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    专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)
    专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)01
    专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)02
    专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)03
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    专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)

    这是一份专题 17 阅读理解七选五(说明文)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用),共93页。

    Passage 1
    【2024新课标Ⅰ卷】Nt all great writers are great spellers. If yu want t be published, it's vital t submit a perfect, prfessinally presented manuscript (原稿). ____36____ N editr is likely t tlerate a writer wh des nt take the truble t spell wrds crrectly.
    I keep tw reference bks clse-by n my desk: dictinary and thesaurus (同义词词典). I dn't trust my laptp's spellchecker. ____37____ Of curse, these days there are plenty f nline dictinaries and thesauruses, but I'm ld-fashined enugh t prefer a hard cver and pages I can leaf thrugh with my fingers. I use the Cncise Oxfrd Dictinary and the Cllins Thesaurus.
    ____38____ It shuld give yu a precise definitin f each wrd, thus differentiating it frm ther wrds whse meanings are similar, but nt identical. It will als usually shw hw the wrd is prnunced.
    In additin, I have an ld tw-vlume cpy f the Shrter Oxfrd Dictinary, picked up a few years ag in a bkshp sale fr just 99 pence. Of curse, with its 2,672 pages, it's nt exactly shrt. It cntains arund 163,000 wrds, plus wrd cmbinatins and idimatic phrases. ____39____ Hwever, if I need t check the rigin f a wrd r t lk up examples f its usage, there's nthing better.
    Fr well ver a hundred years the mst influential English dictinary was Samuel Jhnsn's Dictinary f the English Language published in 1755. "T make dictinaries is dull (乏味) wrk," wrte Jhnsn, illustrating ne definitin f "dull". ____40____ A few minutes spent casting yur eye ver a page r tw can be a rewarding experience.
    A. I dn't ften use this dictinary.
    B. It takes n accunt f the cntext.
    C. But I still dn't want t replace them.
    D. But a dictinary can be a pleasure t read.
    E. Of curse, a dictinary is nt nly fr spelling.
    F. That means gd grammar and n spelling mistakes.
    G. Dictinaries dn't always give yu enugh infrmatin.
    【答案】36. F 37. B 38. E 39. A 40. D
    上文“If yu want t be published, it’s vital t submit a perfect, prfessinally presented manuscript(如果你想发表,提交一份完美的、专业的手稿是至关重要的)”提到了完美的、专业的手稿的重要性,手稿中不能有语法和拼写错误是专业的手稿的要求之一。F选项“That means gd grammar and n spelling mistakes.(这意味着语法正确,没有拼写错误。)”是对手稿要求的进一步解释说明,符合题意。故选F项。
    上文“I dn’t trust my laptp’s spellchecker.(我不相信我笔记本电脑的拼写检查器。)”提到了作者不相信电脑的拼写检查器;下文“Of curse, these days there are plenty f nline dictinaries and thesauruses, but I’m ld-fashined enugh t prefer a hard cver and pages I can leaf thrugh with my fingers.(当然,现在有很多在线词典和同义词库,但我是一个守旧的人,更喜欢精装的书和能用手指翻阅的书页。)”提到了作者更喜欢实体书和能用手指翻阅的书页,说明电子设备可能不会考虑上下文,所以B选项“It takes n accunt f the cntext.(它不考虑上下文。)”解释了上文的原因,具有承上启下的作用。故选B项。
    下文“It shuld give yu a precise definitin f each wrd, thus differentiating it frm ther wrds whse meanings are similar, but nt identical. It will als usually shw hw the wrd is prnunced.(它应该给出每个单词的精确定义,从而将其与其他含义相似但不相同的单词区分开来。它通常还会显示单词的发音。)”提到了字典的功能,E选项“Of curse, a dictinary is nt nly fr spelling.(当然,字典不仅仅是用来拼写的。)”提到了字典的部分功能,能引起下文内容。故选E项。
    下文“Hwever, if I need t check the rigin f a wrd r t lk up examples f its usage, there’s nthing better.(然而,如果我需要检查一个单词的来源或查找其用法的例子,没有什么比这更好的了。)”提到了字典的使用情况,A选项“I dn’t ften use this dictinary.(我不经常用这本字典。)”是对字典使用频率的说明,与下文构成转折关系。故选A项。
    上文“ “T make dictinaries is dull (乏味) wrk, ” wrte Jhnsn, illustrating ne definitin f ”dull".(约翰逊在解释“dull”的一个定义时写道:“编字典是件无聊的工作(乏味)。”)”提到了编写字典是件乏味的工作,下文“A few minutes spent casting yur eye ver a page r tw can be a rewarding experience.(花几分钟的时间浏览一两页是一种有益的体验。)”提到浏览字典也是一种阅读的乐趣,D选项“But a dictinary can be a pleasure t read.(但是一本字典读起来是一种乐趣。)”是作者对字典的评价,与上文的“乏味”形成对比,与上文构成转折关系。故选D项。
    Passage 2
    【2024新课标ⅠⅠ卷】Overturism Is Fr Real: Hw Can Yu Help?
    Travel prmtes understanding, expands ur minds, makes us better peple, and bsts lcal ecnmies and cmmunities, but the rapid grwth f travel has led t verturism in certain regins and destinatins. ___16___ Certainly nt. The lss f what travel ffers wuld be unacceptable in tday’s wrld. Here are sme tips n making wise decisins t minimize pressure n the places we visit and imprve ur experience.
    ●Chse mindfully. Overvisited destinatins are that way fr a reasn: they’re special. With s many nline psts featuring the same places, it’s easy t feel like yu’re missing ut. G smewhere nly when the landscape, culture r fd deeply draws yu. ___17___
    ●Get creative. The best way t ease pressure n ver-turisted destinatins is t g smewhere else. Thugh verturism is described as a prblem affecting the entire wrld, it’s actually cncentrated t a small number f extremely ppular spts. That means yu have tns f less-visited ptins t chse frm. ___18___ Why nt try a reginal alternative r check ut a ppular destinatin’s lesser-knwn sights?
    ● ___19___ Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping majr hlidays r rush hur. Yu’ll cmpete with fewer turists, save mney, experience a different side f a ppular place, and bst the ecnmy when turism is traditinally slwer.
    Visiting a place that thers call hme is a privilege(荣幸). D yur part t preserve what makes a destinatin special in the first place. ___20___ Yu may be amazed hw much clser yu’ll feel t the peple there.
    A. Visit during ff-peak times.
    B. S, shuld we stp traveling?
    C. Travel fr yu and n ne else.
    D. Can verturism be avided then?
    E. Yu can still find relatively undiscvered places.
    F. Yu’ll find yurself virtually alne, r clse t it.
    G. Cnsider giving back t the cmmunities yu’re visiting.
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. E 19. A 20. G
    前文“Travel prmtes understanding, expands ur minds, makes us better peple, and bsts lcal ecnmies and cmmunities, but the rapid grwth f travel has led t verturism in certain regins and destinatins.(旅游促进理解,扩展我们的思想,使我们成为更好的人,促进当地经济和社区,但旅游业的快速发展导致了某些地区和目的地的过度旅游)”表明旅游带来了一些问题,后文“The lss f what travel ffers wuld be unacceptable in tday’s wrld.(在当今世界,失去旅行所能提供的东西将是不可接受的)”表示不能失去旅行,结合后文“Certainly nt.(当然不)”可知,空处提问能否停止旅行,D选项“那么,我们应该停止旅行吗?”符合语境。故选B。
    前文“Overvisited destinatins are that way fr a reasn: they’re special. With s many nline psts featuring the same places, it’s easy t feel like yu’re missing ut. G smewhere nly when the landscape, culture r fd deeply draws yu.(游客过多的目的地是有原因的:它们很特别。网上有这么多关于同一个地方的帖子,很容易让你觉得你错过了。只有当风景、文化或食物深深吸引你时,才去某个地方)”表明不要跟风旅游,C选项“为你而不是其他人旅行”表明要关注自己在旅行时的感受,忠实自己的感受,不用管其余的建议,符合语境。故选C。
    前文“That means yu have tns f less-visited ptins t chse frm.(这意味着你有很多不太受欢迎的选择)及后文“Why nt try a reginal alternative r check ut a ppular destinatin’s lesser-knwn sights?( 为什么不尝试一个地区性的选择,或者看看一个热门目的地不太为人所知的景点呢)”提出建议,可以选择一些冷门的景点,E选项“你仍然可以找到相对未被发现的地方”语境一致。故选E。
    空处为小标题,根据后文“Minimize impact and maximize experience by skipping majr hlidays r rush hur.(通过跳过重大节假日或高峰时间来最小化影响并最大化体验)”表示旅游时要注意避开高峰期,选择合适的时间,A选项“在非高峰时间参观”概括本段内容。故选A。
    前文“D yur part t preserve what makes a destinatin special in the first place.(尽你的一份力,从一开始就保护一个目的地的特别之处)”表明旅游时应保护旅游景点,后文“Yu may be amazed hw much clser yu’ll feel t the peple there.(你可能会惊讶地发现你和那里的人感觉如此亲近)”表示这样做的感受,G选项“考虑回馈你所访问的社区”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
    Passage 3
    【2024全国甲卷】What is mderatin (适度)? Basically, it means eating nly as much fd as yur bdy needs. Yu shuld feel satisfied at the end f a meal, but nt t full. ____16____ But it desn't mean saying gdbye t the fds yu lve.
    Take yur time. It's imprtant t slw dwn and think abut fd as smething nutritius rather than just smething t eat in between meetings. ____17____ It actually takes a few minutes fr yur brain t tell yur bdy that it has had enugh fd, s eat slwly and stp eating befre yu feel full.
    Eat with thers whenever pssible. Eating alne, “specially in frnt f the TV r cmputer, ften leads t mindless vereating. And be careful abut the fds yu keep at hand. It's mre challenging t eat in mderatin if yu have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like ckies. ____18____
    Cntrl emtinal (情绪的) eating. ____19____ Many f us als turn t fd t deal with unpleasant emtins such as sadness, lneliness, r bredm. But by learning healthier ways t manage emtins, yu can regain cntrl ver the fd yu eat and yur feelings.
    ____20____ A healthy breakfast can start yur metablism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps yur energy up all day. Avid eating late at night. Try t eat dinner earlier and fast fr 14 — 16 hurs until breakfast the next mrning. Studies suggest that eating nly when yu're mst active and giving yur digestive system a lng break each day may help t regulate weight.
    A Eat prperly thrughut the day.
    B. We dn't always eat just t satisfy hunger.
    C. Dn't swallw a meal n the way t wrk.
    D. Mst f us need t duble the amunt we eat.
    E. Instead, surrund yurself with healthy chices.
    F. Fr many f us, mderatin means eating less than we d nw.
    G. That wn't lead t cheating r giving up n yur new eating plan.
    【答案】16. F 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. A
    上文“Basically, it means eating nly as much fd as yur bdy needs, Yu shuld feel satisfied at the end f a meal, but nt t full. (基本上,它意味着只吃你身体需要的食物,你应该在用餐结束时感到满足,但不要太饱)”指出,进餐时不要吃太饱,吃东西要适量。下文“But it desn’t mean saying gdbye t the fds yu lve. (但这并不意味着要告别你喜欢的食物)”指出,适量进食不是要放弃吃自己喜欢的食物。F项“对我们许多人来说,节制意味着比现在少吃。”解释了何为适量进食。承上启下,符合文意,选项中的“means”与下文一致。故选F项。
    根据上文“Take yur time. It’s imprtant t slw dwn and think abut fd as smething nutritius rather than just smething t eat in between meetings. (慢慢来。放慢脚步,把食物看作是有营养的东西,而不仅仅是会议间隙吃的东西,这一点很重要)”可推知,本段主要建议读者吃东西要细嚼慢咽,不要过于急躁。C项“上班路上不要狼吞虎咽。”承接上文。符合文意。故选C项。
    上文“It’s mre challenging t eat in mderatin if yu have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like ckies. (如果你已经准备好了不健康的零食,比如饼干,那么适量食用就更具挑战性了。)”指出,吃不健康的食物不利于适度饮食,E项“相反,你应该选择健康的食物。”符合文意,建议读者选择健康的食物。选项中的“healthy”与上文中的“unhealthy”相对应。故选E项。
    根据本段首句“Cntrl emtinal (情绪的) eating. (控制情绪化进食)”以及下文“Many f us als turn t fd t deal with unpleasant emtins such as sadness, lneliness, r bredm.(我们中的许多人也会求助于食物来处理不愉快的情绪,如悲伤、孤独或无聊)”可推知,本段主要建议读者不要情绪化的进行暴饮暴食,要进行健康饮食。B项“我们吃东西并不总是为了充饥。”指出有些人吃东西并不总是为了充饥,引出下文有些人通过食物发泄情绪,符合语境。故选B项。
    设空处位于段首,总结全段,下文“A healthy breakfast can start yur metablism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps yur energy up all day, Avid eating late at night. Try t eat dinner earlier and fast fr 14 — 16 hurs until breakfast the next mrning. (健康的早餐可以启动你的新陈代谢,而吃少量健康的食物可以让你一整天都精力充沛,避免在深夜进食。尽量早点吃晚饭,禁食14 — 16个小时,直到第二天早上吃早餐。)”指出,我们在一天中的每个时间段都要健康饮食。A项“一整天都要适当饮食。”符合语境。故选A项。
    Passage 4
    【2024北京卷】If yu want t develp maximum credibility (可信性), is it better t be a hedgehg (刺猬) r a fx? Accrding t Isaiah Berlin, the hedgehg knws ne thing very well, and the fx knws a lt f things.
    Is there a clear advantage f ne style ver the ther? Hedgehg thinkers tend t answer yes. ___35___ And they are usually very credible in ding s. Accrding t Jim Hart, the “hedgehg cncept” is ne f the factrs that lead cmpanies t greatness. They fcus n ne thing and d it really well. They figure ut what they are gd at. ___36___ The hedgehg cncept makes perfect sense fr cmpanies.
    ___37___ Philip Tate has studied the track recrds f thse flks n the Sunday talk shws wh make predictins abut what will happen. He has fund that hedgehgs are nt nly wrng mre ften than fxes, but that they are less likely t recgnise r admit that they are wrng when events d nt match their predictins.
    The advantage that. fxes have is that they are mre likely t seek ut new infrmatin frm a brader range f surces, and are cmfrtable with uncertainty and new infrmatin. ___38___ They try t include it in their viewpint rather than t exclude it frm their thinking. They als have a clearer estimatin f what they knw and dn’t knw.
    S, which is better? The questin can be answered in a fxy hedgehg style. ___39___ The chice between being a hedgehg r a fx is a false trade-ff. The mst effective way t g thrugh life is t try t be that rare mixture knwn as fxy hedgehg.
    A. In ther wrds, there are clear advantages fr each.
    B. They are mre likely t remember peple’s mistakes.
    C. Hence, they have the advantage f clarity and cnfidence.
    D. But there can be a dwnside t cncentratin n ne big thing.
    E. Hwever, hedgehgs remain pen t thers’ reactins and inputs.
    F. When smething is cntradictry t their view, they dn’t treat it as exceptinal.
    G. They cme dwn squarely n ne side r the ther and fully supprt their psitin.
    【答案】35. G 36. C 37. D 38. F 39. A
    根据上文“Hedgehg thinkers tend t answer yes.(拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人倾向于给出肯定的答案)” 可知,拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人倾向于给出肯定的答案,G项中They 指代上文中的Hedgehg,G项“他们明确地站在一边或另一边,并全力支持自己的立场”说明拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人往往有明确的立场,承接上文,符合语境。故选G。
    根据上文“They fcus n ne thing and d it really well. They figure ut what they are gd at. (他们专注于一件事并把它做得很好。他们知道自己擅长什么)”可知,拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人具备优点,他们可以专注于一件事并知道自己擅长什么。C项“因此,他们的优势是(头脑)清楚和自信”进一步说明拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人的优点,承接上文,符合语境。故选C。
    根据下文“He has fund that hedgehgs are nt nly wrng mre ften than fxes, but that they are less likely t recgnise r admit that they are wrng when events d nt match their predictins. (他发现,拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人不仅比拥有“狐狸”型思维方式的人更容易出错,而且当事情与他们的预测不相符时他们不太可能意识到,也不太可能承认自己错了)”可知,此处介绍拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人的缺点。D项“但是,把注意力集中在一件大事上可能会有不利的一面” 引出下文,介绍拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人具备缺点,符合语境。故选D。
    根据上文“The advantage that fxes have is that they are mre likely t seek ut new infrmatin frm a brader range f surces, and are cmfrtable with uncertainty and new infrmatin. (“狐狸”型思维方式的人的优势在于,他们更有可能从更广泛的来源中寻找新信息,并且对不确定性和新信息感到舒适)”和下文“They try t include it in their viewpint rather than t exclude it frm their thinking. (他们试图将其纳入自己的观点,而不是将其排除在自己的思维之外)”可知,此处介绍拥有“狐狸”型思维方式的人处理事情的方式。F项“当某件事与他们的观点相矛盾时,他们不会把它当作例外”承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
    根据上文“The questin can be answered in a fxy hedgehg style. (这个问题可以用“像狐狸的刺猬”风格来回答)”和下文“The chice between being a hedgehg r a fx is a false trade-ff. (成为拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人还是拥有“狐狸”型思维方式的人的选择是一种错误的权衡)”可知,拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人和拥有“狐狸”型思维方式的人各有优势。A项“换句话说,两者都有其明显的优势”承上启下,符合语境。故选A。
    Passage 4
    【2024浙江1月卷】In the past few years, nline learning has becme a significant part f the university and cllege experience. ___16___ But are all nline curses created equal? Hw can yu be sure that digital learning is right fr yu? ___17___
    We interviewed students and prfessrs t get their advice abut nline curses, The mst bvius advantage f nline learning is that yu can study anywhere and anytime. ___18___ “I think a pint that many peple lse sight f is hw easy it can be t fall behind schedule,” says graduate student Amanda Bindman. Befre chsing t study nline, cnsider whether yu’re a self-mtivated learner and if the material seems interesting enugh t keep yu ging.
    The tip that cmes up mst ften is simple: build nline curses int yur weekly schedule, just like what yu wuld d with in persn curses. ___19___ He nted that his nline students usually end up with lwer grades. It is s easy t let an nline curse slide, but yur grades will suffer as a result. Be sure t schedule set times t watch yur lectures, read materials and cntribute t nline discussin bards.
    ___20___ A scial cnnectin is ften a big part f learning. There are things yu can d t ease this prblem. Jessica Pink, an undergraduate student, suggests taking nline curses with a friend, s yu can mtivate each ther t stay n track. Yu can als find students n the class discussin bard t rganize a study grup, r schedule in-persn meeting s with yur prfessr t discuss curse cncepts.
    A. But that desn’t mean there aren’t deadlines.
    B. Yur mtivatin shuld be yur main cncern.
    C. D yu knw that nline curses are als part f yur educatin?
    D. Prfessr Alex Davidsn teaches the same curse in persn and nline.
    E. The chief cmplain t abut nline curses is that they lack human interactin.
    F. If yu take an nline curse, what can yu d t ensure the best pssible grade?
    G. A survey fund that 29 percent f cllege students registered fr nline curses.
    【答案】16. G 17. F 18. A 19. D 20. E
    由上文“In the past few years, nline learning has becme a significant part f the university and cllege experience. (在过去的几年里,在线学习已经成为大学生活的重要组成部分)”可知,在线学习对大学生活很重要,本空要说跟“这种现象的具体表现”有关的话题,故G选项“A survey fund that 29 percent f cllege students registered fr nline curses. (一项调查发现,29%的大学生注册了在线课程。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选G。
    由上文“If yu take an nline curse, what can yu d t ensure the best pssible grade? (但是所有的在线课程都是平等的吗?你如何确定数字化学习适合你?)”可知,上文对在线课程提出疑问,本空可以继续提出疑问,故F选项“If yu take an nline curse, what can yu d t ensure the best pssible grade? (如果你参加了在线课程,你能做些什么来确保尽可能好的成绩?)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选F。
    由上文“The mst bvius advantage f nline learning is that yu can study anywhere and anytime. (在线学习最明显的优势是你可以随时随地学习)”可知,在线学习具备的优势是可以让你随时随地学习,本空要说跟“学习时间”有关的话题,故A选项“But that desn’t mean there aren’t deadlines. (但这并不意味着没有最后期限。)”与上文构成转折关系,that指代上一句话,符合题意。故选A。
    由下文“He nted that his nline students usually end up with lwer grades. (他指出,他的在线学生最终的成绩通常较低)”可知,本空要说跟“在线老师”有关的话题,故D选项“Prfessr Alex Davidsn teaches the same curse in persn and nline. (Alex Davidsn教授亲自授课和在线授课)”能引起下文,下文中的He指代D项中的“Alex Davidsn教授”,符合题意。故选D。
    由下文“A scial cnnectin is ften a big part f learning. There are things yu can d t ease this prblem. Jessica Pink, an undergraduate student, suggests taking nline curses with a friend, s yu can mtivate each ther t stay n track. Yu can als find students n the class discussin bard t rganize a study grup, r schedule in-persn meeting s with yur prfessr t discuss curse cncepts. (社会关系通常是学习的重要组成部分。你可以做一些事情来缓解这个问题。本科生杰西卡·平克建议和朋友一起参加在线课程,这样你们就可以互相激励,坚持下去。你也可以在课堂讨论板上找到学生,组织一个学习小组,或者安排与教授面对面的会议,讨论课程概念)”可知,本空要说跟“人们之间的互动”有关的话题,故E选项“The chief cmplain t abut nline curses is that they lack human interactin. (对在线课程的主要抱怨是它们缺乏人与人之间的互动。)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选E。
    Passage 5
    Passage 6
    Passage 7
    Passage 8
    Passage 1
    【2023年新高考全国Ⅰ卷】Persnal Frgiveness
    Taking respnsibility fr mistakes is a psitive step, but dn’t beat yurself up abut them. T err (犯错) is human. ____16____ Yu can use the fllwing writing exercise t help yu d this.
    In a jurnal r n a piece f paper, put the heading “Persnal strengths.” ____17____ Are yu caring? Creative? Generus? A gd listener? Fun t be arund? They dn’t have t be wrld-changing, just aspects f yur persnality that yu’re prud f.
    At the tp f a secnd page, put the heading “Acts f kindness.” On this ne, list all the psitive things yu’ve dne fr thers. It might be the time when yu helped a friend with their hmewrk, when yu did the irning withut being asked, r when yu baked ckies after the family had had a tiring day. ____18____
    Yu culd ask a friend r family member t help add t yur list. ____19____ That way, yu culd exchange thughts n what makes each f yu special and the aspects f yur persnality that shine thrugh. In fact, dn’t wait until yu’ve made a mistake t try this—it’s a great way t bst self-cnfidence at any time.
    It’s smething f a cliché (陈词滥调) that mst peple learn nt frm their successes but their mistakes. The thing is, it’s true. ____20____ We’ re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a psitive way t develp and grw.
