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    Unit 3 Under the sea

    1.anecdote n.       轶事;奇闻
    2.migration n. 迁徙;迁居;移居
    3.shore n. 岸;海滨
    4.offshore adv.&adj. 近海(的);离岸(的)
    5.suck vt.&vi 吮吸
    6.lip n. 一片嘴唇;(容器或洞的)边,口                         
    7.shark n.         鲨鱼
    8.telescope n. 望远镜
    9.tide n. 潮(汐);潮水;潮流
    10.dimension n. 维(数);方面;侧面
    11.seaweed n. 海草;海藻
    12.flashlight n. 闪光信号灯;手电筒;闪光灯
    13.grey adj.&n. 灰色(的)                         
    14.steep adj.       陡峭的
    15.boundary n. 界限;分界线
    16.Antarctic adj. 南极的
    17.the Antarctic 南极洲
    18.seal n. 海豹;封条;印章
    19.pension n. 养老金;退休金
    20.pensioner n. 领取养老金者                         
    1.annualadj.       每年的;按年度计算的
    n. 年刊;年鉴
    2.witnessvt. 当场见到;目击
    n. 目击者;证人;证据
    3.accommodationn. 住所;住宿
    4.oppositeprep. 在……对面
    adj. 相对的;相反的                         
    5.yellvi.         大叫;呼喊
    n. 叫声;喊声
    6.pausevi. &n. 暂停;中止
    7.teamworkn. 协作;配合
    8.divevi. &n. 跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲
    9.fleevi. 逃避;逃跑
    vt. 逃离                      
    10.dragvt.       拖;拉;扯
    11.depthn. 深(度);深处
    12.meantimeadv. 其间;同时
    13.relationshipn. 关系;血缘关系;交往
    14.conservationn. 保存;保护
    15.urgevt. 催促;极力主张;驱策                      
    16.abandonvt.     放弃;遗弃;抛弃
    17.jogvi. 慢跑
    vt. 轻推;轻撞
    18.seasiden. &adj. 海边(的);海滨(的)
    19.netn. 网;网状物;网络
    20.targetn. 目标;靶;受批评的对象                         
    21.reflectvi.       思考
    vt. 映射;反射;思考
    22.pureadj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的
    23.celln. 细胞;(蜂房的)巢室
    24.awareadj. 意识到的;知道的
    25.vividadj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的
    26.neatadj. 好的;整齐的;匀称的                         
    27.narrowadj.       狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的
    28.sharpadj. 锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的
    29.tastyadj. 好吃的;可口的
    30.scarevt. 恐吓
    vi. 受惊吓
    31.shallowadj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的
    32.awesomeadj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的                         
    33.be/become_aware_of   对……知道、明白;意识到……
    34.help_(...)_out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难
    35.upside_down 上下翻转
    36.(be)_scared_to_death 吓死了
    37.in_the_meantime 在此期间;与此同时                         

    1.anecdote n.   轶事;奇闻
    2.migration n. 迁徙;迁居;移居
    3.shore n. 岸;海滨
    4.dimension n. 维(数);方面;侧面
    5.telescope n. 望远镜
    6.lip n. 一片嘴唇;(容器或洞的)边,口
    7.tide n. 潮(汐);潮水;潮流
    8.flashlight n. 闪光信号灯;手电筒;闪光灯
    9.grey adj.&n. 灰色(的)
    10.steep adj. 陡峭的
    11.boundary n. 界限;分界线
    12.Antarctic adj. 南极的
    13.suck vt.&vi. 吮吸
    14.seal n. 海豹;封条;印章
    15.pension n. 养老金;退休金
    1.seasiden.&adj.  海边(的);海滨(的)
    2.netn. 网;网状物;网络
    3.yellvi. 大叫;呼喊
    n. 叫声;喊声
    4.fleevi. 逃避;逃跑
    vt. 逃离
    5.jogvi. 慢跑
    vt. 轻推;轻撞
    6.meantimeadv. 期间;同时
    7.pureadj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的
    8.narrowadj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的
    9.shallowadj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的
    10.awesomeadj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的

