
    G.Keep it in mind that they d the things because they care abut yu.
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    Unit 4 Explring literature
    Part 1 Welcme t the unit &Reading
    Ⅰ 2.issue 3.launch 4.awakened 5.therefre
    Ⅱ stre 2.devte himself t 3 appeal t 4.drew n
    5.In summary
    Ⅲ 句意:你们的计划如有重大变动,请通知我们。此处修饰名词changes,故填形容词significant。
    2.sense 句意:恐怕我没有很好的方向感,所以我很容易迷路。a sense f directin意为“方向感”,是固定搭配。
    3.practising 句意:她致力于练习十年,然后成为最好的游泳者之一。devte neself t中的t是介词,其后跟动词-ing形式,故填practising。
    4.cntaining 句意:我在回家的路上发现了一个装有一张一百美元钞票的信封。an envelpe和cntain之间是主动关系,故用现在分词短语作后置定语,故填cntaining。
    5.n/upn 句意:我们采取行动之前,需要先考虑市场可能的反应。reflect n/upn考虑,沉思。
    Ⅳ built 2.Befre us is 3.It is significant that 4.What he said 5.t make them grw
    Ⅴ 考查冠词及搭配。make an effrt做出努力。
    2.t determine 考查不定式。句意:第一步是确定它的一些重要特性。此处用不定式短语作表语。
    3.descriptin 考查名词。句意:文学的首要特性是对真与美的描写。根据its可知,此处填名词。
    4.sensitive 考查形容词。句意:有些真与美一直被忽视,直到一个敏锐的人类灵魂让它们引起我们的注意。此处修饰human sul,故填形容词。
    5.t 考查介词。句意:文学的第二个特性是它能吸引我们的感情和想象力。appeal t在此处意为“对……的吸引力”。
    6.what 考查连接词。句意:它的吸引力更多地在于它唤醒了我们身体里的什么,而不是它说了什么。空格处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,表示“什么”,故填what。
    7.cming 考查现在分词。句意:文学的第三个特性出自另外两个,是它的持久性。此处cme的逻辑主语是The third quality f literature,它们之间是主动关系,故填现在分词。
    8.elements 考查名词复数。根据空前的tw可知,此处填复数形式。
    9.In 考查介词及搭配。句意:总之,文学是以真与美的形式对生活的表达……。in a wrd总之。
    10.written 考查过去分词。句意:……文学是人类思想和情感的书面记录……。此处表示书面记录,recrd与write之间是被动关系,故填过去分词。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中篇小说《圣诞颂歌》的作者及其写作背景。
    1.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的His next nvel was nt as well (批评)f his new nvel hurt his cnfidence; it is nt easy t write when yu are dwn and struggling. He needed new ideas and inspiratin可知,由于他的下一部小说没有那么受欢迎,他还受到了批评,这让他信心受挫,并且心情低落,也没有什么新的想法和灵感,这些都阻碍了他创作这部小说,故选D项。
    2.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Scrge, the main character, is a selfish self-centred man wh hates Christmas—the time f giving. His late business partner, als a greedy man, cmes back as a ghst t warn Scrge.可知,《圣诞颂歌》这本书讲述的是一个极度自私的人是如何改变自己的。再结合该段第一句He happened t find the idea f a Christmas stry that culd warm the hearts f the pr and pen the hearts f the selfish.可知,这本书的主旨是“温暖穷人的心,打开自私者的心扉”。因此可推断出Scrge的性格发生了变化,他最终成了一个慷慨善良的人,故选C项。
    3.B 推断判断题。根据最后一段可知,《圣诞颂歌》这本书在经济上和精神上拯救了狄更斯,他被这本书鼓舞,开创了新的创作之路,并且走向成功。所以这本书重要的原因在于它是狄更斯创作生涯的一个转折点,故选B项。
    4.D 推理判断题。纵观全文,文章重点描写了狄更斯创作《圣诞颂歌》的背景及这本书的内容、主旨和意义,《圣诞颂歌》这本书贯穿全文,所以作者的目的是介绍这本书,故选D项。
    【高频词汇】 1.publish v.出版 2.pverty n.贫困 3.set free释放 4.eventually adv.最后,终于 5.run ut f用完 6.rescue v.营救
    原句 As he wrte abut Christmas and the wnderful time f gift giving, family gathering, carl singing and feast sharing, his wn heart was cheered and he remembered thse things that really mattered t him.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。句中As引导时间状语从句,that引导定语从句,修饰先行词thse things。
    译文 当他描写圣诞节以及赠送礼物、家庭聚会、唱颂歌和分享盛宴的美好时光时,他自己的心也受到了鼓舞,他想起了那些对他真正重要的事情。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了阅读文学作品的重要性以及阅读文学作品的原因。
