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    1.Hw des the girl usually talk t Tara?
    A.Thrugh the Internet.
    B.Thrugh phne calls.
    C.Thrugh text messages.
    2. What des the man need help with?
    A.The tall bx.
    B.The wide bx.
    C.The heavy bx.
    3. What des the wman's teacher suggest abut paragraphs?
    A. They shuld be rughly the same length.
    B.They shuld have dramatic effect.
    C.They can be f any length.
    4. What are the speakers prbably ging t d?
    A.Make a sandwich.
    B.Give a presentatin.
    C.Buy sme bread.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    6.Hw ld was the wman when they played the game last time?
    7. Which ball was wrth the fewest pints?
    A.The red ne.
    B.The green ne
    C.The blue ne.
    8.What des the man need frm the wman?
    A.A signature.
    B.A package.
    C.A delivery slip.
    9.Wh is Rnald Fields?
    A.The man's brther.
    B.The wman's brther.
    C.The wman's neighbr.
    10.Where are the speakers prbably?
    A.At the pst ffice.
    B.At the plice statin.
    C.At the wman's huse.
    11.What is the man lking fr?
    A.A restaurant.
    B.A gym
    C.A htel.
    12.Hw much will the man prbably pay per mnth at the new gym?
    13.What is a benefit f the new gym?
    A.Free breakfast.
    B. Views f the bridge.
    C.Discunted htel rms.
    14.What des the man want t be?
    A.An engineer
    B.An astrnaut.
    C.An astrnmer.
    15.What des the man want t save mankind frm?
    A.The virus.
    B.Climate change.
    C.The aging prblem.
    16. Hw can the wman's tne be described?
    17.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Mther and sn.
    B.Teacher and student.
    C.Scientist and assistant.
    18.Which regin is Nicla Sturgen the leader f?
    19.Hw many First Ministers have there been in ttal?
    20.Wh is Peter Murrell?
    A. A news reprter.
    B.An executive fficer.
    C.A frmer First Minister.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Ultimate Expressin 2021 is an internatinal nline art cntest which is pen fr all children f age grup 6 t 19 years ld. It has been started t mtivate artistic and creative minds.Mre details are mentined as fllws.
    Date:June 13th-July 13th,2021
    Subject r Theme: Painting n any subject r theme is accepted except related t vilence, drugs r adult themes
    Entry Fees:NO entry fees
    Awards/Certificates: Winners will receive Art Recgnitin Pack, which cnsists f publicatin f painting in the website, publicatin f winner's pht in the winner's gallery. Certificate f Achievement and Recgnitin as Star Artist, Diamnd Artist and Gld Artist.
    Fees fr Art Recgnitin Pack & Certificate: The fees is $1.5 fr Star artists and $17 fr sme selected Artists.
    Judgments: Innvatin, Creativity, Engaging, Perfectin,Age f Artist,Presentatin and Artistic Ability
    The entries may be REJECTED due t fllwing reasns:
    ●Yur art-wrk cntains any bjectinable subject r ed material.
    ●The image f the painting is nt clear.
    ●Yu dn't cnfrm t the age limit f the art cntest.
    ●Yu submitted the drawings multiple times.
    ●Signature f the artist is nt n the painting.
    Hw t participate: Click the buttn belw. In the next page yu need t fill the frm and uplad the painting, and click n submit buttn.
    21.Hw much will the artist pay if he is judged 7.5 pints accrding t Art Recgnitin Pack &Certificate?
    22. Which f the fllwing will be the reasn leading t rejectin?
    A.The participant is 17 years ld.
    B. The artist's name is n the painting.
    C.A few f ed materials are used.
    D.The painting is submitted nly ne time.
    23.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A.A website.
    B.A guidebk.
    C.A newspaper.
    D.A brchure.
    It was a strmy evening, and all that Neil culd hpe was t find a shelter that culd keep him prtected frm the chilly wind and cld rain. After wrk he had t get hme n time, as his busy schedule was preventing him frm spending quality time with his family. The bus stp n the way prvided temprary shelter, where Neil was becming increasingly agitated(焦虑不安的) with every passing minute. All his evening plans were washed ut.
