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    本试卷共10页,120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答 无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。


    第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)

    阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给 出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。


    At 8,1 started taking art lessons ] (improve) my painting skills. However, later, I found that I focused too much on mastering different techniques. Eventually, I became more distressed when my expectations weren't matched.

    So, in the 11th Grade, I returned to the basics. On 2 sketchbook I forced myself to draw whatever interested me. Over time, I have been released from the tight control. I have learned that a good painting is not about having perfect technique. In fact, all I need to do is trust my 3 (create) talents and find moments of joy in life.


    In recent years, trampolining (蹦床)has become a new craze among Chinese youths. Short videos

    4 (show) people's excitement about jumping back and forth on the colourful trampolines are regularly uploaded to social media. Most videos feature teenagers, but adults too have jumped on the trend, hoping to relive their childhood.             

    Compared with soccer, basketball, tennis or any other competitive sports, 5 various injuries occur from time to time, trampolining is relatively 6 (safe). However, preparation and safety always come first. You must do warm-up exercises before playing and you can't lose concentration during the movements.


    A news report shows that China's urban pet consumer market 7 (expect) to break through the 200 billion yuan threshold this year. Young people in big cities are the main contributors.

    Nowadays, with the cost of living rising, young people 8 (suffer) from greater loneliness and pressure. They are busy working all day in a competitive environment, leaving little time for fun and friends. That may explain 9 more and more young people are choosing to keep pets

    10 companionship. Apart from relieving loneliness, many scientific studies have shown that keeping a pet reduces stress and may even improve overall health.

    第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题L 5分,共30分)

    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

    I was 11 when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in an economic crisis and she'd recently been 11 off. She said a polite “no".

    That didn't 12 me. I drew a keyboard onto a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would 13              notes on an online keyboard and "play" them back on my paper onekeeping the sound they

    made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without 14 a real piano. As my mum found I was 15 about it, she bought me 10 lessons with borrowed money.

    I still remember the first one. I was 16 by how organic the sound of the piano was, as I had become familiar with the 17 electronic sound. The teacher was trying to explain where middle C was, but I could 18 play all the major and minor scales.

    I 19 my grade one after eight lessons and got distinction. By the time I started secondary school, we couldn't 20 lessons again, so I returned to my paper keyboard. I passed grade three, then grade five, practising only on my piece of paper.

    For the grades above that, there9s an 21 that you add a certain sensitivity into your playing. The music teacher at my school said I could practise on the school's grand piano. I would wake up at 5:30 am to get there in time and play until lessons started. I'd 22 lunch and then practise after school until the caretaker kicked me out. At home, I'd have dinner, do three hours of revision, and then 23 practice until 1:00 am.

    My school didn't offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young musicians. The audition (试镜)was extremely              24 , and I felt overwhelmed. To my amazement, I was offered a

    25 .

    I had been told I had started playing too 26 to reach conservatoire (音乐学院)level, but when I left Purcell, I was awarded the senior piano prize. That was the point when I realized I wasn't behind everyone else. I am now at the Guildhall School in London, where I was offered a scholarship. I feel 27 : ifs been 10 years since I drew my paper piano and I'm at one of the world's 28 conservatoires.

    The irony is that I continue to do a lot of my practice away from the piano~what we call mental practice. It 29 key areas of the mind that are less readily accessed by piano playing alone. The paper piano helped stimulate my 30 about how music works.

