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    The Wrld’s Mst Beautiful Places
    Bwindi Impenetrable Frest, Uganda
    Dense, lush and therwrldly, Bwindi Impenetrable Frest is ne f the last habitats f the muntain grilla. Several hundred call this UNESCO-prtected natinal park hme, with the chance fr visitrs t trek t and meet habituated grups. Its bidiversity extends far beynd its mst famus inhabitants, hwever, almst 350 bird species and arund 220 butterfly species can be fund within its 331-square-kilmeter expanse.
    Samburu, Kenya
    Thanks t its relative inaccessibility in the heart f Kenya, Samburu is a shelter fr sme f Africa’s mst attractive wildlife. The grassland and acacia(金合欢树)-dtted landscapes f its natinal reserve are hme t the endangered reticulated (网状的) giraffe and Grevy’s zebra, as well as the pineering Elephant Watch Camp.
    Munt Tubkal, Mrcc
    At 4,167 meters(13,671 feet),Munt Tubkal lays claim t the title f “the rf f Nrth Africa.”The path t its summit zigzags acrss empty valleys, past hly lands and up steep snwfields befre emerging nt a ridge that falls away t give climbers matchless views acrss the Atlas Muntains.
    Zhangjiajie Natinal Frest Park, China
    China’s first UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, Zhangjiajie Natinal Frest Park in Hunan Prvince is knwn fr its twering sandstne pillars.
    Best explred n ft, its back trails make fr an easy way t escape the crwds and find the best views. As the mists descend, it’s easy t see why this area has lng been an inspiratin fr traditinal Chinese paintings.
    1.What d we knw abut Bwindi Impenetrable Frest?
    A. It is the last habitat f the muntain grilla.B. Almst 350 birds can be fund there.
    C. There are exactly 220 butterfly species there.D. We can find a diversity f species in it.
    2.Why is Sambura hme t sme f mst appealing wildlife accrding t the passage?
    A. It has acacia-dtted landscapes.B. There is a vast grassland there.
    C. The weather there is fit fr wildlife.D. It is difficult fr peple t g there.
    3.What d Bwindi Impenetrable Frest and Zhangjiajie Natinal Frest Park have in cmmn?
    A. They are bth under the prtectin f UNESCO.
    B. They are bth knwn fr its twering sandstne pillars.
    C. They bth have diverse species.
    D. They bth have empty valleys.
    When the pandemic hit, I tld my editrs I’d g wherever they needed me-Italy, China, New Yrk, any f the ht spts. Their respnse was, essentially, easy, tiger. It’s nt ging t wrk like that anymre. Nbdy was ging anywhere. S I had t figure ut what t d t cntribute respnsibly t a stry that has affected everybdy in the wrld. I sn realized it meant wrking in my wn backyard, which fr me means the Midwest. I started driving all ver, sleep sme nights in my truck. I was lking fr what the virus meant t peple in “flyver cuntry”, a part f cunty that is ften ignred.
    I had t change the way I wrk. Hw d yu phtgraph peple frm a distance? Hw d yu enter peple’s intimate spaces respnsibly?
    I began using a drne. I wuld call ut t peple and say, Hey, d yu mind if I use my crnavirus scial-distance flying camera t take yur picture? Being Midwesterners, the respnse was usually, D what yu gt t d. The drne, which I flew relatively lw t the grund, allwed me t take pictures frm a distance. But it als amplified the dystpian(反乌托邦), surreal md that we’re all grappling with nw.
    After I tk phts, I’d leave a nte with my cntact infrmatin n the persn’s car, n the frnt step r in the mailbx. I’d say, cntact me if yu want t tell me mre abut what’s ging n in yur life, and I’ll send yu a picture. I was mved by the respnses I received, lng emails frm peple wh wanted t have their stry tld r just needed smene t talk t. I saw tw peple chatting in a frnt yard, ne sitting n the steps, the ther in a chair six feet away. It lked like an rdinary thing, but then I received emails frm them. One wrked in an ICU; they’d been clse friends their whle lives, and nw they were bth really struggling.
    Everybdy’s gt an imprtant stry t tell. T meet peple and phtgraph them, I decided fr myself that I was an essential wrker. I felt s grateful that I had phtgraphy, because I culd be ut in the wrld, I culd see things fr myself. I had a sense f purpse.