    “Sir,why dn't yu buy a pack f grundnuts(花生) frm me?”Neil lked arund t see a man in rag standing by his side. “Oh, n, I'm nt interested right nw.”“Fried grundnuts will d yu a wrld f gd nw. Mrever, yu can als take sme fr yur family.” The very mentin f family brught a cncern t Neil. His wife had specifically tld him t cme hme early, if nt fr her sake, at least fr the sake f their seven-year-ld sn.
    When he was lst in thught, the grundnut seller had filled a bag with the remaining nuts and ffered him an unexpectedly lw price. But, Neil refused t buy them: “I d nt want t buy anything at this pint!” Suddenly, he heard a vice f a kid. “Dad, I want sme mney t buy bks fr the schl.”He saw a ten-year-ld by, ttally drenched frm tp t bttm, as thugh he had just run a race. He was talking t the grundnut seller. “Yes, yes, I'm ready t leave nw. Cme! Hw many bks d yu want? Why did yu get wet in the rain? Yur mther must be getting wrried.”
    Neil was tuched and turned t the seller. There was an instant when they bth made the perfect eye cntact. Neil had the lk f I knw what it is t be a father. The grundnut seller did nt say anything and gave the packet f grundnuts withut saying a wrd. Neil pulled a nte frm his wallet, placed it in the man's hand, and walked away withut waiting fr the change.
    24.Why did Neil becme mre anxius at the bus stp?
    A. The rain stpped him frm getting hme n time.
    B.The chilly wind made him feel clder and clder.
    C.He thught f his bring and heavy wrk
    D.He culdn't find a gd place t keep ff the rain
    25. Why didn't Neil buy the man's grundnuts at first?
    A.He didn't have enugh mney n him.
    B. His family desn't like grundnuts.
    C.His family was a little pr.
    D.He was in a bad md at that time.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “drenched” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A.Wet thrugh.
    B.Very excited.
    C.Well dressed.
    D.Sweat heavily.
    27.What made Neil buy all the seller's grundnuts?
    A.The seller's generus actin.
    B.The seller's greatness as a father.
    C.His having a pity fr the seller
    D.His being mved by the seller's sn.
    On a sunny but bitterly cld February day a line f small children snaked their way frm Dale t Dale Frt n the Haverfrdwest estuary. They were the last f mre than 2,000 vlunteers wh ver the last year have cllected, stred and put seagrass seeds int little bags, ready fr planting. These seagrass seeds were sn t jin thers n the seaflr a few hundred metres ff-shre frm Dale t recver tw hectares f seagrass meadw(草甸)。This recvery is the latest attempt t change a century f destructin.
    In the UK we can nly estimate the lss but in Denmark, seagrass recrds dating back t the
    1880s give a very serius and accurate picture. At the turn f the last century fishing was vital t
    the Danish ecnmy. It was knwn then that seagrass meadws were a vital habitat fr yung sea
    fish and s in 1908 btanist Carl Ostenfeld was asked t study the seagrasses then fund in all the
    estuaries and entrance f Denmark. That study prvided a clear standard against which t measure
    the lss f seagrass in Denmark, a lss that currently stands at 95 percent.
    Why des this matter? Seagrass nt nly prvide a nurturing habitat fr fish but als stabilises the shre and absrbs energy,reducing the impact f strms. Bat anchrs(船锚)are ne cause f damage t seagrass; seashre develpment anther. But the main cause is river water pllutin, particularly nutrients frm fertiliser and dirty water. These excess nutrients cause algal(藻类) grwth that blankets the seagrass, cutting ut light, and then later,when it dies ff and rts,remves all xygen.
    One f the imprtant messages is, if yu stp killing sea life and prtect it, then it des cme back. We can turn the ceans arund and we knw it makes sense ecnmically, fr human health and,f curse,fr the envirnment.
    28.What did the kids d in Dale ver the last year?
    A.Have an interesting trip.
    B.Gather seagrass seeds.
    C. Prtect seagrass frm snakes.
    D.Make an imprtant study.
    29.What can we knw abut Carl Ostenfeld's study?
    A. It was carried ut in the UK and Denmark.
    B. It cntributed t Danish ecnmy greatly.
    C. It shwed the lss f seagrass in Denmark.
    D. It made sme practical measures fr Denmark.
    30.Which f the fllwing affects seagrass mst seriusly?
    A.Algal grwth.
    B.Seashre develpment.
    C.Air pllutin.
    D.Bats anchrs
    31.What is the purpse f the text??