    1.The Chinese economy grows at a(n) annual (每年的) rate of more than 6 percent.
    2.In November, 2018, the state of California of the US witnessed (见证) a violent forest fire.
    3.Scientific studies have shown that making a habit of pausing (暂停) before you do something can actually have a big impact on how your life turns out.
    4.In that country, people who talk too loudly on their mobile phones or eat smelly foods will face being dragged (拖;拉) off the underground train and handed $650 fines.
    5.I would like to set a new target (目标) for my studies after I enter my ideal college.
    6.We should keep our classroom and dormitory neat (整齐的) and tidy every day.
    7.Opposite (相对的) to the lecture hall is the art center, where there are many Chinese and foreign famous paintings.
    8.Some students think Internet Slang (网络俚语) is vivid (生动的), fashionable and full of humor and intelligence.
    9.The weather was too hot, so I ran towards the seaside and dived (潜水) into the cool water.
    10.Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork (协作) is the most important for me.
    1.accommodation n.住所;住宿→accommodatevt.提供住宿
    2.depth n.深(度);深处→deepadj.&adv.深的(地)→deeplyadv.深深地→deepenv.使加深;使强烈;变深
    3.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策→urgentadj.紧急的;迫切的
    4.abandon vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃→abandonedadj.被遗弃的;放纵的
    5.relationship n.关系;血缘关系;交往→relatev.使有联系;叙述;涉及→relatedadj.有关系的;有关联的→relationn.关系;叙述
    6.conservation n.保存;保护→conservev.保存;保护
    7.reflect vi.&vt.思考;映射;反射;思考→reflectionn.反射;反映;映像
    8.aware adj.意识到的;知道的→awarenessn.意识;认识
    9.sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的→sharpenv.削尖;磨快;尖锐;变锋利→sharpenern.铅笔刀;磨具
    10.tasty adj.好吃的;可口的→tasten.味道 v.品尝→tastelessadj.无味的
    11.scare vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓→scaredadj.恐惧的;害怕的→scaryadj.恐怖的;可怕的
    1.Whether a student likes a subject or not, is normally related to the relationship/relation between he and his teacher.(relate)
    2.The water conservation is so important that we must pay much attention to conserving our drinking water.(conserve)
    3.It was a scary story and children were scared after they heard it.(scare)
    4.The boy’s pencil isn’t sharp,_so he sharpens it with his sharpener.(sharp)
    5.Though the soup is tasty,_I’ve lost my sense of taste and it tastes just like tasteless water.(tasty)
    6.The lake is over 20 meters in depth. So we were all moved deeply by the man who dived deep into the lake to save the boy.(depth)
    7.Some flowers are reflected in the river and the reflection is very beautiful.(reflect)
    8.If you can’t find any accommodations elsewhere, here is a room which can accommodate up to five people.(accommodation)
    9.It is urged that we should finish the job in such urgent time.(urge)

    ①narrow adj.  狭窄的
    ②arrow n. 箭头
    ③borrow v. 借
    ④sorrow n. 悲伤
    ⑤sparrow n. 麻雀

    ①depth 深度
    ②width 宽度
    ③length 长度
    ④truth 真理
    ⑤growth 成长
    ①fast adj. 快的  adv. 迅速地
    ②close adj. 亲密的 adv. 紧密地
    ③deep adj. 深的 adv. 深深地
    ④direct adj. 直接的 adv. 直接地
    ⑤easy adj. 容易的 adv. 从容地

    先 写 对
    再 用 准
    1.aim_at        瞄准
    2.get_close_to 靠近
    3.hold_up 举起;阻止
    4.be/become_aware_of 对……知道、明白;意识到……
    5.(be)_scared_to_death 吓死了
    Once I, together with my parents, visited Qingdao Ocean World. To my joy, I could ①get_close_to the shark in the aquarium. Although I ②was_aware_of the shark in the tank, I ③was nearly scared_to_death when the shark swam to me.
    1.ahead_of   在……之前
    2.help_(...)_out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境
    3.upside_down 上下翻转
    4.in_the_meantime 在此期间
    5.be_about_to 即将;将要
    ①In_the_meantime,_there were many visitors ②ahead_of us. They were also scared to scream. We ③were_about_to go to see other fishes when the shark turned around. Luckily, it was the feeder that drew its attention and ④helped us out. What an exciting experience we had under the sea!  

