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    专题14 阅读理解人物故事类
    By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer. In his spare time though he goes on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova—not as a musician but as her page turner. "I'm not a trained musician, but I've learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance."
    Mr Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group's official page turner for the past four years. His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn't have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves. He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.
    "A lot of skills are needed for the job. You have to make sure you don't turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot, " Mr Titterton explained.
    Being a page turner requires plenty of practice. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages. Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of "nodding" to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.
    But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong. "I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand, " Mr Titterton said. "Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back."
    Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage.
    "My husband is the worst page turner, " she laughed. "He's interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: 'Turn, turn!'" "Robert is the best page turner I've had in my entire life."
    1.What should Titterton be able to do to be a page turner?
    A.Read music. B.Play the piano.
    C.Sing songs. D.Fix the instruments.

    2Which of the following best describes Titterton's job on stage?
    A.Boring. B.Well-paid. C.Demanding. D.Dangerous.

    3What does Titterton need to practise?
    A.Counting the pages.
    B.Recognizing the "nodding".
    C.Catching falling objects.
    D.Performing in his own style.

    4Why is Ms Raspopova's husband "the worst page turner" ?
    A.He has very poor eyesight.
    B.He ignores the audience.
    C.He has no interest in music.
    D.He forgets to do his job.
    【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了律师Robert Titterton在空闲时间担任乐谱翻页者,配合钢琴家演出的故事。
    1.细节理解题。根据题干信息be able to do定位到第三段A lot of skills are needed for the job. You have to make sure you don't turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot.可知,做一名page turner需要能够找到音乐中重复的部分,然后翻回到乐谱正确的地方。因此做一名page turner需要能够读懂音乐。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据题干信息need to practice定位到第四段第一句Being a page turner requires plenty of practice.这句话后面说明了page turner需要能够捕捉到演奏者的点头致意,根据这一信号来翻页,这是需要配合练习的。故选B。
    4.细节理解题。根据题干信息the worst page turner定位到最后一段。分析可知,说话人的丈夫总是过度沉迷于音乐本身而忘记翻页,以至于她必须告诉他该翻页了。故选D。

    When I was 9, we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow, London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.
    Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing. I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant don't worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam(橫杆), I fell onto the stones, damaging a nerve in my hand, and Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man. Safe. A few minutes later, when I landed the trick, my friends beat their boards loud, shouting: "Safe! Safe! Safe!"  And that's what mattered—landing tricks, being a good skater.
    When I was 15, my family moved to Washington. I tried skateboarding there, but the locals were far less welcoming. Within a couple of years, I'd given it up.
    When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering down to Southbank, spending hours there. I've traveled back several times since, most recently this past spring. The day was cold but clear; tourists and Londoners stopped to watch the skaters. Weaving(穿梭) among the kids who rushed by on their boards, I found my way to the beam. Then a rail-thin teenager, in a baggy white T-shirt, skidded(滑) up to the beam. He sat next to me. He seemed not to notice the man next to him. But soon I caught a few of his glances."I was a local here 20 years ago, " I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his head."Safe, man. Safe.”
    "Yeah, " I said.“Safe."
    1.What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London?
    A.He felt disappointed.
    B.He gave up his hobby.
    C.He liked the weather there.
    D.He had disagreements with his family.
    2.What do the underlined words "Safe! Safe! Safe!" probably mean?
    A.Be careful! B.Well done! C.No way! D.Don't worry.
    3.Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London?
    A.To join the skateboarding.
    B.To make new friends.
    C.To learn new tricks.
    D.To relieve his childhood days.
    4.What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
    A.Children should learn a second language.
    B.Sport is necessary for children's health.
    C.Children need a sense of belonging.
    D.Seeing the world is must for children.
    1.推理判断题。根据题干关键词 "after he moved to London" 定位在原文第一段“Without my beloved beaches and endless blue -sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. 没有我心爱的海滩和无尽的蓝天,我感到不知所措和格格不入。所以,作者是失望的。故选A项。
    2.词义猜测题。根据题干关键词 "Safe! Safe! Safe! " 定位在原文第三段 "And that's what mattered—landing tricks, being a good skater. 这就是重要的着陆技巧,成为一名优秀的滑冰运动员。" 表示做得好,所以应该是鼓励的话语。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。根据题干关键词 "when he returned to London" 定位在原文第四段 "When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering down to Southbank, spending hours there. 当我2004年回到伦敦时,我发现自己在南岸漫步,在那里呆了几个小时。" 所以这里是漫步,重温童年时光。故选D项。
    4.写作意图题。根据题干关键词 "seem to convey" 定位可以判断题目是总结作者写作意图。根据选项关键词,A,a second language B,Sport children's health C,Children ,sense of belonging(归属感) D,Seeing the world可以得知本文是怀念童年时光,所以C项最合适。故选C项。

