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    2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷
    2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷01
    2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷02
    2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷03
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    2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷

    这是一份2021届高考英语黄金预测卷 新课标全国卷II卷,共18页。

    ● West Twn
    The Chicag Public Library(CPL) encurages lifelng learning by welcming all peple and ffering equal access t infrmatin, entertainment and knwledge thrugh materials, prgrams and events. Each year, Chicag Public Library recmmends the Best f the Best, CPL’s selectins f the very best bks published that year.
    ● Hurs
    Mnday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
    Tuesday: 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
    Wednesday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
    Thursday: 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
    Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Sunday: Clsed
    ● Hlidays & Clsures
    All Staff Institute Day: Thursday, April 30, 2020 Clsed All Day
    Memrial Day: Mnday, May 25, 2020 Clsed All Day
    Independence Day: Saturday, July 4, 2020 Clsed All Day
    Labr Day: Mnday, September 7, 2020 Clsed All Day
    Thanksgiving: Thursday, Nvember 26, 2020 Clsed All Day
    Christmas: Friday, December 25, 2020 Clsed All Day
    ● Address & Cntact
    1625 W. Chicag Avenue Chicag IL 60622
    Phne: (312) 743-0450
    Email: westtwnchipublib.rg
    ● Get a Library Card
    Getting a library card is easy – and it’s free! Please visit any CPL lcatin t fill ut an applicatin.
    Current, valid ID with name, pht and Chicag address is required.
    ● Facilities
    After-hurs bk return Bike rack
    Cmputers Meeting rm Wi-Fi Parking lt Scanner
    ● Upcming Events at West Twn
    Design Challenge DayDescriptin: Are yu up fr a challenge? Drp in and tackle sme design challenges using supplies prvided by the library. Prizes will be awarded fr the mst creative submissins.
    Suitable fr: Kids and Teens
    Time: Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    Film Screening: The Zkeeper’s Wife (2017)
    Descriptin: Jin the West Twn branch fr a screening f The Zkeeper’s Wife. A married cuple wh wrk as z caretakers help save Jewish peple frm the Nazi’s Hlcaust.
    Suitable fr: Adults and Teens
    Time: Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
    1.When can peple g and read in Chicag Public Library?
    A.11:00 am, April 29, 2020.
    B.2:00 pm, May 25, 2020.
    C.9:00 am, July 5, 2020.
    D.6:00 pm, Nvember 26, 2020.
    2.What is required fr getting a library card?
    A.Paying fr it in yur free time n a yearly basis.
    B.Prviding a recent pht and an applicatin.
    C.Applying n the library’s fficial website first.
    D.Having a valid ID with name, pht and Chicag address.
    3.What d we knw abut Design Challenge Day?
    A.It targets adults as their majr participants.
    B.Participants will cmpete fr prizes.
    C.The activity will last fr nearly 2 hurs.
    D.Winners can watch The Zkeeper’s Wife fr free.
    "Birds" and "airprts" are tw wrds that, paired tgether, dn't nrmally paint the mst harmnius picture. S it really raises sme eyebrws when China annunces plans t build an airprt that is fr birds.
    Described as the wrld's first-ever bird airprt, the prpsed Lingang Bird Sanctuary(保护区) in the nrthern castal city f Tianjin is, f curse, nt an actual airprt. Rather, it's a wetland preserve specifically designed t accmmdate hundreds even thusands f daily takeffs and landings by birds traveling alng the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Over 50 species f migratry(迁徙的) water birds, sme endangered, will stp and feed at the prtected sanctuary befre cntinuing their lng jurney alng the flyway.
    Lcated n a frmer landfill site, the 150-acre airprt is als pen t human travelers. (Half a millin visitrs are expected annually.) Hwever, instead f duty-free shpping, the main attractin fr nn-egg-laying creatures at Tianjin's newest airprt will be a green-rfed educatin and research center, a series f raised "bservatin platfrms" and a netwrk f scenic walking and cycling paths ttaling ver 4 miles.
