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    这是一份湖南省株洲市天元区2022_2023学年高二英语上学期12月月考试卷,共13页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 37,D.In March 2023,5 分,满分 15 分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Science cmpetitins yur students can enter
    Clean Tech Cmpetitin
    Opens: Nw
    Clses: 29 April 2022
    The Clean Tech Cmpetitin research and design challenge asks students t find a prblem with ur natural wrld and resurce use that they want t change, wrk ut a slutin and hand in a research paper t the judges.
    Tp f the Bench
    Opens: September 2022
    Clses: Octber 2022(reginal heats)
    Tp f the Bench (TOTB)is a yearly practical chemistry cmpetitin and a great chance fr students t put their teamwrk and practical skills t the test. Reginal heats will be held between Octber 2022 and January2023, with the wining team frm each heat prgressing t the natinal final held later in March.
    Quantum n the Clck
    Age: 16-18
    Clses: 31 March 2022
    Quantum n the Clck cmpetitin is pen t all A-level students in the UK and Ireland. Students are asked t create a three-minute vide abut any aspect f quantum science (量子科学) r technlgy . Entries (参赛作品) can be individual r in teams f up t fur students. Cash prizes are n ffer fr the winners and runners-up. The “best individual” and “best team” winners will receive an invitatin t a prize-giving ceremny at the Phtn 2022 cnference dinner (会议晚宴).
    Big Bang Yung Scientists and Engineers Cmpetitin
    Age: 11-19
    Clses: 4 April 2022
    The Big Bang Cmpetitin recgnises yung peple’s achievements in STEM and builds their cnfidence in prject-based wrk, fcusing n investigatin, discvery and use f scientific methds. Students can submit (提交) their prject as a written r vide reprt—n any tpic in the field f STEM. Students can be in with the chance f winning a range f awards and prizes.
    1.Which cmpetitin fcuses n slving envirnmental issues?
    A.Tp f the Bench.
    B.Quantum n the Clck.
    C.Clean Tech Cmpetitin.
    D.Big Bang Yung Scientists and Engineers Cmpetitin.
    2.When will the natinal final f TOTB be held?
    A.In September 2022.B.In Octber 2022.
    C.In January 2023.D.In March 2023.
    3.What d the last tw cmpetitins have in cmmn?
    A.They bth accept vide entries.
    B.They are bth pen t students aged 11-19.
    C.Bth f them will invite their winners t a cnference dinner.
    D.Bth f them require each participant t finish an entry n his wn.
    Nwadays, we are very wrried abut such COVID-19 variants as Delta and Omicrn. T relieve ur anxieties, we shuld have a lk at ur wn cell and the riginal COVID-19 virus.
    First f all, ur cell isn’t stupid. If any virus wants t enter ur cell, it must figure ut a way fr its spike (触手) t hld tightly t the spike n the cell’s surface. Yu can imagine this cnnecting as a secret handshake.
    At the early stage, the COVID-19 virus figured ut a way t cnnect t a specific spike n the surface f human cell, called ACE2. But the cnnecting wasn’t perfect. Hwever, it was gd enugh t trick the ACE2 t let it in.
    Once the virus was inside the cell, it kept cpying itself in rder t find mre cells t infect. During this time, the immune (免疫) system started making antibdies t fight back. Sme f thse antibdies acted like little caps that stick t the ends f the virus’s spike. Once “capped”, the infectin culdn’t mve frward, and the bdy wn!
    But every time the virus cpies itself inside a cell, it has the chance f changing its spikes slightly. Mst f the variatins are actually harmful t the virus. S these variants disappear. Hwever, nce the virus hits upn a set f variatins that actually help the virus t cnnect mre tightly t the cell r mre quickly, a persn’s cell gets infected mre easily.
    Then what abut the antibdies? Aren’t they cming t save us again? Well, yes... and n.
    Scientists fund that a persn wh was infected with the earlier versin f the virus may nt be prtected as well against these new variants. He still can be infected, again. Hwever, the antibdies’ spikes cme in different shapes, t. S even thugh sme antibdies becme less useful, thers will get the jb dne—r at least, hld back the infectin lng enugh s the bdy can make new antibdies that fit perfectly n the changed spike.
    4.What des the underlined wrd "it" in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.The virus.B.The cell.
    C.The spike.D.The cnnectin.
    5.What is the fifth paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Hw a virus enters the human cell.
    B.Hw a virus cpies itself inside a cell.
