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    Huangshan, 1 (lcate) in the suth f Anhui prvince, is a must-see sight fr Chinese peple. Just like all ppular turist 2 (attract) in China, it is very crwded during peak seasns and natinal hlidays, during 3 time reservatins are a must. Each seasn ffers 4 unique aspect f this beautiful muntain.
    Summer is ne f the peak seasns, when the muntain is green and refreshing and temperatures are cl and cmfrtable. In the fall, the clrs are 5 their brightest, and blue skies and red maples are picture-perfect. Autumn is als a peak seasn, 6 (particular) during the Octber Natinal hlidays. Winter is ne f the prettiest seasns and the best time t appreciate the icy peaks surrunded by the sea f cluds. Als, this is the mst ecnmical time 7 (travel). The prmise f spring brings fresh greens and wild flwers, —a beautiful time t visit and nt as crwded 8 in the peak mnths f summer and autumn.
    9 was in this beautiful place that sme f the scenes frm Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragn 10 (film). Wear cmfrtable shes, and mst f all, enjy the beauty f nature that surrunds yu in this amazing Chinese muntain!
    The famus histrical painting “Emperr Taizng Receiving the Tibetan Envy (使团)”,created by remarkable painter Yan Liben(601-673), 11 (shine) brilliantly in the Palace Museum n April 29, 2023.
    The painting 12 (vivid) displays the scene 13 Emperr Taizng f the Tang Dynasty received a team frm Tibetan Tub Kingdm in 641. On behalf f their King, they came t Chang’an 14 (prpse) a marriage t Tang Princess Wencheng.
    Princess Wencheng 15 (appreciate) by Tibetan peple sn after she arrived at Tibet, because she taught the lcals farming techniques, greatly 16 (imprve)the yield (产量) f the land. What’s mre, the Princess brught nt nly Tang Dynasty custms and practices, but als a large grup f 17 (craftsman), which had a stimulating impact 18 the Tub tribal culture. As a result, n the basis f mutual benefit, the Tang Empire and Tub maintained a gd relatinship fr a cnsiderable perid.
    In additin t this painting, the exhibitin shwcased 19 ttal f 108 cultural relics, including 13 items frm 20 (variety)units f the Cultural Heritage Bureau f the Xizang Autnmus Regin, as well as 95 items frm the Palace Museum.
    Recently, the Natinal Rller Skating Champinships was held in Lishui, Zhejiang. Qin Yuqing, a member f the natinal freestyle rller skating team, gained an 21 (impress) triumph, which marked her debut in the adult divisin f cmpetitive events.
    Dressed in a stunning clthes inspired by the celestial (天上的) singers and dancers, 22 (refer) t as Flying Apsaras (飞天仙子), depicted in the murals f Dunhuang’s Mga Grttes lcated in Gansu prvince in Nrthwest China, Qin fascinated the audience with her dazzling skating perfrmance.
    Brn in the year 2004, this yung enthusiast f rller skating and traditinal Chinese culture has already secured numerus 23 (victry) in cmpetitins. Qin began her rller skating jurney when she was just 6 years ld. She felt 24 indescribable bnd t rller skating, and recgnizing her passin, her parents swiftly enrlled her in the sprt. Frm that mment n, she applied herself 25 daily practice with cnsiderable energy.
    26 (step) nt the cmpetitin stage initially brught abut nervusness and mis-takes fr Qin, resulting in setbacks. She recalled a mment when she fell in the middle f a cmpetitin, experiencing a pang f 27 (embarrass), but quickly adjusting her mindset. “Failure is kay. 28 matters isn’t whether yu stumble, but whether yu stand up again.”
    Since 2015, Qin 29 (cmmit) herself t the preservatin and prmtin f Chinese culture. T ensure that the elegance f Chinese culture was perfectly displayed in rller skating cmpetitins, Qin has invested a lt f time and energy. She said, “I desire t be mre than just a rller skater; I aim t be an ambassadr f Chinese culture, uphlding and advancing 30 (China) magnificent heritage thrugh the integratin f rller skating and traditinal aesthetics (美学).”
