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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What are the speakers ding?
    A.They are playing games.
    B.They are discussing a match.
    C.They are talking abut a tie.
    2.What des the wman mean?
    A.Tm has made a prper decisin.
    B.Tm’s new jb will make a difference.
    C.Tm has a wrng attitude twards wrk.
    3.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In the classrm.B.In the library.C.In the cmputer rm.
    4.What can we knw abut the wman?
    A.She was turned dwn.B.She had a pr sleep.C.She was tired f the heating.
    5.Hw did the wman g t schl?
    A.By car.B.By bus.C.By undergrund.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Father and daughter.B.Wife and husband.C.Uncle and niece.
    7.What will Uncle Pabl d tday?
    A.Surf the net n the bat.
    B.Intrduce the tur cmpany.
    C.Tell f the histry f the twn.
    8.Hw did the wman knw the game?
    A.She read abut it in a magazine.
    B.Her friend tld her abut it.
    C.She saw an ad n the website.
    9.With whm will the wman play the game?
    A.Her brther.B.Her grandfather.C.Her cusin.
    10.What is the wman’s favrite part abut the game?
    A.Building a huse.B.Crssing the river.C.Finding things t eat.
    11.Wh majrs in fashin design?
    12.When did the man g t the cstume shw?
    A.On Sunday.B.On Saturday.C.On Friday.
    13.What des the man think f the sprts clthes shw?
    14.Wh will be absent frm camping?
    15.Why will Mike be back by Saturday afternn?
    A.He will paint the bathrm.
    B.He will d sme cleaning.
    C.He has wrk t deal with.
    16.Hw many tents will the man take?
    17.Hw des the man plan fr fd?
    A.They will ck by themselves.
    B.They will take lts f ready fd.
    C.They will mainly eat in restaurants.
    18.Where d the mst turists cme frm?
    19.Why is the number f visitrs grwing?
    A.The airfares are cheap.
    B.Peple have mre mney.
    C.Many peple cme n business.
    20.What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A.The recvery f turism.
    B.The infrmatin abut turists.
    C.The market strategy.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Vlunteer Summer Camp fr Teens in Csta Rica
    Are yu 16 r 17 years ld and wanting t vlunteer abrad this summer? Internatinal Vlunteer HQ’s Summer Camp fr teen vlunteers is an awesme way fr 16- and 17- year- ld vlunteers t spend part f their summer hlidays cntributing twards imprtant cmmunity initiatives and learning abut Csta Rican culture.
    What t expect and hw yu’ll make an impact?
    The Teen Vlunteer Summer Camp is an incredible cultural immersin(沉浸) experience available t individual vlunteers aged 16 and 17 and it is fully accmpanied by adults.
    Participants will take part in planned activities including vlunteering in lcal cmmunity prjects, taking lcal dance lessns, ging n cultural adventures, and jining nature turs led by ur prfessinal guides.
    The Vlunteer Teen Camp has tw available start dates in August. The first is available n August 1st, and participants can jin fr a 1-3 week duratin. The secnd start date is August 15th fr a maximum f ne week.
    Why jin the Vlunteer Summer Camp in Csta Rica with IVHQ?
    When yu vlunteer as a teen in Csta Rica, yu’ll be adding value t the lcal cmmunity, while als develping persnally and prfessinally by:
    * Cntributing t cmmunity- driven vlunteer prjects
    * Develping yur cmmunicatin skills
    * Learning abut Csta Rica’s culture, fd and histry
    * Discvering Csta Rica’s beautiful beaches, natinal parks and cities
    Vlunteer requirements:
    * Vlunteers must prvide parental agreement t participate n the prgram.
    * Independent vlunteers aged 16 and 17 can jin this prject fr 1-3 weeks.
    * Vlunteers must prvide tw character reference letters.
    * All vlunteers are required t have enugh vlunteer travel insurance.
    * All vlunteers must speak fluent English.
    21.What will vlunteers d in the camp?