    ①aim at    瞄准
    ②point at 指向
    ③arrive at 到达
    ④laugh at 嘲笑
    ⑤knock at 敲(门、窗等)
    ①hold up 举起;阻止
    ②hold on 坚持;稍等
    ③hold back 踌躇;阻止
    ④hold out 维持;坚持
    ⑤hold off 推迟;战胜
    ①help (...) out  帮助(某人)摆脱困境
    ②work out 解决;算出;锻炼
    ③figure out 解决;算出
    ④find out 查明;弄清楚
    ⑤try out 试用;试验

    背 原 句
    明 句 式
    学 仿 写
    1.It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.
    It was a time when ...
    It_was_a_time_when many young people went to the countryside to get some training.
    2.As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.
    see ...doing sth.
    “看见……正在做某事”及v.­ing 形式的被动式作宾语补足语。
    I saw the young man's finger being_stuck_inside_a_test_tube.
    3.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.
    where ..., there be ...
    We all know that where_there

    Protecting the ocean
    As we learn about from the media, the oceans are witnessing more and more human’s activities❶. Consequently, a great number of people see lots of waters ________________(pollute)❷. And we human beings are aware of the danger of damaging oceanic ecological balance. So, we urge the people to protect the ocean environment.
    1.①处所在句使用了拟人的英语修辞格, witness在句中可翻译成“见证;目击”。

    1.witness vt.当场见到;目击vi.为……作证(to) n.目击者;证人;证据
    (1)witness sth./that ...     目击……
    witness to (doing) sth. 证实/证明(做)某事
    (2)(a) witness of/to sth. ……的目击者/见证人/证明/证据
    ①What the police did first was to interview all the witnesses (witness) to the accident last week.
    ②His good health is a witness to/of the success of the treatment.
    The box­office income of Chinese movies witnessed_a_constant_increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015.
    2.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策 n.强烈的欲望;冲动

    (1)urge sb. to do sth.    催促某人做某事
    urge/it is urged that ...(should) do sth.
    (2)have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事
    (3)urgent adj. 紧急的;迫切的
    urgency n. 紧急;催促
    ①Our teacher urges us to_study (study) hard with the College Entrance Examination drawing near.
    ②I have an urge to help people out when they’re in trouble.
    ③I make an urgent (urge) appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation.
    ④The teacher urged that we (should) read as many books in English as possible.
    →It_was_urged_that_we_(should)_read as many books in English as possible.
    3.be/become aware of对……知道、明白;意识到……

    (1)be aware that ...     意识到/体会到……
    (2)awareness n. 意识;认识
    develop an awareness of 逐渐懂得;培养……的意识
    [题点全练] 单句语法填空
    ①Learning English not only increases my awareness (aware) of foreign cultures but also helps me to communicate with English­speaking people and to make more new friends.
    ②In my opinion, it’s very important to develop an awareness of health now.
    ③As a member of society, I’m aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.
    ④Some activities should be carried out to make people aware of the importance of donating blood.
    As we drew closer, I could see a whale being_attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

