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    考试时间: 120分钟 分值: 150分
    命题人:张俏 审题人:胡玉娟
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What impressed the wman mst in China?
    A. The landmarks. B. The fd. C. The peple.
    2. When will the meeting be held?
    A. Next mnth. B. This Wednesday C. Next Wednesday
    3. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a htel. C. In a supermarket.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A family gathering. B. A weekend plan C. A healthy diet.
    5. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Change the mnitr. B. Restart the cmputer. C. Find a technician.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the wman in charge f?
    A. Cntacting emplyees. B. Arranging an awards dinner.C. Hsting a client meeting.
    7. What will the man d next?
    A. Speak t the chef. B. Call the cmpany C. Prepare fr lunch.
    8. What des the wman want t discuss with Mr. Dale?
    A. The perfrmers' psitin. B. The cncert prgrams. C. The instruments n stage.
    9. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary B. Wrkmates. C. Directr and actr.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. What is the wman ding?
    A. Hlding a press cnference.B. Organizing a sprt ing event.C. Cnducting an interview.
    11. What did the man d last year?
    A. He stpped wrking as an athlete.
    B. He wn a medal in the Olympics.
    C. He played against Tttenham Htspur.12. What is the man's fcus this seasn?
    A. New strategies B. Mre medals. C. Better teamwrk.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13 至 16题。
    13. Wh is the pineer f the Slw Fd Mvement?
    A. An Italian. B. A Spanish C. A Frenchman.
    14. What caused the start f the Slw Fd Mvement?
    A. The pening f a fast fd restaurant.
    B. An ad f a fast fd cmpany.
    C. A meal eaten in Rme.
    15. Hw des the man cnsider fast fd?
    A. Nutritius. B. Bring C. Tasty.
    16. What is the main aim f the Slw Fd Mvement?
    A. T prtect traditinal dishes.
    B. T prmte better lifestyles.
    C. T prevent eating fast fd.
    听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题。
    17. What part f wrk des the speaker d n his wn?
    A. Thinking f stries. B. Develping prgrams. C. Writing dialgues.
    18. What did the speaker plan t be?
    A. A vilinist. B. A basketball player C. A jurnalist
    19. When did the speaker decide t wrk in the vide game industry?
    A. After hurting his hand.
    B. After leaving university.
    C. While studying in a film schl.
    20. What des the speaker lve mst abut his jb?
    A. They wrk in harmny. B. They get high salary. C. They win many prizes.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Sme Useful Majrs T Get Yur Degree In
    Cllege ffers yu many academic freedms. Yu can develp existing hbbies and explre new interests——and find a majr that will put yu n the career path yu want.
    In this article, we explre several f the mst useful cllege majrs yu can pursue t increase yur chances f landing a high-paying jb after graduatin.
    Medical and health preparatry prgrams
    These prgrams prepare individuals fr medical schl r ther health-related prgrams and careers.Healthcare ccupatins such as thse pursued by medical and health preparatry majrs are expected t grw by 14% thrugh 2028 and bring in an ann ual average incme f $66,440.
    A degree in statistics prepares individuals fr careers as statisticians, fi nance prfessinals and ther related fields. This career field is in high demand and is expected t grw by 30% thrugh 2028, which is significantly faster than ther ccupatins. The average annual incme fr statisticians and similar careers is $87,780.
    Marine engineering(海事工程)
    A Bachelr f Science in Marine Engineering prepares students with knwledge n varius marine perating systems including ffshre structures(离岸结构), bats and submarines. This career field is prjected t grw by 9% between 2018 and 2028, which is faster than mst ther ccupatins. Themedium incme after graduatin is $92,560.Ecnmics
    Ecnmics majrs learn hw ecnmic systems wrk and hw they impact sciety. Cmmn ccupatins fr ecnmics majrs include financial analysts, actuaries(精算师) and market research analysts. This career field is expected t grw by 8% thrugh 2028 with a medium annual incme f$104,340.
    21. Which majr leads t ccupatins with the mst jb grwth?A. Medical and health preparatry prgrams.B. Statistics.
    C. Marine engineering. D. Ecnmics.
    22. What can yu expect t learn abut if yu majr in Ecnmics?B. Offshre structures.
    A. Health-related prgrams.
    C. Marine perating systems. D. Ecnmic systems.23. What d the listed majrs have in cmmn?
    A. They guarantee highest-paying jbs.C. They are welcmed in the jb market. D. They equip students t wrk verseas.B. They are available in all clleges.The accident was clearly nt my fault. The ther guy was s busy n his cell phne that he went right thrugh a red light and slammed int the passenger side f my car. It was even scarier because my niece was asleep n the back seat and her father, my brther, was in the frnt passenger seat. He was nt happy, t say the least.