    A. A little self-frgiveness als ges a lng way.
    B. Nw list all the characteristics yu like abut yurself.
    C. They might even like t have a g at ding the exercise.
    D. It’s just as imprtant t shw yurself sme frgiveness.
    E. It desn’t mean yu have t ignre what’s happened r frget it.
    F. Whatever it is, n matter hw small it might seem, write it dwn.
    G. Whatever the mistake, remember it isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality.
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. F 19. C 20. G
    根据空前内容“Taking respnsibility fr mistakes is a psitive step, but dn’t beat yurself up abut them. T err (犯错) is human.(为错误承担责任是积极的一步,但不要因此而自责。人孰能无过。)”可知,作者认为人都会犯错,勇于承担责任固然重要,但是也不要因此而过于自责。结合空后“Yu can use the fllwing writing exercise t help yu d this.(你可以使用下面的写作练习来帮助你做到这一点。)”中的“d this”以及下文内容可推断,空处应该内容和“不要太自责”相似。选项D“It’s just as imprtant t shw yurself sme frgiveness.(宽恕自己也同样重要。)”与“不要太自责”语意相近,起承上启下的作用。故选D。
    根据空前内容“In a jurnal r n a piece f paper, put the heading “Persnal strengths. ”(在日记或纸上写上“个人优点”。)”以及空后内容“Are yu caring? Creative? Generus? A gd listener? Fun t be arund? They dn’t have t be wrld-changing, just aspects f yur persnality that yu’re prud f.(你有爱心吗?有创造力吗?你慷慨吗?是一个好的倾听者?与人相处很有趣吗?它们不一定要改变世界,只要你个性中让你感到自豪的方面就行。)”可知,空处指的是列出一些你个性中的优点。选项B“Nw list all the characteristics yu like abut yurself.(现在列出所有你喜欢的自己身上的特点。)”符合上下文内容,下文内容具体解释那些是优点。故选B。
    根据上文内容“At the tp f a secnd page, put the heading “Acts f kindness.” On this ne, list all the psitive things yu’ve dne fr thers. It might be the time when yu helped a friend with their hmewrk, when yu did the irning withut being asked, r when yu baked ckies after the family had had a tiring day.(在第二页的顶部,写上“善举”的标题。在这张单子上,列出你为别人做过的所有积极的事情。它可能是当你帮助朋友做作业的时候,当你没有被要求却主动熨衣服的时候,或者当你在家人累了一天之后烤饼干的时候。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是列出一些自己所做的好事。选项F“Whatever it is, n matter hw small it might seem, write it dwn.(不管是什么,不管它看起来有多小,都要把它写下来。)”与上文内容一致,讲述的是不管你所做的事情不管有多小,只要是好的事情,都记下来。故选F。
    根据空后内容“That way, yu culd exchange thughts n what makes each f yu special and the aspects f yur persnality that shine thrugh.(这样,你们就可以交换意见,谈谈是什么让你们每个人都与众不同,以及你们个性中闪光的方面。)”可知,空处提到了某种方式,这种方式会使得你和朋友们一起交换意见等。选项C“They might even like t have a g at ding the exercise.(他们甚至可能想试一试做练习。)”符合语境,C项中的“they”与空前的“Yu culd ask a friend r family member t help add t yur list.(你可以让朋友或家人帮你增加你的列表内容。)”中的“a friend r family member”保持一致,同时选项C和下文“In fact, dn’t wait until yu’ve made a mistake t try this—it’s a great way t bst self-cnfidence at any time.(事实上,不要等到你犯了错误才去尝试这个——这是一个在任何时候都能增强自信的好方法。)”中的“this”一致。故选C。
    根据空前内容“It’s smething f a cliché (陈词滥调) that mst peple learn nt frm their successes but their mistakes. The thing is, it’s true.(大多数人不是从他们的成功中学习,而是从他们的错误中学习,这是陈词滥调。但事实是,这是真的。)”可知,作者认为人是从错误中学习。选项G“Whatever the mistake, remember it isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality.(不管你犯了什么错误,记住这不是你性格中固定的一面。)”符合语境,G项中的“isn’t a fixed aspect f yur persnality”和空后内容“We’ re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a psitive way t develp and grw.(我们一直在改变和学习,错误是一种积极的发展和成长的方式。)”保持一致,指的都是犯错并不是性格中固有的一面,我们是通过错误来成长。故选G。
    Passage 2
    【2023年新高考全国Ⅱ卷】As an artist wh shares her jurney n scial media, I’m ften asked by curius fllwers hw t begin an art jurney. Unfrtunately, there is n magic list I can ffer. I d remember, thugh, what it was like t be a cmplete beginner. S I’ve put tgether sme gd tips fr starting an art jurney.
    ·Start small. I suggest using a sketchbk (素描本) fr small studies. These small studies prvide inspiratin and may be a springbard fr mre cmplex wrks in the future. ___16___ Yu’ll want t lk back n yur jurney t see hw far yu’ve cme.
    ·Paint ften and paint frm life. There’s n better way t imprve than t put in thse brush miles. Whether yu paint still lifes, prtraits, r landscapes, paint frm life as much as pssible. ___17___
    ·Cntinually challenge yurself t try smething new. ___18___ Artistic grwth can be a bit painful. Welcme t the club;we’ve all been there. I lve taking n challenges. I nce tk up a challenge t create a painting every day fr a mnth and pst the wrks nline.
    ·___19___ Seeking and accepting cnstructive feedback (反馈) is crucial t grwth. I pst my wrk n scial media and, in turn, have met sme f the kindest peple. They make me feel valued and respected, n matter my level f artistic ability.
    The jurney yu’re n wn’t fllw a straight path. ___20___ Push thrugh, give it time and put in the effrt. Yu will harvest the rewards f an artistic life.
    A Get ut f yur cmfrt zne.
    B. Make career plans and set gals.
    C. Dn’t thrw away yur beginner art.
    D. Share yur wrk if yu feel cmfrtable ding s.
    E. Yu’ll hit radblcks, and yu’ll feel discuraged at times.
    F. Evaluate yur perfrmance and, if needed, redefine yur rle.
    G. Yu’ll develp that painting muscle memry that nly cmes with repetitin.
    【答案】16. C 17. G 18. A 19. D 20. E
    根据前文“Start small. I suggest using a sketchbk (素描本) fr small studies. These small studies prvide inspiratin and may be a springbard fr mre cmplex wrks in the future. (从小开始。我建议使用一个素描本进行小规模的学习和实践。这些小的学习和实践可以提供灵感,并成为未来更复杂的作品的跳板)”以及后文“Yu’ll want t lk back n yur jurney t see hw far yu’ve cme. (你会想要回顾一下自己的艺术之旅,看看自己已经取得多少进步)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,从给出建议使用一个素描本进行小规模的学习和实践,到回顾自己的艺术之旅,所以C项“Dn’t thrw away yur beginner art. (不要扔掉你的初学时的艺术作品)”符合文意,和后文形成顺承关系。故选C项。
    分析设空处,位于段尾,是对本段的总结,根据前文“Paint ften and paint frm life. There’s n better way t imprve than t put in thse brush miles. Whether yu paint still lifes, prtraits, r landscapes, paint frm life as much as pssible. (经常作画,且从生活中作画。没有什么比不断练习更能提高你的艺术水平了。无论你是绘制静物、肖像还是风景,都要尽可能地从真实生活中去观察和绘制)”可知,本段主要讲述不断练习绘画,所以G项“Yu’ll develp that painting muscle memry that nly cmes with repetitin. (你会逐渐形成只有通过反复练习才能获得的绘画肌肉记忆)”是对前文的总结。故选G项。
    分析设空处,空处位于第二句,此处应是对前一句的进一步解释,并同时引出后文,根据前文“Cntinually challenge yurself t try smething new. (不断挑战自己,尝试新事物)”以及后文“Artistic grwth can be a bit painful. (艺术的成长可能会有点痛苦)”可知,A项“Get ut f yur cmfrt zne. (走出你的舒适区)”是对前句的进一步说明,和后文构成顺承关系。故选A项。
    分析设空处,位于段首,是本段的中心句,根据后文“Seeking and accepting cnstructive feedback (反馈) is crucial t grwth. I pst my wrk n scial media and, in turn, have met sme f the kindest peple. They make me feel valued and respected, n matter my level f artistic ability. (寻求并接受有建设性的反馈对于你的成长非常重要。我在社交媒体上发布我的作品,并因此结识了一些最友好的人。无论我的艺术水平如何,他们都让我感到受到了重视和尊重)”可知,本段主要讲述了是分享自己的作品,所以D项“Share yur wrk if yu feel cmfrtable ding s. (如果你感觉舒适的话,分享你的作品)”符合文意,是本段的中心句。故选D项。
    分析设空处,空处位于第二句,此处应是对前一句的进一步解释,并同时引出后文,根据前文“The jurney yu’re n wn’t fllw a straight path. (你的旅程不会是一条笔直的道路)”以及后文“Push thrugh, give it time and put in the effrt. Yu will harvest the rewards f an artistic life. (坚持下去,给它时间,付出努力。你将收获艺术生活的回报)”可知,E项“Yu’ll hit radblcks, and yu’ll feel discuraged at times. (你会遇到障碍,有时你会感到气馁)”是对前句的进一步说明,和后文构成顺承关系。故选E项。
    Passage 3
    【2023年全国乙卷】Indr plants might lk as if they just sit arund nt ding much, but in many ways they are the unsung heres f the hme. ____16____, but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry. What’s mre, indr plants are easy t lk after and are nt very expensive.
    What are indr plants?
    Indr plants, als knwn as huseplants r pt plants, are plants that like t grw indrs. Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter. ____17____.
    Why are indr plants gd fr yu?
    Will Spelstra, wh wrks at the Ryal Btanic Gardens, says, “____18____. I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.” Several studies have backed this up and fund that indr plants can imprve creativity, fcus and memry. There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking. ____19____.
    Which plants can yu grw?
    Ale vera, peace lilies and spider plants are sme f the species that are easy t grw indrs. Yu can buy plants frm supermarkets, garden centres r nline. Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature — which is part f the jy f wning plants. “____20____,” Spelstra says. “It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”
    A. All plants are different
    B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful
    C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs
    D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer
    E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best
    F. Changing the pt f yur plant frm time t time will als help
    G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding
    【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. E 20. G
    根据下文“but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md (心情), reducing stress and helping their memry.(而且研究表明,它们可以通过改善情绪、减轻压力和帮助增强记忆力来促进人们的健康)”可知,此处与下文是递进关系,构成nt nly…but“不仅……而且……”结构。由此可知,B. Nt nly d they lk beautiful(它们不仅看起来很漂亮)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选B。
    根据上文“Many f these species (物种) are nt ideally suited t grwing utside in the UK, especially in the winter.(这些品种中的许多都不适合在英国户外生长,尤其是在冬天)”可知,有些植物不适合在户外寒冷的环境中生长,即适合在温暖的地方生长。由此可知,D. Instead, they grw better inside, where it is warmer(相反,它们在温暖的室内生长得更好)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
    根据下文“I find during the winter mnths, plants arund the huse can really lift yur md.(我发现在冬天的几个月里,房子周围的植物真的能提升你的情绪)”可知,室内植物对人有好处。由此可知,C. There are many benefits t grwing plants indrs(在室内种植植物有很多好处)能够衔接下文,符合语境。故选C。
    根据上文“There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving harmful gases, such as carbn dixide. They als remve sme harmful chemicals frm paints r cking.(也有研究表明,盆栽植物可以通过去除二氧化碳等有害气体来净化周围的空气。它们还能去除油漆或烹饪中的一些有害化学物质)”可知,盆栽植物能够清除有害物质。由此可知,E. Plants like peace lilies and devil’s tngue are amng the best(像和平百合和魔芋之类的植物是最好的)能够承接上文,列举了在这方面做的最好的植物,符合语境。故选E。
    根据上文“Yunger plants are ften cheaper than fully grwn nes, and yu get t care fr them as they mature-which is part f the jy f wning plants.(年轻的植物通常比成熟的植物便宜,而且你可以在它们成熟时照顾它们——这是拥有植物的乐趣之一)”可知,不同的植物需求是不同的。由此可知,G. Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very rewarding(了解每种植物的需求是非常有益的)能够承接上文,同时引起下文,下文“It can bring a new interest and fcus int peple’s lives and help t make the link between hme and nature.”(它可以为人们的生活带来新的兴趣和焦点,并有助于建立家庭与自然之间的联系。)”具体介绍了了解每种植物的需求的好处。故选G。
    Passage 4
    【2023年全国甲卷】Tricks T Becming A Patient Persn
    Here’s a riddle: What d traffic jams, lng lines and waiting fr a vacatin t start all have in cmmn? There is ne answer. ___16___.
    In the Digital Age, we’re used t having what we need immediately and right at ur fingertips. Hwever, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whle lt better ff. Here are several tricks.
    ●Practice gratitude (感激)
    Thankfulness has a lt f benefits: Research shws it makes us happier, less stressed and even mre ptimistic. ___17___. “Shwing thankfulness can fster self-cntrl,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University f Califrnia.
    ● Make yurself wait
    Instant gratificatin (满足) may seem like the mst “feel gd” ptin at the time, but psychlgy research suggests waiting fr things actually makes us happier in the lng run. And the nly way fr us t get int the habit f waiting is t practice. ___18___. Put ff watching yur favrite shw until the weekend r wait 10 extra minutes befre ging fr that cake. Yu’ll sn find that the mre patience yu practice, the mre yu start t apply it t ther, mre annying situatins.
    ● ___19___.
    S many f us have the belief that being cmfrtable is the nly state we will tlerate, and when we experience smething utside f ur cmfrt zne, we get impatient abut the circumstances. Yu shuld learn t say t yurself, “___20___.” Yu’ll then gradually becme mre patient.
    A. Find yur causes
    B. Start with small tasks
    C. Accept the uncmfrtable
    D. All this adds up t a state f hurry
    E. It can als help us practice mre patience
    F. This is merely uncmfrtable, nt intlerable
    G. They’re all situatins where we culd use a little extra patience
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. B 19. C 20. F
    根据上文“Here’s a riddle: What d traffic jams, lng lines and waiting fr a vacatin t start all have in cmmn? There’s ne answer. (这里有一个谜语:交通堵塞、排长队和等待假期开始有什么共同之处?答案只有一个)”可知,本句说明上文谜语的答案,结合“交通堵塞、排长队和等待假期”这些情况可知都需要耐心。故G选项“在这些情况下,我们都需要一点额外的耐心”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“Thankfulness has a lt f benefits: Research shws it makes us happier, less stressed and even mre ptimistic.(感恩有很多好处:研究表明,感恩让我们更快乐,压力更小,甚至更乐观)”以及后文““Shwing thankfulness can fster self-cntrl,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University f Califrnia. (加州大学的研究员叶丽说:“表达感激可以培养自我控制能力。”)”可知,上文提到了感恩的诸多好处,可知本句继续说明感恩的好处:它还可以帮助我们练习更多的耐心。E选项中It指代上文Thankfulness。故E选项“它还可以帮助我们练习更多的耐心”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“And the nly way fr us t get int the habit f waiting is t practice. (我们养成等待习惯的唯一方法就是练习)”以及后文“Put ff watching yur favrite shw until the weekend r wait 10 extra minutes befre ging fr that cake. (把你最喜欢的节目推迟到周末再看,或者多等10分钟再去吃蛋糕)”可知,后文列举的事情都是日常的小事,说明要从小事开始练习等待,故B选项“从小任务开始”符合语境,故选B。
    根据本段内容“S many f us have the belief that being cmfrtable is the nly state we will tlerate, and when we experience smething utside f ur cmfrt zne, we get impatient abut the circumstances. (我们中的许多人都认为舒适是我们唯一能容忍的状态,当我们经历舒适区之外的事情时,我们会对环境失去耐心)”可知,本段提到了舒适是我们唯一能容忍的状态,结合前文的小标题都是祈使句可知,本段的主旨与接受不舒适相关,C选项中uncmfrtable对应后文cmfrtable。故C选项“接受不舒服”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Yu shuld learn t say t yurself (你应该学会对自己说……)”以及后文“Yu’ll then gradually becme mre patient. (然后你会逐渐变得更有耐心)”结合本段主要说明的是不舒服的状态,可知,本句为对自己所说的话与接受不舒服相关,故F选项“这仅仅是不舒服,而不是无法忍受”符合语境,故选F。
    Passage 5
    【2023年北京卷】It’s a jyful and stressful time f year in the United States fr students and their families as they make decisins abut where t attend cllege. Families ften turn t rankings systems t help make a decisin. ____35____
    When I talk t families as a schlar f higher educatin, they’re ften surprised that teaching excellence is nt cunted in rankings. ____36____
    Emerging research suggests that curses in lwer-ranked universities, n average, scred higher n teaching than curses in higher-ranked universities. ____37____ The absence f teaching excellence frm the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is ne f the mst imprtant predictrs f a wide range f cllege utcmes.
    Rankings, hwever, are nly ne reasn why a lw value is placed n teaching in higher educatin. Administratrs ften dn’t view teaching excellence as a way t increase enrlment (注册) r funding. ____38____ Research shws that the mre time instructrs spend n teaching, the lwer their salary. What is the result? Many instructrs cntinue t teach using traditinal lectures, which lead t lwer success rates.
    ____39____ Nevertheless, nt much will change until schls with high-quality teaching are rewarded with mre resurces, higher rankings and increased enrlments. In the lng term, universities, rganisatins that rank schls, and thers shuld wrk t make teaching a valued, cre part f the missin.
    What shuld students and their families d? They shuld give strng cnsideratin t universities where high-quality teaching is valued, even thugh the schls may be ranked lwer.
    A. Higher educatin has achieved its true ptential.
    B. Therefre, it’s nt highly valued in hiring r prmtin.
    C. Quality teaching has been an imprtant reputatin-building factr.
    D. Hwever, the rankings ignre a critical factr: the quality f teaching.
    E. Effrts t imprve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.
    F. They’re even mre surprised at hw teaching is undervalued by universities.
    G. In fact, universities ften shift emphasis frm teaching t ther ranking factrs.
    【答案】35. D 36. F 37. G 38. B 39. C
    根据空前内容“It’s a jyful and stressful time f year in the United States fr students and their families as they make decisins abut where t attend cllege. Families ften turn t rankings systems t help make a decisin.(对于美国的学生和他们的家人来说,这是一年中既快乐又紧张的时刻, 因为他们要决定去哪里上大学。家庭经常求助于排名系统来帮助做决定。)”可知,美国的学生和家人们在决定去哪儿上大学时,经常求助于排名系统。而根据下文第三段“Emerging research suggests that curses in lwer-ranked universities, n average, scred higher n teaching than curses in higher-ranked universities. (最新的研究表明,排名较低的大学的课程在教学方面的平均得分高于排名较高的大学的课程。)”可推断出,本文主要讲述的是排名方面出现的问题。选项D“Hwever, the rankings ignre a critical factr: the quality f teaching.(然而,排名忽略了一个关键因素:教学质量。)”延续上文内容,指出大学排名存在的问题;而根据下文内容也可以推断,排名中存在的问题是教学质量被忽略。故选D。
    根据空前内容“When I talk t families as a schlar f higher educatin, they’re ften surprised that teaching excellence is nt cunted in rankings.(作为一名研究高等教育的学者,当我与一些家庭交谈时,他们常常惊讶地发现,优秀的教学水平并没有被纳入排名。)”可知,大学排名中优秀的教学水平并没有被纳入排名让人们觉得很惊讶。选项F“They’re even mre surprised at hw teaching is undervalued by universities.(更让他们惊讶的是,大学竟然低估了教学的价值。)”延续上文内容,指的都是大学排名忽略教学质量。其中“mre surprised”和上文的“surprised”保持一致。故选F。
    空前内容“Emerging research suggests that curses in lwer-ranked universities, n average, scred higher n teaching than curses in higher-ranked universities.(最新的研究表明,排名较低的大学的课程在教学方面的平均得分高于排名较高的大学的课程。)”以及空后内容“The absence f teaching excellence frm the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is ne f the mst imprtant predictrs f a wide range f cllege utcmes.(考虑到高质量教学与学生成功之间的联系,排名中没有优秀教学令人惊讶。优质教学是衡量大学成绩的最重要因素之一。)”讲述的都是大学排名中没有考虑到教学。选项G“In fact, universities ften shift emphasis frm teaching t ther ranking factrs.(事实上,大学经常把重点从教学转移到其他排名因素上。)”与上下文内容相一致,故选G。
    根据空前内容“Rankings, hwever, are nly ne reasn why a lw value is placed n teaching in higher educatin. Administratrs ften dn’t view teaching excellence as a way t increase enrlment (注册) r funding.(然而,排名只是高等教育中对教学重视程度较低的一个原因。管理者通常不会将卓越的教学视为增加入学率或资金的一种方式。)”可知,上文分析了教学不被纳入排名的原因,该空应该讲其后果。选项B“Therefre, it’s nt highly valued in hiring r prmtin.(因此,它在招聘或晋升中不受重视。)”是上文内容的延续,正因为管理人员通常不把卓越的教学视为增加入学率或增加资金的一种方式,所以教学在招聘和晋升中不受重视。故选B。
    根据下文内容“Nevertheless, nt much will change until schls with high-quality teaching are rewarded with mre resurces, higher rankings and increased enrlments. In the lng term, universities, rganisatins that rank schls, and thers shuld wrk t make teaching a valued, cre part f the missin.(尽管如此,在拥有高质量教学的学校获得更多资源、更高排名和增加入学人数之前,不会有太大变化。从长远来看,大学、学校排名组织和其他机构应该努力使教学成为使命的一个有价值的核心部分。)”可知,作者认为想要强调教学质量还需要更多努力。根据“Nevertheless”可知,空处内容和下文内容存在转折关系。选项C“Quality teaching has been an imprtant reputatin-building factr.(高质量的教学一直是建立声誉的重要因素。)”强调了高质量教学的重要性,而下文则话题一转,指出了高质量教学的难处。故选C。
    【2023年浙江1月卷】With gas prices rising and airprt security lines snaking lnger than ever, why nt bk yur next dmestic vacatin n a train? Cmpared t ther alternatives, it’s cmfrtable and relaxing. Here is sme advice n hw t make a trip by rail as pleasant as pssible.
    Plan ahead. Mst lng-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accmmdatins, sell ut very quickly. 36 But n matter when yu travel, it’s a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance.
    Use a travel agent. Cnsider turning yur travel plan ver t a travel agent and letting him duble-check all the details, make suggestins, and then handle the actual reservatins. A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets. 37 Then yu wn’t have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals.
    Bring a blanket. When yu’re riding n trains, yu wn’t be prvided with a blanket fr free, even if yur trip is an vernight ne. 38 In the summer in particular, the air cnditining can make them quite cld.
    Arrive early. Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week, s missing yurs can be a disaster. 39 Nte: The times listed n the schedules are departure times, nt arrival times.
    Have fun. 40 Read a bk, knit, d a crsswrd puzzle, r simply watch the wrld unfld utside the windw. T calculate yur speed as yu d, divide 3,600(the number f secnds in an hur)by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile(the distance between tw milepsts). If it takes the train 53 secnds t travel ne mile, yu’re ging 67.92 mph.
    A.Train trips aren’t fr impatient types.
    B.Yu’ll have views frm bth sides f the train.
    C.The temperature n rail cars is ften hard t cntrl.
    D.That’s particularly true during busy summer mnths.
    E.Yu might have t wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne.
    F.Chances are the cst will be a lt less than the cst f ne bedrm.
    G.He may als bk yu in a sleeping car that’s right next t the diner.
    【答案】36.D 37.G 38.C 39.E 40.A
    36.根据上文“Plan ahead. Mst lng-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accmmdatins, sell ut very quickly.(提前计划。大多数长途火车,尤其是卧铺,很快就卖光了。)”以及下文“But n matter when yu travel, it’s a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance. (但无论你什么时候去旅行,最好至少提前90天预订。)”可知,大多数长途火车的卧铺很容易被定完,所以要提前安排预定,D项“在繁忙的夏季尤其如此。”符合语境,D项中“busy summer mnths”与前后文呼应,说明忙碌的夏季尤其需要提前计划。故选D项。
    37.根据上文“A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets. (一个好的旅行社有时可以帮你找到打折的票。)”以及下文“Then yu wn’t have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals. (这样你就不必为了吃饭而每天三次在行驶的火车上穿过几节车厢了。)”可知,好的旅行社帮你预定,不仅可以找到打折的票,还可以节省从卧铺到餐车的距离,G项中“bk yu in a sleeping car that’s right next t the diner”与前后文对应,因此推断G项“他可能还会给你预订餐厅旁边的卧铺车厢。”符合语境。故选G项。
    38.根据上文“When yu’re riding n trains, yu wn’t be prvided with a blanket fr free, even if yur trip is an vernight ne.(当你乘坐火车时,你不会免费获得一条毯子,即使你的旅行是过夜的。)”以及下文“In the summer in particular, the air cnditining can make them quite cld. (特别是在夏天,空调会让他们很冷。)”可知,这里提到了车厢内温度的问题,提醒乘客最好自备毛毯,C项中“The temperature n rail cars”与前后文对应,因此推断C项“列车上的温度通常很难控制。”符合语境。故选C项。
    39.根据上文“Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week, s missing yurs can be a disaster.(大多数火车每天只开一趟,有些火车一周只开三趟,所以错过你的火车可能是一场灾难。)”以及下文“Nte: The times listed n the schedules are departure times, nt arrival times. (注意:时刻表上列出的时间是出发时间,不是到达时间。)”可知,本段提醒要提前安排时间,错过时间是很麻烦的事情,E项中“Yu might have t wait lnger”与前后文对应,说明错过火车导致的结果,因此推断E项“你可能要等上超过24小时才能赶上下一班。”符合语境。故选E项。
    40.根据上文“Have fun.(玩得开心)”以及下文“T calculate yur speed as yu d, divide 3,600(the number f secnds in an hur)by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile(the distance between tw milepsts).”(要计算你的速度,用3600(一小时的秒数)除以你走一英里(两个里程碑之间的距离)所花费的秒数。)”可知,本段讲述如何度过乘车时间,A项中讲到火车旅行不适合没有耐心的人与后文要计算时间,用不同的方式打发时间对应,符合语境。故选A项。
    【2022年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷】Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasns t Thank Yur Wrkut Partner.” One reasn was: “Yu’ll actually shw up if yu knw smene is waiting fr yu at the gym, ” while anther read: “___16___” With a wrkut partner, yu will increase yur training effrt as there is a subtle (微妙) cmpetitin.
