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    这是一份[英语][期末]江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末阳光指标调研英语试卷,共9页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    一、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)(共15题;共37.5分)
    Rme can be pricey fr travelers, which is why many chse t stay in a hstel (旅社). The hstels in Rme ffer a bed in a drm rm fr arund $25 a night, and fr that, yu'll ften get t stay in a central lcatin (位置) with security and cmfrt.
    Yellw Hstel
    If I had t make just ne recmmendatin fr where t stay in Rme, it wuld be Yellw Hstel. It's ne f the best-rated hstels in the city, and fr gd reasn. It's affrdable, and it's gt a fun atmsphere withut being t nisy. As an added bnus, it's clse t the main train statin.
    Hstel Alessandr Palace
    If yu lve scial hstels, this is the best hstel fr yu in Rme. Hstel Alessandr Palace is fun. Staff members hld plenty f bar events fr guests like free shts, bar crawls and karake. There's als an area n the rftp fr hanging ut with ther travelers during the summer.
    Yuth Statin Hstel
    If yu're lking fr cleanliness and a mdern hstel, lk n further than Yuth Statin. It ffers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty f ther benefits, t; it desn't charge city tax; it has bth air cnditining and a heater fr the rms; it als has free Wi-Fi in every rm.
    Htel and Hstel Des Artistes
    Htel and Hstel Des Artistes is lcated just a 10-minute walk frm the central city statin and it's clse t all f the city's main attractins. The staff is friendly and helpful, prviding yu with a map f the city when yu arrive, and ffering advice if yu require sme. Hwever, yu need t pay 2 eurs a day fr Wi-Fi.
    1. What is prbably the majr cncern f travelers wh chse t stay in a hstel?
    A . Cmfrt. B . Security. C . Price. D . Lcatin.
    2. Which htel best suits peple wh enjy an active scial life?
    A . Yellw Hstel. B . Hstel Alessandr Palace. C . Yuth Statin Hstel. D . Htel and Hstel Des Artistes.
    3. What is the disadvantage f Htel and Hstel Des Artistes?
    A . It gets nisy at night. B . Its staff is t talkative. C . It charges fr Wi-Fi. D . It's incnveniently lcated.
    In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, N. Y. — Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd — traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. The girls had gne t Smith Cllege. They wre expensive clthes. S fr them t mve t Elkhead, Cl. t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted: The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden, wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff's granddaughter.
    Why did they g then? Well, they wanted t d smething useful. Sn, hwever, they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. Sme mrnings, Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld. In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.
    In Wickenden's bk, she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism, which f curse influenced the girls' decisin t g t Elkhead. A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms. The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy's return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism (坚忍) f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing. Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff, n her hrse, lking dwn frm a hill tp: "When the sun slipped behind the muntains, it shed a rsy glw all arund them. Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes, cytes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter."
    4. Why did Drthy and Rsamnd g t the Rcky Muntains?
    A . T teach in a schl. B . T study American histry. C . T write a bk. D . T d sightseeing.
    5. What can we learn abut the girls frm paragraph 3?
    A . They enjyed much respect. B . They had a rm with a bathtub. C . They lived with the lcal kids. D . They suffered severe hardships.
    6. Which part f Wickenden's writing is hair-raising?
    A . The extreme climate f Auburn. B . The living cnditins in Elkhead. C . The railrad building in the Rckies. D . The natural beauty f the West.
    7. What is the text?
    A . A news reprt. B . A bk review. C . A children's stry. D . A diary
    Can a small grup f drnes (无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability f railways and, at the same time, help railway peratrs save billins f eurs each year? That is the very likely future f applying tday's "eyes in the sky" technlgy t make sure that the millins f kilmetres f rail tracks and infrastructure (基础设施) wrldwide are safe fr trains n a 24/7 basis.
    Drnes are already being used t examine high-tensin electrical lines. They culd d precisely the same thing t inspect railway lines and ther vital aspects f rail infrastructure such as the crrect psitin f railway tracks and switching pints. The mre regularly they can be inspected, the mre railway safety, reliability and n-time perfrmance will be imprved. Csts wuld be cut and peratins wuld be mre efficient (高效) acrss the bard.
