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    1. What did the by frget?
    A. His ticket.B. His ID card.C. His wallet.
    2. When will the meeting start?
    A. At 7:20.B. At7:40.C. At 8:00.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the streetB. In a bank.C. In a restaurant.
    4. What did the by d last weekend?
    A. He went camping.B. He went swimming.C. He went fr a picnic.
    5. Why des the man want t change the cat?
    A. Because it is t small.B. Because it has sme prblems.C. Because he desn't like the clr.
    6. What's wrng with Kay's mm?
    A. She had a fever.B. She caught a cld.C. She hurt her head.
    7. Where is Kay's father?
    A. In China.B. In England.C. In America.
    8. What day is it tday?
    A. Thursday.B. Friday.C. Saturday.
    9. Hw des the by g t schl in Japan?
    A. By bus.B. On ft.C. By bicycle.
    10. Where des the by ear lunch?
    A. In the classrm.B. In the lunchrm.C. At his hme.
    11. Hw ld is the by?
    A. Six.B. Ten.C. Sixteen.
    12. What did Thmas and his father ften d years ag?
    A. Read bksB. Went fr walks.C. Climbed muntains.
    13 When did Thmas climb the very high muntain with his father?
    A. At the age f 10. B. At the age f 12.C. At the age f 16.
    14. Why did Thmas want t give up climbing?
    A. Because he gt a pain in his legs.
    B. Because he didn't want t walk with his father.
    C. Because he had smething imprtant t d.
    15. Hw did Thmas feel when hearing his father's wrds?
    A. Disappinted.B. Painful.C. Cnfident.
    A blg: Hw nt t spend mney
    Sarah Mills
    5thJune 2022
    Ww! Prblem. Nt a lt f mney right nw and I dn't want t spend it. I'm tired f spending mney! S here I am at hme and I'm thinking ----- What can I d t save mney?
    16. What tpic did Sarah Mills start in the blg?
    A. Hw t make sandwiches.B. Hw t read bks.C. Hw t save mney.D. Hw t watch stars.
    17. Wh likes ging ut fr a ride instead f staying at hme?
    A. gd girl.B. Danny WhiteC. Mark JD. Nelly Hunt.
    18. Why des Mark J think ging t cinema can be a bit expensive?
    A. Because the ticket t the film is nt cheap.B. Because he ften buys lts f things in the shps.
    C. Because ging fr a pizza after the film csts much.D. Because there are t many gd films he wants t watch.
    A fx was run after by a hunter, and luckily he met a wdcutter. The fx begged (乞求)him t shw him a gd place t hide in. He prmised that he wuld thank him fr his help.
    The wdcutter seemed quite peaceful. He lked arund quietly and advised him t hide in his wn huse, s the fx ran in and hid himself in a gd place. There was a hle n the wall f the huse, s the fx culd see what happened utside clearly.
    The hunter sn came up with his dgs. He nticed the wdcutter and asked him.“Did yu see a fx?”The wdcutter said, “N.” But he still pinted t the huse, all the time he was speaking. His tw eyeballs als turned t the place, because the fx was hiding there. Hwever, the hunter tk n ntice f his eyeballs but heard his wrds. He went n t catch the fx.
    As sn as they were away the fx came ut frm the huse. He left withut taking any ntice f the wdcutter. The wdcutter called him and criticized (批评) him, saying, "Yu bad fellw, yu we(欠) yur life t me. But yu leave me withut a wrd f thanks.
    The fx answered, “Indeed, I shuld have thanked yu a lt if yur actins were as gd as yur wrds, and if yur eyeballs weren't against yur speech.”
    True enugh, kindness shuld be in keeping with actins and wrds. What we say and what we d shuld g hand in hand.
    9. Wh did the fx ask fr help?
    A.The hunter.B. The wdcutter.C. The dgs.D. We dn't knw.
    20. What is the right rder f the fllwing events?
    a.The hunter left and cntinued t catch the fx. b. The fx wanted t hide in a gd place.
    c. The wdcutter was unhappy with the fx.d. The hunter asked the wdcutter if he saw a fx.
    e. The wdcutter's eyeballs turned t the hiding place.
