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    这是一份安徽省定远县炉桥中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月教学质量检测英语【试卷+答案】,文件包含安徽省定远县炉桥中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月教学质量检测英语试题docx、安徽省定远县炉桥中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月教学质量检测英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What des the man think f listening t the sngs?
    A.Exciting B.Cnfusing. C.Bring.
    2.What is the wman likely t d?
    A.Make a phne call.B.Handle the prblem.C.Have a rest.
    3.What hasn’t been prepared fr the emergencies?
    A.A flashlight.B.Twels.C.Water.
    4.What can be inferred abut the wman?
    A.She desn’t knw the man. B.She made a huge mistake.
    C.She is frm New Yrk.
    5.What are the speakers ding?
    A.Shpping.B.Having lunch.C.Cking dishes.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.Where d the speakers prefer t g?
    A.Hawaii.B.Eurpe.C.The Bahamas.
    7.What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A.Check the travel fees. B.Call their friends. C.Bk their flight.
    8.Why des the man want t buy a new TV?
    A.The ld TV is brken.
    B.He mved t a new huse.
    C.The new TV is cheap nw.
    9.What will the man prbably buy?
    A.A cheap TV.B.A small TV.C.A big TV.
    10.Why des the man suggest the wman buy the black shes?
    A.They’re cl.B.They’re cmfrtable.C.They’re cheap.
    11.Hw much des a pair f pink shes cst?
    A.10 dllars.B.15 dllars.C.20 dllars.
    12.What des the wman decide t d?
    A.Give up buying shes.
    B.Thrw away the ld shes.
    C.Turn t her mther fr help.
    13.When did Meg hand in the reprt?
    A.On September 1st.B.On September 3rd.
    C.On September 5th.D.Nt mentined.
    14.What is the mst imprtant t Starbucks success accrding t the Prfessr?
    A.Its management.B.Its service.
    C.Its selectins f stres.D.The taste f its cffee.
    15.What des the prfessr advise Meg t d?
    A.T d mre research.B.T accept the fact.
    C.T leave ut sme figures.D.T change a new tpic.
    16.What is the intentin f Meg t talk with the Prfessr?
    A.T ask fr help.B.T knw the deadline.
    C.T make an appintment.D.T argue fr a better scre.
    17.Hw many rms are there in the speaker's huse?
    18.What des the speaker's family usually d n Saturday afternn in summer?
    A.They water flwers in the garden.
    B.They walk in the garden.
    C.They have a barbecue.
    19.What can we learn frm what the speaker said?
    A.He likes t stay utdrs.
    B.There are nly tw seasns in Califrnia.
    C.It's very ht in summer in Califrnia.
    20.What des the speaker's yungest sn ften play in summer?
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    The COVID - 19 pandemic has changed life as we knew it just a few weeks ag. Millins f peple wrldwide are nw under required r vluntary lckdwns. All public attractins, including museums and aquariums, are clsed, and the usually crwded streets f ppular turist destinatins are empty. An unexpected silver lining during these challenging times fr humans is that many animals are finally getting a chance t leave their nrmal habitats and mve abut freely.
    The first animals t take advantage f human absence were Annie and Edward, tw penguins wh live at Chicag’s Shedd Aquarium. A vide released n March 15th, 2020 shwed the cuple eagerly duckwalking arund, explring the aquarium’s varius exhibits. The vide, which instantly became ppular, inspired ther institutins t share shrt vides f their fur-legged creatures playing as well.
    The Cincinnati Z in Ohi jined the fan trend n March 16, 2020, with a “Hme Safari” live- stream series — the first starring its adrable baby panda, Fina. “Let us help make yur children’s hiatus frm schl fun and educatinal,” z fficials annunced. “Jin us fr a Hme Safari Online Live each weekday at 3 pm, where we will highlight ne f ur amazing animals and include an activity yu can d frm hme.”
    Meanwhile, the San Dieg Safari Park has kept their webcams rlling, allwing fens t enjy lvable animals withut leaving hme. Animals in the wild are als lively as humans stay indrs. The absence f cruise ships is bringing large numbers f dlphins t a prt in Cagliari, while grups f wild turkeys arc happily walking n the streets f Oakland.
    Thugh the animals indeed appear t be having a gd time, the heartwarming vides and images shared n scial media, are als bringing much - needed cheer t millins f humans wrldwide. Stay strng and healthy! We are all in this tgether!
    21.What changes has the COVID-19 pandemic caused t the z animals?
    A.They are nw under required r vluntary lckdwns.
    B.They can enjy a free life withut turists’ disturbance.
    C.They will be faced with unexpected existing challenges.
    D.They get a chance t wander abut freely in the wild.
    22.What des the underlined wrd “hiatus” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    23.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.The Pandemic Affects the WrldB.Lvely Animals Bring fun t Peple
    C.Animals Play in the Absence f HumansD.Stay Strng and Healthy in the Pandemic
    A new vide invlving Jhn Cena is ppular, but it isn't f the ppular wrestlercmpeting with anther wrestler. N, it's 9-year-ld Benjamin Russ creating a huge prtrait f Cena with 750 Rubik's Cubes.
