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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版)
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版)01
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版)02
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版)03
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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版)

    这是一份三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题13 阅读理解七选五(原卷版),共13页。

    精准练01 新高考卷
    1.(2024年新高考I卷)Nt all great writers are great spellers. If yu want t be published, it's vital t submit a perfect, prfessinally presented manuscript (原稿). ____36____ N editr is likely t tlerate a writer wh des nt take the truble t spell wrds crrectly.
    I keep tw reference bks clse-by n my desk: dictinary and thesaurus (同义词词典). I dn't trust my laptp's spellchecker. ____37____ Of curse, these days there are plenty f nline dictinaries and thesauruses, but I'm ld-fashined enugh t prefer a hard cver and pages I can leaf thrugh with my fingers. I use the Cncise Oxfrd Dictinary and the Cllins Thesaurus.
    ____38____ It shuld give yu a precise definitin f each wrd, thus differentiating it frm ther wrds whse meanings are similar, but nt identical. It will als usually shw hw the wrd is prnunced.
    In additin, I have an ld tw-vlume cpy f the Shrter Oxfrd Dictinary, picked up a few years ag in a bkshp sale fr just 99 pence. Of curse, with its 2,672 pages, it's nt exactly shrt. It cntains arund 163,000 wrds, plus wrd cmbinatins and idimatic phrases. ____39____ Hwever, if I need t check the rigin f a wrd r t lk up examples f its usage, there's nthing better.
    Fr well ver a hundred years the mst influential English dictinary was Samuel Jhnsn's Dictinary f the English Language published in 1755. "T make dictinaries is dull (乏味) wrk," wrte Jhnsn, illustrating ne definitin f "dull". ____40____ A few minutes spent casting yur eye ver a page r tw can be a rewarding experience.
    A. I dn't ften use this dictinary.
    B. It takes n accunt f the cntext.
    C. But I still dn't want t replace them.
    D. But a dictinary can be a pleasure t read.
    E. Of curse, a dictinary is nt nly fr spelling.
    F. That means gd grammar and n spelling mistakes.
    G. Dictinaries dn't always give yu enugh infrmatin.
    2.(2024年新高考II卷)Overturism Is Fr Real: Hw Can Yu Help?
    Travel prmtes understanding, expands ur minds, makes us better peple, and bsts lcal ecnmies and cmmunities, but the rapid grwth f travel has led t verturism in certain regins and destinatins. ___16___ Certainly nt. The lss f what travel ffers wuld be unacceptable in tday’s wrld. Here are sme tips n making wise decisins t minimize pressure n the places we visit and imprve ur experience.
    ●Chse mindfully. Overvisited destinatins are that way fr a reasn: they’re special. With s many nline psts featuring the same places, it’s easy t feel like yu’re missing ut. G smewhere nly when the landscape, culture r fd deeply draws yu. ___17___
    ●Get creative. The best way t ease pressure n ver-turisted destinatins is t g smewhere else. Thugh verturism is described as a prblem affecting the entire wrld, it’s actually cncentrated t a small number f extremely ppular spts. That means yu have tns f less-visited ptins t chse frm. ___18___ Why nt try a reginal alternative r check ut a ppular destinatin’s lesser-knwn sights?
    ● ___19___ Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping majr hlidays r rush hur. Yu’ll cmpete with fewer turists, save mney, experience a different side f a ppular place, and bst the ecnmy when turism is traditinally slwer.
    Visiting a place that thers call hme is a privilege(荣幸). D yur part t preserve what makes a destinatin special in the first place. ___20___ Yu may be amazed hw much clser yu’ll feel t the peple there.