    (1)being done表示“……正在被做”,它可以作宾语补足语、定语和状语,相当于形容词或副词。
    (2)being done表示“被做……”,时常在句中作主语、宾语和表语,相当于名词。
    ①Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being_performed (perform) live is quite another.(2015·浙江高考)
    ②Being_caught (catch) in a heavy traffic is quite an unpleasant experience.
    Protecting the ocean
    ______________❶ It’s time for us to abandon the idea that the ocean resources are unlimited. I think what is worthy for us to reflect on is how to help the endangered ocean animals and plants out❷. After all, the ocean is the cradle of human life and protecting the ocean is protecting ourselves.
    A.Where there is a will, there is a way.
    B.Where there is pollution, there is harm.
    C.Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    5.abandon vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃;中止;使放纵;使听任 n.放任;放纵
    (1)abandon oneself to ...    沉湎/纵情于……
    abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事
    (2)abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;放纵的
    be abandoned to 沉湎于……
    ①Without worrying about anything, she abandoned herself to a life of pleasure.
    ②Soon they reached an abandoned (abandon) temple, where there once lived an old monk.
    ③He is abandoned to reading (read) all kinds of books in his spare time.
    ④He abandoned_himself_to_the_Internet_games and didn’t pass the exam.
    ⑤Abandoning_himself_to_the_Internet_games,_he didn’t pass the exam.
    ⑥Abandoned to the Internet games, he didn’t pass the exam.
    6.reflect vi.思考vt.映射;反射;反映;思考

    (1)reflect ... in ...    在……中映出……的影像
    be reflected in 倒映在;反映在
    reflect on/upon sth. 反省/认真思考某事
    (2)reflection n. 反射;反照;反映;映像;沉思
    on reflection 再三考虑
    ①In class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects (reflect) traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)
    ②It seems beautiful that the tall buildings are_reflected (reflect) in the lake around which there are many trees.
    ③English writing is the comprehensive reflection (reflect) of students’ English level.
    ④At first I thought it was a bad idea, but thinking twice (=on_reflection) I realized she was right.
    ⑤There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon which is reflected in the picture.
    →There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon reflected_in the picture.
    ⑥When she reflected on her volunteer experience, Tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues.
    →Reflecting_on_her_volunteer_experience,_Tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues.
    7.help (...) out帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使(某人)脱离困境

    (1)help sb. with/(to) do sth.  帮助某人某事/做某事
    can’t help doing sth. 忍不住做某事
    can’t help but do sth.  只得做某事;不得不做某事
    help yourself (to sth.) 随便自己动手(吃/用……等)
    (2)with the help of sb.=with one’s help
    ①I have been busy with my study and seldom help my parents with the housework.
    ②We think this is the opportunity for us youth to do a contribution to helping the victims out.
    ③When thinking of the wonderful days I spent in New Orleans, I just can’t help thinking (think) of you.
    ④With_the_help_of_the_teacher/With_the_teacher’s_help,_he has made great progress in his English.
    8.where ..., there be ...“在……地方,有……”
    The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there_was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.

    ②We are going to meet at the school gate at 7 a.m. and cycle to the nearby mountain where_we_can_go_hiking and enjoy a picnic.(2017·浙江高考写作)
    ③We haven’t dealt with the question where_we_are_going_to_spend_the_weekend.


    1.Over the past 40 years, China has_witnessed (witness) dramatic changes.
    2.When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that reflected (reflect) my interest.
    3.This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to_come (come) to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.
    4.Feeling frustrated, I found I abandoned myself to playing (play) computer games.
    5.Only when everyone has the environmental awareness (aware) can we have cleaner air.
    6.—Where do you plan to work?
    —I’ve made up my mind to go where I’m most needed.
    7.The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with a few short pauses (pause) in between.
    8.One afternoon last week, I saw three tearful children from my son’s school being_comforted (comfort) by teachers.
    9.To everyone’s surprise, the CEO fled (flee) to the US, leaving his company in a mess.
    10.I was too scared (scare) to go into the water even though they tried to persuade me several times.