    A.Instruct dance lessns.B.Take guided nature turs.
    C.G n scial activities.D.Visit sme lcal cmmunities.
    22.Hw can participants benefit frm the summer camp?
    A.They can learn standard English.B.They can get mney fr their effrt.
    C.They can gain rich experience in teaching.D.They can better their skills in cmmunicatin.
    23.What is needed t apply fr the camp?
    A.Affrding three- week free time.B.Being accmpanied by ne parent.
    C.Having previus related experience.D.Offering tw letters f recmmendatin.
    Ging int my Ph. D. prgram, I knew I lved t cmmunicate science t the public as much as I liked ding science. But research sn cnsumed mst f my time. Gradually, I felt I was lsing tuch with the bigger picture f why science matters.
    T escape, I spent a weekend with sme friends. They were excited t share stries abut the latest bks they’d cnsumed. But I culdn’t remember the last bk I had read fr fun. And I fund myself mstly talking abut my research. As I struggled t cnvey its brader relevance, I nticed the enthusiasm in my vice disappeared. “Is my Ph. D. killing my lve f science?” I thught. I knew I had been living in a scientific bubble(泡泡), but that bubble seemed t grw smaller and smaller as the weekend prgressed.
    When I returned hme, I reslved t read mre fr pleasure. I was recmmended a science fictin bk, s I started with that. It was like nthing I had ever read befre. I was really int it. I was blwn away by the scientifically reasnable technlgies and scenes. It was refreshing t think abut science in a new way.
    I kept reading science fictin in the years after I finished my Ph. D. But I still hadn’t gtten back t cmmunicating science t the public. Then, ne night I fund myself in a cnversatin with my new clleagues abut science fictin cncepts. One invited me t speak at the pp culture lecture.
    When the day came, I felt nervus until I saw the eager attendees. After I finished, I was surrunded with enthusiastic audience. It suddenly ccurred t me that this was my path back t science cmmunicatin. Since then, I’ve given mre than 20 talks, explring cncepts like genetic engineering and brain- machine interfaces.
    Fr yung researchers, it’s easy t slide int a scientific bubble. I’m glad science fictin gave me a way t break ut. It nt nly prvided smething fun t d in my spare time. It als helped me prfessinally, fueling my ability t cmmunicate the wnders f science t the public.
    24.What did the authr realize at that weekend?
    A.He culdn’t fit in a new envirnment.B.His memry was declining with time.
    C.He lst passin fr science cmmunicatin.D.His knwledge was nly a scientific bubble.
    25.Why did the authr like science fictin?
    A.He wanted t find inspiratins frm it.B.He wanted t put his knwledge t use.
    C.It culd explain many physical phenmena.D.It ffered him a new angle t lk at science.
    26.Which wrd can be used t describe the lecture?
    27.What is the aim f this passage?
    A.T intrduce science fictin.B.T prve hw imprtant science is.
    C.T emphasize the authr’s lve fr science.D.T shw hw science fictin helped the authr.
    ChatGPT and ther language- based large language mdels (LLMs) exhibit human- level perfrmance n many natural- language tasks in English. The same is true f ther widely used tngues. But Paiute is cnsidered a “n- resurce language”, meaning there are n publicly available Paiute sentences translated int English n which t train a machine learning mdel.
    In a new paper, “LLM- Assisted Rule- Based Machine Translatin fr Lw/ N- Resurce Languages”, Cleman and his prfessr Krishnamachari prpse a machine translatin apprach called LLM-RBMT(Rule- Based Machine Translatin) t help peple learn n- resurce languages. Their apprach cnsists f a mre “ld schl” rule- based translatr tls and a mre advanced, natural language- based large language mdel.
    In their methd, the LLM des nt translate int r frm Paiute. Instead, it helps t guide the rule- based translatrs, which rely n grammatical and vcabulary rules t translate between languages. The translatin tl simplifies cmplex sentences and uses placehlders(占位符) fr unknwn wrds. While this prcess lses sme meaning, it still prduces understandable and grammatically crrect translatins.
