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    天津市和平区2021届高三下学期第二次质量调查(二模)英语(含答案) 试卷
    天津市和平区2021届高三下学期第二次质量调查(二模)英语(含答案) 试卷01
    天津市和平区2021届高三下学期第二次质量调查(二模)英语(含答案) 试卷02
    天津市和平区2021届高三下学期第二次质量调查(二模)英语(含答案) 试卷03
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    例: Stand ver there yu’ll be able t see it better.
    A. rB. andC. butD. while 答案是 B。
    1. Tu Yuyu was awarded the Nbel Prize, is cnsidered ne f the highest internatinal hnurs a persn can receive.
    A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where
    2. ---Shall we g and see the museum?
    ---N, .
    A. dn’t mentin itB. nt at allC. never mindD. it’s nt wrth it
    3. My neighbur Sana is always sheltering her child t much, and that’s we differ.
    A. whenB. whereC. hwD. what
    4. ---Hw can I find yur brther at the airprt?
    ---Dn’t wrry. He a bard with yur name n it at that time.
    A. has heldB. has been hldingC. will be hldingD. will have held
    5. My friend came arund fr a cup f tea and we having a big meal tgether.
    A. put upB. ended upC. tk upD. brught up
    6.---Mary, I gt lst.
    ---Srry, I a map fr yu.
    A. must have drawn B. shuld draw C. culd drawD. ught t have drawn
    7.---Let’s take a cffee: break.
    --- We have been wrking fr hurs.
    A. Why bther? B. What fr? C. Yu gt me there. D. Yu said it.
    8. We still haven’t gt the spnsr the fact that we’ve written t dzens f cmpanies.
    A. regardless f B. in view f C. in spite fD. n accunt f
    9. I’m nt sure a thank-yu letter is really necessary. , I can’t be bthered t write ne.
    A. AnywayB. Hwever C. ObviuslyD. Besides
    10. The trip aims t prvide the children with a f the cuntryside first-hand.
    A. tasteB. reachC. tuchD. lad
    11.---I heard Mr. Smith is the newly elected president f yur university.
    ---Yes. But with a lt f difficult prblems , he is having a hard time.
    A. settledB. settlingC. t settleD. being settled
    12.---I was wndering whether perhaps yu culd remember the name f the place.
    ---I’m afraid that me fr the mment.
    A. remindsB. puzzlesC. disturbsD. escapes
    13. Many Chinese brands, their reputatins ver centuries, are facing new challenges frm the mdern market.
    A. having develpedB. being develped
    C. develpedD. develping
    14. ---Hi, I’m Peter. Are yu new here? I haven’t seen yu arund.
    ---Hell, Peter. I’m Bb. I just n Mnday.
    A. startB. startedC. have startedD. had started
    15. the cntent f this letter can be cnfidential, security is an issue that yu must address.
    A. AlthughB. SinceC. UnlessD. After
    Tischler and her daughter, Ruby, 6, have a rutine: They place canned gds, nnperishable (不易坏的)fd and tiletries n a lng table n their frnt lawn. They g back int their huse and wait.
    This is Tischler’s Sharing Table. After being 16 . by a magazine article abut a wman wh cllects and 17 essential gds, Tischler created her wn versin f the cmmunity plan.
    The 18 f her table is the same: “Take what yu need, leave what yu can, if yu can.”
    “I just thught it was such an easy yet 19 way t help lcal peple,” Tischler said. Tw Sundays ag, she 20 sme “starter supplies” in the lcal stre t get the Sharing Table 21 . “It als gave me a(n) 22 t clean ut my wn cabinets (储藏柜),” she said. She placed handmade 23 n the table, indicating that everything n it was free.
    With the help f her sister-in-law, Kristine Lenza, Day One f the Sharing Table was “surprisingly successful,” Tischler said.
    Weather 24 , Tischler nw set up the table every day. “Yu dn’t, have t have lst yur jb, yu dn’t have t have had COVID,” she said. “It culd just be that yu need an extra 25 t get yu thrugh the year, r if yur budget is 26 this mnth.”
    The Sharing Table has als taught Tischler’s daughter sme valuable life 27 . “The wrld is s full f 28 and fear right nw and I feel like this is a really psitive way t remind peple we can help each ther and 29 fr ne anther,” Tischler said.
    One Lng Islander 30 ut t Tischler n Facebk, saying she wished she lived clser t the Sharing Table and culd have used sme f the 31 n it.