    A. Visit during ff-peak times.
    B. S, shuld we stp traveling?
    C. Travel fr yu and n ne else.
    D. Can verturism be avided then?
    E. Yu can still find relatively undiscvered places.
    F. Yu’ll find yurself virtually alne, r clse t it.
    G. Cnsider giving back t the cmmunities yu’re visiting.
    3.(2024年浙江卷1月)In the past few years, nline learning has becme a significant part f the university and cllege experience. ___16___ But are all nline curses created equal? Hw can yu be sure that digital learning is right fr yu? ___17___
    We interviewed students and prfessrs t get their advice abut nline curses, The mst bvius advantage f nline learning is that yu can study anywhere and anytime. ___18___ “I think a pint that many peple lse sight f is hw easy it can be t fall behind schedule,” says graduate student Amanda Bindman. Befre chsing t study nline, cnsider whether yu’re a self-mtivated learner and if the material seems interesting enugh t keep yu ging.
    The tip that cmes up mst ften is simple: build nline curses int yur weekly schedule, just like what yu wuld d with in persn curses. ___19___ He nted that his nline students usually end up with lwer grades. It is s easy t let an nline curse slide, but yur grades will suffer as a result. Be sure t schedule set times t watch yur lectures, read materials and cntribute t nline discussin bards.
    ___20___ A scial cnnectin is ften a big part f learning. There are things yu can d t ease this prblem. Jessica Pink, an undergraduate student, suggests taking nline curses with a friend, s yu can mtivate each ther t stay n track. Yu can als find students n the class discussin bard t rganize a study grup, r schedule in-persn meeting s with yur prfessr t discuss curse cncepts.
    A. But that desn’t mean there aren’t deadlines.
    B. Yur mtivatin shuld be yur main cncern.
    C. D yu knw that nline curses are als part f yur educatin?
    D. Prfessr Alex Davidsn teaches the same curse in persn and nline.
    E. The chief cmplain t abut nline curses is that they lack human interactin.
    F. If yu take an nline curse, what can yu d t ensure the best pssible grade?
    G. A survey fund that 29 percent f cllege students registered fr nline curses.
    4.(2023年新高考I卷)Persnal Frgiveness
    Taking respnsibility fr mistakes is a psitive step, but dn’t beat yurself up abut them. T err (犯错) is human. ____16____ Yu can use the fllwing writing exercise t help yu d this.
    In a jurnal r n a piece f paper, put the heading “Persnal strengths.” ____17____ Are yu caring? Creative? Generus? A gd listener? Fun t be arund? They dn’t have t be wrld-changing, just aspects f yur persnality that yu’re prud f.
    At the tp f a secnd page, put the heading “Acts f kindness.” On this ne, list all the psitive things yu’ve dne fr thers. It might be the time when yu helped a friend with their hmewrk, when yu did the irning withut being asked, r when yu baked ckies after the family had had a tiring day. ____18____
    Yu culd ask a friend r family member t help add t yur list. ____19____ That way, yu culd exchange thughts n what makes each f yu special and the aspects f yur persnality that shine thrugh. In fact, dn’t wait until yu’ve made a mistake t try this—it’s a great way t bst self-cnfidence at any time.
    It’s smething f a cliché (陈词滥调) that mst peple learn nt frm their successes but their mistakes. The thing is, it’s true. ____20____ We’ re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a psitive way t develp and grw.
    A. A little self-frgiveness als ges a lng way.
    B. Nw list all the characteristics yu like abut yurself.
    C. They might even like t have a g at ding the exercise.
    D. It’s just as imprtant t shw yurself sme frgiveness.
    E. It desn’t mean yu have t ignre what’s happened r frget it.
    F. Whatever it is, n matter hw small it might seem, write it dwn.
    G. Whatever the mistake, remember it isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality.
    5.(2023年新高考II卷)As an artist wh shares her jurney n scial media, I’m ften asked by curius fllwers hw t begin an art jurney. Unfrtunately, there is n magic list I can ffer. I d remember, thugh, what it was like t be a cmplete beginner. S I’ve put tgether sme gd tips fr starting an art jurney.
    ·Start small. I suggest using a sketchbk (素描本) fr small studies. These small studies prvide inspiratin and may be a springbard fr mre cmplex wrks in the future. ___16___ Yu’ll want t lk back n yur jurney t see hw far yu’ve cme.
