1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的学校、班级、姓名用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写 清楚,同时用2B铅笔将考号准确填涂在“考号”栏目内。
2. 选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干 净后再选涂其它答案;非选择题用0*毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题 区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。
3. 考试结束后将答题卡收回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
回答听力部分时,先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的 答案转涂到答题卡上
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍 例:How much is the shirt(
C.£ 9. 15.
B.£ 9. 18.
A. £ 19.15.
答案: C。
1. When will the plane take off(
C. At 6: 30.
A. Ah 6: 00. B. At 8: 00.
2. Whai are they going ta do next(
A. Get on a train. B. Drink in a cafe.
3. How much wilt the man pay for the tickets(
A. $10. B. $20.
4. What do we know about Lily's hair now(
A.tal hota. B.taltong.
5. Where are th^ speakers(
A. tn the woman's office. B. At an airport.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
C - Watch a football game.
C. $30.
C. It is dark.
C. At a hotet.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What will the man do on Saturday(
C ■ Enjoy a conceri.
A. Watch a game . B. Read a book .
7. Where wili the woman go on Sunday?
A. To the manP house. B. To a hospitai.
8. What's the relationship between the speakers?
A)Husband and wtee) B)Coeeagues)
9. What kind of noodles does the man want(
A. Beet noodles. B. Pork noodles.
10. What does the man chooss foe desert(
A. Appie pie. B. Ice cream.
11. What is the weathee like in Florida(
A. Rainy . B. Changeable -
12. Where did the woman spend hee vacation(
A. On the beach . B. In the mountains -
13. What did the woman enjoy about hee vacation(
A. The bautiful night sky . B. The comfortabee weathee -
C.Customeeand waitees.
C. Egg noodles.
C ■ Chocolate pudding.
C)In theaoeests)
C, The fresh and clean aim
14. What is the woman's favorita subject(
A. Art. B. Hi store -
15. What V the woman planning ta do after leaving school(
A. Work as a tournalist. B. Take a gap yeae.
16. Why does the woman want ta go ta Ithy and learn Italian(
A. Becauss ks hee dream. B. Becauss it's practicai.
17. What is the speakee mainly talking about(
A. Anna's sports lik.
B. Anna's work as a TV presentee.
C. Anna's interest in bdet.
18. When did Annabeaomein eeesed in iaesskaing(
A.In heeuniveesiy. B.In heeeaeey eens.
19. Wha8wasAnnasspeobeem when shewasyoung(
A. Shedidnsbeeievein heoudges.
B. Hee tshnique was not as good as others\
C. She was not conOdent enough in het ability.
C Spanish
C Staetuniveesity
C Becauseshewantstowoek
C Attheageoa25
20. How does Anna feel about her retirement from ice-skating now?
A. Glad . B. Recretfuk
C, Anxious .
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项! A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上 将该选项涂黑。
Los Angeles ir a relatively new and spreading city, which means thereP a big canvas(画布)foe architects 0 many styles ty put tfeir 3D stamps on the city. For architecture fans, here are some musiss99spois.
Watts Towers
Designed and constructed by Italian-born Simon Rodin over the course of three decades, the 17 英语试题第2页(共8页)
towers一the tallest is 100 feet high一consist of metal and found objects such as broken glass , pottery chips(陶器碎片), seashds , etc. You con take a guided hus of this place , learning abouh the history of this attractive projech. 1727 E. 107th Sh. ,LA.
Getty Center
Architect Richard MeierO shining city on a hill took 16 ,000 tons of marbSe to builS but today ith a wondes, housing tha Getty's main arc collection and offering unbelievabte views of Los Angeles. 1200 Getty Centes Ds. ,LA.
Sturges House
Frank Lloyd Wright designed nine diffeant staictures throughout Southern Califomie. This was Wrighos first turn away from the textile (纺织)block buildings he'd been designing in Californie and toward stressing natural factors of tha structure to min with tha natural surroundings. 449 N. Skyewiay Rd. ,LA.
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Foank Gehoyhaseieed in LosAngeeestoodetadesand hiswook hasbeen seen ohooughouoohe city. This one,the Walt Disney Concert Hall,is his most luxurious!奢侈的)building in Southern Californig. You need not sit through a symphony performancc to get a glancc at the interior!内饰)- The concert hall offers free self-guided audig tours recorded by actos John Lithgow. 111 S. Grand Ave. ,LA.
21. Where should you go to visit Watts Towers?
A.1200 GetyCenteeDe. ,LA. C. 449 N. Skyewiay Rd. ,LA.
B. 1727 E. 107th St. ,LA.
D 111 S)Geand Ave),LA)
22. What is special about Sturges House?
A. I is made up of 9 structures.
B)Itisatettieebeock buieding)
C.Ititsin weewith itsenvieonment.
23. Who designed Wait Disney Concei Hall?
A.Simon Rodia.
B)Richaed Meiee)
C.aohn Lihgow.
D)Feank Gehey)
I used to be the most determined resolution-makes. Even as a child, I was always goae-centered and loved the feeling of accomplishing things,and wy Januay 1st,I would sit down and write out my resolutions!目标)for the upcoming yeas. And what resolutions they were * I always picked big goals,like:In the New Yeas,I will lost 50 pounds * And run a marathon * And study scripture(圣 经)evero day!
The problem? I'd start out strong, but by Februaro os March, I'd be out of willpower and I'd slide quietly back into my old habits. Evero winter, Td fed guilty and ashamed, looking back at CI of the amazing things …I think one of my biggest problems with New YsCs resolutions was wanting to + dream big,but not having the skiHs and ability to do thoss things.
Now I take the opposite approach: Im ti about the lithe goais. First, littie goais are csy to set. Instead of saying Im going to run a marathon, Ivv decided Im going to run 20 minutes three days a week. Second, little goals are easier to accomplish. Evero time I check one of my mini goals off my list, I fed a burst of pride and accomplishment. Ith a great feeling, and I donV haw to wait unhi the end of the yeas to enjoy it *
The other great thing about making small goals instead of resolutions is that you con build small goals on top of each other, adding the achievements toaethes. For instancc, recently I decided to make sure I ate fvv servings of fruits and ▼1X11x7 a day. AOes a few months, this become a soeid habit.
24. Why did the author feel guilty and ashamed?
A. Because she picked big goats as he: resolutions.
B. Because she failed ty accomplish hee resolutions.
C. Because she was looking back at the amazing things.
D. Becauss she loved the feeling of accomplishing things.
25. How did she change hee New Year's resolutions?
A. She put all V he: goals tooether. B. She checked mini goals off he: list.
C- She set small goals instead of big ones. D. She didn't make resolutions any more.
26. What did the author want tt say in the last paragraph?
A. Small goals are easy th set.
B. Making resolutions is not reasonable.
C. Eating fruits and veaetable io a good habit.
D. SmaH goaSs can contributh th big achievement.
27. What can be a suitable title far the text(
A. Setting SmaH Goals Nat Bio Ones C. Making New Yeare Resolutions
B. Combining Bio and SmaH Goals
D. Setting and Achieving My Goals
Researchere have found , for the first time , plants letting out sounds when they are stressed. According th a study , a team of scientists recorded tomath and tobacca (烟草)plants producing sound frequencies which humans cannot hear in stressful situations一such as when they experienced a lack of watee oe theie stems(茎)were cut.
Previous research has shown that plants respond te stress by producing severaS visuaS and chemicaS signals. Foe example , stressed plants may《10x1' in color and shape compared te unstressed plants. Meanwhile , some are also known te let out things in response te drought (干旱)os being eaten.
The latest study , meanwhile , is the first te identify plants making sounds which can be detected oves a distance The team detected the tomate plants made 35 sounds an hour on averaye when they were exposed te drought conditions , whiae the tobacco plants produced 11. When the stems of the plants were cut , the tomato plants made 25 sounds an has on 1X19 and the tobacco plants produced 15. As a comparison, unstressed plants made less than one sound pcs hous on average , accoedingtothe7tudy.
The team say that whiae they onSy tested tomato and tobacco , it's possiblc that other plants could also producc sounds , adding that the latest findings could have an inOuencc on ayriculture. “ Plant sound production could offer a new way fos monitoring crops wates state一a question of key enportancc in ayriculture ,,the authors wrote in the study. More precise irrieation con save up to 50 percent of the wates cost and increase the production.
+ In 1:0x1 when more and more areas are exposed to drought due to climate change , while human population and consumption kxp increasing , effective wates use becomes even more
important fas food security ,, they said. + Ous results , showing the ability to distinguish betueen drought-stressed and control plants on the basis of plant sounds , open a new direction in the field of precision ayriculture.,
28. Which of the following best describes plants' response to stress in the study(
A. Sing . B. Laugh . C. Cry. D. Sigh.
29. What con we know from the Xrst 3 parayraphs(
A Humanscan heaethesound peoduced bypaants
B Steesed and unsteesed paantsaook thesame
C. Plants in stressful situations make the fewest sounds.
D. Stressed tomato plants make more sounds than tobacco.
30. How con the study help agriculture(
A. Lower the cost. B. Better the quality.
C- Monitor climate change - D. Control the pests.
31. In which section of a newspapet may this text appear (
A. Science. B. Health . C. Education . D. Culture.
It is believed tUat around half the US adult population will be obese(肥胖的)by 2030 , while one in Due wilt fait into the severely obess caUeory. This is according to a new study led by tUe Harverd T. H. Chan School of Public Health , which found that levets of obesity are increasing in evere state. Indeed, the predictions show tUat levets of severe obesity could be higher than 25 percent in half of states.
