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    1. Why did the wman stp playing the pian?
    A. She didn’t really enjy it. B. She wasn’t very gd at it. C. She didn’t have enugh time.
    2. What des the wman mean?
    A. She is full. B. She wants sme cake. C. She desn’t like the meal.
    3. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Dctr and patient. C. Husband and wife.
    4. What time is it?
    A. 9:30 a. m. B. 10:00 a. m. C. 10:30 a. m.
    5. Hw will the wman prbably g t the airprt?
    A. By taxi. B. By train. C. By bus.
    6. When was the man called?
    A. Tday. B. Yesterday. C. Tw days ag.
    7. What is wrng with the man’s mther?
    A. She is ill. B. She is dead. C. She is injured.
    8. What is the man mainly cncerned abut?
    A. The green space. B. The number f hmes. C. The suburb develpment.
    9. What des the wman say the area was like?
    A. It was dirty. B. It was crwded. C. It was dangerus.
    10. What are the speakers watching?
    A. A mvie. B. A stage perfrmance. C. A TV shw.
    11. What is the man’s jb?
    A. A ck. B. A salesman. C. A musician.
    12. What is the wman trying t d?
    A. Infrm the man. B. Encurage the man. C. Cnsult the man.
    13. Why has the picnic been cancelled?
    A. It has been raining. B. The man has anther plan. C. The wman dislikes picnics.
    14. What did the man d just nw?
    A. He watched a game. B. He played sccer. C. He did an experiment.
    15. Hw des the wman prbably feel abut the exhibitin?
    A. Uninterested. B. Disappinted C. Excited.
    16. Which f the fllwing are shwn in the exhibitin?
    A. Jewelries. B. Oil paintings. C. Sculptures.
    17. What is the talk mainly abut?
    A. A lecture n success. B. A graduatin ceremny. C. A schl award ceremny.
    18. What kind f schl is it?
    A. A girls’ schl. B. A bys’ schl. C. A mixed schl.
    19. Wh is quted in the talk?
    A. A sprtsman. B. A teacher. C. A singer.
    20. What des the speaker say is the mst imprtant?
    A. Cnfidence. B. Success. C. Trying.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The Best Caves in The Wrld
    Hang Sn Dng, Vietnam
    Natural caves dn’t cme much larger than Hang Sn Dng, clse t the brder between Las and Vietnam. This cave pssesses the largest crss-sectin f any knwn cave n the planet, a vast area that is difficult t describe. Suppsedly, a Being 747 culd fly thrugh withut damaging its wings, but that desn’t really d justice t the vastness f Hang Sn Dng. The stalactites (钟乳石) here are pretty massive t, with sme reaching up t 80 metres.
    Waitm Caves, New Zealand
    Glwwrms (萤火虫) are there, as far as the eye can see. Okay, nt literally, but the Waitm Cave system n New Zealand’s Nrth Island is best-knwn fr the flurescent fauna that light up the walls, giving it the nt-particularly-creative but cmpletely acceptable “Glwwrm Caves” nickname. They are mre accessible than ther caves n this list, with rafting and adventure turs available t thse lking fr smething a little mre thrilling.
    Mammth Cave, the USA
    If yu have certain expectatins frm smewhere called “Mammth Cave”, that is entirely understandable. Mammth Cave in Kentucky is the wrld’s lngest knwn cave system, an incredible 420 miles f undergrund wnder. That’s twice as lng as the next lngest, by the way, althugh it isn’t unusual fr the USA t g all ut n such things.
    Reed Flute Cave, China
    Named after the reeds that grw utside, which are used t make flutes, bviusly, the Reed Flute Cave’s walls are cvered with inscriptins frm centuries gne by—if evidence was needed that peple have been paying attentin t this place fr a lng ld time. The inside part f the cave is als lit up by multiclured lights, giving it a real therwrldly theme that adds weight t the nickname.
