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    这是一份山东省德州市禹城市2020-2021学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(word版有答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,Annie A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (满分∶150 分 时间∶120 分钟)
    2.请将选择题答案用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡指定题号里;将非选择题的答案用 0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。
    一、听力测试(共 25小题,1-20 小题,每小题1分;21-25 小题,每小题2 分,总计30 分;
    每小题约有 8秒钟的答题时间)
    (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(5 分)
    1.A. Sure. Here yu are B. Thank yu. C. Yu are welcme.
    's true. B. It's a gd idea. C. That's great news!
    3.A. Oh,srry. B. Yu have gt n chance! C. That's n excuse.
    4.A. It's cl. B. I dn't agree C. Sure, n prblem.
    5.A. S am I. B. Nice wrk! C. What is it?
    (二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。(3 分)
    (三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5分)
    9.Wh des the wman buy a jacket fr?
    A. Her daughter. B. Her sn. C. Her husband.
    10.Hw des the man g t Dngting Lake?
    A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By train.
    11.What's the wman ging t d during the summer hliday?
    A. T stay at hme. B. T study at schl. C. T wrk as a vlunteer.
    12. Why des the wman feel tired?
    A. She needs a rest.
    B. She went rck-climbing last night.
    C. She was t excited t sleep well last night.
    13. Why can't the wman get gd marks in histry?
    A. She desn't like histry. B. She can't remember the dates. C. She desn't wrk hard.
    (四)录音中有一段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(4 分)
    14. What's the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Neighbrs. C.A cuple.
    15. When will the wman hld a party?
    A. This Saturday evening. B. This Saturday afternn. C. This Sunday afternn.
    16. Where des the wman live?
    A. Acrss the street.B. At the end f the street.C. Next t the man's huse.
    17. Why will the wman hld a party?
    A. T celebrate Christmas.B. T thank the new neighbrs.C. T get t knw the new neighbrs.
    (五)录音中有三小段独白,听独白两遍后,根据独白内容,将信息配对。(3 分)
    18.Annie A. tell Dris whether t play basketball r nt.
    19.Bill B. talk abut the papers instead f ging fishing with Jill.
    20. Michelle C.give Martin sme suggestins n hw t run the cmpany.
    (六)听力填表(共 5 小题;录音播放前,你有 20 秒钟的读题时间)。(10 分)录音中有一篇短文,是 Wendy 去成都前发给 Mr.Thmpsn 的一段信息。因为首次见面,Wendy 向 Mr.Thmpsn 介绍了自己的相关情况。听短文两遍后,请你根据表格内容提示,记录 Wendy 的相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)。
    二、阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题 2.5分,计 50 分)
    阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
    My name is Sam.I jined a club called"passing help"last mnth. Nw let me tell yu why I jined it.
    One evening this May,n my way hme my ld car brke dwn(出故障).It was 25 miles frm my hme.I wanted t get a ride,but there was n car.I als wanted t take a taxi.But it was als hard t take a taxi.I decided t take a bus hme.I went t a bus stp nearby.
    After a while,a bus came,but it did nt g t my twn. The bus driver was a yung wman.She was kind and she tld me which bus I shuld take.I waited there fr abut thirty minutes,but n bus came.At last a car came t me and a wman came ut f the car. She was just the bus driver.
    "When I reached the bus statin,I gt t knw that the bus t yur twn culdn't cme, s I returned here. I just can't leave yu here,"she said,"Get in my car and I will take yu back t yur hme.""It is a lng way."I said.
    "Cme n,sir,"she said, "Let's g."
    On the way she tld me a stry.A few days ag,there wasn't gas(汽油)in her car.An ld man drve her up t a gas statin and then back t her car.
    When we gt t my hme,I wanted t give her sme mney t thank her,but she didn't accept."I nly want t help thers and d smething nice fr smebdy.Pass it a- lng."She said.
    26. What happened t Sam ne evening this May?
    A. He lst his way. B. His car brke dwn.
    C. He was hurt in an accident. D. He culdn't reach the gas statin.
    27.Sam didn't think f ging hme _____that evening.
    A. by train B. by bus C. by car D. by taxi
    28.Frm the passage,we knw that the yung wman was ____.
    A. a club bss B.a taxi driver C.a bus driver D. a gas statin wrker
    29.The yung wman wanted Sam t___.·
    A.give her sme mney B.get n her car
    C. take her t her huse D.help thers just as she did
    30.The best title(题目)f the passage is,___
    A.A kind ld man B.Getting a ride C.Passing help D.A brken car
    Welcme t Dacheng Cinema n Yur Summer hlidays!
    Finding Nem
    Directr: Jhn Lasseter
    Stars:Bnnie Hunt/Paul Newman/ Pete Wilsn
    Language: English
    Nem is ready fr his first day at schl.Marlin desn't want him t g, but allws him
    t g day,Nem is caught by a man.Marlin tries t save his sn, Nem...