    "The prpsed Bird Airprt will be a glbally significant sanctuary fr endangered migratry bird species, while prviding new green lungs fr the city f Tianjin." Adrian McGregr f an Australian landscape architecture firm explained f the design. Frequently blanketed in smg s thick that it has shut dwn real airprts, Tianjin is a city—China's furth mst ppulus—that wuld certainly benefit frm a new pair f healthy green lungs.
    4. What des the underlined phrase "nn-egg-laying creatures" in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Visitrs.B. Designers.C. Endangered water birds.D. Planes.
    5.What d we knw abut the airprt accrding t the passage?
    A. Peple cannt watch birds up clse here.
    B. It is lcated n a 150-acre landfill site.
    C. It functins as an actual airprt and a wetland preserve.
    D. It prvides migratry birds with fd and shelter.
    6. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. The airprt will becme a permanent hme fr birds.
    B. Tianjin will win wrldwide fame in the future.
    C. Tianjin's air quality will imprve thanks t the airprt.
    D. Tianjin will be able t accmmdate mre peple.
    7. What des this passage mainly tell us?
    A. Airprts shut dwn and pen up.
    B. China is t pen the first bird airprt.
    C. Airprts turn int green lungs.
    D. Birds are n lnger enemies t airprts.
    What d yu want t be when yu grw up? My answer has always been a vet.
    We didn’t have pets grwing up because my mther was scared f animals. She passed n sme f this fear t me. It’s nt cmmn yu find smene wh’s scared f animals but wants t be a vet. Still, I knew this is what I wanted.
    Vet schl was nthing like I had imagined. Within the first few weeks, any fears I had abut being a vet vanished (消失). In the furth year, we were intrduced t surgery. I lved it. Stitching (缝) wunds was like a satisfying game f Tetris (俄罗斯方块), where all the pieces fit beautifully tgether t make smething brken whle again. It slidified my belief that this was the right fit fr me.
    These were the mst challenging and rewarding tw years f my life, and befre I knew it, they were ver. I was fficially a veterinary surgen (兽医). Surprisingly, I felt empty after I finished. Why wasn’t I excited t mve n? I had cmpletely frgtten t think abut what cmes next. I panicked! I felt as if I had spent the last decade f my life writing exams and wrking crazy hurs nly t cme ut n the ther side, cmpletely clueless.
    There were s many ptins t chse frm. I culd start a clinic, wrk at anther practice r even pursue further studies. It was my father wh suggested I travel t gain sme perspective. I hesitantly decided t spend sme time in New Zealand with my aunt wh als happens t be a vet.
    New Zealand was beautiful! I finally had a chance t think abut what I wanted. One f the vets there allwed me t bserve their practice. Wrking with vet nurses really std ut fr me. We dn’t have vet nurses in India! It is a blessing (幸事) t have such experienced and dedicated individuals as a part f yur supprt system. After a whle year f what felt like aimless wandering (徘徊), this experience helped me decide I wanted t wrk verseas.
    S, t all the ther cnfused vets ut there wh haven’t figured things ut: It’s cmpletely kay t feel cnfused and lst! Mst peple feel the same way at sme pint in their careers. Dn’t be afraid t try new things even if yu feel difficult r impssible.
    8.What d we knw frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.The authr’s mther was hurt by an animal.
    B.Being a vet has always been the authr’s dream.
    C.The authr kept different kinds f pets as a child.
    D.Many peple in the authr’s family wrk as vets.
    9.Why des the authr mentin Tetris in paragraph 3?
    A.T express hw she lved being a vet.
    B.T prve hw challenging vet schl was.
    C.T explain why she lved the game as a child.
    D.T shw the cmplexity f veterinary surgery.
    10.What was the main purpse f the authr’s trip t New Zealand?
    A.T start a clinic there.
    B.T get fresh ideas abut her career.
    C.T visit her aunt.
    D.T travel arund the cuntry.
    11.What des the authr want t tell us with her stry?
    A.Passin is the key t yur career success.
    B.Travel helps yu learn mre abut yurself.