    The vide starts with Benjamin hlding up a series f cards, in which he explains he has dyslexia and struggles with reading and writing. “I mix up my wrds. I get very upset smetimes,” the cards read. “But having dyslexia als means I can d smething amazing! Like this...”. The vide then shws Benjamin putting hundreds f Rubik's Cubes int specific places. In the end, all 750 cubes have been arranged and the patterns cme tgether t shw a prtrait f Cena. Then, Benjamin lifts up tw mre cards. They read: “Dyslexia is nt my disability. Dyslexia is my superpwer.”
    Benjamin's amazing talent caught the attentin f Cena. “This yung by is prving t peple that anything is pssible—n matter what yur learning disrder is,” Cena wrte nline. “Benjamin shws up curage, determinatin, he's an artist!” Cena even called Benjamin “a her f mine.”
    Unfrtunately, the family can't buy 750 Rubik's Cubes every time Benjamin takes n a new prject. Hwever, he has already cmpleted his next ne—it's nne ther than Keanu Reeves.
    Benjamin's parents hpe his stry will change hw peple see dyslexia. “The general public sees dyslexia basically as flipping wrds arund, and that's where it ends,” Luis, his father, said. “We never talk abut the advantages and the special gifts that many dyslexics have, and Benjamin is nt alne. S I think that's what we're trying t d: get the psitives ut there and leave the negatives behind.”
    24.What wrries Benjamin accrding t the vide?
    A.He can't speak ut at schl.B.He is uninterested in writing.
    C.He has difficulty in learning.D.He can't slve a Rubik's Cube.
    25.Hw des Benjamin lk at his dyslexia?
    A.It hides his gift and intelligence.B.It has turned int an advantage.
    C.It has helped him behave well at schl.D.It makes him embarrassed t speak in public.
    26.What was Cena's attitude t Benjamin?
    A.He dubted Benjamin's ability.B.He gave Benjamin plenty f praise.
    C.He had mixed feelings abut Benjamin.D.He expressed his thanks t Benjamin.
    27.What d Benjamin's parents make an effrt t d?
    A.Discver Benjamin's special talent.B.Get ecnmic supprt frm the public.
    C.Change public pinin f dyslexia.D.Buy 750 Rubik's Cubes fr Benjamin.
    In many ways, Prvidence Munt St. Vincent in Seattle is a typical senir living cmmunity. It is hme t abut 400 elderly peple and prvides them with different types f assistance. Hwever, it is als the Inter-generatinal Learning Center---a preschl where children and senirs have the chance t bnd(结成友好的关系).
    Established in 1991, the ILC’s purpse is t allw kids t learn abut acceptance while als being nurtured. It als aims t help senirs develp a greater sense f self-wrth and strengthen scial interactins. Babies t prekindergarten-aged children are placed int six different classes at the ILC.The kids attend art and music classes, as well as stry time and exercise time with the senirs. Marie Hver, ILC directr, said that interacting with the senirs has prven beneficial fr the yung nes, making them mre pen-minded.
    “Fr the ILC children, interacting with the residents is simply part f their day-t-day life here and the way aging is ‘nrmalized’ , which may be the mst imprtant benefit they receive ,” Hver said. “ I’ve had parents call me years after their children have graduated frm ur prgram t let me knw abut sme incidents when their child was the first t warmly greet smene wh happened t be in a wheelchair.”
    As fr the senirs, they’re delighted by the cmpaninship the children prvide. The children bring s much energy and jy t ur residents. Many f residents are widws r widwers and can becme lnely. Their adult children may still be wrking, s they may nt get t see them as ften as they wuld like. Having the children stay with the ld makes ur residents feel they are still part f a cmmunity. The yung and the ld cnnect and learn frm ne anther at this unique facility.
    28.ILC is intended t _______.
    A.build a typical senir living cmmunity
    B.take gd care f the children
    C.benefit bth the children and the senirs
    D.rid the senirs f lneliness
    29.Frm what Hver said in Para. 3, we can learn that the ILC children _________.
    A.keep in tuch with the senirs even if they have left ILC
    B.cme t realize that aging is a nrmal part f life
    C.take different attitudes t the elderly after graduatin
    D.think it easy t interact with the elderly residents in ILC
    30.The last paragraph mainly tells us _________.
    A.the benefits the senirs receive
    B.the situatin f the senirs
    C.children’s cmpany
    D.the interactin between the children and the senirs
    31.The underlined wrds this unique facility may refer t _________.
    A.a special buildingB.a typical family
    C.a typical teaching prgramD.a special learning center
    In 1971 a yung man wh grew up very pr was traveling acrss the cuntry, trying t make a new start fr himself. Alng the way he had cmpletely run ut f(用光了...) mney and was frced t spend the night in his car. This cntinued until ne mrning, after a week f sleeping in his car, he walked nervusly int a restaurant and rdered a big breakfast.