    4.Which f the fllwing best explains “ easy ,tiger” underlined in paragraph 1?
    A. Talk t peple.B. G t the z.
    C. Calm dwn.D. Give up yur jb.
    5.What’s the attitude f Midwesterners twards being taken by a drne?
    A. Anxius.B. Embarrassed.C. Sensitive.D. Apprving.
    6.What des paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
    A. Phts and stries help t reveal the truth f life.
    B. Peple wrte ntes t the writer.
    C. The tw peple in a picture were talking happily.
    D. The need t cmmunicate is a key characteristic f human sciety.
    7.What’s the main idea f the passage?
    A. Peple desired t talk with each ther.
    B. Phtgraphy is an aid t understanding the wrld.
    C. The writer tk phts with a drne.
    D. A drne plays a vital rle in aerial phtgraphy.
    I grew up in the Great Lakes State, and fr many years nw, during my annual summer, visit back t Michigan, I’m always happy abut what I dn’t see. I dn’t see crwds f Califrnians rushing lvely lakeside twns like Petskey r Glen Arbr. I dn’t see hundreds f New Yrkers playing abut Lake Michigan r cming dwn the steep white sands f Sleeping Bear Dunes.
    N ffense t the masses n bth casts, but I’ve always been glad the riginal charms f nrthwest Michigan felt like my secret-r at least a secret held by a smaller grup f peple, largely frm the Midwest.
    Lately, hwever, I’ve been thinking abut the dwnside f being ut f sight and ut f mind.
    Mst peple seldm think abut Lakes Michigan, Hurn, Superir, Erie, and Ontari. Many can’t even name all five. But they shuld care abut them because, as Tim Flger writes in this mnth’s cver stry, the Great Lakes are “arguably the cntinent’s mst precius resurce, unmeasurably mre valuable than il, gas, r cal.”
    Tgether the lakes hld mre than 20 percent f the surface freshwater n Earth and 84 percent f the surface freshwater in Nrth America. Almst 40 millin Americans and Canadians “drink frm the lakes, fish n them, transprt gds ver them, farm their shres, and wrk in cities that wuldn’t exist” withut them, Flger writes.
    And yet we abuse them terribly: plluting them, intrducing invasive species, allwing fertilizer runff(径流) t create algal(藻类) blms large enugh that they can be seen frm space. Climate change means the lakes dn’t freeze as much as they used t, and severe strms have becme mre frequent.
    S read Flger’s stry. Appreciate the beauty f the landscape in the amazing phts by Keith Ladzinski. Becme an advcate t prtect ur Great Lakes.
    8.What can be inferred frm paragraph 1?
    A. The Great Lakes State is crwded.
    B. Fewer visitrs are favurable there in summer.
    C. The writer hpes t play abut Lake Michigan.
    D. The writer likes the warm atmsphere.
    9.What des Tim Flger think f the Great Lakes?
    A. They are as imprtant as il.
    B. They are infinitely superir t il, gas r cal.
    C. All Americans and Canadians depend n them t live.
    D. They are the mst imprtant resurce in the wrld.
    10.Which f the fllwing is the current situatin f the Great Lakes?
    A. The lakes hld 20 percent f the surface freshwater n Earth.
    B. They dn’t freeze at all because f climate changes.
    C. Algal blms are invisible frm space.
    D. Peple dn’t treat them well.
    11.11 What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T recmmend Flger’s bk.
    B. T attract mre visitrs t the Great Lakes.
    C. T call n peple t save the Great Lakes.
    D. T tell peple hw t save the cntinent.
    Ask the new artificial intelligence tl ChatGPT t write an essay abut the cause f the American Civil War and yu can watch it write a persuasive term paper in a matter f secnds. That’s ne reasn why New Yrk City schl fficials this week started blcking the impressive but cntrversial writing tl that can generate paragraphs f human-like text.
    The decisin by the largest U.S. schl district t restrict the ChatGPT website n schl devices and netwrks culd have chain reactin n ther schls, and teachers rushing t figure ut hw t prevent cheating. The creatrs f ChatGPT say they’re als lking fr ways t detect misuse.
