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    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案)
    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案)01
    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案)02
    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案)03
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    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案)

    这是一份江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试模拟卷(word版 含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了单项填空,完型填空,阅读理解,词汇检测,翻译句子,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.―What ____ heavy snw it was! ―Yes, but I lve ____ air after it snws. It smells s fresh.
    A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a
    2. 1.Smetimes,children's ideas are nt the same their parents'.It's difficult fr them t agree with each ther.
    A.n B.with C.as D.f
    3. While Millie _____ TV, Andy came int the rm.
    A. watched B. watches C. is watching D. was watching
    4. After years f war(战争),the peple in Syria are thirsty(渴望的)fr .
    A.price B.nise(嗓音) B.nise C.peace D.curse
    5. In Suzhu Library, there ___ a number f bks n science and animals. The number f them grwing larger and larger.
    A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are
    6.Helen,did yu d last weekend?
    -Yes,I visited my grandparents in the cuntryside.
    A.anything special B.smething special
    C.special anything D.special smething
    7.一Did yu hear the shuts frm the little girl?
    一Yes. When I arrived there, I fund her lking at a snake ____ .
    A. in fact B. in fear C. in danger D. in rder
    8.Cmpared with newspapers r TV,the Internet ffers(提供)peple infrmatin.
    A.much B.mre C.mst D.the mst
    9.一D yu have any plans fr this winter hliday?
    一I'm nt sure. I _____ g t Harbin with my family.
    A. must B. need C. shuld D. may
    10.一Oh, n! We are in the wrng place.
    一Srry, I have n sense f _____,especially in a new place.
    A. applicatin B. instructin C. directin D. cmpetitin
    11. Autumn leaves turn brwn. The sentence structure is _____ .
    A. S+V B. S+V+O C. S+ V +P D. S+V+IO+DO
    12. I cannt g near the lins and tigers. They _____ hurt me.
    A. may B. may nt C. must D. mustn't
    13.―Why d yu plant s many trees? ― ____ ur city mre beautiful.
    A. Make B. Making C. Will make D. T make
    14.Shanghai is ne f in the wrld.
    A.the biggest cities B.biggest cities C.the biggest city D.bigger cities
    15.―Culd yu lk after my sn fr me while I'm away? ― _____ .
    A. Yes, here yu are B. Yu're welcme C. Yes, please D. With pleasure
    An ld farmer lived n a farm in the muntains with his yung grandsn. Each mrning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table 1 his bk. One day the grandsn asked, “Grandpa! I try t read the bk just 2 yu but I dn’t understand it, and what I d understand I frget as sn as I clse the bk. What gd des reading the bk d?”
    The grandfather quietly turned frm putting cal in the stve and replied, “Take this cal basket dwn t the river and bring me back a basket f 3 .”
    The by did as he was tld, but all the water leaked(漏)ut befre he gt back t the huse. The grandfather laughed and said, “Yu’ll have t mve a little faster next time,” and sent him back t the river with the basket t try again. This time the by ran faster, 4 again the basket was empty 5 he returned hme. Then, he tld his grandfather that it was impssible t carry water in a basket, and he went t get a bucket(桶) instead. The ld man said, “I dn’t want a bucket f water. I want a basket f water. Yu’re just nt trying hard enugh,” and he went ut f the dr t watch the by try again. This time, the by knew it was 6 , but he wanted t shw his grandfather that even if he ran as 7 as he culd, the water wuld leak ut befre he gt back t the huse. The by again dipped the basket int the river and ran hard, but when he 8 his grandfather, the basket was again empty. Out f breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s 9 !”
    “S yu think it is useless?” the ld man said, “Lk at the basket.” The by lked at the basket and fr the first time realized that the basket was different. It had used t be a dirty ld cal basket and was nw clean, inside and ut.
    “Sn, that’s what 10 when yu read the bk. Yu might nt understand r remember everything, but when yu read it, yu will be changed, inside and ut.”
    1. A. lkingB. watchingC. readingD. seeing
    2. A. asB. likeC. frD. abut
    3. A. calB. bksC. fdD. water
    4. A. butB. andC. sD. because
    5. A. ifB. afterC. befreD. during
    6. A. imprtantB. incrrectC. impatientD. impssible
    7. A. fastB. fasterC. slwlyD. mre slwly
    8. A. reachedB. leftC. fllwedD. asked
    9. A. meaninglessB. uselessC. hpelessD. helpless
    10. A. meansB. mattersC. takesD. happens
    Yur English teacher has intrduced a play t yur class.Read the play.
    Characters:Benny,student,14 years ld
    Peter,student,15 years ld
    Susie,student,14years ld
    Grace,student,14 years ld
    Time:One Sunday afternn in autumn
    Place:Sunny Park
    (The fur teenagers have just finished the picnic.They are tidying up)
    Benny:Ww!That was a great picnic.I'm s full that I can hardly mve.
    Grace: That's n excuse fr nt tidying up, Benny. Cme ver here and help me pack up the lefver fd. Peter, can yu put ut the fire, please? And clean up the place.
    Peter:(Speaking unhappily t himself)Hw can I always get the dirty and diffficult jbs?It's nt fair.
