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    这是一份Z20(浙江省新高考研究联盟)2021届高三清北班尖子生1月第二次学程模拟检测英语试题word版(原卷版+解析版)(无听力音频,无文字材料),文件包含Z20浙江省新高考研究联盟2021届高三清北班尖子生1月第二次学程模拟检测英语试题原卷版doc、Z20浙江省新高考研究联盟2021届高三清北班尖子生1月第二次学程模拟检测英语试题解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a stre. B. At a gym. C. At hme.
    2. Hw will David get t the club?
    A. By car. B. By train. C. By bike.
    3. What is Jane studying?
    A. Bilgy. B. Chemistry. C. Calligraphy.
    4. What is the man ding?
    A. Buying an air cnditiner.
    B. Returning an air cnditiner.
    C. Fixing an air cnditiner.
    5. Hw des the wman prbably feel?
    A. Excited. B. Annyed. C. Puzzled.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Hw many peple will be travelling?
    A. Fur. B. Three. C. Tw.
    7. When will the man leave fr Seattle?
    A. This Wednesday. B. Next Mnday. C. Next Wednesday.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Buying a present. B. Attending a cncert. C. Planning a birthday party.
    9. What will the speakers d later?
    A. See a mvie. B. Read a nvel. C. Meet up with Jane.
    10. Where is Lisa?
    A. Liverpl. B. Lndn. C. Paris.
    11. What kind f peple des Lndn Week need?
    A. Reprters. B. Sales representatives. C. Advertisers.
    12. Hw much did Lisa earn mnthly in her last jb?
    A. 3,500 punds. B. 3,000 punds. C. 2,500 punds.
    13. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Gd friends. B. Fellw students. C. Rmmates.
    14. When did Sarah start cllege?
    A. A year ag. B. Three mnths ag. C. A week ag.
    15. Why des Ricky want t mve?
    A. He wants yunger cmpany.
    B. He wants t be nearer cllege.
    C. He desn’t get alng with the hst family.
    16. What will Ricky prbably d next?
    A. Visit a teacher. B. Hang ut with friends. C. Give Jhn a phne call.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A cach.
    18. When will the students leave fr the museum?
    A. 6:30. B. 7:45. C. 8:00.
    19. What will the students d at 1:15?
    A. See a film. B. Meet at a cafe. C. Visit a gallery.
    20. Where can the students find mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm teachers. B. Frm a website. C. Frm a bk.
    It is an hnr fr me t deliver this speech and n behalf f the graduating students, welcme yu t this special ceremny 2020.
    This is a unique mment. We are stepping up t anther phase f ur lives at a time f great hardship and glbal difficulties. Hpe this ceremny will help erase sad memries, refresh beautiful nes and add mre splendid memries int ur lives.
    I was brn in the middle f war, which caused my family t mve t Serbia fr three years. When the war ended, we returned t Bsnia. My mther, wh is and will ever be my herine, was the nly figure wh guided me, prvided fr me and kept me n the right track, in the hpe fr a better life. I wed her s much as she is respnsible fr huge part f my success. I will always remember her teachings “t cmplain less and always find slutins at the price f whatever it takes” , which brught me t China, an ancient land f new hpes.
    During the COVID-19 utbreak, I gt the best pprtunity t understand China. I saw millins f peple united with ne gal-t win the battle against this epidemic. I have never seen such a cllective dedicatin frm a natin, turning things fr the better by sacrificing persnal cnvenience n a grand scale. China's gvernance and health care system prves t be ne f the mst efficient in the wrld. With a ppulatin f 1.4 billin, China nt nly has successfully cntrlled the transmissin f the crna-virus but als assisted many ther cuntries acrss the glbe.
    Everyne has a rle t play in the battle against the virus. In Tsinghua, I played a tiny but necessary rle: Staying n campus, studying nline, cperating during temperature checks and respecting scial distancing measures. The rules set by the university and Chinese gvernment had everyne's health and safety as first pririty. This made me feel safe and cnfident that China was n the right track twards victry. Thrughut this time, despite the immense challenges, Tsinghua has facilitated many nline cnferences, which helped me nurture mre skills in my field f study.