    ChatGPT launched n Nv. 30 is develped by OpenAI, which has a clse relatinship with Micrsft. It’s part f a new generatin f AI systems that can cnverse, generate readable text n demand and even prduce nvel images and vide based n what they’ve learned frm a vast database f digital bks, nline writings and ther media.
    The ChatGPT tl is available fr free t anyne with an internet cnnectin and designed t be mre user-friendly. It wrks like a written dialgue between the AI system and the persn asking it questins.
    Millins f peple have played with it ver the past mnth, using it t write silly pems r sngs, t try t trick it int making mistakes, r fr mre practical purpses such as helping cmpse an email. All f thse things are als helping it get smarter.
    “T determine if smething was written by a human r an AI, yu can lk fr the absence f persnal experiences r emtins, check fr incnsistency in writing style, and watch fr the use f filler wrds r repetitive phrases. These may be signs that the text was generated by an AI.” That’s what ChatGPT tld an AP reprter when asked hw t tell the difference.
    “We dn’t want ChatGPT t be used fr misleading purpses in schls r anywhere else, s we’re already develping measures t help anyne identify text generated by that system,” the cmpany said.
    12.Why des the New Yrk schl say n t ChatGPT?
    A. It can write a cnvincing term paper quickly.B. Many students use it t write term papers.
    C. It has chain reactin n ther schls.D. It is raising tugh questins abut educatin.
    13.Hw des ChatGPT get smarter?
    A. By making mistakes.B. By interacting with humans.
    C. By writing e-mails n its wn.D. By using advanced technlgies.
    14.What is ChatGPT unable t d?
    A. Generate readable text n demand.B. Talk with peple.
    C. Write in cnsistent writing style.D. Use filler wrds t write.
    15.Which is the mst suitable title fr this text?
    A. ChatGPT: A writing tl being restricted in schl.
    B. ChatGPT: A misused writing tl being welcme everywhere .
    C. ChatGPT: An impressive and universal writing tl.
    D. ChatGPT: A generative and perfectly lgical writing tl.
    Adventures expand ur wrld by allwing us t engage with urselves and thers in a new way. Ready fr yur adventure? Here’s sme advice.
    Start small.
    Pick a manageable activity yu can d sn — this weekend — clse t hme. ①_______ Taking gradual steps teaches yur brain that experience is nt as bad as yu expected and yu can handle it.
    Research frm Harvard University shws that peple wh interpreted their nervusness abut activities such as karake singing and public speaking as excitement enjyed the experiences mre and perfrmed better than thse wh tried t press dwn their anxiety. This changed their threat mindset int an pprtunity mindset.
    Use yur imaginatin.
    ③_______ Say yu want t g n a hike but are wrried yu’ll becme lst, hurt r t exhausted t get hme. Try t picture this. Next, visualize the best-case scene: the beautiful view, the fun yu’ll have, yur sense f accmplishment afterward. This exercise helps put fear in perspective.
    Write yurself a letter.
    Think f it as an uplift talk. Start by addressing yur fear. “I knw yu’re nervus. This is nrmal because yu’re leaving yur cmfrt zne.” ④_______ The pint is t ensure yur feelings and remind yurself that, even thugh yu feel nervus, yu can handle this.
    Relax abut the utcme.
    If yu culd d this whle thing perfectly, it wuld nt be the adventure yu’re lking fr. Remember: Whatever happens, it shuld make a gd stry. Imagining hw fun it will be t tell yur friends abut yur adventurus stry later will help yu stp cmplaining nw. ⑤_______
    A Picture the wrst-case scene.
    B. Aruse yur anxiety.
    C. This will break yur inactivity and help yu build up t bigger adventures.
    D. Shift hw yu view anxiety.
    E. And yu’ll feel cnnected t thers.
    F. This can bst yur md and change yur thinking by making yu feel mre stressed.
    G. Then write abut the skills yu have and the past experiences that went well.
    As a By, Jhn Kerr wanted t be a fireman r a park ranger(护林员). Lking back n that childhd fantasy, he says, “ I think it was the hat.” ___1___, he spent fur decades at ne f public bradcasting’s flagship statins in Bstn. He ___2___ in 2005 at the age f 65 withut any particular pstcareer ___3___ in mind. After several idle weeks, he decided t drive his camper t visit family in Jacksn Hle, Wyming.
