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    第一部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Sugar has been linked t serius diseases like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer, which is why it's vital t cut dwn n fds and drinks that are high in sugar. Take a lk at the drinks that cntain a surprising amunt f hidden sugars and what yu shuld be eating instead.
    Fruit juices
    While fruit juices can cntain sme imprtant vitamins and minerals, they are typically full f sugar. Unfrtunately, the fiber that fruit naturally cntains and that helps the bdy keep bld sugar stable has als been remved. T keep bld sugar levels frm rising sharply, chse t eat whle fruits whenever a juice desire cmes alng.
    Sprts drinks
    Sprts drinks might seem like the perfect chice fr hydratin while exercising, but they cntain a high amunt f added sugars as they were designed fr athletes during fierce and lng perids f activity. The nly peple wh actually benefit frm sprts drinks are prfessinal athletes r marathners. Unless that's yu, just stick t plain water.
    Flavred cffees
    Flavred cffees are delicius, but they cntain hidden sugars as they ften rely n artificial syrups (糖浆) fr flavring. A large flavred cffee at sme cffee chains has up t 25 teaspns f sugar. Yu can still enjy yur mrning cup f cffee. Just stick t unflavred and unsweetened versins and avid creamers high in sugar.
    Iced teas
    Iced teas can be extremely refreshing n a ht day, but they're typically ver-sweetened with sugar r syrups. Sme brands f iced tea actually cntain a surprising 33 grams f sugar in a 355-milliliter serving. S, lk fr iced teas withut any added sugar r make yur wn at hme s yu can save mney and cntrl what ges int it.
    1. Hw d fruit juices benefit peple?
    A. They prvide necessary minerals.B. They refuel peple during sprts.
    C. They energize peple in the mrning.D. They refresh peple n ht days.
    2. What are cmmn peple advised t have while exercising?
    A. Fruit juices.B. Flavred cffees.C. Natural water.D. Iced teas.
    3. What's the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce fur nutritius drinks.B. T discuss the advantages f drinks.
    C. T share ways t make drinks at hme.D. T warm readers against high-sugar drinks.
    I'd never heard f the yangqin - an 18th century Chinese stringed instrument — until this past Sunday, when I had the pleasure f hearing Eastman graduate and music perfrmer Zhang Wenzhu perfrm n it in a virtual cncert.
    Wenzhu, a Chinese native, began her training n the yangqin at age five. When she was nly 13, Wenzhu was awarded a schlarship t the Arts Schl f Hebei Prvince; the highly cmpetitive prgram nly accepted a single yangqin student every tw years. After graduatin, she placed first in natinwide cmpetitins and was admitted int the Natinal Academy f Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing, where she was awarded her bachelr's in yangqin perfrmance in 2005. She btained her dctrate frm Bstn University in music educatin in 2015 and studied ethnmusiclgy at Eastman frm 2017 t 2019. Wenzhu has perfrmed with cuntless rchestras and grups f musicians and wn cuntless awards fr her perfrmances.
    Befre Wenzhu perfrmed n her yangqin, she presented a brief histrical backgrund f the instrument's rigin, and discussed its cntinued usage up t the present day. Determined by musiclgists t be based n the similarly-structured English hammered dulcimer (大扬琴), the yangqin was first used in Chinese flk music perfrmance and peras. As time went n, perfrmances began t be spnsred by the cuntry, and yangqin perfrmers were given a path t higher levels f scial mbility.
    Wenzhu perfrmed fur pieces, three tracing their rigins t centuries' ld Chinese cmpsers, and ne frm the mdern era. Needless t say, Wenzhu's perfrmances sunded fantastic. The yangqin is a unique and beautiful instrument and its sund, cupled with Wenzhu's musical ability, allwed the fur greatly differing pieces t stand tgether as a wnderful intrductin t the instrument.
    It was fascinating t learn abut the yangqin and a jy t watch Wenzhu perfrm n it.
    4. What can we learn abut Zhang Wenzhu?
    A. She has been trained fr 13 years.B. She tpped many cmpetitins.
    C. She studied ethnmusiclgy in Bstn.D. She became a bachelr at Eastman.
    5. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. Wenzhu's persnalities.B. Wenzhu's natinality.C. Wenzhu's cntributins.D. Wenzhu's schling.