    After eating his first gd meal in weeks, he fund himself lying t the waiter, telling him he had lst his wallet. The waiter, wh was als the wner, walked behind the chair where the yung man had been sitting. He bent dwn, and came up with a $20 bill that lked as if it had fallen n the flr and said, “Sn, yu must have drpped this,”the wner said. The yung man culdn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid fr the breakfast, left a tip, bught gas with the change, and headed West.
    On the way ut f twn, he began t understand what the wner did. Maybe nbdy drpped the mney at all.“Maybe that fellw just knew I was in truble and he helped me in a way that didn’t embarrass(使尴尬)me. S I just made a prmise t help ther peple if I can.”
    Later, he wrked very hard and became a rich man. Nw he lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thusands f dllars. He is knwn as the “Secret Santa” because at Christmas time each year, he persnally hands mney ut t thse n the street and at restaurants. Last year, he gave mre than $50,000 away in Kansas City.
    32.The yung man was traveling acrss the cuntry in 1971 t ______
    A.lk fr a gd restaurantB.imprve his life
    C.shw his new car t thersD.hand ut dllars
    33.The underline sentence means that the yung man gt t knw that____
    A.It was very lucky f him t get his lst mney back.
    B.It was very hnest f the wner t return his mney
    C.the wner helped him in a way that didn’t hurt his feeling
    D.anther persn wh had breakfast in the restaurant lst the mney
    34.Frm the end f the passage we can learn that_______
    A.the man did carry ut his prmise
    B.the man was nt successful in the end
    C.the wner was paid back the mney
    D.Santa give the man mney each year
    35.The message f the stry is“_______”
    A.One gd turn deserves anther
    B.Where there is a will,there is a way
    C.He wh travels far knws much
    D.Give lve wings(翅膀) and it may fly higher
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Everyne is aware (有意识的)that taking gd care f ur bdies can prevent many medical prblems frm happening later. Hwever, we ften have less awareness f preventative actins we shuld take t help with mental health prblems. While ur mental health may be fine right nw, many f us will struggle at sme pint.36.It’s impssible t get thrugh life withut challenges, but ur mental health preventin habits can help us get thrugh difficult times.37.
    Keep active. The mre active yu physically, mentally and scially are, the higher the level f yur mental wellness is likely t be. S g fr walks and learn smething new. There are many ther ways t be active.38.
    Be cnnected. Regular invlvement(参与)in scial activities with supprtive friends and family imprves yur ability t cpe with disappintments, and everything else life thrws at yu.
    39.But yu can be invlved in any manner; even vlunteering fr an rganizatin can help yu be mre scial.
    40.The nature f these activities varies widely frm persn t persn. The key is t identify what gives yur life meaning. Vlunteering, caching, teaching, etc. all can cntribute t increasing yur sense f cnfidence and satisfactin with life. Many activities can address mre than ne. The key is t make a plan and stick with it. If yu are already struggling, begin t practice these ways t help yur recvery.
    A.Here are three practical steps.
    B.Hwever, gd mental health is imprtant.
    C.Stresses, disappintments and disasters happen.
    D.Get ver life’s challenges befre they happen.
    E.Be devted t activities that give life meaning.
    F.The key is t find what keeps yu inspired and interested.
    G.This can be difficult when yu mve t a new twn r as yu get lder.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    I have never had a 41.(frequently)trip t Sichuan befre, but there was a time 42. it kept me spellbund. Nw this was the first time that I 43.(be)here. We were very 44.(excite). The guide(导游)asked us 45. we like htpt and, f curse we said yes. He suggested that we 46.(taste)it because Sichuan is famus 47. it. He als said that it was nt difficult 48.(find)sme places f interest here. I tk sme pictures f 49.(panda)and I had a gd time. As far as I 50.(cncern), I will never frget the trip.
    第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Tday I picked up sme medicine fr my unwell 1-year-ld. As I 51 in line at Chemist Warehuse, I verheard the 52 f an elderly lady at the cunter next t me. This lvely ld wman 53 t be buying up half the shp and said t the shp assistant, "Can I 54 half f my items here? And I’ll cllect the rest when I can as I can’t 55 all my items. They are far t 56 fr me.”
    I said t the elderly lady (Ilana), "I’m mre than happy t 57 them fr yu. I' m happy t give yu a 58 hme r d yu drive a car?”
    It turned ut that Ilana drve and her car was 59 near my car. I carried all her items t her car and put them in her car trunk.
    Ilana then gt chatting, clearly very 60 with n friends nearby and tld me hw much pain she was in, and all the 61 she had had in different hspitals. Ilana tld me f her mther falling ill 62 and that her sister, her very best friend, at 17 had been hurt in a car accident and hw her dad 63 all thse misfrtunes t supprt the family and hw much she was 64 abut them with tears in her eyes. I just std and listened, hlding back 65 myself as she pened up freely talking ut her pain t a cmplete 66 .
    I felt sad and I just wish I culd have dne mre, even thugh Ilana 67 me ver and ver n such a small act f 68
    I want Ilana t knw that carrying her 69 t the car tday made my heart light as much as it 70 her and I wish her nthing but the best.