    On the rute, he stpped ___4___ at the Yellwstne Park Fundatin, which ___5___ funds fr Yellwstne, America’s first natinal park. As it happens, the fundatin was ___6___ peple t educate park guests n wlves. Kerr signed n. Later, at the urging f his daughter, a frestry schl graduate, Kerr ___7___ the Student Cnservatin Assciatin fr an internship(实习).
    T say that Kerr std ut in the intern crwd is a massive under-statement. Mst interns were cllege and even high schl students. But, in a sense, he had been ___8___ fr this since his yuth. His utdr___9___ with his grandfather had given him a lve f ___10___, and, as a(n) ___11___, he had helped ut at the lcal fire department n medical calls.
    He als had smething else. There are 31 millin Americans between the ages f 44 and 70 — sme retired and lking fr a third act, sme lking fr a mre ___12___ career — ___13___ fr smething where they feel as if they’re making a cntributin.Kerr als had that deep urge t d smething mre.
    Frm his internship, he mved up t ranger. He ___14___ his management f what he describes as ne f the mst beautiful places n Earth.
    “These are rich and all-t-rare memries,” ___15___ Kerr. “I never frget them.”
    17.A. InsteadB. OtherwiseC. TherefreD. Similarly
    18.A. returnedB. wrkedC. cntinuedD. retired
    19.A. careB. galC. nteD. risk
    20.A. n dutyB. in secretC. f curseD. by accident
    21.A. acceptsB. raisesC. changesD. receives
    22.A. hiringB. rderingC. firingD. frcing
    23.A. aplgized tB. cntributed tC. applied tD. referred t
    24.A. preparedB. calledC. stppedD. bserved
    25.A. jbsB. adventuresC. tradesD. prblems
    26.A. animalsB. plantsC. natureD. parks
    27.A. kidB. byC. childD. adult
    28.A. burdensmeB. difficultC. dangerusD. satisfying
    29.A. allwingB. applyingC. searchingD. arranging
    30.A. treasuresB. replacesC. recnsidersD. plans
    31.A. triesB. warnsC. recallsD. imagines
    32.China’s taijiquan, als knwn as tai chi — a majr part f the amazing ①_______ (pen) ceremny f the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and represented by numerus practitiners wrldwide —②_______ (add) t UNESCO’s Representative List f the Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity n Thursday. On its website, UNESCO described the cultural icn as “a traditinal physical practice characterized by relaxed, circular mvements that can be used ③_______ (adjust) breath besides cultivating an hnest and neutral (中性的) mind”.
    “Their inscriptin nt the list shwed the unique value f intangible cultural heritage n peple’s health and ④_______ (sustain) develpment,” said Wang Chenyang, _⑤_______ inspectr frm the Ministry f Culture and Turism wh is in charge f the wrk related t intangible cultural heritage.
    Taijiquan, ⑥_______ riginated during the mid-17th century in Wenxian cunty in Jiazu, Henan prvince, is practiced almst ⑦_______ (day) thrughut the cuntry by peple f all ages and ethnic grups, accrding t UNESCO’s website. ⑧_______ (influence) by Taist and Cnfucian thught and theries f traditinal Chinese medicine, the practice has develped ⑨_______ several schls r styles named after a family r a master’s persnal surname, such as Chen style r Yang style.
    They are passed dwn thrugh clan-based transmissin r the master-apprentice mdel, ⑩_______ built upn the yin and yang cycle and the cultural understanding f the unity f heaven and humanity, UNESCO said.
    1. 活动过程;
    2. 活动收获。
    1. 题目已给出,写作词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文流畅。
    Speaking Abut My Favrite Histry Bk
    34.Jenny was a fifth grader. She was cnsidered ne f the mst ppular girls in her class. She was very pretty, but that was nt why she was cnsidered ppular. She was ppular because she was knwn t be amng the brightest in her class. She culd d the mst cartwheels in a rw, but mstly, she had the talent t dance.
