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    (满分150分 120分钟完卷)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Hw did the wman return frm the trip?
    A.By plane. B.By car. C.By cach.
    2.What des the man suggest ding?
    A.Talking t the teacher. B.Giving up the curse. C.Renting the equipment.
    3.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.The man’s jb.B.The man’s huse. C.The man’s hbby.
    4.Why des the man say David Olsen is unfit fr the psitin?
    A.He’s implite. B.He’s immature. C.He’s inexperienced.
    5.Which clue did the speakers miss?
    A.The lcked dr. B.The brken glass. C.The muddy ftprints.
    6.Why will the man g t Ls Angeles?
    A.T meet a relative. B.T attend a meeting. C.T receive educatin.
    7.What will the wman tell the man after lunch?
    A.When she will start the trip.B.What transprt she will use.C.Whether she will g with him.
    8.Why des the man suggest stpping arund 8 am?
    A.T avid rush-hur traffic. B.T wait fr the guide. C.T buy sme fd.
    9.Wh will share the driving during the trip?
    A.Jack and Jennifer. B.Chris and Jennifer. C.Jack and Chris.
    10.What will the grup d n Tuesday afternn?
    A.Measure the beach. B.Sail up a river. C.Fcus n a valley.
    11.What des the man think it’s unnecessary t clean?
    A.The fridge. B.The washing machine. C.The gas cker.
    12.Which f the fllwing services des the man need?
    A.Srting ut the clthes.B.Checking the wiring.C.Cleaning the curtains.
    13.What will the man prbably d next?
    A.Dwnlad an app. B.Meet a cleaner. C.Sign a cntract.
    14.Hw many peple will g t the dinner?
    15.Why des the wman recmmend Sarah’s Bistr t the man?
    A.It’s near his wrkplace.B.It’s an English restaurant.C.It’s suitable fr vegetarians.
    16.Hw des the man sund at the end f the cnversatin?
    A.Disappinted. B.Puzzled. C.Satisfied.
    17.What is the attitude f Sun Club tward the staff’s pinins nw?
    A.Ambiguus. B.Favrable. C.Disapprving.
    18.Hw des Green Plan et reduce staff turnver?
    A.Giving childcare services.B.Prviding jb pprtunities.C.Offering paid hlidays.
    19.What unexpected benefit des Dwntwn Htel get after imprving staff welfare?
    A.A fall in custmer cmplaints.
    B.A rise in custmer spending.
    C.An increase in the flw f custmers.
    20.Wh is the speaker prbably talking t?
    A.Htel guests. B.Htel waiters. C.Htel managers.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Welcme t The Savill Garden
    Hw t Get t the Savill Garden
    By car: fllw brwn signs n the A30 frm J13, M25. Apprximate travel time: Windsr-11 minutes, Lndn-36 minutes, Reading-46 minutes, Oxfrd-1 hur 10 minutes.
    By rail: the nearest rail statins are lcated at Egham, Windsr and Virginia Water.
    Opening Times
    Open all year rund (last entry at 17:00 p. m. 1 Jan. 2024-31 Dec. 2024)
    Mnday-Sunday 09:00-18:00
    The Savill Garden is clsed n 24 and 25 December.
    Admissin Charges
    Special Events
    Summer Rses June-July 2024
    The event is the fcus fr an intense sensry experience. Rses are specially chsen fr their scent, strng clrs and repeat flwering, and are best appreciated frm a walkway that’ flats’ abve them.
    En Plein Air July 2024
    Open Air (quick) painting event and cmpetitin where, during a fur-hur perid, artists create their wn masterpieces at lcatins arund the twn centre.
    Art in the Garden September-Octber 2024
    An exhibitin f eye-catching sculpture inspired by the natural wrld frms a trail arund The Savill Garden. Each piece is placed t benefit frm the surrunding flra and be shwn t best effect thrughut the event.
    Great Park Illuminated Nvember 2024 -January 2025
    Fllw a path thrugh wdland awash with clr as sparkles f fireflies, luminus beacns and dancing fairies blaze the way, the lake alive with fld-lit funtains and glimmering reflectins.
    21.Hw lng des it take a turist t drive t the Savill Garden frm Oxfrd?
    A.Abut 11 minutes. B.Abut 36 minutes.C.Abut 46 minutes D.Abut 70 minutes.
    22.Hw much shuld a cuple with their 4-year-ld sn and 10-year-ld daughter pay t visit Savill Garden during peak hurs?
    A.£21.50B.£36.50 C.£26 D.£44
    23.What unique feature des the “Great Park Illuminated” event ffer?
    A.Flating walkways B.Open air paintingC.Fld-lit funtains D.Scented rses
    Jhn lved fairytales as a child and went n t study English literature at Oxfrd University. There, he jined a literary club with friends wh shared his passin. Hwever, Wrld War I changed everything fr him and his friends. During the Battle f the Smme, his unit suffered heavy lsses, but Jhn was sent hme because he had trench fever, which saved his life. By the end f the war, many f his literary friends had nt survived.