    (Peter thrws a bit f water n the fire.Then he picks up the ashes(灰烬)with an ld newspaper and wants t thrw them int the lng grass.)
    Susie:(Sunding surprised)What are yu ding,Peter?That's d...
    paper has caught fire.
    Susie:And the ,Grace,help!Help!
    (Benny and Grace cme ver quickly.They help put ut the fire cmpletely.)
    Peter:Oh,n.What have I dne?
    Grace:Yu knw that we shuld d everything carefully,dn't yu?
    Peter:(With his head in his hands)Yes.What have I dne?What have I dne?
    ( )1.Hw des Peter feel abut his jbs?
    A.Clean and easy. B.Dirty and difficult.
    C.Great and interesting. D.Nisy and harmful.
    ( )2.What wrd d yu think Susie wuld say in the sentence"That's d...”?
    A.dirty B.difficult C.delicius D.dangerus
    ( )3.Which f the fllwing sentences is true?
    A.There are five peple in the play. B.Peter's carelessness causes the fire.
    C.They have a picnic in the mrning. D.Benny refuses t help thers tidy up.
    Hi, listeners! Here is sme news abut mvies, lectures(讲座) and shws in ur city this week.
    That’s all fr tday’s news.Nw, let’s enjy sme beautiful English sngs.First, Alice by Avril Lavigne.This is a beautiful sng frm the mvie Alice in Wnderland.Hpe yu will enjy it.
    4.The passage may cme frm a _____ .
    A.TV prgrammeB.fashin magazine C.radi prgramme D. lcal newspaper
    5.Peple can g t see travel mvies abut sme cuntries except ______ .
    A.RussiaB.France C.Italy D.Australia
    6.Wendy and her sister want t attend the lecture.They need t pay ____ fr the tickets.
    A.¥10B.¥25 C.¥50 D.¥100
    7.If Peter is free this Friday afternn, he can _____.
    A.watch a fashin shw B.attend a lecture C.watch dcumentaries D.enjy English sngs
    8.What is Avril Lavigne?
    A.A hst.B.An engineer. C.A mdel.D.A singer.
    Every year,peple frm every crner f the wrld travel t Australia t meet the kangar-the lvely,unusual and special Australian animal that jumps all ver this sunburmt cntinent.There is a yung kangar that is lucky t be alive tday,thanks t meeting a pair f New Suth Wales teenagers.
    Nick Heath and Jack Dnnelly were riding their mtrbikes in the bush utside Sydney n Sunday when they came acrss a kangar stuck in the mud(泥).The bys were lucky enugh t see the head f the animal sticking ut f the mud at Agnes Banks near the Nepean River in suthwest Sydney.
    The animal was clearly in pain but the bys culdn't reach it s they raced hme t get a rpe.
    When they returned,Mr.Dnnelly tied the rpe arund his waist(腰)and walked int the thick mud t get hld f the kangar while his friend then pulled them abut 30m t safety.
    Appearing n Tday this mrning,the yung men retld their stry.
    “The kangar's life was imprtant t us,s we pulled ut all the stps t rescue it,"Mr.Heath said.
    “We're prud f what we did.If we see smething like that again,we'll d it all ver,"Mr.Heath added.
    The animal,which was nt in great heath after being saved,was handed t Wildlife Rescue Organizatin.It's believed that it's very ht and the kangar was likely searching fr water in the dry cnditins when it gt stuck in the mud.
    As fr the heres f the stry,they're glad t have been in the right place at the right time t help the animal-and dn't care abut the attentin it's brught.
    “Yeah we liked it,smething different."Mr.Dnnelly tld reprters.
    ( )1.Why was the kangar in pain when the teenagers fund it?
    A.It gt lst in the bush. B.It was stuck in the mud.
    C.It was hurt by ther animals. D.It was in pr health because f the weather.
    ( )2.When Mr.Heath said"we pulled ut all the stps t rescue it",he meant .
    A.they tried their best t help the animal ut B.they walked ut f the mud withut difficulty
    C.they stpped t think twice befre taking actin D.they were nt sure if they shuld save the animal
    ( )3.Which f the fllwing culd best describe the tw teenagers?
    A.Shy and strict. B.Hard-wrking and humrus.
    C.Serius and clever. D.Warm-hearted and helpful.
    ( )4.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Meet Kangars in Sydney B.Endangered Animals in Sydney
    C.Tw Teenagers Saved a Kangar D.A Special Interview with Tw Heres
    1. He _____ (撞)ur bks and pens nt the flr when he walked past ur desks.
    2. My mther lked _____ (伤心地)at my brther withut saying a wrd.
    3. Scientists say temperatures in Nrth Africa will keep n _____ (上升)this summer.
    4. Make _____ (你们自己)at hme, bys and girls.
    5.一Dad, the maths prblem is t difficult fr me.
    一 _______ (既然)yu can't wrk it ut alne, why nt ask yur teacher fr help?
    6.一What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    一The radi says it will be even _____ (有雪的).
    7. Befre yu chse a bk, it's better t lk _______ (从头到尾)the first few pages t knw if it is t easy r t hard fr yu.
    8.一The ld man has three sns but ______ f them is willing t keep him.
