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    卷I (选择题,共80分)
    卷 = 1 \* ROMAN I(选择题,共80分)
    1. A. square B. spare C. simple
    2.A. 9:15. B. 10:15 C. 9:45
    3. A. talk back B. take back C. call back
    4. A. Students dn’t have t wear earrings. B. Students shuldn’t wear earrings.
    C. Buying earrings isn’t allwed
    5. A. My first flight is very interesting. B. Taking a plane fr the first time is fun.
    C. I feel nervus during my first flight.
    6. A. It desn’t matter. B. Enjy yurself. C. I think it’s great.
    7. A. Thanks. B. Sunds gd. C. Yu are right.
    8. A. Shake hands B.Kiss n bth sides f face . C. bw t each ther
    9. A. A.I’m afraid nt B.It’s a pity C. With pleasure
    10.A. Never mind. B.Yu’re right. C.Srry,I wn’t.
    11. What des the man like best?
    A. B. C.
    12. Hw des the wman usually travel?
    A. B. C.
    13. When d peple in Clmbia usually arrive if they are invited t a party at 6:30? A. At 6:30. B. Befre 6:30. C. A little later than 6:30.
    14.What are the speakers mainly talking abut ?
    A. An interview B. An English class C. A piece f hmewrk
    15.What did Mr. Gray talk a lt abut ?
    A. The rules in the classrm. B. The culture f sme cuntries
    C. The methds f learning English.
    16.What is David ding?
    A. He is visiting Beijing.
    B. He is writing his experiences in Beijing.
    C. He is writing abut Beijing.
    17.Hw many places f interest did David visit in Beijing?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. We dn’t knw.
    18.Why did David make sme mistakes in Beijing?
    A. Because f the different custms.
    B. Because f his carelessness.
    C. Because f the different languages.
    19.When was the class meeting held?
    A. Last Mnday. B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Thursday.
    20. wh thught teenagers shuld wear schl unifrms?
    A. Sam. B. Julia. C. Lisa.
    21.What was the speaker's pinin?
    A. Let students design their wn unifrms.
    B. Students shuldn't wear clrful clthes.
    C. Students can buy the clthes they like.
    22.What’s Emili’s prblem?
    A. He desn’t like his new schl.
    B. He can’t get n well with his parents.
    C. He can’t study well in his new schl.
    23.Why d ther students make fun f Emili?
    A. Because he is silly. B. Because he is shrt. C. Because he is fat.
    24.When did Emili fight with Jim?
    A. Last Mnday. B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Friday.
    25.Hw many pieces f advice did Martin give t Emili in the letter?
    A. Only ne piece. B. Tw pieces. C. Three pieces.

    笔 试 部 分
    VI .单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计10分)
    31.Our htel is in a central ________ near Peple's Square. Yu wn't miss it.
    A.prcess B.psitin C.perid D.purpse
    32. The number f the peple using Huawei ________ is getting larger and larger.
    A.cultures B.custmers C.prducts D.histries
    33..—Hw was yur interview yesterday?
    —Oh, I culdn't feel ________. I culd hardly answer mst f the questins they asked.
    A.easier B.wrse C.better D.happier
    34. ---Is this science bk ________, Linda?
    ---N, maybe it belngs t ________. She likes science very much.
    A. yur; Mary B. yur; Mary’s C. yurs; Mary’sD. yurs; Mary
    35.We shuld ________ making a nise in the library.
    A.avid B.prefer C.practise D.enjy
    36.Yu ________ walk n the wet hill path because yu ________ fall and hurt yurself.
    A.must; might nt B.mustn't; might C.needn't; need D.must; must
    37.On the first day f Chinese New Year,we ________ new clthes and visit peple.
    A.pick up B.put n C.take ff D.thrw away
    38. —I wn't cme t the party unless Jack _____________.
    一Yu mean if Jack cmes, yu'll cme?
    A. will inviteB. invitesC. is invited D. invited
    39. S many beautiful sweaters! I really can't decide ____________________.
    A. t buy which B. which t buy
    C. which ne t buy D. t buy which ne
    40.The ld lady wanted t knw ________.
    A. where is the statin's waiting rm B.where was the statin's waiting rm
    C. where the statin's waiting rm is D. where the statin's waiting rm was
    Are yu a man r a muse? When peple ask this questin, they want t knw whether yu think yu are a __41__ persn r a cward(懦夫). But yu will never really knw the answer t this questin __42__ yu are tested in real life. Sme peple think they are brave but when they cme face t face with real __43_, they act like cwards. Others think f themselves as cwards, but when they meet danger, they act like heres.
