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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des Jennifer like ding mst in her free time?
    A. Attending a club. B. Watching TV. C. Ding sprts.
    2. Hw des the man g t wrk nw?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.
    3. Where will the wman g next?
    A. Shanghai. B. Xian. C. Beijing.
    4. What des Jenny want t d?
    A. Ski p supper. B. Put the tys back later. C. Help her mther after a while.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Mike's favrite animal. B. Mike's childhd. C. Mike's pets.
    6. What is Michelle ding there?
    A. Buying a birthday gift. 'B. Picking up her sister. C. Watching a cncert.
    7. What is Michelle?
    A. A prfessr. B. A student. C. A guide.
    听第7段材料,回答第8 至 10题。
    8. What will Mark d first?
    A. Blw up ballns. B. Mve the chairs. C. Fetch the cake.
    9. When will the party begin?
    A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Bss and emplyee. C. Husband and wife.
    听第8段材料,回答第11 至14题。
    711. Why did Jasn g fishing yesterday?
    A. T d sme research wrk. B. T have fun with family.
    C. T relax with clleagues.
    12. What kind f fish was caught yesterday?
    A. A new species. B. A fish with a shark-like tail.
    C. A fish living n the bttm f the sea.
    13. What was the weight f the fish?
    A. Abut 140 punds. B. Almst 100 punds. C. Mre than 70 punds.
    14. Hw des the wman prbably feel in the end?
    A. Curius. B. Excited. C. Cncerned.
    听第 9段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。
    15. When will the man g t Susan's huse?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    16. What des Susan ask the man t d?
    A. Prepare sme garden beds. B. Plant sme vegetables. C. Cut dwn sme trees.
    17. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a garden. B. At the man's ffice. C. Over the phne.
    18. What can campers. d in the camps?
    A. Visit Spain. B. Travel t China. C. Learn languages and cultures.
    -19. Hw lng d half-day camps last?
    A.2 hurs. B.3 hurs. C.4 hurs.
    20. Why des the speaker give the talk?
    A. T intrduce camps t her students.
    B. T tell all the campers what t d.
    C. T advertise the summer camps.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Days are gne when we were waiting fr English language classes t learn English. Learning English has becme less challenging fr us nw. Best English Practice apps fr Andrid are mentined belw.
    Hell English
    This is the best app fr an English-speaking curse especially fr Indians because it cntains mstly Indian languages like Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Marathi, etc. Its cntent is als available in ffline mde. In this app, there are many interactive games t make learning fun. The learner can ask questins frm the tutr. Yu can g fr news articles and e-bks in this app.
    Beelinguapp is simple and efficient t use and learn. This app ffers audibks t help the learner imprve yur knwledge abut the language they want t learn. The learner here learns the language by first listening t the stries in the language' he wants t learn and then reading the text side by side in his native language. Fr audibks listeners, it is the best way t learn t speak English.
    Duling is a free English-speaking curse app. It has mre than 300 millin users wrldwide. It uses a gaming apprach fr learning t speak English. The lessn size is s small that the learner can enjy the learning even in his breaks. It is based n Artificial Intelligence t recgnize and speak, and yu will see yur prgress easily.(
    It is an English cnversatin practice platfrm. This is a paid app. Here the learner des ne n ne cnversatin with English experts ver the phne at yur scheduled time. The philsphy f EngVarta is t prvide abundant practice f listening, repeating, and talking. Learning is cmfrtable here as there is n ne t judge yu and yur identity is nt shwn here.
    21. What d Hell English and Duʊling have in cmmn?
    A. Games are used in learning. B. The lessn size is small.
    C. Learning can be achieved ffline. D. Students ' prgress can be recrded.
    22. Which app enables learners t learn with the help f native language?
    A. EngVarta. B. Duling. C. Beelinguapp. D. Hell English.
    23. Why is learning with EngVarta cmfrtable?
    A. Yu can learn at any time. B. N judgment is made.
    C. Learning here is free f charge. D. Yu get n well with participants.
    On any given day, yu can find mst 10-year-ld bys thrwing a ball arund utside, riding bikes r playing vide games. But Braden Baker is different.
