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    2_必修第一册 UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE练习题01
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    2_必修第一册 UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE练习题03
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    2_必修第一册 UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE练习题

    这是一份2_必修第一册 UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE练习题,共23页。


    Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.—Aristotle

    ①(2020全国新高考Ⅰ)In the mid-1990s, Tom Bissell taught English as a volunteer in Uzbekistan.        
    ②(2020江苏)What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture?       
    On arriving there, we        .  
    With you on the team, we        we can win the game. 
    答案 ①志愿者 ②推荐 ③were attracted by the beautiful scenery ④are confident that

    ◆链接 recommend+that...建议……[从句中的谓语动词用(should+)动词原形]

    1.debate n.争论;辩论 vi.&vt.争论;辩论
    ①The suggestion he put forward is still        debate. 
    ②The truth of this news is        debate. 
    ③I don't want to debate such things        you. 
    →④Your mother and I        the same question.(debate vt.) 
    →⑤Your mother and I        the same question.(debate n.) 
    1.答案 ①under ②beyond ③with ④have debated
    ⑤have had a debate about/on

    (1)have a heated debate about/on sth.就某事进行激烈的辩论
    under debate在讨论中;在辩论中
    beyond/without debate无可争议
    (2)debate sth. with sb.与某人辩论某事
    under consideration在考虑中;在讨论中
    under construction在建造中
    under control在控制中
    under discussion在讨论中
    under guarantee在保修期内
    under pressure在压力下
    under repair在修理中

    2.prefer vt.更喜欢
    ①I prefer        (exercise) at home. 
    ②Nowadays many children prefer surfing the Internet at home to        (take) exercise outdoors. 
    ③People develop a        for a particular style of learning at an early age and these        affect learning.(prefer)  
    →④I        live simply        waste the limited resources. 
    → ⑤I prefer        simply to        the limited resources. 
    →⑥I        simply        waste the limited resources. 
    →⑦I        live simply        waste the limited resources. 
    2.答案 ①exercising/to exercise ②taking ③preference;preferences ④prefer to;rather than ⑤living;wasting
    ⑥would live;rather than ⑦would rather;than

    (1)preference n.偏爱;偏爱的事物
    have a preference for更喜欢……
    in preference to优先于;而不是
    (2)prefer vt.较喜欢;喜欢……多于……
    prefer doing/to do sth.更愿意做某事
    prefer sth./doing sth. to sth./doing sth.更喜欢(做)某事(前者)而不喜欢(做)某事(后者)
    prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
    would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
    would do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

    3.suitable adj.适合的;适用的;适宜的
    ①As students, you'd better choose the activity which interests you and        (suit) you. 
    ②        (suit) school uniforms can not only show good discipline but also make us look more active. 
    →③I do believe I        this voluntary work, because I have a good knowledge of English. 
    →④I do believe this voluntary work        , because I have a good knowledge of English. 
    3.答案 ①suits ②Suitable ③am suitable for ④suits me

    (1)be suitable for sb./sth.适合某人/某物
    be suitable to do sth.适合做某事
    (2)suit vt.适合;使适宜 n.服装;套装
    suit one's needs适合某人的需要

    4.challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战
    ①Many volunteers are used to doing difficult and        (challenge) work. 
    ②He challenged me        English. 
    I'm determined to ③        the ④        job,which is a challenge ⑤        me. 
    4.答案 ①challenging ②to ③challenge ④challenging ⑤to/for

    (1)face a challenge面临挑战
    accept/take up a challenge接受挑战
    (2)challenge sb. to sth.向某人挑战某事
    challenge sb. to do sth.向某人挑战做某事
    (3)challenging adj.具有挑战性的
    向某人挑战应为challenge sb.,而不是challenge to sb.,但可以说a challenge to/for sb.(对某人来说是个挑战)。

    5.confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的
    ①Will you please not confuse me        any matters? 
    ②Sorry, I'm a bit confused        what you just told me. 
    ③I find his lectures very        ;he never sticks to the point. 
    My teacher ④        me by asking so many ⑤        questions. I was totally ⑥       , standing there in ⑦       , not knowing what to do.  
    5.答案 ①with ②about ③confusing ④confused
    ⑤confusing ⑥confused ⑦confusion

    (1)confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑
    confuse sb. with...用……使某人困惑
    confuse A with B 把A与B混淆
    (2)confused adj.(人)糊涂的;迷惑的
    be confused about...对……感到困惑
    (3)confusion n.困惑;混乱
    in confusion困惑地;混乱地
    compare A with B把A与B比较
    connect A with B把A与B连接
    exchange A with B把A与B交换