    Friends, we are nw graduating frm ne f the wrld’s mst prestigius universities. Tsinghua has been like a mther t us ver the past mnths and years, guiding and nurturing us alng the way, prviding us with great visin and placing n us high expectatins. S what cmes next? Actins speak luder than wrds. Let us accept new challenges, think beynd ur limits and keep in mind the ethics f life.
    Let's undertake everything we can fr the sake f unity, humanity and the internatinal cmmunity. Let's wrk tgether fr a mre prmising future and prsperus wrld.
    1. In the authr's eyes, the special ceremny 2020 shuld
    A. be a unique mment t murn the sacrificed
    B. be a time t wave a heartfelt gdbye t adversities
    C. be a mment t pen a new chapter f life
    D. be a glrius time t embrace a beautiful past
    2. Which statement is true accrding t the passage?
    A. The authr came t China s as t escape frm wars
    B. The authr witnessed hw the riginal virus spread swiftly
    C. The authr was requested t supply medical aid t the fight against COVID-19
    D. Owing t dzens f timely measures,China had a ideal cntrl f the virus
    3. What impressed the authr during her stay in Tsinghua?
    A. The strict rules f the gvernment.
    B. The jint cmmitment f the natin.
    C. The harsh circumstance in China.
    D. The great transfrmatin f the schl.
    It never ccurred t me when I was little that gardens were anything less than glamrus places. Granddad’s garden was n the bank f a river and slped gently dwn twards the water. Yu culdn’t reach the river but yu culd hear the sund f the water and the birds that sang in the trees abve. I imagined that all gardens were like this—a place f escape, peace and slitude. Granddad’s plt was nthing ut f the rdinary when it came t features. He had nthing as grand as a greenhuse, unlike sme f his neighbrs. Nt that they had prper “bught” greenhuses. Theirs were made frm ld windw frames. Patches f plastic wuld be tacked in place where a carelessly wielded spade had smashed a pane f glass.
    At hme, his sn, my father, culd be quiet and withdrawn. I wuldn’t want t make him sund humrless. He wasn’t. Silly things wuld amuse him. He had phrases that he liked t use, “It’s immaterial t me” being ne f them. “I dn’t mind” wuld have dne just as well but he liked the wrd “immaterial.” I realize that, deep dwn, he was prbably disappinted that he hadn’t made mre f his life. He left schl withut qualificatins and became apprenticed t a plumber. Plumbing was nt smething he was passinate abut. It was just what he did. He was never particularly ambitius, thugh there was a mment when he and Mum thught f emigrating t Canada, but it came t nthing. Where he came int his wn was arund the huse. He had an “eye fr the jb.” Be it bkshelves r a cupbard—what he culd achieve was astnishing.
    Of the three ptins, mrs, wds r river—the river was the ne that usually gt my vte. On a stretch f the river I was allwed t disappear with my imaginatin int anther wrld. With a fishing net ver my shulder I culd set ff in sandals that were last year’s mdel, with the frnts cut ut t accmmdate tes that were nw right t the end. I’d walk alng the river bank lking fr a suitable spt where I culd take ff the painful sandals and leave them with my picnic while I ventured ut, tentatively, peering thrugh the water fr any fish that I culd scp up with the net and take hme. After the first disastrus attempts t keep them alive in the back yard, they were tipped back int the water.
    I wanted t leave schl as sn as pssible but that seemed an unlikely prspect until ne day my father annunced, “They’ve gt a vacancy fr an apprentice gardener in the Parks Department. I thught yu might be interested.” In ne brief mment Dad had gne against his better judgment. He might still have preferred it if I became a carpenter. But I like t feel that smewhere inside him was a feeling that things might just turn ut fr the best. Maybe I’m deceiving myself, but I prefer t believe that in his heart, althugh he hated gardening himself, he’d watched me ding it fr lng enugh and nticed my unfailing passin fr all things that grew and flwered and fruited.