    11. A. laid

    B. pushed

    C. dropped

    D. knocked

    12. A. annoy

    B. bother

    C. embarrass

    D. discourage

    13. A. take

    B. sign

    C. click

    D. compose

    14. A. seeing

    B. touching

    C. enjoying

    D. choosing

    15. A. serious

    B. careful

    C. hesitant

    D. nervous

    16. A. struck

    B. puzzled

    C. comforted

    D. inspired

    17. A. natural

    B. artificial

    C. practical

    D. magical

    18. A. only

    B. still

    C. hardly

    D. already

    19. A. sat


    C. failed

    D. repeated

    20. A. offer

    B. teach

    C. afford

    D. observe

    21. A. attitude

    B. expectation

    C. opinion

    D. opportunity

    22. A. avoid

    B. miss

    C. save

    D. skip

    23. A. social

    B. mental

    C. mechanical

    D. physical

    24. A. fascinating

    B. motivating

    C. frightening

    D. challenging

    25. A. course

    B. reward

    C. place

    D. certificate

    26. A. soon

    B. late

    C. hurriedly

    D. suddenly

    27. A. proud

    B. lucky

    C. ambitious

    D. grateful

    28. A. grand

    B. strict

    C. leading

    D. expensive

    29. A. builds

    B. covers

    C. defines

    D. unlocks

    30. A. prediction

    B. memory

    C. curiosity

    D. imagination


    第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上 将该项涂黑。


    What are some of your favourite memories of the University?

    In preparation for each falfs 50th reunion, members of the milestone class are asked to recall campus memories for an annual Memory Book.

    Here's a small selection of some memories from the Class of 1969.

    Phyllis Jo Baunach

    "...I cannot forget the endless hours studying, researching, and learning in the middle of the musty books in the stacks. We did everything by hand! But the joys of ideas coming to life and understanding thorny concepts are priceless.

    Additionally, I cannot forget the joyful hours of Co-Kast rehearsals fbr student-written-and- directed plays, and the thrill of audiences5 responses to our efforts. Nor will I ever forget taking voice lessons at the Eastman School of Music. This course gave me confidence to try new musical approaches and to think on my feet.,,

    Paul Boehm

    "... many sweet and lasting memoriesfive feet of deep snow, getting stranded on the Thruway, music at Hylie Morris's Alley, and, of course, I met my wife of 48 years, Ellen Blazer Boehm from the Class of 1972, when she was a freshman and I was a senior. As a five-year chemical engineering major, I had one elective to spare, and Ellen said, 'How about oceanography?9 So, I enrolled in oceanography with Dr. Taro Takahashi (the famous climate scientist), which awakened my environmental juices, and changed my professional direction.,,

    Farel Vella McClure

    "...I truly loved my four undergraduate years at the University of Rochester. In fact, I loved it so much that I stayed an extra year to get a master's degree! I was very fortunate to have been totally immersed in student life on campus. My memories include campaigning and winning a seat on the student government during my freshman year. Other irfemories include the Susan B. Anthony banquet, and sleeping in the comfy chairs in the library. I was also privileged to be selected as a student representative on the design team for the new Wilson Commons. I. M. Pei, the famous architect who designed the Louvre Pyramid, was the architect for Wilson Commons. We even visited his offices in New York to see the "master9 at work.,,

    1.     According to the passage, Paul Boehm         .
    1.     married Ellen Blazer in 1972
    2.     disliked his major in university
    3.     became a famous climate scientist later
    4.     discovered his interest in environmental science
    1.     What can we learn about Farel Vella McClure?
    1.     She was a world-famous designer.
    2.     She was active in school activities.
    3.     She had a hard time getting her master's.
    4.     She once met I. M. Pei at the Louvre Pyramid.
    1.     The three people all talked about       .
    1.     their beloved professors B. their great friendship

    C. their learning experiences D. their beautiful campus


    Early February, I was flying up to Ohio. Well prepared, I had everything in my favourfuel for five hours, charts in order, my flight plan on my lap, and a beautiful clear sky.

    I was wrong.

    I had heard about Alberta Clippers coming out of Canada. I knew all about themhow an entire air mass was streaming along at over sixty miles an hour.

    That morning, the Weather Briefer informed me that an Alberta Clipper was going over Chicago about,the time I got to the airport. Chicago was some 400 miles from my destination—not a factor, or so I thought. That was the first hint I missed.

    The controller called and asked if I wanted to adjust my flight plan. I did the check and everything was in the green. So I told him no. Twenty minutes later the controller called again asking whether I wanted to adjust my flight plan. I checked everything. All was fine. I ignored that hint. I was fooled by the smooth air and limited experience with a rapidly moving air mass that was not changing violently. The Alberta Clipper was clipping along.

    The first blast of turbulence (气流)struck my plane. I got slammed into the roof, and then slammed sideways hitting the window with such force up my nose that I started bleeding.