    I had just picked up my new car, a very beautiful autmbile if yu're int cars. A few mnths later,I was invlved in an accident. That new andvery beautiful car was destryed.B
    The plice arrived and began taking statements. I explained that I had been ging at abut 55kmph.“S yu were ging abut 50kmph...”he said.
    “N, I said I was ding abut 55kmph”I said.
    “Right, s yu were ding abut 50kmph…”again he repeated.
    In a slightly annyed tne because I felt I wasn't being heard, I said:“N! I was ding abut55kmph!”
    “OK, if that's the way yu want it,”this time the fficer simply replied.
    I didn't realize it at the time, but I was shting myself in the ft. My insurance cmpany paid me fr the damages t my car. Hwever, I ttally missed the bat n the ther driver's insurance cmpany.
    The city speed limit is 50kmph. I ended up getting 50 percent less than I wuld have frm the ther guy's insurance cmpany because I had insisted I was ding 55kmph.
    It suddenly struck me that the traffic pliceman had been trying t help me ut. He hadn't minded abut the 5kmph;he had knwn smething abut the insurance that I had nt.
    I thught abut what had happened again. I might have carried n insisting that I tld the truth, but Iculd at least have said“Thank yu”t him instead f acting s rudely. After all, he had been trying t help me ut.
    Smetimes the hardest thing t d is t let ther peple talk while yu simply shut up and listen.Never frget t hear, yu have t be able t listen.
    24. Why did the accident happen accrding t the text?
    A. The authr was bad at driving.
    B. The ther guy was absent-minded.
    C. The authr's car had a breakdwn n the rad.
    D. The authr was speeding.25. When the authr insisted his speed was 55kmph, the pliceman .
    A. was cnfused at first and then gt slightly annyed
    B. ignred the authr at first, then finally gave in t him
    C. didn't listen and wrte dwn 50kmph
    D. tried t help him ut all the time
    26. Hw did the authr feel when he fund ut what the pliceman had intended?
    A. He regretted being rude t the pliceman.
    B. He regretted nt listening t the pliceman because he had had t pay mre.
    C. He was prud that he had insisted n telling the truth.
    D. He appreciated what the pliceman had dne and felt lucky t have met him.
    27. What message des the stry cnvey?
    A. it is imprtant t be willing t listen t peple
    B. we shuld appreciate thse wh help us
    C. hnesty is the best plicy
    D. peple shuld insist n ding what they think is right
    Educatin in 2080 is different frm educatin in the 2020s. Until abut 2035, the main functin f educatin systems was t supply the ecnmy with the next generatin f wrkers. In 2080, the purpse f educatin is the well-being f sciety and all its members. T make this a bit easier fr yu t understand, I wuld like t give an example f what a child's educatin lks like in 2080. Her name isShemsy. Shemsy is 13, and she is cnfident and lves learning.
    Shemsy des nt g t schl in the mrning because schls as yu knw them n lnger exist.The institutin was ablished as it was widely thught f as mre like a prisn r a factry than a creative learning envirnment. Schls have been replaced with“Learning Hubs”that are nt limited t certain ages. They are where internatinal learning happens, in line with the belief that learning is a lifelng pursuit.
    Every year, Shemsy designs her learning jurney fr the year with a highly attentive“teacher-citizen”. Shemsy is actively engaged in designing her educatin and has t prpse prjects she wuld like t be invlved in t cntribute t and serve her cmmunity. She als spends lts f time playing as the rle f play in learning has finally been recgnized as essential and cre t human nature.Shemsy wrks in cperatin with thers. Access t educatin is universal, and higher educatin institutins n lnger set themselves apart by hw many peple they reject yearly. Diversity between students is expected and leveraged(利用) as yung peple teach ne anther and use their differences as a surce f strength. Shemsy naturally explres what she is curius abut at a pace she sets. She still has sme classes t take that are mandatry fr children glbally: Being Human and the Histry fHumanity.
    We invite yu t think abut yur visin fr educatin in the year 2080, what des it lk like,wh des it serve, and hw des it transfrm ur scieties?
