展开1.A【原文】W: Stuart, what time does Bob’s birthday party finish tonight?Do you need me to pick you up?M: I can take care of myself. I’m no longer a child...2.C【原文】W: I’d like to fly out on the 23rd of July ... that’s Sunday, isn’t it?M: No, that’s Saturday. 24th is Sunday. W: Yes, I’d like to go on Sunday. Then I can come back next Friday.3.B【原文】M: I like English more than any other subject. I began to learn it when I was in primary school and I always do well.W: Hmm, I like maths best. I’m not good at memorizing things, so I often use the wrong words in English tests, which gets me low marks.4.B【原文】M: I am calling to reserve a room from Dec. 20 to Dec. 26.W: Sorry, that is Christmas season. But if you don’t mind changing rooms mid-way through your stay, we could work something out.5.A【原文】M: Excuse me. Where are the books on Chinese cuisine?W: They are on the second shelf. By the way, we’re on sale. There is 35% off on all books. M: That’s great. I’ll tell my friends about the news.6.C 7.A【原文】M: What made you join the Tai Chi club, Monica?W: I just want to try a sport which is not that tense for a change. M: Why didn’t you choose yoga? It’s very popular nowadays and also involves less physical tension. W: Well, another reason why I chose Tai Chi was because I always have a fascination with Chinese culture. M: How does Tai Chi relate to Chinese culture? I thought it’s just a way of exercise. W: It’s more than that. The true significance of Tai Chi is to find balance in your life. The key is “never too much nor too less”.8.A 9.B【原文】W: Hello, George! There’s a book exhibition in the Stadium Expo Hall tomorrow afternoon. Many famous novelists will be doing book signings there. Would you like to attend it?M: Certainly! I want to buy The Four Winds authored by Kristin Hannah. When would you like to leave?W: How about tomorrow at noon? I have a parent meeting tomorrow morning at my son’s school and then I’m free to go. M: OK. W: Right. Sarah will be joining us tomorrow. She always enjoys such events. M: Great. See you then!10.C 11.B 12.B【原文】W: David, I’m kind of in the mood for a comedy tonight. Look, here’s a Will Smith movie.M: What time does it start?W: UM...It’s on at 6:00 and 9:30. If we leave work right at 5:00, we can make the 6 o’clock show. M: Yeah, but I haven’t finished work. I won’t be ready to leave at 5:00. How about we go at 6:30? It’s late, but at least I can finish my work, and we can eat after the movie. W: Maybe there’s another movie at 7:00 or 8:00? Let’s see... M: Oh, I know! Have you seen that new science-fiction movie with Bruce Willis?W: No, but I have heard about it. I really like science fiction. M: That’s my favorite kind of movie. Well, see if it’s playing someplace. W: OK. Oh, look! It’s playing at 6:30 at the Plaza tonight. M: It is? Perfect. Let’s go. W: But you have to finish your report... M: Oh, never mind! I’ll do it tomorrow.13.A 14.C 15.C 16.A【原文】M: Hello, welcome to this week’s Meeting Artists. Our guest today is Mildred Howard. She will talk about her story with gardens. Welcome, Mrs. Howard.W: Thank you. To begin with, I’d like to share my childhood memories. Well, my parents had gardens. So I could always pick fresh tomatoes, pull out carrots and taste sweet melons. M: Interesting! Many kids don’t know where food comes from. W: That’s why I started the Alice Waters Garden Project. M: Can you tell us something about it? For example, how does it work?W: We design and build a 5-acre garden first. The kids, mainly aged from 7 to 12, work in the garden with their hands in the dirt. Then they take what they’ve grown to the kitchen and spend time cooking and developing recipes. This is the way they learn something about teamwork, creativity, and most importantly, where the food they eat every day comes from.17.B 18.B 19.C 20.C【原文】W: I’m Jane Brown. I’m here today to tell you about my career as a writer. I wrote my first novel in 1987. I called it Sunset. However, it didn’t come out until 1996, four years after my first published novel. After school, I went to university where I studied law. However, I never practiced law. I was lucky enough to get a holiday job on a local newspaper as a reporter, and I stayed there. This, of course, gave me lots of opportunities to improve my writing skills. I had my first novel published during that period. It was called Tango. It wasn’t a great success, but it gave me useful contacts in the publishing world. My second novel, The Ballet Dancer, was much more successful. It even won a prize for new novelists. Since then, I’ve written three more novels and have also had a couple of collections of short stories published. At present, I’m experimenting with writing a play — The List. I feel I’m learning a great deal from this work …