    Leslie Nielsen's childhood was a difficult one, but he had one particular shining star in his life—his uncle, who was a well-known actor. The admiration and respect his uncle earned inspired Nielsen to make a career(职业)in acting. Even though he often felt he would be discovered to be a no-talent, he moved forward, gaining a scholarship to the Neighborhood Playhouse and making his first television appearance a few years later in 1948. However, becoming a full-time, successful actor would still be an uphill battle for another eight yeas until he landed a number of film roles that finally got him noticed.
    But even then, what he had wasn't quite what he wanted. Nielsen always felt he should be doing comedy but his good looks and distinguished voice kept him busy in dramatic roles. It wasn't until 1980—32 years into his career—that he landed the role it would seem he was made for in Airplane! That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.
    Did Nielsen then feel content in his career? Yes and no. He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do, but even during his last few year he always had a sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might be just around the corner. He never stopped working, never retired.
    Leslie Nielsen's devotion to acting is wonderfully inspiring. He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination. He showed us that even a single desire, never given up on, can make for a remarkable life.
    1.Why did Nielsen want to be an actor?
    A.He enjoyed watching movies.
    B.He was eager to earn money.
    C.He wanted to be like his uncle.
    D.He felt he was good at acting.
    2.What do we know about Nelsen in the second half of his career?
    A.He directed some high quality movies.
    B.He avoided taking on new challenges.
    C.He focused on playing dramatic roles.
    D.He became a successful comedy actor.
    3.What does Nielsen's career story tell us?
    A.Art is long, life is short.
    B.He who laughs last laughs longest.
    C.It's never too late to learn.
    D.Where there's a will there's a way.
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段前两句 "Leslie Nielsen's childhood was a difficult one, but he had one particular shining star in his life—his uncle, who was a well-known actor. The admiration and respect his uncle earned inspired Nielsen to make a career(职业)in acting." 可知,尼尔森的叔叔是著名演员,叔叔赢得的钦佩和尊重激励他成为演员,故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话 "That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly." 可知,在他职业生涯的后半段,他的喜剧表现已十分卓越,故选D。
    3.推断题。根据最后一段最后一句 "He showed us that even a single desire, never given up on, can make for a remarkable life." 可知,尼尔森的故事告诉我们只要不放弃便可成就非凡人生,即有志者事竟成(Where there's a will there's a way.)。


    I’m not a full-time traveler. I spend most days working to earn a living just like you do. But whenever a chance arises for me to visit a far-off country, I jump at it.
    When studying abroad in New Zealand, I travelled extensively all over the country with two friends. We booked everything from whale watching to a private flight over the Southern Alps, and racked up some impressive credit card bills. Another international student almost looked down her nose at our pricey adventures, declaring that she had come to New Zealand to study, not to empty her savings account on travel.
    My question to her came. Why would you come halfway around the world to save your money and keep your nose pressed into a book every weekend? Would you go to China and not visit the Great Wall because it consumes money? Would you go to Italy and skip visiting the Vatican because it requires an admission ticket?
    I know where I would like my life to go in the coming months and years. But there are no guarantees that things will go as planned. Practically, nothing will go as planned.
    “Oh, I’ll travel when I retire.” “I’ll travel when the kids are grown.” “I’ll travel when the house is paid off.” How often we hear others say these? I hear these excuses all the time. But you know what occurs? Age. And stress. And, well, life. Life happens and by that time, you have bad knees and weak lungs and you simply cannot visit all those places you dreamed about in your youth. How sad! I don’t want to end up like that, holding on to youthful travel dreams that will never be reality.
    So I often think, what if “sometime later” never came?
    So if you are privileged enough to be able to afford to travel, then you should attack it with curiosity and energy and a sense of adventure.
    So travel young, and travel far.
    1. Why did the author mention his travel experience in New Zealand?
    A. To prove his belief in travel. B. To show his enthusiasm for travel.
    C. To attract readers’ attention. D. To recall a wonderful experience.
    2. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
    A. The excuses for failing to travel far. B. The absolute barriers in the future life.
    C. The uncertainties of future for travel. D. The regrets of missing some journeys.
    3. Why is the author’s writing purpose?
    A. To circulate the advantages of travel. B. To share his own travel experience.
    C. To convince readers to travel young. D. To criticize the economical students.
    【答案】B C C
    1.推理判断题。根据第一段“I’m not a full-time traveler. I spend most days working to earn a living just like you do. But whenever a chance arises for me to visit a far-off country, I jump at it.(我不是一个全职的旅行者。我大部分时间都在工作赚钱,就像你一样。但只要有机会去遥远的国家旅游,我总是欣然接受)”以及第二段“When studying abroad in New Zealand, I travelled extensively all over the country with two friends. We booked everything from whale watching to a private flight over the Southern Alps, and racked up some impressive credit card bills. Another international student almost looked down her nose at our pricey adventures, declaring that she had come to New Zealand to study, not to empty her savings account on travel. (在新西兰留学的时候,我和两个朋友走遍了整个国家。我们订了从观鲸到飞越南阿尔卑斯山的私人飞机的所有东西,还刷了不少信用卡。另一名国际学生几乎对我们昂贵的冒险不屑一顾,声称她来新西兰是为了学习,不是为了把存款全花在旅行上)”可推知,作者提到了他在新西兰的旅行经历是为了表明他对旅行的热情。故选B。
    2.主旨大意题。根据第五段““Oh, I’ll travel when I retire.” “I’ll travel when the kids are grown.” “I’ll travel when the house is paid off.” How often we hear others say these? I hear these excuses all the time. But you know what occurs? Age. And stress. And, well, life. Life happens and by that time, you have bad knees and weak lungs and you simply cannot visit all those places you dreamed about in your youth. How sad! I don’t want to end up like that, holding on to youthful travel dreams that will never be reality.(“哦,我退休后要去旅行。”“等孩子们长大了,我再去旅行。”“等房子的钱还清了,我就去旅行。”我们是不是经常听到别人这样说?我总是听到这种借口。但你知道会发生了什么吗?年龄、压力和生活。到那个时候,你的膝盖和肺都不好了,你根本无法去那些你年轻时梦想的地方。多么悲伤!我不想这样的结局,抱着永远不会成为现实的青春旅行梦想)”可知,第五段主要讲了未来旅行的不确定性。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段“So travel young, and travel far.(所以,趁年轻,远行吧)”结合文中作者结合自身的旅行经历,来说明旅行应该趁着年轻,因为未来再去充满了不确定性。可推知,作者的写作目的是说服读者年轻时去旅行。故选C。