“ Especialty stiking was our finding that among adults with vey low income (less than $ 20, 000 pee year) , severe obesity is predicted te be the most common in 44 states一almost everywhere in the US,,a researchee said.
The research was carried out te inform state policymakere一and perhaps help change the indency. The study authos say the best form of attack is prevention. Limiting intake of sugae is stressed as one of the most effective and cost-effective methods foe reducing obesity leveis, and a tax likeiy ta save more money than it costs.
Sugar( and the sugae industry) has come undee fire foe its roie in promoting obesity. .ndeed, one recent study published in Septembee 2019 puts responsibility foe today's obesity epidemic!流行 病)firmiy on the shouldere of sugar, concluding high-sugae diets during childhood io the seventies and eightie7coutd bebehind theeie.
+ We knew from previous work that obesity is increasing io the US, and that some states and demographic groups (人群)are at highee risk, but we were surprised that even the states with the lowest obesity will be above 35 percent iv 2030一a levet currently high,,a researcher
told Newsweek. + What is clear is that we will not be able ta treat our way out of this epidemic— achieving and keeping weight loss is dmecuit一se prevention rfforts will be key to making prooress in this area.,
32. Whati the most surprising finding in the study(
A. Over 25% of people will be seriously obese.
B. Levels of obesity are increasing in ewy state.
C. Poor adults are more likely to be severely obese.
D. Half of the US adults will be overweight by 2030.
33. What is the best way to solve the problem according to the passage(
A. To reducc the tax. B. To limit intake of sugar.
C. To reducc obesity level. D. To inform policymakers.
34. What does the underlined word + fire,acturiy refer to in Paragraph 4(
A. Blame from researchers. B. Rapid chemical change .
C)Cu eentobesityepidemic) D)Highesugaediets)
35 Whatssthemain ideaoftheeasttwopaeageaphs(
A Obesityisinceeasingeeeeywheeein theUS
B Aestatesin Ameeicaaeeatthesameeeeeeofobesity
C Maintainingweighteosisagood waytodeaewith obesity
D Dietswith eessugaeaeeeitaetopeeeentingthepeobeem ofobesity
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
Criticism(批评)is harmful to healthy relationships. It's okay to express disappointment if someone is behaving in a way that hurts you. 36 The following are soma ways m catch criticism
before it begins.
37 Before you criticize ,pausa and consider whether you really need to say anything at all.
tf someone did something to get on youe nerves ,would you really need to point it out? Sometimes , ith besi i lei small rudeness go. Take a few deep breaths and leave the room instead of criticizing.
Be realistic. Critical people often have very high expectations of thosa around them. Youe tendenca Io criticiee may come from expecting too much from othes. Sometimes you may Und yourself consistently annoyed oe disappointed with others. 38
Separate the icdiviCual from their actiont. Critical people often focus on the neaative aspects of a situation oe a person , failing to see good qualities alongside neaative ones. tf you Und yourself making assumptions about a personP 01:0x0 , stop yourself. 39 We all behave poorly sometimes , but a single action is not a reflection of charactei.
Focct on positive.. Oftentimes , being 00X(01 results from how you're choosing to see a situation. 40 However , the vest majorito of pape have good qualities that outweigh the bad ones. Try to focus on a personP positive qualities over iheii negative ones.
A. Neves criticiee others.
B. Think before you speak.
C - Everyone has drawbacks and imperfections.
D. ft may be a good idea to adjust your expectations.
E. We should focus on other peopled disappointing actions.
F. Try to separate a disappointing action from the person doing the action.
G. Being overiy critical ,however,can cause tension in a relationshig over time.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项! A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。
+ There are two kinds of pxpIc in the world—pxpIc who love Peking Opera and pxpIc who don't know they love Peking Opera yet,,said Wang Peiyu in the opening section of her latest 12- episode(集)online 41 . + My job is Oo let the 42 know about Peking Opera and then fall
in love with id,
The weekly tald show sees Wang,who is one of the 43 Peking Opera artists in China,
explain the traditional at form as well as 44 its appeal.
With a( an) 45 of verious ci forms,including singing,dancing, and martial arts(武术), Peking Opera,has a long histoy 46 back to the 19th century, tn 2010 UNESCO 47 it an
Intangible Cultural Heritaye of Humanity (非物质文化遗产)-
Like many traditional art forms, it is 48 by contemporary entertainment and is losing its audience, specially among the younger generation.
Wang is trying to change the 49 . She has about 1. 6 million followers on mmro-blogging
plathrm Sins Weido and has built up a larye fan base among young people with her 50 hchniques and charm.
Each episode, about 30 minutes long, _
51 Wang introducc hee
unique knowledge about
Peking Opera with a
particulae 52 , such 、
asthemakingooaPekingOpeaastaa, ther53r oo
preparing foe a perfo:
rmancc, and 54 stories about the aae-old art. She uses 55 ,diect and
humorous language ta 56 the audience.
One fan 57
:+ All I knew about Peking Opera was the painted 58 , but thanks ta
Wang's show, I now ]
know more about the art form and I look forward ta watching a( an) 59
performance in the theatre.,
The 40-year-olO Wang, a famous femaie
in peayingeaosheng ( oed
_ale) roles onstage, has been 60 _ith popularizing Peking Opera among younger people.
41. A. service
C busines
D. advertisement
42. A. Ians
B. formee
D. iattes
43. A. hard-working
44. A. display
45. A. c ompetition
B. classification
D. explanation
46. A. dating
B. expanding
D)pu eing
47 A named
B decaaaed
48. A. i nfuenced
B. transformed
D. i ntroduced
49. A. opera
B taend
D peaooamance
50 A basic
B aiteaaay
D. Iolid
51 A sees
B notices
C deeeaops
D. a xpasses
52. A. n ote
B staa
D. guest
53 A aim
B oaiauae
C necesity
D paoces
54 A amusing
B conousing
C demanding
D embaaasing
55. A. . amplex
B paooesionaa
D. native
56. A. adapt ta
B ookewith
D. appeae ta
57. A. . ansulted
B commented
D commanded
58 A mouth
B eyes
C noses
D oaces
59. A. peciae
B onyaine
D academic
60 A caedited
B paomoted
C paid
D equipped
1. 必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所示的答题区域内作答。答在试 题卷上无效。
2. 第"卷共三节,共计50分。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
I am majoring in international relations and my research is focusing on education programs
61 ( support) by the Australian governmeni. The Australian Government sponsors a numbec of programs as thess programs 62 ( think) te build relationshins and understanding between the
peoples of Australii and China. I find it so interesting W tali with Australian students currentiy
63 ( study) in China and Chines students 64 have returned W China after graduating from
universities in Australia. IP glad to find out these programs 65 ( affect) them and their future
careers(职业)greatiy since the programs started. I came to China to interview students of these programs to find out more about theis m-counhy experiences. I am 66 strong believes in
education as a tool fos breaking down neeative stereotypes (固化思维) and building bridges betteen dOferent nations. China is an 67 ( extreme ) important relationshin foe AustraliaP economic future , yet we have vey diferent culturai and politicai systems. There is no more important time 68 right now foe Australians to build an understanding of working and living in China. I came to Beijing just undes two yeara ago to work with 69 ( research) at Peking
University. Foe me,I could not resist this oppotunity 70 ( experienca) a day in the lift of a
Chiness employee and learn so much about Chinese culture.
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Helio,everyone * IP delighted to recommend my favorito book: Journey to the West to you,
whatis ne0fthefuegeeatestChineseciasicain0eeiIItwaseeeyp puiaewith usChinesepepie The novei,wrote by Wu ChengPn,is based Xuan Zang's journey to Indie. The store focuses on Monkey King called Sun Wukong,who helps hee mastee Xuan Zang get ovee verious difUculties on theioueneyIBecausefoeeigneesiikeyou mayfind itdificuitytoeead theoeiginaiciasic,soIadeise that you read some simplified versions. Some versions coming with many pictures and they are ssy for you to understand. Hopefuliy you wili fali in love with a great work.