    21. What is special abut Hang Sn Dng?
    A. It was nce a base f a factry. B. It is the deepest cave in the wrld.
    C. It has the highest stalactites in the wrld. D. It wns the largest crss-sectin in the wrld.
    22. Which f the fllwing can be much easier t enter?
    A. Hang Sn Dng. B. Waitm Caves.
    C. Mammth Cave. D. Reed Flute Cave.
    23. Which cuntry prbably has the lngest cave system in the wrld?
    A. Vietnam. B. New Zealand. C. The USA. D. China.
    Raised in a fatherless hme, my father was extremely tightfisted twards us children. His attitude didn’t sften as I grew int adulthd and drifted away t cllege. I had t ride the bus whenever I came hme. Thugh the bus stpped abut tw miles frm hme, Dad never met me, even in cld weather. If I grumbled (嘟囔), he’d say in his ludest father vice, “That’s what yur legs are fr!”
    The walk didn’t bther me as much as the fear f walking alne alng the highway and cuntry rads. I als felt less than valued that my father didn’t seem cncerned abut my safety. That feeling was canceled ne spring evening.
    It had been a particularly difficult week at cllege after lng hurs in labs. I lnged fr hme. When the bus reached a stp, I stepped ff and dragged my suitcase t begin the lng jurney hme.
    A rw f hedge (篱笆) edged the driveway that climbed the hill t ur huse. Once I had turned ff the highway t start the last lap f my jurney, I was always relieved t see the hedge because it meant that I was almst hme. On that particular evening, the hedge had just cme int view when I saw smething gray mving alng the tp f the hedge, mving tward the huse. Upn clser bservatin, I realized it was the tp f my father’s head. Then I knew, each time I’d cme hme, he had std behind the hedge, watching, until he knew I had arrived safely. I swallwed hard against the threatening tears. He did care, after all.
    On later visits, that spt f gray became my watchtwer. I culd hardly wait until I was clse enugh t watch fr its secret mvement abve the greenery. Upn reaching hme, I wuld find my father sitting inncently in his chair. “S! My sn, it’s yu!” he’d say, his face lengthening int pretended surprise.
    I replied, “Yes, Dad, it’s me. I’m hme.”
    24. What did the authr think f the tw-mile walk hme?
    A. It reflected his value. B. It was the mst trublesme.
    C. It wasn’t ranked number ne in his cncerns. D. It was extremely unbearable in cld weathers.
    25. Hw did the authr feel when he saw the hedge?
    A. Disappinted. B. Hpeful. C. Frustrated. D. Regretful.
    26. Why did the authr’s father watch behind the hedge?
    A. The authr ften changed rutes back hme. B. He wanted t help the authr build up curage.
    C. He was really cncerned abut his sn’s safety. D. That was the nly way he culd express his lve.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Father’s Secret. B. My Childhd Life. C. Terrible Jurney Hme. D. Riding Bus Alne.
    D yu have a brain fr math? New research indicates that levels f tw key neurtransmitters (脑神经传递素) — glutamate (谷氨酸) and gamma-aminbutyric acid (GABA)can predict mathematical abilities, suggesting brain chemistry may be playing a rle in thse wh find math easy.
    The new study, published in the jurnal PLOS Bilgy, recruited 255 subjects extending a range f six-year lds in primary schl t university students. The research fcused n glutamate and GABA, knwn t play a rle in brain plasticity (可塑性) and learning. Based n prir research, the fcus was n tw brain regins linked with mathematical abilities — the left intraparietal sulcus (IPS顶叶内沟) and the left middle frntal gyrus (MFG 脑额中回).
    The results were interestingly different. In the yungest subjects high GABA levels and lw glutamate levels in the left IPS were cnsistently assciated with high math skills. But in the lder university grup the exact ppsite was seen: lw GABA and high glutamate were linked with strng mathematical abilities. Levels f bth neurtransmitters in the MFG did nt assciate with math skills.
    The grup was tested twice ver 18 mnths, allwing the researchers t see if these neurtransmitter levels culd predict mathematical ability int the future. And it wrked, with neurtransmitter levels effectively predicting ne’s success n math tests cmpleted a year and a half later.
    Anther recent study frm the same research team lked specifically at GABA levels in MFG f 14 t 18 year lds. That research indicated MFG GABA levels culd effectively predict whether a student was still studying maths r had ceased that subject years prir.
