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    The Essence f Cantnese Mrning Tea: A Jurney Thrugh Guangzhu's Tea Huses
    Welcme t Guangzhu, the heart f the Cantnese culinary wrld. Experience the city's vibrant culture thrugh the lens f its traditinal mrning tea, a ritual that is as much abut the cmmunity as it is abut the cuisine. Savr the flavrs f Guangzhu as yu indulge in the leisurely pace f a mrning spent in ne f its renwned tea huses.
    Why Guangzhu's Tea Huses
    Guangzhu's tea huses have been an integral part f the city's scial fabric fr centuries. They are nt just places t enjy tea but als t savr the art f dim sum, a Cantnese culinary traditin that ffers a variety f small, delicate dishes. With a rich histry and a cmmitment t preserving the essence f Cantnese culture, these tea huses prvide an authentic experience that is bth ecnmical and deeply rted in traditin.
    Selectin f Dim Sum
    Just as MacBike ffers a wide variety f bicycles, Guangzhu's tea huses present a diverse array f dim sum ptins, each with its unique flavrs and textures. Frm the steamed delicacies such as har gw (shrimp dumplings) t the fried treasures like spring rlls, and the sweet endings with desserts like mang pudding, there is smething t delight every palate.
    While the prices fr dim sum can vary, a typical cst fr a memrable mrning tea experience might include:
    •A selectin f steamed dim sum: ¥30.00
    •A selectin f fried dim sum: ¥25.00
    •A pt f premium tea: ¥15.00
    Each additinal pt f tea r rund f dim sum is typically charged at a reasnable rate, ensuring that the experience remains accessible t all.
    Cultural Experience Turs Fr thse seeking a deeper understanding f Guangzhu's culinary heritage, cultural experience turs are available. These turs, lasting apprximately 2.5 hurs, take yu thrugh the bustling markets, histric tea huses, and even t the kitchens where master chefs demnstrate the art f dim sum making. The tur begins at the icnic Shamian Island, rich with clnial architecture and a starting pint that sets the tne fr a jurney thrugh Guangzhu's past and present. Tickets can be purchased at participating tea huses r reserved in advance nline.
    What is a distinctive feature f Guangzhu's tea huses?
    A. They ffer discunts fr children.
    B. They prvide a wide array f dim sum ptins.
    C. They rganize cmplimentary cultural turs.
    D. They have a histrical presence f ver 2,500 years.
    Hw much wuld yu estimate fr a tw-day explratin f Guangzhu's tea huses, including dim sum and tea?
    A. ¥60.00
    B. ¥90.00
    C. ¥120.00
    D. ¥150.00
    Where des the cultural experience tur f Guangzhu's culinary heritage typically start?
    A. At a histric tea huse.
    B. At the bustling markets.
    C. At the Shamian Island.
    D. At the chef's kitchen.
    As a child f a Chinese mther and a British father, yung Lily had always been fascinated by the rich tapestry f her dual heritage. Hwever, it wasn't until her first visit t China that she truly began t appreciate the depth f Chinese culture. One particular experience std ut: her first encunter with the art f Chinese tea.
    Lily had grwn up with the arma f tea wafting thrugh her hme, a legacy f her mther's Chinese rts. Yet, it was in the ancient teahuses f Hangzhu that she discvered the sul f Chinese tea culture. There, amidst the gentle rustle f bamb and the sft murmur f cnversatin, she bserved the ritualistic preparatin f tea, a prcess as natural as the flw f the streams she had nce explred in the English cuntryside.
    Her mther, a cnnisseur f Chinese teas, intrduced Lily t the subtleties f tasting. Why d certain leaves unfurl t reveal hidden flavrs? Which infusins can evke the essence f a muntain mist r a summer breeze? With each sip, Lily felt a cnnectin t her ancestral hme, a bnd that transcended language and traditin.