    That includes huge savings in maintenance csts and better prtectin f railway persnnel safety. It is calculated that Eurpean railways alne spend apprximately 20 billin eurs a year n maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, ften at night, t inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerus wrk that culd be avided with drnes assisting the crews' effrts.
    By using the latest technlgies, drnes culd als start prviding higher-value services fr railways, detecting faults in the rail r switches, befre they can cause any safety prblems. T perfrm these tasks, drnes fr rail dn't need t be flying verhead. Engineers are nw wrking n a new cncept: the rail drnes f the future. They will be mving n the track ahead f the train, and prgrammed t run autnmusly. Very small drnes with advanced sensrs and AI and travelling ahead f the train culd guide it like a c-pilt. With their ability t see ahead, they culd signal any prblem, s that fast-mving trains wuld be able t react in time.
    8. What makes the applicatin f drnes t rail lines pssible?
    A . The use f drnes in checking n pwer lines. B . Drnes' ability t wrk at high altitudes. C . The reductin f cst in designing drnes. D . Drnes' reliable perfrmance in remte areas.
    9. What des "maintenance" underlined in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A . Persnnel safety. B . Assistance frm drnes. C . Inspectin and repair. D . Cnstructin f infrastructure.
    10. What functin is expected f the rail drnes?
    A . T prvide early warning. B . T make trains run autmatically. C . T earn prfits fr the crews. D . T accelerate transprtatin.
    11. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A . What Faults Can Be Detected with Drnes B . Hw Prductin f Drnes Can Be Expanded C . What Difficulty Drne Develpment Will Face D . Hw Drnes Will Change the Future f Railways
    Minimizing the envirnmental damage that new rads cause is generally regarded as a gd thing. But t d that, it helps t understand just hw new rads cause the damage f which they are accused.
    Recently, a grup f researchers led by Dr. Gnzalez cnducted an experiment and prved that immigratin is gd fr the health f animal ppulatins. A rad destrys nly a small part f the habitat, thus destrying just a few lcal ppulatins f creatures. S the argument that rad-building itself is bad fr bidiversity is nt self-evidently crrect. Thse wh nevertheless hld this view say that apparently separate lcal ppulatins f animals are, in fact, parts f much larger ppulatins cnnected via migratin.
    Accrding t this thery, when a lcal ppulatin struggles t mve abut – because f an epidemic, fr example – individuals frm neighbring cmmunities can fill the gaps.
    The implicatins f the thery are straightfrward. Cut lcal ppulatins ff frm each ther and each is mre likely t disappear. And rads are gd at ding just that. Testing the thery with experimental rads, hwever, wuld be expensive. Dr. Gnzalez's brainwave was t d the whle thing n a much smaller scale.
    The team studied mss-cvered rcks. On sme rcks the researchers left the mss untuched; n thers they made "radways" acrss t leave the mss islated. After waiting six mnths, they fund that in the disturbed habitats nearly all the bug ppulatin had declined cmpared with undisturbed mss, and 40% f the species had becme extinct.
    The real test came in the secnd part f the experiment. In this, the researchers remved mss much as befre, but they left narrw mss paths t bridge the n-bug's-land between islands. The islands with bridges did far better than islated islands – a result that supprts the ntin that ppulatin exchange is necessary t keep an ecsystem healthy.
    Whether these results can be translated t large-scale ecsystems remains uncertain. But if they can, they wuld cause mre, nt less, cncern abut the eclgical effects f rad-building. On the ther hand, they als suggest a way ut. In Britain, tunnels are ften built under rads fr animals f regular habits, such as badgers(獾), t be able t travel their traditinal rutes withut having t fight with traffic. Extending that principle, perhaps special bridges might be a cheap way f letting man and nature rub alng a bit better.
    12. What's the main idea f the passage?
    A . Calling n us t stp building rads fr a healthy ecsystem. B . Warning us f ptential dangers f animal immigratin. C . Infrming us f the envirnmental damage caused by new rads. D . Suggesting a new way t avid the damage caused by new rads.