    S, hw d yu find a wrkut partner?
    First f all, decide what yu want frm that persn. ___17___ Or d yu just want t be physically fit, able t mve with strength and flexibility? Think abut the exercises yu wuld like t d with yur wrkut partner.
    Yu might think abut psting what yu are lking fr n scial media, but it prbably wn’t result in a useful respnse. ___18___ If yu plan n wrking ut in a gym, that persn must belng t the same gym.
    My partner psted her request n the ntice bard f a lcal park. Her ntice included what kind f training she wanted t d, hw many days a week and hw many hurs she wanted t spend n each sessin, and her age. It als listed her favrite sprts and activities, and prvided her phne number. ___19___
    Yu and yur partner will prbably have different skills. ___20___ Over time, bth f yu will benefit — yur partner will be able t lift mre weights and yu will becme mre physically fit. The cre (核心) f yur relatinship is that yu will always be there t help each ther.
    A. Yur first meeting may be a little awkward.
    B. A wrkut partner usually needs t live clse by.
    C. Yu’ll wrk harder if yu train with smene else.
    D. D yu want t be a better athlete in yur favrite sprt?
    E. Hw can yu write a gd “seeking training partner” ntice?
    F. Just accept yur differences and learn t wrk with each ther.
    G. Any ntice fr a training partner shuld include such infrmatin.
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. B 19. G 20. F
    根据前文“Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasns t Thank Yur Wrkut Partne.” One reasn was: “Yu’ll actually shw up if yu knw smene is waiting fr yu at the gym,”(《健身杂志》最近刊登了一篇题为《感谢健身伙伴的五个理由》的文章。一个理由是:“如果你知道有人在健身房等你,你就会去锻炼。”)”可知,这里陈述另一个和别人一起锻炼的理由。所以选择项C“Yu'll wrk harder if yu train with smene else.(如果你和别人一起训练,你会更努力。)”符合上下文语境。故选C。
    根据前文“First f all, decide what yu want frm that persn. (首先,决定你想从那个人身上得到什么。)”和后文“Or d yu just want t be physically fit, able t mve with strength and flexibility?(或者你只是想要身体健康,能够移动的力量和灵活性?)”可知,这里是一个问句,反问自己结伴锻炼的目的。所以选择项D“D yu want t be a better athlete in yur favrite sprt? (你想在你最喜欢的运动项目上成为更好的运动员吗?)”符合上下文语境。故选D。
    根据前文“Yu might think abut psting what yu are lking fr n scial media, but prbably wn't result in a useful respnse. (你可能会考虑在社交媒体上发布你想要的东西,但可能不会得到有用的回应。)”和后文“If yu plan n wrking ut in a gym, that persn must belng t the same gym.(如果你打算在健身房锻炼,那个人一定是同一个健身房的。)”可知,寻找的锻炼伙伴要具有便利性的特点。所以选择项B“A wrkut partner usually needs t live clse by. (锻炼伙伴通常需要住在附近。)”符合上下文语境。故选B。
    根据前文“My partner psted her request n the ntice bard f a lcal park. Her ntice included what kind f training she wanted t d, hw many days a week and hw many hurs she wanted t spend n each sessin, and her age. It als listed her favrite sprts and activities, and prvided her phne number. (我的搭档把她的要求贴在了当地公园的布告栏上。她的注意事项包括她想要做什么样的锻炼,每周多少天,每次培训要花多少小时,以及她的年龄。它还列出了她最喜欢的运动和活动,并提供了她的电话号码。)”可知,本段作者以自己的锻炼伙伴为例,说明寻找锻炼伙伴布告所要包括的信息。所以选择项G“Any ntice fr a training partner shuld include such infrmatin. (任何锻炼伙伴的布告都应包括这些信息。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
    根据前文“Yu and yur partner will prbably have different skills. (你和你的伴侣可能有不同的技能。)”和后文“Over time, bth f yu will benefit -- yur partner will be able t lift mre weights and yu will becme mre physically fit.(久而久之,你们双方都会受益——你的伴侣会举起更多的重量,你也会变得更健康。)”可知,要学会求同存异,一起合作,共同提高。所以选择项F“Just accept yur differences and learn t wrk with each ther. (接受你们的不同,学会彼此合作。)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
    【2022年新高考全国Ⅱ卷】Writing an essay is a difficult prcess fr mst peple. Hwever, the prcess can be made easier if yu learn t practice three simple techniques.
    ___16___ When yu are first trying t think f ideas fr an essay, put yur pen t yur paper and write nnstp fr ten r fifteen minutes withut letting yur pen leave the paper. Stay lse and free. ___17___ Dn’t wrry abut grammar r spelling. Even thugh this technique wn’t wrk fr everyne, it helps many peple get a gd stre f ideas t draw n.
    The next technique is t write yur draft rapidly withut wrrying abut being perfect. ___18___ Yet, by learning t live with imperfectin, yu will save yurself headaches and a wastepaper basket full f crumpled (弄皱) paper. Think f yur first draft as a path cut ut f the jungle—as part f an explratin, nt as a cmplete highway.
    The third technique is t try printing ut a triple—spaced (三倍行距) cpy t allw space fr revisin. ___19___ As a result, these writers never get in the habit f crssing ut chunks (大块) f their draft and writing revisins in the blank space. After yu have revised yur draft until it is t messy t wrk frm anymre, yu can enter yur changes int yur wrd prcessr. ___20___ The resulting blank space invites yu t revise.
    A. Make sure yur handwriting is neat.
    B. Let yur pen fllw the waves f thught.
    C. The secnd draft f the essay shuld be better.
    D. First f all, learn the technique f nnstp writing.
    E. T many writers try t get their drafts right the first time.
    F. Many beginning writers dn’t leave enugh space t revise.
    G. Then yu can print ut a fresh draft, again setting yur text n triple-space.
    【答案】16 D 17. B 18. E 19. F 20. G
    空格处是本段的主题句,由空后的“When yu are first trying t think f ideas fr an essay, put yur pen t yur paper and write nnstp fr ten r fifteen minutes withut letting yur pen leave the paper. (当你第一次想写一篇文章的时候,把笔放在纸上,不间断地写10到15分钟,不要让笔离开纸。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要学会不间断地写,D选项“First f all, learn the technique f nnstp writing. (首先,学习不间断写作的技巧。)”概括了本段的主要内容,可作为主题句,故选D。
    空前说“Stay lse and free. (保持宽松和自由。)”,空后说“Dn’t wrry abut grammar r spelling. (不要担心语法和拼写。)”,因此空格处应说按心里想的写,自由发挥,B选项“Let yur pen fllw the waves f thught. (让你的笔跟随思想的波浪。)”说明了按自己的思路和想法来写,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
    空前说“The next technique is t write yur draft rapidly withut wrrying abut being perfect. (下一个技巧是快速写草稿,不要担心是否完美。)”,空后说“Yet, by learning t live with imperfectin, yu will save yurself headaches and a wastepaper basket full f crumpled (弄皱) paper. (然而,通过学习与不完美共存,你将避免自己的头痛和一个装满皱巴巴的废纸篓。)”,E选项“T many writers try t get their drafts right the first time. (太多的作家试图在第一次就把草稿写好。)”中的“get their drafts”和上文的“write yur draft”相呼应,说明了有很多人想一次就写好,这是不合理的,要学会允许不完美的存在,因此E选项承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
    空前说“The third technique is t try printing ut a triple—spaced (三倍行距) cpy t allw space fr revisin. (第三种方法是打印出三倍行距的副本,以便有修改的空间。)”,F选项“Many beginning writers dn’t leave enugh space t revise. (许多初来乍到的作者没有留出足够的修改空间。)”中的“revise”和前面的“revisin”一致,指出了新手作者的常见做法,且其中的“Many beginning writers”和后文的“these writers”相互呼应,因此F选项承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
    空前说“After yu have revised yur draft until it is t messy t wrk frm anymre, yu can enter yur changes int yur wrd prcessr. (当你修改你的草稿,直到它太乱以至于无法继续工作,你可以把你的修改输入到你的文字处理器中。)”,空后说“The resulting blank space invites yu t revise. (由此产生的空白允许您修改。)”,因此空格处应说输入到文字处理器后应该做什么,G选项“Then yu can print ut a fresh draft, again setting yur text n triple-space. (然后你可以打印一份新的草稿,同样将文本设置为三倍行距。)”说的是输入到你的文字处理器后的做法,其中的“triple-space”和后文的“The resulting blank space”相呼应,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
    【2022年全国乙卷】Friendship needs care and attentin t keep it in gd health. Here are five ways t sustain (保持) lng-distance friendships.
    ·Set a regular date
    Lng-lasting friendships share the characteristic that bth sides equally cntact (联系) and share with ne anther. With busy schedules, squeezing in phne calls can be a challenge. ___16___.
    ·Mre isn’t always merrier
    Make sure yu have cmmunicated with yur friend abut hw frequently each f yu wants t be cntacted and what methd wrks best fr yu bth. ___17___. There are alternatives t cnstant written cmmunicatin, such as leaving vice messages r having a grup chat.
    ·Practise empathy (共情)
    ___18___. The friend wh is remaining needs t be sensitive t all the additinal time demands placed n the friend wh has mved. The ne in the new envirnment shuld be sympathetic t the fact that yur friend may feel abandned.
    · ___19___
    Anniversaries and birthdays carry even mre weight in lng-distance friendships. Althugh technlgy might make day-t-day cmmunicatin pssible, extra effrt ges a lng way n special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track f friends’ birthdays and ther imprtant dates will make sure nthing slips by yu.
    ·Dn’t rely n technlgy alne
    ___20___, but lng-distance friendships — even clse nes — may require mre cnscius effrt t sustain. Try t seek ut chances t renew friendships. Hw t d it? Just spend face-t-face time tgether whenever pssible.
    A. Remember imprtant dates
    B. Cmpensate by writing letters
    C. It is als helpful fr yu t be a friendship keeper
    D. Try t find a time that wrks fr bth f yu and stick t it
    E. Friends need t talk abut their preferred methds f cmmunicatin
    F. It is easy t have a sense f cnnectedness thrugh scial media
    G. Yu may be the friend wh left r the ne wh was left behind
    【答案】16 D 17. B 18. G 19. A 20. F
    上文“With busy schedules, squeezing in phne calls can be a challenge.”(平日繁忙,很难抽出时间打电话。)讲的是双方都很忙碌,很难有时间给对方打电话,D项“尽量找个双方都有空的时间去打电话,并坚持下去” 给出了解决没时间打电话这个问题的方法,符合题意。故选D项。
    上文“Make sure yu have cmmunicated with yur friend abut hw frequently each f yu wants t be cntacted and what methd wrks best fr yu bth.”(确保你已经与你的朋友沟通过,了解你们彼此希望联系的次数,以及哪种沟通方式最适合你们两人。)提到异地朋友之间要商量沟通方式,B项“可以通过写信补偿”提出了其中一种沟通方式:写信,下文“There are alternatives t cnstant written cmmunicatin, such as leaving vice messages r having a grup chat.”(除了不断的文字交流,还有其他方式,比如发语音或者组建群聊。)补充了发语音等其他沟通方式,其中“cnstant written cmmunicatin”呼应了B项的“writing letters”。故选B项。
    下文“The friend wh is remaining”(留下来的朋友)和“The ne in the new envirnment”(在新环境中的那个)提到朋友的两个不同处境,G项“你可能是朋友中离开的那一方,也可能是被留下的那一方”指出了异地友谊中分为离开的一方和留下的一方,其中“the friend wh left”和“the ne wh was left behind”分别对应下文“The ne in the new envirnment”和“The friend wh is remaining”,所以G项符合题意。故选G项。
    分析文章结构可知,设空处的内容是维系异地友谊的第四个方法,是第五段的小标题。下文“Anniversaries and birthdays carry even mre weight in lng-distance friendships.”(周年纪念日和生日对于异地友谊而言是非常重要的。)讲的是诸如周年纪念日和生日等重要的日子对于维系异地友谊是非常重要的,由此推知,这段对应的维系异地友谊的方法是A项“记得重要的日子”,所以A项符合题意。故选A项。
    设空处所在句子的后半句“but lng-distance friendships — even clse nes — may require mre cnscius effrt t sustain.”(但是异地友谊——甚至是关系亲密的友谊——可能需要更加自觉地去维系。)讲的是我们要更加自觉地维系异地友谊,其中“but”说明后半句与设空处形成转折,而F项“朋友之间很容易通过社交媒体产生一种联结感”讲的是可以通过社交媒体这种方式很容易与朋友产生联结,与后半句“require mre cnscius effrt t sustain”形成转折,而且其中的“scial media”呼应了该段的小标题“Dn’t rely n technlgy alne”(不要仅仅依赖技术)中的“technlgy”。故选F项。
    【2022年全国甲卷】Imprtant Things t Knw When Dining Out
    Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise yu with sme f its imprtant rules. ___16___. Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family — n matter where yu are in the wrld.
    Chpstick Rules
    The way yu handle chpsticks is imprtant t avid annying yur cmpanins. When yu put them dwn between bites, always put them dwn tgether s they are parallel with the edge f the table in frnt f yu. ___17___ .
    Hands r Utensils (餐具)
    In India and the Middle East, it’s cnsidered very rude t eat with yur left hand. Peple in France expect yu t eat with a utensil in each hand. ___18___, instead preferring t use their hands. In Chile, yu may never tuch any fd with yur fingers. Peple in Thailand generally use their frks nly t push fd nt their spns.
    Making Requests
    ___19___ . In Prtugal, this wuld be a serius mistake, because it shws the chef that yu dn’t like their seasning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask fr extra cheese t add t yur fd.
    Sme f these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem randm and strange, but they are imprtant in varius cuntries. ___20___ , the mre cmfrtable yu’ll begin t feel with its freign cultural practices.
    A. The mre friends yu make in yur lifetime
    B. The mre time yu spend in any given cuntry
    C. Mexicans cnsider it inapprpriate t eat with utensils
    D. Dn’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant
    E. It’s a gd sign fr the chef if yu make a mess arund yur plate
    F. Never stick them upright in yur fd r crss them as yu use them
    G. It may seem like a simple request t ask fr salt and pepper at a meal
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. C 19. G 20. B
    根据文章标题“Imprtant Things t Knw When Dining Out (外出就餐时要知道的重要事情)”可知,本文主要介绍的是外出就餐时应该知道的重要事情。由此可知,D项“Dn’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant (不要在餐馆犯尴尬的错误)”符合语境,其中“at a restaurant”对应标题中的“When Dining Out”,同时引起下文“Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family — n matter where yu are in the wrld. (知道一些技巧将有助于确保你和朋友或家人一起享受一顿愉快的晚餐——无论你在世界的哪个地方)”。故选D。
    根据本段小标题“Chpstick Rules”可知,本段主要讲述的是使用筷子的规则。根据上文“When yu put them dwn between bites, always put them dwn tgether s they are parallel with the edge f the table in frnt f yu. (当你在吃的间隙把它们放下来的时候,一定要把它们放在一起,这样它们就和你面前的桌子边缘平行了)”可知,此处讲述了正确使用筷子的方式。由此可知,F项“Never stick them upright in yur fd r crss them as yu use them (不要把它们笔直地插在你的食物中,也不要在使用它们时交叉放置)”讲述的也是使用筷子时的注意事项,符合此处语境,其中“them”指的是上文的“chpsticks”。故选F。
    根据本段小标题“Hands r Utensils (餐具)”可知,本段主要讲述的是手和餐具的问题。根据上文“In India and the Middle East, it’s cnsidered very rude t eat with yur left hand. Peple in France expect yu t eat with a utensil in each hand. (在印度和中东,用左手吃饭被认为是非常不礼貌的。法国人希望你每只手拿一个餐具吃饭)”及下文“instead preferring t use their hands (相反更愿意使用他们的双手)”可知,此处在讲述不同国家就餐时习惯使用哪只手的问题。由此可知,C项“Mexicans cnsider it inapprpriate t eat with utensils (墨西哥人认为用餐具吃饭是不合适的)”符合语境,与下文形成转折关系。故选C。
    根据本段小标题“Making Requests”可知,本段主要讲述的是用餐时提请求的问题。根据下文“In Prtugal, this wuld be a serius mistake, because it shws the chef that yu dn’t like their seasning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask fr extra cheese t add t yur fd. (在葡萄牙,这将是一个严重的错误,因为这向厨师表明你不喜欢他们的调味技巧。同样,在意大利,永远不要要求在食物中添加额外的奶酪)”可推知,在一些国家,用餐时提出要求是很无礼的。由此可知,G项“It may seem like simple request t ask fr salt and pepper at a meal (吃饭时要盐和胡椒看似很简单)”符合此处语境,其中“request”是关键词,说明,在用餐时提出一些我们看来很平常的要求在某些国家是无礼的。故选G。
    根据下文“the mre cmfrtable yu’ll begin t feel with its freign cultural practices. (你就会对它的外国文化习俗感到越舒服)”可推知,此处指在一个国家待得越久,就会越习惯当地习俗,且此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,B项“The mre time yu spend in any given cuntry (你在某个国家待的时间越长)”符合文意,引出下文。故选B。
    【2022年北京卷】Health and fitness help a persn live a gd and healthy life. Often due t varius pressures, we tend t ignre ur health. ____35____ It is the fitness level f ur bdy that helps us fight these diseases.
    ____36____ We need t be fit t have a healthy bdy. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted twards maintaining the fitness f ur bdy. Health is the state f ur bdy at a given time. We may nt have any disease but still have a weak bdy, which is ready t be targeted by viruses. ____37____ This des nt definitely mean that we are nt healthy. It means the fitness level is nt in accrdance with ur age and the climatic cnditins we live in.
    It is imprtant fr everyne t devte sme time t health and fitness. ____38____ Fr instance, we must exercise daily regardless f ur age and wrking style. There are different levels f exercises fr different age grups and we must d them accrding t ur wn health and age.
    Additinally, it is imprtant t relax ur bdy. We shuld have at least six t eight hurs f sleep every day. It helps in imprving ur immune (免疫) system and prtects us against diseases. ____39____ This, in turn, gives us new gals f health and fitness.
    A. Fitness levels decide the quality f life.
    B. Health and fitness are interrelated t each ther.
    C. It als helps in keeping us calm and relaxes ur mind.
    D. Fr instance, we may have a tendency t catch a cld easily.
    E. If we keep ur bdy fit, we can enjy life in a better manner.
    F. There are sme activities which everyne shuld d in ur life.
    G. This makes ur bdy suffer and we will catch ther diseases.
    【答案】35. G 36. B 37. D 38. F 39. C
    根据空前“Health and fitness help a persn live a gd and healthy life. Often due t varius pressures, we tend t ignre ur health.(健康和健身帮助一个人过上良好和健康的生活。由于各种各样的压力,我们往往会忽视自己的健康。)”可知因为各种压力,我们的健康容易被忽视,根据空后“It is the fitness level f ur bdy that helps us fight these diseases.(正是我们身体的健康水平帮助我们对抗这些疾病。)”可知身体的健康可以让我们应对各种疾病,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲忽视健康对我们的身体及生活的影响。G项“This makes ur bdy suffer and we will catch ther diseases.(这使我们的身体遭受痛苦,而且我们会感染其他疾病。)”承接上文,引出下文,而且G项中的ther diseases与空后的these diseases相互照应,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
    根据空后“We need t be fit t have a healthy bdy. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted twards maintaining the fitness f ur bdy.(为了拥有一个健康的身体我们需要健康。同样,如果我们是健康的,我们自然会被保持健康的身体所吸引。)”可知健康的身体与健身是密不可分的,空处位于句首,应是本段的主旨句,B项“Health and fitness are interrelated t each ther.(健康和健身是相互关联的。)”概括全段的主要内容,符合上下文语境。故选B项。
    根据空前“Health is the state f ur bdy at a given time. We may nt have any disease but still have a weak bdy, which is ready t be targeted by viruses.(健康是在特定时间内我们身体的状态。我们可能没有任何疾病,但身体仍然虚弱,随时会被病毒攻击。)”可知我们的身体虽然没有生病,但也很虚弱,随时会生病,根据空后“This des nt definitely mean that we are nt healthy.(这并不一定意味着我们不健康。)”可知生病并不一定表明我们是不健康的。空处承上启下,所以空处应该举例说明我们的身体在虚弱的情况下会生病这样一种状况,D项“Fr instance, we may have a tendency t catch a cld easily.(例如,我们可能很容易感冒。)”举例说明我们的身体会在虚弱的情况下生病,承接上文,引出下文,而且空后的This指代D项的we may have a tendency t catch a cld easily这种情况,符合上下文语境。故选D项。
    根据空前“It is imprtant fr everyne t devte sme time t health and fitness.(对每个人来说,花些时间在健康和健身方面是很重要的。)”可知我们应该花时间去健身,根据空后“Fr instance, we must exercise daily regardless f ur age and wrking style.(例如,我们必须每天锻炼,不管我们的年龄和工作方式。)”可知我们应该每天坚持锻炼,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是我们应该通过哪些活动来进行锻炼,F项“There are sme activities which everyne shuld d in ur life.(在我们的生活中有一些活动是每个人都应该做的。)”承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
    根据空前“We shuld have at least six t eight hurs f sleep every day. It helps in imprving ur immune (免疫) system and prtects us against diseases.(我们每天至少应该有6到8个小时的睡眠。它有助于改善我们的免疫系统,保护我们抵抗疾病。)”可知我们应该保障充足的睡眠,根据空后“This, in turn, gives us new gals f health and fitness.(这反过来又给了我们健康和健身的新目标。)”可知充足的睡眠会对我们的健康和健身目标很有好处,空处承上启下,所以空处应该继续讲充足的睡眠的好处,C项“It als helps in keeping us calm and relaxes ur mind.(它也帮助我们保持冷静和放松我们的大脑。)”进一步讲了充足的睡眠对于我们的好处,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选C项。
    【2022年浙江卷6月】I have a drawer full f letters t Santa. Each year my children wuld write up their Christmas wish lists. They were plite requests fr the latest game r ty. As the children gt lder, they wuld give Santa sme hints(提示)n where t buy their presents. ____11____
    Thse letters taught my children a valuable lessn abut writing: It has a purpse. Smetimes ur purpse is t achieve smething;ther times it may be t entertain, infrm, r persuade. ____12____ And when writing desn’t seem t have any purpse r get any kind f meaningful respnse, then it can be hard t get excited abut ding it.
    Christmas is a great time f year fr children t cmmunicate with thers thrugh writing. When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. ____13____ Yu write “Dear Santa” because yu dn’t knw him persnally and yu want t shw him respect.
    ____14____ Texting, nline messaging, live chats while playing vide games all mean that they are cnstantly prducing written messages. Hwever, because they are usually writing t family and friends, they use infrmal language mst f the time.
    There is nthing wrng with this kind f writing. It suits the audience and the purpse and gets the jb dne. ____15____ This type f writing wn’t be rewarded by the schl examiner, nr by a future emplyer r a ptential client. The very best cmmunicatrs are thse wh knw hw t adjust their language t match their audience.