假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike发来邮件,说因为新冠肺炎! COVID-19)居家自我隔 离! self-isolation),情绪低落。为此,他向你寻求建议。请用英语给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 表示理解;
2. 你的看法和建议;
3. 表达信心。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Deas Mike,
Li Hua
4. B。【解析】话题为时间安排:细节理解#对话中明确说了飞机是8点钟起飞,所以该题选B。
5. C。【解析】话题为约会:推理判断。对话中女士对男士说:你最好先去球馆,我们在那儿见而 不是咖啡馆见,以免我们都错过比赛的开始,可以看出最终目的是看球,所以该题选C。
6. B。【解析】话题为买票(金额"推理判断。对话中女士说:成人票每人10美元,学生票半价5 美元#男士买一张成人票,两张学生票就应该是20美元,所以该题选B。
* +#【解析】话题为谈论朋友:细节理解#对话中男士对女士说:李莉把头发剪短了,所以该题 选A。
B. C。【解析】日常生活:推理判断。对话中女士问是否必须在11点前将行李拿出房间,男士说最 迟可以2点退房,可推断对话发生在酒店,所以该题选C。
C. C。【解析】话题为讨论安排:细节理解#对话中男士说自己要去公园听免费的音乐会,所以该 题选C,女士及其Brian的安排构成干扰项。
D. A#【解析】讨论安排:推理判断。对话最后男士对女士说自己邀请了朋友周日到家烧烤,问女 士愿意参加吗,女士说愿意,所以该题选A#
E. C【解析】话题为点餐(人物关系"推理判断。对话中男士在点餐,由此可见男士是客人,女 士是服务员,所以该题选C。
F. A#【解析】话题为点餐(吃什么"细节理解#对话中女士介绍餐厅有牛肉味,猪肉味和鸡蛋味 面条,男士说自己最喜欢牛肉味的,所以该题选A。
G. B#【解析】话题为点餐(吃什么"推理判断。对话中女士介绍餐厅有这几种甜品:ice cream, blueberry pie,apple pie aud chocolate pudding,男士说选第一种,所以该题选 ##
H B#【解析】话题为度假(天气):细节理解#对话中女士说自己听说Florida的天气多变,男士 说确实,有时候下午下半小时的雨,然后又天晴,所以该题选B#
B. B#【解析】话题为度假:细节理解#对话中女士说自己去加拿大的山里面远足,所以该题
C. A#【解析】话题为度假:细节理解#对话中女士说她最喜欢夜晩的天空,可以看见无数的星 星,所以该题选A#
1* C【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话中女士说自己将选择西班牙语,因为那是自己最喜欢 的科目,所以该题选C
2. B#【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话中女士说自己高中毕业后不会马上去上大学,要利用 gap year去旅行,所以该题选B #
3. A#【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话的最后,女士说自己想学意大利语,去意大利旅行,虽 然自己不知道这是否现实,但是这个是自己的梦想,所以该题选A。
4. A。【解析】话题为人物介绍:主旨大意#全文主要介绍Anna Gomez作为运动员的一生,所 以该题选A#
5. B。【解析】话题为人物介绍:事实细节#短文第一段提到她在14岁时才真正对滑雪感兴趣, 所以该题选B。
6. C。【解析】话题为人物介绍:推理判断#短文中说问题在于Anna Gomez自己,她不相信自己 能够在大型比赛中获胜,所以该题选C。
7. A#【解析】话题为人物介绍:观点态度#短文中说Anna Gomez说自己很高兴在该退休的时 候停了下来,所以该题选A#
8. B。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Watts Towers,将答案定位到文章第二段,Watts Towers的地址是1727 E. 107< St,LA,所以该题选B。
9. C。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Sturges House,将答案定位到文章第四段,Sturges House的特别之处在于它强调自然元素,与自然环境融为一体,所以该题选C。干扰项B应 该是Sturges House设计师Wright之前其他作品的特点#
10. D。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Walt Disney Concert Hall ,将答案定位到文章最后一 段# Walt Disney Concert Hall的设计师应该是Frank Gehry ,所以该题选D#干扰项C应该 是语音导览的解说者#
【语篇导读】本文讲述的是作者自己新年许愿的故事。新年许愿(New Year's Resolutions) 是西方社会很流行的一个文化现象。人们往往在新年时制定自己一年的规划,希望重新开始,活 得更好,更有意义,但这些宏伟计划大多无法坚持。作者结合自己的经历找到一个解决这一问题 的办法,并与读者分享。
11. B#【解析】推理判断#通过题干关键词guilty和ashamed ,将答案定位到文章第二段#作者 说自己设立了新年决心后很快又会没有意志力,回到原来的旧习惯#所以当自己看到自己未 完成的新年决心后,便感到内疚,羞愧,所以该题选B#
12. C。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词change,将答案定位到文章第三段第一句话,作者说 自己采取相反的方法,开始设立小目标,所以该题选C。
13. D#【解析】事实细节#文章最后一段的主题句讲的就是小目标可以叠加成为大成就,所以该 题选D#
14. A#【解析】主旨大意题#在所给的四个标题中,只有A这一个能够概括全文的内容,所以该题选A#
【语篇导读】本文介绍一个科学发现:植物在困境中(比如缺水)会发出声音"利用这一发现! 农业可以更加精准,既降低成本,又提高产量,从而提高农业效益。
15. C。【解析】推理判断。从文章第一段和第三段可以看出,当植物处于压力之下(比如缺水或 者茎干被砍掉),他们就会发出声音,这种声音是不好的,痛苦的,描述这一反应的最恰当的词 应是cry,表示因痛苦发出的叫喊声。
16. D。【解析】推理判断。从第一段第二句话可以看出人听不到植物发出的声音,所以A错#从 第二段第一、二句中可以看出处于压力之下的植物会有不同的颜色和形状,所以B错#从第 三段最后一句话可以看出没有压力的植物发声最少,所以C错#从第三段第二、三句话可以 看出处于压力之下的番茄发声最多,所以正确答案为D。
17. A。【解析】事实细节#文章第四段最后一句话说更加精准的灌溉可以节省高达50%的用水 开支,所以该题选A#
3!. A。【解析】推理判断。通过文章内容可判断本文主要讲的是科学家研究调查发现植物在压 力之下会发出声音,我们可以利用植物的这一特点去进行精准灌溉,这为精准农业开启了一 个新方向,所以该题选A#
【语篇导读】本文主题是美国的肥胖问题。文章以一个研究机构的最新成果为基础,涉及问 题的严重程度、发展趋势以及背后的深层原因,最后,文章提出了自己的解决方案。
7. C#【解析】推理判断。通过题干关键词surprising,找到其近义词striking,将答案定位到文 章第二段。文章说研究发现在那些收入很低的人群中,重度肥胖在美国的44个州中都非常 的普遍,所以该题选C#
8. B#【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词best way,将答案定位到文章第三段第二句和第三句# 文章说解决肥胖问题的最好方法就是防御,减少糖份的摄入,所以该题选B#
9. A#【解析】推理判断。从文章第四段第一句和第二句话可知,2019年9月份发布的一个研究 将当今的肥胖流行病的责任归咎于糖上面,所以糖和糖产业因为促进肥胖而受到谴责,所以 该题选A#
10. D#【解析】主旨大意#文章最后两段主要讲糖是美国人肥胖的原因,而解决肥胖问题的最好 方法不是减肥,而是预防,所以该题选D。
【语篇导读】本文是一篇有关批评与人际关系的温馨提示"批评搞不好容易伤害人际关系, 所以要慎用批评!批评之前需要三思而行。
11. G。【解析】前一句话说:如果一个人的行为伤害了你,那么你表达自己的失落是可以的#该 空想表达与前一句相反的意思,所以该题选G:然而过于批判久而久之会对一段关系造成紧 张感。
12. B#【解析】该题选小标题,根据本段的主要内容来选#本段说,在你批评他人之前,停下来想 一想你是否真的需要说什么。有的时候我们最好忘记一些小的粗鲁行为#深呼吸,然后离开 那儿,不去批评他人#所以该题选#批评他人之前先思考一下#该题的干扰项是A:永远不 要批评他人。(本段只说对于一些小的粗鲁我们可以忘记,并没有说永远都不要批评他人)。
13. D。【解析】该段小标题说(我们对别人的期待)要实际#该空前句话说有时,我们对他人持续 感到恼怒或者失望#所以该空这句话提醒我们应该调整自己的期待,(使得我们对别人的期 待合理,实际)。前面的expecting too much是很好的提示#
14. F。【解析】该段小标题说我们要把一个人和他的行为分开#因此当你发现自己对别人的性 格妄自假设时,一定要停下来#而要这样做:把一个人和他令人失望的行为分开,(一个行为 并不能体现一个人的性格),所以该题选F,实际上是对该段首句的进一步强调#
15. C。【解析】该段小标题说我们要关注积极的一面。该空后面一句话说:然而,大多数人的优 点都多于他们不好的地方#这句话中的the bad ones指前文的drawbacks和imperfections# 所以该题选C每个人都有缺点,(大多数人的优点都多于缺点,所以我们要关注别人的优 点)#
【语篇导读】体裁新闻报道主题:中国传统文化"内容:京剧表演艺术家王珮瑜把中国国 粹——京剧带给年轻观众的故事"
16. B#【解析】根据文章内容,王珮瑜是在自己最新的12集网络表演(show)上说的这番话#
17. D#【解析】王珮瑜的工作目标就是要让后者(the latter):不了解京剧艺术的人爱上京剧#
18. B#【解析】根据第五段“She has about 1. 6 million followers*的提示,王珮瑜是目前中国最受 欢迎、最具卖点(best-selling)的京剧表演艺术家#
19. A#【解析】在每周的“脱口秀”上,王珮瑜解释了京剧的传统艺术形式并展示(display) 了京剧 艺术的魅力#
20. C#【解析】京剧是各种艺术形式的结合(combination) #
21. A#【解析】京剧历史源远流长,可以追溯到(dating back to)19世纪#
22. B#【解析】联合国教科文组织于2010年宣布(declared),把中国的京剧艺术列入“人类非物质 文化遗产代表作名录”#
23. C#【解析】和其它传统艺术形式一样,京剧也面临着现代娱乐活动的挑战(challenged)#
24. B#【解析】喜爱京剧的观众人数逐渐减少,尤其是年轻一代#王珮瑜正试图改变这一趋势 (trend)#
25. D#【解析】王珮瑜以自身扎实的(solid)表演技艺和魅力,在年轻人中建立了一个大的“票 友”群#
26. A#【解析】根据第二段第一句The weekly talk show sees Wang...,可以推断本题选择sees, 表示“见证、目睹”之意#
27. C#【解析】在每一集的表演中,王珮瑜都以一个特定的主题(theme)来介绍京剧艺术#
28. D#【解析】特定的主题包括:准备表演的过程(process) #
29. A#【解析】特定的主题还包括:和京剧这项古老艺术相关的有趣(amusing)的故事#
30. C。【解析】王珮瑜用简单(simple)、直接、幽默的语言来吸引观众#
31. D。【解析】王珮瑜用简单、直接、幽默的语言来吸引[(appeal to)观众#
32. B。【解析】一位京剧“票友”发表了一番评论(commented) #
33. D#【解析】该京剧“票友”说道,以前所了解的京剧是演员们涂脂抹粉的脸(faces)。
34. C【解析】该京剧“票友”说道,现在了解京剧后,期待去剧院看一场现场(live)表演#
35. A。【解析】人们把京剧艺术在青年人中流行开来归功于(be credited with)专业表演京剧“老 生”的表演艺术家王珮瑜#
【语篇导读】教育能打破消极陈旧的观念,增进国家之间的相互理解"澳大利亚政府资助了 一些教育项目以促进中澳友好关系,而作者作为一名研究者借此机会来到了中国工作"
36. supported#【解析】考查过去分词#此处是过去分词supported作后置定语,与education programs是被动关系,意为“被澳大利亚政府所资助的教育项目*
37. are thought#【解析】考查动词的时态和语态#此句中as引导的原因状语从句缺少谓语,并 且主语these programs与think(认为)是被动关系,再根据主句时态用了一般现在时,故用 are thought#
38. studying#【解析】考查现在分词#此处作后置定语,study与Australian students是主动关 系,且有currently修饰,表示正在学习的学生,故用studying#
39. who/that#【解析】考查定语从句#在本句中,Chinese students是先行词,而定语从句缺主 语,此处指代人,故用who/that#
40. have affected#【解析】考查动词时态# find out后的宾语从句中缺少谓语,结合句末时间状 语since the programs started,可知此处应该用现在完成时#
41. a#【解析】考查冠词#修饰believer,此处表示“我是一个坚信……的人*故用a#
42. extremely#【解析】考查副词#此处副词extremely修饰形容词important#
43. than#【解析】考查固定用法#因为前面有more important,故用than表比较#
44. researchers#【解析】考查词性转换及名词的复数#因为空前work with表“与 合作”,故 后面应该是改写成人,而空后提到北京大学,北京大学肯定不只有一个研究者,故用 researchers#
45. to experience#【解析】考查动词不定式#此处不定式短语作后置定语,修饰opportunity# 第四部分写作
