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    这是一份[英语][三模]陕西省宝鸡市2024届高三下学期高考模拟检测(三)(三模)英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    一、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(共15题;共30分)
    A field trip t Pacific Science Center is a time-hnred traditin fr students f all ages acrss Washingtn state. Our hands-n exhibits, shws, and innvative prgrams ignite students' curisity fr science in a day f explratin t enhance yur curriculum and spark a lifelng interest in science, math, engineering, and technlgy.
    In additin t General Admissin, PacSci ffers extra experiences t enhance yur learning and supprt yur curriculum, including:
    Dcumentary IMAX Mvies: During the schl year, we ffer Teacher's Chice where teachers can bk ne f tw pen dcumentary slts, if yur schl is the first t bk. Email ur Schl Grups team fr a cmplete list f dcumentaries.
    Daytime Laser Shw: Be dazzled by a Daytime Laser Shw in ur Laser Dme. Packed with 10,000 watts f cncert sund, experience a ne-f-a-kind shw n ne f the largest gecentric dmes dedicated t lasers!
    Planetarium Shw: Enjy a live, immersive presentatin in the Willard Smith Planetarium. Blast ff t the universe's uter reaches r explre the planets in ur slar system. There is always smething different t experience! Seating is limited t 36 students and fur chapernes(监护人).
    Belw is a pricing table fr ur field trip.
    1. What is special abut Pacific Science Center
    A . It has a fascinating cllectin f art exhibits. B . It prvides students a chance fr ancient technlgy. C . It is nly pen t public and private schls. D . It is a place where students can learn abut science.
    2. If yu are interested in space explratin, which experience will yu prefer?
    A . Dcumentary IMAX Mvies. B . Daytime Laser Shw. C . Planetarium Shw. D . General Admissin.
    3. Hw much will they pay if I ahaperne and 10 students watah an IMAX mvie?
    A . $40. B . $57.95. C . $77.95. D . $117.95.
    Jamesn Lbb, a 24-year-ld investment banker frm Trnt, was just ne week int his new jb n Wall Street. Over the past mnth, he'd been settling in t the New Yrk City apartment he was sharing with his cllege buddy, an artificial intelligence engineer named Raphael Jafri.
    Nw, n Oct. 4, 2021, the tw were squeezing in a lunchtime wrkut n Pier(码头) 15. verlking the East River, when Lbb frze. "Smebdy's in the water," he said. Befre Jafri culd respnd, Lbb climbed ver the rail at the edge f the pier and leaped int the cld, plluted water withut taking the time t remve his shes.
    Jafri didn't need t see the victim. Maybe Lbb saw smene in the water wh needs ur help, he thught. Or maybe it's Lbb wh needs my help. Either way, I'm ging in. He tk ff his shes and swan-dived.
    Appraching the uncnscius victim, Lbb saw that it was a middle-aged man. When at last they reached Pier 15, they faced a new uncertainty. Hw-t get ut? On the pier, a crwd had gathered. Frm smewhere, the nlkers prduced a rpe and a life preserver(救生圈), which they threw t Jafri and Lbb. With the tw men pushing frm belw and the crwd pulling frm abve, the man's dangling bdy slwly rse until helping hands pulled him nt the pier.
    Frm the metal beam 梁), Lbb climbed up nt the pier, but Jafri remained in the water a few minutes mre, until he was rescued by the Cast Guard. Bth men, Jafn in particular, thrughly exhausted frm 15-plus minutes in the water and bleeding frm numerus barnacle cuts, watched as rescue wrkers laded the nearly drwned man int an ambulance and drve away.
    In place f that knwledge, they have a stry they get t tell nw, anther experience that has further enhanced their bnd. Lts f peple were n the piers that day, yet nly the tw f them jumped in the water — because, they say, they were the fittest peple there and, s, had a mral respnsibility.
    "If I knw I'm capable," Lbb says, "why wuldn't I help?" Jafri adds, laughing, "Peplealways say‘If yur friend jumps ff a cliff, are yu jumping?' I think I answered that ne."
    4. Which f fllwing best describe Jamesn Lbb as a passer-by?
    A . Smart and thughtful. B . Caring and fearless. C . Kind and experienced. D . Devted and brave.