    C.Stick t yur dream n matter what happens.
    D.It’s imprtant t find yurself again when feeling lst.
    Almst everyne has heard the expressin “the calm befre the strm.” It is usually used t describe a peaceful perid just befre a very stressful situatin r a tense argument.
    British sailrs cined the phrase in the late 1600s; they nted that befre certain strms the seas wuld seem t becme still and the winds wuld drp.
    Science has given us the reasn. Accrding t US website HwStuffWrks, a calm perid ccurs because many strms, trnades and hurricanes draw in all the warm and humid(湿热的) air frm the surrunding area. As this air rises int the strm cluds, it cls and acts as “fuel fr the strm, like petrl in a car”. Once the strm has taken all the energy it can frm the air, it is pushed ut frm the tp f the strm cluds and falls back dwn t grund level. As the air ges dwn, it becmes warm and dry. Warm and dry air is stable, s nce it cvers an area, it causes a calm perid befre the strm. This same prcess als causes the “eye f the strm” in hurricanes and trnades. In these cnditins, the calm ccurs in the center f the strm because f the strng rtating(旋转的) winds.
    The Weather Netwrk has a tip fr wrking ut hw far away a strm is. First cunt hw many secnds there are between a flash f lightning and a clap f thunder, rughly three secnds equal ne kilmeter. S, fr example, if yu cunt nine secnds, the strm is abut three kilmeters away. A gd methd is that if yur cunt is belw 30 secnds, yu shuld seek shelter straight away.
    Hwever, due t the cmplexity f strm system, nt all strms take place after calm. Given the right cnditins, sme strms annunce themselves with heavy rain and fierce winds.
    S, yur best bet is t keep yurself updated with weather reprts fr any predictins regarding a cming strm in yur area. That's the mst reliable way t predict the next display f nature's temper(脾气).
    12.What is the functin f Paragraph 3?
    A.T describe hw the eye f the strm cmes int being.
    B.T stress why trnades and hurricanes are destructive.
    C.T explain why a peaceful perid ccurs befre sme strms.
    D.T remind hw dangerus a strm can be in certain situatins.
    13.Hw far away may the strm be if yu cunt 15 secnds between a lightning flash and a thunder clap?
    A.One kilmeter.B.Three kilmeters.C.Fur kilmeters.D.Five kilmeters.
    14.What can we learn frm the text?
    A.Strms dn't usually last lng.
    B.It is nt always quiet befre a strm.
    C.Strms have a big influence n ur life.
    D.Weather reprts ften fail t predict a strm.
    15.Where is this text mst likely frm?
    A.A travel jurnal.B.A science fictin.
    C.A literature review.D.A gegraphy magazine.
    Mre than tw millin students are graduating frm high schl this summer, many f whm will head t university in the fall. The transitin frm high schl t cllege is a majr ne, and successful adjustment t cllege has lifelng influences.
    Maybe yu are abut t make this transitin yurself r have children wh are abut t leave the nest. ____16____ If yu knw smene wh is making this transitin r knw parents guiding their sn-t-be adult kids thrugh this time, please take a mment t share this cllectin f research-based tips with them.
    ____17____ Even during rientatin (迎新会)! Almst everyne is in the same bat as yu are, hping t make friends quickly. Yur success in cllege depends, in part, n surrunding yurself with thers wh can supprt yu and help yu have fun.
    Dn’t be afraid t talk t yur prfessrs r teaching assistants. Successful adjustment is abut reaching ut fr help when yu need it. This means trying t find the answers n yur wn first, but then cntacting thse wh can help yu when yu can’t. ____18____
    Lean n yur family. Family supprt can give yu cmfrt when classes are hard r yu are stressed abut finals. ____19____ Strng supprt frm family is linked t lwer lneliness and depressin during the first year f cllege and higher academic adjustment including mtivatin and cncentratin.
    Be cnfident. Feeling anxiety abut cmmunicating with fellws, prfessrs, and speaking up in class is assciated with lwer adaptatin during the transitin t cllege.​ ____20____ The mre yu speak up in class, the easier it becmes.