    Tischler and Ruby packed up a few bags and 32 them t a hme in Lng Island.
    “Nw, seeing families stp by the table is really 33 ,” she said. “A lt f peple arund here are 34 and nt telling anyne ut f pride, nt wanting t ask fr help. It’s really nice t have a cmmunity space where peple are all 35 a hand,” she said. “This is nt smething I’m ding; it’s smething the cmmunity is ding fr the cmmunity.”
    16. A. expectedB. inspiredC. cnvincedD. educated
    17. A. gives awayB. sends utC. sets utD. takes away
    18. A. nticeB. markC. messageD. symbl
    19. A. cmmnB. effectiveC. typicalD. limited
    20. A. dnatedB. prducedC. increasedD. purchased
    21. A. gingB. ladingC. shwingD. wrking
    22. A. changeB. aimC. excuseD. hpe
    23. A. designsB. signalsC. frmsD. signs
    24. A. breakingB. permittingC. prmisingD. appealing
    25. A. upliftB. attentinC. expenseD. effrt
    26. A. availableB. similarC. tightD. mdest
    27. A. testsB. abilitiesC. memriesD. lessns
    28. A. freedmB. anxietyC. riskD. dubt
    29. A. lay utB. set utC. lk utD. put ut
    30. A. sentB. keptC. crssedD. reached
    31. A. itemsB. surcesC. facilitiesD. parts
    32. A. reservedB. deliveredC. rderedD. cllected
    33. A. heartwarmingB. annyingC. impressiveD. shcking
    34. A. fightingB. waitingC. strugglingD. cmplaining
    35. A. wantingB. hldingC. wavingD. lending
    The Arctic has lng fascinated peple acrss the wrld, s it’s n wnder that stries frm this regin have inspired mvies and TV shws. Its frzen landscapes make the perfect setting fr stries f survival, shwcasing hw bth peple and animals adapt t the ice and cld. Here are fur f ur favrite Arctic shws and mvies.
    Nank f the Nrth (1922)
    This silent film frm 1922 is a classic stry f man versus (与…对抗) nature. It tells the stry f an Inuit hunter named Nank “The Bear” and his family as they struggle t survive in the harsh envirnment. Nank f the Nrth is ne f the earliest dcumentaries — althugh sme f the scenes were staged. Viewers are invited t witness hw the Inuit peple live. Audiences als see hw the Inuit cnstruct igls ne blck at a time int icy, dmed structures.
    Balt (1995)
    Based n a true stry, this animated (动画的)mvie takes place when a deadly disease strikes the small twn f Nme, Alaska, in 1925. A half-wlf dg named Balt must lead a sled-dg team acrss the snwy expanse (宽阔区域)t deliver life-saving medicine t the twn’s citizens hundreds f kilmeters away. Balt is nt nly an inspiring true stry but an imprtant lk at the difficulties f Arctic travel and the brave peple — and animals — that are relied n t save the day when peple need them mst.
    Arctic Tale (2007)
    Arctic Tale is a US dcumentary film abut the life f a plar bear and her cubs as well as a walrus and her calves. Ftage (素材)used fr the film was sht ver a 15-year perid. The dcumentary gives an inside lk at hw these.tw Arctic animals grw frm babies int adulthd as they learn hw t hunt and survive in dangerus cnditins. Thrughut the film, the narratr reminds viewers that climate change is melting the Arctic ice and threatening the animals living there.
    Ice Rad Truckers (2007—2017)
    This US reality TV series features truck drivers wh must crss frzen lakes and rivers in remte Arctic land. They risk their lives t deliver much-needed supplies t small twns, diamnd mines and ffshre il rigs (钻塔). The series highlights the dangers f wrking in the Arctic and subarctic (亚北极的), as well as the bravery it takes t battle the icy strms and freezing temperatures.