第一处【解析】what"which考查从句引导词的误用#此处为非限制性定语从句,which指代《西 游记》,故将what改为which#
第二处【解析Inovelfnoves考查名词单复数的误用#句中one of +复数名词,故此处应将novel
改为 novels#
第三处【解析】was"is考查时态的误用#此处属于一般现在时表客观事实,意思是《西游记》一直 非常受我们国人的欢迎,故将was改为is。
第四处【解析】wrote"written考查过去分词。此处written作后置定语,表示《西游记》为吴承恩 所创作。
第五处【解析】在based的后面添加on,考查介词的固定搭配# The novel is based on Xuan Zang's journey to India.表示“这部小说以玄奘西去印度为原型*
第六处【解析】her"his考查代词逻辑错误。纵观全句,此处的意思为“孙悟空帮助他的师父克服 种种困难”,故将her改为his。
第七处【解析】difficulty"difficult考查名词的误用。分析句子可知该句考查的是find接it做形 式宾语,后面用形容词作宾语补足语,故将difficulty改为difficult。
第八处【解析】去掉so,考查连词的多余。本句为一个主从复合句,because引导了一个从句,主 句的so多余,故将so去掉。
第九处【解析】coming"come考查非谓语动词的误用。本句为and连接的两个并列句,前半部分 没有谓语,故将coming改为come作谓语。
第十处【解析】a"the考查冠词的误用。分析句子意思可知,此处特指作者介绍的《西游记》这本 书,故将a改为the表特指。
体裁 应用文——建议信 主题:为英国朋友Mike提供缓解低落情绪的建议。
Dear Mike,
How is everything going with you?
It is quite understandable to feel down during such an increasingly challenging time. But staying at home is the best way to prevent you and your family from getting infected. Though self-isolation may at times be hard,it presents a perfect opportunity for you to slow down,pause and reflect. In addition, you can set aside some regular time every day to take exercise, which will help you cheer up and keep healthy.
Ihaves>rongbelief>ha>youandyourcoun>rycange>>hrough>he>ough imeand>hegood old days will return.
Yours, Li Hua
(Text 1)
W: Hi,Mike. I'm calling to tell you that I'll be a bit later to your house.
M: When will you come?
W: Ill pick you up at 6: 30 instead of 6: 00. The plane's going to take off at 8: 00, so we still have enough time.
M:Where are you now,Jane? The football match is about to begin.
W:Im still on the train. You'd better go in first. It's probably best if I see you there instead of at the cafe. Otherwise we'll both miss the start of the game.
(Text 3)
M&How mucharethetickets?
W:They're ten dollars each for the adults,but student tickets are half price.
M: One adult and two student tickets ? please.
(Text 4)
M: Lily has got her hair short now. Do you like it?
W:No,I think she looked better with long hair. She's changed the color,too. It was dark in the pas>.
(Text 5)
W: Excuse me, do we have to take our luggage from our room before !! a. m. ?
M:Normally it's at !! a. m. ,but you can have a late check-out until 2 p. m. if you like.
(Text 6)
M:Im going to a rock concert in the park on Saturday. It's free. And how about you?
W:Ill study first. I want to finish my homework in the morning. And Brian and I are going to seeabaske>balgamein>heaf>ernoon.
W&Brian'sgoing>ovisi>his mo>herin>hehospial.Bu>I'm no>going>odoany>hingrealy. MaybeI'lreadabooka>home.
M&Wel ,I'mgoing>ohavesomefriendsforabarbecuein myhouse.Wouldyoulike>ocome? W&Thanks.I'dlove>o.
(Text 7)
W:May I show you a table,sir?
M:Yes. Do you have a table by the window?
W:Follow me,please. This table. So what can I get you,sir?
M:I just want some noodles and soup.
W: What kind of noodles do you want? We have beef,pork and egg noodles.
M : I love beef most. And I want some tomato and egg soup.
W: OK. Anything else?
M:Yes. I also want a sandwich. A ham sandwich with tomato is OK.
W:Is that all? Don't you want anything for dessert? We have ice cream, blueberry pie, apple pieand3ho3olatepudding.
M: The first kind, please. And that's all.
W: Everything will be ready shortly.
(Text 8)
W: Hi,Carl. How was your vacation?
M: Great, Jess. We flew to Florida to visit my aunt who lives near the beach.
W Ihearthattheweathertherecanchangeinjustafew minutes.
M&Yeah,everyone knowsit often rainsatthistime ofyear"Sometimesitcan rainin the afternoonforhalfanhourandthenturnniceagain"Whatdidyoudo,Jess?
W : We went the other way, up into Canada to go hiking in the mountains. Although it's April it was still very cold. We had a lot of fun,but to be honest,next time I'd rather go south in the forests.
M&Wel ,that'saproblemIdidn'thave.
W&TherewasonethingIloved,though.Atnighttheskywasclearandwecouldseemilionsof stars.Theylookedlikeyoucouldpickthem outoftheair.
(Text 9)
M:So,next year you're going to start your A-levels. Which subject are you going to choose?
W I'msurelygoingtodoSpanishbecauseitismyfavoritesubjectandthenI'm notrealysure what to choose. I'd like to do Art but I don't know if it's very useful for my job …
M&Whatdoyou wanttodointhefuture?
W Iwanttobeajournalist.Thathasbeen mydreamsincemychildhood.So,Iguesshistoryor psychologyorsomethingisprobably moreusefulformyjob.
M&Doyou wanttogotouniversity?
W:Yeah,but I'm not going to start university after I leave school. I'm planning to have a gap year,you know,a break from studying for a while…
M: And what would you like to do in your gap year? Any ideas?
W: I want to travel ■■■ Id like to go to Italy and learn Italian. I don't know if it's really practical but that's my dream!
M: Good luck!
(Text 10)
Anna Gomez is a successful TV sports presenter, but most people think of her as the famous woman ice-skater. As a child, her dream was actually to become a ballet dancer. She didn't become really interested in skating until she was fourteen. Although she practiced iceskating almost all the time at university, she left with an excellent degree.
When Anna was younger, she got very angry at competitions, shouting at judges if she disagreed with them. That made her unpopular. Her technique was just as good as others' and shehadaveryencouragingcoachatthetime.Theproblem wasinherhead.Shejustdidn't thinkshecould wina big game.Thatchangedasshe won morecompetitions'andshe was performing at her best by the age of 25.
Anna retired from ice-skating five years later. Anna said,“It was a difficult decision. People alwaysask mewhenI'm goingtostop"AtthetimeIwasn'tsurethatIwasactualyreadyto give up. But, looking back,I'm glad I stopped when I did. You shouldn't think too much about the past—just move on t o the next thing. *
1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的学校、班级、姓名用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写 清楚,同时用2B铅笔将考号准确填涂在“考号”栏目内。
2. 选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干 净后再选涂其它答案;非选择题用0*毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题 区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。
3. 考试结束后将答题卡收回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
回答听力部分时,先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的 答案转涂到答题卡上
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍 例:How much is the shirt(
C.£ 9. 15.