    28. What des paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
    A. There are different types f educatin.
    B. The present educatin needs imprvements.
    C. Educatin and ecnmy are clsely assciated.
    D. The gal f future educatin is fundamentally different.
    29. What d we knw abut the Learning Hub that Shemsy ges t?
    A. It accepts students f all ages. B. It prmtes cmpetitin.
    C. It discurages individualized learning. D. It is all abut play-based learning.名字31. What is the suitable title fr the text?mean?
    30. What des the underlined wrd“mandatry”in paragraphB. Satisfactry. C. Optinal. D. Required.
    A. An Example t All B. A Visin fr Educatin
    C. A Challenge fr Educatin D. A Jurney int the Future
    Wuld yu rather be an impressive emplyee in an rdinary firm, r land a rle at the mst well-knwn cmpany in yur industry?
    The answer t that questin might seem highly persnal , based n factrs like whether r nt yu are a cmpetitive persn and hw much yu enjy a challenge. In fact, there's anther strng factr at play: Peple frm different cultures react very differently t that questin. The psychlgists frm theUniversity f Michigan asked peple theretical questins abut the decisins they take. Specifically, the researchers cmpared peple with East Asian backgrunds and Eurpean American backgrunds. They fund that Americans are much mre likely t favr being a big fish in a small pnd. East Asians, and specifically Chinese peple, are much mre likely than Americans t lean twards being a smaller fish in a bigger pnd.
    Researchers first asked 270 students at a large American university whether they wuld rather be a“big fish in a small pnd”r the ppsite. Of the students with East Asian American backgrunds, three quarters said they’d rather be a small fish, cmpared with just under 60% f students with EurpeanAmerican backgrunds wh said the same.
    The researchers then cmpared American and Chinese adults. They asked the participants whether they wuld rather attend a tp university but perfrm belw average, and whether they wuld rather wrk fr a tp glbal cmpany but d less well in cmparisn t their peers. Over half the Chinese adults chse the famus university, cmpared with just a third f Americans. In the case f the firms,well ver half f peple frm bth grups chse t d better at a less well-knwn firm, but Chinese peple were still mre likely t chse being a“small fish”than were Americans.
    The final experiment sught t discver hw American and Chinese peple made judgments abut whether they were succeeding. They fund that Chinese peple were mre likely t cmpare their perfrmance t the perfrmance f peple in ther grups. Americans, meanwhile, were mre likely t cmpare themselves t peple within the same grup, t judge whether r nt they were ding well.
    In East Asian cultures, it's “nt enugh that yu knw yu're ding well in yur schl,”saidKaidi Wu, a PhD student in psychlgy wh led the research.“It is much mre imprtant that ther peple——an utsider, a family relative, a future emplyer wh has five secnds t gl ance thrugh yur resume —als recgnize yur academic excellence.”
    America is the ppsite:“Think abut hw many times themes like ‘Yu are yur wn persn’r‘Stp wrrying abut what ther peple think’curse thrugh sng lyrics and self-help bks,”Wu said,cncluding:“The chices we make are the prducts f ur culture.”
    32. The psychlgists frm the University f Michigan find that .
    A. Americans tend t achieve success in a big cmpany
    B. Chinese are likely t perfrm better in a big cmpany
    C. Americans prefer t shine in a relatively small cmpany
    D. Chinese are cmfrtable with wrking in a small cmpany
    33. The final experiment aims t .
    A. cmpare different attitudes twards cmpetitin B. find different views abut persnal success
    C. judge perfrmances f different grups D. cnfirm which culture is better34. A Chinese student will be mre satisfied if he gains recgnitin frm .
    A. his neighbrs B. his classmates C. his teachers D. his parents
    35. Accrding t Kaidi Wu, culture .
    A. plays a key rle in peple's chice making B. shws wh we grw up t be in the future
    C. is the mst imprtant factr behind success D. determines students’academic perfrmance
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Engaging with the past
    Imagine yu're at hme, yu start a rle-playing game where yu can enjy views f the NanjingQinhuai Lantern Festival, cmpleting set tasks alng the Qinhuai River. This is ne way fr vide games t enjy the raditinal Chinese culture withut having t travel there.
    36 Perfect Wrld Games, an nline gaming cmpany, recently invited a grup f heritage experts including Chen Haita, a designer frm the Dunhua ng Academy; and Zhu Xianguang, an inheritr f Lngquan swrd intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage —t Beijing t discuss new ways t prmte traditinal Chinese culture.