    A. T shw recvering seagrass is beneficial.
    B. T ask peple t plant much seagrass.
    C.T present the dangers t seagrass.
    D. T persuade peple t catch fewer sea fish.
    The UK gvernment has a plan t reduce waste that shifts the respnsibility fr dispsal(处置)frm the state t the cmpanies that make it.
    The legislatin requires waste prducers t pay int the system themselves r thrugh their suppliers that is what the gvernment termed, a “plluter pays” principal. Businesses will have t change their waste prcessing befre the tax cmes int play. This is similar t the anti-waste legislatin passed in France in February 2020 that prhibits the destructin(销毁)f unsld clthing, csmetics, hygiene prducts and electrical prducts. Cmpanies will have t reuse,r recycle the items.
    Dealing with waste is a glbal prblem and we must deal with the ver 2 billin metric tns f slid waste generated every year. The Wrld Bank estimates that verall waste will increase t 3.4 billin tns if nthing is dne t change the situatin.
    The demand fr legislatin like the tugh attitude the UK is taking has been increasing accrding t Psitive News. And it is nt just envirnmental grups calling fr the changes. This is a cnsumer driven mvement and peple are willing t pay mre fr sustainable brands. Jsh Bwden,c-funder f Nissue tld Psitive News.
    What is abslutely certain is that lcal gvernments will save a lt f mney as the respnsibility shifts t the plluters. That culd be better invested in things like scial care r parks r libraries.” Other cuntries have made great prgress in reducing waste. Sweden's recycling prgram is s efficient that the cuntry is running ut f trash. The recycling rate is almst 99 percent and they are rapidly appraching zer waste. Tday, large cmpanies are greening their brands and mving t sustainable packaging including Clgate,Waitrse,Nestle, and Unilever which nw has recyclable black packaging. The gvernment f the UK hpes that ther cmpanies will fllw their example. A partnership between gvernment legislatin and private cmpanies will g a lng way t reducing the tns f waste ging int ur envirnment every year. Laws like the nes in the UK and France can be implemented arund the wrld.
    32. Wh will pay fr the csts dealing with UK's waste in the future?
    A.The UK gvernment.
    B.The cmpanies.
    C.The Wrld Bank
    D.The custmers.
    33.Hw shuld French shps deal with unsld gds?
    A.By destrying them.
    B.By thrwing them away.
    C.By dnating them t pr peple.
    D.By reusing them.
    34.What des The Wrld Bank think f wrld waste dispsal prblem?
    A.Serius. B.Optimistic. C.Uncntrlled. D.Hpeful.
    35.What can we infer fr the last paragraph?
    A.Lcal gvernments will spend mre mney cntrlling pllutin.
    B.Almst all cmpanies are willing t reduce the waste
    C.Sweden has dne a gd jb in dealing with waste.
    D.Laws cntrlling waste in the UK and France is cmplete.
    Yu may have grwn up living with lts f siblings, r this may be yur first time sharing yur living space with smene these tips t make sure yu and yur rmmate keep things pleasant and supprtive thrughut the year(r even years! ).
    Address prblems when they're little
    Is yur rmmate always frgetting her stuff fr the shwer, and taking yurs? Are yur clthes being brrwed faster than yu can wash them? Addressing things that bug yu while they're still little can help yur rmmate be aware f smething she may nt therwise knw. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after they've becme big.
    Respect yur rmmate's stuff
    This may seem simple, but it's prbably ne f the biggest reasns why rmmates experience cnflict. Dn't think he'll mind if yu brrw his cleats fr a quick sccer game? Fr all yu knw, yu just stepped ver a line that is nt crssable. _37.
    Be mindful f wh yu bring int yur rm-and hw ften
    Yu may lve having yur study grup int yur mindful f hw ften yu bring peple ver. If yur rmmate studies best in the quiet, and yu study best in a grup, can yu alternate wh hits the library and wh gets the rm?
    Be friendly, withut expecting t be best friends
    Dn't g int yur rmmate relatinship thinking that yu are ging t be best friends fr the time yu're at shuld be friendly with yur rmmate but als make sure yu have yur wn scial circles.
    Treat yur rmmate like yu'd like t be treated. Deal with prblems prperly. N matter what yur relatinship is at the end f the year, yu can take cmfrt knwing yu acted like an adult and treated yur rmmate with respect.