    A. It isn’t that these yung peple can’t write.
    B. But it is always purpseful-r at least it shuld be.
    C. The age f pen-and-paper letter writing may have passed.
    D. As a result, each year they received smething they wanted.
    E. Yu write “Hi Nanna and Pp” because yu are clse t them.
    F. As technlgy develps, yung peple are writing mre than they ever have.
    G. But if this is the nly kind f writing yung peple d, it will cause prblems.
    11.D根据空前“As the children gt lder, they wuld give Santa sme hints(提示)n where t buy their presents. (随着孩子们逐渐长大,他们会给圣诞老人一些提示,告诉他去哪里买礼物。)”可知,孩子们给圣诞老人提示去哪买礼物。结合选项可知,D项“As a result, each year they received smething they wanted. (结果,他们每年都会收到他们想要的东西。)”为孩子们提示的结果:收到心仪的礼物。前后为明显的因果关系。故选D项。
    12.B根据空前“Smetimes ur purpse is t achieve smething;ther times t may be t entertain, infrm, r persuade. (有时我们的目的是为了获得东西,有时可能是为了娱乐、告知或说服。)”可知,我们写作都是带着目的的。结合选项B“But it is always purpseful-r at least it shuld be. (但它总是有目的的——或者至少应该是这样。)”可知,前后语意一致,说明写作是带有目的的。故选B项。
    13.E根据空前“When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. (当孩子们为真正的读者和真正的目的写作时,他们就能学会相应地选择用词。)”以及空后“Yu write “Dear Santa” because yu dn’t knw him persnally and yu want t shw him respect. (你写“亲爱的圣诞老人”是因为你不认识他,你想表达对他的尊重。)”可知,空后句和空前句之间是“理论——实践”的关系,由此可推知,空处也应为具体的实践。结合选项E“Yu write “Hi Nanna and Pp” because yu are clse t them. (你写“嗨,奶奶和爸爸”,因为你和他们很亲近。)”可知,符合这一逻辑。而且和空后结构一致。故选E项。
    14.F根据空后“Texting, nline messaging, live chats while playing vide games all mean that they are cnstantly prducing written messages. (在玩电子游戏时发短信、在线消息、实时聊天都意味着他们在不断地产生书面信息。 )”可知,科技的发展让人们的写作变得更普遍。结合选项F“As technlgy develps, yung peple are writing mre than they ever have. (随着科技的发展,年轻人写的东西比以前更多了。)”可知,前后语意一致,符合语境。故选F项。
    15.G根据空前“There is nthing wrng with this kind f writing. It suits the audience and the purpse and gets the jb dne. (这种写作方式并没有错。它迎合了观众和目的,完成了任务。)”可知,作者在评价这种科技影响下的写作方式。结合选项G“But if this is the nly kind f writing yung peple d, it will cause prblems. (但如果这是年轻人唯一的写作方式,那就会造成问题。)”可知,前后语意一致,从正反两方面评价科技带来的写作。故选G项。
    【2022年浙江卷1月】I have the same 24 hurs in a day as yu d, but 1 have made specific chice that allw me t make the mst f every day and still feel happy and relaxed. 11
    Pick the mst imprtant.
    12 Fcus n spending time that fr yu is fun and prductive. 1 chse the life f an adviser because I like t wrk with cmpanies, but dn't want the life f a big cmpany CEO. My chices are based n the lifestyle 1 want.
    Cmbine yur activities.
    Many peple g crazy trying t figure ut hw t spend time with friends, family, wrk, play, etc. 13
    Find ways t enjy them in a cmbined manner. Build yur scial life arund peple yur wrk envirnment. Find peple in yur cmpany wh share cmmn interests and develp yur career (职业)arund the peple and activities yu lve.
    Yu wuld think learning takes mre time frm yu, but actually there are always new ways f ding things that can save yu time n daily tasks, freeing yu up fr the mst imprtant. Always be lking fr a new way t gain back an hur here r there.
    Lighten up.
    The wrld wn't cme t an end in mst cases just because yu left a few things undne. Celebrate prgress and keep refining (改进)tward a happy prductive existence. 15 Every cmpletin is a small victry that adds up in a big way.
    Speed up.
    Be an active learner.
    Stp trying t balance time between them all.
    Make chices abut what is meaningful in yur life.
    The things yu d well usually give yu greater jy.
    F Perhaps these tips will help yu make the mst f yur time.
    G. This is why making lists is imprtant in any prductivity handbk.
    【答案】11. F 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. G
    上文 “ I have the same 24 hurs in a day as yu d, but 1 have made specific chice that allw me t make the mst f every day and still feel happy and relaxed.(我和你一样,每天都有24小时,但我做了具体的选择,让我充 分利用每一天,仍然感到快乐和放松)”说明作者做出选择,充分利用每一天,但仍旧感到快乐和轻松,根 据下文段落小标题可知,下文就如何充分利用每一天给出了建议,因此空格处应是承上启下,F项中的“help yu make the mst f yur time与上文 “t make the mst f every day ” 一致,“tips” 引出下文的建议,因此 F项“也许这些建议会帮助你充分利用你的时间”符合语境,承上启下。故选F。
    根据段落标题“Pick the mst imprtant.”可知,本段建议挑选最重要的,下文“Fcus n spending time that fr yu is fun and prductive.(把时间花在那些对你来说有趣和富有成效的事情上)”说明要挑选一些有趣的 和富有成效的事情去做,D项中的“ what is meaningful in yur life”与标题中的"the mst imprtant一致, 下文是对“Make chices”具体解释。因此推断D项“选择你生活中有意义的东西”符合语境。故选D。 【13题详解】
    上文 “Many peple g crazy trying t figure ut hw t spend time with friends, family, wrk, play, etc.( 许多人疯 狂地试图弄清楚如何在朋友,家庭,工作,娱乐等方面度过时间)”说明许多人想要弄清楚在生活中如何分 配好时间,下文“Find ways t enjy them in a cmbined manner.(找到一种结合的方式来享受它们)”说明可 以把事情组合在一起享受,因此推断空格处与上文是转折关系,说明不要试图均衡时间,C项“不要试图在 它们之间平衡时间”符合语境。故选C。
    空格处为段落小标题。根据下文“Yu wuld think learning takes mre time frm yu, but actually there are always new ways f ding things that can save yu time n daily tasks, freeing yu up fr the mst imprtant. Always be lking fr a new way t gain back an hur here r there. Always be lking fr a new way t gain back an hur here r there.(你可能会认为学习需要花费了你更多的时间,但实际上总有一些新的方法可以为你节省出做日常 事务的时间,为你腾出时间去做最重要的事情。寻找在这里或者那里赢回一个小时的新方法)”可推断,本 段讲述学习虽然花费很多时间,但总是能有一些方法为你节省时间做其他事情,因此要做有效的学习者。 因此推断B项“做有效的学习者”为段落标题,故选B。
    下文 “Every cmpletin is a small victry that adds up in a big way.(每一次的完成都是一个小的胜利,累积起 来就是一个大的胜利)”说明事情要一件一件去做,G项中的“making lists”与之呼应,因此推断G项“这 就是为什么列清单在任何生产手册中都很重要的原因”符合语境,this指代上文“The wrld wn't cme t an end in mst cases just because yu left a few things undne. Celebrate prgress and keep refining (改进)tward a happy prductive existence.(在大多数情况下,世界不会因为你没做完几件事而走向末日。庆祝进步,不断 改进走向一个快乐而富有成效的存在)”解释了列出清单一件一件完成任务的原因。故选G。
    【2022年浙江卷6月】I have a drawer full f letters t Santa. Each year my children wuld write up their Christmas wish lists. They were plite requests fr the latest game r ty. As the children gt lder, they wuld give Santa sme hints(提示)n where t buy their presents. ____11____
    Thse letters taught my children a valuable lessn abut writing: It has a purpse. Smetimes ur purpse is t achieve smething;ther times it may be t entertain, infrm, r persuade. ____12____ And when writing desn’t seem t have any purpse r get any kind f meaningful respnse, then it can be hard t get excited abut ding it.
    Christmas is a great time f year fr children t cmmunicate with thers thrugh writing. When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. ____13____ Yu write “Dear Santa” because yu dn’t knw him persnally and yu want t shw him respect.
    ____14____ Texting, nline messaging, live chats while playing vide games all mean that they are cnstantly prducing written messages. Hwever, because they are usually writing t family and friends, they use infrmal language mst f the time.
    There is nthing wrng with this kind f writing. It suits the audience and the purpse and gets the jb dne. ____15____ This type f writing wn’t be rewarded by the schl examiner, nr by a future emplyer r a ptential client. The very best cmmunicatrs are thse wh knw hw t adjust their language t match their audience.
    A. It isn’t that these yung peple can’t write.
    B. But it is always purpseful-r at least it shuld be.
    C. The age f pen-and-paper letter writing may have passed.
    D. As a result, each year they received smething they wanted.
    E. Yu write “Hi Nanna and Pp” because yu are clse t them.
    F. As technlgy develps, yung peple are writing mre than they ever have.
    G. But if this is the nly kind f writing yung peple d, it will cause prblems.
    11.D根据空前“As the children gt lder, they wuld give Santa sme hints(提示)n where t buy their presents. (随着孩子们逐渐长大,他们会给圣诞老人一些提示,告诉他去哪里买礼物。)”可知,孩子们给圣诞老人提示去哪买礼物。结合选项可知,D项“As a result, each year they received smething they wanted. (结果,他们每年都会收到他们想要的东西。)”为孩子们提示的结果:收到心仪的礼物。前后为明显的因果关系。故选D项。
    12.B根据空前“Smetimes ur purpse is t achieve smething;ther times t may be t entertain, infrm, r persuade. (有时我们的目的是为了获得东西,有时可能是为了娱乐、告知或说服。)”可知,我们写作都是带着目的的。结合选项B“But it is always purpseful-r at least it shuld be. (但它总是有目的的——或者至少应该是这样。)”可知,前后语意一致,说明写作是带有目的的。故选B项。
    13.E根据空前“When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. (当孩子们为真正的读者和真正的目的写作时,他们就能学会相应地选择用词。)”以及空后“Yu write “Dear Santa” because yu dn’t knw him persnally and yu want t shw him respect. (你写“亲爱的圣诞老人”是因为你不认识他,你想表达对他的尊重。)”可知,空后句和空前句之间是“理论——实践”的关系,由此可推知,空处也应为具体的实践。结合选项E“Yu write “Hi Nanna and Pp” because yu are clse t them. (你写“嗨,奶奶和爸爸”,因为你和他们很亲近。)”可知,符合这一逻辑。而且和空后结构一致。故选E项。
    14.F根据空后“Texting, nline messaging, live chats while playing vide games all mean that they are cnstantly prducing written messages. (在玩电子游戏时发短信、在线消息、实时聊天都意味着他们在不断地产生书面信息。 )”可知,科技的发展让人们的写作变得更普遍。结合选项F“As technlgy develps, yung peple are writing mre than they ever have. (随着科技的发展,年轻人写的东西比以前更多了。)”可知,前后语意一致,符合语境。故选F项。
    15.G根据空前“There is nthing wrng with this kind f writing. It suits the audience and the purpse and gets the jb dne. (这种写作方式并没有错。它迎合了观众和目的,完成了任务。)”可知,作者在评价这种科技影响下的写作方式。结合选项G“But if this is the nly kind f writing yung peple d, it will cause prblems. (但如果这是年轻人唯一的写作方式,那就会造成问题。)”可知,前后语意一致,从正反两方面评价科技带来的写作。故选G项。
    【2021年新高考全国Ⅱ 卷】If the nly reading yu ever d is the nvel r magazine, the speed at which yu read -prbably des nt matter very much. But if yu have t read a great deal fr study, yu will appreciate the benefits f being able t read mre quickly. ____16____
    ·Befre yu pen the bk, make sure that yu are cmfrtable. Yu need a seat which supprts yur back and the bk shuld be at the right distance frm yur eyes. ____17____
    ____18____ Lk at the table f cntents, the preface, the chapter heading,etc.This will help yu t decide whether yu really need t read the whle bk r nly certain parts f it. Ten minutes spent in this way culd save yu quite a lt f time in the lng run.
    If yu decide that yu need t read the whle bk, decide hw much yu can read at a time. ____19____ A histry bk which may cntain the facts in stry frm will be easier t read than ne dealing with scientific subjects. In the frmer case yu may be able t read a chapter. In the latter yu may nly be able t read ne page.
    Always keep a pencil and paper beside yu. ____20____Nte als the facts imprtant fr yur purpse as well as anything which leads yu t further research. Yu dn't have t write these things in detail. It is enugh t put the page number and ne r tw wrds as a reminder .
    A. Stp t have a rest nw and then.
    B. Spend a few minutes lking thrugh the bk.
    C. This depends n the type f bk yu are reading.
    D. Here are sme tips t help imprve yur reading speed.
    E. Make a nte f any page which is f special imprtance.
    F. Yu may find yurself having t leam smething by heart.
    G. Keep the rm cl rather than warm t avid feeling sleepy.
    【答案】16. D 17. G 18. B 19. C 20. E
    根据上文“If the nly reading yu ever d is the nvel r magazine, the speed at which yu read -prbably des nt matter very much. But if yu have t read a great deal fr study, yu will appreciate the benefits f being able t read mre quickly.(如果你唯一的阅读是小说或杂志,那么你阅读的速度可能并不重要。但是,如果你必须大量阅读来学习,你就会感激能够更快地阅读的好处。)”可知,接下来要介绍提高阅读速度的方法。D项:Here are sme tips t help imprve yur reading speed.(这里有一些帮助提高阅读速度的建议。)符合语境。故选D。
    根据本段主题句“Befre yu pen the bk, make sure that yu are cmfrtable.(在你打开书之前,确保你感到舒服。)”可知,本段主要说明要给自己创造舒适的阅读环境。G项:Keep the rm cl rather than warm t avid feeling sleepy.(保持房间凉爽而不是温暖以避免困倦。)符合语境。故选G。
    空处为段落主题句。根据下文“Lk at the table f cntents, the preface, the chapter heading,etc(查看目录、前言、章节标题等。)”可知,本段主要讲述在阅读一本书之前要先浏览一下大致内容。B项:Spend a few minutes lking thrugh the bk.(花几分钟浏览一下这本书。)符合语境。故选B。
    根据上文“If yu decide that yu need t read the whle bk, decide hw much yu can read at a time.(如果你决定要读完整本书,决定一下你一次能读多少。)”和下文“A histry bk which may cntain the facts in stry frm will be easier t read than ne dealing with scientific subjects.(以故事形式包含事实的历史书比科学题材的书更容易阅读。)”可知,看书时间的长短取决于书的类型。C项:This depends n the type f bk yu are reading.(这取决于你读的书的类型。)符合语境。故选C。
    根据段落主题句“Always keep a pencil and paper beside yu.(总是在身边放一支铅笔和一张纸。)”可知,本段强调要随时注意记笔记。E项:Make a nte f any page which is f special imprtance.(把任何有特别重要的一页都记下来。)符合语境。故选E。
    【2021年全国甲卷】Swap, Dn’t shp!
    Yu keep hearing abut recycling, right? But it desn't end with bttles, cans, and paper. Clthing takes a huge amunt f natural resurces(资源)t make, and buying lads f new clthing(r thrwing ut ld clthing)is nt healthy fr the envirnment. S what t d with all thse perfectly-gd-but-yu're-maybe-a-little-sick-f-them clthes piled n yur bedrm flr? ____16____. It's the best way t get rid f yur used clthes, scre clthes frm yur friends, and have a party all at the same time.
    A successful swap depends n the selectin f clthes, the rganizatin f the event, and, bviusly, hw much fun is had. It's really easy t d! Here are a few pinters.
    ●Invite 5—10 peple s yu have a nice selectin. ____17____ , and there may nt be enugh things t chse frm; mre than that, and it becmes uncntrllable.
    ●____18____. They shuld als prepare plenty f reusable bags t carry their "new" clthes hme.
    ●Put different types f clthing n different surfaces in the rm.____19____. Place a few mirrrs arund yur rm s peple can see hw things lk when they try them n. One f the grund rules f the swap shuld be that everyne must try n the clthes befre they take them—things always lk different when yu put them n.
    ●Set a starting time. Maybe yu say “g,” r turn n a certain sng, r whatever. ____20____. And dn't frget t put ut sme ckies and fruits. Remember, it's a party!
    A. Less peple than that
    B. Hld a clthing swap
    C. If tw peple are cmpeting
    D. Just keep music playing thrughut
    E. Dnate whatever clthes are left ver
    F Have everyne put their clthes in the right spts
    G. Tell everyne t bring clean clthes in gd cnditin
    【答案】16. B 17. A 18. G 19. F 20. D
    根据上文“S what t d with all thse perfectly- gd-but-yu 're- maybe-little-sick-f-them clthes piled n yur bedrm flr?(那么,该如何处理那些堆在卧室地板上的(看起来)完好但你可能有点厌倦的衣服呢?)”提出关于如何解决旧衣物的问题。下文“It's the best way t get rid f yur used clthes, scre clthes frm yur friends, and have a party all at the same time.(这是扔掉旧衣服、从朋友那里买衣服、同时开派对的最好方法。)”提到了具体处理旧衣物的方法。所以空白处应起承上启下的作用,承接上文讲到的问题,启下提出的方法。因而空白处是提出了一种处理旧衣物的好方法。B项“Hld a clthing swap.(进行衣物交换。)”给出了一种处理旧衣物的方法,承上启下,符合语境。故选B项。
    根据上文“Invite 5-10 peple s yu have a nice selectin.”(邀请5到10个人,这样你就有一个很好的选择。)说明了应该邀请的人数。下文“and there may nt be enugh things t chse frm; mre than that, and it becmes uncntrllable.”(可能没有足够的东西可供选择;多于这个数量,它就变得无法控制。)说明多于或少于一定数量的人数将会导致一些麻烦。所以空白处应是针对下文中的“mre than that”提出的相反的假设,即少于一定数量的人。A项“Less peple than that”(少于这些人)提出一种假设,和下文中“mre than that”相对,说明人数不宜太多,也不能太少,符合语境。故选A项。
    根据下文“They shuld als prepare plenty f reusable bags t carry their “new” clthes hme.”(他们还应该准备大量的可重复使用的袋子,把他们的“新”衣服带回家。)说明去的时候应该为交换所得的“新衣服”准备袋子。G项“Tell everyne t bring clean clthes in gd cnditin.”(告诉每个人带来品相完好的衣服。)说明去参加衣物交换的时候应该带完好的衣服,其中的bring和下文中carry相对,都是为交换衣物所做的准备。下文中的als也是提示词,并且其中They指代G项的everyne。所以G项符合语境。故选G项。
    根据上文“Put different types f clthing n different surfaces in the rm.”(把不同类型的衣服放在房间的不同地方。)指出衣服应该归类放置。下文“Place a few mirrrs arund yur rm s peple can see hw things lk when they try them n.”(在房间周围放几面镜子,这样人们试穿时就能看到衣服的样子。)提到了放置镜子的意义。由此可见,本段讲述的是房间里的一些具体的做法,所以空白处一样要提出人们在房间里要做什么。F项“Have everyne put their clthes in the right spts.(让每个人的衣服都放在相应的位置上。)”说明每个人应该按照不同类型把衣服摆放在相应的位置,符合语境。故选F项。
    上文“Set a starting time. Maybe yu say “g,” r turn n a certain sng, r whatever.”(设置开始时间。也许你说“开始”,或者打开一首歌,或者无论什么。)打开音乐或者无论什么,意味聚会开始。下文“And dn't frget t put ut sme ckies and fruits. Remember, it's a party!”(别忘了拿出一些饼干和水果。记住,这是个派对!)讲到了聚会上应该提供一些派对该有的服务。因而,空白处应是承接上文,讲述聚会期间要保持应有的内容。D项“Just keep music playing thrughut.”(要始终播放音乐。)承上启下,说明在派对上要有音乐,与前文形成意义上的一致,符合题意,故选D项。
    【2021年全国乙卷】Accrding t Jessica Hagy, authr f Hw t Be Interesting, it’s nt difficult t make yurself interesting at a dinner party.
    ___36___, if yu’re ut f yur cmfrt zne r if yu’re wandering int smebdy’s huse fr the first time. S the main thing is just t shw up and be adventurus, trying different fds and talking t strangers.
    Peple lve t talk abut themselves. If yu can start the cnversatin with a questin ther than “What d yu d fr a living?”, yu’ll be able t get a lt mre interesting cnversatin ut f whmever it is yu’re talking t. ___37___, it can bring in “I have this ld, brken-dwn vehicle” r “I rde the bus with these crazy peple wh were laughing at silly jkes in the back.” It just pens up cnversatin.
    ___38___? If yu can’t take their wine away, yu shuld certainly try t take away their sapbx (讲台). If yu’re the hst, yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them frm the situatin.___39___.
    And what abut that ther dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If yu’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the nly thing that always gets everyne talking again is t give the hst a cmpliment(赞扬). ___40___. Just quickly turn arund and say, “This cake is extremely delicius and yu have t tell me all abut it.”
    S being interesting at a dinner party isn’t that hard.
    A. Hw d yu knw the hst
    B. The first step is t g explring
    C. If yu ask the questin “Hw did yu get here?”
    D. Be prepared t have awkward cnversatins with strangers
    E. Or turn the cnversatin int a tpic where they have little t say
    F. What abut that persn wh had t much t drink r wn’t stp talking
    G. He r she is the persn wh is feeling the weight f that awkwardness the mst
    【答案】36. B 37. C 38. F 39. E 40. G
    根据上文“it’s nt difficult t make yurself interesting at a dinner party (在晚宴上让自己变得有趣并不难)”可知,下文应主要讲述如何在晚宴上让自己变得有趣。下文“S the main thing is just t shw up and be adventurus, trying different fds and talking t strangers. (所以最主要的事情就是去尝试,去冒险,尝试不同的食物,和陌生人交谈)”可推知,本段主要说明想在晚宴上让自己变得有趣,就要勇于冒险,勇于探索。由此可知,B项“The first step is t g explring(第一步是去探索)”承上启下,符合题意。故选B项。
    根据下文“it can bring in “I have this ld, brken-dwn vehicle” r “I rde the bus with these crazy peple wh were laughing at silly jkes in the back.” It just pens up cnversatin. (它可以带入“我有这辆破旧的车”或“我和那些在后面嘲笑愚蠢笑话的疯子一起乘坐公共汽车。”它只是打开了对话)”可知,设空处应该是提了一个不太好的问题,只是开始交流,但并不会给人留下有趣的印象。由此可知,C项“If yu ask the questin “Hw did yu get here?”(如果你问“你是怎么到这里来的?”这个问题)”能够承接下文,符合题意。故选C项。
    根据下文“If yu can’t take their wine away, yu shuld certainly try t take away their sapbx. If yu’re the hst, yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them frm the situatin. (如果你不能拿走他们的酒,你当然应该让他们离开讲话的地方。如果你是主人,你可以让他们到厨房帮你做点什么,只是为了让他们摆脱那种情景)”可知,此处指出了一个问题的解决办法。由此推知,设空处提到了一个棘手的问题。F项“What abut the persn wh has had t much t drink r wn’t stp talking(喝太多酒或一直说个不停的人怎么办)”正是提出的问题,引出下文的解决办法,符合题意。故选F项。
    根据上文“If yu can’t take their wine away, yu shuld certainly try t take away their sapbx (讲台). If yu’re the hst, yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them frm the situatin. (如果你不能拿走他们的酒,你当然应该让他们离开讲话的地方。如果你是主人,你可以让他们到厨房帮你做点什么,只是为了让他们摆脱那种情景)”可知,本段主要是为解决“喝太多酒或一直说个不停”这个问题提供方法。由此可知,E项“Or turn the cnversatin int a tpic where they have little t say(或者把谈话变成他们没什么可说的话题)”是提出的另一个解决办法,承接上文,符合题意。故选E项。
    根据上文“If yu’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the nly thing that always gets everyne talking again is t give the hst a cmpliment.(如果你在晚宴上遭遇了尴尬的沉默,唯一能让大家再次交谈的方法就是赞美主人)”可知,此处指出赞美主人可以缓解尴尬的沉默,设空处承上启下,下文“This cake is extremely delicius and yu have t tell me all abut it.(这蛋糕特别好吃,你得告诉我它的一切)”对主人进行了赞美。由此可知,宴会上出现尴尬的沉默时,最尴尬的就是主人,所以需要赞美主人来缓解尴尬。G项“He r she is the persn wh is feeling the weight f that awkwardness the mst(他或她是最能感受到那种尴尬的人)”承上启下,符合题意。故选G项
    【2021年北京卷】Music has lng been cnsidered t be an enjyable pastime fr many peple. ____35____ The mental health benefits frm music can't be argued.Music culd als be helping yu with many ther health prblems behind the scenes.
    ____36____Hwever,fr the same reasn,music can be very beneficial if ne is in pain.By distracting (分心) the mind frm the pain,music,peple say,can lwer stress and anxiety levels.This,f curse,can lead t less pain.
    Many peple enjy relaxing music in the evening prir t ging t bed.____37____While the validity f the idea is still being assessed,the lwered stress can even be tied back t bld pressure.Similarly, accrding t researchers,listening t just 30 minutes f sft music every day may help with healthy bld sugar levels, thrugh the lwering f stress and anxiety.
    When it cmes t heart health,there is speculatin (推测) that it's nt the style f music, but rather the temp that makes it s gd fr yur heart health.In ne Eurpean study,participants listened t music as the researchers mnitred their heart rates and bld pressure.____38____ On the ther hand,when the music slwed,the participants' stress and anxiety levels became lwer and the effects n heart rates appeared t fllw suit.