    A. That is what they are there fr!
    B. This list is exactly what yu need.
    C. Jining clubs is als linked t feelings f belnging at cllege.
    D. Be pen t making new friends as sn as yu set ft n campus.
    E. Family members can give yu advice and help yu slve prblems if yu need help.
    F. One f the best ways t increase yur cmmunicatin cnfidence is t practice!
    G. Yur prfessrs and teaching assistants want t see yu succeed in their classes.
    第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Being able t travel the wrld is truly an accmplishment f the mdem sciety. 21 , many peple take it fr granted and miss ut n it. I 22 that travel is an efficient way t experience life and 23 the mind.
    Many peple think that travel is a(n) 24 hbby. But that's nt the 25 . Travel is, in fact, what yu 26 it. If yu're planning t fly arund the wrld and live in a 5-star htel, then sure, it is. Hwever, travel can be cheap, t. This means that 27 yu're n a tight budget, there's n prblem. The 28 is t knw what yu're lking fr befre the trip and plan everything 29 . In sme situatins, travelling can be 30 , such as with hitchhiking (搭顺风车).
    When travelling t anther cuntry, we 31 get ut f ur cmfrt zne and 32 new experiences. Talking t strangers, sleeping in new places, r even eating fd yu are nt 33 all can be the surce f 34 fr sme shy peple. Hwever, such experiences can make a big 35 , taking a persn nt a whle new level f being and bringing great changes t the mind.
    Mrever, travelling is als a prcess f 36 The best histry class is the ne that yu can experience fr yurself. Of curse yu can't 37 t g back in time, but t be there where " big things" happened is truly breathtaking. When I went t Berlin and saw all the areas where battles 38 , I was cmpletely shcked. It's as if the 39 f the event crawls(爬) inside f me and 40 me t experience a piece f it the way it was back then.
    21. A. Naturally B. Unfrtunately C. Surprisingly D. Obviusly
    22. A. admit B. agree C. suppse D. realize
    23. A. expand B. clarify C. bend D. refresh
    24. A. rdinary B. relaxing C. wnderful D. expensive
    25. A. matter B. questin C. case D. pint
    26. A. make up fr B. make ff with C. make ver D. make f
    27. A. if B. unless C. nce D. since
    28. A. truth B. key C. reasn D. prblem
    29. A. n time B. n purpse C. in patience D. in advance
    30. A. casual B. free C. simple D. challenging
    31. A. ccasinally B. hardly C. unavidably D. merely
    32. A. remember B. expect C. create D. imagine
    33. A. blind t B. accustmed t C. bred with D. cncerned with
    34. A. cmplaint B. disappintment C. cnfusin D. anxiety
    35. A. cmplaint B. disappintment C. cnfusin D. anxiety
    36. A. difference B. deal C. mess D. hit
    37. A. affrd B. wait C. manage D. stand
    38. A. settled in B. settled dwn C. tk ff D. tk place
    39. A. atmsphere B. cnsequence C. curse D. impact
    40. A. encurages B. enables C. frces D. reminds
    Have yu ever been t shy t express thanks twards smene? Well, a new study says yu shuld nt wrry abut that s much.
    Recently, researchers have published a study n hw peple gave and ____41____ (receive) letters f thanks. ____42____ they fund was that expressing and receiving appreciatin increased happiness fr bth ____43____ (side), but peple's self-cnsciusness (自我意识) ften made it less pssible fr them t express their appreciatin.
    In the experiments, the researchers asked hundreds f participants ____44____ (write) an email t smene clse t them ____45____ (express) their appreciatin and giving ____46____specific example f hw that persn made their lives better.
    The writers ften underestimated (低估) the psitive effect that the emails wuld have ____47____the receivers. They thught that the receivers wuld feel ____48____ (awkward) and uncmfrtable ver the letters than they actually were. Cntrary t the writers' ____49____ (believe), the receivers were thankful, warm and understanding.