    This year, Zhu was invited t submit designs fr swrds in its nline mbile game Jade Dynasty.They kept the features f swrds that were used during the Tang Dynasty but absrbed fairy and knight-themed elements frm the game. That enabled players t knw anther aspect fChinese heritage. Zhu says,“Since garnes are welcmed by yung peple, we can make them familiar with traditinal culture as they play.
    The trend tward cmbining games with cultural heritage started decades ag. C₃₀Traditinal culture nce served merely as a backgrund t the gameplay, and failed t ffer a detailed experience. Nw the cmpany digs ut details and divides them int small sectins, and fcuses n their unique culdural pints, s players can gain a deeper experience.
    Sme verseas players als have a strng interest in Chinese culture, but may find it t difficult t understand. S the cmpany tries t cnvey the culture in ways they are familiar with t help them better understand.
    A. And that's nt all.
    B. These games are als available t players verseas.
    C. Hwever, these early attempts were described as“vague”(含糊的).
    D. Games featuring traditinal culture attract mre yung players.
    E. Several decades ag, the practice f swrd-making nearly died ut.
    F. Besides, sme figures seen in Dunhuang's wall paintings were als added t the mbile game.
    C. It increases the number f channels available t spread knwledge abut ur cultural heritage.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共30分)
    第一节 完型填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)I was living in Sa Paul, Brazil. It is a 41 city, with mre peple living in it than in my whle cuntry. We rented a flat in a guarded cmmunity, but there was a favela(棚户区) quite42
    Fr several mnths I didn't have a car, s three times a week, I tk buses t g t the city centre.During these I wuld ride with the peple wh tk the same bus frm the favela t g t wrk. When I gt n the bus, all the seats were already 44 . But when peple saw that my bag was heavy, they ffered t hld it n their legs t make me feel lighter 45 . At first, I was46 Then I realized that these peple had abslutely n t steal frm me: they nly wanted t
    Once, n my way back, I had t 49Cfr a lng time at a bus stp. I was alne, except fr a wman wh was very pr. She carried a small paper bag f ppcrn and nthing else. While we were waiting, she walked ver and 51 me sme ppcrn. I52her, but didn't want t help myself t it. She then repeatedly insisted that I take frm what was clearly her nly fd.
    That was the first time I had thught abut hw peple wh have almst nthing are smetimes able t 53 the little they have mre ""than thse wh wn a lt. I wnder if it's true that the mre yu have, the bigger the difficulty t share anyhing with thers. I was s mved by that wman's simple genersity that day. I clearly 55 mre than she did, but she naturally and jyfully shared what little she had with me.
    41. A. strange B. beautiful C. huge D. warm
    42. A. nisy B. similar C. crwded D. near
    43. A. experiences B. trips C. hlidays D. weekends
    44. A. checked B. given C. taken D. emptied
    45. A. sitting B. standing C. walking D. carrying
    46. A. disappinted B. dubtful C. grateful D. satisfied
    47. A. intentin B. patience C. chance D. way
    48. A. help B. leave C. greet D. change
    49. A. lk B. ask C. wait D. sit
    50. A. bviusly B. hardly C. usually D. especially
    51. A. bught B. ffered C. sld D. made
    52. A. thanked B. refused C. visited D. prmised
    53. A. sell B. need C. share D. appreciate
    54. A. anxiusly B. plitely C. skillfully D. easily
    55. A. spent B. wn C. gt D. had
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    As an adult, ne f the first questins we requent) cnsider is what career t take up.The best time t think abut careers is when we are still at schl. Hwever, many peple ften have a few ideas (bunce) arund in their heads.
    It is suggested that we cmplete a“career aptitude test”. The results f it will help us knw ur strengths and interests. The infrmatin (prvide) us with a better chance f finding a jb we like. We can find many different kinds f career aptitude tests nline fr free. Sme invlve (persn) interests and attitudes, while thers fcus mre n asking us (rate) different kinds f wrk scenaris. One ppular test asks the participants t grade their prefer) fr a variety f wrk tasks. Their answers (divide) up between six different types f wrk persnalities.After that, the participant is given a chart shwing the scre fr each type f wrk persnality. The tp three scres are used t make a cde indicates the participant's verall wrk persnality.
    In cnclusin, career aptitude tests are thught t be 64 useful tl, but we shuld remember that it is nly guidance fr us. The secret a gd career is finding smething that we are passinate abut.