    The jurney f tea frm leaf t cup became a metaphr fr Lily's wn jurney f self-discvery. She decided t embark n a quest t understand the art f tea, t learn hw the Chinese have cultivated and cherished this ancient beverage fr centuries. She wuld later refer t this pursuit as her "cultural ec-jurney."
    The task Lily set fr herself was t immerse herself in the tea culture, t experience firsthand the prcess frm tea picking t brewing. First, she visited the lush tea gardens f Lngjing, where she learned abut the meticulus care required fr each leaf. Then she traveled t the wrkshps where artisans crafted the tea, each step a testament t the harmny between human skill and natural bunty.
    She was captivated by the results. The tea she tasted was nt just a drink; it was a stry, a histry, and a traditin that had been passed dwn thrugh generatins. Within mments, the flavrs unflded n her palate, a testament t the purity and wisdm f Chinese tea culture.
    Over time, Lily has delved deeper int the wrld f tea. She has explred the tea ceremnies f varius regins, each with its unique custms and significance. She als discvered the therapeutic prperties f tea, hw it has been used in traditinal Chinese medicine t prmte health and well-being.
    "Cultural immersin" is what Lily calls her apprach t understanding her heritage. "The wrld is a treasure trve f experiences fr the curius," she says. "Yu immerse yurself in new cultures and bserve the traditins. Then yu let these new insights shape yur wn understanding f the wrld."
    What can we learn abut Lily frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She was curius abut her dual heritage.
    B. She preferred the British lifestyle.
    C. She had a deep interest in tea.
    D. She lnged t visit China.
    Why did Lily visit the tea gardens and wrkshps?
    A. T learn abut the tea-making prcess.
    B. T find the perfect cup f tea.
    C. T understand the cultural significance f tea.
    D. T test her knwledge f Chinese tea.
    What is the authr's purpse in mentining Lngjing?
    A. T review Lily's cultural jurney.
    B. T shw an applicatin f Lily's interest in tea.
    C. T cmpare different tea regins in China.
    D. T dispel dubts abut the quality f Chinese tea.
    What is the basis fr Lily's cultural explratin?
    A. The desire t cnnect with her Chinese rts.
    B. The belief in the therapeutic prperties f tea.
    C. The fascinatin with the art f tea preparatin.
    D. The curisity abut the cultural significance f tea.
    The gal f this bk is t make the case fr Chinese fashin minimalism, including a detailed explratin f what it entails and why it resnates, and then t guide yu n hw t adpt this aesthetic if yu decide it's the right path fr yu.
    T achieve this, I have divided the bk int tw parts. In part ne, I delve int the philsphical underpinnings f Chinese fashin minimalism, beginning with an examinatin f the cultural frces that have shaped the traditinal Chinese sartrial experience, befre mving n t a detailed discussin f the principles f Chinese fashin minimalism.
    Part ne culminates with an intrductin t my recmmended apprach fr embracing this aesthetic: the sartrial declutter. This prcess invlves stepping away frm nn-essential fashin chices fr a set perid. At the end f this perid, yu will reintrduce a select few clthing items and accessries that yu believe will significantly enhance yur persnal style and cultural identity.
    In the final chapter f part ne, I will guide yu thrugh cnducting yur wn sartrial declutter. I will draw n an experiment I cnducted in 2018, where ver 1,600 individuals participated in a cultural wardrbe cleanse. Yu will hear their stries, learn which strategies were effective, and be warned f the pitfalls t avid.
    The secnd part f this bk takes a deeper lk at cncepts that will help yu cultivate a sustainable minimalist Chinese fashin lifestyle. In these chapters, I explre the significance f traditinal craftsmanship and the imprtance f nurturing high-quality cultural experiences t replace the time ften spent n superficial fashin trends. Each chapter cncludes with a set f practices designed t help yu implement the chapter's key ideas. Cnsider these practices as a tlkit t assist yu in cnstructing a minimalist wardrbe that suits yur unique cultural cntext.