    ____39____But there is a whle range f ther health issues that turning up the radi culd be beneficial fr,which is what makes music s valuable.
    A. This feeling can als result in many ther health prblems.
    B. Sme experts say that music can be harmful if it is t lud.
    C. This idea is a little ff-the-wall but still has scientific backing.
    D. They say it can play a big rle in calming the brain enugh t sleep.
    E. The implicatins f music n verall well-being are really impressive.
    F. It is als highly ppular due t the individualized effects n stress and anxiety.
    G. Interestingly,the mre cheerful the music was,the faster their heart rates were.
    【答案】35. F 36. B 37. D 38. G 39. E
    空格后说“The mental health benefits frm music can't be argued”(音乐对心理健康的益处是毋庸置疑的),F选项It is als highly ppular due t the individualized effects n stress and anxiety中的stress and anxiety照应了mental health benefits,因此F选项切合题意,故选F。
    空格后说“Hwever,fr the same reasn,music can be very beneficial if ne is in pain”(然而,出于同样的原因,当一个人处于痛苦中时,音乐是非常有益的),Hwever表转折,因此空格处为对音乐的负面评价,B选项Sme experts say that music can be harmful if it is t lud中的harmful就是负面评价,因此B选项切合题意,故选B。
    空格前说“Many peple enjy relaxing music in the evening prir t ging t bed”(许多人喜欢在晚上睡觉前听些轻松的音乐),D选项They say it can play a big rle in calming the brain enugh t sleep中的sleep和ging t bed相呼应,因此D选项切合题意,故选D。
    空格前说“In ne Eurpean study,participants listened t music as the researchers mnitred their heart rates and bld pressure”(在欧洲的一项研究中,参与者听音乐,研究人员监测他们的心率和血压),G选项Interestingly,the mre cheerful the music was,the faster their heart rates were中的heart rates和前面的heart rates相照应,因此G选项切合题意,故选G。
    空格后说“But there is a whle range f ther health issues that turning up the radi culd be beneficial fr,which is what makes music s valuable”(但是,开着收音机还可以对一系列其他的健康问题有益,这就是音乐如此有价值的原因),因此本段讲的是音乐对身体总的好处,E选项The implicatins f music n verall well-being are really impressive讲的是音乐对整体健康的影响是非常令人印象深刻的,因此E选项切合题意,故选E。
    【2021年浙江卷1月】Yu run int the grcery stre t pick up ne bttle f water. Yu get what yu need, head t the frnt, and chse the line that lks fastest.
    Yu chse wrng. Peple wh yu swear gt in ther lines lng after yu are already checked ut and ff t the parking lt. 11.
    It turns ut, it's just math wrking against yu; chances are, the ther line really is faster.
    Grcery stres try t have enugh emplyees at checkut t get all their custmers thrugh with minimum delay. 12.Any small interruptin - a price check, a chatty custmer-can have dwnstream effects, hlding up an entire line.
    If there are three lines in the stre, delays will happen randmly at different registers. Think abut the prbability:13.S it's nt just in yur mind: Anther line prbably is mving faster.
    Researchers have a gd way t deal with this prblem. Make all custmers stand in ne lng, snaking line- called a serpentine line - and serve each persn at the frnt with the next available register. 14.This is what they d at mst banks and fast-fd restaurants. With a serpentine line, a lng delay at ne register wn't unfairly punish the peple wh lined up behind it. Instead, it will slw dwn everyne a little bit but speed up checkut verall.
    15.It takes many registers t keep ne line mving quickly, and sme stres can't affrd the space r manpwer. S wherever yur next wait may be: Gd luck.
    A.Why des this always seem t happen t yu?
    B.S why dn't mst places encurage serpentine lines?
    C.Sme f the may have std in a queue fr almst an hur.
    D.The chances f yur line being the fastest are nly ne in three.
    E.Hw high is the prbability that yu are in the fastest waiting line?
    F.With three registers, this methd is much faster than the traditinal apprach.
    G.But smetimes, as n a Sunday afternn, the system gets particularly busy.
    11.A下文“It turns ut, it's just math wrking against yu; chances are, the ther line really is faster. (原来,这只是你的数学问题;很可能,另一个队伍真的更快。)”解释了上文“Yu chse wrng.(你选错了)”的原因,下文与空格处是因果关系,所以本空应该是对前文选错提出疑惑,故选A项。
    12.G上文“Grcery stres try t have enugh emplyees at checkut t get all their custmers thrugh with minimum delay.(杂货店尽量让足够的员工在结账时让所有的顾客以最小的延误完成结账。)”解释了杂货店之前的工作模式,下文“Any small interruptin a price check, a chatty custmer -can have dwnstream effects, hlding up an entire line.(任何一个小小的中断,一个价格检查,一个喋喋不休的顾客,都会产生下游效应,拖住整个生产线。)”描述了杂货店的特殊情况,故本空应该填出现特殊情况的原因,故选G项。
    13.D根据上文“If there are three lines in the stre, delays will happen randmly at different registers. (如果杂货店中有三列队伍,延迟将在不同的队伍中随机发生。)”联系下文“S it's nt just in yur mind: Anther line prbably is mving faster.(所以这不仅仅是在你的脑海里:另一条队伍可能移动得更快。)”可知本空说的是任何一个队伍都有可能出现问题。你的队伍跑得最快的几率只有三分之一。故选D项。
    14.F根据“上文Researchers have a gd way t deal with this prblem.(我们得知研究人员有一个很好的方法来处理这个问题)”以及下文“This is what they d at mst banks and fast-fd restaurants. With a serpentine line, a lng delay at ne register wn't unfairly punish the peple wh lined up behind it. Instead, it will slw dwn everyne little bit but speed up checkut verall.(这个大多数银行和快餐店都是这样做的。有了一条蜿蜒的队伍,在一个登记处长时间拖延不会不公平地惩罚后面排队的人。相反,它会减慢每个人一点点,但加快了整体结帐速度。)”说明这个新方案迅速有效,联系上下文可知,空格中应该是与旧的结账方案作比较。故选F项。
    15.B结合下文“It takes many registers t keep ne line mving quickly, and sme stres can't affrd the space r manpwer.(要保持一条生产线的快速运转,需要很多的收银机,而且有些商店负担不起空间和人力。)”说明了一个原因,由此可知,空格处提出了一个问题;通过“It takes many registers t keep ne line mving quickly.(保持一条生产线的快速运转)”可知这里描述的是不鼓励蛇形队伍的原因。故选B项。
    【2020年新课标Ⅰ】A Few Tips fr Self-Acceptance
    We all want it… t accept and lve urselves. But at times it seems t difficult and t far ut f reach. 36. Here’s a handful f ways that will set yu in the right directin.
    ●37. D nt fllw the peple wh make yu feel nt-gd-enugh. Why d yu fllw them? Are yu hping that eventually yu will feel empwered because yur life is better than theirs? Knw that yur life is yur wn;yu are the nly yu in this wrld.
    ●Frgive yurself fr mistakes that yu have made. We are ften ashamed f ur shrtcmings, ur mistakes and ur failures. 38. Yu will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in hw yu culd have dne better, why nt ffer yurself a cmpassinate (有同情心) respnse? "That didn’t g as planned. But, I tried my best."
    ●Recgnize all f yur strengths. Write them dwn in a jurnal. Begin t train yur brain t lk at strength befre weakness. List all f yur accmplishments and achievements. Yu have a jb, earned yur degree, and yu gt ut f bed tday. 39.
    ●Nw that yu’ve listed yur strengths, list yur imperfectins. Turn the page in yur jurnal. Put int wrds why yu feel unwrthy, why yu dn’t feel gd enugh. Nw, read these wrds back t yurself. 40. Turn t a page in yur jurnal t yur list f strengths and achievements. See hw awesme yu are?
    A. Feeling upset again?
    B. Where d yu start?
    C. Nthing is t small t celebrate.
    D. Remember, yu are nly human.
    E.Set an intentin fr self-acceptance.
    F.Stp cmparing yurself with thers.
    G.When des the cmparisn game start?
    36.B 根据题目A Few Tips fr Self-acceptance(自我接纳的几点建议)及下文的Here's a handful f ways that will set yu in the right directin.(这有很多可以帮你找到正确方向的方法。)可知,选项B. Where d yu start? (从哪里开始那?)最合下文语境,故选B项。
    37.F 根据下文Are yu hping that eventually yu will feel empwered because yur life is better than theirs? Knw that yur life is yur wn; yu are the nly ne in this wrld.(你是否希望最终你会因为自己的生活比他们的好而感到有力量?要知道,你的生活是你自己的;你在这个世界上是独一无二的。)可知,本段主要讲述不要把自己和别人作比较,因为生活是我们自己的,我们也是世界上独一无二的。故F. Stp cmparing yurself with thers.(停止把自己和别人进行比较。)可以作为本段中心句,故选F项。
    38. D根据本文的中心句Frgive yurself fr mistakes that yu have made. (原谅自己所犯的错误。)及下文的Yu will make mistakes, time and time again. (你会一次又一次地犯错误。)可知,本句是在说明要讲自己看作一个普通人,普通人是会犯错的。选项D. Remember, yu are nly human.(记住,你只是个人。)与上下文衔接最好,故选D项。
    39. C根据上文List all f yur accmplishments and achievements. Yu have a jb, earned yur degree, and yu gt ut f bed tday.(列出你所有的成就。你有了一份工作,拿到了学位,今天你拜托了困境。)可知,这些小事都是你取得的成就,都值得庆祝,即没有什么事是太小而不值得庆祝的。故选C项。
    40.A 结合上文Put int wrds why yu feel unwrthy, why yu dn't feel gd enugh. Nw, read these wrds back t yurself.(用语言来解释为什么你觉得自己不值得,为什么你觉得自己不够好。现在,自己读一下这些话。)和下文的Turn t a page in yur jurnal t yur list f strengths and achievements. See hw awesme yu are? (翻到你日记本上记下你的优点和成就的那页。看到你有多棒了吗?)可推知本句是在说明“再次感到心烦意乱”的情况。选项A. Feeling upset again?(再次感觉心烦意乱了吗?)最合上下文语境,故选A项。
    【2020年新课标Ⅱ】Emji(表情符号) and Wrkplace Cmmunicatin
    In Asia, messaging platfrms are grwing rapidly, with users in the hundreds f millins, bth at wrk and play. 36. . It’s been reprted that 76 percent f emplyees in sme western cuntries are using emjis at wrk.
    Written cmmunicatins can ften read as cld and dull. Using emjis can add humr and feeling, keeping intentin clear. 37. , encuraging better and mre frequent cmmunicatin.
    In any given ffice, emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd, and finding cmmn grund in cmmunicatin style can be a challenge. 38. . While the yunger generatins prefer t cmmunicate visually, fr thse used t wrking with traditinal tls like email, it may feel like a learning curve(曲线). The gd news is that it’s simple t learn and can be wrth the effrt.
    There is als the matter f tne(语气). Wh hasn’t received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day? 39. . Emji can help cmmunicatin feel friendlier, and even a serius nte can be sftened with an encuraging smile.
    40. , and emji can cntribute directly t that psitive utcme. And when yur emplyees begin adding smiling emjis t their business cmmunicatin, yu’ll knw yu have succeeded in imprving yur wrk culture.
    A. Message with emjis feel mre cnversatinal
    B. Even a frmal email can seem cld and unfriendly
    C. Sending smiling faces t clleagues may seem strange
    D. The ppularity f these platfrms is spreading glbally
    E.Giving emplyees the tls enables them t cmmunicate hnestly
    F.Studies shw that friendlier cmmunicatin leads t a happier wrkplace
    G.An easy way t bring all wrk generatins tgether is with a chat platfrm
    36.D 根据前句“In Asia, messaging platfrms are grwing rapidly, with users in the hundreds f millins, bth at wrk and play.(在亚洲,即时通讯平台正在迅速发展,无论是工作还是娱乐,都有数亿用户)”和后句“It's been reprted that 76 percent f emplyees in sme western cuntries are using emjis at wrk.(据报道,在一些西方国家,76%的员工在工作中使用表情符号)”可知,前后句都说明了即时通讯平台受欢迎程度。所以选择项D. The ppularity f these platfrms is spreading glbally. (这些平台的受欢迎程度正在全球蔓延)符合题意。故选D。
    37. A根据前句“Using emjis can add humr and feeling, keeping intentin clear.(使用表情符号可以增加幽默和感情,保持明确的意图)”和后半句“encuraging better and mre frequent cmmunicatin.(鼓励更好更频繁的交流)”可知,这里陈述使用表情符号的优点。所以选择项A. Messages with Emjis feel mre cnversatinal. (使用表情符号的信息让人感觉更健谈)符合题意。故选A。
    38.G 根据前句“In any given ffice, emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd, and finding cmmn grund in cmmunicatin can be a challenge. (在任何一间办公室,员工的年龄从22岁到70岁甚至更大,在交流中找到共同点可能是一项挑战)” 中关键词句“emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd,”与选择项中“all wrk generatins”是一致的。故选G。
    39.B 根据前句“ Wh hasn’t received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day? (谁没有收到过毁掉了一整天的邮件呢?)”和后文介绍表情的优点,可知,这里陈述电子邮件的缺点。所以选择项B. Even a frmal email can seem cld and unfriendly. (即使是一封正式的电子邮件也会显得冷淡和不友好)故选B。
    40. F根据后句“and Emji can cntribute directly t that psitive utcme. (并且表情符号可以直接促成这种积极的结果)”可知,这里陈述表情符号能给工作场所带来的好处。所以选择项F. Studies shw that friendlier cmmunicatin leads t a happier wrkplace. (研究表明,更友好的沟通会带来更快乐的工作场所)故选F。
    【2020年新课标Ⅲ】 A husewarming party is a special party t be held when smene buys r mves int a new apartment r huse. The persn wh bught the huse r mved is the ne wh thrws the party. The party is a chance fr friends and family t cngratulate the persn n the new hme. 36. And it is gd time t fill the new space with lve and hpeful presents.
    37. Sme peple register a list f things they want r need fr their new hme at a lcal stres. Sme cmmn things peple will put n a gift registry include kitchen tls like knives and things like curtains. Even if there isn’t a registry, a gd husewarming gift is smething t decrate the new huse with, like a piece f art r a plant.
    38. This is ften appreciated since at a husewarming there isn’t a lt f fd served. There are usually n planned activities like games at a husewarming party. The hst r hstess f the party will, hwever, prbably give all the guests a tur f their new hme. Smetimes, because a husewarming party happens shrtly after a persn mves int their new hme, peple may be asked t help unpack bxes. 39.
    Husewarming parties get their name frm the fact that a lng time ag peple wuld actually bring firewd t a new hme as a gift. 40. Nw mst hmes have central heating and dn’t use fires t keep warm.
    A. This isn’t usual thugh.
    B. It is traditinal t bring a gift t a husewarming party.
    C. Yu can als bring fd r drinks t share with the ther guests.
    D. If yu’re lucky enugh t receive gifts, keep them in a safe place.
    E.It als gives peple a chance t see what the new hme lks like.
    F.The best husewarming parties encurage ld friends t get tgether.
    G.This was s that the persn culd keep their hme warm fr the winter.
    36.E 上句 The party is a chance fr friends and family t cngratulate the persn n the new hme.(这个聚会是朋友和家人祝贺新家的机会)。介绍庆祝乔迁之喜的聚会是亲戚朋友祝贺搬新家的人的一次机会,下句 And it is a gd time t fill the new space with lve and hpefully presents.(现在是时候用爱和希望的礼物来填补新家了)。介绍这也是给新家装满爱和希望礼物的好时机。E项:它也给了人们一次看看新家什么样的机会。与上下句并列,都是庆祝乔迁之喜聚会的目的,故选E。
    37. B下文Sme cmmn things peple will put n a gift registry include kitchen tls like knives and things like curtains.和like a piece f art r a plant. 列举了参加聚会所带礼物的清单,可以是厨房工具、窗帘、艺术品或绿植。这些都和参加聚会带礼物有关,B项:带礼物去参加乔迁派对是一种传统,概括了本段内容,引出下文,故选B。
    38.C 本段介绍了聚会的活动安排,根据后文This is ften appreciated since at a husewarming there isn' t a lt f fd served.(这一点通常是值得赞赏的,因为在乔迁派对上不会提供很多食物)。指出因为新搬家,所以主人不会准备太丰盛的食物或太多的活动。那么本句是在建议你可以带上自己的食物或饮料与其他客人分享搬家,所以主人不会准备太丰盛的食物或太多的活动。C项:你也可以带上食物或饮料与其他客人分享。故选C。
    39. A本段提到在乔迁聚会上人们会聚餐,主人带领客人参观新家。上句提到,由于乔迁聚会是在搬进新家后不久举行的,人们可能会被要求帮助打开箱子。根据常识可知在乔迁聚会上让客人们帮忙干活是不常见的,A项:但这并不常见。表达了此意,与上文衔接,故选A。
    40.G 上句介绍了乔迁聚会名称的由来,根据bring firewd t a new hme as a gift.可知人们会带柴火作为礼物,那么本空承接上文说明了带柴火的目的和作用。G项:这样人们就可以在冬天的时候保持家里温暖。符合语境。故选G。
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷(山东卷)】 Sme individuals are brn with a gift fr public speaking.16. D yu want t be a gd public speaker? Here are sme principles yu must master.
    Peple want t listen t smene wh is interesting, relaxed and cmfrtable. T ften when yu stand up t give a speech, yu fcus n the “public”at the expense f the”speaking. “ 17. Fcus n the speaking. Talk directly t yur audience, be yurself and make a cnnectin.
    Even the mst successful public speaker will make mistakes. Yet, the nly ne wh cares abut any mistake is the ne wh is speaking. Peple’s attentin wanders cnstantly. In fact,mst peple nly absrb abut 20 percent f a speaker’s message. S, dn’t stp speaking when yu make a mistake unless it’s a truly serius ne.18.
    Yur gal is nt t be a perfect public speaker.19. And like everything else in life, that takes practice. Remember, even wrld champin athletes practice their skills n a cnsistent basis.
    20. It’s rare t hear smene say, “I wish that speaker had spken lnger. “On the ther hand, yu prbably can’t cunt the times that yu’ve thught, “I’m glad that talk is ver. It seemed t g n frever! “S surprise yur audience. Always make yur presentatin just a bit shrter than anticipated. It’s better t leave yur listeners wishing fr mre than shifting restlessly in their seats waiting fr yur speech finally t end.
    A. D the ppsite.
    B. Yu want t be an effective public speaker.
    C. Yu dn’ t need t aplgize fr a minr slip.
    D. When it cmes t public speaking, less is usually mre.
    E.The bjective f mst speeches is t benefit the audience
    F.Take the fear ut f public speaking by fcusing n yur listeners
    G.Hwever, the majrity f peple are effective speakers because they train t be.
    16.G 本文主题是介绍成为好的演讲者要掌握的一些原则。上句提到有些人生来就有演讲的天赋。G项:然而,大多数人之所以能成为有影响的演讲者,是因为他们受过训练。与上句转折,引出本文主题--演讲者要训练。故选G。
    17.A 下句Fcus n the speaking.是本段主题,建议演讲者把注意力集中在演讲上。上句提到一种常见现象,当站起来发表演讲时,演讲者往往会把注意力放在”公众”上,而不是”演讲”上。这是错误的做法,A项D the ppsite.承上启下,说明了上句做法的错误,引出了下句正确的做法。故选A。
    18.C 本段提到即使成功的演讲者也会犯错误,观众不会太在意你的错误。上句建议当出错时不要停止演讲,除非是非常严重的错误。C项:你不需要为一个小失误道歉。与上句承接,是对待演讲出错的方法。故选C。
    19. B本段是说明练习的重要性。上句提到你的目标不是成为一个完美的演说家,下句应该说明目标是什么。B. Yu want t be an effective public speaker.与上句衔接,是我们演讲的真正目的。故选B。
    20.D 下文提到观众并不是认为演讲越长越好,根据 Always make yur presentatin just a bit shrter than anticipated.可知,作者建议让演讲比预期的短一点,给观众更多的期待胜过让他们坐立不安地等待演讲结束。D项:公开演讲时,通常少就是多。说明了演讲时,多和少的辩证关系。故选D。
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅱ 卷(海南卷)】Talking with yur dctr
    Talking freely with yur dctr can make yu feel better and gives yur dctr the infrmatin she r he needs t give yu the best care. Dn't be afraid r embarrassed t discuss smething that is bthering yu.____16____
    ●Stay psitive.
    G t yur dctr's visits with a gd attitude.____17____Think teamwrk! Think psitive!
    ●Keep track f hw yu are feeling.
    ____18____This will make it easier fr yu t answer questins abut yur symptms(症状)and hw medicines make yu feel. It als makes it easier fr yu t bring up anything that yu are wrried abut. Make sure t be hnest abut hw yu feel and hw lng yu've felt that way.
    Yur medical histry is a list f yur illnesses, treatments, what the dctrs tld yu t d, and anything else yu think yur dctr shuld knw. Als, if yu are allergic(过敏)t any medicines, be sure t mentin that t yur dctr.
    ●Ask questins.
    D nt be afraid t ask yur dctr any questins yu have. T remember all the questins yu have when yu are nt in the dctr's ffice, write them dwn and bring the list with yu t yur appintment.____20____Remember—there's n such thing as a stupid questin. If yu dn't understand the answer t a questin, ask the dctr t explain it again until yu d understand.
    A. This will make getting answers easier.
    B. Here are sme tips fr talking with yur dctr.
    C. Yu can talk t anther dctr if the treatments dn't wrk.
    D. Befre yur dctr's visit, keep ntes n hw yu are feeling.
    E. Remember, yur dctr and ther caregivers are n yur side.
    F. Bring yur medical histry, including a list f yur current medicines.
    G. Writing dwn what the dctr says will help yu remember imprtant infrmatin.
    【答案】16. B 17. E 18. D 19. F 20. A
    根据文章第一段“Talking freely with yur dctr can make yu feel better and gives yur dctr the infrmatin she r he needs t give yu the best care. Dn't be afraid r embarrassed t discuss smething that is bthering yu.”可知,与你的医生畅所欲言可以让你感觉好些,并向你的医生提供她或他需要的信息,以便为你提供最好的护理。不要害怕或尴尬地讨论困扰你的事情。再结合下文为几条具体的建议,所以B项:Here are sme tips fr talking with yur dctr.(这里有一些与你的医生交谈的小建议。)符合题意,为顺承关系,故选B。
    根据文章第二段“teamwrk!”意为团队可知,E项:Remember, yur dctr and ther caregivers are n yur side.(记住,你的医生和其他护理人员都站在你这边。)与此呼应,故选E。
    根据文章“This will make it easier fr yu t answer questins abut yur symptms(症状)and hw medicines make yu feel. It als makes it easier fr yu t bring up anything that yu are wrried abut. Make sure t be hnest abut hw yu feel and hw lng yu've felt that way.”可知,这将使你更容易回答关于你的症状和药物让你感觉如何的问题。这也让你更容易提出你担心的任何事情。一定要诚实地说出你的感受,以及你这种感觉持续了多久。由此可知,这都是在讲感受,故D项:Befre yur dctr's visit, keep ntes n hw yu are feeling.(在你的医生来之前,记下你的感受。)与之呼应,故选D。
    根据文章“Yur medical histry is a list f yur illnesses, treatments, what the dctrs tld yu t d, and anything else yu think yur dctr shuld knw. Als, if yu are allergic(过敏)t any medicines, be sure t mentin that t yur dctr.”可知,你的病史是你的疾病,治疗,医生告诉你做什么,以及你认为你的医生应该知道的任何事情的清单。如果你有过敏的话,你也要提一下。因此可知看出,这是关于病史和清单的,故F项:Bring yur medical histry, including a list f yur current medicines.(带上你的病史,包括你目前的药物清单。)符合题意,相呼应,故选F。
    根据文章“D nt be afraid t ask yur dctr any questins yu have. T remember all the questins yu have when yu are nt in the dctr's ffice, write them dwn and bring the list with yu t yur appintment.”可知,不要害怕问你的医生你有的任何问题。当你不在医生办公室时,为了记住你的所有问题,把它们写下来,并带着清单去你的预约。以及“Remember—there's n such thing as a stupid questin. If yu dn't understand the answer t a questin, ask the dctr t explain it again until yu d understand.”可知,记住,没有什么愚蠢的问题。如果你不明白问题的答案,请医生再解释一遍,直到你明白为止。因此中间缺少过渡句,故A项:This will make getting answers easier.(这将使获得答案更容易。)正好可以连接两句,故选A。
    【2020年北京卷】Many peple think that psitive thinking is mstly abut keeping ne's head in the sand and ignring daily prblems, trying t lk ptimistic. In reality it has mre t d with the way an individual talks t himself. Self-talk is a cnstant stream f thughts f a persn, wh is ften unaware and uncertain f sme events, phenmena, peple, r even the persn himself.____46____Meanwhile, psitive thinking can help t stp negative self-talks and start t frm a psitive view n an issue. Peple wh regularly practise psitive thinking tend t slve prblems mre effectively. They are less expsed t stress caused by external factrs. They tend t believe in themselves and in what they d.