    I saw my first tree today. Dad used to tell me stories about the trees that still existed when he was a boy. There weren’t very many even then, with the urbanization program in full swing.
    The O’Brien home was one of the few examples of old-style wooden structures that hadn’t been destroyed in Boston’s urban-renewal campaign. The family had been able to avoid this because of its wealth and political influence, and the house was passed on through generations to the present. Old man O’Brien had no children, so when he died, the Urban Center bought it. Then an official discovered that the house had a backyard-in the yard was a live tree!
    When the news of the tree’s discovery leaked out quite a few sightseers stopped by to have a look at it, and the local government, realizing the money-making potential, began charging admission and advertising the place. By now it had become a favorite spot for family trips like ours.
    Dad paid the fee and we walked through a doorway hidden in a bookshelf and into the backyard. I just couldn’t help noticing the tree!
    It was located at one end of the yard, with a fence around it for protection. It was similar in form to the plastic trees I’d seen, but there was much more. You could see details more delicate than in any artificially made plant. And it was alive. But best of all was the smell-fresh, living smell, unfamiliar to the world outside with metal, plastic, and glass. I wanted to touch the bark, but the fence prevented me from doing so.
    On the way back, I read through the brochures. One part said the O’Brien home would be torn down next year to make room for some insurance building, and the tree will have to go, too.
    I just sat still, fingering the object in my pocket that I had picked in the O’Brien’s backyard. I think it’s called an acorn (橡子).
    1. Why could the tree in the O’Brien’s backyard survive till today?
    A. It possessed some special characteristics.
    B. It had a very strong fence around to protect it.
    C. It was preserved together with the house by its owner.
    D. It got the local government’s attention as a tourist attraction.
    2. How might the author feel after the trip?
    A. Annoyed. B. Calm. C. Excited. D. Upset.
    3. Which statement best shows the theme of the passage?
    A. Social progress and urbanization come at a cost.
    B. Social progress should give way to nature protection.
    C. Humans value nature protection over social progress.
    D. Urbanization has more advantages than disadvantages.
    1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The O’Brien home was one of the few examples of old-style wooden structures that hadn’t been destroyed in Boston’s urban-renewal campaign. The family had been able to avoid this because of its wealth and political influence, and the house was passed on through generations to the present. …Then an official discovered that the house had a backyard-in the yard was a live tree! (在波士顿的城市重建运动中,奥布莱恩的房子是少数几个没有被摧毁的旧式木结构建筑的例子之一。由于其财富和政治影响力,这个家族得以避免这种情况,这所房子代代相传到现在。……后来一位官员发现这所房子有一个后院——院子里是一棵活的树!)”可知,O’Brien家后院的树能存活到今天是因为它和房子一起被主人保存了下来。故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“One part said the O’Brien home would be torn down next year to make room for some insurance building, and the tree will have to go, too. (其中一部分说O’Brien的房子明年将被拆除,为一些保险大楼腾出空间,那棵树也必须被砍掉。)”和最后一段中“I just sat still, fingering the object in my pocket that I had picked in the O’Brien’s backyard. (我只能静静地坐着,用手摸着我口袋里的东西,它是在O’Brien家后院捡到的。)”可知,作者在这次旅行后会感到沮丧。故选D项。
    3.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Dad used to tell me stories about the trees that still existed when he was a boy. There weren’t very many even then, with the urbanization program in full swing. (爸爸常给我讲他小时候还存在的那些树的故事。即使在当时,随着城市化进程的全面推进,这样的城市也不多。)”和倒数第二段中“One part said the O’Brien home would be torn down next year to make room for some insurance building, and the tree will have to go, too. (其中一部分说O’Brien的房子明年将被拆除,为一些保险大楼腾出空间,那棵树也必须被砍掉。)”以及下文的描述,可知,本文讲述了作者在城市化全面推进的社会里终于见到了第一棵真树,这棵树种在O’Brien家后院,但是因为要为一些保险大楼腾出空间,明年这棵树也要被砍掉,这使作者很沮丧。因此本文的主题选项A“社会进步和城市化是有代价的。”符合题意。故选A项。