    Fans and turists flcked t Shanghai n Friday t enjy ChinaJy, a summer gaming carnival and festival 31 (hld) annually, and the first prfessinal tp-level gaming fair t be celebrated ffline in China after the COVID-19 pandemic. The festival was 32 (merry) taking place frm July 28 t 31 at Shanghai New Internatinal Exp Center in Pudng New Area. Despite heavy winds n Friday mrning, fans 33 (queue) t enter the venue f ChinaJy, r the China Digital Entertainment Exp Cnference. They were carefully dressed up, knwn 34 csplay, danced and scialized, cllecting free gifts at varius bths, playing dem(样品) games yet 35 (publish) sn, and taking phts with friends and shwgirls, all glad t jin the ChinaJy “party”.
    Sme were first-time 36 (visit), such as Nanxia, a grade-12 student frm the suthwest city f Chngqing. He tk a mre than 20-hur train ride 37 Shanghai after sitting the cllege entrance exam, r gaka, this summer. He and tw friends visited the bths f “League f Legends”, “Genshin Impact” and “Hnkai Impact 3”.
    “ChinaJy brings 38 charming atmsphere, with csplayers, games and animatin prducts,” he tld Shanghai Daily at the miHY bth, 39 he spent almst 30 minutes waiting t play the game “Hnkai Impact 3”. Here Shanghai-based develper miHY ffered game mascts, a giant train mdel and csplay perfrmances which were particularly 40 (appeal) t fans.
    The Hangzhu Asian Games flame was lit at the Liangzhu ancient city n Thursday, marking the 100-day cuntdwn t the pening f the 19th Asian Games. Nineteen flame 41 (cllectr), dressed in white, walked up the steps befre ne f 42 (they) and lit a trch frm the rays f the sun using a cncave mirrr. The utline f the mirrr, 43 (design) like a jade bi, symblizes the sun’s rays. The ceremny was held in the Liangzhu ancient site, 44 was initially discvered in Yuhang Cunty f Hangzhu in 1936. In 2019, the Archaelgical Ruins f Liangzhu City was listed as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, 45 (gain) the wrld’s recgnitin as a testimny t the 46 (exist) f at least 5,000-year-lng Chinese civilizatin. In mid-September, the trch lighting and trch relay launching ceremny will be held at Hangzhu’s 47 (scene) landmark West Lake, anther UNESCO Wrld Heritage site, and the trch 48 (carry) thrugh 11 cities in Zhejiang Prvince. A digital trch relay als kicked ff nline n Thursday. Over 21 millin peple have participated in a virtual trch relay 49 digital trchbearers thrugh nline platfrms. On September 23, the pening ceremny will present 50 first digital ignitin ceremny in the Games’ histry, and digital trchbearers wrldwide can ignite the flame tgether nline.
    This year’s unfrgettable Games, credited as ne f the 51 (gd) Asian Games in histry, 52 (leave) an indelible legacy n the city in the future, the Chinese peple and the cntinent.
    In cntrast 53 the pening ceremny, during the clsing ceremny, athletes frm all delegatins (代表团) entered the stadium tgether, mingling (交际) withut regard t natinality. They waved flags, laughed, hugged and psed fr pictures while the audience applauded and cheered.
    During the Games, 15 wrld recrds, 37 Asian recrds and 170 Asian Games new recrds were set by tp 54 (athlete). In terms f medals, the Chinese team shwed its dminance . China tpped the gld medal table fr the 11th time in a rw and earned mre than 200 gld medals at an Asian Games fr 55 first time. Japan and Suth Krea were secnd and third in the medal table. 56 is mre ntewrthy (注意) is that many delegatins made histric breakthrughs in sme 57 (traditinal) weaker events, 58 (break) the mnply (垄断) f strng teams. Other reginal sprts als 59 (catch) the attentin f mre peple thrugh the Asian Games, such as Kabaddi and Sepaktakraw .
    In additin, this Asian Games als impressed the public regarding the use f 60 (advance) technlgy and sustainable develpment. At such a fairy-tale gathering, the spiritual pwer f Asia was nce again prmted. At the same time, China’s internatinalizatin and penness were n display.