    C.Why the immune system can fight back.
    D.Why virus variants have different infectin rates.
    6.What can be learned frm the text?
    A.COVID-19 variants will becme mre and mre infectius.
    B.It is unlikely fr COVID-19 patients t get infected again.
    C.Old antibdies might be less effective against new variants.
    D.It is hpeless t get rid f the COVID-19 in the near future.
    7.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Wrries Abut the COVID-19 Variants
    B.A Simple Guide t COVID-19 Variants
    C.The Danger f the Deadly COVID-19 Virus
    D.Ways t Prtect Ourselves Frm COVID-19 Virus
    Owning a smartphne may nt be as smart as yu think. It may let yu surf the Internet, listen t music and snap phts wherever yu are... but it als turns yu int a wrkahlic, it seems.
    A study suggests that, by giving yu access t emails at all times, the all-singing, all-dancing mbilephne adds as much as tw hurs t yur wrking day. Researchers fund that Britns wrk an additinal 460 hurs a year n average as they are able t respnd t emails n their mbiles.
    The study by technlgy retailer Pixmania reveals the average UK wrking day is between 9 and 10 hurs, but a further tw hurs is spent respnding t r sending wrk emails, r making wrk calls. Mre than 90 percent f ffice wrkers have email-enabled phnes, with a third accessing them mre than 20 times a day. Almst ne in ten admits spending up t three hurs utside their nrmal wrking day checking wrk emails. Sme wrkers cnfess they are n call almst 24 hurs a day, with nine ut f ten saying they make wrk emails and calls utside their nrmal wrking hurs. The average time fr first checking emails is between 6 am and 7 am, with mre than a third checking their first emails in this perid, and a quarter checking them between 11 pm and midnight.
    Ghadi Hbeika, marketing directr f Pixmania, said, “The ability t access literally millins f apps, keep in cntact via scial netwrks and take phts and vide as well as text and call has made smartphnes invaluable fr many peple. Hwever, there are drawbacks. Many cmpanies expect their emplyees t be n call 24 hurs a day, seven days a week, and smartphnes mean that peple literally cannt get away frm wrk. The mre cnstantly in cntact we becme, the mre is expected f us in a wrk capacity. “
    8.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the text?
    A.The average UK wrking time is between nine and twelve hurs.
    B.Nine-tenths spend ver three hurs checking wrk emails.
    C.One-furth check their first mail between 11 pm and midnight.
    D.The average time fr first checking emails is between 6 am and 8 am.
    9.The underlined wrd “accessing” in the third paragraph can be replaced by “ “.
    10.What can we cnclude frm the text?
    A.Every cin has tw sides
    B.It never rains but purs.
    C.All that glitters is nt gld..
    D.It’s n gd crying ver spilt milk.
    11.What’s the main idea f the text?
    A.Wrkahlics like smartphnes.
    B.Emplyers dn’t like smartphnes.
    C.Smartphnes make ur life easier.
    D.Smartphnes bring abut extra wrk.
    In April 2018, a grup f Canadian scientists flying in a helicpter (直升飞机) discvered smething they didn't expect t see — a huge, unknwn cave with an pening the size f a ftball field.
    The cave was discvered in the nrthern part f Wells Gray Prvincial Park, in a wild, faraway area f Canada's Carib Muntains. The area is hard t get t and even harder t travel thrugh. It is cvered with snw fr much f the year.
    The grup tld Catherine Hicksn, a scientist wh studies rcks, abut the cave. Dr. Hicksn gt a team f researchers tgether t study it. In September, they went fr a clser lk after mst f the snw melted (融化). The cave is ne f the largest in Canada. Nt nly is the pening t the cave larger than a ftball field, the cave is als deep. The team culdn't measure (测量) all the way t the bttm, but they think it may be mre than 180 meters deep. The cave is tens f thusands f years ld. But the rck in the cave is made f used t be at the bttm f an cean (海洋). It is hundreds f millins f years ld.
    A small, but fast river f melting snw leads int the cave n ne side, creating a waterfall near the tp and a river at the bttm. The water cmes ut again a lng way away. The exit (出口) is abut 2.1 kilmeters away and abut l/2 kilmeter lwer dwn.
    The cave will have t wait t get an fficial name. Fr nw, the cave is being called "Sarlacc's Pit "because it lks similar t the hme f the Sarlacc, a persn in the Star Wars mvie Return f the Jedi.