    Chen Kadsh, ne f the researchers wrking n the study, says this may indicate math educatin can help stimulate the develpment f key brain regins. Further research will wrk n whether certain learning interventins can help thse children less interested in math s these brain regins still get the develpmental wrkut they need.
    “Nt every adlescent enjys maths s we need t investigate pssible alternatives, such as training in lgic and reasning that engage the same brain area as maths.” says Chen Kadsh.
    28. What is the new study aimed at?
    A. Explring mental develpment f the subjects. B. Finding the tie between brain chemistry and math.
    C. Testing the link between brain regins. D. Revealing the structure f brain.
    29. What can be learned frm the findings?
    A. The levels f GABA decide ne’s math skills. B. Lw MFG glutamate means pr math ability.
    C. Neurtransmitters in the MFG affect math skills. D. Math educatin may help with brain develpment.
    30. What can better math educatin accrding t Chen Kadsh?
    A. Studying mre pssible ptins. B. Tracing slw learners’ early learning.
    C. Training math learners respectively. D. Develping key relevant brain areas.
    31. What can be the best title f the text?
    A. Factrs Affecting Math Skills B. Ways t Prmte Math Educatin
    C. Brain Activities Invlved in Math Study D. Math Ability Predicted by Neurtransmitters
    Philsphers have a bad reputatin fr expressing themselves in a dry and bring way. The ideals fr mst philsphical writing are precisin, clarity, and the srt f cnceptual analysis that leaves n hair un-split.
    There is nthing wrng with clarity, precisin, and the like — but this isn’t the nly way t d philsphy. Outside academic jurnals, abstract philsphical ideas are ften expressed thrugh literature, cinema, and sng. There’s nthing that grabs attentin like a gd stry, and there are sme great philsphical stries that delight and engage, rather than putting the reader t sleep.
    One f the great things abut this is that, unlike frmal philsphy, which tries t be very clear, stries dn’t wear their meanings n their sleeve — they require interpretatin, and ften express cnflicting ideas fr the reader t wrestle with.
    Cnsider what philsphers call the metaphysics (形而上学) f race — an area f philsphy that explrers the questin f whether r nt race is real. There are three main psitins that yu can take n these questins. Yu might think that a persn’s race is written in their genes (a psitin knwn as “bilgical realism”). Or yu might think f race as scially real, like days f the week r currencies (“scial cnstructinism”). Finally, yu might think that races are unreal — that they’re mre like leprechauns (一种魔法精灵) than they are like Thursdays r dllars (“anti-realism”).
    A great example f a stry with scial cnstructinist taking n race is Gerge Schuyler’s nvel Black N Mre. In the bk, a Black scientist named Crkman invents a prcedure that makes Black peple visually indistinguishable frm Whites. Thusands f African Americans flck t Crkman’s Black N Mre clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash t underg the prcedure. White racists can n lnger distinguish thse peple wh are “really” White frm thse wh merely appear t be White. In a final episde, Crkman discvers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade f pale than thse wh were brn that way, which kicks ff a trend f sunbathing t darken ne’s skin-darkening it s as t lk mre While.
    Philsphically rich stries like this bring mre technical wrks t life. They are stries t think with.
    32. What des the authr think f philsphical stries?
    A. The meaning behind is very bvius. B. They am extremely precise and frmal.
    C. They ften cause cnflicts amng readers. D. They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
    33. Which categry might “Christmas” fall int accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. Scial cnstructinism. B. Anti-realism. C. Bilgical realism. D. Literary realism.
    34. What is Black N Mre in paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. Racial issues caused by skin clrs. B. A sciety view n race and self-image.
    C. Black peple accepted by the white sciety. D. The rigin f sun bathing amng white peple.
    35. What is the best title f the text?
    A. Stries Made Easy B. Stries t Think with C. Psitins in Philsphy D. Nature f Philsphical Writing
    Self-esteem is the ruling view yu have f yurself. This includes yur beliefs abut yur inner qualities and hw yu think thers see yu. 36 Smene can develp lw self-esteem even when they are highly functinal and greatly skilled. Understanding this mysterius emtinal currency might be the key t unlcking yur wn self-wrth.