    Lenny had always thught f himself as a __44__ persn. He gt wrried befre examinatins. He wrried abut his jb and health. All he wanted in life was t be safe and healthy. Then, n January 15th, 2002, a plane crashed int the Ptmac River in Washingtn. Lenny went t the river t see what was happening. He saw a wman in the __45__ water. Lenny did nt feel afraid. He kept very calm and did a very dangerus thing. He jumped int the Ptmac River, __46__ t the wman, and kept her head abve the water. Seventy­eight peple died that day. Thanks t Lenny, it was nt seventy­nine.
    When yu are in a very __47__ situatin and feel afraid, the bdy autmatically prduces a chemical in the bld. The chemical is called adrenalin(肾上腺素). __48__ adrenalin in the bld system, yu actually feel strnger and strnger and are ready t fight r run away. Hwever, when yu are abslutely terrified(恐慌), the bdy can prduce t much adrenalin. When this __49__, the muscles becme very hard and yu find yu can't mve at all. Yu are then paralyzed(无能为力的) with fear. This is why when we are very frightened, we smetimes say we're “petrified”. This wrd cmes frm the Greek wrd “petrs”, which means “stne”. We are __50__ frightened that we becme stnelike.
    41. A. brave B.real C.hard D.certain
    42.A. when B.until C.after D.nce
    43. A. life B.questin C.muse D.danger
    44.A. useful B.brave C.nervus D.terrible
    45. A.fresh B.pisnus C.warm D.ice­cld
    46. A.went B.helped C.spke D.swam
    B.cmfrtable C.different D.favrable
    48 . A.With B.Withut C.Fr D.Like
    B.disappears C.happens D.ges
    B.very C.such D.s
    VIII 阅读理解(30分)
    Five years ag, my mther gave birth t a brther fr me when I was 8. I have learned a lt frm getting alng with him.
    After he was brn, I almst became a babysitter. I had t amuse him after schl. I wuld make faces and sing t him when he was crying. Smetimes I even carried him everywhere in ur yard t refresh him while my parents were busy. What I liked t d best was t feed him when lking after him. Hw cute he was as he tasted his favrite fd! My parents ften praised me happily. As an elder brther, yu've made cntributins t lking after yur yunger brther. "
    I have gt happiness frm sharing. When I was yung, I was the nly child in my family. I culd get what I wanted frm my parents and get my parents' whle lve. I was a" Little Emperr".
    But nw, as lng as I get smething gd, I will share it with him. I remembered the year when he was three, he was fnd f Rubik cubes(魔方)I bught ne fr him with my lucky mney as a birthday present. When he gt the ty, he was s happy that he laughed, hugged me and said,
    " Brther, I lve yu ! "
    Thanks fr spending these years tgether with my family. It has taught me what respnsibility means, what unselfishness means and what friendship means. Nt nly shuld I lk after myself, but als I shuld pay attentin t my family and my friends.
    51.The underlined wrd "amuse" in the secnd paragraph means_________.
    A. play jkes B. make laugh C. let dwn D. hate
    52. Hw ld was the writer when he bught the birthday present fr his yunger brther?
    A. 3. B. 8. C. 11. D. 13.
    53.If yu have a brther r a sister in yur family, yu might learn t be ______frm the passage.
    A. respnsible B. selfish C. lnely D. puzzled
    Over the years I've been teaching my grandchildren abut a simple but pwerful cncept-the ant philsphy(哲学). I think everybdy shuld study ants.
    They have an amazing fur-part philsphy, and here is the first part: Ants never give up. If they're headed smewhere and yu try t stp them, they'll lk fr anther way. They'll climb ver, r arund. They keep lking fr anther way t get where they're suppsed t g. What a great philsphy.
    Secnd, ants think summer all winter. That's an imprtant idea. Yu can't be s childish as t think summer will last frever. S ants are gathering their winter fd in the middle f summer.
    The third part f the ant philsphy is that ants think winter all summer.During the winter ants remind themselves, "This wn't last lng, we'll sn be ut f here." And n the first warm day, the ants are ut. If it turns cld again, they'll dive back dwn, but then they cme ut n the first warm day. They can't wait t get ut.