    S next time yu feel hesitant abut expressing yur appreciatin fr thers, remember that it will mst ____50____ (prbable) g a lt better than yu think.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Last Sunday afternn, I went t the z with Lily. There was lts f peple there. I fund a girl cry in the z. She was lst and she can’t find her mther. We decided t help him. I tried my best find the bradcasting statin in the z. On the same time Lily played with her and lked after her careful there. The little girl stpped crying and played with Lily. At last her mther came, that made me feel very happily. I thught I really did a gd thing. If everyne helps with each ther, the wrld will becme mre beautiful.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 写作目的;
    2. 个人优势;
    3. 你的承诺。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Sir,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 阅读理解
    2.根据文章第五部分“Get a Library Card”,可免费办理图书卡,需要前往图书馆申请,提供有效的身份证,包括姓名、照片和地址。因此,最佳答案为D。
    3.根据文章“Design Challenge Day”内容可知,这项挑战适合孩子和青少年,而非成人;最具创意者会获得奖项;时间为下午5点到6点,持续一小时。故选B。
    答案:4-7 ADCB
    解析:4.词义猜测题。根据划线词前instead f duty-free shpping 及划线词后a green-rfed educatin and research center, a series f raised "bservatin platfrms" and a netwrk f scenic walking and cycling paths ttaling ver 4 miles 可知, 天津“候鸟机场”保护区对游客的主要吸引力将是一个绿色屋顶的教育和研究中心, 观赏台以及一个总长超过4英里的风景优美的步行道和自行车道组成的网状系统, 而不是免税购物, 由此可知划线词词义为“游客”, 故A项正确。
    5.细节理解题。根据第二段中"ver 50 species f migratry water birds, sme endangered, will stp and feed at the prtected sanctuary befre cntinuing their lng jurney alng the flyway." 可知, 候鸟可以在机场保护区停留和吃东西, 然后继续飞行, 也就是说机场保护区可以为候鸟提供食物和住所, 故D项正确。
    6.推理判断题。根据最后一段可知, 天津的空气质量和环境会因为这个“候鸟机场”保护区得到很大的改善, 故C 项正确。
    7.主旨大意题。通读全文, 特别是根据第二段可知, 本文主要介绍了中国将在天津建立“候鸟机场”保护区的计划以及具体规划内容和其重大意义, 故B项正确。
    答案:8-11 BABD
    答案:12-15 CDBD
    解析:12.本篇文章是一篇说明文。第三段的主旨句为第一句“Science has given us the reasn.”由此可知,本段的主旨为解释暴风雨前的宁静的原因,可知答案为C。
    13.根据第四段 “First cunt hw many secnds there are between a flash f lightning and a clap f thunder,rughly three secnds equal ne kilmeter.”可知,3秒钟意味着暴风距离1公里,15秒则为距离5公里,可知答案为D。
    14.A、C选项在原文中没有匹配信息。根据文章最后一段“S, yur best bet is t keep yurself updated with weather reprts fr any predictins regarding a cming strm in yur area. That's the mst reliable way t predict the next display f nature’s temper (脾气作者建议人们要关注最新的天气预报,这是最可靠的预测天气的办法。由此可知D选项与之相悖。根据第五段"Hwever, due t the cmplexity f strm system, nt all strms take place after calm. ”可知答案为B。
    15.根据文章第三段第一句“ Science has given us the reasn.”可知,文章是通过科学的角度解释自然现象——暴风雨之前的宁静,因此,文章属于自然地理范畴,可知答案为D。
    答案:16-20 BDAEF
    16. B。根据上下文 Maybe yu are abut t make this transitin yurself r have children wh are abut t leave the nest.可知,也许你正准备自己完成这个转变,或者你的孩子即将离开家。B 选项中的 yu 和前文相符,且语意(这份清单你所需要的)承接上下文,故选B项。
