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    湖北省十一校2021届高三第一次联考 英语 (含答案) 试卷
    湖北省十一校2021届高三第一次联考 英语 (含答案) 试卷01
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    湖北省十一校2021届高三第一次联考 英语 (含答案) 试卷03
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    湖北省十一校2021届高三第一次联考 英语 (含答案) 试卷







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    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


    1. What does the man want to do?

     A. Drive to the seaside.   B. Walk in the woods.    C. Have a picnic.

    2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

     A. Classmates.        B. Neighbors.          C. Teacher and student.

    3. How often will Jocelyn take dance lessons next month?

     A. Three times a week.   B. Twice a week.      C. Once every week.

    4. How did the woman get here?

     A. By car.              B. By bus.          C. By bike.

    5. Why did the man move to the present house?

     A. It's cheap and large.    B. It's near his workplace.    C. It has good views.

    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)


    听第 6 段材料,回答第 67 题。

    6. What's the matter with the car?

     A. It breaks down.   B. One tire needs some air.    C. The engine is overheated.

    7. What are the speakers going to do next?

     A. Prepare for a party.       B. Fix the car.              C. Pick up Tom.

    听第7段材料, 回答第89题。

    8. What kind of music is the woman learning now?

     A. Rock music.         B. Jazz.              C. Classical music.

    9. For whom will the woman hold the party this Friday evening?

     A. Her teacher.         B. Her uncle.        C. Her husband.

    听第8段材料, 回答第1012题。

    10. What did the woman ask the man first for her survey?

     A. Holiday destinations.     B. Travel difficulties.      C. Booking platforms.

    11. When was the man supposed to arrive in Lhasa originally?

     A. At 4:00 a. m.        B. At 5:00 p. m.         C. At 11:00 p. m.

    12. What was the man content with about the hotel?

     A. The room.         B. The service.       C. The location.

    听第9段材料, 回答第1316题。

    13. What is Paul's reaction when seeing Deborah?

     A. Thankful.     B. Surprised.  C. Embarrassed.

    14. Why is Deborah in Manchester?

     A. To study.               B. To travel.            C. To work.

    15. Where are the speakers probably?

     A. In a shopping mall.    B. In the street.            C. In a restaurant.

    16. What does Deborah rush to do?

     A. Pick up a friend.  B. See a movie.  C. Meet Paul's wife.

    听第10段材料, 回答第1720小题。

    17. Where did the woman realize her wallet was missing?

     A. At the golf course.    B. At the gym.        C. At the bakery.

    18. What did the woman still have at home?

     A. Another bank card.      B. Her visa card.      C. Her driver's license.

    19. Who found the woman's wallet?

        A. A guy who works in a shop.

        B. A kid who washes the golf carts.

        C. A worker who cuts the grass.

    20. What did the woman offer as a reward at first?

        A. A beer.           B. A round of golf.     C. Some money.


    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)



    Tuna Tossing

    This sport began in South Australia in a fishing community called Port Lincoln. It was inspired by the local fishermen who used to toss fish onto their trucks. The winner is the person who throws a 9 kg fish in a longest distance.

    Hot Dog Eating Contest

    Competitive eating has become popular in the past years and its participants try to eat as many hot dogs as they can in ten minutes. The sport began in the U. S. city fairs and has gained recognition due to Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, held annually on the 4th of July. The sport has turned into a huge industry and is now popular in the U. S., Canada, and Japan.

    Wife Carrying

    This game has its origins in Finland and it’s a sport in which male competitors race whilecarrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special track in the fastest time. The World Wife Carrying Championship has teams competing from Australia, Germany, Britain, Estonia, Ireland, and the United States. The wife must be over 17 years old and prizes include winning the wife’s weight in beer.

    Palm Tree Climbing

    Independence Day in Indonesia is on August, 17th. This day is celebrated by various competitions. Climbing palm trunk is the most difficult one. To climb on absolutely smooth, oiled trunk is an uneasy problem. At the top of the trunk there are prizesfrom towels, clothes and something like that to mountain bicycles and cash certificates. 

    21. Which of the following events promotes the business development greatly?

     A. Tuna Tossing.    B. Hot Dog Eating Contest.

     C. Wife Carrying. D. Palm Tree Climbing.

    22. What can we learn about Palm Tree Climbing?

     A.Its winners may get various prizes.

     B. It is the hardest among the four events.

     C. Its competitors strength means everything. 

     D. It has become more popular in other countries.

    23. What can be learned from the passage?

     A. Tuna Tossing has its origin in a fishing community in South America.

     B. InWife Carrying game the winner maywin beer as a prize for his wife.

    C. Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is held on the 4th of July every other year.  