    After a 2-hour flight of 100 miles, I realized fuel was now an issue. So was landing. I called Flight Following. We figured out the airport I could land.

    The engine stopped. So did my heart. There is no quiet as quietly stunning as this one at such an altitude. I had run out of fuel in the left tank, and only a little in my right tank. The engine quit fbr a second time. I declared an emergency. I was told that I might get another few minutes of fuel if I gently banked the airplane. Luckily, it worked. Then, the engine quit for the last time. I was a glider now. I made a long lazy spiral descent. Down I went. I stopped at the very end of the runway.

    I made so many mistakes, missed so many clues, and showed my ignorance so much that I beat myself up over and over again in my mind. I learned textbook descriptions of Alberta Clippers and real-life experience with one are totally different. I will never forget the sound of that silence.

    I flew home the next day. Older. Wiser. Humbler. Lucky.

    1.    We can know from the passage that Alberta Clippers       .
    1.     can bring snowstorms
    2.     are quick-moving air masses
    3.     are violently changing air pressure
    4.     can lead to a sudden temperature drop
    1.     What mainly led to the author's missing all the hints?
    1.     His lack of flying experience.
    2.     His poor preparation for the journey.
    3.     His misjudgement about the air mass.
    4.     His overconfidence in his piloting skills.
    1.     Which is the right order of the events?
    1.    I declared an emergency.
    2.    My airplane was running out of fuel.
    3.     I insisted on carrying on my flight plan.
    4.    I was thrown to the roof by the violent air mass.
    5.     I slightly banked my airplane and made a landing.
    1.     dcbea B. dceba
    1.     The passage describes        .
    1.     a rewarding training

    C. a painful exploration

    There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters. For instance, Benedict Cumberbatch said, "My mum says I'm much more impatient with her when I'm filming Sherlock.,^

    Mark Seton, a researcher at the University of Sydney, has even coined the term "post-dramatic stress disorder,, to describe the lasting effects experienced by actors who lose themselves in a role. “Actors may often prolong habits of the characters they have embodied," he writes.

    A recent finding doesn't involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about another person seemed to rub off on the volunteers5 sense of self led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton University. Across several studies, these researchers asked volunteers to first rate their own personalities, memories or physical attributes, and then to perform the same task from the perspective of another person. For instance, they might score the emotionality of various personal memories, and then rate how a friend or relative would have experienced those same events.

    After taking the perspective of another, the volunteers scored themselves once again: the consistent finding was that their self-knowledge was now changedtheir self-scores had shifted to become more similar to those they'd given for someone else. For instance, if they had initially said the trait term "confident" was only moderately related to themselves and then rated the term as being strongly related to a friend's personality, when they came to rescore themselves, they now tended to see themselves as more confident. Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24-hour gap was left between taking someone else's perspective and re-rating oneself.

    "By simply thinking about another person, we may adapt our self to take the shape of that person/9 said Meyer and her colleagues. That our sense of self should have this quality might be a little discouraging, especially for anyone who has struggled to establish a firm sense of identity. Yet there is an optimistic message here, too. The challenge of improving ourselvesor at least seeing ourselves in a more positive lightmight be a little easier than we thought. By roleplaying or acting out the kind of person we would like to become, or merely by thinking about and spending time with people who embody the kind of attributes we would like to see in ourselves, we can find that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.

    “As each of us chooses who to befriend, who to model, and who to ignore/9 write Meyer and her colleagues, “we must make these decisions aware of how they shape not only the fabric of our social networks, but even our sense of who we are."

    1.     The first two paragraphs mainly        .
    1.     state that acting requires skills
    2.     explain the stress that an actor faces
    3.     show that a role leaves a mark on the actor
    4.     stress the importance of devoting oneself to a role
    1.     What does the underlined phrase "rub off on” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    1.     Influence. B. Strengthen. C. Confuse. D. Determine.
    1.     According to the study, taking the perspective of another person     .
    1.     brings changes to one's self-knowledge
    2.     motivates one to better understand himself
    3.     helps people deal with their identity problems
    4.     produces temporary effects on one's character
    1.     What is the significance of the study?
    1.     It offers instructions on making friends.
    2.     It proposes a means to improve ourselves.
    3.     It gives advice on adjusting one's emotions.
    4.     It presents a way to deal with stress disorder.