    ____47____Peple wh think psitively demnstrate increased life spans, lwer rates f depressin and anxiety, better physical and psychlgical health, reduced risks f death frm heart prblems. Psitive thinking als cntributes t ne's ability t deal with prblems and hardships.____48____Fr example, researchers have fund that in the case f a crisis accmpanied by strng emtins, such as a natural disaster, psitive thinking can prvide a srt f buffer against depressin and anxiety. Resilient peple wh think psitively tend t treat every prblem as a challenge, a chance fr imprvement f any kind, r as an pprtunity fr persnal grwth. Pessimists, n the cntrary, tend t perceive prblems as a surce f additinal stress.____49____
    In cnclusin, psitive thinking is a pwerful and effective tl fr dealing with hard times and imprving the quality f ne's life. It desn't have anything t d with ignrant ptimism when an individual refuses t ntice a prblem.____50____
    Thinking in a psitive, self-encuraging way brings abut many benefits t ne's physical and mental health.
    A. It desn't cause any severe emtinal discmfrt, either.
    B. Negative self-talk damages self-cnfidence and decreases self-respect.
    C. It helps ne t remain clear-headed and cnfident in difficult situatins.
    D. Psitive thinking has several beneficial effects n the bdy and the mind.
    E. As thinking changes, an individual's behaviur and habits change as well.
    F. They ften ffer a real alternative t the cmmn and regular way f thinking.
    G. They ften feel discuraged lng befre trying t slve the prblem, even if small.
    【答案】46. B 47. D 48. C 49. G 50. A
    根据上文“Self-talk is a cnstant stream f thughts f a persn, wh is ften unaware and uncertain f sme events, phenmena, peple, r even the persn himself.(自我对话是一个人持续不断的想法,他常常对一些事件、现象、人,甚至是他自己都没有意识和不确定)”以及后文“Meanwhile, psitive thinking can help t stp negative self-talks and start t frm a psitive view n an issue.(同时,积极的思考可以帮助停止消极的自我对话,开始形成对一个问题的积极的观点)”由此可知,上文对自我对话进行了定义,后文则提到了积极的思考可以有助于停止消极的自我对话,可知本句是在说明消极的自我对话对人的不良影响。后文中negative self-talks可对应到B选项中Negative self-talk。故B选项“消极的自言自语会损害自信,降低自尊”符合语境,故选B。
    根据后文“Peple wh think psitively demnstrate increased life spans, lwer rates f depressin and anxiety, better physical and psychlgical health, reduced risks f death frm heart prblems. Psitive thinking als cntributes t ne's ability t deal with prblems and hardships.(积极思考的人寿命更长,抑郁和焦虑率更低,身心更健康,死于心脏问题的风险更低。积极的思考也有助于一个人处理问题和困难的能力)”由此可知,后文提到了积极思考对人的益处,后文中Peple wh think psitively以及Psitive thinking可对应到D选项中Psitive thinking。故D选项“积极思考对身心有几个有益的影响”符合语境,故选D。
    根据后文“Fr example, researchers have fund that in the case f a crisis accmpanied by strng emtins, such as a natural disaster, psitive thinking can prvide a srt f buffer against depressin and anxiety.(例如,研究人员发现,当危机伴随着强烈的情绪时,比如自然灾害,积极的思考可以为抑郁和焦虑提供一种缓冲)”可知,后文举出的例子说明了积极思考可以让一个人在面临危机时,保持冷静。故C选项“它帮助一个人在困难的情况下保持头脑清醒和自信”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Resilient peple wh think psitively tend t treat every prblem as a challenge, a chance fr imprvement f any kind, r as an pprtunity fr persnal grwth. Pessimists, n the cntrary, tend t perceive prblems as a surce f additinal stress.(积极思考的、有韧性的人倾向于把每一个问题都看作是一个挑战,一个改进的机会,或者一个个人成长的机会。相反,悲观主义者倾向于将问题视为额外压力的来源)可知,上文在将积极思考者与悲观主义者相比较,本句应承接上文,进一步解释说明悲观主义者在解决问题时一些性格特点。上文Pessimists可对应到G选项中They。故G选项“他们常常在试图解决问题之前就感到气馁,即使是很小的问题”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“In cnclusin, psitive thinking is a pwerful and effective tl fr dealing with hard times and imprving the quality f ne's life. It desn't have anything t d with ignrant ptimism when an individual refuses t ntice a prblem. (总之,积极思考是应对困难时期和提高个人生活质量的强大而有效的工具。当一个人拒绝注意到一个问题时,它与无知的乐观主义没有任何关系)”可知,本句承接上文进一步说明一个人拒绝注意到问题的影响,它与无知的乐观主义没有任何关系,也不会引起任何严重的情绪不适。故A选项“它也不会引起任何严重的情绪不适”符合语境,故选A。
    【2020年浙江卷1月】Let's take a minute t think abut the water we use. The human bdy is 60% water and we need t drink lts f water t be healthy. When we are thirsty we just g t the kitchen and fill a glass with clean water.
    ___31___Fr example, farmers, wh prduce the fd we eat, use water t make the plants grw. When we turn n a light r switch n a TV r a cmputer we use energy and we need water t prduce this energy.
    The truth is that we are lucky enugh t have clean water whenever we want,but this is nt the case fr many peple arund the wrld.___32___That's arund ne in 10 peple in the wrld. If we drink dirty water,we can catch diseases frm the bacteria and becme ill. Every year ver 500,000 children die frm diarrhea(腹泻)frm dirty water. That's arund 1,400 children every day!Als,in sme cuntries children walk many kilmetres every day t get water.___33___Therefre,they dn't have time t learn hw t read r write and dn't get an educatin.
    ___34___On this day every year,cuntries arund the wrld hld events t educate peple abut the prblems f dirty water and that clean water is smething that everyne shuld have arund the wrld. At ne schl in the UK,children between the ages f 10 and 15 walk 6km with six litres f water.___35___Peple give them mney t d this and all the mney helps get clean water t as many peple as pssible arund the wrld.
    A. We use water indirectly t.
    B. Every system in ur bdy depends n water t functin.
    C. It is t inspire peple t learn mre abut water-related prblems
    D. If children walk many hurs a day t get water,they can't g t schl.
    E. Did yu knw that arund 750 millin peple d nt have clean water t drink?
    F. In 1993 the United Natins decided that March 22nd is the Wrld Day fr Water.
    G. In this way,they knw hw it feels t walk a lng distance carrying heavy bttles.
    【答案】31. A 32. E 33. D 34. F 35. G
    根据下文Fr example, farmers, wh prduce the fd we eat, use water t make the plants grw. When we turn n a light r switch n a TV r a cmputer we use energy and we need water t prduce this energy.(例如,生产我们吃的食物的农民,使用水使植物生长。当我们打开电灯或电视或电脑的开关时,我们使用能源,我们需要水来产生这种能源)可知下文是在列举人们间接使用水的例子,故A选项“我们也间接地用水。”符合上下文语境,故选A。
    根据下文That's arund ne in 10 peple in the wrld.(那大约是世界上十分之一的人)可推知本句为说明世界上没有干净水喝的人数。故E选项“你知道大约有7.5亿人没有干净的水喝吗?”符合上下文语境,故选E。
    根据上文Als,in sme cuntries children walk many kilmetres every day t get water.(而且,在一些国家,孩子们每天要走很多公里去取水)中walk many kilmetres every day t get water可对应到D选项中walk many hurs a day t get water,故D选项“如果孩子们每天走很多小时去取水,他们就不能去上学。”符合上下文语境,故选D。
    结合下文On this day every year,cuntries arund the wrld hld events t educate peple abut the prblems f dirty water and that clean water is smething that everyne shuld have arund the wrld.(每年的这一天,世界各国都会举办各种活动,让人们了解脏水的问题,让他们知道清洁的水是全世界每个人都应该拥有的)是在说明世界水日当天的活动,故可知本句为说明世界水日的设立时间,故F选项“1993年,联合国决定3月22日为世界水日。”符合上下文语境,故选F。
    根据前文At ne schl in the UK,children between the ages f 10 and 15 walk 6km with six litres f water.(在英国的一所学校,10到15岁的孩子负重6升水来步行6公里)可推知本句承接上文继续说明这一做法的意义是让孩子们了解带着沉重的瓶子走很长的距离是什么感觉。故G选项“通过这种方式,他们知道带着沉重的瓶子走很长的距离是什么感觉。”符合上下文语境,故选G。
    【点睛】七选五做题技巧。做题的时候边读边做。各个问题附近的句子都需要重点阅读,圈画一些线索,再从选项中寻找相关的特征词用来判断正确答案。带入排除法也是一种很好的方法。另外,如果发现有一题拿不准的,先跳过,先做容易的能做出的题,直到读完整篇文章。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应该基本就能清楚了。然后再回过去做之前不确定的题目。如第三小题,根据上文Als,in sme cuntries children walk many kilmetres every day t get water.(而且,在一些国家,孩子们每天要走很多公里去取水)中walk many kilmetres every day t get water可对应到D选项中walk many hurs a day t get water,故D选项“如果孩子们每天走很多小时去取水,他们就不能去上学。”符合上下文语境,故选D。
    【2019年全国卷 Ⅰ】Is Fresh Air Really Gd fr Yu?
    We all grew up hearing peple tell us t “g ut and get sme fresh air.” ____36____ Accrding t recent studies,the answer is a big YES,if the air quality in yur camping area is gd.
    ___37___ If the air yu’re breathing is clean-which it wuld be if yu’re away frm the smg f cities-then the air is filled with life-giving,energizing xygen. If yu exercise ut f drs,yur bdy will learn t breathe mre deeply,allwing even mre xygen t get t yur muscles(肌肉)and yur brain.
    Recently,peple have begun studying the cnnectin between the natural wrld and healing(治愈). _____38_____ In these places patients can g t be near nature during their recvery. It turns ut that just lking at green,grwing things can reduce stress,lwer bld pressure,and put peple int a better md(情绪).Greenery is gd fr us. Hspital patients Wh see tree branches ut their windw are likely t recver at a faster rate than patients wh see buildings r sky instead. ______39______ It gives us a great feeling f peace.
    ___40___While the sun's rays can age and harm ur skin, they als give is beneficial Vitamin D. T make sure yu get enugh Vitamin D—but still prtect yur skin— put n sunscreen right as yu head utside. It takes sunscreen abut fifteen minutes t start wrking, and that's plenty f time fr yur skin t absrb a day's wrth f Vitamin D.
    A. Fresh air cleans ur lungs.
    B. S what are yu waiting fr?
    C. Being in nature refreshes us.
    D. Anther side benefit f getting fresh air is sunlight.
    E. But is fresh air really as gd fr yu as yur mther always said?
    F. Just as imprtantly, we tend t assciate air with health care.
    G. All acrss the cuntry, recvery centers have begun building Healing Gardens.
    【答案】36. E 37. A 38. G 39. C 40. D
    36.E根据下一句中的“the answer is a big YES”可知,该空应该是一个一般疑问句,选项中只有E选项是一般疑问句。故选E:但是新鲜空气真得像你母亲说的那样对你有好处吗?空前的peple tell us t “g ut and get sme fresh air”和选项中的“yur mther always said”亦是呼应。
    37.A 根据下一句中提到的“If the air yu’re breathing is clean…the air is filled with life-giving, energizing xygen”可知,新鲜空气充满赋予人生命的,充满活力的氧气。下文中“…breathe mre deeply, allwing mre xygen t get t yur muscles and yur brain”是对前文的递进:在户外,更多的氧气进入你的肌肉和大脑。根据前面的分析可以推知,该空应该提到新鲜空气的基本作用,根据常识,我们知道吸入的空气首先进入的是肺部,然后才会使我们的肌肉和大脑受益,故该空应选A选项:新鲜空气清洁我们的肺部。
    38.G 根据下一句中提到的“these places”可以推知,该空应该提到表示地点的复数名词。选项中只有G选项提到该类名词,故选项G:在全国,康复中心已经开始建造“康复花园”。these places就是指Healing Gardens。
    39.C 前文介绍的是“康复花园”中的绿色植物对于病人康复的好的作用:绿色的正在成长的植物可以减轻压力,降低血压,使人情绪良好。空后提到“它给我们一种平和感”。该空起承上启下的作用,仍然要提到处于“康复花园”这种自然环境中的好处,空后的it也要指代这种情况。故C选项切题:身处大自然可以使人精神焕发。
    40.D 根据下文中提到的“the sun’s rays…give us beneficial Vitamin D”可知,该段介绍的阳光的好处。故该选项应该提到阳光。选项中只有D选项涉及阳光。故选D:获得新鲜空气的另一个好处是阳光。
    Passage 2
    【2019年全国卷Ⅱ】Imagine a child standing n a diving bard fur feet high and asking himself the questin:“Shuld I jump? This is what mtivatin r the lack f it can d. Mtivatin and gal setting are the tw sides f same cin. ___36___Like the child n the diving bard, yu will stay undecided.
    ___37___ Mre than that, hw shuld yu stay mtivated t achieve the gal? First, yu need t evaluate yurself , yur values yur strengths, yur weaknesses, yur achievements, yur desires ,etc. Only then shuld yur yu’re yur gals
    Yu als need t judge the quality and depth f yur mtivatin. This is quite imprtant, because it is directly related t yur cmmitment. There are times when yur heart is nt in yur wrk. ___38___ S, slw dwn and think what yu really want t d at that mment. Clarity(清晰)f thughts can help yu mve frward.
    Anther way f setting realistic gals is t analyze yur shrt and lng term bjectives, keeping in mind yur beliefs, values and strengths. Remember that gals are flexible.____39____ They als need t be measurable. Yu must keep these pints in mind while setting yur gals.
    Yur persnal circumstances are equally imprtant. Fr example, yu may want t be a Pilt but can’t becme ne because yur eyesight is nt gd enugh.____40____Yu shuld reassess yur gals, and mtivate yurself t set a fresh gal.
    Yu will surely need t vercme sme difficulties, sme planned, but mst unplanned. Yu cannt vercme them withut ample mtivatin. Make sure that yu plan fr these difficulties at the time f setting yur gals.
    A. This can affect yur wrk.
    B. S hw shuld yu mtivate yurself?
    C. Hwever, this shuld nt discurage yu.
    D. S why shuld we try t set specific gals?
    E. They can change accrding t circumstances.
    F. Mtivatin is what yu need mst t d a gd jb.
    G. Withut mtivatin yu can neither set a gal nr reach it
    【答案】36. G 37. B 38. A 39. E 40. C
    36.G 上文说“动机和目标设定是同一枚硬币的两面”。下文说“就像孩子在跳水台,难以决定”。该空承上启下,G选项“没有目标,你就既不能设定目标,也无法实现它”切题,故选G。
    37.B 下文说“不仅如此,你应该如何为实现你的目标保持积极性”。该空引出下文,B选项“那么你应该如何激励自己呢”切题,故选B。
    38.A 上文说“有时候你的心不在工作上”,下文说“所以,减慢速度,想一想那时候,你到底想干什么”。该空承上启下,A选项“这会影响你的工作”切题,故选A。
    40.C 上文说“你可能想当一名飞行员,但是不能成为一名飞行员,因为你的视力不够好。”下文说“你应该重新评估你的目标,并且设定一个新的目标”。该空承上启下,C选项“然而,这也不要使你沮丧”切题,故选C。
    Passage 3
    【2019年全国卷III】In an nline class, develping healthy patterns f cmmunicatin with prfessrs is very imprtant. ___36___ While I have nly listed tw f each, there are bviusly many ther situatins that can arise. Students shuld be able t extend the lgic(逻辑)f each t their particular circumstance.
    • ___37___ Questins abut subject cntent are generally welcmed. Befre asking questins abut the curse design, read the syllabus(教学大纲)and learning management system infrmatin t be sure the answer isn't hiding in plain sight.
    • Participate in discussin frums(论坛), blgs and ther pen-ended frums fr dialgue. ___38___ Be sure t stay n tpic and nt ffer irrelevant infrmatin. Make a pint, and make it safe fr thers t d the same.
    • Dn't share persnal infrmatin r stries. Prfessrs are nt trained nurses, financial aid experts r yur best friends. If yu are in need f a deadline extensin, simply explain the situatin t the prfessr. ___39___
    • Dn't penly express annyance at a prfessr r class. ___40___ When a student attacks a prfessr n the scial media, the language used actually says mre abut the student. If there is truly a cncern abut a prfessr's prfessinalism r ability, be sure t use nline curse evaluatins t calmly ffer yur cmments.
    A. That's what they are fr.
    B. Turn t an nline instructr fr help.
    C. If mre infrmatin is needed, they will ask.
    D. Remember that nline prfessrs get a lt f emails.
    E. Belw are sme cmmn d's and dn' ts fr nline learners.
    F. Everyne has taken a nt-s-great class at ne time r anther.
    G. Ask questins, but make sure they are gd, thughtful questins.
    【答案】36. E 37. G 38. A 39. C 40. F
    36.E根据文章段落结构和本段首句In an nline class, develping healthy patterns f cmmunicatin with prfessrs is very imprtant,可知,在网络课堂上,与教授建立健康的交流模式是非常重要的,作者在下文中列举了一些规矩与禁忌,故选项E符合语境。
    37.G根据其后一句Questins abut subject cntent are generally welcmed.(与课程内容相关的问题是受欢迎的),解释了什么样的问题是好问题,可知,与G项“make sure they are gd, thughtful questins”相呼应,要提一些好的令人深思的问题,故选G。
    38.A根据前一句 Participate in discussin frums(论坛), blgs and ther pen-ended frums fr dialgue.可知,要参与论坛讨论、博客和其他开放式的对话论坛。而这正是网络课堂采用的交流的途径,故选A。
    39.C根据本段Prfessrs are nt trained nurses, financial aid experts r yur best friends教授不是训练有素的护士,不是经济援助专家,也不是你最好的朋友,可知,不要分享个人信息或故事,如果他们需要更多信息的话,他们会主动问起的,故选项C符合语境。
    40.F通读本段,并根据本段主题句Dn’t penly express annyance at a prfessr r class.告诫读者,每个人都可能曾经上过不太好的课,不要在社交媒体上攻击教授,不要公开表达对教授或班级的不满,要利用课程评价冷静地提出你的意见。选项F符合上下文语境。
    Passage 4
    【2019年浙江卷6月】Rck music cnsists f many different styles. Even thugh there is a cmmn spirit amng all music grups, they make very different music. ___31___ At that time the Beatles entered the wrld f music frm Liverpl.
    After they were given an invitatin t appear live n BBC, the Beatles quickly became famus in Britain with natinwide turs. By mid-1963, the Beatles had been extremely ppular in England. ___32___ They held large cncerts and perfrmed at clubs. They became the httest thing n the pp music scene in England. They began as a mdestly successful musician grup and ended the year as shw business legends(传说). Jhn Lennn and Paul McCartney were named cmpsers f the year.
    ___33___ They were nt sure hw the Americans wuld react t the new type f music. Beatlemania hit New Yrk n February 7, 1964. Hundreds f fans jammed the airprt t greet them. ___34___ The cncert was bradcast live and attracted the largest ne night audience in the histry f televisin up t that time. The Beatles were described as a British invasin(入侵)by lcal and natinwide newspapers at that time. Their victry in America was still remembered as a majr turning pint in the histry f rck and rll. Thanks t the Beatles, a lt f pprtunities were pened up t new faces n the market. ___35___
    A. They decided n a tur t the United States in 1964.
    B. Even their hairstyles became majr trends at that time.
    C. Rck music develped in the 1950s and the early 1960s.
    D. Hwever, their sngs changed the lives f generatins t cme.
    E. Many rck bands were able t fllw in the ftsteps f the Beatles.
    F. They appeared in the films A Hard Day's Night(1964)and Help!(1965).
    G. They perfrmed their first cncert in America at CBS televisin's 53rd street studi.
    【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. G 35. E
    31. C第一段讲述摇滚音乐,根据空后的at that time可知前句提到了时间,而且与rck music有关,选项中只有C 项讲的是摇滚音乐,并且讲述了其发展的时间,故选C。
    32. B空前后都是讲述披头士的出名程度,根据空前extremely ppular in England, 以及后文的they became the httest thing可知此处描述了他们的影响,选项B (甚至他们的发型在那时也成为了一种潮流)符合文意,且关键词even是一个提示,故选B。
    33.A 根据空后They were nt sure hw the Americans wuld react t the new type f music.(他们不确定美国人怎样反应),可知他们首次来美国演出,所以A项(决定首次到美国开巡回演出)符合文意,故选A。
    34. G根据空后The cncert was bradcast live…可知前句中应该出现cncert,选项G中的关键词their first cncert 前后呼应。故选G。
    35. E根据空前(由于披头士,市场上出现了很多机会),E项(很多新乐队(新面孔)都是模仿披头士),符合逻辑。故选E。
    Passage 5
    【2018年浙江卷11月】Sme peple are s rude. Wh sends an e-mail r a text message that just says “Thank yu?” Wh leaves a vice mail message rather than texts yu? Wh asks fr a fact easily fund n the Internet? ______31______
    Maybe I’m the rude ne fr nt appreciating life’s little curtesies(礼节). But many scial nrms(规范) just dn’t make sense t peple drwning in digital cmmunicatin.
    Take the thank-yu nte. Daniel Pst Senning, a cauthr f Emily Pst’s Etiquette,asked, “At what pint des shwing appreciatin utweigh the cst?”
    _____32_____ Think f hw lng it takes t listen t ne f thse messages. In texts, yu dn’t have t declare wh yu are r even say hell. E-mail, t, is slwer than a text. The wrst are thse wh leave a vice mail and then send an e-mail message t tell yu they left a vice mail.
    This isn’t the first time technlgy has changed ur manners, ____33____ Alexander Graham Bell, the inventr, suggested that peple say, " Ahy! "Finally, hell wn ut, and the victry sped up the greeting's use in face-t-face cmmunicatins.
    In the age f the smart phne, there is n reasn t ask nce-acceptable questins abut:the weather frecast, a business’s phne number, r directins t a huse, a restaurant, r an ffice, which can be easily fund n a digital map. _____34_____ And when yu answer, they respnd with a thank-yu e-mail.
    Hw t handle these differing standards? Easy: Cnsider yur audience. Sme peple,especially lder nes, appreciate a thank-yu message. ____35____ In traditinal scieties, the yung learn frm the ld. But in mdern scieties, the ld can als learn frm the yung. Here's hping that pliteness never ges ut f fashin but that time-wasting frms f cmmunicatin d.
    A.Then there is vice mail.
    B.Others, like me, want n reply.
    C. But peple still ask these things.
    D.Dn’t these peple realize that they’re wasting yur time?
    E. Wn't new technlgy bring abut changes in ur daily life?
    F. Face-t-face cmmunicatin makes cmprehensin much easier.
    G. When the telephne was invented, peple didn't knw hw t greet a caller.
    【答案】31.D 32.A 33.G 34.C 35.B
    32.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据段中The wrst are thse wh leave a vice mail and then send an e-mail message t tell yu they left a vice mail.可知,作者提到留下语音邮件又发电子邮件通知的情况。A项Then there is vice mail.位于段首,引出vice mail,下文对其进行介绍。故选A。
    33.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据Alexander Graham Bell, the inventr, suggested that peple say, " Ahy! "Finally, hell wn ut,可知当时Bell刚发明电话时怎样打招呼的问题,G项:当电话发明时,人们不知道如何和来电者打招呼。与下文连接,故选G。
    34.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段介绍智能手机时代数字地图能够解决许多生活查询问题,你帮助他们解决问题后,他们会回复你感谢邮件。C项But peple still ask these things.与上文转折,与下文连接。故选C。
    35.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段介绍不同的人群对礼节有不同的看法,我们要多考虑对方的情况,互相理解。上句Sme peple, especially lder nes, appreciate a thank-yu message介绍了老年人的习惯,B项Others, like me, want n reply.与之对比,指出年轻人与老年人不同。故选B。
    【点睛】七选五的解题技巧之一是根据上下文词汇来锁定线索。即:要关注空白前后的名词和动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等。其次是一些专有名词,比如说数词、代词、时间、年代、地点/名称等。在本文中,第2小题的vice mail,第3小题的Alexander Graham Bell, the inventr,在文中都能找到对应的词或相关内容。
    【2018年全国Ⅰ卷】Clr is fundamental in hme design – smething yu’ll always have in every rm. A grasp f hw t manage clr in yur spaces is ne f the first steps t creating rms yu’ll lve t live in. D yu want a rm that’s full f life? Prfessinal? Or are yu just lking fr a place t relax after a lng day? 36 , clr is the key t making a rm feel the way yu want it t feel.