    Maybe no one forgets their first bicycle and there is no exception to a woman like me. Mine was a Schwinn coaster bike, second-hand, painted a distinctive red and yellow by its previous owner. I remember riding too fast down the big hill on Springfield Avenue. I knew at once that the world was mine to explore.
    A couple of years later, when I was 11, my grandmother visited from England, bringing me a bike. It was a shiny dark green, with three gears (齿轮) and hand brakes. As the owner of the first English bicycle my neighbors had ever seen, I was, for a time, almost a star.
    Unlike my coaster bike, it was light and responsive — riding it felt like flying. I rode it past big stone houses with their huge yards and trees. I rode past brick row houses. I rode alone and with groups of friends.
    That beloved bike went with me to college, carrying me to the library and to classes. Beyond transport, it was often a prop (道具): pushing it along as I walked the college paths made me feel less self-conscious. Somehow, conversation flowed more easily on either side of a bike.
    After college, I lived abroad for a time. Returning from London, I discovered to my horror that my parents had sold my bike. They didn’t even know who had bought it.
    For years after that, I didn’t have a bicycle that was specifically mine. Teaching in a New England prep school, I simply rode whatever bikes its graduates had left behind. I rode around the little town on bikes which slipped in and out of gear, with brakes that often failed.
    I did not take any of those bikes with me when I moved south to the coastal town where I now live. But after a while I missed riding. Finally, on a fall day, I bought a bicycle. Called a comfort bike, it has wider tires than my old bike and seven gears. But it is green — a brighter green bike.
    Still, I was a bit apprehensive. I was out of practice and a lot older. I brought the bike home and put on my helmet — I’d never worn a helmet before. Then I got on the bike. After a tentative, slightly shaky start, I fell exactly as I was on that long-ago day on Springfield Avenue: free. Soon I was riding along. It seemed that everyone I passed smiled and waved or call out, great day for a bike ride! And I knew they all remembered their first bike and how it had set them free. I wanted to call back to them, “I still can!”
    1. According to the article, the author’s beloved bike ________.
    A. was a red and yellow coaster bike
    B. made her the envy of all her friends
    C. was her birthday gift from her grandmother
    D. made her shy and awkward at times at college
    2. While pushing the English bike along, the author________.
    A. felt bored B. felt special
    C. became talkative D. became lost in thought
    3. When she was teaching at a prep school, the author ________.
    A. didn’t like her once-beloved bike
    B. got out of the habit of riding bikes
    C. loved exploring the little town by riding around
    D. rode bikes that had been recommended to her by graduates
    4. What does the underlined word “apprehensive” in Paragraph 6 mean?
    A. Dissatisfied. B. Excited. C. Shocked. D. Fearful.
    5. What was the author’s main purpose in writing this article?
    A. To describe the different bikes she has been riding alone.
    B. To recall the joy and freedom she has enjoyed thanks to riding.
    C. To inform us of the fun and benefits of riding bikes with others.
    D. To tell us about how she grew up through her riding experiences.
    1.推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“As the owner of the first English bicycle my neighbors had ever seen, I was, for a time, almost a star.(当我的邻居第一次看到一辆英国自行车时,我几乎成了一颗明星)”推知,他的朋友们很羡慕他。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据第四段“Beyond transport, it was often a prop (道具): pushing it along as I walked the college paths made me feel less self-conscious. Somehow, conversation flowed more easily on either side of a bike.(除了交通工具,它常常是一种支撑:在我走在大学道路上的时候,推着它走会让我感觉不那么难为情。不知何故,自行车两边的谈话更容易进行)”可知,当作者推着自行车的时候,变得更加健谈了。故选C。
    3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Teaching in a New England prep school, I simply rode whatever bikes its graduates had left behind. I rode around the little town on bikes which slipped in and out of gear, with brakes that often failed.(在新英格兰的一所预科学校教书,我只是骑着毕业生们落下的自行车。我骑着自行车在小镇上转了一圈,这些自行车的齿轮时而失灵,时而失灵)”可知,作者在小学任教时,喜欢在小镇上骑行探索。故选C。
    4.词句猜测题。根据下文“I was out of practice and a lot older. I brought the bike home and put on my helmet — I’d never worn a helmet before.(我生疏了,年纪也大了很多。我把自行车带回家,戴上头盔——我以前从来没戴过头盔)”可知,作者,变得生疏了;所以作者感到焦虑不安。由此推知,划线词与Fearful意思接近。故选D。
    5.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“It seemed that everyone I passed smiled and waved or call out, great day for a bike ride! And I knew they all remembered their first bike and how it had set them free. I wanted to call back to them, ‘I still can!’(似乎我经过的每个人都微笑着挥手,或者喊着说,骑车的好日子!我知道他们都记得他们的第一辆自行车,以及它是如何让他们获得自由的。我想对他们说:“我现在还能!”)”可知,作者通过骑行感受到了人们的温暖,感受到了自由。由此推知,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是为了回忆骑车带给她的快乐和自由。故选B。

