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    On March 3, 1887, Anne Sullivan, a pr university graduate, arrived at the hme f the wealthy Keller family t teach their six-year-ld daughter Helen. Frm then n, the lives f tw amazing wmen were l frever. Fr Anne, it was really a(n) 2 jb as Helen was unable t see, hear r speak because f illness. She was blind and deaf.
    Anne had been suggested t the Kellers by her university prfessr, a clse friend f Mr.Keller. 3 she arrived.Anne had expected her new pupil t be a quiet, weak child. But Helen was 4 like that. When Anne first 5 the Kellers’ dr,the energetic Helen nearly kncked her ver in her hurry t feel Anne's face, clthing and bag.
    Helen was used t 6 bringing her sweets, and angrily tried t frce pen Anne's case t take her candy. But Anne calmed her dwn by 7 Helen t play with her watch. S began ne f 8 student-teacher relatinships in histry.
    Anne Sullivan was nly twenty years ld when she began teaching Helen. She had t nt nly teach the child all the usual schl subjects, but als 9 Helen’s smetimes wild behaviur. 10 , her well-meaning parents always allwed Helen t d as she liked at hme. Realizing that such an envirnment was 11 fr learning. Anne requested that she and Helen live in a small huse nearby.
    As sn as Helen began learning, it became clear that she was especially 12 . She quickly learned t read and write, and by the age f ten she culd als 13 .
    In 1900, Helen started studying at Raddliffe University, and graduated first in her class in 1904. Hw did she d it? Anne Sullivan read all f Helen’s bks and then signed the infrmatin int her 14 . Anne remained at Helen's side until her death in 1936. Helen became a wrld-famus writer, and fught fr 15 peple's rights until her death n June 1, 1968.
    ( )1. A. dubted B. changed C. admired D. educated
    ( )2. A. easy B. relaxing C. difficult D. interesting
    ( )3. A. When B. While C. After D. Befre
    ( )4. A. smething B. everything C. nthing D. anything
    ( )5. A. walked thrugh B. passed by C. called in D. fell ver
    ( )6. A. teachers B. neighbrs C. children D. visitrs
    ( )7. A. refusing B. frcing C. allwing D. teaching
    ( )8. A. the slwest B. the mst successful
    C. the wrst D. the least imprtant
    ( )9. A. cntrl B. encurage C. punish D. supprt
    ( )10. A. Hwever B. Besides C. S D.Althugh
    ( )11. A. suitable B. unsuitable C. peaceful D. fantastic
    ( )12. A. stupid B. slw C. smart D. lazy
    ( )13. A. write B. read C. hear D. speak
    ( )14. A. ears B. eyes C. hand D. muth
    ( )15. A. disabled B. healthy C. deaf D. blind
    ( )16. What type f writing is it?
    A. A speech. B. An ad. C. A play. D. Science fictin.
    ( )17. Which f the fllwing is RIGHT?
    A. The X87-b is the first rbt that this cmpany has made.
    B. The rbt can d chres withut being prgrammed.
    C. The rbt can help peple have mre free time.
    D. The rbt has never been imprved.
    ( )18. What des the writer really want yu t d?
    A. T d mre chres with rbts. B. T invent mre rbts fr thers.
    C. T buy yurself a Rbt X87-b. D. T learn hw t prgramme a rbt.
    I dn't agree with laws cncerning ages f drinking alchl(酒精), driving, and gambling in the United Sates.These laws abut yung peple's freedm dn't make sense and they are different frm place t place. I think many shuld be changed.
    In 1984 the United States gvernment passed a law that set the legal(合法的) age fr drinking alchl at 21. I dn't agree with this. I cnsider a persn t be an adult at 18. I think 18 shuld be the legal drinking age.
    The legal vting(选举)age used t be 21, but nw it is 18, and I hpe it will gradually mve even lwer. Yung peple shuld be allwed t chse their leaders. I think anyne wh wants t vte shuld be allwed t.