    Peple with healthy self-esteem dn’t need t bast abut themselves t thers. Peple with lw self-esteem may tell yu hw much everyne lves them, what a great jb they d at wrk, and hw amazing they are at pretty everything under the sun even thugh they really wnder if it’s true. Peple may see them as bnxius r “full f themselves”. 37 They are nt shy abut sharing ideas, including cnstructive criticisms f thers. They als take care f themselves withut secnd-guessing r aplgizing. They are the peple wh we say seem “sure f themselves”.
    If yu’re starting t think yu may have lw self-esteem, yu can wrk n the way yu talk t yurself. When yu turn ff negative self-talk, yu can pen the flr t psitive reinfrcements and access the curage t shw different sides f yurself. It isn’t ging t feel gd at first, thugh. Keep ging until it becmes less and less and maybe even a few awkward laughs in the mirrr may help. 38
    Hwever, in serius cases f lw r even nn-existent self-esteem, yu may want t call in a prfessinal r a specialist. Gd mental health is imprtant, and prfessinals ding psychtherapy d nt pass judgement r give crrectins. 39 It is the best way t get at the rts f yur real self-esteem prblems.
    40 It will take sme wrk but yur entire life — frm yur relatinships t yur bdy image t yur wrk habits — will be tuched with the kind f pwer that nly cmes frm smene believing in themselves. This is the hardest part, and the greatest leap. With sme changes and supprt, yu can imprve yur self-esteem and see hw everything else changes as a result.
    A. Self-esteem is nt always rted in reality, thugh.
    B. Yu have the pwer t shape a new self-perceptin.
    C. This encurages yu t speak penly withut wrry.
    D. The real test f character is whether they can learn frm their mistakes.
    E. Self-esteem refers t a persn's verall sense f his r her value r wrth.
    F. Peple with a healthy level f self-esteem present themselves with a casual cnfidence.
    G. With sme practice and persistence, yu will win this internal struggle t see yur self-wrth.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    I entered this wrld with Pland syndrme, a disease that prevented the frmatin f my right arm and muscles. My parents believed playing with Leg culd enhance my 41 and gifted me my first kit when I was five. Initially I 42 t piece the the cmpnents tgether but finally I crafted my first Leg wrk – a car. By the age f nine, I had 43 my first prsthetic arm (义肢) using Leg- a simple bx that perfectly accmmdated my right arm.
    This early creatin sparked my drive fr further 44 . Years later, I develped anther prsthetic arm called the MK-1, which had fingers, a mtr, a pressure sensr, and a grabber capable f 45 things. Befre cnstructing it, I was against traditinal prsthetics as they were t 46 . My parents had lked int getting ne years earlier, nly t be discuraged by the prhibitive price. S, I cncluded that I might nt need ne because I was managing well withut.
    As the years passed, my 47 evlved frm MK-1 t the mre advanced and cmfrtable MK-V. One day, a cuple with their eight-year-ld sn, wh lst bth 48 in an accident, reached ut t me after learning abut my stry. Shrt f mney, they culdn’t affrd well-functining prsthetics. “Daniel,” the father 49 asked, “we were wndering if yu culd help build a set f prsthetics fr ur sn.”
    It wuld be a 50 task, but I respnded with a “yes”. Withut any delay, I 51 the task. The subsequent days witnessed hw I carefully selected the Leg piece and intricately integrated practical cmpnents t enhance its dexterity (灵巧). Days 52 int weeks, and the by-custmized prsthetics finally tk shape. It’s time fr them t fulfill their intended purpse.
    I rushed t the by’s hme and 53 the prsthetics nt him. They wrked! The rm erupted with cheers! The by expressed his gratitude and sprinted t his parents t 54 them in the biggest hug. Never had I imagined that my creatins, brn ut f mere 55 , wuld smeday make such a difference.