    After the war, Jhn became a prfessr at Oxfrd. Despite his academic respnsibilities, he had a strng desire t write his wn fictin. Inspired by fairytales, he began creating a grand mythlgy fr England. Hwever, when he tried t publish this extensive wrk, publishers rejected it, finding it t lng and cmplicated.
    In additin t his mythlgy, Jhn entertained his children with bedtime stries, ften making them up n the spt. One day, he wrte, “In a hle in the grund there lived a Hbbit.” This simple line led t the creatin f The Hbbit, a children’s bk that became very ppular and made Jhn Rnald Reuel Tlkien a well-knwn authr.
    Despite the success f The Hbbit, Tlkien never gave up n his grand mythlgy, which he named The Silmarillin. Unfrtunately, even as a best-selling authr, he faced cntinued rejectin frm publishers wh were mre interested in a sequel t The Hbbit than in his cmplex mythlgy. Nnetheless, Tlkien stayed cmmitted t his imaginative wrld, shwing his strng dedicatin t his creative visin.
    24.What d we knw abut Jhn’s experience in Wrld War I?
    A.He was saved by a member f his literary club.
    B.He returned t the battlefield t realize his ambitin.
    C.He survived the mst intense fighting in the Smme.
    D.He was relieved frm the frnt line early due t his illness.
    25.What influenced Jhn’s desire t write his wn fictin?
    A.His academic qualificatin. B.His lve fr fairytales.
    C.His rle as a prfessr. D.His membership in a literary club.
    26.Why did Jhn write The Hbbit?
    A.T change his writing style. B.T amuse his children.
    C.T satisfy the market. D.T shulder his respnsibilities.
    27.Why did Jhn keep wrking n his mythlgy despite rejectins?
    A.T fllw his dream. B.T gain ppularity.
    C.T prve publishers wrng. D.T express his creativity.
    When it cmes t building structures, humans ften cnsider themselves the best, but the abilities f scial insects are amazing. Fr example, termites (白蚁) cnstruct tall nests. Hwever, the true masters f insect architecture are the bees.
    A team f evlutinary bilgists, led by Viviana Di Pietr, has discvered that these small-brained insects can build in varius architectural styles, similar t humans. These styles are passed dwn frm generatin t generatin, indicating that insects can have cultural differences—a cncept nce believed t be unique t humans, as nted by Andrew Whiten.
    In a study f ver 400 bee clnies in Brazil, mst nests were layered like cakes, while thers were spiral (螺旋状). The researchers filmed the bees and fund n difference in the speed f cell cnstructin, suggesting that neither style is mre efficient than the ther.
    T determine if genetics played a rle, researchers transferred wrkers frm ne nest type t anther. The relcated bees adapted t the lcal building style, and s did the yung bees. These findings are exciting fr thse studying animal culture, as they demnstrate that bees can pass dwn cnstructin techniques withut direct teaching. This challenges the traditinal view f culture, which is ften defined as behavir directly passed frm ne individual t anther.
    Dr. Whiten believes that the new findings suggest cmplex animal behavirs, like beaver (海狸) dams, may als result frm indirect learning. Sme scientists say that certain human traditins culd be passed dwn similarly, althugh this is nt sure. Bees keep surprising us; it has been bserved that bumblebees (大黄蜂) learn frm lder bees, challenging the idea that such learning is unique t humans. Perhaps bees deserve recgnitin as tp architects t!
    28.What did the team f Viviana Di Pietr find?
    A.Culture is nly fund in human scieties.B.Bees build mre efficiently than humans.
    C.Bees exhibit varied cnstructin traditins.D.Animal behavirs cme frm direct teaching.
    39.What was the traditinal view f culture accrding t Paragraph 4?
    A.Inherited thrugh genetic traits.B.Learned frm individual interactins.
    C.Passed dwn thrugh written recrds.D.Develped frm envirnmental factrs.
    30.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.Bees challenge human uniqueness in learning.
    B.Bees cannt cmmunicate with each ther at all.
    C.Animal behavirs are mstly natural ccuring.
    D.Human traditins can be directly taught t thers.
    31.What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A.The Secret Lives f Bees B.The Intelligence f Bees
    C.The Cultural Architecture f Bees D.The Cmplexity f Insect Structures
    Artificial cmpunds fund in things like fd packaging can be a risk t ur health. We can clean them up, but wh will pay the vast bill?