    In college, I was taught an elegant theory of chemical combination based on excess electrons going into holes in the orbital shell of a neighbouring atom. But what about diatomic compounds like oxygen gas? Don't ask; students aren't ready to know. In physics, in biology, in any other science classes, students frequently get that answer too.

    Ifs time to trust students to handle doubt and diversity in science. Actually, students are starting to act. They have shamed their seniors into including more diverse contributors as faculty members and role models. Young scholars rudely ask their superiors why they fail to address the extinction crises clarified by their research. The inherited authoritarian political structures of science education are becoming lamebut still remain largely unchanged from the old school days.

    A narrow, rigid education does not prepare anyone fbr the complexities of scientific research, applications and policy. If we discourage students from inquiring into the real nature of scientific truths, or exploring how society shapes the questions that researchers ask, how can we prepare them to maintain public trust in science in our "post-truth” world? Diversity and doubt produce creativity; we must make room for them, and stop guiding future scientists into narrow specialties that value technique over thought.

    In science, even foundational building blocks can be questioned. The unifying patterns of the periodic table are now questioned under closer examination. Some scientists now wonder whether the concept of biological "species" contributes more confusion than insight, and whether it should therefore be abandoned. However, such a decision would affect conservation policy, in which identification of endangered species is crucialso it is not just an issue for basic science.

    Science students generally remain unaware that concepts such as elements and species are contested or are even contestable. In school, college and beyond, curricula highlight the technical and hide the reflective. Public arguments among scientists often presume that every problem has just one solution.

    Nonetheless, uncertain advice on complex issues should be a warning that, from a future perspective, today's total scientific consensus on some policy issue might have been the result of stubbornness, a conflict of interest or worse. Just as a healthy democracy accommodates dissent and dissonance, the collective consciousness of science would do well to embrace doubt and diversity. This could start with teaching science as a great, flawed, ongoing human achievement, rather than as a collection of cut-and-dried eternal (永久的)truths.

    I recall a legendaiy chemistry professor who was not skilful at getting classroom demonstrations to workbut discussing what went wrong helped his students to thrive. A mathematician friend let pupils discuss every statement in the textbook until all were satisfied. They did vwell in exams, and taught themselves when he was absent. Treating people at all levels as committed thinkers, whose asking teaches us all, is the key to tackling the challenges to science in the post-trust age.

    1.    The problem of current science training is that    .
    1.   students cannot become specialists
    2.    it goes against established science education
    3.    students lose trust in their teachers and professors
    4.   it fails to provide students with what they need in future
    1.    The periodic table is mentioned to prove that     .
    1.   even the widely accepted can be challenged
    2.    students are generally ignorant of science
    3.    most previous researches are out of date *
    4.   science has been developing with time
    1.    It can be learnt from the passage that     .
    1.   students may be more innovative if they are allowed to doubt
    2.    science students do not contest elements or species
    3.    students should not trust established science
    4.   diversity prevents progress in science
    1.     Which of the following statements best represents the writer 5s opinion?
    1.     Our curricula highlight the technical and hide the reflective.
    2.     Science should be a collection of cut-and-dried eternal truths.
    3.     Teachers should treat people at all levels as committed thinkers.
    4.     The concept of biological species brings more confusion than insight.


    根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。

    Is there a link between social media and depression? Do social media have a negative impact on your mental health? Ifs complicated.

    In a recent study, the investigators compared social media use and depression between teens.

    46 Specifically, for every hour per day that one teen spent on social media more than her peers, she likely had a 0.64-point higher depression score.

    A different study published in 2018 identified five distinct types of social media users. The finding was that "problematic social media use" was one of the main themes ftr people whose mental health was affected by social media. You can have alcohol in your life without it being a problem, or your alcohol use may become problematic. 47

    There's one important thing to remember about survey research~ ust because two things happen together, it's not necessarily true that one causes the other. 48 For all we know, it could be that people who are already more depressed choose to spend more time on social media.