B.£ 9. 18.
A. £ 19.15.
答案: C。
1. When will the plane take off(
C. At 6: 30.
A. Ah 6: 00. B. At 8: 00.
2. Whai are they going ta do next(
A. Get on a train. B. Drink in a cafe.
3. How much wilt the man pay for the tickets(
A. $10. B. $20.
4. What do we know about Lily's hair now(
A.tal hota. B.taltong.
5. Where are th^ speakers(
A. tn the woman's office. B. At an airport.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
C - Watch a football game.
C. $30.
C. It is dark.
C. At a hotet.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What will the man do on Saturday(
C ■ Enjoy a conceri.
A. Watch a game . B. Read a book .
7. Where wili the woman go on Sunday?
A. To the manP house. B. To a hospitai.
8. What's the relationship between the speakers?
A)Husband and wtee) B)Coeeagues)
9. What kind of noodles does the man want(
A. Beet noodles. B. Pork noodles.
10. What does the man chooss foe desert(
A. Appie pie. B. Ice cream.
11. What is the weathee like in Florida(
A. Rainy . B. Changeable -
12. Where did the woman spend hee vacation(
A. On the beach . B. In the mountains -
13. What did the woman enjoy about hee vacation(
A. The bautiful night sky . B. The comfortabee weathee -
C.Customeeand waitees.
C. Egg noodles.
C ■ Chocolate pudding.
C)In theaoeests)
C, The fresh and clean aim
14. What is the woman's favorita subject(
A. Art. B. Hi store -
15. What V the woman planning ta do after leaving school(
A. Work as a tournalist. B. Take a gap yeae.
16. Why does the woman want ta go ta Ithy and learn Italian(
A. Becauss ks hee dream. B. Becauss it's practicai.
17. What is the speakee mainly talking about(
A. Anna's sports lik.
B. Anna's work as a TV presentee.
C. Anna's interest in bdet.
18. When did Annabeaomein eeesed in iaesskaing(
A.In heeuniveesiy. B.In heeeaeey eens.
19. Wha8wasAnnasspeobeem when shewasyoung(
A. Shedidnsbeeievein heoudges.
B. Hee tshnique was not as good as others\
C. She was not conOdent enough in het ability.
C Spanish
C Staetuniveesity
C Becauseshewantstowoek
C Attheageoa25
20. How does Anna feel about her retirement from ice-skating now?
A. Glad . B. Recretfuk
C, Anxious .
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项! A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上 将该选项涂黑。
Los Angeles ir a relatively new and spreading city, which means thereP a big canvas(画布)foe architects 0 many styles ty put tfeir 3D stamps on the city. For architecture fans, here are some musiss99spois.
Watts Towers
Designed and constructed by Italian-born Simon Rodin over the course of three decades, the 17 英语试题第2页(共8页)
towers一the tallest is 100 feet high一consist of metal and found objects such as broken glass , pottery chips(陶器碎片), seashds , etc. You con take a guided hus of this place , learning abouh the history of this attractive projech. 1727 E. 107th Sh. ,LA.
Getty Center
Architect Richard MeierO shining city on a hill took 16 ,000 tons of marbSe to builS but today ith a wondes, housing tha Getty's main arc collection and offering unbelievabte views of Los Angeles. 1200 Getty Centes Ds. ,LA.
Sturges House
Frank Lloyd Wright designed nine diffeant staictures throughout Southern Califomie. This was Wrighos first turn away from the textile (纺织)block buildings he'd been designing in Californie and toward stressing natural factors of tha structure to min with tha natural surroundings. 449 N. Skyewiay Rd. ,LA.
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Foank Gehoyhaseieed in LosAngeeestoodetadesand hiswook hasbeen seen ohooughouoohe city. This one,the Walt Disney Concert Hall,is his most luxurious!奢侈的)building in Southern Californig. You need not sit through a symphony performancc to get a glancc at the interior!内饰)- The concert hall offers free self-guided audig tours recorded by actos John Lithgow. 111 S. Grand Ave. ,LA.
21. Where should you go to visit Watts Towers?
A.1200 GetyCenteeDe. ,LA. C. 449 N. Skyewiay Rd. ,LA.
B. 1727 E. 107th St. ,LA.
D 111 S)Geand Ave),LA)
22. What is special about Sturges House?
A. I is made up of 9 structures.
B)Itisatettieebeock buieding)
C.Ititsin weewith itsenvieonment.
23. Who designed Wait Disney Concei Hall?
A.Simon Rodia.
B)Richaed Meiee)
C.aohn Lihgow.
D)Feank Gehey)
I used to be the most determined resolution-makes. Even as a child, I was always goae-centered and loved the feeling of accomplishing things,and wy Januay 1st,I would sit down and write out my resolutions!目标)for the upcoming yeas. And what resolutions they were * I always picked big goals,like:In the New Yeas,I will lost 50 pounds * And run a marathon * And study scripture(圣 经)evero day!
The problem? I'd start out strong, but by Februaro os March, I'd be out of willpower and I'd slide quietly back into my old habits. Evero winter, Td fed guilty and ashamed, looking back at CI of the amazing things …I think one of my biggest problems with New YsCs resolutions was wanting to + dream big,but not having the skiHs and ability to do thoss things.
Now I take the opposite approach: Im ti about the lithe goais. First, littie goais are csy to set. Instead of saying Im going to run a marathon, Ivv decided Im going to run 20 minutes three days a week. Second, little goals are easier to accomplish. Evero time I check one of my mini goals off my list, I fed a burst of pride and accomplishment. Ith a great feeling, and I donV haw to wait unhi the end of the yeas to enjoy it *
The other great thing about making small goals instead of resolutions is that you con build small goals on top of each other, adding the achievements toaethes. For instancc, recently I decided to make sure I ate fvv servings of fruits and ▼1X11x7 a day. AOes a few months, this become a soeid habit.
24. Why did the author feel guilty and ashamed?
A. Because she picked big goats as he: resolutions.
B. Because she failed ty accomplish hee resolutions.
C. Because she was looking back at the amazing things.
D. Becauss she loved the feeling of accomplishing things.
25. How did she change hee New Year's resolutions?
A. She put all V he: goals tooether. B. She checked mini goals off he: list.
C- She set small goals instead of big ones. D. She didn't make resolutions any more.
26. What did the author want tt say in the last paragraph?
A. Small goals are easy th set.
B. Making resolutions is not reasonable.
C. Eating fruits and veaetable io a good habit.
D. SmaH goaSs can contributh th big achievement.
27. What can be a suitable title far the text(
A. Setting SmaH Goals Nat Bio Ones C. Making New Yeare Resolutions
B. Combining Bio and SmaH Goals
D. Setting and Achieving My Goals
Researchere have found , for the first time , plants letting out sounds when they are stressed. According th a study , a team of scientists recorded tomath and tobacca (烟草)plants producing sound frequencies which humans cannot hear in stressful situations一such as when they experienced a lack of watee oe theie stems(茎)were cut.
Previous research has shown that plants respond te stress by producing severaS visuaS and chemicaS signals. Foe example , stressed plants may《10x1' in color and shape compared te unstressed plants. Meanwhile , some are also known te let out things in response te drought (干旱)os being eaten.
The latest study , meanwhile , is the first te identify plants making sounds which can be detected oves a distance The team detected the tomate plants made 35 sounds an hour on averaye when they were exposed te drought conditions , whiae the tobacco plants produced 11. When the stems of the plants were cut , the tomato plants made 25 sounds an has on 1X19 and the tobacco plants produced 15. As a comparison, unstressed plants made less than one sound pcs hous on average , accoedingtothe7tudy.
The team say that whiae they onSy tested tomato and tobacco , it's possiblc that other plants could also producc sounds , adding that the latest findings could have an inOuencc on ayriculture. “ Plant sound production could offer a new way fos monitoring crops wates state一a question of key enportancc in ayriculture ,,the authors wrote in the study. More precise irrieation con save up to 50 percent of the wates cost and increase the production.
+ In 1:0x1 when more and more areas are exposed to drought due to climate change , while human population and consumption kxp increasing , effective wates use becomes even more
important fas food security ,, they said. + Ous results , showing the ability to distinguish betueen drought-stressed and control plants on the basis of plant sounds , open a new direction in the field of precision ayriculture.,
28. Which of the following best describes plants' response to stress in the study(
A. Sing . B. Laugh . C. Cry. D. Sigh.
29. What con we know from the Xrst 3 parayraphs(
A Humanscan heaethesound peoduced bypaants
B Steesed and unsteesed paantsaook thesame
C. Plants in stressful situations make the fewest sounds.
D. Stressed tomato plants make more sounds than tobacco.
30. How con the study help agriculture(
A. Lower the cost. B. Better the quality.
C- Monitor climate change - D. Control the pests.
31. In which section of a newspapet may this text appear (
A. Science. B. Health . C. Education . D. Culture.
It is believed tUat around half the US adult population will be obese(肥胖的)by 2030 , while one in Due wilt fait into the severely obess caUeory. This is according to a new study led by tUe Harverd T. H. Chan School of Public Health , which found that levets of obesity are increasing in evere state. Indeed, the predictions show tUat levets of severe obesity could be higher than 25 percent in half of states.