    5. What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A . The knwledge abut first aid. B . The way t rescue the drwned. C . The prcess f saving a stranger. D . The value f peple's pulling tgether.
    6. Why was Jafri left alne in the water after the rescue?
    A . He meant t gain Cast Guard's help. B . He was fund uncnscius and bleeding. C . He failed t climb up nt the pier. D . He was in wrse cnditin.
    7. What des the authr intend t cnvey in the text?
    A . Unsung heres deserve ur respect. B . Danger is next neighbur t security. C . Timely rescue always cmes first. D . A friend in need is a friend in deed.
    A shadwy figure sits alne in a rm, his face dimly lit by a cmputer screen. With a grin, he types in a series f cmputer cmmands, and in the blink f an eye, smene's bank accunt is drained t zer.
    In tday's digital age, cyberattacks like this happen thusands f times per day. Hackers can steal mney, infrmatin, r cmpletely take cntrl f a machine frm anywhere in the wrld. Hwever, nt all hackers are villains.
    Sme hackers, called white hat r ethical hackers, are individuals wh make the mst f their hacking skills t identify security vulnerabilities(漏洞) in hardware, sftware and netwrks. Their jb is crucial in preventing cyberattacks and safeguarding sensitive infrmatin. The term "white hat" riginated frm ld cwby mvies, where heres wre white hats and villains wre black nes. Like the heres in cwby mvies, white hats seek t stp the bad guys and save the day.
    White hat hackers nly seek vulnerabilities legally, ften wrking n pen-surce sftware r with authrized access t systems. Once these weak spts are identified, cmpanies r individuals can take steps t prevent serius breaches and lsses. White hat hackers use a variety f different techniques t keep the internet safe. Penetratin testing, fr example, allws them t mimic cyberattacks and uncver system weaknesses. Security scanning tls allw white hats t identify hles in a netwrk's security systems. Simulating denial-f-service attacks (DS attacks)helps cmpanies prepare fr attacks against their websites.
    Many f the wrld's tp white hat hackers began their jurneys n the wrng side f the law. A prime example is Kevin Mitnick. This ntrius hacker nce held the title f "mst wanted hacker" in the U. S. due t his cybercriminal activities in 1995. Hwever, after being arrested and spending five years in jail, his life tk a remarkable turn. Mitnick decided t use his hacking skills fr ethical purpses, eventually establishing his wn cybersecurity cnsulting cmpany.
    If yu aspire t be a white hat hacker, start by building a strng fundatin in cmputer and netwrk fundamentals. Gd luck, cmputer cwby!
    8. What des the underlined wrd "villains" in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A . evil-ders. B . heres. C . attackers. D . victims.
    9. What can we learn abut white hat hackers?
    A . They wear white hats in cwby mvies. B . They d everything t safeguard peple's infrmatin. C . They legally use their prfessinal skills t help peple. D . They find vulnerabilities fr persnal gain withut ding harm.
    10. Peple skilled in cmputer and netwrk can't be tp white hat hackers unless ____.
    A . they bey the law B . they identify security weak pints C . they take measures t stp serius lsses D . they build their wn cybersecurity cnsulting cmpanies
    11. What is the purpse f the text?
    A . T teach us hw t stay secure nline. B . T tell us hw t be tp white hackers. C . T warn us f the dangers f cyberattacks. D . T intrduce defenders f the digital wrld.
    Eurpean wildcats culd be reintrduced t England mre than 200 years after they became extinct in the cuntry. The prject has been annunced by UK wildlife charity Wildwd Trust.
    Eurpean wildcats are ne f the UK's rarest mammals. The nly wild ppulatin, numbering fewer than 300 individuals, lives in the Scttish Highlands but they are n the verge f extinctin, partly because they have bred with lcal feral cats (wild-living dmestic cats).
    Supprters hpe t save the species in the UK by reintrducing them t England and Wales, where they died ut arund 200 years ag because f hunting and lss f habitat. T bring bac the species, Wildwd Trust is planning t build 10 new breeding facilities n tw sltes in Kent and Devn. Kittens bred in captivity but away frm humans will then be released int the wild. The University f Exeter is researching places where the animals culd be reintrduced.