    1. sign up (for sth.) 报名(参加课程)
    ①He signed up        a ten-week course.  
    ②At this point, you can continue shopping or sign        .  
    ③All visitors must sign        on arrival.  
    1.答案 ①for ②out ③in

    sign in签到
    sign out签退
    check in登记入住
    check out退房离开

    2.look forward to 期望;期待;盼望
    ①The kid is looking forward to        (take) to the zoo this weekend. 
    ②As I saw the old photo, I always looked back        the scene where we had met. 
    ③Remember to look        for the red light.  
    I'd appreciate it if you can take my suggestions into consideration. I        your early reply. 
    I hold the firm belief that my suggestions will be of great help to you. I'm        as soon as possible. 
    2.答案 ①being taken ②on ③out ④am looking forward to receiving ⑤looking forward to hearing from you

    look back (on)回忆,回顾
    look out for当心;提防;留心
    look down on/upon轻视,瞧不起
    look into调查,审查
    look up to尊敬,敬仰
    (1)look forward有时表示“向前看”,后跟to do表目的。
    He stood up and looked forward to see what was going on outside.他站起来往前看,想看看外面发生了什么事情。
    (2)定语从句中含有look forward to时,其后的动词是主句的谓语,与to没有任何关系。
    The expert we looked forward to came at last.

    1.so that 这样,因此;为了,以便

    I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can
    make the team next year.

    My father began to study the computer at the age of sixty        the times. 
    She had not planned her time well,        she did not finish her homework on time. 
    →③We got up early        the early bus. 
    →④        the early bus, we got up early. 
    →⑤We got up early        the early bus. 
    →⑥We got up early        we could catch the early bus. 
    ⑦Liu Hai ran so fast that he was the winner of the boy's 1000-metre race.
    →Liu Hai ran very fast,        he was the winner of the boy's 1000-metre race. 
    1.答案 ①so that/in order that he might keep up with
    ②so that ③in order/so as to catch ④In order to catch
    ⑤to catch ⑥in order that/so that ⑦so that

    so that“以便,为了”,引导一个表示目的的状语从句,从句谓语中常用情态动词 may/might、can/could、should、would等;主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。此外,不定式可单独作目的状语,有时为了突出和强调目的性,可在不定式前加上in order或so as,但so as to do不能位于句首。
    so that“因此,所以”,引导一个表示结果的状语从句,此时不能与 in order that 换用;从句中谓语根据需要使用相应的时态,主从句间可有逗号相隔。


    I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other
    students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite
    difficult to get used to all the homework.

    ①It is unwise        (expect) your child to follow your path.  
    ②It is good        you to do exercise.  
    ③It is careless        you to make so many mistakes in the exam. 
    ④Learning English well is easy for you if you study hard.
    →        English well if you study hard.(it+be+adj.+for sb.+动词不定式) 
    2.答案 ①to expect ②for ③of ④It is easy for you to learn

    本句型中it是形式主语,不定式短语是真正的主语;不定式的前面可以通过for/of 加上自己的逻辑主语。
    (1)it be+adj.+for sb. to do sth.句式中,作表语的形容词说明不定式行为的性质和特点,常见的有easy、important、difficult、possible、necessary等。
    (2)it be+adj.+of sb. to do sth.句式中,作表语的形容词说明不定式逻辑主语的品行、性格等,常见的有kind、nice、good、stupid、silly、careful、careless等。


    But spending too much time online is unhealthy
    and makes it very difficult to focus on other things
    in life.

    ①I must make        clear that I'll always support you. 
    ②He found it impossible        (continue) working in Germany. 
    ③I felt it is important for women to join and take a leading role.
    →I felt        to join and take a leading role. 
    3.答案 ①it ②to continue ③it important for women


    I'm Adam,  1  freshman in senior high school. The first week was a little  2 (confuse). 
    There are some  3  (challenge) I have to face in my new school life. First, I had to think carefully about my courses. Chinese is hard to learn, but I hope I can speak it  4 (fluent) when I graduate. My adviser  5 (recommend) me to sign up for advanced literature because I'm good  6  it. Second, I had to choose my extra-curricular activities. I tried  7 (join) the school football team though I couldn't do well in  8  at first. Besides that, I joined a volunteer club. 
    In order to be well  9 (prepare) for university or whatever else  10 (come) in the future, I make up my mind to study harder and get used to the new situation. 
    1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    
    6.    7.    8.    9.    10.    
    1.a 2.confusing 3.challenges 4.fluently 5.recommended
    6.at 7.to join 8.it 9.prepared 10.comes
    2 .材与话题写作
    I           after I came to senior high school. 