“ Especialty stiking was our finding that among adults with vey low income (less than $ 20, 000 pee year) , severe obesity is predicted te be the most common in 44 states一almost everywhere in the US,,a researchee said.
The research was carried out te inform state policymakere一and perhaps help change the indency. The study authos say the best form of attack is prevention. Limiting intake of sugae is stressed as one of the most effective and cost-effective methods foe reducing obesity leveis, and a tax likeiy ta save more money than it costs.
Sugar( and the sugae industry) has come undee fire foe its roie in promoting obesity. .ndeed, one recent study published in Septembee 2019 puts responsibility foe today's obesity epidemic!流行 病)firmiy on the shouldere of sugar, concluding high-sugae diets during childhood io the seventies and eightie7coutd bebehind theeie.
+ We knew from previous work that obesity is increasing io the US, and that some states and demographic groups (人群)are at highee risk, but we were surprised that even the states with the lowest obesity will be above 35 percent iv 2030一a levet currently high,,a researcher
told Newsweek. + What is clear is that we will not be able ta treat our way out of this epidemic— achieving and keeping weight loss is dmecuit一se prevention rfforts will be key to making prooress in this area.,
32. Whati the most surprising finding in the study(
A. Over 25% of people will be seriously obese.
B. Levels of obesity are increasing in ewy state.
C. Poor adults are more likely to be severely obese.
D. Half of the US adults will be overweight by 2030.
33. What is the best way to solve the problem according to the passage(
A. To reducc the tax. B. To limit intake of sugar.
C. To reducc obesity level. D. To inform policymakers.
34. What does the underlined word + fire,acturiy refer to in Paragraph 4(
A. Blame from researchers. B. Rapid chemical change .
C)Cu eentobesityepidemic) D)Highesugaediets)
35 Whatssthemain ideaoftheeasttwopaeageaphs(
A Obesityisinceeasingeeeeywheeein theUS
B Aestatesin Ameeicaaeeatthesameeeeeeofobesity
C Maintainingweighteosisagood waytodeaewith obesity
D Dietswith eessugaeaeeeitaetopeeeentingthepeobeem ofobesity
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
Criticism(批评)is harmful to healthy relationships. It's okay to express disappointment if someone is behaving in a way that hurts you. 36 The following are soma ways m catch criticism
before it begins.
37 Before you criticize ,pausa and consider whether you really need to say anything at all.
tf someone did something to get on youe nerves ,would you really need to point it out? Sometimes , ith besi i lei small rudeness go. Take a few deep breaths and leave the room instead of criticizing.
Be realistic. Critical people often have very high expectations of thosa around them. Youe tendenca Io criticiee may come from expecting too much from othes. Sometimes you may Und yourself consistently annoyed oe disappointed with others. 38
Separate the icdiviCual from their actiont. Critical people often focus on the neaative aspects of a situation oe a person , failing to see good qualities alongside neaative ones. tf you Und yourself making assumptions about a personP 01:0x0 , stop yourself. 39 We all behave poorly sometimes , but a single action is not a reflection of charactei.
Focct on positive.. Oftentimes , being 00X(01 results from how you're choosing to see a situation. 40 However , the vest majorito of pape have good qualities that outweigh the bad ones. Try to focus on a personP positive qualities over iheii negative ones.
A. Neves criticiee others.
B. Think before you speak.
C - Everyone has drawbacks and imperfections.
D. ft may be a good idea to adjust your expectations.
E. We should focus on other peopled disappointing actions.
F. Try to separate a disappointing action from the person doing the action.
G. Being overiy critical ,however,can cause tension in a relationshig over time.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项! A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。
+ There are two kinds of pxpIc in the world—pxpIc who love Peking Opera and pxpIc who don't know they love Peking Opera yet,,said Wang Peiyu in the opening section of her latest 12- episode(集)online 41 . + My job is Oo let the 42 know about Peking Opera and then fall
in love with id,
The weekly tald show sees Wang,who is one of the 43 Peking Opera artists in China,
explain the traditional at form as well as 44 its appeal.
With a( an) 45 of verious ci forms,including singing,dancing, and martial arts(武术), Peking Opera,has a long histoy 46 back to the 19th century, tn 2010 UNESCO 47 it an
Intangible Cultural Heritaye of Humanity (非物质文化遗产)-
Like many traditional art forms, it is 48 by contemporary entertainment and is losing its audience, specially among the younger generation.
Wang is trying to change the 49 . She has about 1. 6 million followers on mmro-blogging
plathrm Sins Weido and has built up a larye fan base among young people with her 50 hchniques and charm.
Each episode, about 30 minutes long, _
51 Wang introducc hee
unique knowledge about
Peking Opera with a
particulae 52 , such 、
asthemakingooaPekingOpeaastaa, ther53r oo
preparing foe a perfo:
rmancc, and 54 stories about the aae-old art. She uses 55 ,diect and
humorous language ta 56 the audience.
One fan 57
:+ All I knew about Peking Opera was the painted 58 , but thanks ta
Wang's show, I now ]
know more about the art form and I look forward ta watching a( an) 59
performance in the theatre.,
The 40-year-olO Wang, a famous femaie
in peayingeaosheng ( oed
_ale) roles onstage, has been 60 _ith popularizing Peking Opera among younger people.
41. A. service
C busines
D. advertisement
42. A. Ians
B. formee
D. iattes
43. A. hard-working
44. A. display
45. A. c ompetition
B. classification
D. explanation
46. A. dating
B. expanding
D)pu eing
47 A named
B decaaaed
48. A. i nfuenced
B. transformed
D. i ntroduced
49. A. opera
B taend
D peaooamance
50 A basic
B aiteaaay
D. Iolid
51 A sees
B notices
C deeeaops
D. a xpasses
52. A. n ote
B staa
D. guest
53 A aim
B oaiauae
C necesity
D paoces
54 A amusing
B conousing
C demanding
D embaaasing
55. A. . amplex
B paooesionaa
D. native
56. A. adapt ta
B ookewith
D. appeae ta
57. A. . ansulted
B commented
D commanded
58 A mouth
B eyes
C noses
D oaces
59. A. peciae
B onyaine
D academic
60 A caedited
B paomoted
C paid
D equipped
1. 必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所示的答题区域内作答。答在试 题卷上无效。
2. 第"卷共三节,共计50分。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
I am majoring in international relations and my research is focusing on education programs
61 ( support) by the Australian governmeni. The Australian Government sponsors a numbec of programs as thess programs 62 ( think) te build relationshins and understanding between the
peoples of Australii and China. I find it so interesting W tali with Australian students currentiy
63 ( study) in China and Chines students 64 have returned W China after graduating from
universities in Australia. IP glad to find out these programs 65 ( affect) them and their future
careers(职业)greatiy since the programs started. I came to China to interview students of these programs to find out more about theis m-counhy experiences. I am 66 strong believes in
education as a tool fos breaking down neeative stereotypes (固化思维) and building bridges betteen dOferent nations. China is an 67 ( extreme ) important relationshin foe AustraliaP economic future , yet we have vey diferent culturai and politicai systems. There is no more important time 68 right now foe Australians to build an understanding of working and living in China. I came to Beijing just undes two yeara ago to work with 69 ( research) at Peking
University. Foe me,I could not resist this oppotunity 70 ( experienca) a day in the lift of a
Chiness employee and learn so much about Chinese culture.
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Helio,everyone * IP delighted to recommend my favorito book: Journey to the West to you,
whatis ne0fthefuegeeatestChineseciasicain0eeiIItwaseeeyp puiaewith usChinesepepie The novei,wrote by Wu ChengPn,is based Xuan Zang's journey to Indie. The store focuses on Monkey King called Sun Wukong,who helps hee mastee Xuan Zang get ovee verious difUculties on theioueneyIBecausefoeeigneesiikeyou mayfind itdificuitytoeead theoeiginaiciasic,soIadeise that you read some simplified versions. Some versions coming with many pictures and they are ssy for you to understand. Hopefuliy you wili fali in love with a great work.