    Yu are prbably aware f the term “frever chemicals”, if nt entirely clear n the specifics. What they are is a class f arund 16,000 artificial cmpunds called PFAS that break dwn very slwly, in the envirnment and ur bdies. They are extremely useful, but als a ptential hazard t wildlife and human health. After mre than 80 years f widespread and ften unlimited use, PFAS pllutin is mre r less everywhere, frm the sil n ur farms t the rain that waters them. In all likelihd, yu have a detectable amunt f these chemicals in yur bdy.
    A grwing bdy f research has linked cntact with sme types f PFAS t harmful effects, such as kidney disease, immune disrder and certain types f cancer. Just a few parts per trillin f sme frms accumulated ver time is enugh t be damaging. Mrever, cntact is mre r less unavidable.
    Hw did we let it cme t this? T sme extent, sciety is facing the cnsequences f releasing many new chemicals withut prper safety testing. That has t change, and nt just fr PFAS. Time and again we find, t late, that industrial chemicals are harmful—as nw seems the case with thse in sme climbing shes—Indr climbing wall users may be breathing in txic rubber dust—while allwing the firms that make them t carry n business as usual.
    There is nthing illegal in that. Nnetheless, the PFAS industry has been highly irrespnsible. There is gd evidence that sme prducers have knwn fr decades that the chemicals culd be harmful, but intentinally cnfused that knwledge.
    As the science f PFAS advances, there is ptimism that they can be replaced, as well as runded up frm the envirnment and destryed. But the bill will be vast. It isn’t unreasnable t ask the firms that invented and prfited frm these prducts t pay at least part f it.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “hazard” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.threat B.benefit C.safety D.effect
    33.Why des the authr mentin “climbing shes” in paragraph 4?
    A.T criticize pr she quality. B.T highlight climbing ppularity.
    C.T argue safety f climbing shes. D.T shw harm f untested chemicals.
    34.What des the authr imply in the last paragraph?
    A.PFAS will be remved thrugh science.
    B.PFAS cleanup will be cmplex t manage.
    C.Science culd eventually make PFAS harmless.
    D.Cmpanies shuld help cver cleanup expenses.
    35.What’s the writing purpse f the passage?
    A.T prmte the use f PFAS. B.T seek slutins f PFAS risks.
    C.T discuss new industrial chemicals. D.T explain the influence f PFAS.
    Exercise is an integral part f a healthy lifestyle. Sme prefer running right away in the mrning, while thers enjy a late afternn wrkut. 36 While there’s evidence that late afternn is the ptimum (最佳的) time fr a wrkut, ther times als bring benefits. N matter what, the best time t exercise is the time that wrks best fr yu.
    Accrding t research, yu’ll get ptimum results when yur bdy temperature is at its highest. Fr mst peple, that’s between 4 p. m. and 5 p. m., thugh sme studies extend this time t 7 p. m. 37 Exercisers tend t perfrm better n physical perfrmance tests measuring aerbic capacity and reactin time.
    In the mrning, yur bdy temperature is at the lwest pint f the day. This indicates the mrning isn’t the best-time t exercise. Hwever, running in the mrning may help keep yu mtivated. Additinally, early mrning is the clest part f the day during warmer mnths. 38
    When it cmes t chsing the right time fr wrkuts, adapt yur rutine t fit yur lifestyle. Letting yur exercise rutine naturally fit int yur schedule can relieve the stress f finding time t wrk ut. 39 While yu may nt feel nrmally like wrking ut during the time when yu are available, it’s pssible t adjust yur bilgical clck t yur schedule.
    40 Fr instance, if yu are training fr a marathn, running in the mrning can prepare yu fr the event because mst marathns begin in the mrning. Whatever sprt yu participate in, training during thse times will help yur bdy perfrm better n the game day.
    A.This will help yu stick t it.
    B.Yu need t get an adequate amunt f sleep.
    C.It is within these few hurs that strength and endurance peak.
    D.Is there any advantage f exercising at any specific time f day?
    E.Yu’ll be safer and mre cmfrtable if yu run when it’s nt ht.
    F.Yur exercise time shuld agree with the sprt yu’ re training fr.
    G.This is a tpic f much debate amng athletes and exercise experts.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Kate, a 6-year-ld girl, assisted her brther in washing windws t get a reward prmised by her mther, a purple dll that she wanted. 41 was shining in her eyes as she watched her mther rder the dll nline.
    The next day, with Kate 42 inquiring abut the shipping status, her mm culdn’t but agree t pen the web page and walked away, leaving the little girl with the 43 alne. After seeing her belved dll wuld be sn t arrive, she was 44 by smething else, suggestins abut ther dlls and tys. 15 minutes and a few 45 later, with mre than $350 wrth f dlls in her cart, Kate 46 the rder and ran ff t play.