    17. D。空处填本段的主旨句。根据 Almst everyne is in the same bat as yu are, hping t make friends quickly. 几乎每个人都和你一样,希望能很快交到朋友。可知D选项(一踏上校园就开始结交新朋友)可以概括本段主旨。此外,本文的建议都是用祈使句开头的。故选D项。
    18. A。根据本段主旨句Dn’t be afraid t talk t yur prfessrs r teaching assistants.别害怕跟你的教授们和助教们聊天,再根据上文内容,可知首先你要自己找寻答案,在你不能的时候去联系能帮助你的人。A 选项That is what they are there fr!中的they指代选项中yur prfessrs r teaching assistants.故选 A 项。
    19. E。根据本段的第一句 Lean n yur family.(依靠家人)可知,E选项中family members与主旨句中的yur family相呼应,且句意(当课程很困难或你对期末考试感到压力时,家庭支持可以给你带来安慰)联系上下文,故选E项。
    20. F。根据本段主旨句Be cnfident.自信一些,以及后文The mre yu speak up in class, the easier it becmes.你在课堂上说的越多,它(沟通)就会变得更容易。可知F选项中increase yur cmmunicatin cnfidence与主旨句呼应,practice和后文内容的speak up相呼应,且句意(增加你沟通自信的最好方式之一就是练习)联系上下文,故选F项。
    第二部分 语言知识运用
    答案:21-25 BCADC 26-30 DABDB 31-35 CCBDA 36-40 ACDAB
    解析:21.根据文章首句及空后的"many peple take it fr granted and miss ut n it"可知,不幸的是,许多人不把它当回事,从而错失了从中获益的机会。unfrtunately"不幸地",符合语境。naturally"自然地";surprisingly"令人吃惊地";bviusly"显然"。
    23.参见上题解析。下文中的"bringing great changes t the mind"亦是提示。expand"扩大,扩展;clarify"澄清";bend"使弯曲"; refresh"使恢复精力"。
    24.根据下文中的"If yu're planning t fly arund the wrld and live in a 5-star htel, then sure, it is. Hwever, travel can be cheap"可知,许多人认为,旅行是一个花费大的爱好。expensive"昂贵的,花钱多的",符合语境。
    25.根据下文中的"travel can be cheap, t"可知,但事实并非如此。case"情形,状况",符合语境。
    26.根据语境可知,事实上,旅行是昂贵还是便宜,就看你如何看待它了。make sth. f sb./ sth."了解,理解,看待",符合语境。 make up fr "弥补";make ff with"偷走";make ver"转让,改造"。
    27.便宜旅行意味着即使你预算紧张,旅行也是没有问题的。if "即使,虽然",符合语境。
    28.关键是旅行前你要知道自己要寻找什么,并提前规划好一切。 key"关键,要诀",符合语境。
    29.参见上题解析。n time"准时";n purpse"有意,故意";in advance"提前"。
    30.根据下文中的"such as with hitchhiking(搭顺风车)"可知,在一些情况下,旅行可能是免费的。free"免费的",符合语境。casual "随便的";simple"简单的";challenging"有挑战性的"。
    31.当我们去另一个国家旅行时,我们不可避免地会走出自己的舒适区,创造新的经历。unavidably"不可避免地",符合语境。 ccasinally"偶尔";hardly"几乎不";merely"仅仅"。
    33.与陌生人交谈,住在新的地方,甚至吃你不习惯吃的食物,这些都可能成为怕生的人忧虑的来源。be accustmed t"习惯于……",符合语境。be blind t"对……视而不见";be bred with"厌烦……";be cncerned with "关注……"。
    34.参见上题解析。cmplaint"抱怨";disappintment"失望"; cnfusin"困惑";anxiety"忧虑,焦虑"。
    35.根据下文中的"taking a persn nt a whle new level f being and bringing great changes t the mind"可知,但是,这样的经历有重大影响。make big difference"有重大影响",符合语境。
    36.根据下文内容可知,旅行也是一个自我教育的过程。self-educatin"自我教育",符合语境。self-awareness "自知";self-assessment"自我评估";self-acceptanee"自我接受"。
    38.根据上文中的"where 'big things' happened"可知,此处指战斗发生的地方。take place"发生",符合语境。settle in"适应,习惯"; settle dwn"安顿下来";take ff"起飞,突然开始成功"。
    39.上文提到参观发生战争的地方,故此处指事件的"氛围"。 atmsphere"气氛,氛围",符合语境。cnsequence"后果";curse "进程"。
    40.根据语境可知,这种氛围让作者能够体验事件的片段。 enable"使能够,使有机会",符合语境。encurage"鼓励";frce"迫使";remind"提醒"。