    A.Hwever,yur rmmate may als think s
    B. But yur rmmate may nt
    C. Dn't brrw, use, r take anything withut getting permissin first
    D.Address prblems when they are big,t
    E. If nthing else, fllw the glden rule
    F. While having a rmmate inevitably has its challenges, it can als be a great part f yur
    life experience
    G. It may happen, but expecting it sets bth f yu up fr truble
    Smetimes we didn't have the strength t face ne mre challenge.
    41 back,I have felt this way several times thrughut my life. One dark time 42 abve the rest. At the time, I was 26,43 full time, a husband and a father f tw. This wuld be enugh t deplete(耗尽) anyne, but my ne-year-ld sn Paul had just had his furth peratin.
    After that peratin, my wife and I brught him hme. 44 ,things gt wrse.I drve my wife and him back t the 45.The news remved what was left f my spirit. The dctrs thught it was a 46 enugh issue that they needed anther peratin. The first thing I thught was, “I dn't think I can 47 my sn having anther peratin. I dn't have the 48 ”Frtunately, many friends came t encurage us. In the end, my wife and I 49 gd news. It turned ut that my sn had a bad reactin t medicine. But he wuld be just_50
    It has been years since that day,but the 51 I learned has stayed with me. When we are 52,friends are strng fr us.When times are hard we have a 53 t feel pwerless. But it is in these times that we must 54 we need the strength f friends. It is friends wh get us thrugh whatever 55 ahead.
    inB.shws ffC.stands utD.turns up
    We tend t think abut success in terms f wealth and accmplishments. That's a fair measurement, but the prblem is that when we addict int the 56________(victry),we tend t verlk the sacrifices required in rder t get there. In fact,57________ (neglect) t accunt fr the existing sacrifices is ne reasn why s many f us have a hard time sticking t 58________(health) habits and fllwing up n gals.
    Time is a factr when it cmes t making sacrifices. As Warren Buffett famusly 59________(say), “It's the nly thing yu can't buy. I mean, I can buy anything I want, basically, but I can't buy time.”He's 60________(abslute) right. Shuld yu watch anther sectin f yur favrite Netflix shw 61________ give up TV fr tw mnths s yu can plant that garden yu always dreamed abut?
    Making the decisin isn't easy, but the gd news is 62________ we already d this naturally. A 2009 study fund that peple are “far 63________ (little) willing t keep many chices pen” when sme have bigger rewards than thers. If the payffs are unknwn, hwever, we have a harder time giving them up. That's why ding an activity check is s imprtant. Yu have t actually take the time 64 ________(figure) ut the pprtunity csts, gains f each and what t pursue ver the 65________
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,寒假期间没有参加学校组织的各种网课。请你给班主任英语老师 Linda写一封解释信,内容包括:
    Dear Linda,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    As muntains g,1,642-ft Squaw Peak isn't particularly grand. But its inviting views f western Massachusetts have tricked hikers int becming self-satisfied with its steep,slippery cliffs(悬崖),resulting in cuntless injuries and even deaths.
    Henry Grant, a week shy f starting his freshman year at Ithaca Cllege, respected Squaw Peak's recrd.Therefre, he stayed a gd ten feet frm the edge while waiting fr his mther t catch up t him ne day. He watched 15 r s ther hikers enjy the vista; ne hiker, arund 60 and dressed in pink, was peeking ver the lip f the cliff with her husband.
    When Grant's mther rejined him, the tw turned t cntinue n their way. Suddenly,he heard a heavy dull sund, he tld the Crnell Daily Sun. Then he heard smething chilling: “Paula! Paula!” a man yelled wildly. Grant wheeled arund. The wman in pink was n-where t be seen. She'd fallen ff the side f the muntain.
    Several hikers immediately started lking fr her, but their view was blcked by trees.Grant tld his mther,“I hate t say this, but they're prbably ging t find a bdy.”
    Uncertain they culd help, Grant and his mther headed dwn the trail. But when he saw hikers still searching, he decided t lend a hand. “My yung dumb brain was like, 'I can d it,'”” he says.After assuring his mther that he wuld be safe, he made a lng and difficult jurney alne, hping he wasn't t late.
    After 15 minutes f scrambling ver the large rck, pushing past prickly(多刺的)brush,and slipping dwn patches f lse dirt, Grant sptted a figure abut 25 feet abve him. She was dressed in pink and crumpled in a kneeling psitin n a small rcky.