    This methd, said Cleman, mirrrs hw language learners naturally speak by mixing knwn and unknwn wrds, making it a practical tl fr real- wrld use and the tl is smart enugh t be able t d a lt f the translatin n its wn.
    Clem an als built sme digital tls related t language revitalizatin(复兴), named Kubishi r “brain” in Paiute, including an nline dictinary, and a sentence- builder and a translatin system enabled by this research.
    Overall, the paper fund that LLM’s remarkable general- purpse language skills make them a prmising tl in helping revitalize critically endangered languages like Paiute.
    Fr his part, Cleman credits his tribe’s(部落) members, past and present, fr paving the path. “A lt f peple in my tribe have been wrking fr a lng time n different language revitalizatin effrts, including classes, dictinaries and recrdings,” said Cleman. “S thugh I am excited, I knw it is ne piece f a much larger puzzle.”
    Indeed, the paper pints t many directins fr future wrk, including adding mre cmplex sentence structures t test the limits f the methd utlined in his paper.
    28.What can we learn abut LLM-RBMT?
    A.It is a traditinal way t learn languages.B.It can translate Paiute int any ther language.
    C.It is useful fr learners f n- resurce languages.D.It can simplify the prcess f learning English.
    29.What is mainly talked abut in paragraph 3?
    A.The principle f the LLM.B.The advantages f the LLM.
    C.The grammar and vcabulary f Paiute.D.The efficiency f the translatin tl.
    30.What cntributin did Cleman make?
    A.He ppularized Paiute all ver the wrld.B.He helped t save endangered languages.
    C.He recrded and preserved his tribe’s histry.D.He invented a smart language learning machine.
    31.What can we infer abut Cleman frm paragraph 7?
    A.His tribe gave birth t many scientists.
    B.He was very grateful t his tribe’s members.
    C.He wuld publicize smething mre puzzling.
    D.His tribe’s members gt invlved in his wrk directly.
    Plants are knwn t respnd t seasnal changes by budding(发芽), leafing, and flwering. As climate change stands t shift these s- called phenlgical (物候的) stages in the life cycle f plants, access t data abut phenlgical changes— frm many different lcatins and in different plants— can be used t draw cnclusins abut the actual cnsequences f climate change.
    Hwever, cnducting such analyses require a large amunt f data and data cllectin f this scale wuld be unthinkable withut the help f citizen scientists.
    “Mbile apps like Flra Incgnita culd help slve this issue. The app allws users t identify unknwn wild plants within a matter f secnds. When I take a picture f a plant with the app, the bservatin is recrded with the exact lcatin as well as a time stamp,” says the first authr Karin Mra, research fellw at Leipzig University.
    Althugh satellite data als recrds the phenlgy f entire ecsystems frm abve, they d nt prvide infrmatin abut the prcesses taking place n the grund.
    The researchers develped an algrithm(算法) that draws n almst 10 millin bservatins f nearly 3,000 plants species identified in Germany by users f Flra Incgnita. The data shw that each individual plant has its wn cycle as t when it begins a flwering r grwth phase. Furthermre, the scientists were able t shw that grup behaviur arises frm the behaviur f individuals. Frm this, they were able t cnclude eclgical patterns and investigate hw these change with the seasns. Fr example, ecsystems by rivers differ frm thse in the muntains, where phenlgical events start later.
    It is knwn that climate change is causing seasnal shifts— fr example, spring is arriving earlier and earlier. Hw this affects the relatinship between plants and pllinating insects and therefre ptentially als fd security is still being subject t further research. The new algrithm can nw be used t better analyse the effects f these changes n the plant wrld.
    32.What is the significance f data abut phenlgical changes?
    A.It can serve as the indicatr f weather.B.It can help peple t select the best seeds.
    C.It can shw the actual effects f climate change.D.It can be used t change the life cycle f plants.