    China is the first cuntry t prduce and use silk. Silk is 61 (main) prduced in the suth f the Yangtze River Delta, 62 famus silk prducing regins are lcated.
    Silk clth prductin was well advanced during the Shang Dynasty. It is thught that silk 63 (exprt) alng the Silk Rad ver a lng perid f time in ancient China.
    Silk is strng, but it isn’t stretchy (有弹性的). If it is stretched, it desn’t return t the previus 64 (lng). One prblem with silk is that sme insects find 65 delicius. 66 real silk cntains is 100% natural silk, which can prvide a feeling f cmfrt. It reflects incming light at different angles, thus 67 (prduce) different clrs.
    Hand washing is recmmended with the silk clthes inside ut. Silk wuld be sfter and smther if placed in the water 68 several drps f vinegar befre washing; silk wuld fade if 69 (expse) t the sun fr lng perids f time. Dn’t hang the silk prducts n t the sharp r metal hk t avid 70 (intentin) damage.
    Chinese silk has becme mre and mre ppular thrughut the wrld. It is ne f the symbls that can represent China.
    (2023秋·广东深圳·高三统考阶段练习)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The Leshan Giant Buddha ( 乐 山 大 佛 ) is a huge statue 71 (carve) int the side f Lingyun Muntain, Sichuan Prvince. It is the tallest and 72 (large) Buddha in the wrld. There is a lcal 73 (say): “The muntain is a Buddha and the Buddha is a muntain.” If yu want t get 74 clse-up view f the Buddha, yu have t climb the muntain. Yu can chse the walking rute, ging alng the wden pathways 75 (enjy) the changing view frm varius 76 (angle) f the Buddha, frm its ft t its head. It 77 (take) arund tw hurs. Yu can als chse t visit the Leshan Giant Buddha n a sightseeing bat. This will let yu see the Buddha frm a distance 78 get a full lk at it, taking nly thirty minutes.
    Hwever, I bet yu’ll just be 79 many ther visitrs — ding bth the bat ride and the tw-hur walk. Only when yu jin the walking tur up, dwn, arund and even thrugh the rcks will yu feel 80 incredible the place is. Believe me, it’s well wrth it.
    (2023·湖南·校联考模拟预测)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The ginkg (银杏) tree is thught t be ne f the ldest living trees, 81 (date) back t mre than 290 millin years ag. It is native 82 China, Japan and Krea, but it is als nw grwn in Eurpe and the United States. The earliest recrds f ginkges are fund in Chinese herblgy literature such as Cmpendium f Materia Medica.
    Ginkges are large trees, 83 (nrmal) reaching a height f 20 — 35 meters, with sme in China being ver 50 meters. The adult tree has a large crwn and lng branches, and it is usually deep-rted and resistant t wind and snw damage. With a cmbinatin f 84 (resistant) t diseases and insects, sme f the trees 85 (claim) t be mre than 2,500 years ld.
    With fan-shaped leaves, ginkges are green bth n the tp and bttm. But during autumn, they turn bright yellw and then fall, which make up 86 beautiful scene. Ginkges cme in tw sexes, with sme trees being female 87 thers male. The fruit has a sft, fleshy and yellw-brwn uter layer 88 is attractive in appearance.
    Because ginkges 89 (be) arund fr s lng, peple have used them fr many purpses. It’s cmmnly used fr memry and thught prblems, visin prblems and many ther cnditins, but there is n gd scientific evidence 90 (supprt) mst f these uses.
    Beauty bias: We tend t think pretty peple are mrally superir
    Humans have always assciated beauty with gdness. The prevalence (流行,普遍) f the assumptin that beautiful peple are gd 91 (study) fr the past few decades, with extensive research n the subject ging back t the 1970s. 92 yu start thinking that yu’d never judge smebdy by hw they lk, the studies suggest that yu likely d it all the time — very quickly and nt fully aware f it.
    This bias has real-wrld impacts. The attractive are 93 (likely) t be fund guilty by simulated juries (陪审团) and mre likely t get reduced punishments when they are. Peple tend t vte fr mre attractive pliticians, prmte better-lking underlings, and even give mre attentin t better-lking children than thse with — 94 Gerge Carlin put it — “severe appearance deficits”.