    Fr Dr. Hicksn, there's a lessn t be learned frm the cave. "It shws yu that yu dn't knw everything, "she says." There are things yet t be discvered."
    12.Why did the cave remain unknwn in the past?
    A.It is in a wild muntain area.B.It has been there fr just a few years.
    C.Its pening is t small t be nticed.D.The weather there is cld all year rund.
    13.What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A.The histry f the cave.B.Sme facts abut the cave.
    C.The value f studying the cave.D.The methds f studying the cave.
    14.What des the underlined wrd "It" in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.The snw.B.The river.C.The cean.D.The rck.
    15.The cave's name "Sarlace's Pit" has smething t d with ________.
    A.lcal cultureB.its discverers
    C.the way it lksD.the name f a film star
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。
    Many peple are well aware f the benefits f teaching ur children t lve reading. Less easy t d, hwever, is finding regular time t read with ur children.___16___
    Select a suitable time f day. The mst suitable time f day is ften bedtime but it might nt be suitable fr yu. ___17___If reading a gdnight stry at 8 pm has yu yawning and trying hard t remain awake, perhaps a stry befre dinner, r a stry in the afternn will wrk ut better. Yu need t direct this decisin t make it fit in rather than miss it.
    ___18___Rather than try t g thrugh five chapters f a large bk each night, cut it dwn t tw chapters. Rather than read five strybks, cut it dwn t tw. When the alternative is nthing at all, bks with fewer chapters will be much preferred by yur child.
    Read lud tgether. When yu have mre than ne child, make reading dne tgether. If an lder child wh is able t read finds this “unfair” r “annying”, yu can let him read smething that interests him and read it ut lud t the family. Anther way t engage mre than ne child is t read stries in turn and have each f them listen plitely.___19___
    Praise yur children.___20___When yur children read anything-be it the label ff a cereal packet r a bk, be sure t praise their reading at every chance yu get. Thus, yu are creating a reading culture in yur family, which is an imprtant way f helping children cpe with their feelings and prblems, as well as answering their curisities, and develping their imaginatin.
    A.Read every night.
    B.It ges a lng way.
    C.Break dwn the reading if necessary.
    D.D remember a suitable time fr reading varies amng children.
    E.Here is hw yu fit yurself in regular reading sessins with yur children.
    F.S it is imprtant t take int accunt yur availability thrughut the day.
    G.As a result, they will lve hearing and be in favr f such grup activity.
    第二部分语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    It was a sunny day. A city man was driving alng a cuntry rad with a new wagn(马车)and a beautiful pair f hrses. He didn’t pay a lt f___21___t where he was ging. Pretty sn he___22___that he was lst, but he cntinued t drive, expecting t re-find his way r t___23___smene wh culd tell him hw t get back t the___24___.
    It was a lng___25___rad. Fr many ___26___he kept n driving. When it was almstdark ,he saw in a field a tall___27___plughing(犁地) the land. He stpped his___28___team f hrses near the fence and called ut,“Hell,farmer.”
    “Hell,yurself,”the farmer___29___,still plughing .
    “Where des the hrse g?”he asked withut knwing his language mistakes.
    “I haven’t seen it g anywhere. It___30___stays right where it is,”said the farmer,withutstpping his wrk.
    “Hw far is it t the next twn?” said the city man,speaking a little mre___31___.
    “Dn’t knw. I never ____32____it,” replied the farmer. By this time the city man was getting____33____“What d yu knw?Yu’re the biggest fl I ever saw.”
    Finally stpping, the farmer turned and lked fr a lng time____34____at the city man. Then he said,“Maybe I dn’t knw much.____35____I am a fl. But at least I’m nt lst!”
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Every year, mre than 13 billin plastic bttles are sld in Britain. All f them ____36____ (use) nly nce, and nly half f them are recycled.
    Sme think plastic bttles shuld be banned(明令禁止). ____37____ think they shuld be recycled. Others think a returning plan shuld be brught in t avid the ____38____ (pllute) f rivers and seas. That is t say, peple will get up t 20 pence back every time they return ____39____ bttle. A returning plan fr bttles is already ____40____ (success) in Germany, where 98.5% f plastic bttles are returned.
    ____41____ (lucky), there are already signs that things are changing fr the better. Last year, Selfridges stpped ____42____ (sell) single-use water bttles. Lndn Z annunced that it wuld als ban them. It sld 155,000 plastic bttles f water last year. Nw it will sell nly reusable plastic bttles, ____43____ can be filled by visitrs frm taps. Families visiting beaches this summer are being asked t take part in a plan called “Return T Offender”. The idea is ____44____ (pst) plastic bttles and ther litter they find back t the _____45_____ (cmpany) that made them, using their freepst addresses.