    13. Dr. Gnzalez's experiment fund that____.
    A . building rads is expensive B . immigratin is gd fr animals C . rads cut ff animal immigratin D . tunnels shuld be built under rads
    14. Hw des the authr present his pint?
    A . By analyzing facts. ​​ B . By giving examples. C . By prviding scientific findings.​​ D . By cmparing pssible effects.
    15. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing statements will the writer agree with?
    A . The impact f rad-building is nt as serius as we thught. B . Rad-building is beneficial t animal immigratin. C . Envirnmental damage caused by rad-building is still uncertain D . envirnmental damage caused by rad-building might be lessened
    Friendship needs care and attentin t keep it in gd health. Here are five ways t sustain (保持) lng-distance friendships.
    ·Set a regular date
    Lng-lasting friendships share the characteristic that bth sides equally cntact (联系) and share with ne anther. With busy schedules, squeezing in phne calls can be a challenge. 16 .
    ·Mre isn't always merrier
    Make sure yu have cmmunicated with yur friend abut hw frequently each f yu wants t be cntacted and what methd wrks best fr yu bth. 17 . There are alternatives t cnstant written cmmunicatin, such as leaving vice messages r having a grup chat.
    ·Practise empathy (共情)
    18 . The friend wh is remaining needs t be sensitive t all the additinal time demands placed n the friend wh has mved. The ne in the new envirnment shuld be sympathetic t the fact that yur friend may feel abandned.
    · 19 .
    Anniversaries and birthdays carry even mre weight in lng-distance friendships. Althugh technlgy might make day-t-day cmmunicatin pssible, extra effrt ges a lng way n special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track f friends' birthdays and ther imprtant dates will make sure nthing slips by yu.
    ·Dn't rely n technlgy alne
    20 , but lng-distance friendships — even clse nes — may require mre cnscius effrt t sustain. Try t seek ut chances t renew friendships. Hw t d it? Just spend face-t-face time tgether whenever pssible.
    A. Remember imprtant dates
    B. Cmpensate by writing letters
    C. It is als helpful fr yu t be a friendship keeper
    D. Try t find a time that wrks fr bth f yu and stick t it
    E. Friends need t talk abut their preferred methds f cmmunicatin
    F. It is easy t have a sense f cnnectedness thrugh scial media
    G. Yu may be the friend wh left r the ne wh was left behind
    三、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Have yu ever heard f and seen Canadian geese? D yu knw that they 21 fresh grass and seeds?
    Canadian geese have a gd 22 fr their pliteness. They always bw dwn t yu whenever yu walk by. Hwever, I have recently fund that they can smetimes be 23 t their peers, especially n ccasins when they quarrel fr fd——yes, these 24 gentlemen d quarrel, just fr smething t eat
    Yesterday I witnessed tw Canadian Geese arguing 25 fr a clump(草丛) f beautiful fresh grass. The clump was 26 right in the middle f them, while the tw were shuting nisily, stretching their necks as lng as they culd t lk aggressively at each ther. It's 27 t witness the "implite" side f Canadian geese. Hence, I culdn't help 28 my mrning walk, standing still t watch these "gentlemen" quarreling. Interestingly, after a shrt while, a truck rared past their feast, disturbing their 29 cnversatin. The tw geese were equally 30 by the massive "mnster", thus giving up their cnversatin.
    Wuld they start quarreling again? I std still, 31 the ridiculus questin and waited. Beynd my expectatin, right after the truck's passing by, the tw geese immediately lst their 32 fr quarreling as if they had frgtten all abut what had happened. Even the tw turned arund and left the 33 in ppsite directins as if nthing had happened. They left nly me there, imagining what might have happened withut the 34 .
    They gt alng harmniusly again. Smetimes it's nt that bad t be 35 .