    1.The police held_up the traffic to allow the pupils to cross the road.
    2.I don’t really work here. I am just helping_out until the new secretary comes.
    3.In the Spring Festival, Chinese people like to hang the character “fu” upside_down.
    4.Seeing a toy snake suddenly sometimes, the little girl can be_scared_to_death.
    5.The visit was aimed_at promoting mutual communications between these two countries.
    6.Seeing a large crowd at the street corner,I became/was_aware_of something unusual happening.
    1.我经常怀念我的童年。那是一段几乎每天都无忧无虑的日子。(It was a time when ...)
    I often miss my childhood. It_was_a_time_when_I_spent_almost_each_day without worries.
    2.当他们正打算看他们最喜爱的电影时,他们听到来自外面的一个奇怪的噪声。(be about to ... )
    When they were_about_to_watch_their_favorite_movie,_they heard a strange noise coming from outside.
    3.请记住:哪里有问题,哪里就有解决办法。(where ..., there be ...)
    Remember that where_there_is_a_problem,_there_is_always_a_solution.
    4.每天,学生们要花三个多小时写作业。(it takes sb.+时间+to do ...)
    It_takes_the_students_more_than_three_hours_to_do their homework every day.
    5.我看见他安全地穿过马路跑开了。(see ... doing)
    1.Every one knew that the two girls didn’t get along very well then.
    →Every one was_aware_that the two girls didn’t get along very well then.
    2.The conference will begin in an hour; at the same time, let’s have a chat.
    →The conference will begin in an hour; in_the_meantime,_let’s have a chat.
    3.As Bob abandoned himself to smoking, he suffered from lung cancer.
    →Abandoning_himself_to_smoking,_Bob suffered from lung cancer.
    The amount of fish caught worldwide is much larger than has been reported. And that could mean serious problems for the environment and nations that depend on fisheries (渔业). A new estimate shows that it is 32 million tons higher than countries have been reporting yearly.
    The same report notes that the world's fish catch has been declining since the late 1990s. Countries report their industrial catches to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. But they do not report other kinds of fishing. This includes the catches of small commercial fisheries, which are called artisanal fisheries, and fishing for recreation and individual food.
    Daniel Pauly at the University of British Columbia in Canada led the study. He noted that a huge amount of some catches is thrown away. “For example, shrimp trawlers (拖网渔船) keep only the shrimp and the fish that they catch — often eight to ten times as much as the shrimp — gets thrown away.”
    Pauly told VOA that better estimates of the actual global catch will help ensure there will be enough fish in the future. “But our figures suggest that since 1996 a rapid decrease is happening. And if you project this forward you end up in a few decades having much less catch, literally no catch. So that is potentially dangerous.”
    Researchers also found ways the world's fisheries are changing. They found that fishing fleets of larger nations are catching fish in the waters of developing countries more and more.
    Pauly said he was surprised by the amount of fishing done by foreign fleets in competition with local fishers. “In West Africa, the figure that was most astonishing is the enormous role of foreign fishing — of European and Asian vessels fishing legally or illegally and competing against local fishermen. On the other hand for the US, Australia and some developing countries, such as the Bahamas, what was apparent is the enormous contribution of recreational fisheries, which also never get reported to the FAO.”
    Researchers say inaccurate data also harms the development and supervision (监管) of effective policy and management measures.
    1.What's the main idea of the passage?
    A.False amount of fish caught worldwide harms economy environment.
    B.The world's fish catch has been declining.
    C.The global fishing competition is serious.
    D.The management of global fishing needs improving.
    解析:选A 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第一、二句“The amount of fish caught worldwide is much larger than has been reported. And that could mean serious problems for the environment and nations that depend on fisheries(渔业).”可知,本文主要阐述了关于捕鱼数量的虚假报告对环境造成了不好的影响。故选A项。
    2.What does the underlined word “it” (in Para.1) refer to?
    A.The amount of foreign fishing.
    B.The amount of local fishing.
    C.The amount of recreational fishing.
    D.The amount of all fish caught worldwide.
    解析:选D 代词指代题。it为代词,指代前文,又根据32 million这个数字可推断出it指代第一句中的“The amount of fish caught worldwide”,由此可知选D项。
    3.Which kind of fishing has been reported to the FAO?
    A.Industrial fish catches.
    B.Commercial fishing.
    C.Fishing for entertainment.
    D.Fishing for individual food.
    解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段二、三句“Countries report their industrial catches to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. But they do not report other kinds of fishing.”可知,各国向联合国粮食及农业组织报告了他们的工业捕鱼量,但没有报告其他形式的捕鱼数量。故选A项。
    Since English biologist Charles Darwin published OntheOriginofSpecies in 1859, scientists have vastly improved their knowledge of natural history.However, a lot of information is still the subject of speculation, and scientists can still only make educated guesses at certain things.