    Seeing such a lng list f dlls n the way the fllwing day was a great 47 t Kate’s mther. She was able t 48 tw f them, but it was t late fr the rest. It seemed what was left t d was waiting the dlls t be 49 . Just then, Kate’s father suggested 50 the dlls t the lcal children’s hspital 51 sending them back. Kate was 52 at first, but as she sat with sme f the girl patients, laughing and playing with the dlls, her spirits 53 . Seeing the smiles n the children’s faces, she learned a valuable 54 abut the jy f giving. The experience taught her that smetimes the best 55 are the nes we give t thers.
    41.A.Curisity B.Excitement C.Desire D.Wnder
    42.A.eagerly B.shyly C.casually D.hesitantly
    43.A.dll B.rder C.screen D.receipt
    44.A.bred B.attracted C.annyed D.puzzled
    45.A.mments B.hurs C.clicks D.steps
    46.A.put B.planned C.tk D.placed
    47.A.shck B.fear C.interest D.relief
    48.A.send B.pack C.cancel D.buy
    49.A.sld B.used. C.pened D.returned
    50.A.selling B.dnating C.buying D.lending
    51.A.instead f B.regardless f C.in additin t D.in spite f
    52.A.satisfied B.depressed C.wrried D.thrilled
    53.A.destryed B.stayed C.lwered D.lifted
    54.A.lessn B.stry C.example D.event
    55.A.ideas B.secrets C.gifts D.wrds
    Baduanjin, a frm f fitness Qigng, 56.______ (riginate) in Nrthern Sng Dynasty with a histry f mre than 800 years. Initially, it develped as a way 57.______ (enhance) the physical health f sldiers. Over time, it evlved int a cmprehensive system f exercises practiced by bth martial artists and cmmn peple.
    There are 58.______ ttal f eight mvements, each designed t target different parts f the bdy and prmte verall well-being. These mvements are nt merely physical exercises, but als include mental fcus and 59.______ (cntrl) breathing. The first mvement benefits the shulders, arms and upper back, enhancing 60.______ (flexible) and circulatin in these areas. And the final mvement invlves buncing 61.______ (gentle) n the tes while shaking the bdy, 62.______ releases tensin thrughut the bdy. One f the greatest advantages f Baduanjin lies in its accessibility. Peple f all ages and fitness levels can practice it 63.______ any special equipment r prir experience.
    In recent years, Baduanjin has enjyed great ppularity amng yunger generatins in China. As the wrld evlves rapidly, many yung peple are seeking appraches t 64.______ (find) inner balance and rder. By embracing Baduanjin, yunger generatins are keeping the ancient practice alive and finding harmny between their mdern lives and the inheritance f traditinal Chinese culture. This is 65.______ yung peple and traditinal culture meet.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Chris,
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    In ur classrm, we have smething called a jb wheel. Our teacher, Mr. Jnes, puts all the jbs n a small inside circle, and he puts everyne’s name n a larger utside circle. At the beginning f each mnth, we give it a spin (旋转), eagerly waiting t see what ur jbs might be.
    Fr the lngest time. I’d been hping t land n the pet-care team. Finally, last mnth, it happened! Alng with Miguel and Imani, I was tasked with lking after Larry the Lizard, ur class pet. It was a dream t cme true fr me.
    We tk ur duties seriusly, dividing up the tasks amng us—feeding Larry, cleaning his terrarium (饲养箱), checking the temperature, and yes, even singing him sngs. We were a cmmitted (尽心尽力的) team, making sure Larry was happy and healthy.
    But then, ne mrning, disaster struck. Larry was nwhere t be fund. We searched high and lw, turning the classrm upside dwn in ur determined hunt fr Larry. But despite ur effrts, he remained elusive (难找的). As the day wre n, my wrry grew int full-blwn anxiety. Thankfully, Miguel, Imani, and I knew hw t help each ther thrugh tugh times. Miguel reminded me t breathe, guiding me thrugh calming breaths until my racing heart slwed its speed.
    With Mr. Jnes’ permissin, we stayed after schl fr ne final search. It was then that Iman i had a brilliant idea--t think like Larry. We brainstrmed ways t entice (诱使) him back hme, setting up a treat trail and creating a cmfrtable spt utside his terrarium.
    And then, inspired by Larry’s lve fr ur sngs, we crafted a heartfelt sng, requesting his return. Are yu having an adventure in sme secret space belw? Did yu jin the circus ding daring tricks s high? A little lizard walking n a tightrpe in the sky. Imani was the ne wh sang the last part. Just as she sang the wrd sky, she lked up, and…
    “Oh, hell,” she said with a smile. ____________________________________________________________
    “Yu three make a great search-and-rescue team!” said Mr. Jnes. ___________________________________
    Ticket Type
    Ticket Tariff
    Adult ff peak
    £8.50 per ticket
    Ault peak
    £14.50 per ticket
    Children 0-4 Years
    Children 5-16 Years Off peak
    £4.50 per ticket
    Children 5-16 Years peak
    £7.50 per ticket

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