    写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    1. 人物简介;
    2. 喜欢的原因。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好,不计入总词数。
    My favrite pet
    There are many famus pets all ver the wrld.
    第二节(满分25 分)
    Thirty years ag, Cayley was greatly surprised t find that she had a brther. She made up her mind t find him. Since then she refused t leave the hme she grew up in, hping that her brther wuld knck n the dr ne day. Little did Cayley knw that her brther, Nick Rhades, had been lnging t d s, but nly t walk away at the last minute. But thanks t the TV prgramme Lng Lst Family, the pair have enjyed an emtinal reunin.
    Cayley’s mum Jacqueline left the family when her daughter was nly seven t start a new life in America. Cayley was brught up by her grandmther Victria, wh died in 2001, and she clearly remembered first finding ut abut her brther Nick. Cayley was quite angry with the fact that was cvered up. S she was determined t find her brther n matter what difficulties she wuld meet with.
    Many years later, Cayley, her husband, Clin, and their children were still staying in the huse where she grew up because she always had hpe that ne day her brther wuld knck n the dr. Her husband Clin was very understanding and even thugh they had tw ther huses t mve t, they stayed in the same huse. She never gave up hpe.
    Meanwhile, when Nick knew he was adpted, he did ask his parents questins and they tld him everything they knew. His adptive parents were s lving and his mum had adpted hundreds f children. Nick had been ne f thse lucky kids. He had lived a really very happy childhd. Sadly, when Nick was 18 his adptive mum died f cancer. After several years, his adptive father als died. Nick was extremely sad during that perid f time. Once again, he became a pr rphan withut parents, which led him t make the decisin t find his birth mum Jacqueline.
    Nick had been given his birth certificate (出生证) by his adptive parents with an address n it.
    Nick and his wife Sandra decided t find his mther’s huse.
    Thankfully, Nick’s sister Cayley and Nick’s wife Sandra bth turned t Lng Lst Family fr help.
    1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.E 17.F 18.C 19.G 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.A
    31.C 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.D
    36.are used 37.Sme 38.pllutin 39.a 40.successful 41.Luckily 42.selling
    43.which 44.t pst 45.cmpanies
    46.One pssible versin:
    My favrite pet
    There are many famus pets all ver the wrld. My favrite pet is Du Fu, ne f the greatest Chinese pets.
    Knwn as "the Sage f Petry", Du Fu wrte with a realistic style and gave a vivid accunt f what was happening in his age. Mre imprtantly, Du Fu shwed great cncern ver pr peple's lives. Many f his pems reflected the great gap between the rich and the pr, and the effects f war n the peple.
    Du Fu's pems reflect realities and pay attentin t cmmn peple's lives. That is why I like Du Fu mst.
    47. Nick and his wife Sandra decided t find his mther’s huse. It felt s strange that Nick knew it was exactly the huse when they were appraching it. He had a feeling that he had been living here lng lng time ag. He was eager t knck at the dr, but he stpped all f a sudden. His cncern was that he might interrupt his mther. He didn’t want t g int the huse directly and tld her they were her sn and daughter-in-law.
    Thankfully, Nick’s sister Cayley and Nick’s wife Sandra bth turned t Lng Lst Family fr help. Cayley wanted t find her little brther, and Sandra wanted t help her husband find abut his mum. Cayley was asked lts f persnal questins. She burst int tears when she knew they were abut her brther. When they finally met, Nick knew it was exactly his sister. They were s alike, even their gestures r ways f speaking were the same. A mnth later, Nick was reunited with his mum, wh flew back frm America. They are always meeting up frm then n.

    湖南省株洲市天元区名校2022-2023学年高二上学期12月月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖南省株洲市天元区名校2022-2023学年高二上学期12月月考英语试卷(含答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省株洲市天元区名校2023届高三上学期12月月考(A)英语试卷: 这是一份湖南省株洲市天元区名校2023届高三上学期12月月考(A)英语试卷,共13页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 37,5 分,满分 15 分), 首段已给出,不计入总词数等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省株洲市天元区2022-2023学年高一英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省株洲市天元区2022-2023学年高一英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 37,5 分,满分 15 分),关于住宿的问题等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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