    41. A. stability B. mbility C. flexibility D. reliability
    42. A. learned B. attempted C. managed D. struggled
    43. A. equipped B. fashined C. decrated D. upgraded
    44. A. effrt B. investment C. applicatin D. explratin
    45. A. picking up B. setting up C. pulling up D. rlling up
    46. A. unstable B. expensive C. incnvenient D. clumsy
    47. A. passins B. creatins C. thughts D. inspiratins
    48. A. arms B. legs C. hands D. fingers
    49. A. gratefully B. desperately C. hurriedly D. earnestly
    50. A. frustrating B. prmising C. challenging D. embarrassing
    51. A. embarked n B. set ff C. figured ut D. tk n
    52. A. grew B. fllwed C. turned D. develped
    53. A. secured B. placed C. guaranteed D. stuck
    54. A. encunter B. engrave C. engage D. envelp
    55. A. awe B. dedicatin C. fun D. bredm
    The English wrd “garden” gives an entirely wrng idea f the Chinese yuan, fr “garden” suggests a lawn and a wide 56 (vary) f flwers, altgether t frmal and tidy t suit Chinese taste. The Chinese yuan suggests first f all a wild landscape, perhaps better arranged and mre artistically 57 (plan) than nature, but still a bit f nature itself, with trees, creeks, and flwers. Dtted in this natural landscape are the human structures like pavilins and lng winding crridrs, s 58 (perfect) belnging t the scenery as t becme a whle with it. The Chinese garden 59 (characterize) by studied disrderliness. There are n even-cut bushes r symmetric (对称的) rws lining avenues.
    N Chinese huse allws an utsider 60 (lk) thrugh the irn gates, fr that wuld be against the principle f cncealment (隐蔽). Facing the gate, we see a small curtyard giving n idea f the expansiveness f space inside, and leading ne step by step int newer views, in 61 cntinual series f surprises and astnishments. 62 wden framewrk supprting mst f the weight f the huse, windws, drs and walls are nt limited t certain lcatins. The essential idea f interir (室内的) decratin is the beauty f simplicity. Hme designs are nt smething 63 (impress) we buy frm a first-class firm. 64 tells a hme frm a public building is the persnal tuch that we give it. It is nly when the spirit f leisure and lving care exists 65 living at hme can becme an art and a pleasure.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你的朋友Gabriel将作为交换生到你的学校进行访问,请你给 Gabriel 写一封邮件表示欢迎,并邀请他参加校庆活动,内容包括:(1)表示欢迎;(2)发出邀请。
    注意:(1)写作词数应为 80 个左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Dear Gabriel,
    I am delighted t hear that yu will be visiting ur schl as an exchange student.

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    Matthew kept staring at the clck n the classrm wall, the slwly mving secnd hand seemed t mck his anxiety. He was eager fr the physics class t end s that he culd make it n time t his painting hbby grup. When the bell finally rang, Matthew blted ut f the classrm like a wild hrse freed frm its reins, grabbing his backpack. As he runded the crner f the hallway, he accidentally cllided with a classmate, scattering his canvas and paints all ver the flr. The jumbled paint bxes burst pen, mixing the clrs int a bizarre patchwrk. He quickly aplgized, picking up everything while starting t run again, leaving a trail f clrful ftprints n the flr.
    After the painting hbby grup sessin ended, Matthew hurriedly jined the ther members f the schl band. They had an imprtant perfrmance that day. As expected, Matthew was late again, his bdy cvered in dried clrful paints and sweating prfusely. He walked briskly int the backstage, changed int the band’s unifrm, but the paint stains were still faintly visible. Unfrtunately, Matthew had nt prepared his sheet music, s he appeared distracted during the perfrmance, ften hitting wrng chrds and unable t keep up with the rhythm, disappinting the team. Eventually, after a lng day at schl, Matthew returned hme exhausted.
    In his bedrm, Matthew sat at his desk, heaving a heavy sigh as he lked at the desk strewn with study bks and sheet music. He needed t prepare fr the upcming exams, but he culd hardly keep his eyes pen. The next thing he remembered was his mther waking him up. He had fallen asleep with his head buried in the desk. As he sat up, his mther gently remved a sheet f music stuck t his cheek. She lked at her sn lvingly, smthing his messy hair.
    “S,” she began, “hw was schl tday?”