假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike发来邮件,说因为新冠肺炎! COVID-19)居家自我隔 离! self-isolation),情绪低落。为此,他向你寻求建议。请用英语给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 表示理解;
2. 你的看法和建议;
3. 表达信心。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Deas Mike,
Li Hua
4. B。【解析】话题为时间安排:细节理解#对话中明确说了飞机是8点钟起飞,所以该题选B。
5. C。【解析】话题为约会:推理判断。对话中女士对男士说:你最好先去球馆,我们在那儿见而 不是咖啡馆见,以免我们都错过比赛的开始,可以看出最终目的是看球,所以该题选C。
6. B。【解析】话题为买票(金额"推理判断。对话中女士说:成人票每人10美元,学生票半价5 美元#男士买一张成人票,两张学生票就应该是20美元,所以该题选B。
* +#【解析】话题为谈论朋友:细节理解#对话中男士对女士说:李莉把头发剪短了,所以该题 选A。
B. C。【解析】日常生活:推理判断。对话中女士问是否必须在11点前将行李拿出房间,男士说最 迟可以2点退房,可推断对话发生在酒店,所以该题选C。
C. C。【解析】话题为讨论安排:细节理解#对话中男士说自己要去公园听免费的音乐会,所以该 题选C,女士及其Brian的安排构成干扰项。
D. A#【解析】讨论安排:推理判断。对话最后男士对女士说自己邀请了朋友周日到家烧烤,问女 士愿意参加吗,女士说愿意,所以该题选A#
E. C【解析】话题为点餐(人物关系"推理判断。对话中男士在点餐,由此可见男士是客人,女 士是服务员,所以该题选C。
F. A#【解析】话题为点餐(吃什么"细节理解#对话中女士介绍餐厅有牛肉味,猪肉味和鸡蛋味 面条,男士说自己最喜欢牛肉味的,所以该题选A。
G. B#【解析】话题为点餐(吃什么"推理判断。对话中女士介绍餐厅有这几种甜品:ice cream, blueberry pie,apple pie aud chocolate pudding,男士说选第一种,所以该题选 ##
H B#【解析】话题为度假(天气):细节理解#对话中女士说自己听说Florida的天气多变,男士 说确实,有时候下午下半小时的雨,然后又天晴,所以该题选B#
B. B#【解析】话题为度假:细节理解#对话中女士说自己去加拿大的山里面远足,所以该题
C. A#【解析】话题为度假:细节理解#对话中女士说她最喜欢夜晩的天空,可以看见无数的星 星,所以该题选A#
1* C【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话中女士说自己将选择西班牙语,因为那是自己最喜欢 的科目,所以该题选C
2. B#【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话中女士说自己高中毕业后不会马上去上大学,要利用 gap year去旅行,所以该题选B #
3. A#【解析】校园生活:细节理解#对话的最后,女士说自己想学意大利语,去意大利旅行,虽 然自己不知道这是否现实,但是这个是自己的梦想,所以该题选A。
4. A。【解析】话题为人物介绍:主旨大意#全文主要介绍Anna Gomez作为运动员的一生,所 以该题选A#
5. B。【解析】话题为人物介绍:事实细节#短文第一段提到她在14岁时才真正对滑雪感兴趣, 所以该题选B。
6. C。【解析】话题为人物介绍:推理判断#短文中说问题在于Anna Gomez自己,她不相信自己 能够在大型比赛中获胜,所以该题选C。
7. A#【解析】话题为人物介绍:观点态度#短文中说Anna Gomez说自己很高兴在该退休的时 候停了下来,所以该题选A#
8. B。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Watts Towers,将答案定位到文章第二段,Watts Towers的地址是1727 E. 107< St,LA,所以该题选B。
9. C。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Sturges House,将答案定位到文章第四段,Sturges House的特别之处在于它强调自然元素,与自然环境融为一体,所以该题选C。干扰项B应 该是Sturges House设计师Wright之前其他作品的特点#
10. D。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词Walt Disney Concert Hall ,将答案定位到文章最后一 段# Walt Disney Concert Hall的设计师应该是Frank Gehry ,所以该题选D#干扰项C应该 是语音导览的解说者#
【语篇导读】本文讲述的是作者自己新年许愿的故事。新年许愿(New Year's Resolutions) 是西方社会很流行的一个文化现象。人们往往在新年时制定自己一年的规划,希望重新开始,活 得更好,更有意义,但这些宏伟计划大多无法坚持。作者结合自己的经历找到一个解决这一问题 的办法,并与读者分享。
11. B#【解析】推理判断#通过题干关键词guilty和ashamed ,将答案定位到文章第二段#作者 说自己设立了新年决心后很快又会没有意志力,回到原来的旧习惯#所以当自己看到自己未 完成的新年决心后,便感到内疚,羞愧,所以该题选B#
12. C。【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词change,将答案定位到文章第三段第一句话,作者说 自己采取相反的方法,开始设立小目标,所以该题选C。
13. D#【解析】事实细节#文章最后一段的主题句讲的就是小目标可以叠加成为大成就,所以该 题选D#
14. A#【解析】主旨大意题#在所给的四个标题中,只有A这一个能够概括全文的内容,所以该题选A#
【语篇导读】本文介绍一个科学发现:植物在困境中(比如缺水)会发出声音"利用这一发现! 农业可以更加精准,既降低成本,又提高产量,从而提高农业效益。
15. C。【解析】推理判断。从文章第一段和第三段可以看出,当植物处于压力之下(比如缺水或 者茎干被砍掉),他们就会发出声音,这种声音是不好的,痛苦的,描述这一反应的最恰当的词 应是cry,表示因痛苦发出的叫喊声。
16. D。【解析】推理判断。从第一段第二句话可以看出人听不到植物发出的声音,所以A错#从 第二段第一、二句中可以看出处于压力之下的植物会有不同的颜色和形状,所以B错#从第 三段最后一句话可以看出没有压力的植物发声最少,所以C错#从第三段第二、三句话可以 看出处于压力之下的番茄发声最多,所以正确答案为D。
17. A。【解析】事实细节#文章第四段最后一句话说更加精准的灌溉可以节省高达50%的用水 开支,所以该题选A#
3!. A。【解析】推理判断。通过文章内容可判断本文主要讲的是科学家研究调查发现植物在压 力之下会发出声音,我们可以利用植物的这一特点去进行精准灌溉,这为精准农业开启了一 个新方向,所以该题选A#
【语篇导读】本文主题是美国的肥胖问题。文章以一个研究机构的最新成果为基础,涉及问 题的严重程度、发展趋势以及背后的深层原因,最后,文章提出了自己的解决方案。
7. C#【解析】推理判断。通过题干关键词surprising,找到其近义词striking,将答案定位到文 章第二段。文章说研究发现在那些收入很低的人群中,重度肥胖在美国的44个州中都非常 的普遍,所以该题选C#
8. B#【解析】事实细节#通过题干关键词best way,将答案定位到文章第三段第二句和第三句# 文章说解决肥胖问题的最好方法就是防御,减少糖份的摄入,所以该题选B#
9. A#【解析】推理判断。从文章第四段第一句和第二句话可知,2019年9月份发布的一个研究 将当今的肥胖流行病的责任归咎于糖上面,所以糖和糖产业因为促进肥胖而受到谴责,所以 该题选A#
10. D#【解析】主旨大意#文章最后两段主要讲糖是美国人肥胖的原因,而解决肥胖问题的最好 方法不是减肥,而是预防,所以该题选D。
【语篇导读】本文是一篇有关批评与人际关系的温馨提示"批评搞不好容易伤害人际关系, 所以要慎用批评!批评之前需要三思而行。
11. G。【解析】前一句话说:如果一个人的行为伤害了你,那么你表达自己的失落是可以的#该 空想表达与前一句相反的意思,所以该题选G:然而过于批判久而久之会对一段关系造成紧 张感。
12. B#【解析】该题选小标题,根据本段的主要内容来选#本段说,在你批评他人之前,停下来想 一想你是否真的需要说什么。有的时候我们最好忘记一些小的粗鲁行为#深呼吸,然后离开 那儿,不去批评他人#所以该题选#批评他人之前先思考一下#该题的干扰项是A:永远不 要批评他人。(本段只说对于一些小的粗鲁我们可以忘记,并没有说永远都不要批评他人)。
13. D。【解析】该段小标题说(我们对别人的期待)要实际#该空前句话说有时,我们对他人持续 感到恼怒或者失望#所以该空这句话提醒我们应该调整自己的期待,(使得我们对别人的期 待合理,实际)。前面的expecting too much是很好的提示#
14. F。【解析】该段小标题说我们要把一个人和他的行为分开#因此当你发现自己对别人的性 格妄自假设时,一定要停下来#而要这样做:把一个人和他令人失望的行为分开,(一个行为 并不能体现一个人的性格),所以该题选F,实际上是对该段首句的进一步强调#
15. C。【解析】该段小标题说我们要关注积极的一面。该空后面一句话说:然而,大多数人的优 点都多于他们不好的地方#这句话中的the bad ones指前文的drawbacks和imperfections# 所以该题选C每个人都有缺点,(大多数人的优点都多于缺点,所以我们要关注别人的优 点)#
【语篇导读】体裁新闻报道主题:中国传统文化"内容:京剧表演艺术家王珮瑜把中国国 粹——京剧带给年轻观众的故事"
16. B#【解析】根据文章内容,王珮瑜是在自己最新的12集网络表演(show)上说的这番话#
17. D#【解析】王珮瑜的工作目标就是要让后者(the latter):不了解京剧艺术的人爱上京剧#
18. B#【解析】根据第五段“She has about 1. 6 million followers*的提示,王珮瑜是目前中国最受 欢迎、最具卖点(best-selling)的京剧表演艺术家#
19. A#【解析】在每周的“脱口秀”上,王珮瑜解释了京剧的传统艺术形式并展示(display) 了京剧 艺术的魅力#
20. C#【解析】京剧是各种艺术形式的结合(combination) #
21. A#【解析】京剧历史源远流长,可以追溯到(dating back to)19世纪#
22. B#【解析】联合国教科文组织于2010年宣布(declared),把中国的京剧艺术列入“人类非物质 文化遗产代表作名录”#
23. C#【解析】和其它传统艺术形式一样,京剧也面临着现代娱乐活动的挑战(challenged)#
24. B#【解析】喜爱京剧的观众人数逐渐减少,尤其是年轻一代#王珮瑜正试图改变这一趋势 (trend)#
25. D#【解析】王珮瑜以自身扎实的(solid)表演技艺和魅力,在年轻人中建立了一个大的“票 友”群#
26. A#【解析】根据第二段第一句The weekly talk show sees Wang...,可以推断本题选择sees, 表示“见证、目睹”之意#
27. C#【解析】在每一集的表演中,王珮瑜都以一个特定的主题(theme)来介绍京剧艺术#
28. D#【解析】特定的主题包括:准备表演的过程(process) #
29. A#【解析】特定的主题还包括:和京剧这项古老艺术相关的有趣(amusing)的故事#
30. C。【解析】王珮瑜用简单(simple)、直接、幽默的语言来吸引观众#
31. D。【解析】王珮瑜用简单、直接、幽默的语言来吸引[(appeal to)观众#
32. B。【解析】一位京剧“票友”发表了一番评论(commented) #
33. D#【解析】该京剧“票友”说道,以前所了解的京剧是演员们涂脂抹粉的脸(faces)。
34. C【解析】该京剧“票友”说道,现在了解京剧后,期待去剧院看一场现场(live)表演#
35. A。【解析】人们把京剧艺术在青年人中流行开来归功于(be credited with)专业表演京剧“老 生”的表演艺术家王珮瑜#
【语篇导读】教育能打破消极陈旧的观念,增进国家之间的相互理解"澳大利亚政府资助了 一些教育项目以促进中澳友好关系,而作者作为一名研究者借此机会来到了中国工作"
36. supported#【解析】考查过去分词#此处是过去分词supported作后置定语,与education programs是被动关系,意为“被澳大利亚政府所资助的教育项目*
37. are thought#【解析】考查动词的时态和语态#此句中as引导的原因状语从句缺少谓语,并 且主语these programs与think(认为)是被动关系,再根据主句时态用了一般现在时,故用 are thought#
38. studying#【解析】考查现在分词#此处作后置定语,study与Australian students是主动关 系,且有currently修饰,表示正在学习的学生,故用studying#
39. who/that#【解析】考查定语从句#在本句中,Chinese students是先行词,而定语从句缺主 语,此处指代人,故用who/that#
40. have affected#【解析】考查动词时态# find out后的宾语从句中缺少谓语,结合句末时间状 语since the programs started,可知此处应该用现在完成时#
41. a#【解析】考查冠词#修饰believer,此处表示“我是一个坚信……的人*故用a#
42. extremely#【解析】考查副词#此处副词extremely修饰形容词important#