    5.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中There is therefre the pssibility f smething wrng with the way students are taught here.可知,作者不太认可中国学生接受教育的方式,故选C项。
    6.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中Studies shw clearly that the mst pwerful ways f learning are by experience, actin, ding experiments and taking risks.可知,深入阅读不在最有效的学习方法之列,故选C项。
    7.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中There are mves in Chinese educatin t prmte decisin making and shared values. The value f literature is helpful t these as well as t the future f China.可知,阅读文学作品有助于培养良好的价值观,故选A项。
    8.B 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句The imprtance f reading literature ften seems lst n many Chinese peple.以及最后一段中There are mves in Chinese educatin t prmte decisin making and shared values. The value f literature is helpful t these as well as t the future f China.可知,文章主要论述了阅读文学作品的重要性,故选B项。
    【高频词汇】 1.pssibility n.可能性 2.cmpared with与……相比 3.awareness n.意识 4.in terms f就……而言
    5.prmte v.提升
    Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何拥有成功的青少年生活的方法。
    1.F 根据上文Even as a teenager, yu can achieve success in yur life; it really isn’t that hard.可知下面要介绍方法。F项Here are sme imprtant pints that yu may find helpful.(这里有一些重要的建议,你可能会发现它们是有帮助的。)符合语境,故选F项。
    2.B 根据上文Try yur best fr excellence in schl; listen t the teachers, d yur hmewrk, study, and get gd grades. Ding s will help yu get int a better university, which will enable yu t have a bright future.可知,在学校里尽你最大的努力做到优秀,认真听讲,做作业,学习,得高分。这样你会进入一所更好的大学,从而将有一个美好的未来。B项“学校让你走在正确的轨道上!”是对上文的总结,故选B项。
    3.D 根据上句“研究表明不做志愿者的人比那些做的人更容易患抑郁症。”和空格下句“比如,如果你喜欢动物,就在动物收容所做志愿者。”可知空格处的意思是:寻找机会做你感兴趣的志愿者工作,故选D项。
    4.C 根据该段中的Yu dn’t get t chse yur teachers r yur family可知Respect them and value their pinins中的them指老师和父母,故C项适合作本段的小标题。
    5.G 根据空格上句“尊重他们,珍惜他们的建议,即使有时候他们使你很烦。”可知G项“请记住他们做这些是因为他们关心你。”符合语境,故选G项。
    【高频词汇】 1.prductive adj.高产的 2.vlunteer v.自愿做
    3.pick up捡起;学会;收拾 4.anny v.使恼怒;使生气 5.put up with忍受;容忍
    原句 Learn hw t deal with peple nw, because when yu’re an adult, yu dn’t get t chse yur bss r yur c-wrkers, s learn hw t respect them nw.
    分析 本句是由s连接的并列复合句。“疑问词+不定式”hw t deal with peple作第一个Learn的宾语,because引导原因状语从句,when引导时间状语从句,“疑问词+不定式”hw t respect them作第二个learn的宾语。
    译文 现在就学会如何与人相处,因为当你是一个成年人的时候,你不能选择你的老板或你的同事,所以现在学会如何尊重他们。

    英语必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步达标检测题: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步达标检测题,共7页。试卷主要包含了词数80左右;,   adj等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步训练题: 这是一份高中英语牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步训练题,共34页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步练习题: 这是一份牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature同步练习题,共16页。试卷主要包含了    7,But 考查连词,feeling 考查动名词,ging 考查现在分词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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