    ·Paint ften and paint frm life. There’s n better way t imprve than t put in thse brush miles. Whether yu paint still lifes, prtraits, r landscapes, paint frm life as much as pssible. ___17___
    ·Cntinually challenge yurself t try smething new. ___18___ Artistic grwth can be a bit painful. Welcme t the club;we’ve all been there. I lve taking n challenges. I nce tk up a challenge t create a painting every day fr a mnth and pst the wrks nline.
    ·___19___ Seeking and accepting cnstructive feedback (反馈) is crucial t grwth. I pst my wrk n scial media and, in turn, have met sme f the kindest peple. They make me feel valued and respected, n matter my level f artistic ability.
    The jurney yu’re n wn’t fllw a straight path. ___20___ Push thrugh, give it time and put in the effrt. Yu will harvest the rewards f an artistic life.
    A Get ut f yur cmfrt zne.
    B. Make career plans and set gals.
    C. Dn’t thrw away yur beginner art.
    D. Share yur wrk if yu feel cmfrtable ding s.
    E. Yu’ll hit radblcks, and yu’ll feel discuraged at times.
    F. Evaluate yur perfrmance and, if needed, redefine yur rle.
    G. Yu’ll develp that painting muscle memry that nly cmes with repetitin.
    6.(2023年浙江卷1月)With gas prices rising and airprt security lines snaking lnger than ever, why nt bk yur next dmestic vacatin n a train? Cmpared t ther alternatives, it’s cmfrtable and relaxing. Here is sme advice n hw t make a trip by rail as pleasant as pssible.
    Plan ahead. Mst lng-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accmmdatins, sell ut very quickly. 36 But n matter when yu travel, it’s a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance.
    Use a travel agent. Cnsider turning yur travel plan ver t a travel agent and letting him duble-check all the details, make suggestins, and then handle the actual reservatins. A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets. 37 Then yu wn’t have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals.
    Bring a blanket. When yu’re riding n trains, yu wn’t be prvided with a blanket fr free, even if yur trip is an vernight ne. 38 In the summer in particular, the air cnditining can make them quite cld.
    Arrive early. Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week, s missing yurs can be a disaster. 39 Nte: The times listed n the schedules are departure times, nt arrival times.
    Have fun. 40 Read a bk, knit, d a crsswrd puzzle, r simply watch the wrld unfld utside the windw. T calculate yur speed as yu d, divide 3,600(the number f secnds in an hur)by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile(the distance between tw milepsts). If it takes the train 53 secnds t travel ne mile, yu’re ging 67.92 mph.
    A.Train trips aren’t fr impatient types.
    B.Yu’ll have views frm bth sides f the train.
    C.The temperature n rail cars is ften hard t cntrl.
    D.That’s particularly true during busy summer mnths.
    E.Yu might have t wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne.
    F.Chances are the cst will be a lt less than the cst f ne bedrm.
    G.He may als bk yu in a sleeping car that’s right next t the diner.
    7.(2023年北京卷)It’s a jyful and stressful time f year in the United States fr students and their families as they make decisins abut where t attend cllege. Families ften turn t rankings systems t help make a decisin. 35
    When I talk t families as a schlar f higher educatin, they’re ften surprised that teaching excellence is nt cunted in rankings. 36
    Emerging research suggests that curses in lwer-ranked universities, n average, scred higher n teaching than curses in higher-ranked universities. 37 The absence f teaching excellence frm the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is ne f the mst imprtant predictrs f a wide range f cllege utcmes.
    Rankings, hwever, are nly ne reasn why a lw value is placed n teaching in higher educatin. Administratrs ften dn’t view teaching excellence as a way t increase enrlment (注册) r funding. 38 Research shws that the mre time instructrs spend n teaching, the lwer their salary. What is the result? Many instructrs cntinue t teach using traditinal lectures, which lead t lwer success rates.
    39 Nevertheless, nt much will change until schls with high-quality teaching are rewarded with mre resurces, higher rankings and increased enrlments. In the lng term, universities, rganisatins that rank schls, and thers shuld wrk t make teaching a valued, cre part f the missin.