    Lisa was running late. Lisa, 25, had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown. But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warm. By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired—maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought. She rested herself against a post close to the tracks.
    Several yards away, Frank, 43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop. They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying.
    But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling, “Oh, my God, she fell in!” Frank didn’t hesitate(犹豫). He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails. “No! Not you! ”his girlfriend shouted after him.
    She was right to be alarmed. By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming. The train was about 20 seconds from the station.
    It was hard to lift her. She was just out. But he managed to raise her four feet to the platform(站台) so that bystanders could hold her by the legs and drag her away from the edge. That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness(知觉), felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse.
    Lisa thought she’d been robbed. A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head. And she tried to talk but she couldn’t, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in.
    Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer. Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown - just as he had been seconds after the rescue(营救), which made her think about her reaction at the time. “I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die,” she explained.
    1. What was the most probable cause for Lisa’s weakness?
    A. She had run a long way. B. She felt hot in the subway.
    C. She had done a 1ot of work. D. She had donated blood the night before.
    2. Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend?
    A. Because they would miss their train.
    B. Because he didn’t see the train coming.
    C. Because she was sure Lisa was hard to lift.
    D. Because she was afraid the train would kill him.
    3. How did Frank save Lisa?
    A. By lifting her to the platform. B. By helping her rise to her feet.
    C. By pulling her along the ground. D. By dragging her away from the edge.
    4. When did Lisa become conscious again?
    A. When the train was leaving.
    B. After she was back on the platform.
    C. After the police and fire officials came.
    D. When a man was cleaning the blood from her head.
    5. The passage is intended to _____________
    A. warn us of the danger in the subway B. show us how to save people in the subway
    C. tell us about a subway rescue D. report a traffic accident
    1.细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句“Lisa felt weak and tired—maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to give blood the night before”(丽莎感到虚弱和疲倦——也许前一天晚上献血不是个好主意。)可知,丽莎到站台后感到虚弱和疲劳,她认为前一个晚上献血也许不是一个好主意。该句暗示献血才是身体虚弱的根本原因。故选D。
    2.推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句“I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die”(我看见火车来了,我担心男朋友会被火车撞死。)可知,暗示了詹尼弗真正担心的原因。故选D。
    3.细节理解题。由倒数第三段“But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins ”(但他设法把她抬到了平台上,这样旁观者就可以抓住她的笑容。)可知,弗兰克设法将丽莎弄上了站台。故选A。
    4.细节理解题。由倒数第三段的“It was hard to lift her. She was just out. But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge. That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness”(很难把她抬起来。她刚出去。但他设法把她抬到了四英尺高的平台上,这样旁观者就可以抓住她的笑容,把她从边缘拖走。丽萨就是在那里短暂地恢复了意识.)可知,丽萨是在上了站台后恢复意识的。故选B。

    When I was 13 years old, I went on a 735-mile cycling trip with my brother and father. We were all keen cyclists and I can say I felt like I was born on a bike. My father was a professional cyclist, and wanted to show us, his twin sons, the work of the trade and bond with us.
    The trip was across the San Juan Islands and then Vancouver Island. We prepared for the journey by going on smaller rides and practiced cycling with panniers (货筐). Adjusting to the weight on the bike was harder than I thought. When we set out for the trip, I knew that I yearned to have an adventure and wanted to see the beautiful sights of mountains, bears, moose, deer, forests, and much more.
    One night, after perhaps a week into the trip, we were on our last legs(路程)getting to a campsite, and going down a large hill. It was raining moderately and we were coasting down the hill in eager delight to take a rest from going up a mountain with all of our gear and sore legs.
    Suddenly, my brother’s front tire slipped in the rain, and he slid into the middle of the road. My father and I stopped, asking if he was okay. Apparently, he was not hurt too much, but his leg was caught up in the bike frame. From the top of the hill, we saw the light of a car coming. My father and I looked on in shock. Chris could not seem to get out of the entrapment of his bike, and now the car was blasting its way. This all happened within seconds.
    Instinctively, I rushed out in front of my brother in the middle of the road, and waved my hands frantically. The car rushed forward, but swerved to the left to go around my brother and I. My brother was saved from being crushed by the car.
    My brother says I was incredibly brave but I think we do what we know is right. I believe that one should listen to one’s gut in times of peril, and not intellectualize dilemmas. If I had thought about what I was doing on that night, my brother might have been robbed from this world. Life and death often swing in the balance between what seems natural and rational.
    1. What does Dad expect from the cycling trip?
    A. To spend time with his sons.
    B. To instruct his sons how to cycle.
    C. To show off his professional skills.
    D. To explore the adventures in the mountain.
    2. The possible reason for the accident is that________.
    A. It rained cats and dogs.
    B. A bear came out of nowhere.
    C. The road down the hill was too slippery.
    D. They were too excited to get back to the campsite.
    3. What can we learn from the story?
    A. A friend is never known till a man has need.
    B. The best that we find in our travel is an honest friend.
    C. Brothers concentrate on each other, and their strength runs out of gold.
    D. If you are serious about what you’re doing, keep you head and follow your instinct.
    1.细节理解题。根据文章“When I was 13 years old, I went on a 735-mile cycling trip with my brother and father. We were all keen cyclists and I can say I felt like I was born on a bike. My father was a professional cyclist, and wanted to show us, his twin sons, the work of the trade and bond with us. ”(当我13岁的时候,我和我的哥哥和父亲进行了一次735英里的自行车旅行。我们都是自行车爱好者,我可以说我感觉我天生就是骑自行的料。我的父亲是一名职业自行车手,他想让我们,他的双胞胎儿子,看看这个行业的工作和与我们的联系。)可知,作者的父亲期望能从自行车旅行中让他的儿子们看看这个工作的性质,并且和儿子们建立联系,一起度过一些时光,故选A。
    2.推理判断题。根据第三段“One night, after perhaps a week into the trip, we were on our last legs(路程)getting to a campsite, and going down a large hill. It was raining moderately and we were coasting down the hill in eager delight to take a rest from going up a mountain with all of our gear and sore legs. ”(大概在旅行了一个星期后的一个晚上,我们在去露营地的最后一段路上,走下一座大山。雨下得不大,我们带着所有的装备和酸痛的双腿从山上滑下来,急切地想休息一下。)和第四段“Suddenly, my brother’s front tire slipped in the rain, and he slid into the middle of the road. ”( 突然,我哥哥的前轮在雨中打滑,他滑到了路中间。)可知,事故发生时作者他们走的是山路,由于下了雨,路很滑,所以哥哥的前轮在雨中打滑,导致哥哥摔倒。故推断这次事故的可能原因是下山的路太滑了,故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段“My brother says I was incredibly brave, but I think we do what we know is right. …Life and death often swing in the balance between what seems natural and rational. ”( 我哥哥说我非常勇敢,但我认为我们做自己认为正确的事。我认为人在危难的时候应该听从自己的直觉,而不是理智地看待困境。如果我当时考虑到我那天晚上在做什么,我哥哥可能已经被从这个世界上带走了。生与死常常在看似自然与理性之间摇摆不定。)可知,通过这次事故,作者悟出了一个道理就是要认真的对待自己所做的事情,听从自己的直觉和内心,这也是我们从这篇文章学到的,故选D。