    63.A.gave upB.came acrssC.turned tD.went thrugh
    第四部分 写作(满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分
    Living far frm a twn encurages me t be mre creativity. I gt a new idea abut gift giving after Christmas! I recycled tw glass bttles, cleaned them, but then decrated them with clrful stickers, using my mther's nail plish t paint it. And then, I picked sme berries in the bush nearby. The better part I enjyed was t wander thrugh the grass field, breathe fresh air and t pick branches f sweet wild flwers. Lay ut fruits and flwers prperly in the bttles, I make special Christmas gifts f my wn fashin. One fr my teacher(her 38h birthday is tday!)and ther fr a classmate which gifted me with a lvely ty last year.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 早起锻炼可使身体健康,强壮。
    2. 早起朗读,有助于记住学过的东西。
    3. 可为一天的活动做好准备。
    4. 坚持早起对培养好的性格也很有益处。
    1. 字数80词左右;
    2. 可是适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Getting up early is a gd habit.
    【原文】W: I’ve gt sme f their music n my phne. This is ne f their sngs. Here, listen!
    M: N, thanks. I’ve heard enugh f their sngs already.
    【原文】W: D yu think yu can take care f everything in the ffice tday?
    M: N prblem. Just g hme and take a rest. If there is anything I feel I cannt handle, I’ll call yu.
    【原文】M: D yu keep anything ready fr the emergencies?
    W: Let me think. I have a flashlight, glves, and um…, sme twels in my backpack.
    M: What abut water?
    W: I dn’t, but I knw I shuld.
    【原文】M: Oh, what a surprise! It’s s gd t see yu. Hw have yu been?
    W: Ah, hell…
    M: Dn’t yu remember? I’m Travis, frm New Yrk.
    W: I think yu may be mistaken.
    【原文】M: Yur lunch lks gd. It has strawberries.
    W: D yu want ne? I’ll trade a strawberry fr ne f yur sausages.
    M: That wuld be nice.
    【原文】W: We're planning a trip fr right after we graduate, and I'm asking everybdy where they wuld like t g mst. Any thughts?
    M: I've always wanted t g smewhere ht like Hawaii. I'd lve t just lie n the beach, have a drink…just relax, althugh I suppse that staying in ne place might get bring after a while. Hw abut a trip thrugh Eurpe?
    W: Yu're nt the first persn t say that. T be hnest, I kind f agree with yu. If we were t g t the Bahamas, say, I wuldn't cmplain. But Eurpe sunds mre attractive.
    M: Well, as it happens, I spke with a bunch f ur friends last night. All f them began by saying the same thing we did abut beaches and stuff. In the end, everyne agreed that they’d rather have a mre diverse experience.
    W: Well, I think we have ur destinatin. Nw we just need t get ur plane tickets.
    M: Hld yur hrses (别忙,耐心点). We need t calculate the cst first.
    【原文】M: We've just mved int a new huse.
    W: Really? Cngratulatins!
    M: Thank yu, s we want t buy a new televisin set.
    W: What kind f televisin set d yu want t buy?
    M: A clr TV set, f curse, but I’m nt sure abut the size. Maybe we shuld buy a big ne. What's yur pinin?
    W: In my pinin, I dn't think it's necessary t buy a very big ne.
    M: Any reasn?
    W: Yes. As I knw, yur sitting rm isn't very big. If yu put a very big televisin in the rm, it will be bad fr yur eyes, and a small TV set can still pick up gd prgrams.
    M: Mm, that's quite sure. I'll think abut it.
    【原文】M: Lk, there are sme nice shes right here. They lk cmfrtable.
    W: Pink is fr little girls.
    M: Well, what abut these nes? They’re black — certainly nt fr little girls. They are nly 10 dllars.
    W: Thse are fr bys!
    M: Well, which nes d yu want?
    W: Oh, these white nes are perfect! They’re just like the nes Blair wre at the airprt last week.
    M: Sarah! They cst 75 dllars. Yu can buy five pairs f the pink nes with the mney. Listen, chse ne pair fr less than 20 dllars, r yu can just keep wearing yur ld shes.
    W: I wuld rather wear my ld shes than wear thse ugly things.
    M: Fine. Keep yur ld shes, then. If yu want these nes, yu can get a jb and pay fr them yurself.
    W: I will. And yu can explain t my mum why I dn’t have any new shes.
    M: Gd. Let’s g then.
    【原文】W: Prfessr Hpkins. May I have a wrd with yu?
    M: Sure, Meg. What's up?
    W: I gt a C fr my reprt. I am wndering what I have dne wrng. Yu knw I have put a lt f time and energy t the reprt.
    M. Well. Meg. I understand yu have made much effrt n the reprt. Maybe that's why yu are tw days late t hand in the reprt. The due day is September 3rd.
    W: Yes, Prfessr. I am srry abut that.