    What shuld students and their families d? They shuld give strng cnsideratin t universities where high-quality teaching is valued, even thugh the schls may be ranked lwer.
    A.Higher educatin has achieved its true ptential.
    B.Therefre, it’s nt highly valued in hiring r prmtin.
    C.Quality teaching has been an imprtant reputatin-building factr.
    D.Hwever, the rankings ignre a critical factr: the quality f teaching.
    E.Effrts t imprve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.
    F.They’re even mre surprised at hw teaching is undervalued by universities.
    G.In fact, universities ften shift emphasis frm teaching t ther ranking factrs.
    8.(2022年新高考I卷)Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasns t Thank Yur Wrkut Partner.” One reasn was: “Yu’ll actually shw up if yu knw smene is waiting fr yu at the gym, ” while anther read: “___16___” With a wrkut partner, yu will increase yur training effrt as there is a subtle (微妙) cmpetitin.
    S, hw d yu find a wrkut partner?
    First f all, decide what yu want frm that persn. ___17___ Or d yu just want t be physically fit, able t mve with strength and flexibility? Think abut the exercises yu wuld like t d with yur wrkut partner.
    Yu might think abut psting what yu are lking fr n scial media, but it prbably wn’t result in a useful respnse. ___18___ If yu plan n wrking ut in a gym, that persn must belng t the same gym.
    My partner psted her request n the ntice bard f a lcal park. Her ntice included what kind f training she wanted t d, hw many days a week and hw many hurs she wanted t spend n each sessin, and her age. It als listed her favrite sprts and activities, and prvided her phne number. ___19___
    Yu and yur partner will prbably have different skills. ___20___ Over time, bth f yu will benefit — yur partner will be able t lift mre weights and yu will becme mre physically fit. The cre (核心) f yur relatinship is that yu will always be there t help each ther.
    A. Yur first meeting may be a little awkward.
    B. A wrkut partner usually needs t live clse by.
    C. Yu’ll wrk harder if yu train with smene else.
    D. D yu want t be a better athlete in yur favrite sprt?
    E. Hw can yu write a gd “seeking training partner” ntice?
    F. Just accept yur differences and learn t wrk with each ther.
    G. Any ntice fr a training partner shuld include such infrmatin.
    9.(2022年新高考II卷)Writing an essay is a difficult prcess fr mst peple. Hwever, the prcess can be made easier if yu learn t practice three simple techniques.
    ___16___ When yu are first trying t think f ideas fr an essay, put yur pen t yur paper and write nnstp fr ten r fifteen minutes withut letting yur pen leave the paper. Stay lse and free. ___17___ Dn’t wrry abut grammar r spelling. Even thugh this technique wn’t wrk fr everyne, it helps many peple get a gd stre f ideas t draw n.
    The next technique is t write yur draft rapidly withut wrrying abut being perfect. ___18___ Yet, by learning t live with imperfectin, yu will save yurself headaches and a wastepaper basket full f crumpled (弄皱) paper. Think f yur first draft as a path cut ut f the jungle—as part f an explratin, nt as a cmplete highway.
    The third technique is t try printing ut a triple—spaced (三倍行距) cpy t allw space fr revisin. ___19___ As a result, these writers never get in the habit f crssing ut chunks (大块) f their draft and writing revisins in the blank space. After yu have revised yur draft until it is t messy t wrk frm anymre, yu can enter yur changes int yur wrd prcessr. ___20___ The resulting blank space invites yu t revise.
    A. Make sure yur handwriting is neat.
    B. Let yur pen fllw the waves f thught.
    C. The secnd draft f the essay shuld be better.
    D. First f all, learn the technique f nnstp writing.
    E. T many writers try t get their drafts right the first time.
    F. Many beginning writers dn’t leave enugh space t revise.
    G. Then yu can print ut a fresh draft, again setting yur text n triple-space.
    10.(2022年浙江卷1月)I have the same 24 hurs in a day as yu d, but 1 have made specific chice that allw me t make the mst f every day and still feel happy and relaxed. 11
    Pick the mst imprtant.