    4. What is the writer’s attitude t his father in the secnd paragraph?
    A. He was regretful that his father had nt achieved mre.
    B. He was irritated that his father used wrds he didn’t understand.
    C. He was sympathetic t the reasns why his father behaved as he did.
    D. He was grateful that his father had nt taken the family t Canada.
    5. What des the writer mean by the underlined phrase “came int his wn”?
    A. was able t d smething by himself
    B. was able t shw his talents flat ut
    C. was able t cntinue his day jb
    D. was able t frget his failure
    6. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. The writer felt irritated that the garden was less enchanting
    B. The writer was an excellent fisherman fr his gift
    C. Arund the huse lied the father’s dream f being carpenter
    D. The fishing trip illustrated the writer’s carefree childhd.
    7. What is the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. His father is unsure abut his sn’s future
    B. His father was tired f giving way t his sn.
    C. His father had been impressed by his sn’s lve f gardening.
    D. His father had been trying t find a jb his sn wuld enjy.
    The ther day, wandering abut the furniture stre, I sptted a set f brwn sfas. Big and cmfrtable as they were,a sigh f cmprmise was seemingly destined t flat acrss.I said t my ex-sweetheart, “I’m buying them fr yu, as a wedding gift.” He gaped at me in astnishment,sputtering “Nnsense.” Such an bvius cver-up that even I culd see, but he prbably had nthing else t d and nthing t say ther than that.Actually, he didn’t knw that I wasn’t gambling r mcking him intentinally. I really wanted t buy smething fr him.Frm 1999 t 2006, seven years f time, lving this persn seemed t have becme a part f my wn bdy. It was a natural existence and smetimes culd nt even be felt, admittedly, but when it really came t the time f breaking up there will be reluctance, pain, and the impulse t cry.
    Memries carried me, flying t the time when the sky was s blue, the trees were s green, everything seemed like it was singing. On the surface saying that I dare nt dream f ‘frever', I was nly purpsely making a stand.Miss lng unreal dream, camuflage lng heart hurts.
    I still have many mre wrds t say t him, “If ne day yu can’t g n, cme and see me, I’ll wait.” Bury the seeds in his heart, make him feel guilty, and let him always think f my gd.Let him knw that he still has a way t g back, s he will never feel grievance.When the pprtunity arises, the seed will take rt and germinate, and then I will harvest it.But I als want t say t him, “Since yu decided t get married, dn’t think abut the past, cncentrate n life.” It’s much easier t integrate int the mainstream, apprved lifestyle.
    Life and death are the mst tragic pems. Life and death and parting are majr events, which are beynd ur cntrl. Hw small we are cmpared t the utside wrld! But we say, “I want t be with yu frever, and I will never be separated frm yu all my life.” As if we were the masters.At this pint tday, I have n cmplaints, because I have already realized, harbring the mindset f “One mre day is als smething”. The happiness f these years was stlen, and nw it is time t return them.I dn’t want t pint ut that this sciety is unfair, what’s the use?I have always been a cwardly persn.
    Clearly s tired, yet lying in bed I will fall int a half-asleep and half-awake state, feeling drwsy. Occasinally I hear a lud vice, r suddenly think f him. When I remember the past, my whle bdy immediately wakes up and can't help thinking abut things. I can't sleep anymre. I keep my eyes pen until dawn.I dn't blame him, really. Just, uncuntable regrets and feelings ccupied.
    We haven't talked abut the future in depth. Many things, needless t say, are t clear. I knw what kind f persn he is. I knw that he will definitely get married in the future. It was dmed frm the beginning.
    He is a sphisticated man wh will nt cnfrnt himself with the whle custm. If there are n eyes frm the utside wrld, maybe we culd have gne n quietly. But there will always be sme gssip. The higher the psitin, the mre attentin they will receive.Mre than anyne else in the wrld, I eagerly hpe that he will be happy. But, remembering that I have n share in this happiness, I still feel very sad.