    33.What des the underlined part “this issue” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A.Cllecting data.B.Srting ut species.
    C.Identifying plants.D.Checking climate change.
    34.What cnclusin did researchers draw using the new algrithm?
    A.Spring is becming lnger and lnger.B.All plants have their wn grwth cycle.
    C.Grup behaviur affects individual behaviur.D.Eclgical patterns in different areas are similar.
    35.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.Hw citizen scientists use mbile apps t cllect data.
    B.Hw climate change is affecting the grwth f plants.
    C.Hw a plant app helps identify the impact f climate change.
    D.Hw Flra Incgnita allws users t identify unknwn wild plants.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    I’m an Indnesian student and finished my Master’s degree in Sweden. 36 Here are my tp fur things that I’ve learned frm my experience.
    I understand my hme cuntry better. Being a lcal in my hme cuntry fr almst a lifetime gt me thinking that the grass was always greener in ther cuntries. 37 And my cuntry has different psitive angles that I’ve learned t see and be prud f.
    I get much deeper understanding f ther cultures’ perspectives. Studying abrad has changed my perspective and made me shift my beliefs. I’ve learned the issue f privacy. I used t see that the internet is the place where we shuld talk abut ur activities and share many parts f urselves t the wrld. I used t take everyne’s pictures and share them nline. 38
    I see travelling in a new way. What is travelling all abut? Why d we need travelling? 39 I learned that by being a turist, understanding lcal perspectives and needs is imprtant. And mst imprtantly, I fund that yu can find a whle new way f life when yu really take time t understand the cuntry yu’ re in.
    40 When yu study abrad, the first thing yu might ntice are the many differences between peple. But yu als see that all f these differences are als universal— peple in many ways are the same everywhere. Studying abrad gives yu the pprtunity t really understand peple frm different culture backgrunds. And when yu make friends, yu learn t accept their perfectins alngside their shrtcmings.
    A.I learn t accept peple’s differences.
    B.What shuld yu take while yu are travelling?
    C.Learning in a freign cuntry taught me lts f things.
    D.I like t make friends frm different culture backgrunds.
    E.Yet being abrad has given me the chance t see that n cuntry is perfect.
    F.By trying answering these questins, I started t understand travelling differently.
    G.Nw I secure my data, respect peple’s privacy, and even remind thers t d s.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Law enfrcement(执法) is a challenging career. Hwever, it is a calling fr thse wh 41 it. That calling ften ges dwn thrugh generatins within 42 . Such is the case when a plice department 43 the daughter f a senir fficer. But keeping a secret fr mnths was 44 while the daughter was in training s she culd surprise her dad n Father’s Day!
    In 2021, Alexandra secretly accepted a(n) 45 with the same plice department that her father 46 fr. The idea was fr her t cmplete her training withut his 47 and surprise him. Plice departments have a “pinning” ceremny where a new fficer’s badge(徽章) is pinned n them by a 48 fficer. Sme departments make this a frmal affair, with press, guests, and a cmplete award 49 . Other departments keep it a lw- key affair.
    When it came time fr Alexandra’s pinning, the department 50 her dad n Father’s Day t d the jb. He had n clue wh he was pinning and was 51 t see his daughter step ut f the vehicle fr the ceremny. As the car dr swung pen, the senir fficer 52 . Then he stepped back in disbelief as the new plicewman 53 the vehicle. What happened next was all “Prud PaPa”. Even thugh he culd 54 believe what was happening, he felt prud f his daughter.
    His reactin and the resulting hug were wrth the 55 !
    52.A.lked utB.slipped inC.walked awayD.stepped frward
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    G is the ldest surviving bard game, which has a histry nearly as cmplex as the game 56 (it). The earliest surviving reference t the game f G, then knwn as Yi, is frm the histrical bk Zu Zhuan, 57 (write) in the 4th century BCE. Yet it is thught that the game 58 (date) back far earlier than that.