    M: And this reprt is abut the success f the Starbucks Cffee. In yur reprt, yu have mentined the cmpany's management, selectins f stres and service. But I am surprised that yu didn't mentin anything abut its cffee. It's a cffee shp, Meg. Isn’t the taste f its cffee the mst imprtant thing t its success?
    W: Yeah, I guess I have made a mistake by leaving it ut.
    M: And figures are imprtant t. Yu als need t add an actual figure such as the mnthly sales.
    W: Yu are quite right. Prfessr.
    M: And why nt d mre research, lk fr sme figures and write the reprt again?
    W: Are yu giving me anther chance, Prfessr?
    M. Seems like I am.
    17. When did Meg hand in the reprt?
    18. What is the mst imprtant t Starbucks success accrding t the Prfessr?
    19. What des the prfessr advise Meg t d?
    20. What is the intentin f Meg t talk with the Prfessr?
    【原文】M: Our hme here is fairly large. We have fur bedrms, an ffice, tw bathrms, a frnt rm and a dining rm. We d a lt f things arund the huse. We garden quite a bit, walk in ur garden, and play basketball n the basketball curt. Usually n Saturday afternn, we have a barbecue and that’s ur meal because during the summer it gets pretty ht here and smetimes yu just want t be utside rather than be inside. In Califrnia yu really have tw seasns frm ur entertainment pint f view-spring, summer and fall are all very much the same type f activities and then winter is very different n the activities that we d n the weekend. Summertime activities are usually invlved arund the children's sprts. My yungest sn ften plays baseball in summer.
    21.细节理解题。根据第一段“All public attractins, including museums and aquariums, are clsed, and the usually crwded streets f ppular turist destinatins are empty.An unexpected silver lining during these challenging times fr humans is that many animals are finally getting a chance t leave their nrmal habitats and mve abut freely.(包括博物馆和水族馆在内的所有公共景点都关闭了,通常拥挤的热门旅游景点街道也空无一人。在人类面临挑战的时期,一个意想不到的好消息是,许多动物终于有机会离开它们平常的栖息地,自由活动)”可知,新冠肺炎大流行期间,景点的关闭使得动物们能自由活动,没有游客的干扰。故选B。
    22.词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“Jin us fr a Hme Safari Online Live each weekday at 3 p.m.,where we will highlight ne f ur amazing animals and include an activity yu can d frm hme.(加入我们每个工作日下午3点的家庭狩猎线上生活,在那里我们将展示出我们的令人惊讶的动物之一并且包括一个活动,你可以在家里做)”可知,线上节目使孩子们从学习中暂时脱离出来。故划线词意思是“间断,脱离”之意。A. Curses.课程;B. Sightseeing.观光;C. Activities.活动;D. Interruptin.脱离。故选D。
    23.主旨大意题。根据第一段“An unexpected silver lining during these challenging times fr humans is that many animals are finally getting a chance t leave their nrmal habitats and mve abut freely.(一个意想不到的好消息是,许多动物终于有机会离开它们平常的栖息地,自由活动)”以及第二段“The first animals t take advantage f human absence were Annie and Edward, tw penguins wh live at Chicag’s Shedd Aquarium.(芝加哥谢德水族馆的两只企鹅安妮和爱德华最先利用了人类的消失——人类被迫待在家中)”结合文章介绍了因为疫情缘故,人们无法出门,动物们陷入自由的狂欢。与此同时,各家动物园提供线上节目使得在家人们也能欣赏动物。可知,C选项“动物在没有人类的情况下玩耍”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    【分析】本文是新闻报道。患有诵读困难症的男孩Benjamin Russ用魔方拼出名人肖像,其艺术天赋备受青睐。他的父母也希望Benjamin的故事可以改变人们对阅读障碍的看法。
    24.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The vide starts with Benjamin hlding up a series f cards, in which he explains he has dyslexia and struggles with reading and writing.(视频一开始,Benjamin举着一系列卡片,他解释说自己有阅读障碍,读写困难)”可知,Benjamin担心他在学习方面会有困难。故选C。
    25.细节理解题。根据第二段中“But having dyslexia als means I can d smething amazing! Like this...( 但患有诵读困难症也意味着我可以做一些了不起的事情!像这样……)”以及“Dyslexia is nt my disability. Dyslexia is my superpwer.(阅读障碍不是我的残疾。 阅读障碍是我的超能力)”可知,Benjamin把诵读困难症看作自己的优势。故选B。