    Matthew nervusly lked at her, taking a deep breath. “Hnestly, nt t gd,” he admitted sheepishly. “I culdn’t fcus in class, I bumped int a classmate, and I let the band dwn. It culdn’t get any wrse, right?”
    “Well,” Matthew’s mther said gently yet seriusly, “I think yu’re taking n t much.”
    That night, befre ging t bed, Matthew realized that things culdn’t g n like this.
    The next day, Matthew set abut making changes t his busy schedule.
    After Matthew put his new schedule int practice, things began t imprve.
    3. 山东省齐鲁名师联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期开学第一次诊断考试英语试题参考答案
    1-5. CABCA 6-10. BCAAB 11-15. CBABC 16-20.ACBAC
    21-23.DBC 24-27.CBCA 28-31.BDDD 32-35.DABB 36-40.AFGCB
    41-45.CDBDA 46-50.BBADC 51-55.ACADC
    56.variety 57.planned 58.perfectly 59.is characterized 60.t lk 61.a 62.With 63.impressive 64.What 65.that
    写作 第一节
    One Pssible Versin:
    Dear Gabriel,
    I am delighted t hear that yu will be visiting ur schl as an exchange student.
    I wuld like t extend a warm welcme t yu and invite yu t jin us in celebrating ur schl’s anniversary next mnth. The schl anniversary is a significant event fr us, filled with varius activities such as perfrmances, sprts cmpetitins, and cultural exhibitins. It will be a great pprtunity fr yu t experience ur schl spirit and get t knw mre abut ur traditins and culture.
    I lk frward t meeting yu sn and shwing yu arund ur campus. If yu have any questins r need any assistance befre yur arrival, please feel free t reach ut t me.
    Li Hua
    写作 第二节
    One Pssible Versin:
    The next day, Matthew set abut making changes t his busy schedule. He knew he had t priritize his activities t manage his time better. First, he decided t cut back n the number f days he attended the painting hbby grup, limiting it t twice a week instead f daily. He als talked t his band leader abut the pssibility f scheduling extra practice sessins nly n weekends. This wuld give him mre time during weekdays t fcus n his studies and prepare fr exams. Additinally, Matthew began t wake up an hur earlier each day t review his schlwrk in the quiet mrning hurs, hping this wuld help him stay n tp f his academic respnsibilities.
    After Matthew put his new schedule int practice, things began t imprve. With a mre manageable rutine, he fund it easier t cncentrate in class and keep up with his hmewrk. The reduced frequency f his painting sessins allwed him t enjy the hbby withut feeling rushed, and his artwrk even shwed signs f imprvement due t the extra care and attentin he culd nw affrd t give. At band practice, his perfrmance steadily gt better as he was n lnger distracted r exhausted. The balance he struck between his cmmitments left him with a sense f accmplishment rather than stress. Matthew’s newfund rganizatin skills gave him the cnfidence t tackle each day with renewed energy and enthusiasm, prving that smetimes, less truly is mre.
    Text 1
    M: I just lve the pian. There’s an endless variety f music that can be played n it.
    W: I really enjy it t. I used t be really gd at pian actually. But I stpped playing in high schl because I was s busy.
    Text 2
    M: Can I ffer yu anther piece f cake?
    W: Thank yu. If I had it, I wuld burst. It’s nice f yu t prepare this meal fr me.
    M: Great. As lng as yu enjyed it.
    Text 3
    W: S, tell me sir, when did yu first ntice the prblem with yur leg? I will examine it later.
    M: I was at a restaurant with my wife and friends abut three weeks ag. I suddenly felt a sharp pain.
    Text 4
    W: Gerge, where have yu been? Yu said nine ’clck. I’ve been waiting here fr an hur and a half since then.
    M: I’m really srry, Jenny. I set ff at eight this mrning, and wuld yu believe I’ve been stuck in traffic?
    Text 5
    W: D yu knw if the last bus has gne?
    M: I'm afraid it left a cuple f minutes ag.
    W: Oh n! D yu knw where I can get a taxi t the airprt?
    M: Yu can g t the Red Star Square near the railway statin. There are usually a few taxis there.
    Text 6
    M: I came as sn as I culd.
    W: Did Carline call yu just nw?