    The legal ages fr driving and gambling dn't make sense, because they are different frm place t place. In many states the driving age is 16, in thers 15. The gambling age is 21 in Clrad, 18 in New Yrk. I can't understand the reasns fr these variatins.
    The legal age f marriage is 18, except fr Nebraska where it is 19 and Mississippi where it is 21. In Iran, the age fr men is 15 and wmen 13, while in Senegal it is 20 fr men and 16 fr wmen. I dn't understand why it is necessary t set an age at all.
    Finally, I think yung peple shuld wrk tgether t address the situatin. Write t yur leaders in the gvernment and let them knw hw yu feel!
    ( )19. This reading is mainly abut _____.
    A. the ages at which varius activities are allwed by law
    B. why many legal ages dn't make sense and shuld be changed
    C. hw yung peple can lwer the legal ages
    D. hw different United States laws are frm thse f ther cuntries
    ( )20. In the United States, different states have different legal ages fr _____.
    A. vting B. drinking alchl C. passing laws D. driving
    ( )21. Fr whm is the legal age f marriage the yungest?
    A. Men in Mississippi. B. Wmen in Senegal.
    C. Wmen in Iran. D. Wmen in Nebraska.
    ( )22. Frm the passage we can learn that _____.
    A. legal ages are smetimes changed
    B. leaders never listen t yung peple
    C. all cuntries have the same legal ages
    D. the reasns fr legal ages are easy t understand
    Jacb and Wilhelm Grimm were brn just ver a year apart. As children, they did almst everything tgether. They cntinued t get alng well as they grew lder. Even when Wilhelm married, Jacb cntinued living in the same huse and became part f his family.
    Their slight differences in interests and persnality cmplemented each ther. Wilhelm lved literature. He made it easy fr peple t read writings f the Middle Ages. The Grimm's fairy tales are ppular partly because f his cnstant effrt t imprve tales the tw brthers cllected. Jacb was mre scientific. He studied hw German and ther Eurpean languages changed thrughut histry. His wrk shaped their last prject,a German dictinary.
    The brthers had grwn up during a time f war and plitical prblems. During university years they fund a way t help their cuntry by ding what interested them mst-researching ld German literature. They hped that their studies might awaken natinal pride. Their hpes were rewarded. Jacb and Wilhelm were surprised when families eagerly bught their cllectin f fairy tales t read at hme. They hadn't written the bk with children in mind. It later became a husehld bk in many lands. Their cllectin f flk tales, which were based n events r places in German histry, brught much hnr t their cuntry. Their dictinary, the first cmplete ne f the German language, served later as a mdel fr dictinaries in ther languages.
    ( )23. What the Grimm brthers were mst interested in was _____.
    A. writing bks fr children all ver the wrld
    B. slving plitical prblems during the war-time
    C. making the changes f sme Eurpean languages
    D. studying the ld literature f their wn cuntry
    ( )24. What is the main pint the writer wants t make in the secnd paragraph?
    A. The tw brthers’ interests and persnality were slightly different.
    B. Jacb was mre scientific than Wilhelm and was mre successful.
    C. Grimm made great imprvement in writing fairy tales.
    D. Bth brthers helped each ther t gain the success in literature thugh nt cmpletely in cmmn.
    ( )25. Why were the brthers surprised when families bught their cllectin f fairy tales?
    A. They fund that peple bught their cllectin nly fr fun.
    B. They hadn't expected their bks were s ppular with children.
    C. They never thught they culd get s much mney by selling their bks.
    D. They hadn't realized their cllectin was nly enjyed by the readers at hme.
    ( )26. Which f the fllwing was nt amng the great cntributins f the brthers?"
    A. Their cllectin f fairy tales. B. Their cllectin f flk tales.
    C. Their German dictinary. D. The writings f the Middle Ages.
    Amazing Machines
    The Deepest Diving Submarine
    The Japanese research submarine Shinkai 6500 can dive dive deeper than any ther submarine. On August 11,1989, it plunged t a depth f 6,526 meters beneath the cean's surface. Three men can ride in the submarine, which is 9.5 meters lng, 2.7 meters wide, and 3.2 meters high. It is used fr cean research all ver the wrld.