    D. Independence Day in Indonesia is celebrated by various games like climbing trees.


    One of the problems damaging our planet is the number of things we throw away. Rubbish of all kinds is piling up in landfill and polluting our rivers and oceans. A more recent addition to the list of things we chuck away is e-wasteelectronic items that are broken and not recycled. Now solutions are being found to give this stuff a new life.

    Many millions of tonnes of televisions, phones, and other electronic equipment are discarded each year, partly because it’s cheaper to replace them than fix them, but also because we lack the skills to repair them. A UN report claims the 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated every year will more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050, making it the fastest growing waste stream in the world.

    However, there’s a growing trend for repair events and clubs which could be part of a solution to the growing amount of electrical and electronic junk. The BBC visited a Restart Project in London, which is one of many found around the world. One of its volunteers, Francesco Calo, said that “This project allows you to reduce waste, extend the life of objects, and it helps people who cannot afford to get rid of items that have developed a fault. ”

    As many electrical items contain valuable metals, another idea is e-waste mining. An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting these materials from electronic gadgets. It’s thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional mining. With phones typically containing as many as 60 elements, this could be part of the solution to our appetite for new technology.

    These projects make total sensecollections of e-waste for recycling are “stagnating or even decreasing” according to RuedigerKuehr, director of the United Nations University. And in countries where there is no legislation, much of it just gets dumped. However, the European Union, for example, is trying to tackle the problem by insisting manufacturers have to make appliances longer-lasting and will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years.

    24. According to the passage,which of the following statements is right?

     A. E-waste is thrown away because its cheaper to find a new substitute.

     B. UN reports the number of e-waste generated will nearly double by 2050.

     C. E-waste will be reduced if more projects like Restart Project are launched .

     D. The Re-start Project can help people who have found a fault to purchase items.

    25. What does the author mean by the underlined word in the last paragraph ?

     A. Ceasing.  B. increasing.     C. falling.      D. disappearing.

    26. What can be the best title for the text?

     A. What is damaging our planet? B.What is significant for E-recycling? 

     C. E-waste mining benefits more. D. New lives are brought to E-waste.

    27. What is the authors attitude towards the future of the problem?

     A. He is doubtful about it.    B. He is concerned but full of confidence.

     C.He thinks its just a piece of cake.    D. He supposes theres a long way to go.


    2020 is a leap year, and as we all know leap years happen every four years, right? Wrong. That extra day in February is designed to keep the Earth in sync with the astrological or seasonal year. But, what you might not realize is that the maths isn’t that simple and occasionally we have to wait eight years.

    The method behind calculating when leap years occur might be a bit more complicated than you think. Way back in 1582 the calendar we now use was first put into effect. The Gregorian calendar was named after the pope at the time, GregoryXIV. The people who created it realized it wasn’t perfect to just add an extra day every four years.

    Here’s where the maths comes in. A day, of course, is measured by the amount of time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation(旋转) on its axis. A year is the number of days it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun, which most people assume is 365. However, the Earth actually takes just under 365 and a quarter days to complete one full revolution around the Sun.

    So, every four years we get an extra day, which falls on the 29th February. However, as mentioned earlier, it is in fact just under a quarter of a day. So, by rounding it up, we put the calendar out of sync againwhich means that after a while we have too many days.

    That imbalance has to be readdressed, otherwise after 400 years you’d end up with three extra days. So back in 1582, they realized that every turn of a century should skip their extra day to subtract those three extra days. This is why the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 weren't leap years.

    But wait, there’s more. The year 2000, the millennium, was a leap year. That’s because over a period of four hundred years we only need to remove three days.So, every 400 years the turn of the century is a leap year. This means the next time you hear someone saying “leap years happen every four years”, you can tell them why they’re wrong.

    28. What can be learned from the passage?

     A. The Gregorian calendar was created by Gregory XIV.

     B. Reducing3 days every three centuries, people perfected the calendar.

     C. It takes the Earth less than 365 days to go around the Sun.

    D. The calendar wouldnt be balanced if we had a leap year every four years.

    29.What is the purpose of the second paragraph ?

     A. To show the history of the oldest calendar.

     B. To introduce Gregory XIV to the readers.

     C. To present how Gregorian calendar was named.

     D. To indicate calculation of the leap year is not easy.

    30. Which of the following will be a leap year ?

     A. 2100.  B. 2400. C. 2700. D. 3000.

    31. In which section is the text most likely to appear?

     A. A news report.   B. A geography textbook.

     C. A science magazine.  D. An astronomy book.


    We all know that friends are special people who we share our lives with, and who share their lives with us in return. But seeking friends and keeping the friendship going are never easy.

    According to research recently published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the key is to use we-talk.