    12 Fcus n spending time that fr yu is fun and prductive. 1 chse the life f an adviser because I like t wrk with cmpanies, but dn't want the life f a big cmpany CEO. My chices are based n the lifestyle 1 want.
    Cmbine yur activities.
    Many peple g crazy trying t figure ut hw t spend time with friends, family, wrk, play, etc. 13
    Find ways t enjy them in a cmbined manner. Build yur scial life arund peple yur wrk envirnment. Find peple in yur cmpany wh share cmmn interests and develp yur career (职业)arund the peple and activities yu lve.
    Yu wuld think learning takes mre time frm yu, but actually there are always new ways f ding things that can save yu time n daily tasks, freeing yu up fr the mst imprtant. Always be lking fr a new way t gain back an hur here r there.
    Lighten up.
    The wrld wn't cme t an end in mst cases just because yu left a few things undne. Celebrate prgress and keep refining (改进)tward a happy prductive existence. 15 Every cmpletin is a small victry that adds up in a big way.
    Speed up.
    Be an active learner.
    Stp trying t balance time between them all.
    Make chices abut what is meaningful in yur life.
    The things yu d well usually give yu greater jy.
    F Perhaps these tips will help yu make the mst f yur time.
    G. This is why making lists is imprtant in any prductivity handbk.
    11.(2022年浙江卷6月)I have a drawer full f letters t Santa. Each year my children wuld write up their Christmas wish lists. They were plite requests fr the latest game r ty. As the children gt lder, they wuld give Santa sme hints(提示)n where t buy their presents. ____11____
    Thse letters taught my children a valuable lessn abut writing: It has a purpse. Smetimes ur purpse is t achieve smething;ther times it may be t entertain, infrm, r persuade. ____12____ And when writing desn’t seem t have any purpse r get any kind f meaningful respnse, then it can be hard t get excited abut ding it.
    Christmas is a great time f year fr children t cmmunicate with thers thrugh writing. When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. ____13____ Yu write “Dear Santa” because yu dn’t knw him persnally and yu want t shw him respect.
    ____14____ Texting, nline messaging, live chats while playing vide games all mean that they are cnstantly prducing written messages. Hwever, because they are usually writing t family and friends, they use infrmal language mst f the time.
    There is nthing wrng with this kind f writing. It suits the audience and the purpse and gets the jb dne. ____15____ This type f writing wn’t be rewarded by the schl examiner, nr by a future emplyer r a ptential client. The very best cmmunicatrs are thse wh knw hw t adjust their language t match their audience.
    A. It isn’t that these yung peple can’t write.
    B. But it is always purpseful-r at least it shuld be.
    C. The age f pen-and-paper letter writing may have passed.
    D. As a result, each year they received smething they wanted.
    E. Yu write “Hi Nanna and Pp” because yu are clse t them.
    F. As technlgy develps, yung peple are writing mre than they ever have.
    G. But if this is the nly kind f writing yung peple d, it will cause prblems.
    12.(2022年北京卷)Health and fitness help a persn live a gd and healthy life. Often due t varius pressures, we tend t ignre ur health. ____35____ It is the fitness level f ur bdy that helps us fight these diseases.
    ____36____ We need t be fit t have a healthy bdy. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted twards maintaining the fitness f ur bdy. Health is the state f ur bdy at a given time. We may nt have any disease but still have a weak bdy, which is ready t be targeted by viruses. ____37____ This des nt definitely mean that we are nt healthy. It means the fitness level is nt in accrdance with ur age and the climatic cnditins we live in.
    It is imprtant fr everyne t devte sme time t health and fitness. ____38____ Fr instance, we must exercise daily regardless f ur age and wrking style. There are different levels f exercises fr different age grups and we must d them accrding t ur wn health and age.
    Additinally, it is imprtant t relax ur bdy. We shuld have at least six t eight hurs f sleep every day. It helps in imprving ur immune (免疫) system and prtects us against diseases. ____39____ This, in turn, gives us new gals f health and fitness.