    6. What made Wenzhu's perfrmances fantastic?
    A. Her high level f scial mbility.B. Her knwledge f the instrument.
    C. Her gift and the charm f the yangqin.D. Her understanding f different cultures.
    7. Hw des the authr sund tward the yangqin?
    A. Favrable.B. Curius.C. Strange.D. Cld.
    Bangladesh's flating gardens, built t grw fd during fld seasns, culd ffer a cntinuus slutin fr parts f the wrld which are likely t suffer frm flding because f climate change, a new study has fund.
    Bangladesh's flating gardens began hundreds f years ag. The gardens are made frm native plants that flat in the rivers and perate almst like rafts (筏), rising and filling with the waters. Histrically, they were used t cntinue grwing fd during rainy seasns when rivers were filled with water.
    The farmers layer the plants abut three feet deep, creating a versin f raised-bed gardens that flat in the water. Then, they plant vegetables inside thse rafts. As the raft-plants rt away, they release nutrients, which help feed the vegetable plants.
    But as climate change affected the vlume f water in thse rivers, the researchers wanted t understand whether Bangladesh's flating gardens culd be a cntinuus farming practice. They interviewed farming families and fund strng evidence that flating gardens prvide stability, bth in the amunt f fd available t feed rural ppulatins and in a farming family's incme.
    They fund that farmers typically use hybrid (杂交) seeds, which must be repurchased each year, t grw a diverse range f vegetables in the flating gardens. The gardens are als sensitive t pests, s farmers end up spending sme mney n bth pesticides and fertilizers. But even with thse expenses, they fund, benefits utweighed csts. One farmer tld the research team that he earns up t fur times as much mney frm the gardens as frm traditinal rice fields.
    Hwever, befre gaining prfits, farmers ften take ut high-interest lans (贷款) t cver the investment csts f filling the beds and stcking them with plants. Luckily; there are als lwer-interest lans frm respnsible gvernment r nn-gvernmental rganizatins, which culd ease that burden.
    8. Hw d vegetable plants grw accrding t the text?
    A. By absrbing nutritin frm raft-plants.B. By taking shelter frm climate change.
    C. By living tgether with hybrid seeds.D. By mving up and dwn with raised beds.
    9. What might be a reply frm farming families interviewed?
    A. “Our life becmes tugh when rivers fld.”B. “Fewer vegetables are planted when water rises.”
    C. “We harvest much mre fd during rainy seasns.”D. “Climate change has little influence n ur incme.”
    10. What des the underlined wrd “utweighed” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Affected.B. Brught.C. Beat.D. Equaled.
    11. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. A slutin t climate prblem has been fund.B. The gardens are built with rtted native plants.
    C. Farmers earn mre frm traditinal rice fields.D. Lw-interest lans lighten the stress f farmers.
    China has just fficially pened its FAST radi telescpe t internatinal scientists. Scientists acrss the wrld can submit prpsals fr astrnmical bservatins using the telescpe.
    FAST is shrt fr Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescpe (球面射电望远镜) and it is als believed t be the wrld's largest radi telescpe and the mst sensitive single-dish radi telescpe. The receiving surface area f FAST is 250,000 square meters, abut the size f 30 standard ftball fields. Its cnstructin was cmpleted in September 2016 and it fficially began perating in January 2020.
    The majr scientific task f the telescpe is the bservatin f pulsars (脉冲星) – the rtating neutrn stars. The study f pulsars can help t cnfirm the existence f gravitatinal radiatin and black hles, and help slve many ther majr questins in physics. Anther scientific gal f FAST is t search fr uter space civilizatin.
    The telescpe is lcated in a naturally deep and rund karst depressin in suthwest China's Guizhu Prvince. The first advantage f the selected site is the altitude. The average altitude f Guizhu is abut 1,100 meters, which maximizes the effectiveness f the bservatin equipment. Secndly, the radi telescpe needs t have a “big pan” t receive better signal. The huge natural depressin culd reduce the amunt f excavatin (挖掘) and difficulty f cnstructin. Mrever, the selected site in Guizhu is far away frm cities, and has a small ppulatin, which reduces the interference (干扰) caused by wireless devices such as TVs, mbile phnes and radis frm human activities.