    Peple ften say that time is the greatest, everything will be wiped ut by it, whether it's happiness r sadness, everything will eventually pass in the end.I can nly mve frward slwly. Maybe many years later, I will recall all kinds f things tday. At that time, I may have smene else in my heart.Maybe I'm still waiting, but I wn't remember why I persevered.Or maybe, he has cme back t me.Frm mrning t night, frm the mment f lve, the ending shuld have been predicted. The wrld praises lve, but never admits lve.
    D see the peple cming and ging in the streets, each f whm is in a hurry. They encunter, but nly give glimpses indifferently. N ne can see the stry behind thers Never d yu knw if there was als smene like mine nailing t it?Maybe they even hardly cares.
    8. Which is the basic reasn why the authr mentined the happy days in Paragraph 2 ?
    A. T create emtin cnflictsB. T reverse the circumstance
    C. T ridicule his ex-sweetheartD. T memrize the glden days
    9. What kind f peple is the authr accrding t the whle passage?
    A. rmantic but spiltB. crafty and cld-hearted
    C emtinal and delicateD. self-esteemed and curageus
    10. What can yu infer frm the passage?
    A. The authr is likely t get ut f the dilemma and start a new life.
    B. The gssip and prejudice frm the sciety frced them t separate
    C. The authr actually hped his ex-sweetheart a dull and frustrated life
    D. The authr’ behavir has stricken a chrd with the individuals like him.
    11. What des the last tw paragraphs actually cnvey?
    A. If equal affectin cannt be, let the mre lving be me.
    B At the tuch f lve everyne becmes a philspher.
    C. I am awaiting yu till the halt f the darkness and burden.
    D. N ne can I share my srrw and the wrld is wrthless.
    The 19th century is the century f greatest transfrmatin in the histry f Western civilizatin. The French revlutin brke up the erstwhile lder f Eurpe. With the ecnmic advances, almst all ver Eurpe, the middle class established their effective rule, with mnarchs1 having less pwer. The great plitical events caused great scial and ecnmic changes which accunted fr scial custms’ cmprmises and revlutins.
    The great scial chas and urban pverty brught abut by the scial and ecnmic changes created severe prblems t which the plitical leaders reacted in many ways. They called fr vting rights, freedm f speech, wanted demcratic institutin and s n.
    During 1830s and 1840s, the refrmers led several revlutins, but all suffered setbacks. Thus fllwed a time f lss f hpe, and brught abut revulsin against Rmanticism. The need was felt fr a return t what was plain and real. The tendency arused empathy with an increasing number f the civilized, triggering an cean f critical cmments n this era.
    After the great wave f the internatinal rmantic mvement which used idyllic language t appreciate the shimmering brightness buried deep inside, representing a slave r defender fr the dull literature wrld had spent its frce in the furth decade f the 19th century, Eurpe literature mved in the directin f realism. Realism is bradly cnsidered the beginning f mdern art. Literally, this is due t its cnvictin that everyday life and the mdern wrld were suitable subjects fr art. Philsphically, Realism embraced the prgressive aims f mdernism, seeking new truths thrugh the reexaminatin and verturning f traditinal systems f values and beliefs.
    The realists wanted a truthful representatin in their wrks f cntemprary life. They thught f their methd as bservatinal and bjective. “A nvel is a mirrr walking alng the rad,” said ne writer.
    If rmanticism allws full play t the imaginatin and stress lve f beauty and interest in the past, the realists fcus n the real and plain life. Its language is usually simple, clear and direct, while the tne was ften cmic, frequently satiric. One f the pineers was prbably Charles Dickens.Thrughut his nvels,he addressed scial issues f his time f prstitutin in that perid,lack f prfessinal pprtunities fr the less privileged,demand fr humane treatment fr the insane,the injustice f prisn,and indictments against the rapidly cnventinal,pursue-prved middle class.Against these dilemmas,the authr grups als ffered the intuitive wisdm f the genuineness f the sciety.
    The perid f realism in English literature crrespnds rughly t the latter half f the reign f Queen Victria (1837-1900). This is the perid when England was at the peak f its pwer, rapidly grwing int a strng, industrialized natin. In spite f its stable gvernment and greatly increased ppulatin, the cuntry suffered severe ecnmic depressin. A revlt began against ptimism that had characterized the early days f the Victrian rule. Bth the prsperity7 and the scial trubles like unemplyment left marks n the literature f the perid.