    Over the years, there have been a number f different techniques t help designers apprach this imprtant pint. 37 , they can get a little cmplex. But gd news is that there’re really nly three kinds f decisins yu need t make abut clr in yur hme: the small nes, the medium nes, and the large nes.
    38 . They’re the little spts f clr like thrw pillws, mirrrs and baskets that mst f us use t add visual interest t ur rms. Less tiring than painting yur walls and less expensive than buying a clrful sfa, small clr chices bring with them the significant benefit f being easily changeable.
    Medium clr chices are generally furniture pieces such as sfas, dinner tables r bkshelves. 39 . They require a bigger cmmitment than smaller nes, and they have a mre pwerful effect n the feeling f a space.
    The large clr decisins in yur rms cncern the walls, ceilings, and flrs. Whether yu’re lking at wallpaper r paint, the time, effrt and relative expense put int it are significant. 40 .
    A. While all f them are useful
    B. Whatever yu’re lking fr
    C. If yu’re experimenting with a clr
    D. Small clr chices are the nes we’re mst familiar with
    E. It’s nt really a gd idea t use t many small clr pieces
    F. S it pays t be sure, because yu want t get it right the first time
    G. Clr chices in this range are a step up frm the small nes in tw majr ways
    36. B 36题以逗号结尾,后面另起一个简单句,可以从句子结构排除D,E,F,G项。根据前文的三个问句可知,此处是从中选择一种。故选B(不管你寻找哪一种)。
    37. A前文:在过去的许多年里,有许多技术帮助设计者实现这一要点;下文:它们有点复杂。所以A(然而他们都很有用)承上启下。符合题意。
    38. D本空是一个主题句,总说选择小颜色是我们很熟悉的方法。后文分说小颜色的具体用途。故选D。
    39. G根据前文“中型颜色选择通常是指一些例如沙发,餐桌或者书架等家具的颜色选择”接着表明这种范围的颜色选择是对小型颜色选择在两种方式上的进一步提示,故选G。
    40. F前文the time, effrt and relative expense put int it are significant你所付诸的时间、精力和相关的费用是巨大的。后文F那肯定是值得的,因为你想第一次把它弄好。故选F。
    Passage 2
    【2018年全国Ⅱ卷】If yu are already making the time t exercise, it is gd indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard t try and find the time t wrk ut. ___36___ Wrking ut in the mrning prvides additinal benefits beynd being physically fit.
    Yur prductivity is imprved. Exercising makes yu mre awake and ready t handle whatever is ahead f yu fr the day.___37___
    Yur metablism(新陈代谢) gets a head start. ___38___ If yu wrk ut in the mrnings, then yu will be getting the calrie(卡路里)burning benefits fr the whle day, nt in yur sleep.
    ___39___ Studies fund that peple wh wke up early fr exercise slept better than thse wh exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes yu, s it is mre difficult t relax and have a peaceful sleep when yu are very excited.
    ___40___ If yu wrk ut bright and early in the mrning, yu will be mre likely t stick t healthy fd chices thrughut the day. Wh wuld want t ruin their gd wrkut by eating junk fd? Yu will want t cntinue t fcus n psitive chices.
    There are a lt f benefits t wrking ut, especially in the mrnings. Set yur alarm clck an hur early and push yurself t wrk ut! Yu will feel energized all day lng.
    A. Yu will stick t yur diet.
    B. Yur quality f sleep imprves.
    C. Yu prefer healthy fd t fast fd.
    D. There is n reasn yu shuld exercise in the mrning.
    E. Yu can keep yur head clear fr 4-10 hurs after exercise.
    F. After yu exercise, yu cntinue t burn calries thrughut the day.
    G. If yu are planning t d exercise regularly, r yu’re ding it nw, then listen up!
    【答案】36. G 37. E 38. F 39. B 40. A
    36. 根据空前的内容“生活忙碌没有时间锻炼”和空后的内容“晨练除了身体健康之外,还能带来其他好处”,下文接着列举了晨练的其他好处。由此可知,此处缺一个承上启下句。G项中then listen up!(那么请仔细听!)很好的起到了承上启下的作用。故选G。
    37. 根据上一句Exercising makes yu mre awake(锻炼能让你更清醒),E项(你可以在运动后保持头脑清醒4-10个小时。)是对上一句的进一步解释。故选E。
    38. 空前句子是本段的主题句,晨练是新陈代谢的开始,空后句子说如果晨练,则你会得到卡路里一整天都在燃烧的益处,F项(锻炼之后,你一整天都在燃烧卡路里。)是空后句子的根据,空后句子是对F项的进一步延伸。故选F。
    39. 此处缺一个主题句。空后句子解释了早起锻炼的人比晚上锻炼的人睡得更好。B项(你的睡眠质量提高了。)是对后面内容的总述。故选B。
    40. 根据空后句子“If yu wrk ut bright and early in the mrning, yu will be mre likely t stick t healthy fd chices thrughut the day.(如果你在早晨锻炼身体,你将更有可能坚持健康的食物选择。)”,A项(你将坚持你的饮食。)符合本段内容,是主题句,起到统领下文的作用。故选A。
    Passage 3
    【2018年全国Ⅲ卷】Befre there was the written wrd, there was the language f dance. Dance expresses lve and hate, jy and srrw ,life and death, and everything else in between.
    ___36___We dance frm Flrida t Alaska, frm nrth t suth and sea t sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays , ffice parties and just t fill the time.
    “I adre dancing,” says Lester Bridges, the wner f a dance studi in Iwa. “I can't imagine ding anything else with my life." Bridges runs dance classes fr all ages. "Teaching dance is wnderful. ____37____It's great t watch them. Fr many f them, it's a way f meeting peple and having a scial life."
    ___38___"I can tell yu abut ne yung cuple," says Bridges. “They're learning t d traditinal dances. They arrive at the class in lw spirits and they leave with a smile. _____39_____”
    S, d we dance in rder t make urselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says,“Dance, like the pattern f a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want t get better and better.____40____ I find it hard t stp! Dancing reminds me I'm alive."
    A. S why d we dance?
    B. Dance in the everywhere.
    C. If yu like dancing utdrs, cme t America.
    D. My lder students say it makes them feel yung.
    E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.
    F. Dancing seems t change their feeling cmpletely.
    G. They stayed up all night lng singing and dancing.
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. A 39. F 40. E
    .37. 根据前文舞蹈课为各个年龄阶段的人架起了桥梁,教跳舞是非常好的,再根据后句it’s great t watch them,根据人称可知是在谈论他们,所以D和F符合,再根据本段最后一句可知,此段主要介绍了跳舞对他们的好处,故选D。
    38. 根据第四段后句,是通过举例介绍人们跳舞的原因,故选A。
    39. 根据前句they arrive at the class in lw spirits and they leave with a smile, 所以他们的心情彻底改变,故选F。
    40. 根据文章前后句可知,此处人称为第一人称,所以E符合语境,作者结合自己的跳舞经历介绍了跳舞给自己带来的好处。
    Passage 4
    【2018年浙江卷6月】Mving int a new hme in a new neighbrhd is an exciting experience. Of curse, yu want t make sure that yu becme an acceptable and valuable part f yur neighbrhd . the easiest way t accmplish this is t make sure yu cnduct yurself as a gd neighbr shuld. ___31_____
    Perhaps ne f the mst imprtant things yu can d as a gd neighbr is t keep yur prperty(房产) neat, clean, and in gd repair. _____32_ __ By chsing t keep the utside f the hme in great shape, yu will help t imprve the lk and feel f the area.
    Secnd, take the verall appearance f the neighbrhd seriusly. When ging fr a walk,take a small garbage bag. ____33_____ This small act will let yur neighbrs knw that yu care abut the area.
    _____34____ If a neighbr is ging t be ut f twn, ffer t cllect mail and newspapers. If a neighbr suffers an illness, ffer t d the grcery shpping . Let them knw yu are there t help in any way that is acceptable, while still respecting the privacy f yur neighbr.
    _____35__ _ By fllwing the basic rules f respecting thers, taking care f what belngs t yu, and taking pride in the appearance f the neighbrhd in general, yu will quickly becme a gd neighbr that everyne appreciate.
    A. In general, keep an eye n their prperty while they are gne.
    B.A gd neighbr is als ne wh likes t help ut in small ways.
    C. Being a gd neighbr is mre r less abut cnsiderate behavir.
    D. Smetimes neighbrs may g t the supermarket tgether t d shpping.
    E. Shuld yu cme acrss waste paper thrwn ut f a passing car, pick it up.
    F. Peple tend t take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.
    G. Here are a few tips t help yu win ver everyne in the neighbrhd quickly
    【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段介绍和邻居关系融洽最重要的是保持干净整洁的户内户外环境,F项中keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting. 保持街上的一切新鲜和诱人,与本段意思一致,故选F。
    【解析】考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。最后一段是总结,只要我们考虑周到,尊重他人,照顾好属于自己的东西,为周围的人感到自豪,很快就会成为一个大家都喜欢的好邻居。C项中cnsiderate behavir是下文内容的概括,故选C。
    Passage 5
    【2018年北京卷】 Why D We Get Angry?
    Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes f anger are varius. Knwing these causes can make us examine ur behavir, and crrect bad habits. The main reasns we get angry are triggering(触发)events, persnality traits(特征), and ur assessment f situatins. _____51_____
    Triggering events fr anger are s many that t describe them all wuld take hundreds f pages. Hwever, here are sme examples: being cut ff in traffic, a deadline appraching, experiencing physical pain, and much mre. _____52_____ The reasn why smene is triggered by smething and thers are nt is ften due t ne’s persnal histry and psychlgical traits.
    Each persn, n matter wh they are, has psychlgical imbalances. Peple wh have persnality traits that cnnect with cmpetitiveness and lw upset tlerance are much mre likely t get angry. ____53____ Als, smetimes pre-anger des nt have t d with a lasting cnditin, but rather a temprary state befre a triggering event has ccurred.
    _____54_____Smetimes even rutine ccurrences becme surces f pre-anger, r anger itself. Smetimes ignrance and negative (消极的) utlks n situatins can create anger.
    _____55_____Hwever, anger can easily turn vilent, and it is best t knw the reasns fr anger t appear in rder t prevent its presence. With these main reasns in mind, we can evaluate ur level f anger thrughut the day and prevent cases f utbursts by cmprehending the reasns fr ur feelings.
    A. Our attitude and viewpint n situatins can create anger within us as well.
    B. But sme types f situatins can help us t get rid f the ccurrence f anger.
    C. Anger is rarely lked upn as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised t reduce it.
    D. Anger is a particularly strng feeling and maybe peple think that they have reasns t feel angry.
    E. Having these persnality traits implies the pre-anger state, where anger is in the backgrund f yur mind.
    F. Understanding these reasns will cntrl ur wn anger if we are willing t evaluate urselves with a critical eye.
    G. Nt everyne acts the same in respnse t events, and that is why what triggers ne persn may r may nt trigger anther.
    【答案】51. F 52. G 53. E 54. A 55. D
    51. 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。上一句提到导致人们生气的三个主要原因: triggering(触发)events,persnality traits(特征),ur assessment f situatins,下面的几段具体分析了这三个原因与生气的关系。故该句应该起承上启下的作用,故F选项(如果我们愿意用批判性的目光来评估自己的话,那么了解这些原因将会控制我们的愤怒。)承上启下,故选F。
    52. 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。该空前面两句提到引发愤怒的事件很多,例如:堵车,截止日期临近,身体疼痛等。下一句提到:某件事会激发一个人的怒气,但其他人却不会为此而生气的原因是由于个人的历史和心理特征。该空承上启下,应当提到某件事会使某些人生气,但不会使别人生气这个现象,故G选项(人们对这些事情的反应不一样,这就导致使一个人生气的事情可能会让另一个人生气,也可能不会让另一个人生气。)承上启下,故选G。
    53. 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。上一句提到:每个人都有自己的心里不平衡的地方。那些比较好强,气量比较小的人更容易生气。下一句提到:而且,有时候,pre-anger并不一定是一种持久的状态,而是一种触发事件发生前的暂时状态。该空承上启下,既要提到上一句中的那些性格特征,又要提到下一句中的pre-anger,故Having these persnality traits implies the pre-anger state, where anger is in the backgrund f yur mind. (拥有这些个性特征意味着愤怒之前的状态,愤怒就在你的大脑背景中。)承上启下,故选E。
    54. 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。下一句提到:有时候,甚至常规性的事件也会变成pre-anger或恼怒的来源。有时候对这些情况的无知和负面观点会产生愤怒。该空位于段首,引出下文,故A选项(我们的对情况的态度和看法也会在我们内心产生愤怒。)是本段的主题句,概括全段内容,故选A。
    55. 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。下一句提到:但是生气很容易转变为暴力,所以最好了解一下愤怒的原因来阻止它的存在。该句和上一句之间是转折关系,结合剩余选项可知,D选项(愤怒是一种特别强烈的感情,或许人们认为他们有理由生气。)和下文构成转折关系,故选D。
    词语复现包括原词复现和同反义词复现,及正确选项和空格前后句子有相同的词或同反义词相互呼应。抓住这些复现线索,题目自然迎刃而解。在第一小题中,空前的the main reasns和G选项中的these reasns属于原词复现。第二小题空前文提到的trigger,G选项中的trigger,和空后一句中的trigger也属于原词复现。
    【2017年新课标Ⅱ卷】Interruptins are ne f the wrst things t deal with while yu’re trying t get wrk dne. 36 , there are several ways t handle things. Let’s take a lk at them nw.
    37 . Tell the persn yu’re srry and explain that yu have a millin things t d and then ask if the tw f yu can talk at a different time.
    When peple try t interrupt yu, have set hurs planned and let them knw t cme back during that time r that yu’ll find them then. 38 . It can help t eliminate(消除)future interruptins.
    When yu need t talk t smene, dn’t d it in yur wn ffice. 39 , it’s much easier t excuse yurself t get back t yur wrk than if yu try t get smene ut f yur space even after explaining hw busy yu are.
    If yu have a dr t yur ffice, make gd use f it. 40 . If smene kncks and it’s nt an imprtant matter, excuse yurself and let the persn knw yu’re busy s they can get the hint(暗示)that when the dr is clsed, yu’re nt t be disturbed.
    A. If yu’re busy, dn’t feel bad abut saying n
    B. When yu want t avid interruptins at wrk
    C. Set bundaries fr yurself as far as yur time ges
    D. If yu’re in the ther persn’s ffice r in a public area
    E. It’s imprtant that yu let them knw when yu’ll be available
    F. It might seem unkind t cut peple shrt when they interrupt yu
    G. Leave it pen when yu’re available t talk and clse it when yu’re nt
    36. B【解析】考查承启句。 根据上文的"Interruptins are ne f the wrst things t deal with"以及下文的"there are several ways t handle things"可知,工作时被打断是要处理的最糟糕的事情之一,有几个处理事情的办法。空处承上启下,应选B项。
    37. A【解析】考查主题句。 根据下文的"Tell the persn yu’re if the tw f yu can talk at a different time"可知,本段讲述的是当你忙的时候,要拒绝别人打断你。故A项符合文意。主题句是对下文内容的总结,所以要认真阅读下文的内容并准确得出主题句,切忌以偏概全,以点代面。
    38.E【解析】考查承启句。 根据上文的"let them knw t cme back during that time r that yu’ll find them then"及下文的"It can help t…"可知,此处指让他们知道你什么时候有空是很重要的。故选E项。
    39. D【解析】考查承启句。 根据上文的"dn’t d it in yur wn ffice"以及下文的"excuse yurself t get back t yur wrk"可知,你如果不在自己的办公室里,就更容易给自己找到借口返回来工作。故选D项。
    40. G【解析】考查承启句。 根据本段的首句"If yu have a dr t yur ffice, make gd use f it"以及下文的"when the dr is clsed"可知,G项符合文意。
    Passage 2
    【2017年新课标Ⅲ卷】Lts f peple find it hard t get up in the mrning, and put the blame n the alarm clck. In fact, the key t easy mrning wake-up lies in resting yur bdy clck. 36 Here’s hw t make ne.
    ● 37 In rder t make a change, yu need t decide why it’s imprtant. D yu want t get up in time t have breakfast with yur family, get in sme exercise, r just be better prepared fr yur day? Once yu are clear abut yur reasns, tell yur family r rmmates abut the change yu want t make.
    ● Rethink mrnings. Nw that yu knw why yu want t wake up, cnsider re-arranging yur mrning activities. If yu want time t have breakfast with yur family, save sme time the night befre by setting ut clthes, shes, and bags. 38 That’s a quarter-hur mre yu culd be sleeping if yu bught a cffee maker with a timer.
    ● Keep yur sleep/wake schedule n weekends. If yu’re tired ut by Friday night, sleeping in n Saturday culd sund wnderful. But cmpensating n the weekends actually feeds int yur sleepiness the fllwing week, a recent study fund. 39
    ● Keep a recrd and evaluate it weekly. Keep track f yur effrts and write dwn hw yu feel. After yu’ve tried a new methd fr a week, take a lk at yur recrd. 40 If nt, take anther lk at ther methds yu culd try.
    A. Get a sleep specialist.
    B. Find the right mtivatin.
    C. A better plan fr sleep can help.
    D. And cnsider setting a secnd alarm.
    E. If the steps yu take are wrking, keep it up.
    F. Stick t yur set bedtime and wake-up time, n matter the day.
    G. Recnsider the 15 minutes yu spend in line at the cafe t get cffee.
    36. C 根据空前及空后的关键词ne可以判断出,空处应为解决方法,再结合所给选项可知只有C选项符合语境。
    37. B 本段内容是建议人们要先确定为什么要早起,弄清早起的目的是什么,也就是早起的动机是什么,因此B项可以概括本段的中心。
    38. G 根据下句内容可知,作者建议人们买一个可以定时的咖啡机,这样可以节约15分钟的喝咖啡时间,能够多睡15分钟,文中的a quarter-hur和选项中的15 minutes相呼应,是信息提示词。故选G。
    39. F 根据段落的中心句可知,本段是建议人们在周末也要坚持自己的作息时间,由此推断出Stick t yur set bedtime and wake-up time, n matter the day符合语境。故选F。
    40. E 后句建议人们如果这样做没作用就尝试新办法,由此推断出该空与If nt对应,即如果有效果的话如何去做。故选E。
    Passage 3
    【2017年浙江卷】Hw t D Man-n-the-Street Interviews
    The man-n-the-street interview is an interview in which a reprter hits the streets with a cameraman t interview peple n the spt. 31 But with these tips, yur first man-n-the-street interview experience can be easy.
    ●When yur bss r prfessr sends yu ut t d man-n-the-street interviews fr a stry, think abut the tpic and develp a list f abut ten general questins relating t it. Fr example, if yur tpic is abut envirnmental prblems in America, yu might ask, "Why d yu think envirnmental prtectin is imprtant in America?" 32
    ●Hit the streets with cnfidence. 33 Say, "Excuse me, I wrk fr XYZ News, and I was wndering if yu culd share yur pinin abut this tpic." This is a quick way t get peple t warm up t yu.
    ●Mve n t the next persn if smene tells yu she is nt interested in talking n camera. Dn’t get discuraged.
    ● 34 Each interview that yu get n the street shuldn’t be lnger than ten minutes. As sn as yu get the answer yu need, mve n t the next persn. Make sure that as yu g frm interview t interview, yu are getting a variety f answers. If everyne is giving yu the same answer, yu wn’t be able t use it. A safe number f interviews t cnduct is abut six t ten. 35
    ●If yur news statin r schl requires interviewees t sign release frms t appear n the air, dn’t leave wrk withut them.
    A. Limit yur time.
    B. As yu apprach peple, be plite.
    C. If yu dn’t wn a camera, yu can buy ne.
    D. Fr new reprters, this can seem like a challenging task.
    E. T get gd and useful results, ask them the same questin.
    F. That number f interviews shuld give yu all the answers yu need.
    G. With a questin like this, yu will get mre than a "Yes" r "N" reply.
    31. D 【解析】根据空格后一句中的"yur first man-n-street interview experience can be easy"可知这是对于记者新人所提出的建议,而选项D中的"new reprters"正好与其相承接,故选D。
    32. G 【解析】空格前一句是个远非yes或n就可以回答的提问, 而选项G中"With a questin like this…"正好与其相承接,故选G。
    33. B 【解析】根据空格后一句所说的很有礼貌的提问,可知这里的建议应该是提问时要注意礼貌,而选项B中的plite正好与其相呼应,故选B。
    34. A 【解析】根据空格后一句"Each interview that yu get n the street shuldn’t be lnger than ten minutes."可知这一段的建议是要限制采访的时间,故选A。
    35. F 【解析】空格前一句是"A safe number f interviews t cnduct is abut six t ten", 而选项F中"That number f interviews…"正好与其相呼应,故选F。
    Passage 4
    【2017年北京卷】 Every animal sleeps, but the reasn fr this has remained fggy. When lab rats are nt allwed t sleep, they die within a mnth. 71
    One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memries. 72 We knw that, while awake, fresh memries are recrded by reinfrcing(加强) cnnectins between brain cells, but the memry prcesses that take place while we sleep have been unclear.
    Supprt is grwing fr a thery that sleep evlved s that cnnectins between neurns(神经元) in the brain can be weakened vernight, making rm fr fresh memries t frm the next day. 73
    Nw we have the mst direct evidence yet that he is right. 74 The synapses in the mice taken at the end f a perid f sleep were 18 per cent smaller than thse taken befre sleep, shwing that the cnnectins between neurns weaken while sleeping.
    If Tnni’s thery is right, it wuld explain why, when we miss a night’s, we find it harder the next day t cncentrate and learn new infrmatin — ur brains may have smaller rm fr new experiences.
    Their research als suggests hw we may build lasting memries ver time even thugh the synapses becme thinner. The team discvered that sme synapses seem t be prtected and stayed the same size. 75 "Yu keep what matters," Tnni says.
    A. We shuld als try t sleep well the night befre.
    B. It’s as if the brain is preserving its mst imprtant memries.
    C. Similarly, when peple g fr a few days withut sleeping, they get sick.
    D. The prcesses take place t stp ur brains becming laded with memries.
    E. That’s why students d better in tests if they get a chance t sleep after learning.
    F. "Sleep is the price we pay fr learning,"says Giuli Tnni, wh develped the idea.
    G. Tnni’s team measured the size f these cnnectins, r synapses, in the brains f 12 mice.
    【答案】71 C 72 E 73 F 74 G 75 B
    71.C 【解析】根据前一句When lab rats are nt allwed t sleep, they die within a mnth.老鼠如果不睡觉,一个月它们就死了,同样,人几天不睡觉,也会生病,人和动物匹配,死和生病形成对比,故选C。
    72.E 【解析】根据前一句提到的睡觉有助于帮助我们加强新的记忆,所以学生在学习新知识后有机会睡一觉,他们在考试中就会表现得更好,前后逻辑关系很顺畅,因果联系,故选E。
    73.F 【解析】根据下文中的he,可知此处要提到一个人,以及他的理论故选F。
    74.G 【解析】根据下文中提到的关键词synapses in the mice可知,他肯定做了老鼠的实验,答案为G。
    75.B 【解析】根据后一句提到的Yu keep what matters你记住重要的东西,可知大脑会把最重要的记忆保存下来,故选B。
    【2016年新课标Ⅰ卷】Secret cdes(密码) keep messages private. Banks, cmpanies, and gvernment agencies use secret cdes in ding business, especially when infrmatin is sent by cmputer.
    Peple have used secret cdes fr thusands f years. 36 Cde breaking never lags(落后) far behind cde making. The science f creating and reading cded messages is called cryptgraphy.
    There are three main types f cryptgraphy. 37 Fr example, the first letters f "My elephant eats t many eels" spell ut the hidden message "Meet me."
    38 Yu might represent each letter with a number, fr example. Let’s number the letters f the alphabet, in rder, frm 1 t 26. If we substitute a number fr each letter, the message "Meet me" wuld read "135 520 135."