    However, I             . 
    3.我找不到解决办法。(a solution to...)
    I couldn't             . 
    At last, my teacher                 . 
    5.我决定加入音乐俱乐部。我发现它非常适合我。(club;be suitable for)
    I decided to       . I found it        me. 
    6.很明显我应该早加入这个俱乐部。(It was obvious that...)
                the club earlier. 
    Ⅰ.1.preferred music to painting
    2.met a lot of challenges
    3.find a solution to it
    4.recommended that I should join the music club
    5.join the music club;was very suitable for
    6.It was obvious that I should have joined
    Ⅱ.One possible version:
    I preferred music to painting after I came to senior high school. However, I met a lot of challenges.I couldn't find a solution to it. At last, my teacher recommended that I should join the music club. So I decided to join the music club. I found it was very suitable for me. In fact, it was obvious that I should have joined the club earlier. 

    Amazing Kids!Wild Jungle Writing Contest 2020
    Amazing Kids! Magazine is proud to announce that we will host a Wild Jungle Writing Contest this fall!Send us your best jungle-themed story using this start,“I had no idea why they were standing there.”
    This contest is open to grades K—12,with three groups of K—3,4—8,and 9—12. Three winners from each age group will be chosen to win Amazing Kids! prizes, along with an official certificate verifying(证实) their winning entry. All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.
    Submit all entries by September 30 to be considered!Email editor@amazing-kids.org for more questions about rules and specifications.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q:How should I format my entry?
    A:Stories should be written in English,with submissions of less than 1,200 words. Please submit your entry as a Microsoft Word document.
    Q:How do I submit my entry?
    A:Mail your submission to editor@amazing-kids.org. Each e-mail submission will receive a return message verifying that the essay has been received.
    Q:Is there just one prize?
    A:No. Nine separate prizes will be given out,with a cash value of $20 for the first place,$15 for the second place, and$10 for the third place in each age group.Certificates of participation will also be awarded to each participant in the contest.
    1.Which of the following stories suits the contest most?
    A.A couple lost their way in the jungle.
    B.A teenager caught a thief in a cave.
    C.A pupil met a bear in the forest.
    D.A soldier saved a drowning boy.
    2.A champion will receive    .  
    A.a cash value of $15
    B.a thank-you letter
    C.only a certificate
    D.a prize and a certificate
    3.What type of writing is the passage?
    A.A piece of news.   B.A summary.
    C.An announcement.   D.A guide.
    [语篇解读] 这是一篇应用文。文章是一项写作比赛“Wild Jungle Writing Contest 2020”的征文启事,主要介绍了比赛规则以及奖项设置等信息。
    1.C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Send us your best jungle-themed story...”和分析选项可知,“一个小学生在森林里遇到了一只熊”的故事最适合这个比赛。故选C项。
    2.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Nine separate prizes will be given out,with a cash value of $20 for the first place,$15 for the second place, and $10 for the third place in each age group. Certificates of participation will also be awarded to each participant in the contest.”可知,冠军将获得奖金和证书。故选D项。
    3.C 推理判断题。根据文章主要内容可知这是一项写作比赛“Wild Jungle Writing Contest 2020”的征文启事,主要介绍了比赛规则以及奖项设置等信息。因此这是一篇公告。故选C项。
    Teenagers who spent hours in front of the television may have poorer diets(日常饮食) as young adults.
    A study, which included nearly 1,400 high school students, found those who watched TV for five hours or more per day had less healthy diets than peers(同龄人) five years later. Why does this happen? Should the parents take any measures?
    On the one hand, people who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may snack more, and that may influence their long-term diet quality. On the other hand, TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks tempt teenagers to eat more of those foods. And TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.
    Lead researcher Dr. Anderson, of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, told Reuters Health a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality in young adulthood. While the heaviest TV viewers were eating the most junk food, those who watched less than two hours per day had the highest intake(摄入量) of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and high-calcium food. In her opinion, parents should limit and monitor TV viewing.
    As far as I am concerned, children should watch not more than two hours of television per day. And parents should set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.
    4.What does the underlined word “tempt” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A.Help.   B.Allow.
    C.Attract.   D.Invite.
    5.What do the heavy TV viewers tend to do according to the text?
    A.Take in high-calcium food.
    B.Take in fewer vegetables.
    C.Eat less junk food.
    D.Eat more fruit.
    6.What suggestion does the author give the parents?
    A.They should behave well in front of their children.
    B.They should encourage their children to exercise more.
    C.They should stop the children from watching TV.
    D.They should pay attention to nutrition in diets.
    7.What's the best title for this text?
    A.Teenagers' TV Time May Influence Their Diets Later
    B.People Should Keep Away from TV to Keep Healthy
    C.Parents' Own Habits May Influence Children Later
    D.Why Do Teenagers Like Watching TV?
    [语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了长期看电视会影响青少年的日常饮食。
    4.C 根据第三段中的“TV ads”和“eat more of those foods”可知,电视广告会引诱青少年吃更多的快餐、甜点和零食,故画线词和C项意思接近。
    5.B 根据第四段中的“While the heaviest TV viewers were eating the most junk food, those who watched less than two hours per day had the highest intake(摄入量) of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and high-calcium food.”可知,很喜欢看电视的青少年会摄入更少的蔬菜,故选B。
    6.A 根据最后一段中的“And parents should set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.”可知,父母应该为孩子树立榜样,故选A。
    7.A 本文主要讲述了长期看电视会影响青少年的日常饮食,故A项最适合作本文的标题。