    FAST has identified ver 300 pulsars. Experts predict that the number culd reach 1,000 in five years and that the telescpe culd lcate and identify the first pulsar utside the galaxy. With the pening-up t internatinal scientists, China's FAST is expected t make mre cntributin t astrnmical research in the future.
    12. What d we knw abut FAST?
    A. It is pened t glbal scientists.B. It is a prject under cnstructin.
    C. It has prvided service since 2016.D. It has fund a pulsar utside the galaxy.
    13. What is the main task f FAST?
    A. T study black hles.B. T bserve the pulsars.
    C. T explre the sun.D. T seek space civilizatin.
    14. What's special abut the selected site?
    A. It's clse t urban areas.B. It reduces engineering amunt.
    C. It pssesses a shallw depressin.D. It's at the highest altitude in China.
    15. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Majr Scientific Tasks f FASTB. Ways t Select the Site fr FAST
    C. Cntributins FAST Has MadeD. Facts abut FAST Radi Telescpe
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
    Hw t Shw Maturity
    Smetimes it's fun t be a kid, but ther times yu want t shw that yu can be mature. Maturity can be a signpst f mving frm childhd t adulthd. 16 Maturity is nt a set f rules r expectatins, but it is a cncept. Here are sme ways t help yu becme mature.
    ●Live by yur values. Maturity includes making decisins based n yur values and mrals, instead f what feels gd at the mment. 17 Let yur character master yur desires. Shw peple that yu are willing t live ut yur values, even if it presents minr incnveniences t yu.
    ● 18 When yu were yunger, yur schedule was made fr yu: yu went t schl r sprts r dance. Nw, yu may have mre ability t make yur wn schedule. When yu say yu will d smething, d it. Even if it isn't yur idea f fun, shw peple that they can cunt n yu and that yu are reliable.
    ●Treat peple with respect. Respect builds trust and supprt in a relatinship. Make sure yu treat thers with the same respect, whether it is yur parents, friends r rmantic partner. 19
    ●Admit yur disadvantages. 20 Dn't blame ther peple fr the prblems in yur life. All relatinships are interactinal, meaning that yu bth cntribute t hw yu feel and what happens. It's much easier t blame peple fr hw bad yu feel, but recgnize yur rle, and take respnsibility fr yur actins.
    A. Keep yur cmmitments.
    B. This is a very mature actin.
    C. Reflect n what makes yu active.
    D. Allw yur values t guide yur life.
    E. Respect thers with bth yur actins and yur wrds.
    F. A gd way t learn respect is t first respect yurself.
    G. It can include intellectual, emtinal and even spiritual aspects.
    Over 48,000 range trees spread all crners f Seville, Spain. They nt nly fill the city's air with the 21 smell f range flwers in spring, but als 22 ver 16,500 tns f fruit every winter. Thugh that gives Seville the 23 f being Eurpe's tp range-prducing city, the fruit is t sur t be 24 fresh. While sme ranges are used t make jam and alchl, mst f them 25 landfills (垃圾填埋场). Oranges are a 26 fr the city. Hwever, that may change sn thanks t an idea f using the ranges t prduce clean energy 27 .
    The prgram is 28 by the city's cuncil and parks department. Juice 29 frm ranges will be left t ferment (发酵) in an existing bigas equipment. The gas released frm the fermented liquid will be used t 30 a machine t prduce clean energy. The fficials think it's nt just abut 31 mney and they say ranges are 32 prducing extra value frm waste.
    In the first perid f a(n) 33 , 1000 kils ranges prduced 50 kWh f clean energy — enugh t 34 the daily electricity needs f five hmes. If it's 35 , by 2023, the city hpes t recycle all the ranges. If all the fruit is 36 , it will prduce enugh energy t pwer as many as 73,000 peple.
    This prject will help t reach the 37 fr reducing pllutin and the fight against climate change. The latest 38 is amng the many plans acrss Spain t 39 the cuntry's gal f switching its electricity system t 40 surces by 2050.