    And here's the last part f the ant philsphy. Hw much will an ant gather during the summer t prepare fr the winter? He always tries his best. In ther wrds, if an ant can d mre, it des.
    54. Which f the fur parts f the ant philsphy means "lk ahead"?
    A. The last part. B. The third part.
    C. The secnd part. D. The first part.
    55. The furth paragraph mainly tells abut_______.
    A. Stay psitive B. Spare n effrt
    C. Never give up D. D all yu can
    56. Which f the fllwing might be the best title fr the text?
    A. The Ant Life B. The Ant Philsphy
    C. The Ant Team wrk D. The Ant University
    Scientists are asking: What is the best way t fight climate change? A new study says: Plant many trees; ne trillin trees, maybe mre. Swiss scientists say there is enugh rm fr that many trees. In their reprt in the jurnal Science, they say there is enugh space n the earth, which culd cver nine millin square kilmeters, an area the size f the United States.
    Trees take carbn dixide(二氧化碳) ut f the air, and in return, put xygen (氧气)back int the air. The study estimated(估计) that ver a lng perid f time, the trees culd take in almst 750 billin tns f carbn dixide frm the atmsphere. That is abut as much carbn as humans have put int the atmsphere in the past 25 years. What is s bad abut carbn dixide? The gas traps heat, causing temperatures t rise.
    Much f the gain(好处) frm planting trees will cme quickly because trees remve mre carbn frm the air when they are yunger, the researchers said. The place that has the best pssibility fr remving the mst carbn is the area clse t the equatr. This methd wuld als have the lwest cst, says the study c-authr Thmas Crwther. This is by far, the cheapest and the mst effective climate change slutin, he said. The six natins with the mst rm fr new trees are Russia, the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil and China.
    Befre his study, Crwther thught that there were ther mre effective ways t fight climate change besides cutting emissins(排放). Fr example, peple culd change their diets by n lnger eating meat. But, he said, tree planting is far mre effective because trees remve s much carbn dixide frm the air.
    57. The secnd paragraph mainly tells us ________.
    A. hw peple plant mre trees B. why peple shuld plant mre trees
    C. when peple shuld plant mre trees D. where peple shuld plant mre trees
    58. The underlined wrd “That” in Paragraph 2 refers ________.
    A. tns f xygen B. the past 25 years
    C. nine millin square kilmeters D.750 billin tns f carbn dixide
    59. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. Trees can’t remve the carbn in the trpics.
    B. Trees are less helpful when they are yunger.
    C. There is enugh space t plant ne trillin r mre trees n the earth.
    D. Peple can nly plant trees in Russia, the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil and China.
    60. What’s the best title f the passage?
    A. Mre trees help fight climate change.
    B. Carbn dixide causes temperatures t rise.
    C. Nt eating meat is the best way t fight climate change.
    D. Cutting emissins is the mst effective way t fight climate change.
    During my first tw weeks at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley, I experienced sme unexpected, funny, and smetimes embarrassing situatins. Allw me t share sme with yu.
    But first, let me give advice t ther freign students wh plan t study in the United States. Check the weather befre cming! I was very sure that Califrnia was sunny all year arund s I left all my jackets and sweaters in Paris. It was a huge mistake! It rained almst every day during the first week in Berkeley.
    I have t say that I quickly frgt these unlucky events. Life in Berkeley is very pleasant and everything is s easy cmpared t Paris. Fr example, in nly 24 hurs I bught a mbile phne and rent a flat. What’s mre, almst all the shps are pen n Sunday.
    The first thing that surprised me is that students may cme late t class. They freely enter and leave the classrm many times during class. In France, students respect the teacher’s lessn, s they are never late and they leave the classrm nly at the end f the class.
    The lcal peple in Califrnia are in general very nice, pen and active. Hwever, I am nt ttally used t their habits yet. Indeed, I was used t shaking my friends’ hands every day in Paris. During my secnd day at Berkeley, I shk the hand f ne f my classmates whm I had met the day befre and he tld me “I think we already met!”
    I live a great experience at present, and I wuld just encurage any student t becme a member in a prgram at UC, Berkeley.
    61.The writer cmes frm ______.