    A.d-b-a-c-eB.b-d-a-e-cC.c-b-d-a-e.D. b-d-e-a-c.
    21. Why did the fx leave withut a wrd f thanks?
    A. Because the hiding place was nt gd enugh.B. Because he wanted t run away and he had n time.
    C. Because the wdcutter's actins weren't as gd as his wrds.
    D. Because the wdcutter's eyeballs made the hunter ntice the place.
    22. What's the best title fr the passage?
    A. Kindness lies in bth actins and wrdsB. Never believe thers easily
    C. Depending n thers is dangerusD. Get ver difficulties hand in hand
    ①Accrding t UNESCO, there are 740 millin peple unable t read r write in this wrld. And 250 millin children f primary schl age have n basic reading and writing skills Hwever, reading makes everything pssible in life: educatin, wrk and escaping pverty(贫困). Cnsidering that, the Glbal Schl Cmmunity aims t bring digital bks t all the children f the wrld and their families.
    ②Digital technlgy makes a real difference. It can reach acrss the wrld and is fairly inexpensive.The Glbal Schl Cmmunity makes bks available t children all arund the wrld, either thrugh mbile phnes, Ipads r cmputers, saving the cst f making bks and transprt. Technlgy als helps imprve ur cmmunicatin skills. Thrugh the use f technlgy, teachers and children arund the wrld can meet nline t share lessns and discuss ideas. Remte schling (远程教学) is ne example f the success f cmmunicatin thrugh the Internet.
    ③The first bk a child reads can have a great influence n that child. The greater the influence, the mre likely the child is t cntinue reading and learning thrughut his life. E-bks, which are actually the electrnic versins f printed bks, nt nly prvide knwledge and infrmatin, but help peple grw healthily in mind. They can prvide hurs f entertainment and can cnnect schls all ver the wrld. Studies have shwn that children make much prgress after nly five mnths f reading e-bks. Bid Hafrag, a child frm Egypt, said, “Reading e-bks nt nly helps me learn t read and write, but gives me much cnfidence. It als helps me have a better understanding f the wrld.”
    ④The Glbal Schl Cmmunity has a huge e-bk library fr every schl t enter. It aims t bring digital bks t all children and their families, and helps schls, clleges and universities t cnnect with each ther. Please jin ur family f schls, write an e-bk r share resurces(资源) at glbal schl cmmunity. cm.
    23. The Glbal Schl Cmmunity plans t____________.
    A. make every child aware f the meanings f readingB. bring digital bks t all children and their families
    C. ffer chances fr teachers t teach all ver the wrldD. build up the cnfidence f the children frm pr areas
    24. Which f the fllwing best explains the underlined wrd “inexpensive” in Paragraph 2?
    A. usefulB. ppularC. valuableD. cheap
    25. What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. E-bks help readers learn and make prgress.B. E-bks prvide knwledge and infrmatin.
    C. E-bks imprve cmmunicatin skills a lt.D. E-bks have mre advantages than printed nes.
    26. The writer writes the passage t____________.
    A. intrduce a new way t see the utside wrldB. help cnnect all the schls arund the wrld
    C. invite us t jin the Glbal Schl CmmunityD. explain the histry and develpment f e-bks
    Have yu ever started a bk, read a few pages, and fund that it wasn't interesting at all? If yu have, yu may be faced with a difficult situatin: shuld yu keep ging with the bk,even if yu aren't enjying it, r put it dwn and find smething else? What d yu have in mind?
    Sme peple say yu shuld g n reading the bk yu've started. Sme f the best bks ever written are full f difficult wrds and paragraphs with lts f characters and different stry lines. It's better t keep reading, because it is an imprtant skill t keep ging and get t the end. Besides, if yu stp reading halfway thrugh, hw will yu knw hw everything turns ut fr the characters? What's mre, the bk might suddenly becme really interesting, and there might even be a surprise change. Giving up is easy, but trying t finish a difficult bk is a gd skill t have.