    My Biggest Challenge
    As a writer on an adventure sports magazine, I’d always fought shy of doing the adventurous stuff myself, preferring instead to observe the experts from a safe distance and relay their experiences to readers in the form of written language. Thus, when I was challenged to take part in a mountain climb in aid of raising money for charity-and to write about it afterwards-I was unwilling, to say the least.
    I was lucky enough to have a brilliant climbing coach called Keith, who put me through my paces after my daily work. He gave me knowledge about everything from the importance of building muscle groups to how to avoid tiredness through nutrition. It quickly became apparent that the mechanics of climbing were more complex than I had imagined. There was the equipment and techniques I’d never even heard of, all of which would come in handy on the snow-capped peak I’d be climbing.
    Aware of the challenge, Keith made a detailed action plan and I forced myself to stick to it, doing a daily workout at the gym and going on hikes with a heavy pack. I perfected my technique on the climbing wall and even went to climb the mountains to get vital experience. My self-belief increased alongside my muscle power and I became confident about finishing the climb.
    All too soon I was on a plane to my destination. On that day, when I looked up at the mountain, I thought of abandoning it. But then I remembered all the hard work I’d done and how disappointed Keith would be if I gave up at the last minute-not to mention letting down the charity and the sense of failure I’d experience myself. With a deep breath I gathered my equipment and headed out into the sunshine to meet the rest of the group.
    And as I sit here now, tapping away on my laptop, I’m amazed at the details in which I can recall every second of the climb: the burning muscles, the tiredness, the minor problems along the way. Could I have been better prepared? Possibly. Would I be back for another go? Thankfully not. The feeling of being excited when I stood on top of the world is a never-to-be-repeated experience but one I will enjoy forever nevertheless.
    1. At the beginning of the activity, the author revealed his ______.
    A. disappointment in the coming adventure.
    B. expectation of writing about his experience.
    C. lack of enthusiasm for the challenge he’d been offered.
    D. curiosity about taking part in the mountain climb for charity.
    2. What did the author realise during his climb training?
    A. The knowledge about climbing was really confusing.
    B. The equipment was the key factor to reach the peak.
    C. Climbing was much more complicated than expected.
    D. Hard training was far more important than making plans.
    3. How did the author feel after he succeeded in climbing the mountain?
    A. He was relieved that he wouldn’t have to do it again.
    B. He was well satisfied that he had done his best for it.
    C. He was surprised that he had managed to complete it.
    D He was regretful that it wasn’t as smooth as imagined.
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Thus, when I was challenged to take part in a mountain climb in aid of raising money for charity-and to write about it afterwards-I was unwilling, to say the least.”(因此,当我被要求参加一次为慈善筹款的爬山活动,并在活动结束后将其写下来时,至少可以说,我是不愿意的。)可知,在活动一开始,作者就表现出了对所接受的挑战缺乏热情。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“It quickly became apparent that the mechanics of climbing were more complex than I had imagined.”(很快我就发现攀岩的技巧比我想象的要复杂得多。)可知,在他的攀岩训练中,作者意识到攀岩比预想的要复杂得多。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后三句“Would I be back for another go? Thankfully not. The feeling of being excited when I stood on top of the world is a never-to-be-repeated experience but one I will enjoy forever nevertheless.”(我会再来一次吗?值得庆幸的是没有。当我站在世界之巅时那种兴奋的感觉是一种永远不会重复的经历,但我将永远享受这种感觉。)可知,成功地爬上了那座山后,作者很欣慰他不用再这样做了。故选A。

    William had worked hard to pass the exams to enter high school. When the term began, however, his father told him that there was no money to pay for his school fees because of the summer drought. Still, William wanted to learn.
    He made the village library his school. One day, he found a book called Using Energy. On the book’s cover was a picture of windmills, tall steel towers with blades (叶片) spinning like giant fans. He learned that wind—something of which his hometown had plenty—could produce electricity.

    He couldn’t help picturing his own windmill in mind, but collecting the parts and tools he needed would take months. In a junkyard, he dug through piles of used metal, old cars, and worn-out tractors, searching for anything that might help him construct his machine. He made four-foot-long blades from plastic pipe, which he melted over a fire, flattened out, and hardened with bamboo poles.
    Earning some money, he paid a blacksmith to attach the piston (活塞) to the pedal sprocket (踏板链轮) of an old bicycle frame. This would be the axle (轮轴) of the windmill. When the wind blew, the spinning blades would turn the bicycle wheel and spin a small dynamo (发电机), donated by his friend.