    What is the bk aimed at?
    A. Teaching traditinal Chinese fashin skills.
    B. Advcating a minimalist Chinese fashin lifestyle.
    C. Slving cultural fashin dilemmas.
    D. Prmting the purchase f traditinal Chinese garments.
    What des the underlined wrd "declutter" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Streamline.
    B. Accumulate.
    C. Inventry.
    D. Dminate.
    What is presented in the final chapter f part ne?
    A. Cultural narratives.
    B. Quantitative fashin trends.
    C. Practical wardrbe examples.
    D. Histrical cstume analyses.
    What des the authr suggest readers d with the practices ffered in part tw?
    A. Apply them as needed.
    B. Share them with the cmmunity.
    C. Assess their cultural impact.
    D. Recgnize the traditinal values they represent.
    The film "Catch the Dll" is a pignant and thught-prvking wrk that, n the surface, delivers the signature humr f the Happy Twist team, but underneath, it presents a cruel allegry that resnates deeply with the audience. Here are my impressins f the mvie, articulated in English:
    "Catch the Dll" is a masterful blend f cmedy and tragedy, a film that starts with laughter but ends with a prfund reflectin n life's irnies. The mvie, starring the icnic du Shen Teng and Ma Li, is akin t a sugar-cated shell that initially ffers the sweet taste f humr but gradually reveals the bitter pill f scial satire and a prbing examinatin f human nature.
    The film's narrative is a stark prtrayal f the extreme pressures and expectatins placed n children by their parents. Shen Teng's character, Ma Chenggang, a wealthy businessman, and his wife, Chunlan, played by Ma Li, are the epitme f parents wh are willing t g t any lengths, even t the pint f deceptin and manipulatin, t ensure their sn's success. Their apprach t parenting is chilling, turning the cncept f a nurturing hme int a prisn f expectatins and cntrl.
    The mvie cleverly uses exaggeratin t highlight the absurdity f such an extreme parenting style. Ma Chenggang's belief in the necessity f hardship fr his sn's grwth is a twisted interpretatin f the saying, "Heaven will cnfer a great respnsibility n a persn, it will first exercise his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bnes with til."
    "Catch the Dll" als invites us t cnsider the brader implicatins f such behavir. It raises questins abut the value f individual freedm and the right f children t have their wn dreams and aspiratins, rather than being mere tls t fulfill parental ambitins. The film serves as a mirrr, reflecting the ften-verlked issues f excessive expectatins, ut-f-cntrl educatin, and the disregard fr persnal value in mdern sciety.
    In the end, "Catch the Dll" is nt just a cmedy; it's a scial cmmentary that prvkes deep thught and self-reflectin. It's a film that, despite its humrus facade, leaves a lasting impact, urging viewers t questin the nature f lve, cntrl, and the true meaning f success. The mvie's ending, which is bth happy and tinged with regret, encapsulates the cmplex emtins that it stirs within us, reminding us that ften, we spend ur lives trying t heal the wunds f ur childhd.
    What is the central theme f the film "Catch the Dll"?
    A. The imprtance f parental guidance in children's success.
    B. The balance between humr and scial issues in filmmaking.
    C. The paradxical nature f extreme parenting and its impact n children.
    D. The jurney f a child's pursuit f happiness and success.
    In the film, the character Ma Chenggang's parenting style is depicted as:
    A. Encuraging and supprtive f his sn's persnal aspiratins.
    B. Strict but ultimately beneficial fr his sn's character develpment.
    C. Excessive and ptentially damaging t his sn's well-being.
    D. Indifferent and neglectful f his sn's emtinal needs.
    The film "Catch the Dll" uses the character f Ma Chenggang t:
    A. Critique the scietal pressure n children t succeed academically.
    B. Advcate fr a mre lenient apprach t parenting.
    C. Illustrate the ptential cnsequences f extreme parental cntrl.
    D. Demnstrate the effectiveness f traditinal parenting methds.
    The authr's tne in discussing the film "Catch the Dll" can be best described as:
    A. Critical and disapprving f the depicted parenting methds.
    B. Neutral, simply presenting the film's narrative withut bias.
    C. Admiring and appreciative f the film's scial cmmentary.
    D. Skeptical, questining the effectiveness f the film's message.
    Hmemade Milk Tea: Crafting Yur Own Perfect Blend
    Making yur wn milk tea at hme can be a rewarding experience. It's all abut persnal preference, and a little creativity ges a lng way. Whether yu're a traditinalist r like t experiment with flavrs, the prcess is a psitive step in discvering yur taste preferences. (16) Nw, let's start brewing yur ideal cup f milk tea.
    Begin with a list f ingredients that appeal t yu. (17) Are yu a fan f classic black tea r d yu prefer green tea as the base? Hw abut the milk: whle, skim, r a nn-dairy alternative? And what abut the sweetener: hney, sugar, r agave syrup? Chse the elements that make yu excited t brew yur wn cncctin.
    Next, cnsider the "Flavr Additins" yu'd like t incrprate. (18) This is where yu can get creative. Perhaps yu want t add a hint f vanilla, a sprinkle f cinnamn, r even a tuch f lavender. It might be the time when yu tried a unique blend that became yur signature, r when yu experimented with a new flavr that turned ut t be a delightful surprise.
    Yu culd ask fr input frm friends r family members t expand yur flavr prfile. (19) They might have suggestins fr ingredients yu haven't cnsidered, r they might enjy trying yur creatins. This cllabrative prcess can lead t new discveries and shared enjyment. In fact, dn't wait until yu've perfected yur recipe t share it—this is a great way t cnnect with thers and enjy the prcess.
    It's a cmmn belief that mst f us find jy in custmizing ur drinks rather than sticking t the standard ptins. The thing is, it's true. (20) We're all unique, and persnalizing yur milk tea is a fun way t express that individuality. Remember, there's n wrng way t make yur wn milk tea; it's all abut finding what tastes best t yu.
    A. A little experimentatin with flavrs can be fun. B. Nw list all the ingredients yu think will taste great tgether. C. They might even like t suggest new flavr cmbinatins. D. It's just as imprtant t enjy the prcess f creatin. E. It desn't mean yu can't adjust the recipe later n. F. Whatever the cmbinatin, n matter hw unusual it might seem, give it a try. G. Whatever the utcme, remember that yur first try is just a starting pint.
    On Oct. 11, hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race in Minnesta. Melanie Bailey shuld have (21) the curse earlier than she did. Her (22) came because she was carrying a (23) acrss the finish line.
    As reprted by a lcal newspaper, Bailey was mre than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her (24) when a runner in frnt f her began crying in pain. She (25) t help her fellw runner, Danielle Lenue. Bailey tk her arm t see if she culd walk frward with (26) . She culdn't. Bailey then (27) t let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line, then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get (28) attentin.
    Once there, Lenue was (29) and later taken t a hspital, where she learned that she had serius injuries in ne f her knees. She wuld have struggled with extreme (30) t make it t that aid checkpint withut Bailey's help.
    As fr Bailey, she is mre (31) abut why her act is cnsidered a big (32) . "She was just crying. I culdn't (33) her," Bailey tld the reprter. "I feel like I was just ding the right thing." Althugh the tw yung wmen were strangers befre the (34) , they've since becme friends. Neither wn the race, but the (35) f human kindness wn the day.