    A study recently published in the Jurnal f Nnverbal Behavir shed new light n the bias. Different frm previus studies, 95 nt nly lked t see whether peple assciate psitive traits with gd-lking peple (we knw they d), but als tk a clser lk at which traits are assciated with appearance, with tw tests respectively fcused n purely mral traits, such as being fair, trustwrthy, r hnest, and psitive but nn-mral traits, such as being funny, 96 (rganize), r calm.
    Lining up with previus studies 97 (shw) that peple assciate beauty with all manner f psitive traits, the results f bth tests als gave new insight int 98 traits are mst affected by the “hal effects” (光环效应) that gd lks prvide. In bth studies, mral traits were mre likely t be assciated with beauty than nn-mral traits. The effect was particularly bvius in the secnd study, in which beautiful peple were 20% mre likely t be cnsidered 99 (have) these traits than the average persn, cmpared t nly a 10% increase in the perceived likelihd they wuld have the nn-mral traits.
    The authrs f the study nted that they expect their findings t have real-wrld implicatins. Given hw many previus studies demnstrate that there are serius cnsequences frm this bias, their stance shuld nt surprise us. They pinted ut, hwever, that despite the lng histry f science knwing that this bias exists, “there is n interventin available that may reduce prejudice tward r discriminatin 100 unattractive individuals.”
    1.lcated 2.attractins 3.which 4.a 5.at 6.particularly 7.t travel 8.as 9.It 10.were filmed
    3.考查定语从句。句意:就像中国所有受欢迎的旅游景点一样,在旅游旺季和国家法定假日期间,它非常拥挤,在此期间必须预订。分析句子可知,此处为“介词during+关系代词which”引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词peak seasns and natinal hlidays在从句中作during的宾语成分。故填which。
    5.考查介词。句意:在秋天,色彩是最明亮的,蓝天和红枫是完美的画面。分析句子可知,此处为介词at表示颜色处于最明亮的状态,at their brightest表示“颜色最鲜艳”,符合句意。故填at。
    7.考查动词不定式。句意:同时,这也是旅行最经济的时间。分析句子可知,此处为动词不定式作后置定语修饰the mst ecnmical time。故填t travel。
    8.考查固定句型。句意:春天带来了新鲜的绿色和野花,这是一个美丽的旅游时间,不像夏季和秋季的高峰期那样拥挤。分析句子可知,此处为固定句型nt as…as…“不像……一样”,满足句意要求。故填as。
    9.考查强调句式。句意:《卧虎藏龙》的一些场景就是在这个美丽的地方拍摄的。分析句子可知,该句为it was…that…的强调句型,被强调部分in this beautiful place为句子的状语成分。故填It。
    10.考查动词时态和语态。句意:《卧虎藏龙》的一些场景就是在这个美丽的地方拍摄的。分析句子可知,此处为谓语动词的填入,sme f the scenes和动词film为被动关系,结合句意可知,该句应为陈述过去发生的事情,所以为一般过去时的被动语态结构。故填were filmed。
    11.shne 12.vividly 13.where 14.t prpse 15.was appreciated 16.imprving 17.craftsmen 18.n/upn 19.a 20.varius/varied
    11.考查谓语动词时态。句意:著名画家阎立本(601-673)创作的著名历史卷轴《步辇图》于2023 年4月29日在北京故宫博物院大放异彩。本句考查谓语动词,根据时间状语“n April 29, 2023”可知, 本句谓语动词为一般过去时。故填shne。