    A. Fitness levels decide the quality f life.
    B. Health and fitness are interrelated t each ther.
    C. It als helps in keeping us calm and relaxes ur mind.
    D. Fr instance, we may have a tendency t catch a cld easily.
    E. If we keep ur bdy fit, we can enjy life in a better manner.
    F. There are sme activities which everyne shuld d in ur life.
    G. This makes ur bdy suffer and we will catch ther diseases.
    精准练02 全国卷
    1.(2024年全国甲卷)What is mderatin (适度)? Basically, it means eating nly as much fd as yur bdy needs. Yu shuld feel satisfied at the end f a meal, but nt t full. ____16____ But it desn't mean saying gdbye t the fds yu lve.
    Take yur time. It's imprtant t slw dwn and think abut fd as smething nutritius rather than just smething t eat in between meetings. ____17____ It actually takes a few minutes fr yur brain t tell yur bdy that it has had enugh fd, s eat slwly and stp eating befre yu feel full.
    Eat with thers whenever pssible. Eating alne, “specially in frnt f the TV r cmputer, ften leads t mindless vereating. And be careful abut the fds yu keep at hand. It's mre challenging t eat in mderatin if yu have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like ckies. ____18____
    Cntrl emtinal (情绪的) eating. ____19____ Many f us als turn t fd t deal with unpleasant emtins such as sadness, lneliness, r bredm. But by learning healthier ways t manage emtins, yu can regain cntrl ver the fd yu eat and yur feelings.
    ____20____ A healthy breakfast can start yur metablism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps yur energy up all day. Avid eating late at night. Try t eat dinner earlier and fast fr 14 — 16 hurs until breakfast the next mrning. Studies suggest that eating nly when yu're mst active and giving yur digestive system a lng break each day may help t regulate weight.
    A Eat prperly thrughut the day.
    B. We dn't always eat just t satisfy hunger.
    C. Dn't swallw a meal n the way t wrk.
    D. Mst f us need t duble the amunt we eat.
    E. Instead, surrund yurself with healthy chices.
    F. Fr many f us, mderatin means eating less than we d nw.
    G. That wn't lead t cheating r giving up n yur new eating plan.
    2.(2023年全国甲卷)Tricks T Becming A Patient Persn
    Here’s a riddle: What d traffic jams, lng lines and waiting fr a vacatin t start all have in cmmn? There is ne answer. ___16___.
    In the Digital Age, we’re used t having what we need immediately and right ai ur fingertips. Hwever, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whle lt better ff. Here are several tricks.
    ●Practice gratitude (感激)
    Thankfulness has a lt f benefits: Research shws it makes us happier, less stressed and even mre ptimistic. ___17___. “Shwing thankfulness can fster self-cntrl,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University f Califrnia.
    ● Make yurself wait
    Instant gratificatin (满足) may seem like the mst “feel gd” ptin at the time, but psychlgy research suggests waiting fr things actually makes us happier in the lng run. And the nly way fr us t get int the habit f waiting is t practice. ___18___. Put ff watching yur favrite shw until the weekend r wait 10 extra minutes befre ging fr that cake. Yu’ll sn find that the mre patience yu practice, the mre yu start t apply it t ther, mre annying situatins.
    ● ___19___.
    S many f us have the belief that being cmfrtabel is the nly state we will tlerate, and when we experience smething utside f ur cmfrt zne, we get impatient abut the circumstances. Yu shuld learn t say t yurself, “___20___.” Yu’ll then gradually becme mre patient.
    A. Find yur causes
    B. Start with small tasks
    C. Accept the uncmfrtable
    D. All this adds up t a state f hurry
    E. It can als help us practice mre patience
    F. This is merely uncmfrtable, nt intlerable
    G. They’re all situatins where we culd use a little extra patience
    3.(2023年全国乙卷)Indr plants might lk as if they just sit arund nt ding much, but in many ways they are the unsung heres f the hme. ____16____, but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry. What’s mre, indr plants are easy t lk after and are nt very expensive.
    What are indr plants?