    The wman had fallen abut 75 feet.
    Unexpectedly,she was alive.
    “Paula!” Grant shuted.“Paula.Is that yu?”
    Paragraph 1:
    The wman barely respnded.
    Paragraph 2:
    Abut 45 minutes later, first respnders arrived n the tp.
    1—5 ACAAC 6—10 BCABC 11—15 BCCAB 16—20 BABCB
    阅读答案:21-23 CCA24-27 ADAB 28-31 BCAA 32-35 BDAC
    七选五:36-40 FCBGE
    完型填空:41-45 ACBAB46-50 DBDAC 51-55 DCDAB
    56. victries57. neglecting58. healthy59. said60. abslutely
    61. r62. that63. less64. t figure65. Other
    第一节 应用文写作
    Dear Linda,
    I'm writing t make an explanatin fr nt attending the nline lessns rganized by ur schl. I regret having missed the pprtunity t learn frm teachers but I had srted ut my wn prblems in sme subjects befre winter vcatin. S I had t spare sme time fr them at the cst f schl lessns.
    T be hnest, learning by myself benefited me a lt. Anyway, I prmise I will make up fr the nline lessns by learning frm ther classmates.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1:
    The wman barely respnded. She was clearly hurt and almst mad. Grant called 911 t reprt her lcatin. He waited where he was fr a bit, but she kept trying t mve, and every time she mved, she slipped a little mre. Afraid that in her muddled state f mind she might tumble ff the utcrpping t her death, Grant crawled n all furs up a tight, narrw path, gaining tractin by digging int the dirt with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula. She was maning and barely making sense. Her head, arms, and legs were bleeding. Securing himself against a tree, Grant gently put her hand in his and tried t keep her mind ff the pain by peppering her with questins.
    Paragraph 2:
    Abut 45 minutes later, first respnders arrived n the tp. T reach them, a rescuer rappelled dwn and secured Paula t a stretcher. Rescuers at the summit lifted the stretcher t the tp and then carried her t a waiting ATV. Eventually, Paula and her husband wuld be flwn by helicpter t a hspital
    Text 1
    M: Tara messaged me earlier. I am ging t give her a call later tnight. D yu want me t say hell fr yu?
    W: Sure, but we actually talk all the time. We have an nline chat rm with sme ther girls frm the schl. (1)
    Text 2
    W: D yu want me t cme dwnstairs and help yu, Jeremy? Thse bxes are really big.
    M: Yes, please. I’m fine with these tall and wide bxes. They actually dn’t have that much in them. It’s this small ne full f bks that I can’t lift. (2)
    Text 3
    W: Hw many lines shuld a paragraph be? My teacher says I shuld try and make them 8 t 10 sentences each. (3)
    M: It depends n what yu are writing. I was writing a shrt stry, s I used lng and shrt paragraphs fr dramatic effect.
    Text 4
    W: Hw d yu make the perfect sandwich? It always lks s gd.
    M: I’ll shw yu if yu like. (4) It’s all abut the presentatin and using thick slices f bread.
    W: Yu reminded me. I made sme bread this mrning. It shuld be ready.
    Text 5
    W: I fund a lcal butcher that makes the mst amazing prk sausages. He makes sme with apples that are ut f this wrld.
    M: Yeah. I had sme in England with cheese baked inside. They were very different but als very tasty. (5)
    Text 6
    W: I want t play Sunshine Ball fr my 21st birthday. (6)
    M: We haven’t played that game since we made it 10 years ag! (6) What were the rules again? The green ball was tw pints and the red ball was three, right? (7)
    W: Yes, and the blue ball was a single pint. (7) Yu guys always used t fight each ther, while I was busy getting pints.
    M: Oh yeah, yu were s much better than Dave and he used t get s angry!
    W: I guess, but Dave was nly six, and yu did beat him n his birthday that ne time. I bet he is still angry after all these years.
    Text 7
    M: Gd mrning, I have a package fr a Mr. Rnald Fields. (9) I require a signature. (8)
    W: I’m afraid he isn’t in just nw, but I can sign it fr him. (8)
    M: Can I take yur name?