    12.考查副词。句意:这幅画生动地描绘了公元641年唐太宗接见来自西藏吐蕃王国的队伍时的情景。设空处用副词修饰动词 displays。故填vividly。
    13.考查定语从句。句意:见上题。本句为定语从句,先行词“scene”为表示地点的名词,用 where引导定语从句。故填where。
    14.考查非谓语动词。句意:这支队伍代表他们的国王来长安求娶唐朝的文成公主。这里为非谓语动词担当目的状语,用动词的不定式形式。故填t prpse。
    15.考查动词的时态和语态。句意:文成公主到西藏后不久就备受西藏人们感激,因为她教授当地人民农业技术,大大提高了当地的土地产量。设空处应用过去时以及被动语态。故填was appreciated。
    16.考查非谓语动词。句意:见上题。本句已经有谓语, 此处用动词ing形式作结果状语, 即 imprving。故填imprving。
    17.考查名词复数。句意:文成公主不仅带来了唐朝的风俗习惯,还带来了大批工匠,对吐蕃部落的文化产生了促进作用。根据空前的“a grup f”可判断,空处为可数名词的复数形式。故填 craftsmen。
    18.考查固定短语的介词搭配。句意:见上题。have/had a ( n)... impact n/upn...为固定搭配,意为“对……有……影响”。故填n/upn。
    19.考查冠词。句意:此次展览共展出了108件文物,其中包括西藏自治区文物局各单位的13件文物,以及故宫博物院的95件文物。短语:a ttal f,意为“总计”。故填a。
    20.考查形容词。句意:此次展览共展出了108件文物,其中包括西藏自治区文物局各单位的13件文物,以及故宫博物院的95件文物。分析句子成分可知,空处为形容词,修饰其后的名词 units。故填varius,也可以填 varied。故填varius/ varied。
    21.impressive 22.referred 23.victries 24.an 25.t 26.Stepping 27.embarrassment 28.What 29.has cmmitted 30.China’s
    21. 考查形容词。句意:秦玉清,国家自由式轮滑队的一员,获得了一个令人印象深刻的胜利,这标志着她首次参加成人组的比赛。空处需要形容词作定语修饰后面的名词,impress为动词,其形容词形式为impressive“令人印象深刻的”。故填impressive 。
    22.考查非谓语动词。句意:敦煌的莫高窟壁画中描绘了天上的歌者和舞者“飞天”,秦穿着一身令人惊叹的衣服,她令人眼花缭乱的滑冰表演让观众着迷。分析句子结构可知,空处为非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰中心词“the celestial singers and dancers”,该动词和修饰的名词之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语。故填referred。
    25.考查介词。句意:从那一刻起,她精力充沛地投入到日常练习中。apply neself t ding sth.“致力于做某事”。故填t。
    29. 考查动词时态。句意:自2015年以来,秦一直致力于保护和推广中国文化。分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词,根据时间状语since 2015可知,句子应用现在完成时态。故填has cmmitted。
    30.考查名词所有格。句意:我不只是想成为一名轮滑运动员,我的目标是成为中国文化的大使,通过轮滑与传统美学的融合,维护和弘扬中国的伟大传统。根据空后的“magnificent heritage”可知,空处需要名词所有格,表示“中国的伟大遗产”。故填China’s。
    31.held 32.merrily 33.queued 34.as 35.t be published 36.visitrs 37.t/twards 38.a 39.where 40.appealing
    32.考查副词。句意:该节日于7月28日至31日在浦东新区上海新国际博览中心举行。空格处用副词修饰动词短语taking place,merry的副词是merrily,意为“愉快地”,故填merrily。
    33.考查时态。句意:尽管周五早上刮起了大风,粉丝们还是排队进入ChinaJy(中国数字娱乐博览会)会场。由n Friday mrning可知,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,空格处谓语动词用过去式,故填queued。
    34.考查介词。句意:他们精心打扮,被称为csplay,跳舞和社交,在各个摊位收集免费礼物,玩即将发布的演示游戏,与朋友和歌舞女郎合影,都很高兴参加ChinaJy的“派对”。be knwn as是固定短语,意为“被称为”,因此空格处是介词as,故填as。
    35.考查不定式和被动语态。句意:他们精心打扮,被称为csplay,跳舞和社交,在各个摊位收集免费礼物,玩即将发布的演示游戏,与朋友和歌舞女郎合影,都很高兴参加ChinaJy的“派对”。句中谓语是were carefully dressed up,空格处用非谓语动词,由sn可知,空格处用不定式表将来,且games是被发布,因此空格处是不定式的被动语态做后置定语,因此空格处是t be published。故填t be published。