    This mvie is s fun t watch!The cute fish has wn the hearts f yung peple all ver the wrld.
    Time:16:00-17:30; 17:45-19:15 (Mnday~ Friday) Price¥15
    The Adventures f Tinin:The Secret f the Unicrn
    Directr: Steven Spielberg
    Stars: Jamie Bell,Andy Serkis,Daniel Craig Language: English
    In the film, Yung reprter Tintin,his dg Snwy, and his friend Captain Had dck discvered a secret abut a mdel ship. Then they began a dangerus trip fr treasure...
    Time:9:30-11:00;14:00-15:30 (Mnday~ Friday) Price: ¥8
    Havc in Heaven
    Art Directr: Zhang Guangyu Language:Chinese
    It's a Chinese cartn, als translated as
    Uprar n Heaven. The stry is based n the nvel.Jurney t the West. The main character is Sun Wukng, the Mnkey King, wh fights against the Emperr f heaven.
    It is ppular amng yung and ld peple.
    Time: 10.00-11:40;13:30-15:10(Tuesday-Sunday) Price ¥ 10
    The Peanuts Mvie
    Directr: Steve Martin
    Stars: Nah Schnapp, Bill Melendez,Hadley Belle Miller Language: English
    Charlie Brwn, Snpy, and the whle
    gang are back in a heartwarming stry. Charlie Brwn falls in lve with a girl with red the same time, Snpy is writing a lve stry abut his cntinuing battles with The Red Barn..
    Time:15:00-16:20;17:30-18:50(Friday~ Sunday) Price:¥ 12
    31.Steven Spielberg is the directr f__
    A. Finding Nem B. Havc in Heaven
    C. The Adventures f Tintin D. The Peanuts Mvie
    32.If Tm is free afterl5:00 n Sunday,,which film can he watch?
    B. Havc in Heaven A. Finding Nem
    C. The Adventures f Tintin D. The Peanuts Mvie
    33.If Jack wants t see a film in Chinese,he shuld chse ___.
    A. Finding Nem B. Havc in Heaven
    C. The Adventures f Tintin D. The Peanuts Mvie
    34.Lingling wants t see tw films n Mnday.She shuld pay__fr them.
    A.27 B.25 C.23 D.18
    35. This article is a ____.
    A.leaflet(宣传页)fr films B. survey(调查报告)f films
    C.questinnaire(调查问卷)fr bks D. cver(封面)f a bk
    Our mind may frget things as we get lder,but there are sme things that ur heart will never frget.
    Melvyn and Dris have been married fr 60 years.Three years ag,Melvyn gt Alzheimer's disease(阿尔茨海默病).Since then,36 it hasn't been easy fr Dris because Melyyn ften frgets things like where he is,what day it is and wh his wife is.
    On the day befre Mther's Day,Melvyn went missing.Dris called the plice immediately.When Try Dillard fund Melvyn,he was three kilmeters away frm his huse.When he ffered t drive Melvyn hme,he refused(拒绝).He said he was ging t a stre t buy sme flwers fr his wife fr Mther's Day,just like he had dne every year since they had their first child. He wanted t surprise Dris s he didn't tell her. Try Dillard was tuched by Melvyn's determinatin(决心).He decided t help Mel- vyn.He tk Melvyn t a flwer stre and he even paid fr the flwers.
    Melvyn's flwers made a very sweet surprise fr his wife."When I saw him walk- ing up with thse flwers in hand,I was mved t tears because I thught' Oh he went there t get me flwers because he lves me,'"said Dris.She tld reprters,"It's special,because althugh the mind desn't remember everything,the heart remembers. Thank yu! Thank yu! Because I saw his heart!"
    36.What des the underlined wrd"it"(in paragraph 2)refer t?
    A. Lking fr Melvyn. B. Life with Melvyn.
    C. Remembering Melvyn. D. Making meals fr Melvyn.
    37. What des Try Dillard prbably d?
    A. A dctr. B. A pliceman. C. A stre manager. D. A flwer seller.
    38.What did Try Dillard first d after he fund Melvyn?
    A. He drve Melvyn hme. B. He called Melvyn's wife.
    C.He tk Melvyn t a flwer stre. D.He tk Melvyn t his wn hme.
    39.Which sentence BEST describes hw Dris felt at the end f the passage?
    A. She was angry. B. She was srry. C. She was excited. D. She was wrried.
    40.What's the BEST title fr the passage?
    A.A lucky wife. B. A careless man. C. A helpful man. D. A sweet surprise.