    W: Mrs. Laura Graham. I’m Mr. Fields’ sister. (9)
    M: Culd I ask fr a favr? I have a package fr yur neighbr, but they are nt in. Culd yu take it fr them? (10)
    W: Certainly. I’ll take it t them this evening when they get back frm wrk. (10)
    M: Thanks. I’ve put a delivery slip thrugh their dr. I just need t take a phtgraph as prf f delivery, if that’s OK.
    W: D yu need me t smile?
    M: N, it’s just f the package. Perfect, cheers.
    W: Have a nice day.
    Text 8
    W: I need t g n a diet. I put n s much weight during the crnavirus.
    M: I knw. I wanted t g back t my gym, but they have clsed fr gd. I need t find a new ne. (11)
    W: Have yu checked ut the new ne at the bridge? (12)
    M: I thught that was a htel. (12)
    W: It is, but they have a gym as well. (12)
    M: I imagine it will be expensive.
    W: They are ffering a discunt because we live lcally. (12)
    M: Hw much f a discunt?
    W: Well, the gym is £30 a mnth, but they are ffering a 25% discunt. (12)
    M: Then it wuld be £22.50.(12) That’s nly £2.50 mre than I was paying at my ld gym.
    W: Yu als get a 10% discunt at the htel. (13)I’ve used it when my mm cmes t visit. She lves it.
    M: That’s really gd. My sister is due t visit in a few mnths. She’d prefer that than sleeping n my flr.
    W: Yeah.Plus, the restaurant is really nice, t. It has the mst amazing breakfast. Obviusly, yu have t pay.
    Text 9 (第17题为推断题)
    M: I have decided t devte my life t the pursuit f science.
    W: That’s a big gal. What science d yu want t pursue?
    M: I want t see the stars and explre space.
    W: S yu want t study astrnmy(天文学)?
    M: N, I want t build the ships that take us there. (14)
    W: Sunds like yu want t be an engineer. (14)
    M: I guess, (14)but it desn’t sund very scientific when yu put it like that.
    W: It uses a lt f science. Yu need t knw physics and chemistry, s yu can design a ship that will keep the astrnauts safe.
    M: I’ll als need t find a jb fr Barney.
    W: Well, he can be yur assistant, because yu’ll need supprt if yu are wrking s hard.
    M: I dn’t think yu’re taking this seriusly.
    W: I am. If yu want, we can speak t yur teacher abut extra classes.
    M: That wuld be great. I think space explratin is the key t saving mankind. (15)
    W: Saving mankind frm what? (15)
    M: Climate change. (15) Even when the wrld was shut dwn by the virus, climate change was nt really affected. We need a better slutin.
    W: Well, hw abut we wrry abut graduating first? (16)
    M: This is serius. If we dn’t act nw, we may nt have a planet t live n in a few years.
    W: Hney, yu need t stp reading all these stries nline. The planet will be here when I’m ld and grey. Nw g finish yur hmewrk. (16)
    Text 10
    Our award fr best leader ges t a wman wh has led her cuntry fr ver five years. She tk swift actin against the crnavirus, resulting in a sharp drp in cases in Sctland cmpared t its neighbrs, England and Wales. (18) She tk ver the rle f First Minister frm Alex Salmnd, wh quit after the disappinting result f the 2014 independence vte. She is nly the fifth persn t hld the ffice f First Minister, but the first wman t d s. (19) She has inspired a new generatin f female plitical minds t jin the debate and help shape their cuntry, smething that will have lasting influence. She is knwn fr talking straight, which is a welcme change frm many pliticians wh talk at length withut ever answering the questin yu have asked. They say behind every strng wman is a strng man, but it’s mre like a partnership, because Peter Murrell, als wrks in plitics as the leading party’s executive fficer. (20)N dubt he’ll be made t carry this award hme fr her. S, withut further ad, ladies and gentlemen, put yur hands tgether fr Nicla Sturgen. (18)
    Winners will be judged n 10 pint scale.
    9.0 t 10.0 pints
    Star Artist
    8.0 t 8.9 pints
    Diamnd Artist
    6.0 t 7.9 pints
    Gld Artist
    5.0 t 5.9 pints
    Silver Artist(Award nt ffered)

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    2022届江苏省淮安市高中校协作体高三上学期期中考试英语试题含解析: 这是一份2022届江苏省淮安市高中校协作体高三上学期期中考试英语试题含解析,共27页。

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