    36. Why is the Arctic attracted t peple t make films and TV shws?
    A. It has wnderful landscapes fr animals t survive.
    B. Peple and animals find it easy t adapt t the icy cld.
    C. The Arctic prvides ideal backgrund fr survival stries.
    D. Stries abut the Arctic are very ppular with yung peple.
    37. What d audiences knw abut the film “Nank f the Nrth”?
    A. They can catch a glimpse f the Inuit’s daily life.
    B. Little can be knwn abut hw the Inuit build igls.
    C. They can watch several earliest dcumentaries in the film.
    D. Nank tells their stry against nature in tugh envirnment.
    38. Which f the fllwing can best describe Balt (1995)?
    A. It is a make-up but inspiring stry abut a deadly disease.
    B. It is a stry abut hw the Inuit trained dgs t save peple.
    C. Dgs are the nly animals that peple can depend n in the Arctic.
    D. It is an encuraging stry abut Balt5s team vercming difficulties.
    39. Audiences wh are envirnmentalists may be interested in .
    A. Nank f the Nrth (1922)B. Balt (1995)
    C. Arctic Tale (2007)D. Ice Rad Truckers (2007 —2017)
    40. Ice Rad Truckers mainly tells the audiences that .
    A. peple have t crss frzen lakes t wrk in small twns
    B. peple have t risk their lives t get much-needed supplies
    C. driverscan earn sme mney in diamnd mines and ffshre il rigs
    D. drivers need great determinatin t fight against the tugh cnditin.
    Traveling alne can be daunting (令人畏缩的). I have traveled by myself many times but, n every ccasin, there was smene t meet me at the ther end f the bus, train r plane jurney. This time was different.
    Last week I had a hliday, frm wrk, but nne f my friends had the same week ff. I decided that I still wanted t d smething, s I bked a train ride t Trnt and reserved (预订)a bed in a hstel fr ne week.
    One week by myself. Wuld I be lnely? Wuld I be bred? Quite the ppsite. In fact, there are many benefits that cme frm traveling alne. Firstly, I was able t d whatever I wanted. I spent hurs in museums that wuld have seemed bring and dull t sme f my friends. I walked all arund the city, which' sme peple may have fund t exhausting (令人疲惫的). Instead f relying n smene else t remember directins r t suggest activities t d, I discvered my' independence and develped map-reading skills that I didn’t knw I had. I culd get up and g t sleep when I wanted and I didn’t have t wait fr anyne else t shwer and get ready every mrning. Being in the safe envirnment f a hstel with like-minded travelers als gives a great pprtunity t meet new peple frm all ver the wrld, which can help cmbat lneliness.
    In spite f the benefits, I fund that there were als sme disadvantages f traveling alne. I missed having smene t talk t and t bunce (探讨)ideas ff. Experiences are ften mre enjyable if they are shared, and part f the fun f traveling is the memries yu have afterwards. Withut a travel partner, I wn’t be able t laugh abut and remember my Trnt adventure with a friend r family member in years t cme.
    In additin, eating in a restaurant r cking in the hstel was less fun n my wn.
    I am very prud f myself fr traveling alne, and I had a fantastic time in Trnt. Hwever, in the future, I think I will always prefer t travel with anther persn r in a small grup. Thugh, maybe it depends n wh yu travel with I wuld rather be by myself than with smene wh is lazy, difficult and argumentative (好争论的).
    41. What happened t the authr last week?
    A. She traveled alne t Trnt during a wrk vacatin.
    B. She felt lnely away frm hme and missed her family.
    C. She fund smene meeting her during a trip t Trnt.
    D. She made a trip as her friend during the same week t Trnt.
    42. We can learn frm the article that the authr .
    A. finds it bring and dull t visit museums
    B. has already acquired great map-reading skills
    C. believes she culd benefit by traveling alne mre
    D. enjys sharing traveling stries with family and friends
    43. What des the underlined wrd “cmbat” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Learn abut. B. Adapt t.C. Fight against.D. Live with.
    44. What can we knw frm the last 2 paragraphs?
    A. She is prud f cking in a hstel.
    B. She will find it fun t travel with anyne.
    C. She favrs travelling with gd cmpany.
    D. Argumentative travelers1 will be ideal chices.
    45. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the authr?
    A. Optimistic and talkative.B. Humrus and generus.
    C. Ambitius and imaginative.D. Enthusiastic and independent.
    Israeli cmpany Watergen has prduced an appliance that can generate (生产)clean, drinkable water ut f air. The device, called GENNY, is small enugh t be used in a hme r ffice but can generate up t 30 liters f water a day.
    GENNY takes air in and passes it thrugh a filter (过滤器)t remve dust and dirt. The filter is pwerful enugh t wrk even in areas with high air pllutin. The air is directed thrugh GENius, a heating and cling prcess which causes water in the air t cndense (凝结). This water is then passed thrugh several mre filters and minerals are added t imprve the flavr f the water. Finally, the water is stred in a tank where it: is cntinually circulated t keep it fresh. Therefre, the water prduced by GENNY is ften f a higher quality than water running thrugh filtratin systems attached t the city’s water lines.