    Freshmen anywhere may be nervous about university life. Here, three pieces of advice are for them.
    Listen but don't be silent.
    The world is held in students' hand via (通过) smart phones. Thus, they may consider lecture listening less important.  1  It forces students to face the difficulties of training a deep attentiveness. Unsurprisingly, students find it hard to speak out or ask questions. They don't want to appear foolish or incapable. However, there is no such thing as a foolish question. Teachers are there to help you understand. This also goes for seminars and workshops.  2  
    Read and buy books.
     3  There're so many useful online sources today, but the habit of reading books, especially whole books, is something being lost. Buy your own books. There are many bargains to be found on used-book websites or through Amazon. Being a book lover and buyer will help any student get the most out of their education. 
    As a student, you don't just have to learn to listen or become an active reader;you also have to become an academic writer. Written work at college level cannot be done at the last minute or in a rush. It takes time. Turn to your teachers. If they will read draft essays, then make sure you can get feedback (反馈) ahead of the final submission.  5  Students who get feedback on their work always do better than those who do not. It is one of the few educational laws that hold true in all cases. 
    A.Don't try to do it all the night before.
    B.However, a lecture is a listening workout.
    C.Thinking clearly cannot be done in a rush.
    D.So train your ear, listen carefully, but don't be silent.
    E.Reading is the most important thing that any student does.
    F.Rewriting has proved to be the turning point in one's degree.
    G.If they won't read drafts,then see them to run through your ideas.
    1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    
    [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章针对大一新生对大学生活的紧张情绪提出了一些应对方法,建议学生要善于倾听,并且要积极表达自己的观点,不要保持沉默、害怕出丑,要多读书、多写作,从老师那里听取建议或者意见等。
    1.B 设空处前一句讲大学生可能认为上课听讲不太重要。设空处后面讲听讲的作用,故B项(然而,听讲是一种听力锻炼。)承上启下,符合语境。解题关键为本段标题中的“Listen”和B项中的“listening workout”。
    2.D 本段第一至四句讲的是对大学生来说认真听讲的重要性。后面内容则讲的是大学生不想在课堂上发言,因为他们不想让自己显得愚蠢或者能力差。然而老师的目的就是帮助学生理解。因此学生既要学会倾听,又要善于提问。故D项切合本段标题“要听但不要沉默”。
    3.E 本段的标题是“Read and buy books.”(阅读和购买书籍。),故E项“阅读是任何学生都要做的最重要的事情。”符合语境。
    4.A 根据下文中的“Written work at college level cannot be done at the last minute or in a rush. It takes time.” (大学水平的写作成果不能在最后时刻完成或匆忙完成。那需要花时间。)可知A项能概括本段内容。
    5.G 此处讲的是就自己所写的论文向老师请教。设空前讲的是老师能够阅读草稿的情况,设空处应讲老师不能阅读草稿的情况,故G项(如果他们不阅读草稿,那就去见他们快速讨论一下你的想法。)符合语境。