    26.推理判断题。根据第三段中““This yung by is prving t peple that anything is pssible—n matter what yur learning disrder is,” Cena wrte nline. “Benjamin shws up curage, determinatin, he's an artist!” Cena even called Benjamin “a her f mine.”(Cena在网上写道:“这个小男孩向人们证明了一切皆有可能——不管你有什么学习障碍,Benjamin表现出了勇气、决心和力量……他还是个艺术家!” Cena甚至称Benjamin为“我的英雄”。)”可推知,Cena对Benjamin大为赞扬。故选B。
    27.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Benjamin's parents hpe his stry will change hw peple see dyslexia.( Benjamin的父母希望他的故事能改变人们对阅读障碍的看法)”可知,Benjamin的父母努力想让全社会能够改变对诵读困难症患者的看法。故选C。
    28.C 29.B 30.A 31.D
    28.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“the ILC's purpse is t allw kids t learn abut acceptance while they are als being nurtured.It als aims t help senirs develp a greater sense f self­wrth and strengthen scial interactins”可知,ILC的宗旨是让老年人和孩子双方都受益,故选C项。
    29.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Fr the ILC way aging is‘nrmalized’,which may be the mst imprtant benefit they receive”可知,在ILC,孩子们已经逐渐认识到变老是生命中一种正常的现象,故选B项。
    31.考查词义猜测。画线词位于文章最后一句,该句是对文章进行的总结,并结合前两段对ILC的介绍及其对孩子们的积极影响和最后一段阐述的ILC对老年人的积极意义,可以推断出此处的“this unique facility”是在回应主题,即介绍Intergeneratinal Learning Center,故画线词指的是ILC这一特殊的学习中心。故选D。
    32.B 33.C 34.A 35.D
    32. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中In 1971 a yung man wh grew up very pr was travelling acrss the cuntry, trying t make a new start fr himself可知,1971年,一个出身贫寒的年轻人在全国各地旅行,试图为自己重新开始自己的生活。所以他这样做是为了让生活有一个新的开始,提高他的生活。故B正确。
    33. 推理判断题。根据On the way ut f twn, he began t understand what the wner did.Maybe nbdy drpped the mney at all.说明,他已经知道了那20元钱就是老板故意给他的,给他留有尊严。故C正确。
    34. 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段S I just made a prmise t help ther peple if I can.”和最后一段Later, he wrked very hard and became a rich man.Nw he lives near Kansas City.Each year he gives away thusands f dllars.He is knwn as the “Secret Santa” because at Christmas time each year, he persnally hands mney ut t thse n the street and at restaurants.Last year, he gave mre than $50,000 away in Kansas City.可知,后来,他努力工作,成为了一个富人。现在他住在堪萨斯城附近。每年他都捐出几千美元。他被称为“神秘的圣诞老人”,因为在每年的圣诞节期间,他会亲自把钱分发给街上和餐馆里的人。去年,他在堪萨斯城捐赠了5万多美元。由此可知,他信守了诺言,一直都在帮助穷人。故A正确。
    36.C 37.A 38.F 39.G 40.E
    【详解】1.根据上文提示“While ur mental health may be fine right nw, many f us will struggle at sme pint.”(虽然我们的心理健康现在可能很好,但我们中的许多人都会在某种情况下挣扎)和下文“It’s impssible t get thrugh life withut challenges, but ur mental health preventin habits can help us get thrugh difficult times.”(生活中不可能没有挑战,但是我们的心理健康预防习惯可以帮助我们度过困难时期)可知,在生活中挑战使无处不在,因而空白处起承接上下文的作用。C项“Stresses, disappintments and disasters happen.”(压力、失望和灾难总会发生)与文意相符,故选C。
    2.根据前文“It’s impssible t get thrugh life withut challenges, but ur mental health preventin habits can help us get thrugh difficult times.”(生活中不可能没有挑战,但是我们的心理健康预防习惯可以帮助我们度过困难时期)再根据下面三段的首句所给出的步骤,可知此处是对下文的步骤起总结性的描述,引出下文。A项 “Here are three practical steps.”(这里有三个实用的步骤)与文意相符,起承上启下的主语。故选A。
    3.根据前文“There are many ther ways t be active.”(有很多其他的活跃方式)可推知,空白处可能要讲述的内容为:对于诸多的活跃,要有针对性的来选择。F项“The key is t find what keeps yu mtivated and interested. ”(关键是找到让你保持动力和兴趣的东西)提到了选择的关键是依据自己的兴趣及能使自己保持动力,符合题意,故选F。
    4.根据前文“Regular invlvement(参与)in scial activities with supprtive friends and family imprves yur ability t cpe with disappintments, and everything else life thrws at yu.”(经常和支持你的朋友和家人一起参加社交活动,可以提高你处理失望和生活中其他事情的能力)下文 “But yu can be invlved in any manner; even vlunteering fr an rganizatin can help yu be mre scial.”(但你可以以任何方式参与其中;即使是为一个组织做志愿者也能帮助你更加社会化)可知,经常参加社交活动给我们会带来很多益处。由此可推知,空白处讲述的内容可能为当某种新的情况出现后,社交活动可能会受限或者变的困难。G项 “This can be difficult when yu mve t a new twn r as yu get lder.”(当你搬到一个新的城镇或随着年龄的增长,这可能会很困难)符合题意,该项中的this指的是上文内容;而横线下句中的but与该项构成转折。故选G。