    The Wrld’s Mst Intelligent Vacuum Cleaner
    The Dysn DCO6 vacuum cleaner can clean yur flr by itself and save yur valuable time. It has three cmputers that make sure it desn't tumble dwn stairs r clean the same place twice. This intelligent vacuum cleaner makes 16 decisins every secnd!
    The Smallest Cmputer Muse
    The Cat Eye Ring is the name f the wrld's smallest cmputer muse. It was manufactured in Taiwan, China. Yu wear it n yur finger. It has buttns n it just like a larger cmputer muse. Each time yu rtate yur hand, the cmputer "knws"that muse has mved.
    The Thinnest Camera
    The Ultra-Pcket digital camera was made in the US. It is nly 6 millimeters thick and weighs nly 63.3 grams. It's abut the same size as a credit card. It's the thinnest camera in the wrld.
    The Smallest Mtrcycle
    A Swedish man named Tm Wiberg built the wrld’s smallest mtrcycle that can be ridden by a persn. The frnt wheel is 16 millimeters wide. And the back wheel is 22 millimeters wide. The rider sits 65 millimeters abve the grund.In 2003 Mr. Wiberg rde his machine fr mre than ten meters.
    ( )27. What is NOT true accrding t the passage?
    A. The submarine Shinkai 6500 is used nly in Japan.
    B. The Dysn DC06 vacuum cleaner can help yu save time.
    C. The wrld's thinnest camera weighs mre than 63 grams.
    D. The Ultra-Pcket digital camera is nearly as thin as a credit card.
    ( )28. Hw is the Cat Eye Ring different frm all ther cmputer mice?
    A. It has buttns. B. The cmputer "knws"when it mves.
    C. It was made in Taiwan, China. D. Yu wear it n yur finger.
    ( )29. The wrld’s smallest mtrcycle was prbably made _____.
    A. fr the plice B. t sell t Swedish mtrcycle riders
    C. in rder t be the smallest in the wrld D. fr Mr. Wiberg t g t wrk n
    ( )30. Frm the wrds "deepest, mst intelligent, thinnest, smallest" in the passage, we can knw that _____.
    A. all the machines in the reading are very small
    B. the machines in the reading have smart cmputers
    C. the machines in the reading are number ne in the wrld in sme way
    D. yu can buy all f the machines in the reading in cmmn stres
    31._____Every mrning my father buys a newspaper n his way t wrk.Everyday I pen my bks in class and start lessns. Every evening, my mther lks thrugh magazines at hme. And every night, I lk at the phts f David Beckham and Ya Ming n my bedrm wall befre I g t sleep. Can we imagine life withut paper r printing?
    32._____Paper was first created abut2,000years ag in China.After its inventin,peple started t write r paper t make bks. In thse days, bks were nly prduced ne at a time by hand. As a result, there were nt many bks, and they were expensive. S, few peple had the chance t learn t read.
    33. _____ Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Later, develpments in printing made it pssible t prduce bks mre quickly and cheaply. A trade in bks resulted, and mre peple learned t read. Knwledge and ideas spread faster than ever befre. In a way, we can cmpare the inventin f paper and printing t the intrductin f the Internet in the twentieth century.
    34._____Althugh the Internet is still yung, it is grwing very fast, and may becme mre pwerful than printing. A much larger amunt f infrmatin can be stred in mre varied frms n the Internet than in bks. Smene with an Internet cnnectin can find infrmatin much mre easily than they can find it in printed frms. And the machines we use t read it are nw small and light, ften smaller and lighter than a single bk.
    35._____Cmputers and the Internet are used in classrms nw,and newspapers and magazines are already ad nline. S what directin will traditinal printing take in the future? Will bks be replaced by the Internet? Let's wait and see.
    Althugh it was nly autumn, everything utside was cvered in white. Unexpectedly, we were hit with a big snw s 36 and n ne was prepared.