    Braden is a hearing damaged 5th-grade r and has t wear hearing aids (助听器). Unluckily, Braden's dg Chew y fund his hearing aids n the flr and destryed them —nt nce but twice and they had t be replaced. But at $ 3,500 t $ 6,000 a pair, Braden's carelessness was cstly.
    Braden´s mther Ashley sat Braden dwn and had a lng talk abut taking better care f his hearing aids, explaining hw much they cst. “I tld him that he was lucky t get anther pair. and that sme peple culdn't affrd a new pair,” Ashley said.
    Thse wrds stuck in Braden´s mind, wh realized nt every child wh needed hearing aids culd affrd them. Recently the 10-year-ld by decided t start a GFundMe page t raise mney fr thse wh aren't s lucky.
    Braden made a vide t explain why he wanted t raise mney. Ashley said, “We weren't sure hw it wuld turn ut. He began with a gal f $ 1,000. We wke up the next mrning and fund it had raised $ 400.”
    This encuraged him t start making mre vides. A few mnths later, Braden's GFundMe page has raised ver $ 15,000, which Braden dnated t the Oticn Hearing Fundatin. That mney will be used t help ther families buy hearing aids fr their children.
    The prject has nt nly taught Braden the value f mney, but als accrding t his mm, “he's learned that if yu put a small idea int actin, amazing things can happen.”
    Braders advice t thse lking fr ways t give back t thers is “Dn't give up! Any small idea can get really big.”
    24. Why did Braden have t change his hearing aids?
    A. He wanted a better pair f hearing aids.
    B. His ld hearing aids gt destryed by his dg.
    C. His hearing prblem became mre and mre serius.
    D. He lst his ld hearing aids as a result f his carelessness.
    25. What caused Braden t start a GFundMe page??
    A. Bradents desire t help pr children with hearing prblems.
    B. Bradents need t buy a new pair f hearing aids fr himself.
    C. Ashley's wrds abut the practical value f hearing aids.
    D. Ashley' s encuragement t d gd tings fr children.
    26. Hw did Braden and his mther feel when the page was started?
    A. Hpeful. B. Satisfied. C. Unexpected. D. Uncertain.
    27. What has Braden learned frm wrking n the prject?
    A. One shuld always make gd use f his mney.
    B. It is imprtant t dream big and hld n t it.
    C. Videing is a gd way t. cllect mney.
    D. A small idea may make a big difference.
    It's hard t turn dwn hamburgers, French fries, ptat chips and all f the ther junk fd that seem t call ut t us. Hwever, eating t much junk fd can harm yur bdy, particularly if yu’re a teenager.
    “Junk fd shapes teenager' s brains in ways that damage their ability t think, learn and remember. It can als make it harder t cntrl bad behavirs,” said Amy Reichelt, a brain and nutritin specialist at Western University, Canada. “It may even increase a teen's pssibility f depressin.”
    Reichel t and tw ther researchers reviewed mre than 100 studies, including their wn, abut hw pr fd chices can impact teens brains. They fund teens are mre sensitive(敏感的) than any ther age grup t prcessed fds with a lt f fat and sugar as their brains are nt yet fully frmed.
    Teenagers' brains are still develping the ability t assess bad pssibilities and cntrl actins. The prefrntal crtex(额叶皮层) is the part f the brain that tells us we shuldn´t eat chips all the time and helps us fight against that desire. Hwever, this regin is the last t mature(成熟) — it desn't fully develp until we are in ur early 20s.
    S, what's the best way t say n t junk fd? Researchers suggest exercise. When we exercise, the brain´s reward system becmes less sensitive t fd reminder. Exercise als causes the bdy t make a prtein (蛋白质) that helps brain cells grw and strengthens cnnectins between the prefrntal crtex and ther brain regins. The prefrntal crtex thus can wrk better t help us make wise decisins and cntrl ur impulses(脉冲).
    28. Accrding t the text, junk fd des the greatest harm t .
    A. the middle-aged B. the elderly C. teenagers D. preschlers
    29. What des the underlined wrd “It” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Junk fd. B. The brain. C. The research. D. The ability.
    30. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. The prefrntal crtex can help us make wise decisins.