    5.空格处为段落首句,结合第二、三段首句句式,可知此处同为段落的主题句,句式要用祈使句。根据下文“The nature f these activities varies widely frm persn t persn. ”(这些活动的性质因人而异)可知,此处主题为活动,E项“Be cmmitted t activities that give life meaning.”(致力于那些赋予生活意义的活动)符合题意。故选E。
    42.考查定语从句。句意:我以前从未经常去四川旅游,但有一段时间它让我着迷。句中先行词为a time,在定语从句中作为时间状语,所以用关系副词when引导。故填when。
    43.考查时态。句意:这是我第一次来这里。固定句式:It was the first time that…中,从句通常用过去完成时。故填had been。
    47.考查介词。句意:他建议我们品尝它,因为四川以它而闻名。固定短语be famus fr因……而闻名。故填fr。
    48.考查非谓语动词。句意:他还说,在这里不难找到一些名胜古迹。固定句式:It is+形容词+t d,it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。故填t find。
    考查固定短语。句意:就我而言,我永远不会忘记这次旅行。固定短语As far as I am cncerned就我而言。故填am cncerned。
    51.D 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.D 56.C 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.A 61.C 62.A 63.D 64.C 65.B
    66.D 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.D
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在药剂师仓库排队时,无意中听到旁边柜台一位老太太的谈话。A. played玩儿;B. lay躺;C. jumped跳;D. std站。由“Tday I picked up sme medicine fr my unwell 1-year-ld.”可知,“我”在 Chemist Warehuse药店排队。stand in line的意思是 “排队”。故选D。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我在药剂师仓库排队时,无意中听到旁边柜台一位老太太的谈话。A. secret秘密;B. cnversatin对话;C. rder命令;D. advice建议。由后文的“said t the shp assistant”可知,老太太在和店员谈话,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位可爱的老妇人似乎要买下这家店的一半。A. ran跑;B. agreed同意;C. appeared似乎;D. refused拒绝。由“t be buying up half the shp”可知,这位可爱的老妇人似乎要买下这家店的一半。故选C。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以把我的一半东西留在这里吗?A. leave留下;B. divide分开;C. hide躲藏;D. bring带来。由“I’ll cllect the rest when I can as I can’t ____5____ all my items”可知,老太太是想把一半的东西留在那儿,故选A。
    55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:剩下的我会在有时间的时候来拿,因为我不能把所有的东西都带走。A. brrw借;B. return回来;C. chse选择;D. take拿走。由“I’ll cllect the rest when I can”可知,老太太不能把所有的东西都带走,故选D。
    56.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们对我来说太重了。A. trublesme麻烦的;B. valuable有价值的;C. heavy重的;D. expensive贵的。由后文的“I carried all her items t her car”可知,那些东西对老太太来说很重,故选C。
    57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我非常乐意帮你背。A. carry搬;B. try尝试;C. buy买;D. watch观察。由后文的“I carried all her items t her car”可知,我是帮老太太搬那些东西,故选A。
    58.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很乐意载你回家,还是你自己开车?A. favur帮忙;B. lift搭便车;C. hand手;D. surprise惊讶。由“give yu a ____8____ hme r d yu drive a car”可知,作者是说乐意开车送老太太回家,因此空格处是“搭便车”,故选B。
    59.考查动词词义辨析。句意:结果是Ilana开的车,她的车停在我的车旁边。A. fixed修理;B. examined检查;C. cleaned清洁;D. parked停车。由“her car was ____9____ near my car”可知,她的车停在我的车旁边,故选D。
    60.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后Ilana开始聊天,显然很孤独,周围没有朋友,她告诉我她有多疼,以及她在不同医院做过的所有手术。A. lnely孤独的;B. healthy健康的;C. lucky幸运的;D. careful仔细的。由“with n friends nearby”可知,她没有朋友,因此她是孤独的,故选A。
    61.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后Ilana开始聊天,显然很孤独,周围没有朋友,她告诉我她有多疼,以及她在不同医院做过的所有手术。A. surveys调查;B. chances机会;C. peratins手术;D. disadvantages缺点。由“hw much pain she was in, and all the ____11____ she had had in different hspitals”可知,她告诉我她有多疼,以及她在不同医院做过的所有手术,故选C。
    62.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Ilana含着眼泪告诉我,最近她妈妈生病,她的妹妹,她最好的朋友,17岁时在一次车祸中受伤,她爸爸为了养家经历了所有这些不幸和她有多担心他们。A. recently最近;B. finally最终;C. actually事实上;D. persnally就我个人而言。由“her mther falling ill”可知,最近她妈妈生病,故选A。
    63.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意: Ilana含着眼泪告诉我,最近她妈妈生病,她的妹妹,她最好的朋友,17岁时在一次车祸中受伤,她爸爸为了养家经历了所有这些不幸和她有多担心他们。A. gave up放弃;B. came acrss偶遇;C. turned t转向;D. went thrugh经历。由“all thse misfrtunes”可知,她爸爸经历了所有这些不幸,故选D。