    A cde uses symbls t replace wrds, phrases, r sentences. T read the message f a real cde, yu must have a cde bk. 39 Fr example, "bridge" might stand fr "meet" and "ut" might stand fr "me." The message "Bridge ut" wuld actually mean "Meet me." 40 Hwever, it is als hard t keep a cde bk secret fr lng. S cdes must be changed frequently.
    A. It is very hard t break a cde withut the cde bk.
    B. In any language, sme letters are used mre than thers.
    C. Only peple wh knw the keywrd can read the message.
    D. As lng as there have been cdes, peple have tried t break them.
    E. Yu can hide a message by having the first letters f each wrd spell it ut.
    F. With a cde bk, yu might write dwn wrds that wuld stand fr ther wrds.
    G. Anther way t hide a message is t use symbls t stand fr specific letters f the alphabet.
    【答案】36. D37. E38. G39. F40. A
    36. D根据后句内容可以判断该空应该和密码的破译有关,故判断D项内容符合语境逻辑,可以承接上下文。
    37. E后面举的例子是来证明人们设置密码时往往会利用一些单词的第一个字母来作为密码,由此判断E选项内容符合语境逻辑。
    38. G根据后面的解释内容可以判断这是介绍密码设置的又一种方法,故判断G选项符合语境。
    39. F根据后面的举例以及前句中的 a cde bk可以判断该句是介绍密码书的使用,故判断F选项可以起到承上启下的作用。
    40. A根据空后内容的转折可知尽管利用密码书可以破译密码,但是一本密码书也不会使用很久的时间,故判断A选项符合语境。
    Passage 2
    【2016年新课标Ⅱ卷】A garden that’s just right fr yu
    Have yu ever visited a garden that seemed just right fr yu, where the atmsphere f the garden appeared t ttal mre than the sum(总和) f its parts? 16 . But it desn’t happen by accident. It starts with lking inside yurself and understanding wh yu are with respect t the natural wrld and hw yu apprach the gardening prcess.
    ● 17
    Sme peple may think that a garden is n mre than plants, flwers, patterns and masses f clr. Others are cncerned abut using gardening methds that require less water and fewer fertilizers (肥料). 18 .Hwever, there are a number f ther reasns that might explain why yu want t garden. One f them cmes frm ur earliest years.
    ●Recall(回忆)yur childhd memries
    Our mdel f what a garden shuld be ften ges back t childhd. Grandma’s rse garden and Dad’s vegetable garden might be gd r bad, but that’s nt what’s imprtant. 19 — hw being in thse gardens made us feel. If yu’d like t build a pwerful bnd with yur garden, start by taking sme time t recall the gardens f yur yuth. 20 . Then g utside and wrk ut a plan t translate yur childhd memries int yur grwn-up garden. Have fun.
    A. Knw why yu garden
    B. Find a gd place fr yur wn garden
    C. It’s ur experience f the garden that matters
    D. It’s delightful t see s many beautiful flwers
    E. Still thers may simply enjy being utdrs and clse t plants
    F. Yu can prduce that kind f magical quality in yur wn garden, t
    G. Fr each f thse gardens, write dwn the strngest memry yu have
    16. F考查上下文的衔接。根据文章首句及下文的"But it desn’t happen by accident"可知,这里是在讲"你是否曾去过一个花园……但是它不是偶然发生的"。故F项"Yu can prduce that kind f magical quality in yur wn garden, t"符合语境。
    17. A考查子标题。根据下文中的"a number f ther reasns that might explain why yu want t garden"可知,本段的主题应与你想要种植花园的原因有关,故选A项。
    18. E考查上下文的衔接。根据上文的"Sme peple may think..."和"Others are cncerned abut..."可知此处表达的是人们种植花园的不同原因,而E项中的"Still thers may simply enjy..."与上下文衔接自然,故选E项。
    19. C考查上下文的衔接。根据上文的" that’s nt what’s imprtant"和下文中的"hw being in thse gardens made us feel"可知此处讲的应是什么是重要的,故C项符合语境。
    20. G考查上下文的衔接。上文的"the gardens f yur yuth"以及下文的"yur childhd memries"与G项中的"thse gardens"和"the strngest memry yu have"相呼应,故选G项。
    Passage 3
    【2016年新课标Ⅲ卷】Everyne knws that fish is gd fr health. 36 But it seems that many peple dn’t ck fish at hme. Americans eat nly abut fifteen punds f fish per persn per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at hme. Buying, string, and cking fish isn’t difficult. 37 This text is abut hw t buy and ck fish in an easy way.
    38 Fresh fish shuld smell sweet: yu shuld feel that yu’re standing at the cean’s edge. Any fishy r strng smell means the fish isn’t fresh. 39 When yu have bught a fish and arrive hme, yu’d better stre the fish in the refrigeratr if yu dn’t ck it immediately, but fresh fish shuld be stred in yur fridge fr nly a day r tw. Frzen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh ne.
    There are many cmmn methds used t ck fish. 40 First, clean it and seasn it with yur chice f spices(调料). Put the whle fish n a plate and steam it in a steam pt fr 8 t 10 minutes if it weighs abut ne pund. (A larger ne will take mre time.) Then, it’s ready t serve.
    A. D nt buy it.
    B. The easiest is t steam it.
    C. This is hw yu can d it.
    D. It just requires a little knwledge.
    E. The fish will g bad within hurs.
    F. When buying fish, yu shuld first smell it.
    G. The fats in fish are thught t help prevent heart disease.
    【答案】36. G 37. D 38. F39. A 40. B
    36. G 空后的句意表示转折,那么转折前的句子在语意上应该保持一致,即空处应说明吃鱼对健康的益处。故选G。
    37. D 由前一句"Buying, string, and cking fish isn’t difficult."可知,购买、存放和烹饪鱼并非难事,再根据后面一句可知,文章主要介绍了买鱼和烹饪鱼的简单知识,D项"这仅仅需要一点知识"符合语境。此题容易误选C项,C项后面应该直接跟烹饪鱼的方法,即C项与后一句重复,故选D。
    38. F 根据"Fresh fish shuld smell sweet"可知,本段讲的是买鱼的时候要闻一下鱼的气味,段落的支撑细节始终是围绕主题句展开的,本段中第二、三句围绕如何通过嗅觉来鉴别鱼是否新鲜,故选F。
    39. A 根据前一句"Any fishy r strng smell means the fish isn’t fresh."可知,带有腥味或强烈气味的鱼都不新鲜,不应该买这样的鱼,A项与后句联系紧密,故选A。
    40. B 根据"Put the whle fish n a plate and steam it in a steam pt fr 8 t 10 minutes"可知,本段介绍的是蒸鱼的方法,下文讲到了烹饪鱼的步骤:首先,把鱼洗干净,添加调料进行腌制;然后,将装有鱼的盘子放入蒸锅中,蒸8至10分钟即可食用(以重约为一磅的鱼为例)。故选B项"最简单的方法是蒸"。
    Passage 4
    【2016年北京卷】The Science f Risk-Seeking
    Smetimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is wrth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems wrth tasking. 71 Sme f us enjy activities that wuld surprise and scare the rest f us. Why? Experts say it may have t d with hw ur brains wrk.
    The reasn why any f us take any risks at all might have t d with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, r explring. 72 As the quality f risk-taking was passed frm ne generatin t the next, humans ended up with a sense f adventure and a tlerance fr risk.
    S why aren’t we all jumping ut f airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ag, t much risk-taking culd get ne Killed. A few daring survived, thugh, alng with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans develped a range f character types that still exists tday. S maybe yu lve car racing, r maybe yu hate it. 73
    N matter where yu are n the risk-seeking range, scientists say that yur willingness t take risks increases during yur teenage years. 74 T help yu d that, yur brain increases yur hunger fr new experiences. New experiences ften mean taking sme risks, s yur brain raises yur tlerance fr risk as well.
    75 Fr the risk-seekers, a part f the brain related t pleasure becmes active, while fr the rest f us, a part f the brain related t fear becmes active.
    As experts cntinue t study the science f risk-seeking, we’ll cntinue t hit the muntains, the waves r the shallw end f the pl.
    A. It all depends n yur character.
    B. Thse are the risks yu shuld jump t take.
    C. Being better at thse things meant a greater chance f survival.
    D. Thus, these well-equipped peple survived because they were the fittest.
    E. This is when yu start t mve away frm yur family and int the bigger wrld.
    F. Hwever, we are nt all using the same reference standard t weigh risks and rewards.
    G. New brain research suggests ur brains wrk differently when we face a nervus situatin.
    【答案】71. F 72. C 73. A 74. E 75. G
    71. F考查上下文串联。前一句提到了"weigh the risk and the reward",F项"然而,并不是所有人都使用同样的参考标准来权衡风险和回报"符合语境,故选F。
    72. C考查上下文串联。hunting, fighting, r explring(狩猎、战斗或探索)是生存的必要条件,C项中的thse是对这些活动的指代,故选C。
    73. A考查上下文串联。根据"humans develped a range f character types..."可知,人们形成的不同类型的性格如今仍然存在,正是不同的性格类型才导致了我们对冒险行为采取不同的态度,故选A。
    74. E考查上下文串联。E项中的when与"yur willingness t take risks increases during yur teenage years"中的teenage years对应,故选E。
    75. G考查上下文串联。根据"a part f the fr the rest f us..."可知,本段讲的是冒险行为与大脑的关系,故选G。
    Passage 5
    【2016年四川卷】Bth men and wmen are living lnger these days in industrialized cuntries. 36 In general, they can expect t live six r seven years mre than men. One reasn fr this is bilgical.
    One imprtant bilgical factr that helps wmen live lnger is the difference in hrmnes between men and wmen. 37 Between the ages f abut 12 and 50, wmen prduce hrmnes that are invlved in fertility(生育能力). These hrmnes als have a psitive effect n the heart and the bld flw. In fact, wmen are less likely t have high bld pressure r t die frm heart attacks.
    38 They help the bdy defend itself against sme kinds f infectins. This means that wmen generally get sick less ften and less seriusly than men. The cmmn cld is a gd example: wmen, n average, get fewer clds than men.
    39 Scientists are still nt exactly sure hw genes influence aging, but they believe that they d. Sme think that a wman’s bdy cells have a tendency(倾向)t age mre slwly than a man’s. Others think that a man’s bdy cells have a tendency t age mre quickly. 40
    A. Hwever, wmen, n average, live lnger.
    B. The bilgical factr plays an imprtant part.
    C. Wmen are als helped by their female genes.
    D. The female hrmnes als prtect the bdy in anther way.
    E. Recent research seems t supprt bth f these pssibilities.
    F. Therefre, wmen are mre healthy than men and can live a better life.
    G. Hrmnes are chemicals which are prduced by the bdy t cntrl varius bdy functins.
    【答案】36.A 37.G 38.D 39.C 40.E
    36. A根据空格下一句 “一般说,女性比男性多活6到7年”可知此处的意思是:然而,女性平均比男性寿命更长。故选A。
    38. D根据下句“它们帮助身体本身抵抗各种感染”可知此空的意思是:女性荷尔蒙也用另一种方式保护身体。故选D。
    39. C根据下句“科学家仍然没有确切地表明基因怎样影响变老,但是他们认为基因确实在影响变老”可知上句:女性基因也在帮助女性。
    40. E根据空格前两句“一些人认为女性的身体细胞有比男性老化慢的倾向,另一些人认为男性的身体细胞有老化较快的倾向”可知E项“最近的研究似乎支持这两种可能”符合题意。故选E。
    【2015年新课标Ⅰ卷】Building Trust in a Relatinship Again
    Trust is a learned behavir that we gain frm past experiences. 36.___________ Trust is a risk. But yu can’t be successful when there’s a lack f trust in a relatinship that results frm an actin where the wrngder takes n respnsibility t fix the mistake.
    Unfrtunately, we’ve all been victims f betrayal. Whether we’ve been stlen frm, lied t, misled, r cheated n, there are different levels f lsing trust. Smetimes peple simply can’t trust anymre. 37. __________ It’s understandable, but if yu’re willing t build trust in a relatinship again, we have sme steps yu can take t get yu there.
    ◆38. ___________ Having cnfidence in yurself will help yu make better chices because yu can see what the best utcme wuld be fr yur well-being.
     ◆39. ___________ If yu’ve been betrayed, yu are the victim f yur circumstance. But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a "victim mentality". At sme pint in all f ur lives, we’ll have ur trust tested r vilated.
     ◆Yu didn’t lse "everything". Once trust is lst, what is left? Instead f lking at the situatin frm this hpeless angle, lk at everything yu still have and be thankful fr all f the gd in yur life. 40. ___________ Instead, it’s a healthy way t wrk thrugh the experience t allw rm fr psitive grwth and frgiveness.
    A. Learn t really trust yurself.
    B. It is putting cnfidence in smene.
    C. Stp regarding yurself as the victim.
    D. Remember that yu can expect the best in return.
    E. They’ve been t badly hurt and they can’t bear t let it happen again.
    F. This knwledge carries ver in their attitude tward their future relatinships.
    G. Seeing the psitive side f things desn’t mean yu’re ignring what happened.
    B 根据前一句 Trust is a learned behavir that we gain frm past experiences 信任是我们从以往经历中获得的学习行为。选项 B 中的i代指上文刚出现的 trust。故选 B。
    37.E 根据前句 Smetimes peple simply can't trust anymre.可知他们受到严重的伤害目不能忍受再次发生可知选 E。
    38. A #据后白 having cnfidence in yurself will help yu make better chices because yu can see what thebest utcme wuld be fr yur well-being.可知此段主要讲述要学会信任自己。可知选 A。
    39. C根据后句If yu’ve been betrayed, yu are the victim f yur circumstance.可知此段主要讲述不要认为自己是受害者。故选C。
    40. G根据前一句Instead f lking at the situatin frm this hpeless angle, lk at everything yu still have and be thankful fr all f the gd in yur life和后一句instead, it’s a healthy way t wrk thrugh the experience t allw rm fr psitive grwth and frgiveness.可知既要看到事情的积极面,也不要忽视所发生的事情。故选G。
    Passage 2
    【2015年新课标Ⅱ卷】Training fr a marathn requires careful preparatin and steady, gradual increases in the length f the runs. 36 , buy the best-fitting running shes yu can find. N ne can say which brand will wrk best fr yu r feel best n yur feet, s yu have t rely n yur experience and n the feel f each pair as yu shp. When yu have fund shes that seem right, walk in them fr a few days t duble-check the fit. 37 . As always, yu shuld stretch(伸展) at least ten minutes befre each run t prevent injuries.
    During the first week, d nt think abut distance, but run five minutes lnger each day. 38 , it is wise t take a day ff t rest. But during the next week, set a gal f at least a mile and a half per run. 39 . After tw weeks, start timing yurself. 40 . Depending n the kind f race yu plan t enter, yu can set up a timetable fr the remaining weeks befre the race.
    After six days
    Fr a gd marathn runner
    Befre yu begin yur training
    With each day, increase the distance by a half mile
    If they still feel gd, yu can begin running in them
    Time spent fr preparatin raises the quality f training
    Nw yu are ready ut a gal f imprving distance and time
    36. C 考查对上下文的理解。上文提到跑马拉松,下文说买一双合脚的鞋子。所以这里应该是Befre yu begin yur training训练前的准备工作。故选C。
    37. E考查对上下文的理解。上文提到:穿着鞋走走路以确保合适,下文提到跑。所以这里应该说If they still feel gd, yu can begin running in them如果穿着的感觉很好,就可以跑了。故选E。
    38. A考查对上下文的理解。上文提到练习的第一周怎么做,下文提到第二周,所以这里应该是After six days,练习一周后稍做休息,一周是6天,故选A。
    39. D考查对上下文的理解。这里在讨论逐渐加长跑步的距离,每天增加一定的距离才合理,故选D With each day, increase the distance by a half mile。
    40. G考查对上下文的理解。最后是提速。在规定的距离内如何训练自己跑得快。这样才能参加比赛。故选G Nw yu are ready ut a gal f imprving distance and time。
    Passage 3
    A. Cme in with smething t say.
    B. Prepare general cmments.
    C. Bring materials with yu.
    D. Dn’t make them wait.
    E. Have n fear.
    F. G it alne.
    One f the best things yu can d any time in the semester is g see the prfessr. S hf n ver t an ffice hur and have sme ne-n-ne face time with smene wh’ll help yu master the material and imprve yur grade, t bt. But hw shuld yu have this cnversatin with the prfessr? Here are five insider tips abut hw t make that ffice hur really cunt:
    61. N need t get all bent ut f shape abut ging t see the prfessr. The prfessr wuld actually like t see yu and answer yur questins. Believe it r nt, he r she is n yur side and is eager t see yu d well. And besides, he r she has seen many students stupider than yu, s nthing yu’re ging t ask will set the recrd fr stupidity.
    62. Even thugh yu might feel mre cmfrtable ging with a friend r partner, the ffice hur will g better if it’s just yu and the prfessr. Yu’ll get in mre questins, the discussin will be tailred t what yu need mst help n, and tw-party cmmunicatin is almst always mre prductive than cmmittee wrk. Yur friend can wait utside fr the discussin.
    63. If yu can’t make the fficial ffice hurs, mst prfessrs are willing t make individual, appintments t help yu ut. If yu’re lucky enugh t land such an accmmdatin, thugh, be sure yu’re 100 percent n time. There’s nthing that ticks ff a prfessr mre than making him-r herself available fr a custm ffice hur nly t find that yu dn’t care enugh t cme n time. And besides, the prfessr might leave after ten minutes, which wuld make yur trip a ttal lss.
    64. If yu’re meeting with the prfessr t g ver a paper r test, r t ask questins abut a particular lecture r reading, make sure yu bring that paper r test, r yur lecture ntes r a cpy f the article. The prfessr desn’t remember the cmments he r she wrte n yur individual piece f wrk—thugh he r she will be able t recall them after just a brief glance at yur wrk. And if yu have yur lecture ntes r the article in hand, yu and the prfessr will be able t examine specific pints that are cnfusing t yu, rather than just talking in a general way abut the cntents.
    65. Office hurs almst always g better if yu bring a few specific questins t the meeting. It’s almst never gd t start a meeting with general cmments such as: “I didn’t understand what yu said abut [main tpic f the curse]”r “I culdn’t understand any f yur lectures last week.” Much better is t cme in with tw r three cnversatin-starters abut a specific cncept, pint, r prblem yu didn’t understand. Keep in mind that in a fifteen-minute ffice hur (which is hw lng these things usually last), tw r three questins are usually the mst yu’ll have time t discuss.
    62.F根据“g better if it’s just yu and the prfessr. 最好是只有你和教授两个人” 和“Yu friend can wait utside fr the discussin你的朋友最好在外面等” 说明你应该是独自一个人去的G it alne.
    63.D根据使用的几个词“n time”和 leave after ten minutes, 可以知道这个意思是Dn’t make them wait.不能让教授等待,应该是准时,因为教授不会久等。
    64.C根据第二行make sure yu bring that paper r test, r yur lecture ntes r a cpy f the article.确信带纸或者是试卷,说明你去之前应该是Bring materials with yu.带一些材料。
    65.A根据第四行Much better is t cme in with tw r three cnversatin-starters, abut a specific cncept, pint, r prblem yu didn’t understand.最好是带两个或3个观点、概念或者不明白的地方开始对话”, 也就是准备几个要说的东西。此题容易错选B选项,而且文章中也的确提到了这个字眼“general cmments”, 但是要注意前面所使用的一个词never绝不” It’s almst never gd t start a meeting with general cmments”。
    Passage 4
    This Way t Dreamland
    【2015年北京卷】Daydreaming means peple think abut smething pleasant, especially when this makes them frget what they shuld be ding. Daydreamers have a bad reputatin fr being unaware f what’s happening arund them. They can seem frgetful and clumsy. 71 They anny us because they seem t be ignring us and missing the imprtant things.
    But daydreamers are als respnsible fr sme f the greatest ideas and achievements in human histry. 72 Can yu imagine what kind f wrld we wuld have withut such ideas and inventins?
    S hw can yu cme up with brilliant daydreams and avid falling ver tree rts r therwise lking like a fl?
    First, understand that sme pprtunities(机会) fr daydreaming are better than thers. Feeling safe and relaxed will help yu t slip int daydreams. 73 And if yu want t imprve yur chances f having a creative idea while yu’re daydreaming, try t d it while yu are invlved in anther task—preferably smething simple, like taking a shwer r walking, r even making meaningless drawings.
    It’s als imprtant t knw hw t avid daydreams fr thse times when yu really need t cncerntrate. "Mindfulness", being fcused, is a tl that sme peple use t avid falling asleep. 74
    Finally, yu never knw what wnderful idea might strike while yur mind has mved slwly away. 75
    Always remember that yur best ideas might cme when yur head is actually in the cluds.
    A. Having interesting things t think abut als helps.
    B. They stare ff int space and wander by themselves.
    C. Withut wandering minds, we wuldn’t have relatively, Cke r Pst-it ntes.
    D. At ne time, daydreaming was thught t be a cause f sme mental illnesses.
    E. It invlves slw, steady breathing fr self-cntrl that helps peple stay calm and attentive.
    F. Daydreams are ften very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard t understand.
    G. Therefre, it’s a gd idea t keep a ntebk r vice recrder nearby when yu’re in the daydream zne.
    Passage 5
    There is the belief that, if yu arrive at an appintment late, yu will be cnsidered imprtant. This is a mistaken view. Being unpunctual, we are nt respectful f thers; we are interfering(扰乱) with anther man’s time. We must realise that keeping appintments r being punctual is a cntract that is silently agreed and we are expected t respect this cntract. It is nly natural that we lse faith, trust and cnfidence in a persn wh is tardy(延迟的).
    T be punctual ne has t have self-discipline(自律), and the lack f it affects thers. A schl by r girl is unpunctual because he r she des nt have the necessary human virtue f self-discipline. It is als a mark f disrespect fr a system r an institutin. Unpunctual peple seldm realise that their habit causes prblems t thers. A salesman wh is nt punctual may nt make a sale if he arrives late fr an appintment. If ne is late fr a jb interview, it is nt likely that he will get the jb.
    Being punctual, we can avid anxiety. Imagine the anxiety if yu d nt want t be cnsidered unpunctual. Yu will be anxius if yu set ut fr a dinner late. The persn wh sets ut late might be careless in driving. He will ignre traffic rules. A traffic jam, flat tyres, etc. can delay him further. Happy and calm is the man wh takes all these pssibilities int cnsideratin and arrives at the appintment either early r n time.
    Many f thse wh attend dinners are ntrius(声名狼藉的) fr unpunctuality. They ignre the appinted time and leave their hmes nly after the fixed time. They are indifferent t the incnvenience caused t thers. If the self-centred guest arrives late, the nine thers at the table set fr ten will have t wait. The hst is put in an unpleasant situatin and this man seldm thinks f the incnvenience caused t all — the waiters, the management staff, etc. It is necessary fr us t think f thers and be cnsiderate t them.
    Hwever, we cannt always be intlerant(无法容忍的) f tardiness, fr rdinary living requires sme tlerance. There can be a busy executive wh fights t keep t his schedule. Such a persn may be frgiven if he is late, but nt thse wh are deliberately late t create impressin.
    In mdern sciety, punctuality is a necessary virtue. It is a recgnitin f the imprtance f ther peple.
    【解析】试题分析:文章介绍 的是人际交往中守时和自律的重要性,并介绍如何做到守时和自律。
    61.考查段落大意:根据这段的句子: There is the belief that, if yu arrive at an appintment late, yu will be cnsidered imprtant. This is a mistaken view.可知这段的大意是:错误的观念,所以选A.
    64.考查段落大意:根据这段的句子: Many f thse wh attend dinners are ntrius (声名狼藉的)fr unpunctuality.可知这段的大意是:就餐时不守时,所以选C。
    65.考查段落大意:根据这段的句子: Hwever, we cannt always be intlerant (无法容忍的) f tardiness, fr rdinary living requires sme tlerance.可知这段的大意是:需要容忍,所以选B。
    A. The mistaken belief
    B. The need fr tlerance
    C. Unpunctuality at dinners
    D. Punctuality and cnfidence
    E. Self-discipline and punctuality
    F. Avid anxiety by being punctual

    专题 21 完形填空说明文、议论文(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用): 这是一份专题 21 完形填空说明文、议论文(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用),共22页。

    专题 18 阅读理解七选五(记叙文等)(教师卷) --十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用): 这是一份专题 18 阅读理解七选五(记叙文等)(教师卷) --十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用),共10页。

    专题 18 阅读理解七选五(记叙文等)(学生卷) --十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用): 这是一份专题 18 阅读理解七选五(记叙文等)(学生卷) --十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用),共6页。

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