    The technlgy f GENius is much better than ther technlgies that generate water frm air. It prduces fur t five times mre water per kilwatt-hur. Watergen has ther prducts that use this same technlgy n a larger scale, the largest f which can prduce up t 5,000 liters f water per day.
    As an added bnus, during the water generatin prcess; GENNY can emit clean air which is healthier fr peple t breathe.
    At the 2020 Smart hme mark f Excellence Awards at the Cnsumer Electrnics Shw in Las Vegas, GENNY was named the Energy Efficient Prduct f the Year. The award series recgnize the wrld’s tp high-tech hme prducts.
    As a cmpany, Watergen fcuses n dealing with the glbal water shrtage. Last year, Watergen’s large-scale prducts were dnated t authrities in Brazil, Vietnam and India. They als assisted rescue and recvery effrts during the 2018 Califrnia wildfires and prvided clean, safe water fr the residents f Texas and Flrida in the aftermath f the devastatin caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
    Watergen als seeks t help prtect the envirnment by reducing waste generated by plastic water bttles. Peple are called upn t put the water frm GEENY int reusable bttles s that plastic nes dn’t get used and thrwn away.
    46. What des the authr tell us in Paragraph 2?
    A. Hw high-quality water is prduced.
    B. Air will cndense thrugh cling prcess.
    C. Drinkable water can be gt directly frm air.
    D. Plluted water becmes drinkable thrugh filter.
    47. What des GENNY accmplish by adding minerals t.the water?
    A. It keeps the water fresh.B. It helps kill harmful bacteria.
    C. It makes the water taste better.D. It satisfies lcal water regulatins.
    48. Which f the fllwing can-best describe GENius?
    A. Time-saving.B. Energy-efficient.
    C. Grund-breaking.D. Envirnment-friendly.
    49. What des the underlined wrd “emit” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Blw away.B. Cut dwn. C. Use up.D. Give ff.
    50. What can Watergen d using its large-scale prducts?
    A. Cnsume plastic waste.B. Test water quality glbally.
    C. Respnd t natural disasters.D. Relieve drught in sme cuntries.
    During a visit t the United Arab Emirates, I was invited t speak t cllege students t learn mre abut hw the cuntry is preparing the next generatin fr the future. I met with students wh were required t present their final prjects in a three-minute presentatin t members f the ruling family. Nw, that is pressure. But learning the art f public speaking is n lnger an ptin t succeed in the 21st century; it is fundamental.
    Educatrs wh I have met acrss the Middle East, Eurpe and Asia say that they are elevating the art f public speaking t a cre requirement alng with math and science. Chris Andersn, the curatr(负责人)f TED, encurages schls in the United States t make “presentatin literacy” a requirement in elementary schls. There is a wrinkle, hwever. Accrding t an article in The Atlantic, sme American middle-schl and high-schl students are advcating fr the eliminatin (取消)f mandatry (强制的)in-class, presentatins.
    Their anxiety is real. Psychlgy prfessr Matthew Lieberman writes in bk, “Our brains crave the psitive evaluatin f thers almst t an embarrassing degree.” That’s why mst f us get anxius abut public speaking. Anxiety can turn int full-blwn panic attacks r create lifelng fears.
    As an authr whse bks are used in public speaking classes arund the wrld, I will explain why public speaking skills are mre imprtant than ever. Persuasin --- ne persn cnvincing anther t change their mind --- is nw respnsible fr 25 percent f Americas ttal incme, accrding t Deirdre McClskey at the University f Illinis. The percentage will rise t 40 percent sn, she assured me. It is a terrible idea t reduce public speaking pprtunities in class at a time when students need the skills it can give them t succeed. Tday anyne wh is better at presenting their ideas can see a sudden, massive increase in wealth that is unprecedented in human histry.
    In the age f ideas, public speaking is ne f the greatest skills that students need in rder t learn, grw, and inspire the rest f us t dream bigger. If students enjy the prcess f building the necessary skill set, they will learn t lve public speaking.