    36.考查名词的复数。句意:有些人是第一次来,比如来自西南城市重庆的12年级学生Nanxia。由Nanxia, a grade-12 student可知,空格处是“参观者”,是visitr,空前主语是Sme,空格处表语用复数。故填visitrs。
    37.考查介词。句意:今年夏天,参加完高考后,他坐了20多个小时的火车去上海。由第一段的Fans and turists flcked t Shanghai可知,本句表示“参加完高考后,他坐了20多个小时的火车去上海”,空格处意为“去”,用介词t/twards。故填t/twards。
    38.考查冠词。句意:“ChinaJy带来了迷人的氛围,有角色扮演者、游戏和动画产品,”他在miHY展台上告诉《上海日报》,在那里他花了将近30分钟的时间来玩游戏“Hnkai Impact 3”。atmsphere表泛指,前面要加不定冠词,charming是辅音音素开头,因此不定冠词用a,故填a。
    39.考查定语从句。句意:“ChinaJy带来了迷人的氛围,有角色扮演者、游戏和动画产品,”他在miHY展台上告诉《上海日报》,在那里他花了将近30分钟的时间来玩游戏“Hnkai Impact 3”。空格处引导的是非限制性定语从句,先行词bth是地方,因此空格处用关系副词where引导定语从句,作状语。故填where。
    41.cllectrs 42.them 43.designed 44.which 45.gaining 46.existence 47.scenic 48.will be carried 49.as 50.the
    43.考查非谓语动词。句意:镜子的轮廓设计得像一个玉璧,象征着阳光。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作状语,因与其逻辑主语The utline f the mirrr之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,使用过去分词,故填designed。
    44.考查定语从句。句意:仪式在良渚遗址举行,良渚遗址于1936年在杭州余杭县首次被发现。分析句子结构,这是一个包含定语从句的复合句,先行词为:the Liangzhu ancient site,因空白处在定语从句中做主语指物,使用关系代词which引导定语从句,故填which。
    45.考查非谓语动词。句意:2019年,良渚市考古遗址被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,见证了至少5000年的中华文明的存在,获得了世界的认可。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作状语,因与其逻辑主语the Archaelgical Ruins f Liangzhu City之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,使用现在分词,故填gaining。
    48.考查时态语态。句意同上。分析句子结构,这是一个并列句,空白处在第二个句子中作谓语,因与主语之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,根据时间状语In mid-September可知句子表达的是发生在将来的动作,谓语动词使用一般将来时的被动语态,故填will be carried。
    49.考查介词。句意:超过2100万人通过在线平台作为数字火炬手参与了虚拟火炬接力。根据下文“digital trchbearers(数字火炬手)”可知,有超过2100万人作为数字火炬手参与了虚拟火炬接力,空白处应填表示“作为”含义的介词,故填as。
    51.best 52.will leave 53.t/with 54.athletes 55.the 56.What 57.traditinally 58.breaking 59.caught 60.advanced
    51.考查形容词。句意:这场今年令人难忘的运动会,被誉为历史上最好的亚运会之一,将在未来为这座城市,为中国人民和整个大陆留下不可磨灭的遗产。分析句子结构可知,空后是名词,所以空处应填形容词作定语,根据空前的ne f,应用最高级。故填best。
    52.考查动词时态。句意:这场今年令人难忘的运动会,被誉为历史上最好的亚运会之一,将在未来为这座城市,为中国人民和整个大陆留下不可磨灭的遗产。分析句子结构可知,leave作本句谓语,根据时间状语in the future,用一般将来时。故填will leave。
    53.考查介词。句意:与开幕式不同的是,在闭幕式上,所有代表团的运动员不分国籍,一起进入体育场。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:in cntrast t或者in cntrast with意为“与…相比”。故填t或者with。
    55.考查冠词。句意:中国连续11次荣登金牌榜榜首,首次在亚运会上夺得200多枚金牌。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:fr the first time意为“第一次”。故填the。
    59.考查动词时态。句意:其他地区性的体育项目也通过亚运会吸引了更多人的关注,比如卡巴迪和七爪舞。分析句子结构可知,catch作本句谓语,主语是Other reginal sprts,两者是主动关系,描述的是已发生的事,用一般过去时。故填caught。
    61.mainly 62.where 63.was exprted 64.length 65.it 66.What 67.prducing 68.with 69.expsed 70.unintentinal