    When he had collected all the parts, William began putting them together. He fixed the blades to the tractor fan he found, using washers (垫圈) he’d made from bottle caps. Next he pushed the fan onto the piston joint to the bicycle frame. With the help of his two best friends, William built a 16-foot-tall tower from trunks of trees and lifted the ninety-pound windmill to the top.
    The big moments eventually came. He climbed up the tower and connected two wires that held a small bulb. As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life. The crowd cheered from below. “Wachitabwina (well done)!”
    William’s machine now powered his house. And the story of the boy who’d built a power-generating windmill to rescue his family from the drought spread across the Internet.
    1. After reading Using Energy, what did William decide to do?
    A. Make use of wind. B. Enter a high school.
    C. Build a village library. D. Learn to survive a drought.
    2. According to Para.3, which of the following word can best describe William?
    A. Humorous. B. Determined.
    C. Cooperative. D. Friendly.
    3. What can you learn about William’s machine?
    A. It was built by villagers.
    B. It worked at the first attempt.
    C. It took him years to complete it.
    D. It was made from metal materials.
    4. What is the best title for the passage?
    A. Winds Of Hope B. Ideas Worth Spreading
    C. Learning from Experience D. Windmills for Villages
    1.细节理解题。结合上文“威廉看到了《使用能量》这本书后,收集零件建造发电风车”和倒数第二段中的“As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life.”(当风吹来时,刀刃开始慢慢地转动,然后越来越快。灯泡闪烁,然后闪着生命。),可知威廉读了《使用能量》之后,决定建造发电风车,利用风来发电,最后成功了。故选A项。
    2.推理判断题。由第三段中的“He couldn’t help picturing his own windmill in mind, but collecting the parts and tools he needed would take months. In a junkyard, he dug through piles of used metal, old cars, and worn-out tractors, searching for anything that might help him construct his machine.”(他忍不住想象自己的风车,但收集他需要的零件和工具需要几个月。在一个垃圾场,他挖了成堆的旧金属、旧车和破旧的拖拉机,寻找任何能帮助他建造机器的东西。)和第四段中的“Earning some money, he paid a blacksmith to attach the piston (活塞) to the pedal sprocket (踏板链轮) of an old bicycle frame.”(他挣了些钱,付钱给一个铁匠把活塞装到旧自行车架上的踏板链轮上。),结合上文可知,因为没钱,威廉辍学,但看了《使用能量》这本书后,他决定建造发电风车,他花了几个月时间在垃圾场收集需要的零件,又赚钱请人帮忙,最后终于成功建造了发电风车,纵使困难重重,威廉并未放弃,说明他是一个意志坚定的(Determined)人。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life.”(当风吹来时,刀刃开始慢慢地转动,然后越来越快。灯泡闪烁,然后闪着生命。),可知威廉建造的发电风车第一次就成功发电了。故选B项。

    Aubrey is a FedEx driver who has made regular delivery stops in a rural neighborhood in Indiana. During her stops there, she would see an 11-year-old boy, Elijah, playing basketball with an old and rusty bent hoop.
    "It was crazy to me how happy he was with the broken hoop. Every time I saw him, he was so joyful playing basketball. Seeing him so happy stuck with me," said Aubrey.
    The FedEx driver thought about Elijah many times over the months, and decided that she wanted to bless him in a special way. "I just wouldn't stop thinking about it. I really wanted to get him a hoop. He deserves it."
    Aubrey went out and bought a new basketball hoop and installed it when the family wasn't home. She left a note that read: "Just wanted you and your son to have the best hoop that'll grow with him and all his friends." She signed herself "just one of the FedEx drivers in the area".
    "I read the note, and the moment I realized who it was from, I started to cry," said Coledo, Elijah's mom. "When Elijah came home and I showed it to him, he got really emotional. He got teary-eyed but he's an 11-year-old boy, so he really didn't want to admit he was crying," laughed Coledo. "He just sat there for 10 minutes staring at the hoop until it really touched him that she went out of her way to do something just for him."
    Aubrey had no idea how much her surprise gift had impacted Elijah and his family. They all had gone through a difficult year with Coledo's husband suffering a serious injury, and Coledo crashing her car. "It's just been a hard year. We're so humbled and grateful she would do this for us. This has been a huge thing for us," said Coledo.
    When Aubrey made another FedEx delivery to their neighborhood, Elijah saw her, ran to her and hugged her. Elijah also gave Aubrey a card he made for her. And he invited her to play a game of basketball with him and his younger brother.
    "It was almost like we'd always known each other. I really bonded with the boys," said Aubrey. "I'm just really happy they know that someone is out there for them."
    1. Aubrey bought Elijah a new basketball hoop because ________.
    A. she wanted to make a friend using a surprise gift
    B. she was eager to donate to children in the rural area
    C. she was impressed by Elijah's passion for basketball
    D. she thought Elijah was unhappy with the broken hoop
    2. How did the family feel when they saw the new hoop?
    A. Touched. B. Satisfied. C. Relaxed. D. Honored.
    3. What influence did Aubrey's gift have on Elijah and his family?
    A. It helped Elijah achieve his dream.
    B. It reduced the family's financial burden.
    C. It gave the family warmth at a difficult time.
    D. It encouraged Elijah to bond with the other boys.
    1.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“It was crazy to me how happy he was with the broken hoop. Every time I saw him, he was so joyful playing basketball. Seeing him so happy stuck with me”(我简直不敢相信他对那个坏了的篮框那么开心。每次我看到他,他打篮球是那么快乐。看到他这么开心,我就受不了了)可知,Aubrey给Elijah买了一个新的篮球框,因为她对Elijah对篮球的热爱印象深刻。故选C。
    2.推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“I read the note, and the moment I realized who it was from, I started to cry”(我看了纸条,一意识到是谁写的,我就开始哭了)和第二句第三句“When Elijah came home and I showed it to him, he got really emotional. He got teary-eyed but he's an 11-year-old boy, so he really didn't want to admit he was crying”(Elijah回家后,我给他看的时候,他很激动。他哭了,但他是一个11岁的男孩,所以他真的不想承认自己哭了)可知,这个家庭看到新篮框时感到很感动。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据倒第三段第三句和第四句“It's just been a hard year. We're so humbled and grateful she would do this for us.”(这是艰难的一年。她愿意为我们做这件事,我们感到既谦卑又感激。)可知,Aubrey的礼物给了这个家庭在困难时期的温暖。故选C。