    21.A. designedB. fllwedC. changedD. finished
    22.A. delayB. chanceC. trubleD. excuse
    23.A. judgeB. vlunteerC. classmateD. cmpetitr
    24.A. raceB. schlC. twnD. training
    25.A. agreedB. returnedC. stppedD. prmised
    26.A. curageB. aidC. patienceD. advice
    27.A. went awayB. std upC. stepped asideD. bent dwn
    28.A. medicalB. publicC. cnstantD. equal
    29.A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated
    30.A. hungerB. painC. cldD. tiredness
    31.A. wrriedB. ashamedC. cnfusedD. discuraged
    32.A. gameB. prblemC. lessnD. deal
    33.A. leaveB. cureC. btherD. understand
    34.A. rideB. testC. meetD. shw
    35.A. secretB. displayC. benefitD. exchange
    Imagine a vehicle that can pick yu up utside yur hme, drive t the nearest railway line, and change itself int a train. It may sund like a stry frm "Thmas the Tank Engine, " 36 that's exactly what Japan's DMV Rad-Rail buses have been ding since they launched 37 Christmas Day 2021.
    With a capacity f 23, the DMV is a diesel-pwered (柴油驱动的) bus fitted with a set f retractable (可缩进的) rail wheels 38 can be put in place in abut 15 secnds. Lighter than a traditinal train, the DMV als cnsumes less fuel and 39 (be) cheaper t maintain.
    40 (advertise) as "the wrld's first peratinal dual-mde vehicle," it is actually the latest in a lng series f similar experiments 41 (imprve) rural rail services. As far back as the 1930s, similar vehicles 42 the DMV were tested in England and West Germany.
    Tkushima gvernment hpes that the DMV buses 43 (becme) a turist draw in their wn right. It als believes that the vehicles culd als be useful fr reaching islated cmmunities in the event f natural 44 (disaster) such as earthquakes, which can leave sectins f rads r railway lines 45 (usable).
    46. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友Chris对中国的高铁技术非常感兴趣,并通过邮件向你咨询有关中国高铁的情况。请你用英文给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    ​​​​​​​1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    47. I inhaled deeply, expelling the breath against the rear windw f the vehicle, and with a finger, I etched the wrd 'DREADFUL' int the misty surface f the glass, creating a temprary inscriptin that mirrred my inner turmil.
    My father, casting a brief glance in my directin thrugh the reflective surface f the rearview mirrr, ffered a cmfrting remark, "Alex, this jurney presents itself as an auspicius ccasin fr yu t recnnect with yur maternal and paternal elders."
    The vehicle made a deliberate turn nt a well-trdden dirt path, ne that I recgnized all t well. We were prgressively distancing urselves frm the urban cnfines, mving further away frm the digital tendrils f the Internet, and even mre s frm the stimulating envirnment f the cmputer camp.
    "Brighten up, Alex!" exclaimed my mther, her vice carrying a nte f ptimism. "There is every likelihd that anther pprtunity t immerse yurself in the wrld f cding will arise shrtly, perhaps even within this very summer seasn."
    As the car cntinued its jurney, I was acutely aware that all my cmpanins in the realm f prgramming wuld be engaged in the act f cding at the cmputer camp this week, while I, n the ther hand, was t be enscnced in the rural setting f a farm. I uttered nt a single syllable, and in due curse, the vehicle came t a halt in the driveway f my grandparents' abde. A slender rw f trees materialized int view, their presence a stark cntrast t the urban landscape I was leaving behind.
    I had nce taken pleasure in visiting the farm during the spring intermissins befre my immersin int cding camps... and befre the realizatin f the extent t which my actins culd lead t chas and disrder.
    The engine f the car had nt yet ceased its hum when my grandmther, with an agility that belied her years, sprang twards us. Frm my vantage pint in the backseat, I bserved as my father and mther embraced my grandmther. I, in turn, reluctantly extracted myself frm the vehicle, feeling as thugh the very frce f gravity had grwn unusually intense.
    "Yu bth are certainly deserving f a respite," my grandmther was saying, her wrds directed twards my parents. "Alex will be in gd stead—he has always held a fndness fr the farm." She spke in the past tense, implying that Alex had nce cherished the farm.