    第四部分 书面表达(共2小题,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
    假设你是李华,现在你作为交换生在新西兰的一所高中里学习,你班的同学对中国的文化很感兴趣,尤其喜欢唐诗(Tang petry)。请你用英语写一篇发言稿与他们分享中国的唐诗。具体内容包括:1.唐诗地位及影响; 2.列举著名诗人; 3.你读唐诗时的感受。
    注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Hell, everyne!
    That's all. Thank yu fr yur listening.
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    On a windy day, Emily invited Nra t play ftball in her garden.“I g first!”Nra shuted as she kicked the ball twards Emily.
    “Is that all yu gt? Watch me, the champin, hit the ball. It will travel ff t infinity(无穷大)!”
    Emily ran like the wind t the ball and kicked it s hard that it flew ver the fence f her garden and int the neighbr's huse. There was a sharp cracking sund.
    “Uh h... what did yu d?”Nra asked, feeling afraid.
    “L…I dn't knw. Oh n! 1 think I brke my neighbr's windw,”Emily cried as she dashed acrss her garden and hid behind sme cherry bushes. Nra faded int thin air.
    Terrr was written all ver Emily's face. She saw the neighbr, Mr. Masn, picking up the pieces f sharp glass. There was anger, as well as panic, n his face.
    The sun was setting. Emily knew that it was nt secure fr her t stay ut s late. Eventually, as the light faded, she returned hme, keeping her eyes wide pen fr the neighbr.
    Her heart was shaking as she cautiusly arrived hme. Her mther saw the sweat n her face. She knew, her daughter had dne smething wrng. Mther sat next t Emily n the cmfrtable s fa and then asked,“Emily, are yu kay? Is smething wrng?”
    Emily held her mther's hands. Her eyes were wet with tears.“Mm, I did smething bad, but it was unintentinal. I hit the ftball s hard that it flew ut f ur garden and brke Mr. Masn's windw.”
    Mther listened t her patiently as she calmed her and wiped her tears away. Then she held a sharp-tipped pencil.“D yu knw why pencils have erasers?”Mther asked, surprising Emily since she wasn't expecting such a questin.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    “T erase ur mistakes,”Emily replied.

    With her heart beating fast, Emily walked up t her neighbr's frnt dr.

    1--5CCBBC 6--10 BAABC 11—15 ACAAB 16—20 BCACA
    二、阅读理解(每小题2.5 分,满分 50分)
    21-23 BDC 24-27 BBAA 28-31DADB 32-35 CBAA 36-40 AFGCB
    41-45 CDBCB 46-50 BAACA 51-55 BACDD
    四、语法填空(每小题1.5 分,满分15分)
    56. frequently 57. buncing 58. will prvide 59. persnal 60. t rate 61. preferences
    62. are divided 63. that/which 64. a 65. t/f
    五、小作文(满分 15分)
    Hell, everyne! Tday I'm glad t share with yu Chinese culture, especially Tang petry.
    Tang petry is a very imprtant literary frm in China. It represents traditinal Chinese culture and is ppular all ver the wrld. There are numerus utstanding pets in Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and BaiJuyi and s n, wh wrte ppular pems that are still well-knwn tday. When I read a piece f Tang petry, Ifeel as if I were traveling with the great pets t the prsperus Tang Dynasty and experiencing the grgeusTang culture in persn, which is s enjyable refreshing.
    That's all. Thank yu fr yur listening.
    六、读后续写(满分 25 分)
    “T erase ur mistakes,”Emily replied.“That's right!”her mther said.“S, when we make mistakes in life,
    we can and shuld fix them immediately. Then it is n lnger a mistake.”Realizing what her mther wanted t say, Emily hung her head.“Mm, yu are right. Althugh it's quite embarrassing, saying srry is the nly way Ican make up fr my mistake.” Mm strked Emily's hair gently, her eyes sparkling with apprval and encuragement. At this, a ripple f bravery surged ver Emily, mtivating her t get ut f the huse.
    With her heart beating fast, Emily walked up t her neighbr's frnt dr. She tk a deep breath befre gathering enugh curage t knck n the dr. When Mr. Masn pened the dr, she dared nt lk int his eyes.“IMr. Masn, I'm terribly srry that I brke yur windw when playing ftball,”she murmured. Mr. Masn smiled and let her in, saying,“Emily, I truly appreciate yur hnesty. Just frget abut my windw.”Hearing his wrds, Emily breathed a sigh f relief and ffered t fix the brken windw the next day.

    黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题: 这是一份黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题,共5页。试卷主要包含了第一部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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