    One subject that they guess at is why some 400 million years ago, animals in the sea developed limbs that allowed them to move onto and live on land.
    Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.
    Romer thought that tide pools might have led to fish gaining limbs.Sea animals would have been forced into these pools by strong tides.Then, they would have been made either to adapt to their new environment close to land or die.The fittest among them grew to accomplish the transition from sea to land.
    Romer called these earliest four­footed animals “tetrapods”.Science has always thought that this was a credible theory, but only recently has there been strong enough evidence to support it.
    Hannah Byrne is an oceanographer (海洋学家) at Uppsala University in Sweden.She announced at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon, US, that by using computer software, her team had managed to link Romer's theory to places where fossil deposits of the earliest tetrapods (四足动物) were found.
    According to the magazine Science, in 2014, Steven Balbus, a scientist at the University of Oxford in the UK, calculated that 400 million years ago, when the move from land to sea was achieved, tides were stronger than they are today.This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon than it is now.
    The creatures stranded in the pools would have been under the pressure of “survival of the fittest”, explained Mattias Green, an ocean scientist at the UK's Bangor University.As he told Science, “After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out of food ...The fish that had large limbs had an advantage because they could flip (快速翻转) themselves back in the water.”
    4.Who first proposed the theory that fish might have gained limbs because of tidal pools?
    A.Alfred Romer.      B.Charles Darwin.
    C.Hannah Byrne. D.Steven Balbus.
    解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段及第四段第一句可知,最先提出潮水潭导致鱼类长出四肢这一观点的是美国的古生物学家Alfred Romer,故本题选A。
    5.Why were tides stronger 400 million years ago than they are today according to Steven Balbus?
    A.There were larger oceans.
    B.Earth was closer to the moon.
    C.The moon gave off more energy.
    D.Earth was under greater pressure.
    解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第七段最后一句“This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon than it is now.”可知,4亿年前,潮汐比现在更强劲,这是因为地球离月球比现在近了10%。本题答案为B。
    6.The underlined word “stranded” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.
    A.found B.settled
    C.abandoned D.trapped
    解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的“After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out of food”可知,“The creatures stranded in the pools would have been under the pressure of ‘survival of the fittest’”表示被困在潮水潭的生物将会受到“适者生存”的压力。第四段第三句也是信息提示。故本题答案为D。trap“使落入险境,使陷入困境”。
    7.What is the focus of the article?
    A.The arguments over a scientific theory.
    B.The proposal of a new scientific theory.
    C.Some new evidence to support a previous theory.
    D.A new discovery that questions a previous theory.
    解析:选C 主旨大意题。根据第三段可知,最近美国古生物学家Alfred Romer一个世纪前的想法再次成为一个热门话题。根据第二段可知,这个想法正是对“大约4亿年前,为什么海里的动物长出了可以使它们迁移到并生活在陆地上的四肢?”这一问题的思考,故这个问题是以前的问题,且文章给出了不同的科学家最近提供的不同证据。故选C。
    What's more exciting than having a fresh hot pizza delivered to your door? How about having it brought to you by a robot? Thanks to Domino's Robotic Unit, that just became a reality. On March 8, the three­foot tall robot made its first delivery to some lucky residents in Brisbane, Australia.
    The autonomous DRU is the result of a cooperation between Domino's Pizza Australia and Marathon Robotics. The machine can cover a distance of up to 12 miles and back before requiring a battery recharge. Equipped with Google Maps and GPS guidance, DRU can go along bike paths and sidewalks and also find the most efficient way to its destination. LIDAR, a laser­based sensor technology similar to the one used in self­driving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles, while traditional sensors ensure its path to its destination is safe. DRU's plastic shell protects the food from the bad weather, while its aluminum and steel container ensures that the pies remain hot.
    The robot can fit up to ten pizzas and even has a separate cold area to accommodate drink orders. To access their food, customers have to enter the unique code provided by the company. This not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.
    Domino's expects additional DRU to be ready for service in its various Queensland locations within the next six months. But don't expect these super cute robots to replace humans anytime soon. According to Domino's, the DRU still needs much testing, which the company believes could take up to two years. There is also the issue of regulations. The public use of autonomous vehicles is still banned in most countries. But Don Meij, the CEO of Domino's Pizza, is not worried. He believes that one day DRU will become a necessary part of the Domino's family.