    In February, she entered the schl’s dance cmpetitin and wn the first place. Her whle class was there t supprt her. Since that day, she had been the class attractin. In December, the schl was hlding anther dance cmpetitin, but there had been a change in the cmpetitin. The cmpetitin had t be dne in pairs.
    Jenny’s class was lking up t her with high expectatins f her winning again this year. On the ther hand, Jenny was unsure f this cmpetitin utcme. She wanted t enter the cmpetitin, but she had never danced with a partner befre. She decided t ask sme f the bys in her class t enter with her. They all said n t her because they did nt knw hw t dance. Jenny was becming hesitant abut jining.
    She finally decided t turn t ne f her clsest friends, Carl. Jenny and Carl had knwn each ther since the first grade. Carl was unwilling t jin at first because he als didn’t knw hw t dance. Jenny insisted. He eventually agreed t jin the cmpetitin. Jenny was happy and relieved. Hwever, she was still wrried because she knew her class was cunting n her t win this year’s cmpetitin.
    All she needed was sme time and practice in rder t increase her chances f winning. This time, it was ging t be mre f a challenge cnsidering the fact that Carl was nt a gd dancer. The cmpetitin was in tw mnths, and nly time culd predict her chances f winning.
    After selecting Carl as her partner, Jenny needed t start planning fr the dance cmpetitin at her schl.
    Jenny and Carl went up t the stage and were ready t perfrm.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Its bidiversity extends far beynd its mst famus inhabitants, hwever, almst 350 bird species and arund 220 butterfly species can be fund within its 331-square-kilmeter expanse.(它的生物多样性远远超出了它最著名的居民,然而,在它331平方公里的范围内,可以发现近350种鸟类和大约220种蝴蝶)”可知,布温迪密林可以发现物种的多样性。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Thanks t its relative inaccessibility in the heart f Kenya, Samburu is a shelter fr sme f Africa’s mst attractive wildlife.(由于位于肯尼亚中心地带的交通不便,桑布鲁成为了非洲一些最具吸引力的野生动物的避难所)”可知,桑布拉是一些最吸引人的野生动物的家园因为人们很难去那里。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Several hundred call this UNESCO-prtected natinal park hme, with the chance fr visitrs t trek t and meet habituated grups.(数百人将这个受联合国教科文组织保护的国家公园称为家园,游客有机会徒步旅行并与习惯的团体会面)”以及最后一段“China’s first UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, Zhangjiajie Natinal Frest Park in Hunan Prvince is knwn fr its twering sandstne pillars.(湖南省张家界国家森林公园是中国首个联合国教科文组织世界遗产,以其高耸的砂岩柱而闻名)”可知,布温迪密林和张家界国家森林公园的共同之处是都受到联合国教科文组织的保护。故选A。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据下文“It’s nt ging t wrk like that anymre. Nbdy was ging anywhere.(不会再像以前那样工作了。没有人去任何地方)”可知,下文表达“不会再去像以前那样去任何地方了”可知,他们的回答很平静。可推理出划线词的含义为“冷静下来”,故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Being Midwesterners, the respnse was usually, D what yu gt t d.The drne, which I flew relatively lw t the grund, allwed me t take pictures frm a distance.(作为中西部人,人们的反应通常是,做你该做的事。这架无人机,我飞得离地面相对较低,允许我从远处拍照)”可推理出,中西部人对别人使用无人机拍照持支持的态度,故选D项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第四段段“I was mved by the respnses I received, lng emails frm peple wh wanted t have their stry tld r just needed smene t talk t.