    While many people prefer to buy a new dog from a breeder, another option is to adopt a rescue dog. As the Svilicics already had a healthy daughter Charlotte, they felt fortunate enough to save another life. Thus, Catherine adopted a dog and named it Khan. Catherine was hopeful this would provide valuable lessons for her baby, such as sharing, learning to love and responsibility to care for animals.
    They trained Khan during the first few days and everything began smoothly. Charlotte and the new dog made a habit of playing out in the backyard. However, things were different this day. They began running through the backyard grass together. That was until Khan’s temperament seemed to change dramatically. Khan began acting wildly aggressively (富于攻击性的), grabbing the baby.
    This was not the normal play between the two. Mouth open, Catherine watched in complete and utter shock. She watched as Khan tossed (抛) Charlotte across their lawn. What happened next alarmed Catherine and everyone present. He tightly clenched his jaws into her diaper to toss her back and forth. Therefore, with urgency, she ran to Charlotte and carried her to safety.
    Miraculously, her child was unharmed. While Catherine brought her baby to shelter, Khan barked madly and then collapsed. The dog began crying. No one understood what was going on! Khan was obviously not doing well. The dog continued crying and then fell lifeless. Catherine focused on the dog, watching his dying eyes and realized he had been protecting her child. It turned out that Khan was protecting Charlotte from a poisonous, dangerous snake. She used all her strength to bring the dog to her car and sped for the vet, hearing his breath slow. When the vet took over, Catherine cried and felt totally helpless, so she prayed for his recovery.
    The vet had to remove all the snake poison from the body. Quite a few days later, Khan was slowly getting stronger through the vet’s effort. Eventually, he made progress and the snake’s venom was removed. Actually, Khan impressed even the vet with his rapid recovery and progress.
    The whole family could be reunited once again with this amazing and heroic animal. Catherine was determined to protect this amazing animal as if it were her own child.
    1. What caused Catherine to carry her child away from Khan?
    A. That Khan tossed her child back and forth.
    B. That Khan grabbed her child aggressively.
    C. That Khan tossed her child across their lawn.
    D. That her child played with Khan for such a long time.
    2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    A. Catherine adopted Khan to protect her child.
    B. Khan’s sickness was too serious to be cured.
    C. The child was hurt because she was treated badly.
    D. Khan was attacked by a snake in order to protect the child.
    3. According to the passage, which word can best describe Catherine?
    A. Outgoing. B. Caring. C. Faithful. D. Honest.
    1.细节理解题。根据第三段“What happened next alarmed Catherine and everyone present. He tightly clenched his jaws into her diaper to toss her back and forth.(接下来发生的一幕让凯瑟琳吓出一声冷汗:她看到Khan死死咬住夏洛特的尿布,来回拖拽这个孩子)”可知,凯瑟琳不明白Khan的行为动机,立刻将孩子抱到安全的地方。故选A项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第四段“Catherine focused on the dog, watching his dying eyes and realized he had been protecting her child. It turned out that Khan was protecting Charlotte from a poisonous, dangerous snake.(凯瑟琳看到Khan迷离的眼神,终于意识到它刚才一直在保护夏洛特免受毒蛇的侵害)”和第五段段首句“The vet had to remove all the snake poison from the body.(兽医必须将Khan体内的所有蛇毒全部清除)”可知,Khan为了保护夏洛特,被毒蛇咬伤。故选D项。
    3.推理判断题。根据第一段“Thus, Catherine adopted a dog and named it Khan.(凯瑟琳收养了一条名叫Khan的狗)”和最后一段“Catherine was determined to protect this amazing animal as if it were her own child.(凯瑟琳决心会像保护自己孩子那样保护好这只神奇的狗狗)”可知,凯瑟琳是一位非常有爱心,热爱动物的人。故选B项。


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    高考英语真题和模拟题分类汇编专题14阅读理解人物故事类含解析: 这是一份高考英语真题和模拟题分类汇编专题14阅读理解人物故事类含解析,共28页。试卷主要包含了推理判断题,细节理解题等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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