    I have a lovely brother. He is 4 years younger than me. I still remember that day when he was born. He is  1  premature baby. When he was a little baby,he always used to cry for no reason and hardly slept. He never allowed me and my parents  2  (sleep) well. 
    As time went by, he  3 (become) a little older. I used to get angry with  4 (he) since he started snatching(抢走) all my toys from me.  5 , my parents taught me that he was my younger brother and I should make him learn to share things.  
    Now,  6  we still fight over things,we both love each other deeply. We share the same school and have the same  7 (interest), like doing sports,singing and reading.  
    We do a lot of secret things without informing our parents and if  8 (catch),we will join hands to deal with the situation. Life is fun when we are together. As we are growing old day by day,we are becoming  9 (responsible) for our duties than before. And we know that no matter  10  we go in life,we both are always there for each other to face the hardships of life. 
    1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    
    6.    7.    8.    9.    10.    
    [语篇解读] 这是一篇记叙文。我虽然和弟弟会有争执,但我们相亲相爱,共同面对生命中的苦与乐。
    1.a 考查冠词。此处泛指一个早产的婴儿,用a。
    2.to sleep 考查非谓语动词。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,故用to sleep。
    3.became 考查动词时态。这里讲述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故用became。
    4.him 考查代词。设空处作宾语,应用宾格形式,故用him。
    5.However 考查副词。从上下文看,这里是转折关系,故用However。
    6.although/though/while 考查连词。虽然我们还是会有争执,但我们互相关爱,故用although/though/while。
    7.interests 考查名词。根据下文like doing sports,singing and reading可知应用复数形式,故用interests。
    8.caught 考查动词。主语与动词之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用caught。
    9.more responsible 考查比较级。根据下文中的than可知应用比较级,故用more responsible。
    10.where 考查让步状语从句。no matter where无论哪里,符合语境,故用where。
    Everything seemed to be going great. I was a successful businessman. I had a family I loved. I'd traveled all over the world. I'd even written a few books. What was the problem?Why did I feel so unhappy?
    One night my wife,Sue,and I rented Groundhog Day. I'd seen it before and knew it was very funny,just what I needed,something to distract me from that strange,unsettling sense of unhappiness. There was a bad-tempered TV weatherman named Phil Connors. He was sent to Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania,to report on the nation's most famous groundhog. The strangest thing happens though. The day repeats itself again and again. Phil is stuck in a seemingly endless circle of unhappiness.
    A couple days later Sue and I headed to Hawaii for a week's vacation. I figured this would make me feel better. We hiked through rainforests,ate well, and lay on the beach. But when I came back, I was still wondering what was wrong with my life. “Why am I so unhappy?” I wrote in my diary one day. “What's the future about?What will happen to my children?” Then for some reason,I thumbed back through the pages.
    For six years I had kept that diary,all of the milestones were in it,all of my accomplishments,the business successes,the books I had written and the places we had traveled. But as I turned the pages,I found that time after time,the same questions made me tired. It was like Groundhog Day. I was stuck.
    The next morning,I put the DVD in the player and sat back. I watched Phil,the weatherman,experience his terrible Groundhog Day over and over. Then one morning he woke up and told himself, “Hey,if I'm supposed to repeat this day again and again,let me make it the very best day possible.” And that one thing,that slight change in attitude,changed everything. Instead of being unhappy, Phil chose to be grateful, to look for things to appreciate. I thought back to all of the successes that I had recorded in my diary and my family. I had never given thanks for them.
    I didn't need to change my life; I needed to change the way I saw it,         
    My diary reads differently now.   
    One possible version:
    Paragraph 1:I didn't need to change my life; I needed to change the way I saw it, to stop driving myself to make it feel complete. There was no earthly reason for my unhappiness. The next morning I sat down for breakfast and simply took in everything around me in my house, two butterflies dancing on the wind outside the kitchen window, my kids drinking their milk and smiling, the gentle press of Sue's hand on my shoulder as she poured me a cup of coffee. If I lived the day looking for things to appreciate,there was no end to what I could see.
    Paragraph 2:My diary reads differently now. I've begun to appreciate all of my accomplishments,all that I've been given and all that I can give to others. It goes back to what I have learned from Groundhog Day:Let me make today the best day possible.


    英语必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life随堂练习题: 这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life随堂练习题,共6页。

    高中英语高考必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life: 这是一份高中英语高考必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life,共3页。试卷主要包含了ballet n,greenhuse n,freshman n,literature n,plate n,yuth n,generatin n,adult n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中人教版 (2019)Unit 1 Teenage life随堂练习题: 这是一份高中人教版 (2019)Unit 1 Teenage life随堂练习题,共7页。试卷主要包含了vlunteer n,prefer更喜欢,cntent n,suitable adj,recmmend vt,quit v等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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