    21. A. pleasantB. natural C. familiarD. strange
    22. A. attractB. distributeC. bearD. cllect
    23. A. mmentB. prideC. stateD. dream
    24. A. prtectedB. sldC. pickedD. cnsumed
    25. A. g back tB. break away frmC. end up inD. give in t
    26. A. prblemB. reliefC. bidD. strength
    27. A. traditinallyB. creativelyC. brieflyD. slightly
    28. A. cnductedB. abandnedC. measuredD. recrded
    29. A. purifiedB. sughtC. btainedD. discvered
    30. A. fixB. driveC. washD. design
    31. A. spendingB. earningC. cuntingD. saving
    32. A. urgentlyB. ccasinallyC. extremelyD. actually
    33. A. experimentB. experienceC. cmpetitinD. perfrmance
    34. A. expandB. satisfyC. surveyD. remve
    35. A. cmplexB. flexibleC. successfulD. simple
    36. A. displayedB. rderedC. eatenD. recycled
    37. A. standardsB. targetsC. cnclusinsD. agreements
    38. A. effrtB. prfC. inventinD. style
    39. A. ppseB. limitC. interruptD. achieve
    40. A. repeatedB. readaptedC. renewableD. reserved
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Nbel Prize is the mst famus hnr in the wrld. The prizes were first awarded n December 10, 1901. That was five years after the death f Alfred Nbel, the 41 (create) f the prizes. Fr many years, prizes were awarded in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. A 42 (six) award fr ecnmics was created in 1968.
    Marie Curie was the first wman 43 (receive) the award, in 1903 in physics. She 44 (share) the award with her husband and anther scientist. In 1911, she was awarded the prize in chemistry. Curie is ne f the nly tw peple ever t win Nbel Prizes in different areas. 45 (surprising), her daughter Irene als wn the Nbel Prize in chemistry. They were the nly mther-daughter pair t have wn the prize.
    The prize cmmittees are made up 46 famus schlars and scientists. Nbel prize winners 47 (chse) very carefully. The vting is tp secret. Prizes are presented t the winners every year n December 10. The prize winners are sme f the mst imprtant peple in the wrld. 48 (win) the award helps them cntinue their wrk. The Nbel Fundatin awards cash, a diplma 49 a gld medal t each prize winner. The cash amunt changes based n 50 it is given t ne individual r shared amng a grup f peple.
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A), 并在其下面写出该加的词。
    删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。
    I have had the pleasure f meeting a nice neighbr since my family mve t the new cmmunity. We usual just wave and say “hi" when we meet. Therefre, an incident changed this. The ther day, a heavier rain hit ur area. With strng winds blwing thrughut the day, a part f his wden fence, abut 6 ft f it, came dwn. When I was wndering what t get it repaired, he gave me a hand. With his help, the fence was fixed quickly. It was kind act by my neighbr and I was tuching by his kindness. I will sn send t him a thank-yu nte.
    1~3 ACD4~7 BDCA8~11 ADCD12~15 ABBD16~20 GDAEB
    二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 共30分)
    21~25 ACBDC26~ 30 ABACB31~35 DDABC36~ 40 DBADC
    41. creatr 42. Sixth 43. t receive 44. Shared 45.Surprisingly
    46. f 47. are chsen 48. Winning/T win 49. And 50. whether
    I have had the pleasure f meeting a nice neighbr since my family mve t the new cmmunity. We usual just
    mved usually
    wave and say “hi" when we meet. Therefre, an incident changed this. The ther day, a heavier rain hit ur area.
    Hwever heavy
    With strng winds blwing thrughut the day, a part f his wden fence, abut 6 ft f it, came dwn. When I
    my feet
    was wndering what t get it repaired, he gave me a hand. With his help, the fence was fixed quickly. It was ^ kind
    hw a
    act by my neighbr and I was tuching by his kindness. I will sn send t him a thank-yu nte.
    Dear Peter,
    Knwing yu're interested in ur cming graduatin activity, I wuld like t share the details with yu.
    The activity is scheduled t take place in ur schl n June 9. T begin with, there will be a ceremny cngratulating all f us n ur graduatin frm high schl. Student representatives will express ur gratitude t the teachers' effrts, parents’ supprt and peers' help. What's mre, a variety f activities will be invlved, including taking phts, recrding vides, writing graduatin wishes, giving away suvenirs and s n. The activity will surely help us reflect n the three years' schl life as well as lk frward t a better jurney in the future.
    Culd yu tell us abut yur graduatin activity?
    Li Hua

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