    8.What's the function of LIDAR?
    A.Keeping DRU free of obstacles.
    B.Recharging DRU's battery.
    C.Helping DRU find its destination.
    D.Protecting DRU from bad weather.
    解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“LIDAR, a laser­based sensor technology similar to the one used in self­driving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles ...”可知,LIDAR的功能是使DRU察觉并避开障碍物。故A项正确。
    9.Why does the company provide codes for its customers?
    A.To fit up more pizzas.
    B.To prevent the pizza being taken by mistake.
    C.To keep the pizza warm.
    D.To get the pizza paid in time.
    解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“This not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.”可知,这是为了防止顾客拿错比萨。故B项正确。
    10.What can we infer about the future of DRU?
    A.It may need some improvements.
    B.It will replace humans soon.
    C.It may be banned in Australia.
    D.It will soon be applied worldwide.
    解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“According to Domino's, the DRU still needs much testing, which the company believes could take up to two years.”可以判断,DRU仍有待改进。故A项正确。
    To Know Some Customs and Manners
    While you are travelling abroad, cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes, which can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill­feeling between individuals. __1__
    ●Touching Someone
    __2__ In Mediterranean countries, if you don't touch someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm hug, you'll be considered cold. But backslap (拍背) someone who isn't a family member or a good friend in Korea, and you'll make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred — never even pat a child on the head.
    ●Talking Over Dinner
    In some countries, like China, Japan and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner. __3__ It's not because your group is unfriendly, but because meal times are for eating, not talking.
    ●Removing Your Shoes or Not
    Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful. So, if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. __4__
    Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior. __5__ And don't feel offended if something seems offensive — like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.
    A.Personal space varies as you travel the globe.
    B.Asians consider removing shoes impolite at home.
    C.Never be completely surprised by anything.
    D.The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his idea.
    E.Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.
    F.If not, keep the shoes on.
    G.You'll likely be met with silence.
    1.选E 本文是“总—分—总”的结构,而空格处所在段落是文章的总起段。空格处应是要引出对下文三种不同的文化习俗的介绍。E项“Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.”意为“当心以下这些文化错误并尽力避免它们”,能够引起下文。故选E。
    2.选A 根据本段的小标题“Touching Someone”以及下文介绍的不同国家在肢体接触方面有不同的习俗可知,空格处应当总领全段。A项“当你环球旅游时,你会发现各地对私人空间的定义是不同的”能够总领该段。故选A。
    3.选G 根据空格前一句可知,在上述这些国家,吃饭的时候要专心。当别人吃晚饭时,不要闲聊你白天的经历。G项“你很有可能会遭遇沉默”紧密衔接上文。故选G。
    4.选F 根据本段小标题“Removing Your Shoes or Not”可知,该段讨论的是“要不要脱鞋”的问题。空格处应与空格前一句“So, if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces.”之间为对比关系。F项“如果不是这样,那就穿上鞋子”符合语境。故选F。
    5.选C 该段为总结段。空格处应为具有总结性质的句子。空格后一句是说如果一些事情看起来是具有冒犯性的,但是要入乡随俗,不要感觉被冒犯了,并举插队一例进行说明。C项“不要对任何事情感到诧异”符合语境且引出下句。故选C。






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