    12. What mainly accunted fr the frequently raging revlutins?
    A. Scial chas and cmplicated interpersnal bnds
    B. Civilized citizens ’desires fr destrying the ld rder
    C. Ecnmic basis and middle class’s ambitin t diminish uppers ’pwers
    D. Industrialized and institutinalized natin-cnditin and liberal minds
    13. What des the wrd “revulsin” refer t?
    A. disgustB. anecdteC. distinctinD. revival
    14. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Mst plitic leaders were bund t advcate peple pursuing freedm and independence.
    B. Realistic literature apprpriately mirrr the cntemprary lives and were usually irnic.
    C. Rmanticism had been ppular in the early 1800s but was replaced by realism cmpletely.
    D. The ptimism characterized the early days f the Victrian rule and was accepted universally.
    15. What’s the authr’s purpse t write the passage?
    A. T aruse peple’s awareness f getting ut f the s-called“rmanticism dilemma”
    B. T infrm learners f the rigin f realism and indicate hw it wn cultural identity
    C. T intrduce the tendency f realism by stating sme pushing causes and backgrund
    D. T relate the advantages f revlutins which pushed the literary styles change
    第二节:(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
    Acrss Asia many peple have just witnessed the natural wnder that is a ttal slar eclipse. ___16___
    This week’s ttal eclipse culd be seen in eastern India befre slwly mving acrss Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Japan, and the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, when it reached eastern China, peple flcked (聚集)int the streets t witness the astrnmical wnder.
    As daylight disappeared and the sky quickly darkened. ___17___ Cities such as Shanghai were plunged int (陷入) darkness during what is thught t be the lngest ttal eclipse f the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 secnds.
    Ttal slar eclipses f such a lng duratin are very rare events. ___18___ Sha Zhenyi, an astrnmer at the Shanghai Astrnmical Observatry in China explained: “We’ll have t wait a few hundred years fr anther pprtunity t bserve a slar eclipse that lasts this lng? s it’s a very special pprtunity. ‘‘
    But while millins celebrate this phenmenn, it shuld be remembered that ttal eclipses have nt always been such treasured events. Many cultures traditinally believed that a ttal eclipse was a bad men (凶兆) r a supernatural event. ___19___ Others believed that the eclipse signified ncming disasters. Nwadays it appears that these fears and superstitins(迷信)are lng frgtten. As daylight nce again flded Asian cities such as Shanghai, whps and cheers culd be heard amng the gathered crwds.
    Reflecting n what had just happened, ne Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie”(怪诞的,奇异的), while anther said “It’s like magic, the day turns int night in such a shrt perid f time. I have n idea where I am right nw. ___20___. “
    A. It feels like a different wrld.
    B. They happen but nce in a lifetime.
    C Thse watching were left far frm disappinted.
    D. Sme believed that evil gds were eating the Sun.
    E. Peple were frightened by the sudden darkness.
    F. Sme peple thught it was a natural wnder.
    G. A ttal slar eclipse ccurs when the Sun, Mn and Earth line up in such a way that ur view f the Sun is ttally hidden by the Mn.
    21. If I hadn’t been faced with s many barriers and frustratins,I where I am.
    A. wn’t beB. wuldn’t have been
    C. wuldn’t beD. shuld have been
    22. Technlgical innvatins, gd marketing,will prmte the sales pf these prducts.
    A. cmbined withB. crrespnding t
    C. having cmbined withD. t be crrespnding t
    23. Cultural enables newly-arrived immigrants t get ahead in the new sciety naturally.
    A. discriminatinB. cllisinC. assimilatinD. adequacy
    24. The single mther accused the heartless ex-husband f her access with her new-brn baby
    A. diminishingB. dismissing
    C. denyingD. deserving
    25. We human beings experience a great liberalizatin and pen-mindedness, which is ______ in ur daily attitude t the disabled, ld citizens, females, especially hmsexual ppulatins.