(我被我收到的回复所打动,这些回复是来自那些想讲述自己故事或只需要找人倾诉的人的长电子邮件)”可知,本段主要讲的是照片和故事有助于揭示生活的真相,故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“S I had t figure ut what t d t cntribute respnsibly t a stry that has affected everybdy in the wrld.( 因此,我必须想办法负责任地为一个影响到世界上每个人的故事配图)”、第三段“Being Midwesterners, the respnse was usually, D what yu gt t d.(作为中西部人,人们的反应通常是,做你该做的事)”、倒数第二段“I was mved by the respnses I received, lng emails frm peple wh wanted t have their stry tld r just needed smene t talk t.(我被我收到的回复所打动,这些回复是来自那些想讲述自己故事或只需要找人倾诉的人的长电子邮件)”以及最后一段“Everybdy’s gt an imprtant stry t tell. T meet peple and phtgraph them, I decided fr myself that I was an essential wrker. I felt s grateful that I had phtgraphy, because I culd be ut in the wrld, I culd see things fr myself. I had a sense f purpse.(每个人都有一个重要的故事要讲。为了与人们见面并为他们拍照,我自己决定自己是一名重要的工作者。我很感激我有了摄影,因为我可以在这个世界上,我可以自己看东西。我有一种目标感)”可知,本文主要讲的是摄影有助于了解世界,故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的句子“I dn’t see crwds f Califrnians rushing lvely lakeside twns like Petskey r Glen Arbr. I dn’t see hundreds f New Yrkers playing abut Lake Michigan r cming dwn the steep white sands f Sleeping Bear Dunes.( 我没有看到成群的加利福尼亚人涌向像佩托斯基或格伦阿伯这样美丽的湖边小镇。我没有看到数百名纽约人在密歇根湖玩耍,也没有看到他们从睡熊沙丘陡峭的白色沙滩上下来)”可推理出,没有多少游客喜欢在夏天到那里去,故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“But they shuld care abut them because, as Tim Flger writes in this mnth’s cver stry, the Great Lakes are “arguably the cntinent’s mst precius resurce, unmeasurably mre valuable than il, gas, r cal.”(但他们应该关心大湖,因为正如蒂姆·福尔杰在本月的封面故事中所写的那样,大湖“可以说是美洲大陆最宝贵的资源,比石油、天然气或煤炭更有价值”)”可知,认为五大湖区比石油、天然气或煤炭优越得多,故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的句子“And yet we abuse them terribly: plluting them, intrducing invasive species, allwing fertilizer runff(径流) t create algal(藻类) blms large enugh that they can be seen frm space.(然而,我们对它们的滥用非常严重:污染它们,引入入侵物种,允许肥料径流产生足够大的藻华,从太空中可以看到它们)”可知,人们没有好好地对待五大湖,故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的句子“I grew up in the Great Lakes State, and fr many years nw, during my annual summer, visit back t Michigan, I’m always happy abut what I dn’t see.( 我在五大湖州长大,多年来,在每年的夏天,我都会回到密歇根州,我总是为自己没有看到的东西感到高兴)”、倒数第二段的句子“And yet we abuse them terribly: plluting them, intrducing invasive species, allwing fertilizer runff(径流) t create algal(藻类) blms large enugh that they can be seen frm space.(然而,我们对它们的滥用非常严重:污染它们,引入入侵物种,允许肥料径流产生足够大的藻华,从太空中可以看到它们)”以及最后一段“S read Flger’s stry. Appreciate the beauty f the landscape in the amazing phts by Keith Ladzinski. Becme an advcate t prtect ur Great Lakes(所以读一下福尔格的故事。欣赏Keith Ladzinski拍摄的令人惊叹的照片中的风景之美。成为保护我们五大湖的倡导者)”可知本文的主要目的是号召人们拯救五大湖,故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Ask the new artificial intelligence tl ChatGPT t write an essay abut the cause f the American Civil War and yu can watch it write a persuasive term paper in a matter f secnds. That’s ne reasn why New Yrk City schl fficials this week started blcking the impressive but cntrversial writing tl that can generate paragraphs f human-like text.(让新的人工智能工具ChatGPT写一篇关于美国内战起因的文章,你可以看到它在几秒钟内写出一篇有说服力的学期论文。这就是为什么纽约市的学校官员本周开始封锁这个令人印象深刻但有争议的写作工具的原因之一,这个工具可以生成类似人类的文章段落)”可知,纽约商学院拒绝ChatGPT是因为它能很快写出一篇令人信服的学期论文。