    Whatever its rigins, G had gained widespread 59 (ppular) by the time f Cnfucius and Mencius, wh bth wrte abut the game. It came t be assciated with the schlarly classes, which 60 (cnsider) ne f the fur cultivated arts, alng with calligraphy, painting, and playing the gu qin at that time.
    The game, 61 bjective is t encircle the ppnent’s stnes and surrund the larger area n the bard, is played tday n a 19×19 grid(网格), and the earliest grid f such specificatins can date back 62 the Sui dynasty. Still, it wasn’t until G was intrduced t Krea and Japan 63 its rules and shape became standardized.
    It is frm Japan that the game spread t the rest f the wrld. Despite its lng histry in East Asia, G didn’t catch n in the west until German engineer Oscar Krschelt published a 64 (detail) article n it in 1880, after having spent eight years 65 (wrk) in Japan.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你校在周五举行了“向洪灾地区(fld- hit areas)人民献爱心”的募捐活动,全体师生积极响应,踊跃捐款。请你写一篇报道向英语周报投稿,内容包括:
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二节 (满分25分)
    My brther and I set ff shrtly after sunrise. The air was cl, but I knew that wuldn’t last lng. I’d chsen this hike fr a ht day like tday s that we’d climb dwn int a redrck canyn(峡谷), where we wuld swim in a pl and camp by a picturesque waterfall. I knew it wuldn’t be an easy hike, thugh. I’d researched and planned fr weeks, knwing climbing dwn int the canyn is challenging.
    Abut a mile in, the trail started t dip dwn t the river and the fting became steep(陡峭的). After repeated slips n the lse grund, my brther decided t turn back t the car. Unwilling t give up n my plan s sn and remembering there was anther car where we parked, I believed there was smene else ging t the canyn. S I chse t cntinue alne. He gave me the bag which cntained fd and water. Then we decided t meet up at the car the next day.
    After anther mile r s, the river came int view belw me, but the trail became less bvius. I chse t g dwn alng a bush- cvered slpe(斜坡). As sn as I began hiking dwn, thugh, I realized the grund was much lser than I’d thught. I decided t climb back up and find anther way.
    I tried t pull myself up, but, unfrtunately, the rck I was standing n brke beneath me. My face struck earth first. I was rlling with my bag, dirt and red sandstne flying beneath me as I picked up speed. I was ging t die, I thught.
    Then I fell flat n my back, my head hitting n a baseball- size stne. T my surprise, I was alive, but everything hurt. After lying in cnfusin fr a few mments, I tried t lk arund. One f my eyes was already swllen shut, and thrugh the ther, the wrld spun arund me. I culd hardly mve my left hand, and my right ankle hurt terribly.
    Fighting my unsteady visin, I pulled ut my phne, nly t find there was n service. ___________________
    It had been abut 2 hurs since my fall when I heard the sund f several peple. ______________________
    Text 1
    W: Can yu tell me the result?
    M: Yu missed the ftball match, didn’t yu?
    W: I fell asleep and slept thrugh the match.
    M: It was a tie. Yu did the right thing. The game was s bring.
    Text 2
    W: Why did Tm quit the jb?
    M: He said his present jb had n future.
    W: If he des nt change his attitude twards his wrk, I dn’t think a new jb can make any difference.
    Text 3
    W: Hug, are yu free after my lessn?
    M: Yes, wuld yu like me t take these bks t the library fr yu?
    W: Thank yu, but actually, Mrs. Spencer needs a pupil t take sme bxes t the cmputer rm.
    Text 4
    M: I’m tired this mrning. I didn’t sleep well.
    W: Neither did I. Let’s turn dwn the heating in ur rm.
    M: Yes, that was the prblem.
    Text 5
    M: Yu’re at schl early tday! Did yur dad bring yu by car?
    W: N. And I didn’t take a bus, either. Actually, there were n prblems n the undergrund! I was lucky.
    Text 6
    M: Hw abut ging n a bat tur tday, Mary? I think yur mther will als like this idea.
    W: Sunds great, Dad! What can we d n the bat?