    Led by University of California psychologist Megan Robbins and her colleagues, the researchers reviewed and analyzed 30 different studies involving over 5,000 participants. This largest-ever analysis of we-talk suggested that the frequent use of we and us is linked to happier and healthier relationships.

    The word we moves people from an individual position into a partnership, which makes us more interdependent. The pronouns offer an insight into whether people see themselves as individuals or as part of a whole...... Word use is a window into what people are thinking and feeling without asking them, Robbins told Science Daily.

    Their research also found that we-talk is helpful for resolving conflicts. The primary point is that interdependence may bring about supportive and relationship-centered behaviors and positive perceptions (认知) of the partner-especially important in times of stress and conflict, according to a statement released by Robbins lab.

    US-based magazine Psychology Today used the word union to describe the impact on a partner upon hearing we-talk.

    Contrary to we-talk, there is I-talk, which refers to the frequent use of first-person singular pronouns, such as I, me, and mine, when writing or speaking.

    Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Arizona, US, analyzed a set of data that came from 4,700 people in Germany and the US. They found that too much I-talk was an accurate linguistic marker for the likelihood that someone is feeling stressed or experiencing negative emotions.

    If you are speaking in a personal contextso youre speaking about something thats of relevance

    to you, lead researcher Allison Tackman told The Independent. But if youre communicating in a context thats more impersonal, such as describing a picture, we did not see the relationship emerge .

    As you can see from the two studies, too much I-talk can make you feel depressed . But we-talk can encourage you to become more positive and create a ripple effect (连锁反应) of healthy interdependence with others.

    So next time youre talking to a friend, try using more we-talk. You may find yourself feeling more positive-and the effect it will have on your friend will be positive as well.

    32. According to Megan Robbin and her colleagues research,we can infer the following EXCEPT   .

    A.Too much I-talkcertainly indicates pressure or depression.

     B. More than 5,000 people were in involved in their research.  

    C. The more we use we and us, the happier we may feel.

    D. we-talkmay help us build better teamwork in our work.

    33. What can be the benefit of we-talk?

     A. We may avoid arguments and conflicts with it.

    B. It may help promote friendship in our life.

    C. It can help produce a feeling of individualism.

    D. We can becomemore independent of others.

    34. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 8 mean?

     A. A person tends to use I-talk too much if he is experienced.

     B. I-talk is an exact linguistic marker for peoples feelings.

    C. If a person uses I-talk a lot, he is probably in a bad mood.

     D. It is possible that someone likes I-talk when he is in an impersonal context.

    35. What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.Using we-talk contributes to building good social relationships.

    B. The importance of choosing the word in our daily conversation .

     C. Using too much “I-talk may lead you to become upset.

    D. Introduction to“we-talk” in our daily communication. 

    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)


    Traveling is what makes your life complete. You may often complain that there is too much work and no time to travel.  36  . There are hundreds of reasons why you should travel. Here are only 4 of them:

    1. There is no tomorrow, take a break now.

    Be spontaneous and travel whenever you feel like leaving your daily routine. Waiting for certain time of the year so that you could spoil yourself is wrong.

    2. Your company won't bankrupt or disappear if you leave it for a week or two.

    There are plenty of people who can substitute you and do your job while you are away. 37  Here the point is to plan a week ahead. If you work hard you can play hard. Always remember that the quality of your work will improve if you have a good rest and let yourself relax and recharge with energy and positive emotions

    3. You cannot be a good employee if you are unhappy and tense.

    Your family suffers, too. When your mind is free you can perform at 200 percent. 38  You lose balance and harmony if you experience too much stress, perform a lot of demanding routine and constantly take responsibilities. Take care of yourself. Make sure that your well-being does not suffer.

    4.  39 

    We all want to excel in our profession. We want to be in charge even at home We like to be appreciated by the community. Being such a person requires several important qualities. To gain the required qualities you must have a multi-dimensional personality. The more new activities you practice, the more chances you can become a better leader.40 

    A. Making excuse is much easier than acting.

    B. Finding balance isn't easy yet it is worth trying.

    C. Have a richer life if you want to be a better leader.

    D. Traveling is also a means of broadening your horizons.

    E. You are useless as a worker if your body does not feel great.

    F. You can do some of it in advance or you can keep it in on hold.

    G. Be aninstructor, inspire others and do what you would like others to do. 




    A friend of mine recently said something nice to me.

    Those sunglasses just dont  41   you, she told me.

    What was nice wasnt the  42   into my sunglasses, but my friends honesty. She wasnt being  43   . She wasnt trying to hurt me. She really wanted what was best for me, and so she   44   causing offense to tell me what I needed to hear.

    It is rare, this kind of honesty. And its getting rarer.