    Are yu smetimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternn? Many peple feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause f the sleepiness. Or,in summer,they may think it is the heat. Hwever,the real reasn lies inside their bdies. At that time—abut eight hurs after yu wake up—yur bdy temperature ges dwn. This is what makes yu slw dwn and feel sleepy.
    Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments(实验)where there was n night r day.The peple in these experiments almst always fllwed a similar(相似的)sleeping pattern(模式).They slept fr ne lng perid and then fr ne shrt perid abut eight hurs later.
    In many parts f the wrld,peple take naps in the middle f the day.This is especially true in warmer climates, where the heat makes wrk difficult in the early afternn.Researchers are nw saying that naps are gd fr everyne in any climate.A daily nap gives ne a mre rested bdy and mind and therefre is gd fr health in general.In cuntries where naps are traditinal,peple ften suffer(遭受)less frm prblems such as heart disease.Many wrking peple,unfrtunately,have n time t take naps. Thugh dctrs may advise taking naps,emplyers d nt allw it!
    If yu d have the chance,hwever,here are a few tips abut making the mst f yur nap.Remember that the best time t take a nap is abut eight hurs after yu get up.A shrt sleep t late in the day may nly make yu feel mre tired and sleepy after- ward.This can als happen if yu sleep fr t lng.If yu d nt have enugh time,try a shrt nap—even ten minutes f sleep can be helpful.
    41. Why d yu smetimes feel sleepy in the early afternn?
    A. Because it's very ht in summer.
    B.Because yu eat t much fr lunch.
    C.Because yu didn't have a gd sleep last night.
    D.Because yur bdy temperature ges dwn at that time.
    42. What advice des the writer give n taking a nap?
    A.If yur time is limited(有限的),a shrt nap can als help.
    B.Only peple in warmer climate need t take a nap.
    C.Yu'd better take a nap abut an hur after yu have lunch.
    D.Yu can sleep as lng as yu like s that yu wn't feel tired r sleepy.
    43.What can we learn abut"naps"accrding t the third paragraph?
    A.Dctrs need t take naps while emplyers(雇员)dn't.
    B.Taking naps is helpful fr peple's health in spring and summer.
    C.If yu take naps every day, yu'll have less risk f heart disease.
    D.All the peple in warmer climates take naps in the middle f the day.
    44.What can we infer(推断)frm the passage?
    A.Yu will feel less sleepy if yu sleep fr a lng time.
    B.Taking a nap whenever yu want will d gd t yur health.
    C.If yu get up at 6:30 am,yu'd better take a nap at abut 2:30 pm.
    D.Sleeping fr eight hurs and yu'll feel sleepy a shrt perid later.
    45. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Just Fr a Rest.
    B. All Fr a Nap.
    C. A Special Sleep Pattern.
    D. Taking Naps in Warmer Climate.
    三、短文还原(共 5 空,每空 2 分,计 10 分)
    Have yu had a headache during a test? Have yu ever been s wrried abut sme- thing that yu have a headache r even can't sleep at night? If s,then yu knw what stress(压力)is.(46)_This wrry in yur mind can make yur bdy feel bad.Yu may feel angry,sad,scared,r afraid—all f which can give yu a stmachache r a headache.
    Hwever,there are different kinds f stress.(47)____ Gd stress might hap- pen when yu're called t answer questins in class r when yu have t give a speech.(48)___ Fr example,yu may d a better jb n yur test if the stress pushes yu t prepare better befre the test.
    On the ther hand,bad stress can happen if the stress lasts t lng.Yu may nt feel well if yur parents are fighting,if a family member is sick,if yu're having prblems at schl,r if anything else makes yu unhappy every day.That kind f stress isn't ging t help yu.(49)___.
    The best way t fight the stress is t have a balanced(平衡的)life.(50)_____If yu get enugh sleep and eat prperly,and if yu exercise and leave time fr fun,yu'll prbably feel less stressed.
    And it can actually make yu sick.
    B. If yu have a headache,dn't wrry.
    C. Sme kinds f stress are gd and thers are bad.
    D.This kind f stress can help yu t get things better dne.
    E.Stress is what yu feel when yu are wrried abut smething.
    F.Make sure yu keep yurself in mind: sleep,exercise,and fd.
    四、综合填空(共 20 空,每空 1.5 分,计 30 分)
    阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给 11个词中选择 10 个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。
    befre, interest, prblem,never,eye, after, tired,I, lud, ne, bad
    A man was sitting in the dctr's ffice.He was telling the dctr abut his 51._."I like ftball,Dctr."He said,"Please life has 53.been a gd ne since I became 54.____ in ftball and it is getting wrse and 55.____.I can't even get away frm it in my sleep. When I clse my 56.__,I'm ut there in the ftball field and running 57.____a flying ball. When I wake up,I'm mre 58.___ than I was befre I went t bed.What am I ging t d?"The dctr sat back and said,"59.___ f all,yu have t d yur best nt t dream abut ftball. Befre yu fall asleep,try t think abut smething else. Try t think that yu are at a party and smene is ging t give yu several millin dllars."" Are yu crazy(疯了)?"the man shuted 60.___,"I'll miss the ball !"
    阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给 11个动词中选择 10 个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化(可添加助动词或者情态动词),填入空白处。
    knw,make, give,say,see, hear, reach,watch,cme, want,lk
    Recently, a shrt vide has been ppular with Chinese—"Wh is Peppa?". The vide revlves(围绕)arund the questin "Wh is Peppa?" and tells a tuching stry.
    An ld man 61._frward t his sn and
    his family at the mment,because he wants t spend the cming Spring Festival with them.The ld man calls his sn and wants t knw what his grandsn,wh is called Tiantian,wants fr present.Tiantian tells his grandfather that he 62.____Peppa. The grandfather asks wh Peppa is but he can't63._the answer because f his brken phne.
    Fr the fllwing days,64._ wh Peppa is,the ld man has asked many peple.Finally,a wman wh has been wrking in Beijing describes what Peppa lks like—a blwing machine(鼓风机).Then the ld man spends a lt f time 65.___"Peppa".In the end,he travels thusands f miles and 66._____ the present t his grandsn. The whle family are mved .
    The shrt vide encurages peple wrking utside 67.__back hme ften and t spend a happy and warm Spring Festival hliday with family members.
    "After 68.____the vide,I want t g t my hmetwn immediately.I have nt seen my family fr almst ne year, and I miss them very much,"said an Internet user Yu Xiajia.
    "The imprtance f family is shwn in the Peppa Pig cartn.It will deeply resnate(共鸣)with Chinese audiences."69.____Zhang Dapeng,directr f the film.
    Many freign nline users have said that the vides are the mst heartwarming nes they 70.___ in recent years,as it makes them miss their wn grandparents,wh may have died.
    五、阅读表达(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。
    Lk arund when yu're n a subway.What's the mst ppular time-killing activity? In China,many peple play n their cell phnes.But in ther cuntries,many peple enjy reading. Chinese peple read an average(平均)f 4.5 bks this year,accrding t a recent survey.While a US citizen(市民)reads 21 a year and a Japanese reads 17, accrding t UNESCO(联合国教科文组织).
    Reading bks builds a bridge between ur life and the unknwn wrld. In many freign cuntries,peple read at any time. Even backpackers(背包客)enjy reading bks when they're n a break at the beach,r relaxing frm a hike.
    Many htels abrad als ffer the bk exchange(交换)fr visitrs.Simply drp ff yur finished bks and take thse that thers have left behind.
    In mst US middle schls, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks. Mst bks are easy t read,like yuth nvels. Sme schls then hld cmpetitins by asking students details(细节)f a bk.
    74.Gd reading habits lead yu t a lifelng lve f bks.
    In rder t encurage peple t read mre,China's planning t fster(鼓励)the habit f reading in its law.Althugh this has bth gd and bad sides,it can be seen as a way t develp ne's reading habits. What can we d t fster gd reading habits?
    Read in shrt perids. Ten minutes n the way t and frm schl,10 minutes waiting fr friends,15 minutes befre ging t sleep.That ttals 45 minutes per day,a- but five hurs per week.
    Make yur wn reading list. Yur list can be the best-selling bks n famus websites like The New Yrk Times r Dangdang.cm,r bks yur teacher recmmends(推荐).
    Talk abut yur reading with yur family r friends.
    71.American teachers give students yuth nvels t read every few weeks.((判断正误T r F)
    72.The average number f bks that Americans read is____ this year.
    73. What d many htels abrad als ffer fr visitrs?
    74.Please translate the underlined sentence int Chinese.
    75.Please list ne piece f yur advice n develping gd reading habits.(开放性题目)
    六、书面表达(共 1 题,计 20 分)
    3.词数 80—100 词左右。(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
    As middle schl students,it's very imprtant fr us t be independent.

    I think if we keep n ding these,we'll becme mre and mre independent.

    山东省禹城市2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份山东省禹城市2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题,共10页。

    山东省德州市禹城市2021-2022学年九年级下学期第二次练兵考试英语试题 及答案: 这是一份山东省德州市禹城市2021-2022学年九年级下学期第二次练兵考试英语试题 及答案,文件包含九年级二练试题docx、二练答案3docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    山东省德州市禹城市2021-2022学年九年级下学期第二次练兵考试英语试题(含答案无听力): 这是一份山东省德州市禹城市2021-2022学年九年级下学期第二次练兵考试英语试题(含答案无听力),文件包含九年级二练试题docx、二练答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。







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