    M: Yur Uncle Pabl wrks fr the tur cmpany and he’ll tell turists abut the histry f the twn when they’ re n the bat tday!
    W: I’d lve t hear him!
    M: Me, t. I’ll bk ur tickets nline. It isn’t cheaper, but it’s mre cnvenient.
    Text 7
    W: Tm! I’ve gt the cmputer game called Green Space.
    M: Where did yu find ut abut it?
    W: I brrwed a magazine frm a friend and there was an ad fr it. I begged my mum and she bught it fr me frm the website.
    M: I really like that game. Wh are yu ging t play it with?
    W: Well, my brther is t busy, and my cusin Amy nly likes bard games. Only my granddad has lts f time, s I want t play with him.
    M: Which part d yu like best?
    W: Crssing the river is really gd, but what I enjy mst is finding smething t eat. The part abut building a huse is my least favurite.
    Text 8
    W: Hi, Fabi. Did yu g t the cllege fashin shw last week?
    M: Yes, I did! What abut yu, Emma?
    W: Yes, I went with sme friends, but I didn’t see yu there. Did yu g alne?
    M: I was ging t g with a friend frm cllege, but he was busy, s I went with my cusin, Anna. She’s studying fashin design at university.
    W: When did yu g? We were there n Sunday.
    M: We actually went there twice, nce n Friday afternn and then again n Saturday fr the cstume shw.
    W: I missed that ne. The children’s fashin shw was interesting, but I didn’t like the sprts clthes ne. My friend Melissa didn’t like it, either. She said it was bring.
    M: That was Anna’s pinin, t, but I thught all the shws were brilliant.
    W: There’s anther exhibitin next mnth— Beautiful Plastic. I’m making a necklace fr it, but peple are als making bags, shes, and even clthes. All frm plastic.
    M: That sunds interesting. I’ll be there!
    Text 9
    W: S, Peter, wh are yu ging camping with?
    M: Well, Dave frm wrk can’t make it, s Tm, Mike and Jn— yu knw them, my ld schl friends. I’ll d a trip with c- wrkers anther time.
    W: Hw lng are yu ging fr?
    M: It is ging t be three nights— Thursday, Friday, Saturday, but nw Jn and Mike have t be back by Saturday afternn fr wrk. It’s nt a bad thing because I als want t d smething arund the huse. I really need t d sme cleaning, and I’m thinking f painting the bathrm.
    W: Oh. Yu’re nt all in ne tent, are yu?
    M: It’s a fur- man tent with tw sleeping sectins, and each is big enugh fr tw peple.
    W: What are yu ding fr fd?
    M: We dn’t want t spend all ur time cking, and we dn’t want t take lts f fd. S we’re planning t eat in restaurants. We’ll take sme milk and bread with us fr breakfast. That way we dn’t have t pay fr three meals a day.
    Text 10
    Yu can see frm this chart that we anticipate the vast majrity f ur visitrs t cntinue t cme frm ur neighbur, Australia. Other significant markets are the UK, which we have included alng with Ireland, Japan, and the US.
    Let’s take a clser lk at ur biggest market by far, Australia. This graph shws that visitr numbers frm Australia will cntinue t rise. Grwth here will remain steady, as it has been fr the last twenty and mre years. We expect this t cntinue, thanks t lw airfares and effective marketing.
    As fr why peple cme here, we dn’t expect that t change much at all. What we can see here is that we expect almst n change in fact, with the tp reasn cntinuing t remain hliday, where it’s mainly sightseeing and utdr activities that are f interest, and then ther reasns are visiting friends and relatives and business.