    But nt everybdy has the same idea, Cressida Cwell, the new Children's Laureate (儿童文学桂冠奖得主), says it's OK t stp reading a bk yu dn't like. She says yung readers shuld read bks they enjy, nt thse that aren't f much interest. There are lts f wnderful bks waiting t be read in libraries and bkshps, s spending hurs and days trying hard t read an uninteresting stry is meaningless. Nbdy wuld chse t sit thrugh a bring TV shw. Giving up and trying a different bk is the same as picking smething else t watch n TV. Als, it's imprtant t enjy reading and nt think f it as a chre. If yu have t finish a bk that yu are nt enjying, it might put yu ff reading ther bks in the future.
    If yu ask me, I think yu shuldn't give up after page ne. I advise yu t read arund 20pages and then yu can stp reading if yu really dn't like the characters r can't easily jump int their wrld. Smetimes yu're just nt in a place fr a bk, and it's OK t set it aside and revisit it later. A bk yu're nt lving tday culd end up being yur favrite in a few years.
    27. What's the writer's pinin abut reading bks?
    A. Yu shuld keep reading if yu start a bk.
    B. It is better t stp reading an uninteresting bk.
    C. Reading can give yu a chance t develp yur interest.
    D. Read a small part f the bk befre yu decide t give up r nt.
    28. What des the underlined sentence in Paragraph Three mean?
    A. Yu'll be able t have a gd reading skill.B. Yu'll be less interested in reading ther bks.
    C. Yu'll have t spend mre time reading bks.D. Yu'll prbably chse t read ther bks later.
    29. What's the purpse f the passage?
    A. T encurage mre peple t read.B. T tell a stry abut reading bks.
    C. T share different ideas abut reading.D. T intrduce traditinal ways f reading.
    30. Which f the fllwing best shws the structure f the passage?
    下面是宇航员Jse Hernandez的采访页面。阅读后从方框中所给的选项中选出符合各段内容的问题完成31-35小题。
    The dgsled (狗拉雪橇) race was abut t begin. Julie's team f dgs was lined up at the __36__ gate. Julie std behind them.The air was s cld that she culd __37__ her breath.The ther teams were lined up, t, and the dgs were __38__. Julie kept her eyes n the clck.
    At ten 'clck, she and the ther racers shuted, “__39__!” The race began! All the dgs tried their best t run after each ther.
    Nw, they ran ver snwy hills and dwn int frzen valleys. They__40__nly t rest and eat. They wanted t stay ahead f the ther teams. The racers had t g a thusand __41__ acrss Alaska. Alaska is in the nrth f the US, brdering Canada. It is ne f the __42__places n the earth. The dgs' thick fur cats helped __43__ them warm in the cld wind and weather. In many places alng the way, the snw was deep. Pieces f __44__ were as sharp as a knife. The ice culd cut the dgs' feet. T keep that frm happening, Julie put special bties n their feet.
    __45__, the dgs seemed t pull the sled very slwly. They were still getting used t the race. __46__ n the third day ut, they began t pull mre quickly.They wrked as a team and __47__ many f the ther racers. During the perid, they met many__48__. Once, ne f the sled's runners slid int a hle and brke. Julie wanted t __49__ then, but she didn't. She fixed it and they kept ging.
    When they finally __50__ the finishing line, they fund ut that they had cme in first place! It was a great day fr Julie and her dgs.
    () ttalB.At firstC.By accidentD.Fr example
    () inB.give upC.shw upD.hurry up
    51. Tm made lts f friends __________his life as a student.
    52. Little Bb wn't g t sleep __________his mther tells him a stry.
    his aunt when he was a baby.
