Unit 1 My name's Gina Section A (1a-2c)教学设计-2023-2024学年人教新目标七年级英语上册
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Unit 1 My name's Gina Section A (1a-2c)教学设计课标分析新课标要求七年级学生能听懂发音清晰、语速较慢的简短口头表达,获取关键信息;积累日常生活中常用的习惯用语和交流信息的基本表达方式;能围绕相关主题,运用所学语言,与他人进行日常交流,语音、语调、用词基本正确,表达比较连贯;了解不同国家人们待人接物的基本礼仪、礼貌和交际方式;对英语学习有持续的兴趣和较为明确的学习需求与目标;有积极主动的学习态度和较强的自信心;能主动参与课内外各种英语实践活动,注意倾听,积极使用英语进行交流,遇到问题能主动而且勇于克服困难。教材分析本课是本单元第一课时,是一节听说课。活动 1a-1c通过图文将学生带入“上新学校、结交新朋友”的情境中,并逐渐在该语境中输入“与人打招呼”、“自我介绍”及“介绍他人”的核心句型和重点词汇,通过图文及听力练习,学习打招呼与自我介绍的基本目标语言结构, 如What's your name? My name’s .../I’m...等。活动 2a-2c 在此基础上给出了更为丰富的语言运用环境,以听力的形式拓展、巩固单元重点句型,包括询问和回答第三方姓名。学情分析虽然七年级的学生大部分刚刚开始系统学习英语,但有不少学生在小学阶段已经对英语有了一定程度的接触,因而参与活动的积极性高,表现欲强,敢于大胆开口,这是学习英语的优势。但同时他们的英语语言基础薄弱,语言的拓展运用能力较差,而且学习过程中缺乏耐性。因此,在课堂设计时应通过设计有趣的课堂活动和任务,通过对话的方式,积极引导学生热情参与,提高学生学习语言和交朋友的主动性,把语言学习与学生实际交际联系起来,并鼓励其进行自主学习和语言实践,渗透学法指导并引导学生逐步养成良好的学习习惯。教学目标:1.学生能听懂见面问候、介绍自己和询问他人姓名的对话并初步感知一般疑问句和特殊疑问句在语调上的区别。2.学生能初步运用 What's your name? What's his name? What's her name? 询问对方和他人姓名的句型并理解形容词性物主代词 my/your/his/her 的用法。3.学生能运用 My name's Gina./I'm Gina./Gina.这几种句式进行自我介绍并能运用 Nice to meet you!句式相互问候。教学重难点重点:初步掌握介绍自己、礼貌地问候他人和询问他人姓名的基本句型。难点:掌握形容词性物主代词 my/your/his/her 的用法;理解 be 动词的缩写形式和认读一些英文名字。教学过程设计:Step1:Lead-in1. Greet students by using “Good afternoon!”.2. Enjoy a video and ask “What’s this in English?” “what’s that in English?”3. Ask students to look at the picture in 1a and see how many other words they know.(设计意图:复习已知,温故知新,铺垫课堂。)Step2 work on 1bBefore listening1.Look at the picture in 1a. Look at the people in the picture.2.Ask the students to pay attention to the key word: the names.While listening1.play the recording, ask students to number the conversations according to the order they hear.2.Check the answers.(设计意图:通过听的方式输入本课功能句,学习句型,达到知识目标。)Step3 Pair workAsk students to make up new conversations by using their own names.(设计意图:引导学生通过合作学习进行初步的语言实践,帮助学生在真实的语境中感知重点功能句,培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。)Step 4 ListeningBefore listening1.Look at the pictures to predict who they are and where they are.Picture l:two boys at a bus stopPicture 2:a boy talking with a girlPicture 3:a boy and a girl greeting each other in a schoolPicture 4:a teacher and her students in class2.Read the English names in 2b.Help students read the English names correctly in 2b.(设计意图:七年级学生对于听力活动会感到困难,因此,有的学生在进行听力活动时会感到紧张。设计听力教学时应为学生做好充分的准备工作。增加听前的活动可以使学生熟悉相关话题,激活背景知识,明确任务要求,扫除听力障碍,通过渗透听力技巧,使听力活动顺利有效进行。)While listening1. Ask students to listen and number the pictures.2. Check the answers.3. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.After listeningPair workAsk students to practice “What's his name? His name's...What's her name? Her name's...” according to the pictures on PPT.(设计意图:使自主学习和合作学习相结合,注重任务设置层层递进,由简到难,逐步突破难点。最后学以致用,把本课学习的重点内容全部融入到任务中,使学生在完成任务的同时全面复习巩固本课重点知识。)Group workWe go to a party and meet some new friends. Show the party and give students the sentences structure. Ask students to work in groups and make conversations. Then find the acting stars after they act out. Useful sentences: What's your name? My name's... Nice to meet you.What's his name? What's her name?(设计意图:使自主学习和合作学习相结合,注重任务设置层层递进,由简到难,逐步突破难点。最后学以致用,把本课学习的重点内容全部融入到任务中,使学生在完成任务的同时全面复习巩固本课重点知识。同时,竞赛的形式能激发学生说英语的兴趣。)Step 5 Summary1.Ask and answer names.(问答姓名)2. Introduce ourselves politely.(礼貌地介绍自己) 3. Listening skills: key words; look at pictures carefully; read loudly.(听力技巧:关键词;仔细看图;大声朗读)Step 6 ExerciseStep7 Homework(1) Copy words: “name” -“not”.抄写单词: ”name”-”not”.(2) Write down the conversations you made. 写下刚才所编的对话。(3) Try to make a new friend after class. Make up a conversation with him or her and write it down.课后反思本节课的设计体现了任务型教学的特点,同时整个任务链的设计均以学生的兴趣为主,由易至难,逐层递进,逐步完成各个任务,使学生在愉快地完成每一个任务的同时,体会到学习英语的乐趣,并使每一位学生都参与到活动中。在播放听力前做了大量的铺垫,并给与听力技巧的传授,使学生能够体验与感知英语语音和书面符号,形成初步概念,利于他们养成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略。