    Eurpean wildcats are arund the same size as a large dmestic cat, but at up t eight kilgrams they are slightly adult heavier. They have a tabby - like pattern with thick black stripes n their bdies and a bushy tail and like t live in frests but near pen grassland. They're als famusly shy and keep their distance frm humans. Laura Gardner, directr f cnservatin at Wildwd Trust, tld The Times newspaper that peple shuld nt be wrried by the thught f wildcats returning t the wild. "We're nt talking abut wlves," she said.
    Wildwd Trust says that its prject can benefit bth the wildcats and the habitats where they live. They are ne f the few native predatrs left in the UK, s a healthy ppulatin f wildcats culd help t cntrl the numbers f animals they prey n, such as rabbits and rdents. By cmpeting fr the same fd as fxes, they will als help t reduce fx numbers and restre a balance t nature.
    12. What is the aim f the prject?
    A . T save wildcats frm dying ut. B . T ensure wildcats'gd habitats. C . T raise mney t prtect wildcats. D . T build sme new breeding facilities.
    13. What des the authr indicate by mentining Laura Gardner in paragraph 4?
    A . Wildcats are very shy animals. B . Wildcats are nt as fierce as wlves. C . Eurpean wildcats are unique animals. D . Wildcats cannt pse a threat fr humans.
    14. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A . Wildcats will threaten the number f ther animals. B . Wildcats and its habitats will be well prtected. C . Wildcats can cntribute t eclgical balance. D . Wildcats are ne f the few predatrs left in the UK.
    15. What is the best title f the text?
    A . Wildwd Trust Annuncing a Plan. B . Rare Wildcats Making a Cmeback. C . Reintrducing Wildcats Benefiting Us. D . Wildcats Disappearing Frm the Wrld.
    二、第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(共1题;共10分)
    Hw t prevent stress frm turning int depressin
    A few years ag, I had a bad day at wrk. My bss and I disagreed n a majr financial investment and the cnversatin escalated. 16 And I tk thse cmments persnally. The gd news is that there are ways t prevent feelings f discmfrt frm turning int depressin.
    Change the scene
    G utside, g t the bathrm, call a friend, take a few deep breaths. I didn't realize I had dne this after my fight with my bss. 17 Just nticing the trees and the birds arund me gt me ut f my head.
    Recunt what happened
    18 This can help discver what is exactly giving yu depressin and remember the details yu may have verlked that can add t the situatin. D this with a friend, a family member, a therapist, r even yurself. Yu can als talk ut lud as yu walk yur dg.
    Name yur emtins
    As yu describe what happened, name yur emtins. Fr example, instead f saying yu simply feel "bad," maybe yu actually feel "indifferent." I turned t a therapist t help me unpack my fight with my bss. She helped me realize that it wasn't my bss r the argument that was making me upset, but the feeling f being dismissed and made t feel small. 19 .
    Identify yur causes
    Examine what gives yu discmfrt. Fr example, if yu have terrible rad rage, yu may have a cnversatin with yurself abut it. Yu might ask yurself. Why am I prne t being s angry n the rad? Is it because I am in a rush? Or is it because I hate sitting in traffic? 20 T avid being rushed, maybe leave the huse a half hur early. T avid traffic, ask yur bss if yu can wrk frm hme a cuple times a week.
    S nw, when I find myself in this circumstance, I tell the ther persn that I need time and space t cnsider their feedback. And that I'll cme back t them when I'm ready. This helps me feel mre in cntrl f my feelings.
    A Then, find ways t imprve the situatin.
    B. G ver yur situatin again and create a narrative.
    C. That allwed me t see a different perspective n the issue.
    D. I had truble sleeping and fcusing, and I felt like I was n high alert.
    E They criticized me and said that I just didn't have enugh experience.
    F When yu are nt feeling gd, yur bdy is trying t tell yu smething.
    G After ur argument, I left the ffice immediately and went fr a lng walk.
    三、语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(共1题;共30分)
    Chusvitina retired frm her legendary career after cmpeting at a recrd eighth Olympic Games. After failing t 21 a spt in Sunday's vault final, the 46-year-ld, representing Uzbekistan, waved gdbye t the small 22 .
    Brn in Uzbek capital Tashkent in 1976, Chusvitina 23 gymnastics at age 7. She made her first Olympic 24 at the 1992 Barcelna Games. She then 25 Uzbekistan, later cmpeted fr German, but 26 back t Uzbekistan in 2013.