    54. Mary had t ck dinner ___________while her parents were away
    55. It is becming much ____________fr lder peple t use e-payment.
    56. I gt a gd c__________t study abrad and I tk it seriusly.
    57. I deeply r__________ what I had said t my mther, and I really wanted t say srry t her.
    58. I stayed up late yesterday, s I feel s___________nw
    59. The hspital makes a cmmitment t prvide the best pssible m___________ care
    60. This restaurant lst hundreds f custmers because f its a___________ service.
    61. A_________ (对话)is a cnversatin between tw peple in a bk, film r play.
    62. When she heard the sad news, she __________(哭) ludly at nce.
    63. We can't be allwed t drive a car unless we have a driver's __________(证件).
    64. It's imprtant fr us t pay attentin t fd ___________(安全).
    65. The meeting is n the fifth and we're hping everyne will____________(参加).
    Have yu ever shared a rm with smene, perhaps a brther, sister, r rmmate? Hw did yu get alng with the ther persn? Did yu always have arguments(66)_________did yu wrk ut a way t share the space withut arguments?
    Astrnauts say that ne f the mst difficult (67)_________(part) f space explratin(探测) is sharing a tiny area with ther peple fr a lng time. Spaceships (68)__________(design)t make the best use f every bit f a rm. There is n mre area that yu can escape t have(69)__________quiet time all alne. Nr can yu decide t get away and g fr a walk. It's even(70)__________(difficult)when yu share the small area with astrnauts frm ther cultures. These astrnauts are.usually the peple (71)___________may have different lifestyles and custms.
    __________d astrnauts manage t have gd relatinships with their partners? First, astrnauts are (73) _________(careful) chsen fr their experience,physical fitness, and ability t get alng with ther peple. They decide t finish the task successfully, even that means giving up sme(74)__________(persn) needs fr the time being. Each member f the space team des research, s that takes up a lt f time. Then there are “spacing” skills such as listening (75) _________ music n headphnes r writing that can be dne alne. Perhaps sme f these will help yu with yur rmmate.
    English Hmewrk Helps Me Level Up
    Gd girl
    An hur ag
    I always g int twn all the weekend—and I usually spend mney! It's very easy t buy things if yu g int a street full f shps. S this weekend I'm staying at hme. Right nw I'm just reading a bk - my parents can't believe it!
    Danny White
    It's funny, Mark J -- I'm just like yu (ging t the cinema, I mean). Right nw, I'm nt watching a film -- I'm watching the stars at hme! I've gt a bk-abut the sky and it's fantastic. I'm having a really gd time here!
    Mark J
    tw days ag
    I really like ging t the cinema but it can be a bit expensive-especially because my friends and I ften g fr a pizza after the film. S tnight I'm watching a film n TV at hme. I'm really enjying it. And it csts nthing!
    Nelly Hunt
    tw days ag
    On Sarah Mills, it's nt such a prblem. My friends and I ften ride bikes n Sundays and I make the sandwiches the night befre. S right nw, it's Saturday night and I'm making sandwiches.
    5 Questins fr Jse Hernandez
    As a kid, he dreamed big dreams then wrked hard t make them cme true.
    We were farm wrkers. Until 1 was 12, my family mved arund every tw r three mnths, fllwing the harvest (丰收) f crps in Califrnia. That helped define me: I always wrk hard.
    It was December f 1972. I was 10, watching Apll missin n a black-and-white TV. When I saw astrnaut Gene Cernan walking n the Mn, I tld
    myself, “I want t be an astrnaut.”
    NASA refused me nt nce, nt twice, but eleven times! I finally gt chsen the twelfth time. Five years later, I flew n my first missin t the Internatinal Space Statin. Never give up!
    Flating(浮) ! Yu're always flating.
    My favrite fd was a burrit with scrambled eggs. We take trtillas t space because bread creates tiny pieces. It's really fun.
    As we passed ver Nrth America, I culd see Canada, the US, Mexic, and ther parts f Latin America. It surprised me that I culdn't tell where ne cuntry ended and the next started. Brders are human-made. Frm up there, we're just ne.
    A. When did yu decide t be an astrnaut? B. What did yu lve abut space?
    C. What was yur life like as a kid? D. What was it like t see the earth frm space?
    E. What challenges did yu face? F. What d yu knw abut being an astrnaut?
    hard she unless during lk after

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