    B. The prefrntal crtex develps fully in ur late 20s.
    C. Teenagers dn't understand the harm f junk fd.
    D. Prcessed fds shuldn't be allwed t prduce.
    31. What's the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. Where d ur impulses cme frm?
    B. Why shuld we fight against junk fd?
    C. Hw des exercise wrk against junk fd?
    D. What is the best way t strengthen ur bdy?
    Thrughut histry, many species f animals have been threatened with dying ut. When Eurpeans first arrived in Nrth America, mre than 60 millin buffal(水牛) lived n the cntinent. Yet hunting the buffal was s ppular during the 19th century that by 1900 the animal's ppulatin had fallen t abut 400 befre the gvernment stepped in t prtect the species. In sme cuntries tday, the elephant faces a similar challenge, as illegal hunters kill the animals fr the ivry(象牙) in their tusks.
    Yet nt all animals with cmmercial value face this threat. The cw, fr example, is a valuable surce f fd, but n ne wrries that the cw will sn die ut. Why des the cmmercial value f ivry threaten the elephant, while the cmmercial value f beef prtects the cw?
    The reasn is that elephants are a cmmn resurce, while cws are private gds which nly belng t their wners. Elephants wander freely withut any wners. The hunter has a strng mtivatin t kill as many elephants as he can find. Because the number f illegal hunters is big, each has nly a little desire t prtect the elephant ppulatin. By cntrast, cattle live n farms that are privately wned. Each farmer makes great effrt t keep the cattle ppulatin n his farm because he gets the benefit f these effrts.
    Gvernments have tried t slve the elephant's prblem in tw ways. Sme cuntries, such as Kenya and Uganda, have made it illegal t kill elephants and sell their ivry. Yet these laws have been hard t put int effect, and elephant numbers have cntinued t reduce. By cntrast, ther cuntries, such as Malawi and Namibia, have made elephants private gds and allwed peple t kill elephants, but nly thse wh wn these elephants.
    With private wnership and the prfit nw n its side, the African elephant might smeday be as safe frm dying ut as the cw. The ancient Greek philspher Aristtle pinted ut the prblem with cmmn resurces: “Peple pay least attentin t what is cmmn t many, fr all men care mre abut what is their wn than what they have in cmmn with thers.”
    32. Why des the authr mentin buffal in paragraph 1?
    A. T present the statistics f the buffal in America.
    B. T ffer an explanatin fr gvernment plicies.
    C. T prvide an example f species dying ut.
    D. T intrduce a similar threat t elephants.
    33. Why d elephants face threats while cws are safe?
    A. They are under different law prtectin.
    B. They attract different grups f hunters.
    C. They cntain different cmmercial value.
    D. They belng t different wnership types.
    34. Why d illegal hunters just kill elephants?
    A. Because elephants dn´t fight back.
    B. Because elephants dn't have exact wners.
    C. Because lcal gvernments haven't prtected them.
    D. Because elephants are mre valuable than ther animals.
    35. What can we learn frm Aristtle's wrds?
    A. Peple pay much attentin t thers' resurces.
    B. Peple care mre abut their wn resurces.
    C. Peple want t prfit frm cmmn resurces.
    D. Peple tend t take what they wn fr granted.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Ging green is a great way t reduce yur envirnmental ftprint and help the planet. Being green is all abut reducing hw many resurces yu use, reusing items when yu can, and recycling items that can't be reused. 36
    Carry a reusable water bttle s yu will nt need bttled water.
    37 Nt nly des it create trash, but it als uses mre resurces because it's shipped t the stre. T be mre ec-friendly, make it a habit t carry a reusable water bttle with yu everywhere s that yu can drink water n the g. Plastic bttles are usually the lightest and mst cnvenient.
    Use reusable bags while yu’re shpping.
    Shpping bags make it easy t carry yur items hme, but they als pllute the planet. Skip the stre's shpping bags and bring yur wn instead. Use a backpack that yu already wn, r buy a cuple f reusable bags frm the checkut area at yur lcal grcery stre. 38
    Befre yu thrw smething away, lk fr ways yu might reuse it. Try re-purpsing items r making green crafts. This will help yu keep trash ut f the landfill. Fr example, instead f thrwing away a jar, yu might use it as a glass, vase r strage cntainer.
    Reduce the amunt f time yu spend using electrnics.