    When Chusvitina's 3 - year - ld sn was 27 with leukemia in 2002, she sld her 28 and used any prize mney earned t pay fr his medical 29 . Her switch t German 30 was mtivated by the prmise f a higher incme and better 31 care. After her sn's recvery, Chusvitina cntinued t cmpete, but this time it was her lve f 32 that kept her ging. "There is n 33 . I just lve gymnastics and n ne ever 34 me t cmpete. I d s with 35 ," she said.
    In a sprt renwned fr its 36 champins, Chusvitina has becme a glbal fan 37 thanks t her persistence. She was selected int the Internatinal Gymnastics Hall f Fame, and was 38 the Best Athlete f the Decade (2011-2020) in a public vte. She has 39 11 medals at majr glbal champinships and has five epnymus(以主角/创作者命名的) gymnastics 40 t her name. She's a legendary athlete, a great mther.
    21. A . shw B . secure C . mark D . chse
    22. A . crwd B . judges C . athletes D . listeners
    23. A . put up B . made up C . tk up D . set up
    24. A . expressin B . impressin C . cntributin D . appearance
    25. A . left B . represented C . recgnized D . cnfirmed
    26. A . reunited B . held C . tk D . switched
    27. A . checked B . diagnsed C cnnected C . treated
    28. A . packages B . purchases C . necessities D . pssessins
    29. A . research B . cnditins C . treatment D . recrd
    30. A . citizenship B . membership C . leadership D . relatinship
    31. A . persnal B . medical C . physical D . mental
    32. A . gymnastics B . medicine C . medals D . family
    33. A . benefit B . dubt C . secret D . way
    34. A . frced B . encuraged C . appinted D . allwed
    35. A . prize B . kindness C . pleasure D . sympathy
    36. A . cmpetitive B . strng C . glbal D . yuthful
    37. A . athlete B . favrite C . mther D . teacher
    38. A . named B . given C . shwn D . ffered
    39. A . arranged B . cunted C . sld D . cllected
    40. A . thughts B . events C . skills D . habits
    四、第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    As the tea 41 (distribute) and trade center f the ancient Tea Hrse Rad, Pu'er City is recgnized as the rigin f the renwned Pu'er tea and tea culture. But 42 is less knwn is that the city is als the "cffee capital f China" In 2023, Pu'er prduced a ttal f 55,700 tns f cffee, accunting 43 ver 50% f the natinal cffee prductin. The 44 (city) cffee histry can trace back t 1892 when a French missinary planted the first cffee tree in a village in Pu'er. By 2023 the cffee plantatins 45 (expand) t 680,000、mu. Fr the peple f Pu'er tea and cffee have evlved mre 46 just beverages (饮料)—— tney are a way f life. The city 47 (dt) with tea huses and cffee shps, where the armas f these tw beverages mingle in the air, ffering a 48 (delight) fusin f ancient and mdern, traditin and trend, and Eastern and Western cultures. Tea and cffee plantatins in Pu'er nt nly enhance the lcal eclgy and yield high - quality prducts, but als serve as turism resurces. In additin t tea, 49 (current) there are 13 tp tp cffee farms in the city. The "Xia'azi cffee farm" is an internet-famus turist destinatin in Pu'er where visitrs can pay just 60 yuan 50 (taste) nine different types f cffee, experience cffee brewing and learn abut cffee prcessing techniques.
    51. 第一节 短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Smething interested, happened t my parents and me. I stayed up late n Saturday's night. s the next mrning I didn't wke up until my father called me t get up and play the pian. With my eyes clsing, I begged t sleep mre. My father had n chices but t leave my bedrm. Sn, my mther came in but asked me t get up t play ftball. I immediate jumped ut f my bed, dressed myself and ran away with my ftball. I didn't knw what my father wuld feel when he returned my bedrm and fund I had left.
    六、第二节 书面表达(满分25 分)(共1题;共25分)
    52. 某英语报社正在举办主题为"Music and Me"的征文比赛活动,请你写一篇英语短文参赛,内容包括:
    Music and Me题号

    Add-On Experience
    Ticket Type
    Rate Per Persn
    Field Trip Student
    Field Trip Student
    Field Trip Student

    Field Trip Extra Chaperne

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