    During the midday meal, my grandmther inquired, "Why such a smber cuntenance, Alex?" I maintained my silence. Why indeed? It seemed as thugh they were acting in ignrance f the events that had transpired during my previus visit. Fr a fleeting mment, my gaze met with my grandmther's. Culd I muster the curage t questin her regarding the gats' destructin f all the flra belnging t ur neighbr, Mr. Jacksn, an incident that ccurred because I had inadvertently lifted the latch and allwed the gats t ram free? Was Mr. Jacksn still seething with anger twards me fr the cnsiderable damage I had inadvertently caused him?
    "I am quite alright," I muttered, my vice barely audible. "It is merely the absence f the cding camp this week that I am lamenting. Cding is an activity at which I excel."
    My mther ffered a nd f understanding. "Ah, that des sund disheartening, but the farm will undubtedly ffer yu a different kind f experience."
    After lunch, I was n my wn when, ut f nwhere, there's Mr. Jacksn.
    Instead, Mr. Jacksn yelled, "Great t see yu here, Alex! I need yur help with a lamb's birth."
    参加学校: 京师荟成学校 燕岭学校
    文体:说明文 主题:广州茶馆文化 主要内容:介绍广州茶馆的传统早茶文化,包括茶馆的社会功能、点心选择、价格以及文化体验之旅。
    答案:B 解析:根据文章第二段提到,"Guangzhu's tea huses present a diverse array f dim sum ptins, each with its unique flavrs and textures." 这表明广州的茶馆提供各种各样的点心选择,因此选项B正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章第三段的价格信息,可以计算出两天的早茶体验大约需要:(30+25+15)×2=150元,所以选项C正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章倒数第二段,"The tur begins at the icnic Shamian Island..." 明确指出文化体验之旅通常从沙面岛开始,因此选项C正确。
    文体:叙事文 主题:个人文化探索之旅 主要内容:Lily通过探索中国茶文化来了解和连接自己的双重遗产。
    答案:A 解析:根据文章第一段,"Hwever, it wasn't until her first visit t China that she truly began t appreciate the depth f Chinese culture." 说明Lily对中国的文化深度有了真正的欣赏,表明她对双重遗产感到好奇,选项A正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据文章第三段,"The task Lily set fr herself was t immerse herself in the tea culture, t experience firsthand the prcess frm tea picking t brewing." 说明Lily访问茶园和工坊是为了了解茶叶制作过程,选项A正确。
    答案:B 解析:根据文章倒数第二段,"The authr's purpse in mentining Lngjing is t shw an applicatin f Lily's interest in tea." 作者提到龙井是为了展示Lily对茶的兴趣的应用,选项B正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据文章最后一段,"The basis fr Lily's cultural explratin is the desire t cnnect with her Chinese rts." Lily进行文化探索的基础是与她的中国根源联系的愿望,选项A正确。
    文体:议论文 主题:中国时尚简约主义 主要内容:书籍旨在提倡中国时尚简约主义生活方式,并指导读者如何采纳。
    答案:B 解析:根据文章第一段,"The gal f this bk is t make the case fr Chinese fashin minimalism..." 明确指出书籍的目标是提倡中国时尚简约主义,选项B正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据文章第三段," sartrial declutter. This prcess invlves stepping away frm nn-essential fashin chices..." 这里的"declutter"意味着摆脱非必要的时尚选择,即简化,选项A正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章第四段,"In the final chapter f part ne, I will guide yu thrugh cnducting yur wn sartrial declutter." 说明最后章节提供了进行个人时尚简化的指导,选项C正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据文章最后一段,"Cnsider these practices as a tlkit t assist yu in cnstructing a minimalist wardrbe..." 作者建议读者将提供的实践作为构建简约衣橱的工具,选项A正确。