    A. distinguishedB. mirrredC. declaredD. substituted
    26. As the shivering shadw seemed t apprach,the startled man stepped back
    A. spntaneuslyB. simultaneusly
    C. hmgeneuslyD. instantaneusly
    27. The unreasnable prpsal a direct incident t intense and widespread fury,resulting in emphasis f gvernment placed n cmfrting the citizens.
    A. cnstitutes;devteB. characterises;prvke
    C. characterises;manufactureD. cnstitutes;prvke
    28. Years wrinkle the skin,but lack f wrinkles the sul.
    A. reluctanceB. enthusiasm
    C. prficiencyD. adlescence
    29. The reprt a team f scientists based in China predicts that rapid advances are amng the key frces.
    A. cnsists fB. signed inC. cunted nD. drew upn
    30. ——I am mving in and culd yu please lend me a hand?
    —— ,just let me knw when exactly and I will certainly make it
    A. By n means!B. Hw culd yu?
    C. Yu bet!D. It depends
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    In the 1960s, Duglas McGregr, ne f the key thinkers in the art f management, develped the mw famus Thery X and Thery Y. Thery X is the idea that peple instinctively dislike wrk and will d anything t ___31___ it. Therefre mst peple must be frced with the threat f punishment t wrk twards rganisatinal bjectives.Thery Y is the view that everyne has the ___32___ t find satisfactin in wrk. Bth f them are still referred t cmmnly in the field f management and mtivatin, and whilst mre recent studies have questined the rigidity(僵化) f the mdel.
    In any case, despite s much evidence t the ___33___, many managers still agree t Thery X. They believe, ___34___ , that their emplyees need cnstant supervisin if they are t wrk effectively, r that decisins must be impsed frm abve withut ___35___. This, f curse, makes fr autcratic (专制的) managers.
    Different cultures have different ways f managing peple. Unlike ___36___ management, sme cultures, particularly in Asia, are well knwn fr the cnsultative ___37___ f decisin-making—all members f the department r wrk grup are asked t ___38___ t this prcess. This is management by the cllective pinin. Many western cmpanies have tried t imitate such Asian ways f ding things, which are based n general ___39___. Sme experts say that wmen will becme mre effective managers than men because they have the pwer t reach cmmn gals in a way that traditinal ___40___ managers cannt.
    A recent trend has been t ___41___ emplyees t use their wn initiative, t make decisins n their wn withut asking managers first. This empwerment (授权) has been part f the trend twards dwnsizing: ___42___ the number f management layers in cmpanies. After de-layering in this way, a cmpany may be ___43___ with just a tp level f senir managers, frnt-line managers and emplyees with direct cntact with the public. Empwerment takes the idea f delegatin (委托) much further than has ___44___ been the case. Empwerment and delegatin mean new frms f management cntrl t ___45___ that the verall business plan is being fllwed, and that peratins becme mre prfitable under the new rganizatin,___46___ less.
    Anther trend is ff-site r ___47___ management where teams f peple ___48___ by e-mail and the Internet wrk n prjects frm their wn huses. Prject managers ___49___ the perfrmance f the team members ___50___ what they prduce fr prjects, rather than the amunt f time they spend n them.
    31. A. neglectB. avidC. verwhelmD. emphasize
    32. A. ptentialB. privilegeC. principleD. perseverance
    33. A. cntraryB. measureC. extentD. extreme
    34. A. vice versaB. by cincidenceC. fr instanceD. r else
    35. A. prcedureB. cnsultatinC. submissinD. regulatin
    36. A. irreplaceableB. ridiculusC. demcraticD. authritarian
    37. A. dmainB. natureC. quantityD. alternative
    38. A. sacrificeB. subscribeC. cntributeD. cater
    39. A. apprvalB. bjectinC. electinD. practice
    40. A. aggressiveB. superirC. experiencedD. male
    41. A. infuseB. persuadeC. urgeD. expse
    42. A. estimatingB. reducingC. attainingD. zming
    43. A. leftB. surrundedC. fldedD. satisfied
    44. A. tremenduslyB. thrughlyC. ultimatelyD. cnventinally
    45. A. assumeB. claimC. guaranteeD. ablish
    46. A. apart frmB. ther thanC. rather thanD. wing t
    47. A. visualB. virtualC. inadequatelyD. ccasinally
    48. A. denyB. admitC. assumeD. ensure
    49. A. visualB. virtualC. ineffectiveD. available
    50. A. in terms fB. fr the sake fC. cmpared tD. in spite f
    I can still remember the afternn when we climbed the muntain as if it were yesterday.