43. than#【解析】考查固定用法#因为前面有more important,故用than表比较#
44. researchers#【解析】考查词性转换及名词的复数#因为空前work with表“与 合作”,故 后面应该是改写成人,而空后提到北京大学,北京大学肯定不只有一个研究者,故用 researchers#
45. to experience#【解析】考查动词不定式#此处不定式短语作后置定语,修饰opportunity# 第四部分写作
第一处【解析】what"which考查从句引导词的误用#此处为非限制性定语从句,which指代《西 游记》,故将what改为which#
第二处【解析Inovelfnoves考查名词单复数的误用#句中one of +复数名词,故此处应将novel
改为 novels#
第三处【解析】was"is考查时态的误用#此处属于一般现在时表客观事实,意思是《西游记》一直 非常受我们国人的欢迎,故将was改为is。
第四处【解析】wrote"written考查过去分词。此处written作后置定语,表示《西游记》为吴承恩 所创作。
第五处【解析】在based的后面添加on,考查介词的固定搭配# The novel is based on Xuan Zang's journey to India.表示“这部小说以玄奘西去印度为原型*
第六处【解析】her"his考查代词逻辑错误。纵观全句,此处的意思为“孙悟空帮助他的师父克服 种种困难”,故将her改为his。
第七处【解析】difficulty"difficult考查名词的误用。分析句子可知该句考查的是find接it做形 式宾语,后面用形容词作宾语补足语,故将difficulty改为difficult。
第八处【解析】去掉so,考查连词的多余。本句为一个主从复合句,because引导了一个从句,主 句的so多余,故将so去掉。
第九处【解析】coming"come考查非谓语动词的误用。本句为and连接的两个并列句,前半部分 没有谓语,故将coming改为come作谓语。
第十处【解析】a"the考查冠词的误用。分析句子意思可知,此处特指作者介绍的《西游记》这本 书,故将a改为the表特指。
体裁 应用文——建议信 主题:为英国朋友Mike提供缓解低落情绪的建议。
Dear Mike,
How is everything going with you?
It is quite understandable to feel down during such an increasingly challenging time. But staying at home is the best way to prevent you and your family from getting infected. Though self-isolation may at times be hard,it presents a perfect opportunity for you to slow down,pause and reflect. In addition, you can set aside some regular time every day to take exercise, which will help you cheer up and keep healthy.
Ihaves>rongbelief>ha>youandyourcoun>rycange>>hrough>he>ough imeand>hegood old days will return.
Yours, Li Hua
(Text 1)
W: Hi,Mike. I'm calling to tell you that I'll be a bit later to your house.
M: When will you come?
W: Ill pick you up at 6: 30 instead of 6: 00. The plane's going to take off at 8: 00, so we still have enough time.
M:Where are you now,Jane? The football match is about to begin.
W:Im still on the train. You'd better go in first. It's probably best if I see you there instead of at the cafe. Otherwise we'll both miss the start of the game.
(Text 3)
M&How mucharethetickets?
W:They're ten dollars each for the adults,but student tickets are half price.
M: One adult and two student tickets ? please.
(Text 4)
M: Lily has got her hair short now. Do you like it?
W:No,I think she looked better with long hair. She's changed the color,too. It was dark in the pas>.
(Text 5)
W: Excuse me, do we have to take our luggage from our room before !! a. m. ?
M:Normally it's at !! a. m. ,but you can have a late check-out until 2 p. m. if you like.
(Text 6)
M:Im going to a rock concert in the park on Saturday. It's free. And how about you?
W:Ill study first. I want to finish my homework in the morning. And Brian and I are going to seeabaske>balgamein>heaf>ernoon.
W&Brian'sgoing>ovisi>his mo>herin>hehospial.Bu>I'm no>going>odoany>hingrealy. MaybeI'lreadabooka>home.
M&Wel ,I'mgoing>ohavesomefriendsforabarbecuein myhouse.Wouldyoulike>ocome? W&Thanks.I'dlove>o.
(Text 7)
W:May I show you a table,sir?
M:Yes. Do you have a table by the window?
W:Follow me,please. This table. So what can I get you,sir?
M:I just want some noodles and soup.
W: What kind of noodles do you want? We have beef,pork and egg noodles.
M : I love beef most. And I want some tomato and egg soup.
W: OK. Anything else?
M:Yes. I also want a sandwich. A ham sandwich with tomato is OK.
W:Is that all? Don't you want anything for dessert? We have ice cream, blueberry pie, apple pieand3ho3olatepudding.
M: The first kind, please. And that's all.
W: Everything will be ready shortly.
(Text 8)
W: Hi,Carl. How was your vacation?
M: Great, Jess. We flew to Florida to visit my aunt who lives near the beach.
W Ihearthattheweathertherecanchangeinjustafew minutes.
M&Yeah,everyone knowsit often rainsatthistime ofyear"Sometimesitcan rainin the afternoonforhalfanhourandthenturnniceagain"Whatdidyoudo,Jess?
W : We went the other way, up into Canada to go hiking in the mountains. Although it's April it was still very cold. We had a lot of fun,but to be honest,next time I'd rather go south in the forests.
M&Wel ,that'saproblemIdidn'thave.
W&TherewasonethingIloved,though.Atnighttheskywasclearandwecouldseemilionsof stars.Theylookedlikeyoucouldpickthem outoftheair.
(Text 9)
M:So,next year you're going to start your A-levels. Which subject are you going to choose?
W I'msurelygoingtodoSpanishbecauseitismyfavoritesubjectandthenI'm notrealysure what to choose. I'd like to do Art but I don't know if it's very useful for my job …
M&Whatdoyou wanttodointhefuture?
W Iwanttobeajournalist.Thathasbeen mydreamsincemychildhood.So,Iguesshistoryor psychologyorsomethingisprobably moreusefulformyjob.
M&Doyou wanttogotouniversity?
W:Yeah,but I'm not going to start university after I leave school. I'm planning to have a gap year,you know,a break from studying for a while…
M: And what would you like to do in your gap year? Any ideas?
W: I want to travel ■■■ Id like to go to Italy and learn Italian. I don't know if it's really practical but that's my dream!
M: Good luck!
(Text 10)
Anna Gomez is a successful TV sports presenter, but most people think of her as the famous woman ice-skater. As a child, her dream was actually to become a ballet dancer. She didn't become really interested in skating until she was fourteen. Although she practiced iceskating almost all the time at university, she left with an excellent degree.
When Anna was younger, she got very angry at competitions, shouting at judges if she disagreed with them. That made her unpopular. Her technique was just as good as others' and shehadaveryencouragingcoachatthetime.Theproblem wasinherhead.Shejustdidn't thinkshecould wina big game.Thatchangedasshe won morecompetitions'andshe was performing at her best by the age of 25.
Anna retired from ice-skating five years later. Anna said,“It was a difficult decision. People alwaysask mewhenI'm goingtostop"AtthetimeIwasn'tsurethatIwasactualyreadyto give up. But, looking back,I'm glad I stopped when I did. You shouldn't think too much about the past—just move on t o the next thing. *