    62.考查定语从句。句意:丝绸主要产自长江三角洲南部,那里是著名的丝绸产区。此处为非限制性定语从句修饰先行词the suth f the Yangtze River Delta,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
    63.考查动词时态语态。句意:人们认为丝绸是沿着丝绸之路出口的。根据上文“during the Shang Dynasty”可知描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时,主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为silk,谓语动词用单数。故填was exprted。
    69.考查省略和过去分词。句意:如果在洗涤前将丝绸与几滴醋浸泡在水中,丝绸会变得更加柔软光滑;丝绸如果长时间暴露在阳光下就会褪色。在if引导的条件状语从句中,当从句主语和主句主语一致且从句含有be的某种形式时,可省略从句的主语和be,从句完整形式为“if silk is expsed t the sun fr lng perids f time”,相当于省略了silk is。故填expsed。
    71.carved 72.largest 73.saying 74.a 75.t enjy 76.angles 77.takes 78.and 79.like 80.hw
    71.考查非谓语动词。句意:乐山大佛是一座巨大的雕像,被雕刻在四川省灵云山的一侧。动词carve“雕刻”与名词 statue为被动关系,故此处填动词carve的过去分词carved,作定语,修饰名词statue。故填 carved。
    72.考查形容词。句意:它是世界上最高和最大的佛。 连词and连接并列成分,由tallest“最高的”,可知本空用形容词最高级,largest“最大的”,作定语,修饰名词Buddha。故填largest。
    73.考查名词。句意:有一个当地的说法:“山是佛,佛是山”。say的名词saying意为“谚语,格言”。本句是there be句型,根据空前的is和a可知,主语用单数saying。故填 saying。
    74.考查冠词。句意:如果你想近距离地看到佛像,你必须爬上山。view意为“景色,风景”,为可数名词,结合句子意思可知,本空填不定冠词,表示泛指,clse-up首字母的发音为辅音音素 。故填a。
    75.考查非谓语动词。句意:你可以选择步行路线,沿着木制小路欣赏从不同的佛的角度(从佛的脚到头)的变化景色。enjy意为“欣赏”。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为can chse,故此处用动词不定式t enjy,作目的状语。故填t enjy。
    78.考查连词。句意:这会让你从远处看到佛,并得到一个完整的看它,只需三十分钟。分析句子结构可知,本空填连词and,表示前后的并列关系,连接let yu see the Buddha frm a distance和get a full lk at it。故填and。
    81.dating 82.t 83.nrmally 84.resistance 85.are claimed 86.a 87.and 88.which/that 89.have been 90.t supprt
    81.考查非谓语动词。句意:银杏树被认为是现存最古老的树木之一,可以追溯到2.9亿多年前。分析句子结构,本句的谓语是is thught,所以空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语The ginkg tree和date之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词,作状语。故填dating。
    82.考查介词。句意:它原产于中国、日本和韩国,但现在也生长在欧洲和美国。be native t意为“原产于……”,为固定搭配。故填t。
    84.考查名词。句意:由于具有对疾病和昆虫的抵抗力,一些树木据称已有2500多年的树龄。根据空前的介词f可知,空处应用名词,再结合空后的“t diseases and insects”可知,这里表示抵抗力,resistance意为“抵抗力”,为不可数名词。故填resistance。
    85.考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意参考上题。claim sb./sth. t be...意为“声称某人/某物是……”。结合上下文时态并根据句意,这里陈述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时。sme f the trees和claim之间是动宾关系,这里应用被动语态。主语表示复数,所以谓语应用复数形式。故填are claimed。
    87.考查连词。句意:银杏树有两种性别,有些树是雌性的,有些是雄性的。根据空前的“sme trees being female”和空后的“thers male”可知,为了避免重复,空后省略了being,补充完整后为thers being male,空处前后之间是并列关系,应用and连接。故填and。
    88.考查定语从句。句意:果实有柔软、肉质、黄棕色的外层,外观诱人。分析句子结构,空处引导一个定语从句,指代先行词uter layer,指物,且在从句中作主语,所以应用which或that引导。故填which或that。