    答案:41. received 42. What 43. sides 44. t write 45. expressing 46. a 47. n/upn 48. mre awkward
    49. belief 50.prbably
    41. 【解题思路】句子为带有一个宾语从句的主从复合句。主句的主语为:researchers,谓语为have published,宾语为a study。介词n后面接hw引导的一个宾语从句。根据句意可知,所给的动词receive应该是与gave并列的从句的谓语动词,由gave的形式可知应该用receive的过去时形式received。
    42. 【解题思路】根据___________________________ they fund was that可知,fund和was均为谓语动词形式,was后面的that引导的是一个表语从句,说明所需的词在引导一个主语从句,同时又因为fund为及物动词,因此这里需要一个可以充当宾语并能引导主语从句的引导词,根据句意确定答案为what。
    44.【解题思路】根据ask sb t d的用法,此处应将write变为t write。
    45.【解题思路】所给的词为动词express,所以考虑可能的考查方向有三:1.谓语动词;2.非谓语动词;3.词类转换。通过句子结构分析可知,主句中有谓语动词asked,且逗号后没有连词,因此可判定此处不需要谓语动词形式。另外,根据句意可知,此处不需要express的名词形式,最终确定应为非谓语动词形式。express后有宾语their appreciatin,因此用express的主动形式,另由此处需伴随状语,可最终确定用expressing。
    47. 【解题思路】通过句子结构分析可知,that引导定语从句,先行词为the psitive effect,另外,根据句意可判断,此处为have an effect n/upn的短语搭配。因此,答案为n/upn。
    48.【解题思路】此句的句意为“他们(写信人)认为收到这些感谢信的人会比他们实际展现出来的更尴尬和不自在。”因此,此处需要用awkward的比较级形式mre awkward。
    第三部分 写作
    第一节 短文改错
    Last Sunday afternn, I went t the z with Lily. There lts f peple there. I fund a girl in the z. She was lst and she find her mther. We decided t help. I tried my best find the bradcasting statin in the z. the same time Lily played with her and lked after her there. The little girl stpped crying and played with Lily. At last her mther came, made me feel very. I thught I really did a gd thing. If everyne helps with each ther, the wrld will becme mre beautiful.
    第—处:was→were There be句型中be动词的数由后面的主语决定,且遵循就近原则。由lts f peple可知be动词应用复数。
    第二处:cry→crying find sb ding sth意为“看见某人正在做某事”,用现在分词作宾补。
    第五处:在find前加t try ne’s best t d sth为固定搭配,意为“尽​某人最大的努力做某事”。
    第六处:On→At at the same time为固定搭配,意为“与此同时”。
    第七处:careful→carefully修饰谓语lked after应用副词。
    第九处:happily→happy 感官系动词feel后要接形容词作表语。
    第十处:删除with help each ther意为“互相帮助”。with多余,故删除。
    第二节 书面表达
    Dear Sir,
    I am Li Hua, a Chinese student wh is studying in New Yrk nw. I have learned yu’re yur advertisement that a Chinese china exhibitin will be held in the lcal museum in Octber, s I am writing t apply fr the psitin as a student vlunteer t prmte cultural exchange.
    I can speak fluent English as well as standard Chinese. Besides, I nce learned a lt abut china in ur schl china club and have been crazy abut cllecting varieties f cups made f china. Yung and energetic, I'm keen n cmmunicating with different peple. Thus, I'm cnvinced that I'm qualified fr the jb.
    I wuld be grateful if my applicatin culd meet with yur apprval. Shuld I be ffered the chance, I wuld d everything I can t be a qualified vlunteer. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua

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