    We have tw apple trees in ur backyard. Prana, ur dg, lves apples. When she ges utside, she usually grabs d 37 apple frm the grund t eat later n. Pana knws that when she brings her treasure int the huse, I am nt always happy, s she tries t h 38 it frm me. It is ur little game.
    On the day that it snwed t early in the seasn , Prana went utside and I heard her frm the windw. I n 39 that she was digging lts f hles and b 40 ut the apples buried beneath the snw. She seemed t make a 41 (决定)t dig up as many apples as she culd. But when she came back 42 (在…里面), she brught back nly ne. Abut five minutes later, I lked utside. The yard was 43 (完全地) cvered with birds. Prana had 44 (挖) up all thse apples fr her bird friends t eat. She knew that they hadn't prepared enugh fd fr the early winter.
    This beautiful act f uncnditinal lve frm an animal taught me what real 45 (善良) was.
    A: Annie, I'm a little nervus. I have t finish 46 a bk and give a reprt next Mnday.
    B: That desn't sund t bad.
    A: But I'm a very slw reader.
    B: Just read quickly t get the main ideas at 47. . Dn't read wrd by wrd. Read wrd grups.
    A: But I dn't understand many f the wrds. I have t use a dictinary.
    B: Try t guess a wrd's meaning by reading the 48 befre and after it. Yu prbably understand mre than yu think.
    A: That 49 difficult!
    B: Well, be patient. It takes time. Yu can becme better by reading smething yu enjy every day. The mre yu read, the 50 yu'll be.
    One summer evening as I 51 (ck) dinner, there was a knck at the dr. I pened it and 52 (see) an ld man. But his vice was pleasant as he said, "Gd evening. I cme t see 53 yu have a rm fr just ne night. I live far away frm here, and there's 54 bus till next mrning."I tld him we wuld find him a bed. but it was nt cmfrtable. I went inside and cked dinner.
    When we were ready, I asked him if he wuld like t 55 us. "N, thank yu. I have plenty. "When I had finished the dinner,I went ut t talk with him.He tld me he fished fr a living 56 (help) his daughter, her five children, and her husband, wh was ill and 57 weak t d anything. At bedtime, we put a bed in the children's rm fr him. On his next trip, as a gift, he brught a big fish and sme fresh 58 (vegetable). In the years he came t stay vernight with us, and there was never a time he did nt bring us smething nice frm his garden. I knw it was 59 (thank) fr ur family t knw him, frm whm we learned t accept the bad 60 cmplaints and the gd with thanks.
    61.随着网络的发展,“网购””已成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加人到网购群体当中。请你根据下表提示,为校刊TEENS 写一篇关于网上购物的文章。
    With the develpment f the Internet, many peple are used t shpping nline. It has becme a fashin in ur daily life. Sme f us students als jin the grup. Shpping nline has many advantages.
    1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A
    6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A
    11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A
    16. B 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. D
    21. C 22. A 23. D 24. A 25.B
    26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C
    31. C A 33. B 34. D 35. E
    36. strm 37. dirty 38. hide 39. nticed 40. bringing
    41. decisin 42. inside 43. cmpletely 44. dug 45. kindness
    46. reading 47. first 48. sentences 49. sunds 50. faster
    51. was cking 52. saw 53. if/whether 54. n 55. jin
    56. t help 57. t 58. vegetables 59. thankful 60. withut
    One pssible versin :
    With the develpment f the Internet, many peple are used t shpping nline. It has becme a fashin in ur daily life. Sme f us students als jin the grup. Shpping nline has many advantages. Yu can buy things n the Interne withut ging utdrs. What's mre, yu can avid being tired and being trapped in the crwded peple and save much time. While shpping nline. yu can chse frm mre kinds f gds. And the prices f the gds are usually lwer.
    Hwever,it has many disadvantages, t.Firstly,yu can nly see the gds frm the pictures.s it's hard t check their qualities. Secndly, shpping nline causes peple t buy gds that are nt badly needed. That's a waste f mney.
    Besides, sme peple find it bring t stay indrs shpping nline.
    What d yu think abut shpping nline?

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