    文体:影评 主题:电影《Catch the Dll》的评论 主要内容:对电影《Catch the Dll》的分析,探讨了电影的主题、角色以及社会寓意。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章第二段,"The film's narrative is a stark prtrayal f the extreme pressures and expectatins placed n children by their parents." 表明电影主题是极端父母教育方式及其对孩子的影响,选项C正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章第三段,"Their apprach t parenting is chilling, turning the cncept f a nurturing hme int a prisn f expectatins and cntrl." 描述了Ma Chenggang的育儿方式是过度且可能损害孩子福祉的,选项C正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章倒数第二段,"The film serves as a mirrr, reflecting the ften-verlked issues f excessive expectatins, ut-f-cntrl educatin, and the disregard fr persnal value in mdern sciety." 说明电影用Ma Chenggang这个角色来说明极端父母控制的潜在后果,选项C正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据文章最后一段,"The mvie's viewers t questin the nature f lve, cntrl, and the true meaning f success." 表明作者对电影的社会评论表示赞赏和感激,选项C正确。
    文体:指南 主题:在家制作奶茶 主要内容:介绍如何在家根据自己的口味制作奶茶。
    答案:B 解析:根据第一段,"Whether yu're a traditinalist r like t experiment with flavrs, the prcess is a psitive step in discvering yur taste preferences." 表明制作奶茶是发现个人口味的过程,选项B与此相符。
    答案:A 解析:根据第二段,"Begin with a list f ingredients that appeal t yu." 说明制作奶茶从列出自己喜欢的成分开始,选项A与此相符。
    答案:F 解析:根据第三段,"This is where yu can get creative." 表明在添加风味时可以发挥创造力,选项F鼓励尝试任何组合。
    答案:D 解析:根据第四段,"It's a cmmn belief that mst f us find jy in custmizing ur drinks rather than sticking t the standard ptins." 说明人们喜欢定制饮品而不是选择标准选项,选项D强调享受创造过程。
    答案:E 解析:根据最后一段,"There's n wrng way t make yur wn milk tea; it's all abut finding what tastes best t yu." 说明制作奶茶没有错误的方式,选项E表明食谱可以稍后调整。
    文体:记叙文 主题:跑步比赛中的互助 主要内容:Melanie Bailey在越野跑比赛中帮助受伤的竞争对手Danielle Lenue,展现了人性的善良。
    答案:D 解析:根据第一段,"Melanie Bailey shuld have finished the curse earlier than she did." 表明Melanie应该更早完成比赛,选项D正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据第一段,"Her delay came because she was carrying a cmpetitr acrss the finish line." 表明Melanie的耽搁是因为她在帮助一个竞争对手,选项A正确。
    答案:D 解析:根据第一段," runner in frnt f her began crying in pain. She stpped t help her fellw runner..." 表明Melanie帮助的是前面的跑步者,即竞争对手,选项D正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据第一段," than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her race..." 表明Melanie在比赛过程中耽搁了,选项A正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据第二段,"She stpped t help her fellw runner..." 表明Melanie停下来帮助她的跑步伙伴,选项C正确。
    答案:B 解析:根据第二段," see if she culd walk frward with aid." 表明Melanie帮助Danielle以便她能够得到帮助行走,选项B正确。
    答案:D 解析:根据第二段," nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line..." 表明Melanie让Danielle爬上她的背并背她到终点,选项D正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据第二段," Lenue culd get medical attentin." 表明Danielle需要得到医疗关注,选项A正确。
    答案:B 解析:根据第二段,"Once there, Lenue was assessed..." 表明Danielle一到那里就接受了评估,选项B正确。
    答案:B 解析:根据第二段," had serius injuries in ne f her knees. She wuld have struggled with extreme pain..." 表明Danielle如果没有Melanie的帮助,将会极度痛苦,选项B正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据第三段," is mre cnfused abut why her act is cnsidered a big deal." 表明Melanie对于她的行为被认为是大事感到困惑,选项C正确。