    1-5 BCABC 6-10 ACABC 11-15 CBABC 16-20 ACBAB
    21.B 细节理解题。根据What t expect and hw yu’ll make an impact部分中“Participants will take part in planned activities including... and jining nature turs led by ur prfessinal guides.”可知,志愿者会在国外参加由专业导游带领的自然之旅。
    22.D 细节理解题。根据Why jin the Vlunteer Summer Camp in Csta Rica with IVHQ?部分中“Develping yur cmmunicatin skills”可知,志愿者会在活动中提高自己与他人的沟通技能。
    23.D 细节理解题。根据Vlunteer requirements部分中“Vlunteers must prvide tw character reference letters.”可知,参加者需要有两封推荐信。
    24.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“As I struggled t cnvey its brader relevance, I nticed the enthusiasm in my vice disappeared. ‘Is my Ph. D. killing my lve f science?’ I thught.”可知,当作者向朋友们讲述科学话题时,他进行科普的热情没有了。
    25.D 细节理解题。根据第三段末句“It was refreshing t think abut science in a new way.”可知,作者认为科幻能够让他以一种新的方式思考科学,这是令人耳目一新的。也就是他能够从另一个角度来看科学。
    27.D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了作者因为科研工作的繁忙而无法实现自己向大众普及科学的愿望,后来在接触科幻小说后,他的愿望实现了,由此推断作者的写作目的是讲述科幻对他的影响和帮助。
    本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Cleman提出的一种被称为LLM-RBMT 的机器翻译方法,它能帮助人们学习无资源语言,并帮助复兴濒危的语言。
    28.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Cleman and his prfessr Krishnamachari prpse a machine translatin apprach called LLM-RBMT(Rule- Based Machine Translatin) t help peple learn n- resurce languages.”可知,Cleman所提出的这种方法可以帮助人们学习无资源的语言。
    29.A段落大意题。本段主要介绍了在 Cleman提出的这种方法中,大语言模型(LLM)是以何种方式运作并帮助翻译的,即其运作原理。
    30.B 细节理解题。根据第五段中“Cleman als built sme digital tls related t language revitalizatin”以及第六段中“LLM’s remarkable general- purpse language skills make them a prmising tl in helping revitalize critically endangered languages”可知,Cleman对复兴濒危的语言做出了贡献。
    31.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Fr his part, Cleman credits his tribe’s members, past and present, fr paving the path.”可知,Cleman认为是他部落的成员(无论是过去的还是现在的)为他铺平了道路。因此他对他们是心怀感激的。
    本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一个研究小组开发了一种算法,这种算法可以分析来自Flra Incgnita应用程序的观测数据,以判断气候变化对植物的影响。
    32.C 细节理解题。根据首段中“access t data abut phenlgical changes— frm many different lcatins and in different plants— can be used t draw cnclusins abut the actual cnsequences f climate change”可知,获取来自许多不同地点和不同植物的物候变化数据,可以用来得出有关气候变化产生的实际后果的结论。
    33.A 词义猜测题。结合前两段内容可知,收集植物的不同物候阶段的数据时,如果没有公民科学家们的帮助是不可能做到的,但是像Flra Incgnita这样的手机应用程序可以帮助解决“这个问题”。因此判断手机应用程序是用来帮助收集数据的。
    34.B 细节理解题。根据第五段中“The data shw that each individual plant has its wn cycle as t when it begins a flwering r grwth phase.”可知,每种植物都有自己的开花或生长周期。
    35.C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了研究人员利用开发的新算法分析来自Flra Incgnita应用程序中的观测数据,以判断气候变化对植物的影响。故选C项。
    39.F 根据前面提到的问题,结合“questins”可以判断F选项的内容符合语境。而B选项从句式上是干扰选项,但是和空后内容衔接不当。
    43.C 考查动词。根据下文可知,Alexandra成了一名警察,因此是警察局录用了她。
    45.A 考查名词。根据下文Alexandra接受徽章可知,Alexandra成了一名警察,因此她是接受了一个岗位。
    47.D 考查名词。根据上文“But keeping a secret fr mnths”可知,这位父亲不知道女儿被录用为警官。
    48.B 考查形容词。根据前文中的“new”以及父亲的身份可以推断应该是老警官为新警官别上徽章。
    49.D 考查名词。一些警察局对授予徽章这件事非常重视,有媒体、客人以及完整的一套授予仪式。