    51. What can we learn frm Paragraph 1?
    A. Public speaking is essential in preparing fr the future.
    B. Students dn’t have t chse the curse f public speaking.
    C. The ruling family plays a key rle in judging the presentatin.
    D. Cllege students are under pressure in preparing the intrductin.
    52. What des the underlined wrd in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Simple case. B. New idea.C. Small prblem. D. Strng belief.
    53. Matthew Lieberman is telling us that .
    A. we lng fr the psitive judgment terribly
    B. gd public speaking skills can prmte ur cnfidence
    C. we feel embarrassed when expecting psitive evaluatin
    D. public speaking can make us feel scared rather than anxius
    54. Which f the fllwing is the benefit f public speaking?
    A. It can help persuade thers t change their mind.
    B. Gd speakers can see huge rise in their incme.
    C. It will ffer students skills t make a great success.
    D. It encurages students t live a wealthy life in the future.
    55. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. It scares students t make a speech publicly.
    B. Presentatins is a steppingstne fr student’s future.
    C. We can imprve speaking skills in many effective ways.
    D. Cnfidence in presentatin increases if ne is well prepared.
    阅读短文, 并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
    The stry f Christpher Reeve’s life is ne that is almst impssible t imagine---frm a wildly successful Hllywd career, t the hrrr f life-threatening injury; Reeve experienced bth. Thus, nt nly is he knwn as a superher in the Superman films, but he is als regarded as a superher t many in real life.
    He starred in his first schl play at the age f eight, and was eventually given the lead rle in a Superman film. He starred in fur Superman films frm 1978 t 1987. His rles in these films had given him the pprtunity t be a real-life superman, and he sn gained a reputatin fr raising awareness fr gd causes. He wrked with rganizatins such as Save the Children t help thse mst in need.
    Unfrtunately, in 1995, a disaster struck Reeve. While hrseback riding, he was thrwn ff his hrse and brke his neck. His injuries were s severe that he had n mvement r feeling in his bdy at all and even needed a machine t help him breathe. At first, his dctrs did nt believe that he wuld survive. During this time, Reeve felt like he had lst all hpe. He wished that he was dead and even thught f ending his wn life. He fell int a depressin which lasted fr many mnths. It was nly due t the nging supprt f his wife, parents and friends that he eventually fund the will t live again. Fr the years that fllwed he fcused his attentin n his gal f ne day walking again.
    With a new sense f energy and cmmitment, Reeve undertk an intense exercise prgramme t help him achieve this gal. He engaged in a wide range f exercises designed t rebuild muscle, and made remarkable prgress. Shrtly after, he managed t return t his film career by directing, prducing and even starring in films. He als wrte a bigraphy and returned t his charity wrk. Reeve became a passinate and energetic advcate fr peple with back injuries and disabilities, raising millins f dllars in supprt f medical research. “What I d is based n pwers we all have inside us…and yu dn’t have t be a ‘superman’ t d it.” His psitive attitude inspired many peple wh were stuck in illness.
    56. Accrding t the passage, what experience made Christpher Reeve special? (n mre than 15 wrds)
    57. Befre he gt injured, what did Reeve d that made him a superman utside the film? (n mre than 15 wrds)
    58. What des Para mainly tell us? (n mre than 15 wrds)
    59. What des the underlined sentence in the last paragraph tell us?(n mre than 20 wrds)
    60. What qualities, d yu think, make a superman? Please give yur pinin. (n mre than 25 wrds)
    Hell, James and friends.

    第一、二部分 (Key t 1-55)
    1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A
    11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D
    21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.D
    31.A 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.D
    41.A 42.D 43.C 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.C
    51.A 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.B
    Sme pssible answers:
    56. He was very successful in Hllywd career and had a life-threatening injury.
    或: He had a very successful Hllywd career and a life-threatening injury.
    或: His very successful Hllywd career and life-threatening injury.
    57. He raised awareness fr gd causes and wrked with rganizatins t d charity.
    58. (With a new sense f energy and cmmitment, )Reeve became a superman again.
    或: Reeve made prgress in recvery and returned t his care and charity wrk.
    59. Reeve’s inner spirit and strength helped him vercme the difficulties.
    或: It was Reeve’s spirit and strength inside him that helped him vercme the difficulties.
    或: Reeve’s cmmitment and energy helped him vercme the difficulties(achieve his gal/return t his nrmal life/t be successful again/t be a superman again/t return t his career and charity wrk).
    或: He tk advantage f his spirit and inner strength t vercme difficulties.

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