    89.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:由于银杏树已经存在了很长时间,人们将其用于多种用途。根据句中的时间状语“fr s lng”可知,这里应用现在完成时,表示动作从过去一直持续到现在,而且还有可能继续下去。主语ginkges表示复数,谓语应用复数形式。故填have been。
    90.考查非谓语动词。句意:它通常用于记忆和思维问题、视力问题和许多其他疾病,但没有很好的科学证据支持这些用途中的大多数。此处应用不定式作后置定语修饰名词evidence,表示目的。故填t supprt。
    91.has been studied 92.Befre 93.less likely 94.as 95.it 96.rganized 97.shwing 98.which 99.t have 100.against
    91.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的几十年里,人们一直在研究“漂亮的人就是好人”这一假设的普遍性,关于这个问题的广泛研究可以追溯到20世纪70年代。此处缺乏谓语,由时间状语fr the past few decades,且主语The prevalence f the assumptin…和谓语动词study是被动关系,用现在完成时的被动语态,主语不可数,谓语单数形式。故填has been studied。
    92.考查时间状语从句。句意:在你开始认为你永远不会根据一个人的长相来判断他之前,研究表明你可能一直都在这么做——非常快,而且没有完全意识到这一点。两句间缺乏连词,结合句意可知,用befre (在……之前)引导时间状语从句,首字母大写。故填Befre。
    93.考查比较级。句意:有吸引力的人不太可能被模拟陪审团判有罪,而且在他们被判有罪时,更有可能得到减轻的惩罚。结合句意和后面的mre likely可知,用比较级less likely (不太可能的)。故填less likely。
    94.考查固定句型。句意:人们倾向于投票给更有魅力的政客,提拔长相更好的下属,正如Gerge Carlin所说,人们更关注长相更好的孩子,而不是那些“严重的外貌缺陷”的孩子。固定句型as sb. put it (正如某人所说)。故填as。
    95.考查代词。句意:与之前的研究不同,这项研究不仅考察了人们是否将积极特质与长相英俊的人联系在一起(我们知道他们会这样做),还更仔细地研究了哪些特质与长相有关,两项测试分别侧重于纯粹的道德特质,如公平、可信或诚实,以及积极但非道德的特质,如风趣、有条理,或者冷静。用代词it指代上文的A study recently published in the Jurnal f Nnverbal Behavir。故填it。
    96.考查形容词。句意:与之前的研究不同,这项研究不仅考察了人们是否将积极特质与长相英俊的人联系在一起(我们知道他们会这样做),还更仔细地研究了哪些特质与长相有关,两项测试分别侧重于纯粹的道德特质,如公平、可信或诚实,以及积极但非道德的特质,如风趣、有条理,或者冷静。结合形容词funny和calm,用形容词rganized (有条理的)作表语。故填rganized。
    97.考查现在分词。句意:与之前表明人们把美丽与各种积极的品质联系在一起的研究结果一致,这两项测试的结果也让人们对哪些品质最容易受到美貌所带来的“光环效应”的影响有了新的认识。主句已有谓语gave且无连词,动词shw用非谓语形式,逻辑主语previus studies与动词shw是主谓关系,用现在分词(ding)表主动,做名词短语previus studies的后置定语。故填shwing。
    99.考查动词不定式。句意:在第二项研究中,这种影响尤其显著,在第二项研究中,漂亮的人被认为具有这些特征的可能性比普通人高20%,相比之下,他们被认为具有非道德特征的可能性只增加了10%。固定搭配be cnsidered t d sth. (被认为做某事),have用动词不定式形式。故填t have。
    100.考查介词。句意:没有有效的干预措施可以减少人们对相貌不佳的人的偏见或歧视。设空处后为名词作宾语,设空处应用介词的形式,表示“反对;(行为)违背……”应用against,discriminatin against歧视。故填against。

    语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练31-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练31-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共17页。试卷主要包含了 考查非谓语动词, 考查名词, 考查主语从句,考查冠词, 考查形容词, 考查时态等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练30-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练30-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共16页。

    语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练26-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练26-备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共17页。

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