    While electrnics are really fun and help yu feel cnnected t yur friends, they als use up a lt f energy. Schedule breaks frm yur electrnics s yu can use them less. During yur breaks, d smething fun like ging fr a walk, playing a game with yur friends, r pursuing a hbby. 40 Fr instance, instead f playing nline vide games tgether, g t a lcal park.
    A. Reuse items t save them frm the landfill.
    B. Yu can use yur reusable bags at mst stres.
    C. Bttled water is really bad fr the envirnment.
    D. Invite yur friend t cnnect with yu in real life.
    E. Yu prbably need t change yur persnal habits.
    F. Glass bttles have cme a lng way in recent years.
    G. Yu can find ideas fr green crafts by searching nline.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Everyne at my schl knws that I lve 41 . Years ag, I learned that a pineapple(菠萝) plant culd grw frm the tp f a pineapple, s I decided t give it a 42 . After several times f failure, I 43 succeeded in grwing ne. I was excited, s I dragged the huge, awkward and heavy plant t schl s that my furth-grade students culd 44 the excitement f watching the pineapple plant grw.
    My 45 students welcmed the pineapple plant int ur 46 and named her Patricia. They added cautin tape arund her (after being 47 by her sharp leaves) and even wrte stries abut her. We als invited students frm ther classrms t meet her. She became quite 48 .
    Surprisingly, Patricia had a way f helping kids discuss and understand their 49 . She calmed peple dwn when they were upset, 50 them up when they felt sad, and was a great cnversatin starter fr kids wh didn't want t 51 . Our schl cunselr(咨询师) ften brught students in t visit Patricia, and they always left ur classrm feeling 52 and mre self-regulated(自我调节的).
    After sme reflectin, we realized that the 53 f the pineapple was nt really just abut the plant. Patricia helped 54 an envirnment filled with passin, psitivity and nature. This type f envirnment is 55 fr ur nervus system, which leads t self-regulatin and enhances learning.
    41. A. cking B. teaching C. gardening D. traveling
    42. A. try B. gift C. wish D. lessn
    43. A. hardly B. regularly C. immediately D. finally
    44. A. share B. predict C. cntain D. ignre
    45. A. bred B. excited C. relieved D. frightened
    46. A. class B. farm C. cmpany D. yard
    47. A. advised B. injured C. guarded D. shaded
    48. A. imprtant B. famus C. beautiful D. expensive
    49. A. emtins B. perfrmances C. lectures D. lks .
    50. A. raised B. wke C. cheered D. gave
    51. A. mve B. rest C. study D. talk
    52. A. yunger B. quieter C. happier D. slwer
    53. A. taste B. surce C. name D. pwer
    54. A. reflect B. create C. decrate D. prtect
    55. A. cmplex B. challenging C. changeable D. calming
    第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Chinese painting is ne f the ldest artistic traditins in the wrld. The painting in the traditinal style is knwn tday in Chinese as guhua, 56 (friend) the “natinal” r “native” painting. It is different frm Western styles f art 57 became ppular in China in the 20th century.
    One technique f the traditinal Chinese painting is in k and wash painting and in Chinese it 58 (call) shuim. In fact this was an art frm 59 (practise) by gentlemen frm the Sng Dynasty. This style is als referred t
    As xieyi r the freehand style.
    60 (traditinal), the Chinese painting is dne n rice paper r thin silk. There are bradly three 61 (subject) fr traditinal Chinese paintings—prtraits, landscapes, and flwers and birds—f which the landscape is the mst familiar 62 peple. Therefre the Chinese painting is ften knwn as the landscape painting, r shanshui painting.
    The landscape painting was regarded as 63 highest frm f the Chinese painting, and generally still is. In the nrth, artists such as Jing Ha 64 (paint) pictures f twering muntains and in the suth, Dng Yuan, Juran, 65 ther artists painted the rlling hills and rivers f their native cuntryside in peaceful scenes.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。学生会将举办一年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“My favrite English nvel ”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕式时发言,请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:1.说明比赛的意义;2.比赛注意事项;3.预祝比赛圆满成功。

    A rich cuple wh planned t hld a big New Year party at their huse went shpping at the market where everything was expensive and at a fixed price. They wanted t maintain their level f standard s they didn't mind paying fr it. After buying all they needed, they called a prter(搬运工) t carry everything and drp it at their hme. The prter wh came was f an ld age, and lked very unhealthy, and his clthes were wrn, and he lked as if he wasn't even able t meet his daily needs.