    M: N, it was last night, but I didn’t have the car. I'm srry I wasn’t here t help.
    W: It’s OK. Yu missed the drama, but she’s OK nw. She’s just a little shaky.
    M: Pr Mm. I thught she wuld be dead, the way Carline explained it t me.
    W: Oh n, she’s tugh. She didn’t even break any bnes. Just a few marks.
    M: Where did she fall?
    W: The carpet n the stairs was lse and she went head first.
    M: Ww. She had a lucky escape.
    Text 7
    W: What d yu think f the develpment?
    M: Yu’re creating a whle new cmmunity.
    W: We certainly are —400 hmes, 40 shps and tw schls.
    M: Dn’t yu wrry that yu’re taking mre green space away frm the city?
    W: Lk, Mr. Sharples, yu must understand that this city needs mre affrdable husing.
    M: But surely we have t cnsider the envirnment as well. Will yu be living here r will yu be in a suburb where yu can see trees everywhere?
    W: I’d gladly live in ne f these hmes. In fact, I’ll let yu int a secret. I grew up in this area.
    M: Really? I didn’t knw that.
    W: Oh yes, and it wasn’t the perfect place yu imagine. It was safe and nt s crwded, but there was rubbish and dirt everywhere.
    Text 8
    W: What’s the matter?
    M: That’s it. I give up.
    W: What d yu mean?
    M: This guy is amazing. I've never seen anybdy play the guitar n stage like that in persn. I might as well stp trying.
    W: But yu’re gd as well.
    M: I’m nt in the same league as him. It’s time that I changed my prfessin and started selling insurance r cking peple’s dinners.
    W: Dn’t be silly. Just use him as inspiratin. Be the best yu can be. Lts f peple like yur music and I d.
    M: Thank yu fr yur faith.
    W: Remember, the man wh we're watching nce culdn’t play the guitar at all. He had t learn and practice t get t this level.
    M: I bet he practiced every day f his life.
    W: Have cnfidence in yur ability, and enjy the shw.
    Text 9
    M: I hate t tell yu this, but the picnic has been cancelled.
    W: Because f the rain?
    M: Yes.
    W: Did yu still play yur sccer game?
    M: Oh sure, we finished it ten minutes ag. It was hard playing in the mud. Everyne was slipping and falling.
    W: Yu’re crazy. Um, my lab experiment has als been cancelled, s I dn’t have much t d tnight.
    M: Yu knw, my rmmate is an art majr. He’s always telling me abut the Minneaplis Institute f Art. It’s nt far frm here, and it’s free. I hear they even have a number f things frm China.
    W: Really? I can’t believe it!
    M: It’s even mre than that. There’s even a separate hall fr Chinese cllectins.
    W: I wnder what kinds f Chinese cllectins are shwn there.
    M: My rmmate says there are many interesting things like Chinese water paintings, handcrafts, jewelries, and ther fascinating stuff. We can g there and lk arund fr a while, and yu can tell me all abut them.
    W: That’s great! Let’s g.
    Text 10
    Gd evening, gentlemen and bys! Thank yu fr being here this evening. We’re here t cngratulate the tp achievers f this year. The bys here have wrked hard in rder t be a part f this ceremny. Recgnitin f achievement can make us push urselves and reach ur full ptential. The prizewinners are a true representatin f everything that we value here at Hamptn Schl. I have every cnfidence that yu yung men will be precisely the kind f yung peple wh will make a psitive difference t the cuntry and the wrld. Yur success will be built n being true t yurself. Yu shuld recgnize yur prblems and dubts as well as yur psitive qualities. I remember listening t an interview with Andy Murray, ne f the tp tennis players in the wrld. After he was defeated in the first rund f a turnament by a much lwer ranked player, the media went crazy. Hwever, Murray was straightfrward and wise. “Nbdy died here,” he said, “I nly lst a tennis match, nthing mre.” We are prud f ur prizewinners tday. They shuld be prud f themselves. But let’s be clear, if yu link mtivatin t winning prizes in life, yu set yurself up fr disappintment. The greatest prize f all is that yu can lk yurself in the eye and say, “I tried my abslute best.”

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