    A. Japan B. China C. England D. France
    62. The writer made a huge mistake because ______.
    A. he didn’t check the weather befre cming
    B. the weather in Califrnia was changeable
    C. he brught a lt f clthes with him
    D. he didn’t take a mbile phne
    63. When the writer’s classmate said “I think we already met!”, he meant _______.
    A. they were ld friends
    B. Americans needn’t shake hands when they meet again
    C. he was nt used t shaking hands with thers
    D. the writer might frget abut their last meeting
    64. We can learn that ________ accrding t the passage.
    A. Califrnia was sunny all year arund
    B. students in America are never late fr class
    C. life in Berkeley is enjyable fr the writer
    D. peple in Califrnia are nt s friendly
    65. Accrding t the passage, the writer mainly wants t tell us ______.
    A. his experience at UC, Berkeley B. the relatinship between classmates
    C. his advice n studying abrad D. the difference in attending a class

    IX. 任务阅读(10分)
    Peple have been trying t find ut if hmewrk is gd r bad fr schl children, and they have different pinins.
    Sme peple think that hmewrk is an imprtant part f learning fr students. It nt nly helps children t practice what they have learned in class, but als help them prve their handwriting. They als say that hmewrk helps teach children hw t wrk n their wn. Als, it's a skill which is useful t them in future life.
    Others disagree, thugh. They think hmewrk puts t much stress n children. And the time spent n hmewrk culd have been used t d ther activities like reading and playing sprts. T supprt their pinin, they give the example f Finland (芬兰). In Finland, students have little hmewrk. But the cuntry remains ne f the mst educatinally successful cuntries in the wrld.
    Here is my pint f view (观点) n this matter. Whether the hmewrk is gd r bad depends n the purpse f it. If there is n clear reasn fr giving hmewrk, the students wn't get anything frm ding it, s it shuld nt be set. Hwever, I still believe that hmewrk can really help with children's learning, if teachers clearly tell them why they shuld d the hmewrk and let them knw hw they have dne in their hmewrk.
    Peple wh disagree hmewrk is gd fr children think it puts n children.
    67. The writer thinks ding hmewrk is helpful t .
    68. What can we knw abut Finland's educatin?

    X. 词语运用。根据短文内容与所给提示完成短文。(10分)
    Letting kids learn mre abut science at an early age is easier than yu think. It is happening all arund us, and yu can use 71.________(day) things t encurage yur children’s interest. Mst parents think that helping children 72.________ science is difficult. But yu dn’t need 73._______ high scientific brain. All yu need is that yu stick t (manage) t d it . Yu are willing t see the wrld and take the time t encurage their natural curisity (好奇).Yu can help by having an active attitude twards science yurself. Then start 75.________(simple) by asking yur children questins abut the things yu see every day. And then listen t their answers withut judging them, which will imprve their cnfidence, and help yu decide 76._______ yur children knw r d nt knw. Different kids have different interest, s they need different kinds f science 77._________(prject).Cllecting rcks may interest yur yung daughter,78.w_______ yur lder sn may need smething mre t deal with it. It’s 79.________(say) that the best way t find enjyable learning activities is by knwing yur children. Here are sme mre pieces f advice: Chse activities 80.t_______ are the right level f difficulty. If yu are nt sure, pick smething easier. Let yur child chse the prject r activity himself. When a child picks smething he is interested in, he will enjy it and learn mre frm it.
    XI. 书面表达(20分)
    A 连词成句(5分)
    81. is, ball, this, whse, sccer,
    82. isn’t, nise, in the library, making , allwed,
    83.suppsed, shake , yu, t, hands, are,
    84. are, f, music , different, kinds , there
    85. knw, invented, he , the, telephne, was, desn’t, where
    B . 写作(15分)
    It's imprtant fr students t wrk hard. Hwever, t much schlwrk has caused sme prblems._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

    Manners in a dinner party
    What t take
    Yu can take sme drinks like 26.__________juice, beer r smething like these.
    When t arrive
    Yu shuld arrive n time r n mre than 27.__________minutes late. If yu'll be fifteen minutes late, yu shuld give the hst a 28.__________.
    What t d at the table
    Try t be relaxed and 29._________at the table. If yu can't use the knife and 30.___________,yu can watch thers.
    1.Mst f us dn't have enugh sleep time.
    2.It is bad fr ur eyes t read bks fr t lng...
    1.Teachers had better give us less hmewrk.
    2.Our schl and parents shuld pay mre attentin t ur health and happiness...

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