    Indr plants, als knwn as huseplants r pt plants, are plants that like t grw indrs. Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter. ____17____.
    Why are indr plants gd fr yu?
    Will Spelstra, wh wrks at the Ryal Btanic Gardens, says, “____18____. I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.” Several studies have backed this up and fund that indr plants can imprve creativity, fcus and memry. There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking. ____19____.
    Which plants can yu grw?
    Ale vera, peace lilies and spider plants are sme f the species that are easy t grw indrs. Yu can buy plants frm supermarkets, garden centres r nline. Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature — which is part f the jy f wning plants. “____20____,” Spelstra says. “It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”
    A. All plants are different
    B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful
    C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs
    D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer
    E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best
    F. Changing the pt f yur plant frm time t time will als help
    G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding
    4.(2022年全国甲卷)Imprtant Things t Knw When Dining Out
    Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise yu with sme f its imprtant rules. ___16___. Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family — n matter where yu are in the wrld.
    Chpstick Rules
    The way yu handle chpsticks is imprtant t avid annying yur cmpanins. When yu put them dwn between bites, always put them dwn tgether s they are parallel with the edge f the table in frnt f yu. ___17___ .
    Hands r Utensils (餐具)
    In India and the Middle East, it’s cnsidered very rude t eat with yur left hand. Peple in France expect yu t eat with a utensil in each hand. ___18___, instead preferring t use their hands. In Chile, yu may never tuch any fd with yur fingers. Peple in Thailand generally use their frks nly t push fd nt their spns.
    Making Requests
    ___19___ . In Prtugal, this wuld be a serius mistake, because it shws the chef that yu dn’t like their seasning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask fr extra cheese t add t yur fd.
    Sme f these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem randm and strange, but they are imprtant in varius cuntries. ___20___ , the mre cmfrtable yu’ll begin t feel with its freign cultural practices.
    A. The mre friends yu make in yur lifetime
    B. The mre time yu spend in any given cuntry
    C. Mexicans cnsider it inapprpriate t eat with utensils
    D. Dn’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant
    E. It’s a gd sign fr the chef if yu make a mess arund yur plate
    F. Never stick them upright in yur fd r crss them as yu use them
    G. It may seem like a simple request t ask fr salt and pepper at a meal
    5.(2022年全国乙卷)Friendship needs care and attentin t keep it in gd health. Here are five ways t sustain (保持) lng-distance friendships.
    ·Set a regular date
    Lng-lasting friendships share the characteristic that bth sides equally cntact (联系) and share with ne anther. With busy schedules, squeezing in phne calls can be a challenge. ___16___.
    ·Mre isn’t always merrier
    Make sure yu have cmmunicated with yur friend abut hw frequently each f yu wants t be cntacted and what methd wrks best fr yu bth. ___17___. There are alternatives t cnstant written cmmunicatin, such as leaving vice messages r having a grup chat.
    ·Practise empathy (共情)
    ___18___. The friend wh is remaining needs t be sensitive t all the additinal time demands placed n the friend wh has mved. The ne in the new envirnment shuld be sympathetic t the fact that yur friend may feel abandned.
    · ___19___
    Anniversaries and birthdays carry even mre weight in lng-distance friendships. Althugh technlgy might make day-t-day cmmunicatin pssible, extra effrt ges a lng way n special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track f friends’ birthdays and ther imprtant dates will make sure nthing slips by yu.
    ·Dn’t rely n technlgy alne
    ___20___, but lng-distance friendships — even clse nes — may require mre cnscius effrt t sustain. Try t seek ut chances t renew friendships. Hw t d it? Just spend face-t-face time tgether whenever pssible.
    A. Remember imprtant dates
    B. Cmpensate by writing letters
    C. It is als helpful fr yu t be a friendship keeper
    D. Try t find a time that wrks fr bth f yu and stick t it
    E. Friends need t talk abut their preferred methds f cmmunicatin
    F. It is easy t have a sense f cnnectedness thrugh scial media
    G. Yu may be the friend wh left r the ne wh was left behind

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