    一Hw culd the sns d that? That's t bad.
    9.一D yu still ride t schl?
    一N. Nw I can cme t schl by undergrund ______ f by bike.
    10.一We shuld all hld n t ur dreams.
    一Yes. A life withut a dream is like a bird withut _______ .
    A wman had tw water buckets. One f the buckets had a hle in it, while the ther bucket was nicer and 1.________ (can) hld water withut leaking(泄露).
    Every day, during the lng walk 2.__________the river t her huse, the wman 3._________ (carry) ne and a half bucket f water. This went n every day fr tw years. The nice bucket was prud f 4._________ (it). But the bucket with the hle in it was upset.
    One day, it said t the wman, “I feel bad 5._______ this hle in my side causes water t leak ut all the way t yur huse.”
    The wman smiled and said, “Did yu see that there are flwers n yur side f the path but nt n the ther bucket's side? I planted flwer 6.__________ (seed) n yur side, and every day while we walk back, yu water them. I have used these beautiful flwers 7._________ (decrate) my huse fr tw years. 8.________ yu, my huse wuld nt be s 9._________ (clr) and beautiful.”
    Just like the bucket, we all have ur wn prblems. But these things cam smetimes make ur lives 10._____ (interest) and mre meaningful.
    D yu knw which scial app Chinese yung peple use a lt nw? 1 Sme users use Tik Tk (抖音) and Kuaishu. They think it is fun t share shrt vides abut their lives, while thers have ther purpses as well.
    A l2-year- ld user named Elsa has abut 2.7 millin fans n Tik Tk. The girl has shared vides abut her dancing studies since last July. 2 "I feel really glad t share happiness with peple by shrt vides," said Elsa.
    As sme vides are abut the latest news, a grup f users depend n them t get infrmatin. T sme ther users, they have a different purpse. "Because I can't spend many hurs watching a whle vide and I'm nt a very patient persn, 3 I prefer t watch shrt vides f wnderful parts in prgrams," said Wang Zhiha.
    4 "Killing time is the main reasn fr me t watch the shrt vides, but many are almst the same, s I think it is a waste f time. What's mre, I really dn't like the vides which shw strange even dangerus things," said Wen Nan, anther cllege student.
    Recently, smething else has happened. Sme vides are telling peple what prducts are wrth buying. 5 S they shuld think twice. Sme shrt vides even sell bad prducts, but these sellers wn't let yu get yur mney back.
    A. I dn't like waiting fr a prgram t end.
    B. "Shrt vides" are certainly the mst ppular.
    C. But after they buy the prducts, they may regret sn.
    D. One f the vides wn her abut ne millin fans.
    E. I can make mney with shrt vides.
    F. Hwever, sme yung Chinese feel bred with sme shrt vides.
    单选:1-5 BCDCB 6-10 DBCDC 11-15 CADAD
    词汇检测:kncked sadly rising yurselves Since snwier thrugh nne instead wings
    翻译: 1. Because f the heavy snw , he came back later than usual.
    2. I can’t see wait t see the singer again.
    3. Yu’d better nt t walk alng the river n rainy days.
    4. The weather here is very cmfrtable all year rund.
    5. When I wke up this mrning, dad was cking breakfast fr me.
    语法填空: 略

    First,let’s talk abut City Museum.D yu want t travel? Cme t see travel mvies abut Japan, Italy, America, England, Russia and Australia in the meeting rm f City Museum at 2:30 n the afternns f Saturday and Sunday.There are nly 80 seats, s cme early. Tickets cst ¥10 each.
    Next, let’s g t City Library.There will be a tw-hur lecture at 10:00 a.m. n Tuesday in the hall.Yu can get sme advice n hw t chse the right jb.Each ticket is ¥25.Cke and sandwiches are free.
    The last news is exciting.If yu are interested in fashin, yu can cme t autumn fashin shw in Glden Shpping Centre at 3:00 Friday. 33 handsme and pretty mdels will shw the latest fashins.The tickets are all free.All the clthing will be n sale after the shw fr under ¥100.
    T: Smene
    Frm: Mike
    Hi,I d nt knw wh will read this letter. But I d hpe I can get help frm yu!I aml a little nervus these days because I fund my rmmate might want t g t the samel schl as me.
    Althugh he isn't as gd as me in schlwrk,I'm still wrried.
    I knw I have n right t and shuld nt stp his chice, but I d nt knw what l shuld d. Wuld yu please give me sme advice?
    Lk frward t yur reply.
    All the best,

    江苏省常州市教育学会2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末学业水平监测英语试卷(word版含答案): 这是一份江苏省常州市教育学会2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末学业水平监测英语试卷(word版含答案),共30页。试卷主要包含了单项选择从A,信息还原,根据所给中文完成句子翻译等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年江苏省常州市八年级英语上册期末模拟试卷2(word版 含答案): 这是一份2021-2022学年江苏省常州市八年级英语上册期末模拟试卷2(word版 含答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,语法填空,七选五,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中质量调研英语试卷(word版 含答案): 这是一份江苏省常州市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中质量调研英语试卷(word版 含答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了11等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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