    答案:C 解析:根据第三段," her act is cnsidered a big lessn." 表明Melanie的行为被认为是一个重要的教训,选项C正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据第三段,"I culdn't leave her..." 表明Melanie不能丢下Danielle不管,选项A正确。
    答案:A 解析:根据第三段,"'ve since becme friends." 表明Melanie和Danielle之前不认识,是在比赛之前遇到的,选项A正确。
    答案:B 解析:根据最后一段," display f human kindness wn the day." 表明人性的善良得到了展现,选项B正确。
    答案:and 解析:根据句子结构,"that's exactly what Japan's DMV Rad-Rail buses have been ding since they launched" 和前面的句子构成并列关系,所以用"and"连接。
    答案:n 解析:介词"n"用于表示具体的一天,这里指"在2021年的圣诞节"。
    答案:that/which 解析:引导定语从句,修饰前面的"a set f retractable rail wheels"。
    答案:is 解析:根据上下文,这里描述的是DMV的维护成本,使用一般现在时态,主语是"the DMV",所以用"is"。
    答案:Advertised 解析:过去分词作状语,表示被动意义,"被广告宣传为"。
    答案:t imprve 解析:不定式作目的状语,表示这些实验的目的是为了改善农村铁路服务。
    答案:like 解析:"like"在这里意为"像",比较同类事物。
    答案:will becme 解析:根据上下文,这里表示德岛政府希望DMV巴士将来会成为吸引游客的一个因素,使用一般将来时态。
    答案:disasters 解析:"natural disasters"自然灾害,是可数名词,所以用复数形式。
    答案:unusable 解析:形容词作宾语补足语,表示道路或铁路线变得不可使用。
    范文(老师下水文): Dear Chris,
    I'm delighted t share with yu the wnders f China's high-speed rail (HSR) system. Over the past decade, China's HSR has develped rapidly, basting the largest netwrk in the wrld and cntinuusly breaking speed recrds. The cradle f China's HSR is the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, which started peratins in 2008. Since then, the HSR has expanded t cnnect majr cities, cvering a netwrk f ver 35,000 kilmeters.
    One f the defining features f China's HSR is its high peratinal speed, which can reach up t 350 kilmeters per hur, making it ne f the fastest in the wrld. Additinally, the trains are knwn fr their cmfrt, punctuality, and safety. The develpment f HSR has revlutinized travel in China, reducing travel times significantly and prviding a reliable alternative t air travel fr medium t lng distances.
    In daily life, HSR has brught cities clser tgether, fstering ecnmic develpment and cultural exchange. It has becme an integral part f peple's lives, facilitating business trips, turism, and family visits. Fr instance, a businesspersn living in Shanghai can take a mrning HSR t Beijing fr a meeting and return n the same day, a jurney that wuld have been impssible withut the HSR.
    Mrever, the HSR has had a prfund impact n the envirnment by reducing carbn emissins cmpared t ther mdes f transprtatin. As China cntinues t invest in its HSR netwrk, it is set t play an even mre significant rle in the cuntry's future develpment.
    I hpe this gives yu a glimpse int the impressive wrld f China's HSR. I'm cnfident that shuld yu visit China, yu will have the pprtunity t experience its speed and efficiency fr yurself.
    Yurs, Li Hua

    广东省博罗县京师荟成学校、惠东燕岭学校2025届高三上学期第一次联合模拟考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份广东省博罗县京师荟成学校、惠东燕岭学校2025届高三上学期第一次联合模拟考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,00等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语-广东省两校(京师荟成学校、燕岭学校)2025届高三第一次联合模拟考试(一模)试题和答案: 这是一份英语-广东省两校(京师荟成学校、燕岭学校)2025届高三第一次联合模拟考试(一模)试题和答案,共16页。

    2024届山东省实验学校齐鲁名校高三上学期9月第一次学业质量联合检测英语含解析: 这是一份2024届山东省实验学校齐鲁名校高三上学期9月第一次学业质量联合检测英语含解析,共23页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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