    It was a sunny day. Eager t spend sme time utside, I went up the muntain with my uncle. The muntain was hard ______51______(climb) and had tugh rcks and streams n it. In the end, ______52______ (exhaust) and ht, I culdn’t g any further. S we went back dwn the muntain in the end.
    On the way back dwn, my uncle asked me a questin, _____53_____ left me speechless fr a secnd: “What’s yur dream, yung lady?”
    “I have n idea,” I answered _____54_____thinking abut it fr a while. Then he smiled and tld me abut his stry. He didn’t perfrm well at schl when he was a student. Althugh nbdy thught he culd succeed, he knew clearly _______55_______his dream was-----t be a businessman. “I knew I wasn’t gifted when it came t studying, s I tried t buy snacks frm a market and sell them after class,” he tld me. After he left schl, he started selling different items t find ut which ne was mst attractive t custmers. Of curse, he ften had n mney in his pcket, but _______56_______ tugh life was, he never gave up.
    “There is n dubt that a persn wh puts in a great deal f effrt t reach his r her gal will have gd luck at sme pint. The meaning f life is t chase yur dream,” he said gently.
    That night I _______57_______ hardly fall asleep. I lay in bed tssing and turning, asking myself, “What’s my mtivatin?”
    I nce wanted t be a tp student, but the hard wrk needed meant ______58______ (put) everything int fllwing my passin. If I find myself lacking willpwer, what shuld I d? Leaving hme early the next mrning, I climbed the muntain again by _______59_______. It made me think: If we dn’t experience the climb, hw can we get t see the scenery n the tp f the muntain? In the end, I reached the tp and _______60_______ (fascinate) by the warm breeze and sunshine. Nthing culd be mre pleasant than that.
    61. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack来信询问中国新农村建设的发展状况。请你根据下列要点并结合美丽乡村建设,写一封回信介绍中国农村的一些新变化。内容包括:
    参考词汇:新农村建设Rural Recnstructin
    62. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为 150词左右。
    One fall,my wife Elli and I had a single gal:t phtgraph plar bears.We were staying at a research camp utside"the plar bear capital f the wrld”-the twn f Churchill in Manitba, Canada.
    Taking pictures f plar bears is amazing but als dangerus.Plar bears-like all wild animals-shuld be phtgraphed frm a safe distance.When I'm face t face with a plar bear,I like it t be thrugh a camera with a telepht lens.But smetimes,that is easier said than dne.This was ne f thse times.
    As Elli and I cked dinner,a yung male plar bear wh was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled ur garlic bread.
    The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp,which was surrunded by a high wire fence.He pulled and bit the wire.He std n his back legs and pushed at the wden fence psts.
    Terrified,Elli and I tried all the bear defense actins we knew.We yelled at the bear,hit pts hard, and fired blank shtgun shells int the air Smetimes lud nises like these will scare bears ff.Nt this plar bear thugh-he just kept trying t tear dwn the fence with his massive paws(爪子)
    I radied the camp manager fr help.He tld me a helicpter was n its way,but it wuld be 30 minutes befre it arrived.Making the best f this clse encunter(相遇),I tk sme pictures r the bear.
    Eilt and I feared the fence wuldn't last thrugh 30 mre minutes f the bear's punishment.The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray.The spray burns the bears' eyes,but desn't hurt them. S I apprached ur uninvited guest slwly and.thrugh the fence,sprayed him in the face.With an angry rar(吼叫),the bear ran t the lake t wash his eyes.
    Para 1.
    A few minutes later,the bear headed back t ur camp.
    Para 2.
    At that very mment,the helicpter arrived.

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