    64.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ilana含着眼泪告诉我,最近她妈妈生病,她的妹妹,她最好的朋友,17岁时在一次车祸中受伤,她爸爸为了养家经历了所有这些不幸和她有多担心他们。A. cnfident自信的;B. certain肯定的;C. wrried担心的;D. careless粗心的。由“her mther falling ill ____12____ and that her sister, her very best friend, at 17 had been hurt in a car accident and hw her dad ____13____ all thse misfrtunes”可知,家里人不是生病就是受伤,她应该是很担心他们,故选C。
    65.考查名词词义辨析。句意: 我只是站在那里,忍住眼泪,看着她自由地向一个完全陌生的人倾诉她的痛苦。A. fears害怕;B. tears眼泪;C. pains痛苦;D. thughts思想。由“hlding back”可知,我是忍着眼泪,故选B。
    66.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我只是站在那里,忍住眼泪,看着她自由地向一个完全陌生的人倾诉她的痛苦。A. relative亲戚;B. vlunteer志愿者;C. friend朋友;D. stranger陌生人。由“talking ut her pain t a cmplete”可知,作者对老太太来说是个陌生人,故选D。
    67.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我感到难过,我只是希望我能做得更多,尽管Ilana对我这样一个小小的善举再三感谢。A. searched搜索;B. thanked感谢;C. recgnized识别;D. challenged挑战。由“Ilana ____17____ me ver and ver”可知,作者帮Ilana搬了东西,因此她应该是感谢我,故选B。
    68.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我感到难过,我只是希望我能做得更多,尽管Ilana对我这样一个小小的善举再三感谢。A. pwer力量;B. curage勇气;C. kindness善良;D. hnesty诚实。由“such a small act f ____18__”可知,Ilana对我这样一个小小的善举再三感谢,故选C。
    69.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想让伊拉娜知道,今天帮她拎包上车让我心情轻松,也让她感觉很好。我希望她一切都好。A. bags包;B. cups杯子;C. chairs椅子;D. wealth财富。由上文的“I carried all her items t her car”可知,我帮她拎包上车,故选A。
    70.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想让伊拉娜知道,今天帮她拎包上车让我心情轻松,也让她感觉很好。我希望她一切都好。A. praised表扬;B. prtected保护;C. disturbed打扰;D. helped帮助。由“it ____20____ her”可知,作者把老太太的包搬上车,这是在帮她,故选D。
    1. creativity→creative 2. after→befre 3.but→and 4.it→them 5.better→best 6.去掉t
    7. Lay→Laying 8. make→made 9.ther前加the 10. which→ wh/that
    【详解】1. 考查形容词。句意:住在远离城镇的地方能激发我的创造力。此处是形容词作表语。故将creativity改为creative。
    2. 考查介词。句意:我对圣诞节前送礼物有了新的想法! 根据语境及常识可知应该是节前送礼物。故将after改为befre。
    4. 考查代词。句意:我回收了两个玻璃瓶,清洗干净,然后用彩色贴纸装饰它们,用我妈妈的指甲油涂上颜色。此处指前文的“tw glass bttles”,是复数,应用them。故将it改为them。
    5. 考查形容词。句意:我最喜欢的部分是漫步在草地上,呼吸新鲜的空气,采摘甜蜜的野花。根据语境可知,作者做了几件事情,故此处指“最喜欢”的部分。故将better改为best。
    6. 考查非谓语动词。句意:我最喜欢的部分是漫步在草地上,呼吸新鲜的空气,采摘甜蜜的野花。此处与前文省略t的不定式“breathe fresh air”并列,作表语。故去掉t。
    7. 考查非谓语动词。句意:把水果和鲜花摆放在瓶子里,我用自己的方式制作了特别的圣诞礼物。此处作状语,主语I与lay之间是逻辑上的主动关系,用现在分词。故将Lay改为Laying。
    8. 考查时态。句意:把水果和鲜花摆放在瓶子里,我用自己的方式制作了特别的圣诞礼物。与上下文时态一致用一般过去时。故将 make改为made。
    9. 考查固定短语。句意:一个送给我的老师(今天是她38岁生日!),另一个送给一位同学,她去年送给我一个可爱的玩具。结合上文回收了两个瓶子可知作者制作了两个礼物,此处为固定短语 ther,意为:一个…另一个…。故在ther前加the。
    10. 考查定语从句。句意:一个送给我的老师(今天是她38岁生日!),另一个送给一位同学,她去年送给我一个可爱的玩具。从句缺少主语,不完整,用关系代词,先行词classmate,指人。故将which改为 wh/that。
    72.One pssible versin:
    Getting up early is a gd habit. It is f great imprtance t ur health, ur study and ur life. First, it can help us t keep fit and strng. We can imprve ur health by ding mrning exercises, walking, running in the pen air. Secnd, getting up early and reading alud can help memrize what we have learned easily. Third, if we get up early, we dn’t need t be in a hurry t g t schl r wrk withut having breakfast. S we’ll have a very gd md all day. If we stick t it, it will benefit us a lt, especially in ur character-building.

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    安徽省定远县炉桥中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月教学质量检测英语试题: 这是一份安徽省定远县炉桥中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月教学质量检测英语试题,共24页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.9, 只允许修改10处,多者不计分, 可为一天的活动做好准备, 考查非谓语动词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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