    We live in an age when social media is changing our  45   communications. We post highly considered status updates on Facebook. We like the pictures of people we may not like  46   , and leave comments on other peoples posts that are  47   and meaningless.

    We are  48   how to be real with each other.

    We chat with a(an)  49   who has lipstick on her teeth and we pretend not to notice. We see our friend wearing an awful outfit and reassure her its fine. We ignore phone calls, or pretend to be busy,  50   telling someone we dont want to see them. And when we get our feelings hurt, we  51   it down, because its far less difficult than facing the person who hurts us.

    And we also refrain (避免) from being honest about ourselves when we are with friends. Sure, we might write about our emotional problems later, once the  52   is over.

    We dont talk about these problems  53   were deep in them, because theyre scary and make us weak. We keep the facade (假象) up and the smiles wide and the Instagram photos nice. And then when things  54  when we end up in hospital, or unemployedour friends are shocked, because they didnt see it coming.

    We didnt let them see it coming.

    Honesty is difficult, but without it, we cant connect with each other.

    Start small. Let someone know if they have lipstick on their teeth. Tell your friend that no, the outfit isnt the best, maybe consider something else. Tell your friend   55   that you wont be at her party, but you wish her all the best. Let your loved ones know when theyve hurt you, and be prepared to hear the same from them. Be a little more real on social media, for your sake as much as for everyone elses.

    41. A. fit B. suit C. adapt D. attract

    42. A. certainty B. anxiety C. worry D. insight

    43. A. critical           B. practical C. frank D. professional

    44. A. minded B. risked C. avoid   D. enjoyed

    45. A. direct B. interpersonal C. private  D. public

    46. A. at first B. at once C. at all D. at last

    47. A. incorrect B. insincere C. instant D. indifferent

    48. A. losing B. caring C. forgetting D. considering

    49. A. acquaintance B. stranger C. staff D. foreigner

    50. A. more than B. less than C. other than D. rather than

    51. A. lay B. eat C. swallow D. set

    52. A. story             B. crisis C. case D. task

    53. A. and B. so  C. while  D. or

    54. A. fall apart B. take apart C. break apart D. draw apart

    55. A. frankly B. regretfully C. briefly D. exactly


    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


    Runners in a relay race pass a stick in one direction. However, merchants passed silk, gold, fruit, and glass along the Silk Road in more than one direction. They earned their living by traveling the famous Silk Road.

    The Silk Road was not a simple   56 (trade) network. It passed through thousands of cities and towns. It started from eastern China,  57Central Asia and the Middle East, and ended in the Mediterranean Sea. It was used from about 200 BCto about 1300A D. ,  58sea travel offered new routes. It was sometimes called the world’s longest highway.

    However, the Silk Road was made up of many routes, not one smooth path. They passed through    59are now 18 countries. The routes crossed mountains and deserts and had many dangers. Only experienced traders could return safe.

    The Silk Road got its name from its most 60 (prize) product. Silk could be used like money   61  (pay)taxes . But the traders carried more than just silk. Much gold, silver, and glass from Europe62(find) in the Middle East and Asia. Horses traded from other areas changed farming practices in China. Indian merchants traded salt and other valuable goods. Chinese merchants traded paper, which produced   63immediate effect on the West. Apples traveled from central Asia to Rome. The Chinese   64   (learn) to graft (嫁接) different trees together to make new kinds of fruit .They passed this science on to others, including the Romans. Trading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years before the World Wide Web.

    The people along the Silk Road did not share just goods. They also shared their 65(belief) .



    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)

    假定你是李华,最近收到了你的英国朋友Mike的来信,得知他已被牛津大学( the University of Oxford )录取。请你给他回复一封邮件,内容包括:
    1.  Mike祝贺;
    2. 谈谈你在大学专业选择上的困惑;
    3. 向对方征求意见和建议。

    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Mike

        I am glad to learn that you have been admitted to the University of Oxford. _________________


                                                  Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


     Monty Roberts owns a horse ranch(大牧场)in San Francisco. He is willing to help the young who want to pursue their dreams. We were always curious about the reason behind and one day he told us his story.

     When Monty was younghe was the son of an itinerant(四处奔波的) horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race trackfarm to farm and ranch to ranchtraining horses. As a resulthis high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a seniorhe was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

     That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing the goal of owning a horse ranch some day. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for 4, 000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.

     He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to the teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front was a large red F with a note that read, “See me after class. ”

     The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?”

     The teacher said,This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud (马群) fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.Then the teacher added, “If you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.”

    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
        Theboy went home and thought about it long and hard._________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

    Paragraph 2

      Twenty years later, the teacher brought 30 students to camp out on a ranch for a week. ________









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