    They asked the prter abut the charges fr delivering their gds t their hme. The ld prter asked fr just $20, quite belw the market price. Yet, the cuple argued and bargained with the prter and finally settled fr $15. The prt er was struggling t make even ne time's meal s he needed anything he culd earn.
    The cuple was very happy thinking hw well they bargained with the pr prter and paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the prter their address fr delivery. They reached their hme and ne hur passed, and tw hurs passed, but the prter still didn't deliver their stuff.
    The wife started t get angry at her husband, “I always tell yu nt t trust such persna ,but yu never listen t me. I am sure instead f delivering the gds t ur hme, he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately g back t the market t find ut and then t the plice statin t file the cmplaint against him.”
    They bth left twards the market. On their way near the market, they saw anther prter. They stpped him t ask abut the ld prt er and nticed that he was carrying their gds in his cart! The angry wife asked him, “Where is that ld thief? These are ur gds and he was suppsed t deliver them. It seems yu pr thieves are stealing ur gds and ging t sell them.”
    When the prter heard the angry wife asking, he turned back.
    Upn hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes.
    第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 CABBC 6-10ABCBA 11-15ABACB 16-20ACCBC
    第二部分 阅读(共20 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 50分)
    21-23 ACB 24-27 BADD 28-31 CAAC 32-35 DDBB
    36-40 ECBAD
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    41-45 CADAB 46-50ABBAC 51-55 DCDBD
    第二节 (共10 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56. meaning 57. which/that 58. is called 59. practised 60. Traditinally
    61. subjects 62. t 63. the 64. painted 65. and
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Gd afternn, ladies and gentlemen! Welcme t this year's English speech cmpetitin. This year's tpic is“ My favurite English nvel ”. It is a really interesting tpic. Taking part in this cmpetitin is nt nly a great pprtunity fr yu t imprve bth yur spken English and listening ability, but als des gd t helping yu develp a great reading habit. In this cntest, the time f every participant's speech will be limited within 5 minutes. Every participant is expected t speak fluently, and yur prnunciatin shuld be as precise as pssible. I hpe everybdy can share yur favrite English nvel, shw yur speech talent and make friends with each ther. At last, I sincerely hpe that this year's English speech cmpetitin will be a great success.
    Thank yu!
    第二节 (满分25分)
    When the prter heard the angry wife asking, he turned back. The prt er replied, “Madam, please calm dwn. I'm nt a thief. That pr ld man was sick since last mnth. He culdn't earn enugh t even have a single meal f the day. Therefre, he fell dwn and handed me $15, saying, ‘I have taken an advance fr this delivery, and yu deliver the gds t the cuple’s hme.’ Madam, he was pr and hungry, but he was an hnest man. I was just n the way t cmpleting the ld man's last delivery t yur hme.”
    Upn hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes. The wife felt s ashamed that she had n curage t lk her husband in the eyes. Suddenly she rushed t the market. Half an hur later, the wife came back with sme fd in her hand. She passed the fd n t the prter, and said srry t the prter, saying that she shuldn't suspect them, and tk them as thieves. At last, the prt er tk the gds t their huse, and the rich cuple changed their attitude t the man like the prter.
    Text 1
    M: Jennifer, what d yu usually d after schl?
    W: I d many different things in my free time, such as ding sprts, watching TV, and attending a club. I lve ding sprts best.
    M: Me, t.
    Text 2
    W: Hw d yu usually g t wrk, by bike r by bus?
    M: I used t g t wrk by bus, but after I gt an ld Hnda frm my uncle, I began t drive t wrk. It's much mre cnvenient.
    Text 3
    M: S which city are yu ging t visit next, Beijing r Shanghai?
    W: Neither. Tmrrw I'm flying t Xi’an where I can see ld walls and the Terra Ctta Warrirs.
    M: There're s many ther attractins besides them. I'm sure yu'll enjy yur time there.
    Text 4
    M: Jenny, please put yur tys back int the bx. Yur mther has gt back. It's time t eat nw.