    21. A . draw n B . fcus n C . feed n D . try n
    22. A . desire B . reputatin C . affectin D . appetite
    23. A . generus B . faithful C . weird D . rude
    24. A . well-infrmed B . well-dressed C . well-behaved D . well-balanced
    25. A . fiercely B . blindly C . cautiusly D . gently
    26. A . deserted B . lcated C . fixed D . laid
    27. A . frequent B . rare C . cmmn D . cnstant
    28. A . restricting B . changing C . pausing D . speeding
    29. A . desperate B . simple C . serius D . disharmnius
    30. A . frightened B . annyed C . crashed D . injured
    31. A . finding ut B . dealing with C . lking int D . wndering abut
    32. A . passin B . reasn C . talent D . anxiety
    33. A . scene B . destinatin C . landscape D . park
    34. A . lker-n B . passer-by C . truck D . clump
    35. A . upset B . frgetful C . mean D . greedy
    四、第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Wrld Petry Day takes place each year 36 March 21 t prmte the teaching f petry, as well as the publishing, writing, and reading f this frm f writing arund the wrld.
    It 37 (declare) by UNESCO in 1999 in the hpes f supprting language diversity thrugh petic expressin and increasing the pprtunity fr endangered languages 38 (hear). Wrld Petry Day was abut giving fresh drive and 39 (recgnize) t internatinal, reginal, and natinal petry mvements. It als fcused n prmting a return t the ral (口头的) traditin f petry recitals, as well as 40 (strengthen) the assciatin between petry and ther frms f expressin, such as dance, music, and painting.
    The day is celebrated 41 (glbal). Gvernment agencies, cmmunity grups and individuals get invlved in prmting r participating in the day, which enables children t learn and enjy 42 (variety) f petry. It is a time 43 students are busy examining pets and learning abut different types f petry. Pets may be invited t read and share their wrk t audience at bk stres and schls. Ceremnies are held t hnr pets f 44 (remark) achievements.
    All in all, it's a day fr petry: 45 ancient art frm that still enriches ur understanding f humanity tday.
    五、第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    46. 学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beynd the Classrm为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 学习活动状况描述;
    2. 简单评论;
    3. 你的建议。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。
    Learning English Beynd the Classrm
    Nwadays, with the grwing ppularity f smartphnes and cmputers, an increasing number f students are chsing t learn English beynd the classrm in varius ways.
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。My mther believed in using things up. Last year, ur crnfield had a bad harvest because birds feasted n the crps. It was prbably then that Mm's frugality became even mre extrardinary. She began keeping everything that seemed useless in the attic-wrn-ut clthes, ld sheets, brken umbrellas, and sme ther ld items. Mm's favrite saying was " waste nt, want nt. My brther Jsh and I weren't sure what that meant
    until the Affair f the Scarecrw)", which, as it later became knwn, left alasting impressin n us.
    The stry began with a pretty hat that Mm received as a gift t prtect her frm the sun. Hwever, Jsh and I culd see that Mm's frugal nature and fashin sense were in battle. Mm really didn't want t get rid f the hat- -it was new and had a lt f use left in it -but neither culd she stand wearing it. She tried t take ff the fancy decratins, but they were stuck n tight. She'd have t find sme ther slutin.
    Jsh and I watched as Mm headed upstairs t the attic with the hat. " Waste nt, want nt, she called back dwn, We heard bxes being mved arund. Mments later, Mm leaned ut, hlding 'a flur bag full f straw, and with a mysterius smile, she placed the hat n it.
    "What is that fr? I asked, cnfused. « A scarecrw!" Mm exclaimed. « But nt agd ne yet. It needs a strng bdy t stand firm in the field," she said with a frwn. " And it desn't lk scary enugh, Jsh remarked. I had t admit that Jsh, thugh yu ngerthan i was, culd smetimes be mre imaginative. Jsh and I turned t each ther ,searching fr a gd idea. Sn enugh, Jsh's eyes lit up with inspiratin.
    Paragraph 1 :"Cme with me!" Jsh called ut.
    Paragraph 2:In the days that fllwed, the scarecrw std tall.题号


    江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷: 这是一份江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷,共10页。

    江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷: 这是一份江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷,共10页。

    江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷(无答案): 这是一份江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了06,5分,满分7,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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