    50.C 考查动词。当授予徽章的日子到了时,警察局委派Alexandra的父亲为新警员别徽章。
    51.C 考查形容词。Alexandra的父亲不知道他即将给他的女儿别上徽章,因此看到他的女儿时他非常吃惊。
    52.D 考查动词短语。根据语境以及后句中的“stepped back”可知,当车门打开,父亲向前走过去,但当看到女儿从车里面出来的时候,他向后面退了几步。
    53.A 考查动词。根据语境可知,他看到女儿走出来,所以他吃惊地向后退。
    54.A 考查副词。一时之间父亲还是不相信自己的女儿成了警察,但是他还是非常骄傲的。
    55.B 考查名词。根据上文“keeping a secret fr mnths”可知,Alexandra的培训经历了好几个月,所以她父亲的反应和随后的拥抱是值得等待的。
    56.itself 考查代词。根据结构判断此处应该用反身代词作the game的同位语,指游戏本身。
    58.dates 考查时态和主谓一致。在that引导的主语从句中the game是主语,句子缺少谓语动词,date back作谓语时应该用一般现在时,再根据主谓一致的原则判断填动词的第三人称单数形式。故填dates。
    59.ppularity 考查名词。句子的谓语是had gained,再根据空前的形容词widespread判断填名词作宾语。
    60.was cnsidered 考查时态语态。根据主句的谓语动词“came”以及后面的时间状语“at that time”判断此处填动词的一般过去时,再根据句意可知,应该填被动形式,因为主语是which,指代G,所以填was cnsidered。
    61.whse 考查定语从句。在非限制性定语从句中有名词bjective,且和被修饰的先行词game之间存在所属关系。故填whse。
    62.t 考查介词。date back t 固定短语,语义为“追溯到……”。
    63.that 考查强调句。根据结构可知,此句是强调句型,被强调的部分是“nt until G was intrduced t Krea and Japan”。故填that。
    64.detailed 考查形容词。设空处位于名词前,判断应该用形容词形式作定语。故填detailed。
    65.wrking 考查非谓语动词。“sb. spend sme time ding sth.”固定用法。故填wrking。
    One pssible versin:
    On Friday afternn, ur schl held a dnatin activity fr the peple in the fld- hit areas in the lecture hall.
    At the beginning, ur headmaster gave a speech, intrducing the situatin f the disaster- stricken areas and calling n peple t shw lve. All the teachers and students respnded psitively. Then the schl leaders and ur teachers came frward and put mney int the dnatin bx ne by ne. And the student representatives walked nt the platfrm and dnated the mney n behalf f each class. It was full f lve and warmth at the activity site.
    Thrugh this activity, all the peple present gt inspired, believing if united, any difficulty can be vercme.
    One pssible versin:
    Fighting my unsteady visin, I pulled ut my phne, nly t find there was n service. Realizing I was cmpletely cut ff frm the utside wrld, I was seized by a surge f panic. With each minute passing by, the weight f my islatin grew heavier. Hwever, there was n chice fr me t wait. Landing in the canyn bttm abut 20 feet frm the river’s edge, I dragged myself t the river t clean myself and used my first aid knwledge t wrap a makeshift bandage arund my head with a piece f clthing. I tried t stay still and cnserve my energy, knwing that I might need it fr the jurney ut.
    It had been abut 2 hurs since my fall when I heard the sund f several peple. Overwhelmed with excitement, I strained my ears t listen. “Help!” I screamed. T my relief, I saw a grup f hikers emerging frm the trees. Filled with cncerns, they immediately sprang int actin, assessing my cnditin and ffering wrds f cmfrt. Frtunately, I was sent t the hspital fr medical attentin. Despite the challenges I encuntered, the narrw escape made me realize the significance f having a hiking partner, making full preparatins as well as cautin, especially when heading t an unfamiliar destinatin.

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