    49 If you think that we shouldn't paint social media with one broad brush, you're on the right track. On the one hand, participants often described social media as a valuable way to cope with stress. On the other hand, cyberbullying via social media was also a common experience for participants. Some also said that constantly checking their own social media profile was stressful.

    Ifs certainly possible that experiences like cyberbullying, comparing yourself to idealized images, and constantly monitoring your profile, are bad fbr your mood. It's also true for many that social media offer community support and positive messages. Given the inconclusive research, it's safe to say that at least we shouldn't write off social media altogether. 50 Anyway, you cannot use it as a crutch fbr coping with other stressors and mental health problems.

    1.     It's the same with social media.
    2.     Social media can be a double-edged sword.
    3.     People get more opinionated about the potential problems of social media.
    4.     They found that those who used social media more had higher depression scores.
    5.     They reviewed all existing research and found that there were both benefits and drawbacks.
    6.      The key to benefiting from social media may lie in using it in moderation and staying socially connected.
    7.     For example, just because higher social media use co-occurs with higher levels of depression doesn't mean social media use causes depression.第三部分:书面表达(共两节,35分)


    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim得知你对探月感兴趣,发来邮件和你 讨论该话题。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

    1.   月亮在中国文化中的寓意;
    2.    你对人类探月活动的看法。



    提示词:探月 moon exploration

    Dear Jim,


    Li Hua


    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据下面四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述 你确定大学志愿的过程。






    第一部分: 知识运用


    1. to improve     2. a      3. creative

    4. showing     5. where    6. safer       7.is expected      

    8. are suffering        9. why     10. for


    11. A  12. D  13. C  14. B  15. A  16. A  17. B  18. D  19. A   20. C

    21. B  22. D  23. B  24. D  25. C  26. B  27. A  28. C  29. D   30. C


    31. D  32. B  33. C 34. B  35. C  36. D  37. B  38. C  39. A  40. A

    41. B  42. D  43. A   44. A  45. C

    46. D  47. A  48. G  49. B   50. F










    5. 词数少于50,从总分中减去1分。


































    One possible version:

    I am glad to share with you more details about my passion for moon exploration.

    It started with what I had been told about the moon as a kid and grew stronger with time. As you can guess, there is rich cultural meaning behind the faithful companion of the earth. In Chinese culture, as opposed to the masculinity of the sun, the moon is often compared to a quiet and elegant lady. Also, it reminds people of their family and friends far away. People feel reassured knowing that they are watching the same moon as if the moon could serve as their messenger.

    Human beings have never stopped exploring our closest neighbor. I believe it is of great significance. The development of relevant technology facilitates the progress of science in general, which benefits our everyday life. What’s more, I think moon exploration shows an important human trait, that is, curiosity about the unknown, which is the driving force that has brought our species this far.

    I hope you find what I‘ve mentioned above interesting and reasonable. By the way, what do you think of when you gaze at the moon? Write back and tell me about it!


















































     One possible version:


    The past week was by no means ordinary, for I had finally decided on my major.

    This Monday, the topic was brought up again by my parents during dinner. I had asked myself the same question many times, but still couldn’t make up my mind. Seeing my hesitant look, mom patted me on my shoulder, her smile encouraging me to do more research.

    Later that evening, I turned to the Internet for help. Faced with so many choices, I seemed to be lost. Law could be a good choice. Business and computer science were also attracting top students. I noted down one after another major, but crossed them all off, for what I wanted was a profession that could make a difference in people’s lives.

    The inspiration came unexpectedly with the CCTV News yesterday. The moment “Role Models of Our Time” appeared on the screen, I was awed. The news story focused on superheroes without a cape – police officers, healthcare workers, delivery men, city cleaners—who guarded us and ensured our life ran normally. Suddenly, I realized my life’s purpose—relieving pain and saving lives. And to pursue this call, I decided to specialize in medical science.

    I jumped excitedly at this idea. Mom and dad were also happy that I had found the compass for my future life, and said they would be so proud to see me in white. Now, determined to become a healthcare worker, whenever I start my schoolwork, I know I am studying for a noble cause.

    (252 words)









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