    W: But I still want t play with them fr a while after supper.
    Text 5
    W: Mike, what animals did yu raise in yur family when yu were little?
    M: When I was grwing, we always had pets. We had dgs and cats. We even had a rabbit.
    Text 6
    M: Michelle, is that really yu? I can't believe it. Great seeing yu here.
    W: Henry! What a surprise! Lng time n see.
    M: Yes. S are yu ding sme shpping here?
    W: Yes. My mther's birthday is getting clse. I need t get smething fr her. What are yu ding here?
    M: I'm just picking up my sister. She's watching a cncert here. What's been happening t yu?
    W: I'm still studying at New Yrk University.
    Text 7
    W: Hey, Mark. Culd yu give me a hand t prepare fr the party?
    M: Certainly. What d yu want me t d?
    W: There are several things t be dne. First, there are ballns t blw up. I als need smene t pick up the birthday cake. And the chairs shuld be taken t the backyard.
    M: Well, I think I can g t the baker's fr yu.
    W: Gd.
    M: S when will the party begin?
    W: It's 5:00 pm nw. There are just tw hurs left.
    M: Well, I'll help mve the chairs t after I return.
    W: Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate yur help. Yu're always there when I need a hand.
    M: Dn't mentin it. That's what friends d.
    Text 8
    W: Jasn, I heard yu went fishing in the Detrit River. Did yu g there t have sme fun with yur family?
    M: N. I went fishing there with my clleagues. Yu knw, every spring we need t g fishing in the Detrit River t get an idea f the numbers and kinds f fish that live there. And yesterday we gt a big surprise.
    W: Did yu find a new species?
    M: N. We fund a very big fish. It tk us abut six minutes t pull the fish. It was a lake sturgen(湖鲟). The species has a shark-like tail and lives n the bttms f lakes and rivers.
    W: S hw much did the fish weigh?
    M: Yu can guess.
    W: 100 punds?
    M: N. It weighed mre than 140 punds. It was nearly 5 feet lng. We believe the fish was ver100 years ld.
    W: S is the species difficult t see?
    M: Yes. There are nly abut 7,000 left in ur cuntry.
    W: That's bad. I'm afraid they'll disappear if they're nt prtected.
    Text 9
    W: Hell. This is Susan Brwn. Is that Sam's Garden Services, please?
    M: Yes, speaking. Hw may I help yu?
    W: Culd yu cme and d sme chres in my garden this week, please?
    M: Certainly. Let me check. Well, I'll be busy until this Wednesday. Can I g this Thursday r Friday?
    W: I wn't be at hme this Friday, s please cme befre this day.
    M: OK. What chres d yu want me t d in yur garden?
    W: First, sme branches f my trees need cutting dwn. There are just t many branches nw. I als want yu t dig a few garden beds(苗床) fr me. I want t grw sme vegetables. And the unwanted grass shuld be gt rid f.
    M: OK. Anything else?
    W: N. That's all. Bye.
    M: Wait. Dn't hang ff. Yu haven't tld me yur address yet.
    W: Oh, srry. I ttally frgt that.
    Text 10
    W: Gd mrning, everyne. Nw I'd like t tell yu smething abut ur Hudsn Way's Immersin(沉浸) Summer Camps. The camps prvide an pprtunity fr campers t imprve their language skills. Campers will be gruped by age r ability. The camps d nt just allw campers t imprve their language skills, but allw them t experience freign cultures as well. In each weekly class, campers have the pprtunity t explre an aspect f Mandarin(普通话)r Spanish in depth, including art, architecture, fd, music, and dance. Campers will engage in hands-n(亲身实践的) activities t help them imprve the target language. The camps take place in Upper West Side. There are half-day camps. They last frm 9:00 am t 12:00 nn. They're fr ages 3 t 5 nly. Full-day camps last frm 9:00 am t 3:00 pm. Aftercare is als prvided. It's frm 3:00 pm t 6:00 pm at extra cst. Kids aged frm 3 t 5 will be in a grup,6 t 8 and 9 t 12 will be in the tw lder grups.

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    安徽省池州市贵池区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题(1): 这是一份安徽省池州市贵池区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题(1),共4页。






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