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Millins f peple have played with it ver the past mnth, using it t write silly pems r sngs, t try t trick it int making mistakes, r fr mre practical purpses such as helping cmpse an email. All f thse things are als helping it get smarter.(在过去的一个月里,数以百万计的人用它来写愚蠢的诗或歌曲,试图欺骗它出错,或者用于更实际的目的,如帮助撰写电子邮件。所有这些都让它变得更智能)”可知,ChatGPT通过与人类互动变得更智能。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“T determine if smething was written by a human r an AI, yu can lk fr the absence f persnal experiences r emtins, check fr incnsistency in writing style, and watch fr the use f filler wrds r repetitive phrases. These may be signs that the text was generated by an AI.(为了确定某件事是由人类还是人工智能写的,你可以寻找个人经历或情感的缺失,检查写作风格的不一致,并注意填充词或重复短语的使用。这些可能表明文本是由人工智能生成的)”可知,ChatGPT不能用一致的写作风格写作。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Ask the new artificial intelligence tl ChatGPT t write an essay abut the cause f the American Civil War and yu can watch it write a persuasive term paper in a matter f secnds. That’s ne reasn why New Yrk City schl fficials this week started blcking the impressive but cntrversial writing tl that can generate paragraphs f human-like text.(让新的人工智能工具ChatGPT写一篇关于美国内战起因的文章,你可以看到它在几秒钟内写出一篇有说服力的学期论文。这就是为什么纽约市的学校官员本周开始封锁这个令人印象深刻但有争议的写作工具的原因之一,这个工具可以生成类似人类的文章段落)”结合文章主要说明了ChatGPT被用于学术造假,因此被学校禁止使用。文章还介绍了ChatGPT工作原理以及识别方法。故A选项“ChatGPT:一种在学校受到限制的书写工具”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    解析:①前文“Pick a manageable activity yu can d sn — this weekend— clse t hme. (选择一个你可以很快完成的活动——这个周末——在离家近的地方。)”建议从易完成的活动开始,后文“Taking gradual steps teaches yur brain that experience is nt as bad as yu expected and yu can handle it. (循序渐进会让你的大脑知道,经历并不像你想象的那么糟糕,你可以处理好。)”说明循序渐进的好处,C项“This will break yur inactivity and help yu build up t bigger adventures. (这将打破你的惰性,帮助你建立更大的冒险。)”符合语境,说明从简单开始的好处,承接前文,呼应后文的好处,其中的This指代前一句的内容。故选C。
    ②空处是段落标题,需统领段落内容,且和其他段落标题一样使用祈使句的句式。后文“Research frm Harvard University shws that peple wh interpreted their nervusness abut activities such as karake singing and public speaking as excitement enjyed the experiences mre and perfrmed better than thse wh tried t press dwn their anxiety. This changed their threat mindset int an pprtunity mindset. (哈佛大学的研究表明,那些将自己对卡拉OK和公开演讲等活动的紧张情绪理解为兴奋的人,比那些试图压制焦虑情绪的人更享受这些经历,表现也更好。这让他们的威胁心态变成了机会心态。)”具体说明转变焦虑心态的好处,D项“Shift hw yu view anxiety. (改变你对焦虑的看法。)”符合语境,建议改变对焦虑的看法,可以统领后文内容。故选D。
    ③空处位于段首,需引出后文内容。本段的标题“Use yur imaginatin. (发挥你的想象力。)”建议想象,后文“Say yu want t g n a hike but are wrried yu’ll becme lst, hurt r t exhausted t get hme. Try t picture this. (比如说你想去徒步旅行,但担心你会迷路、受伤或太累而无法回家。试着想象一下。)”具体描述想象中的遇到糟糕的事情,A项“Picture the wrst-case scene. (想象最坏的情况。)”符合语境,建议开始最坏的情况的想象,呼应标题,引出后文的事情,与后文的visualize the best-case scene形成对照。故选A。
    ④前文“Think f it as an uplift talk. Start by addressing yur fear. “I knw yu’re nervus. This is nrmal because yu’re leaving yur cmfrt zne.” (就当这是一次鼓舞人心的谈话吧。从解决你的恐惧开始。“我知道你很紧张。这很正常,因为你要离开自己的舒适区。”)”建议通过写信来和自我对话,介绍首先安慰自己很正常,G项“Then write abut the skills yu have and the past experiences that went well. (然后写下你所拥有的技能和过去顺利的经历。)”符合语境,介绍写下能够鼓舞自己的技能和经历,承接前文的写信内容。故选G。
    ⑤空处位于段尾,需承接前文内容。前文“Imagining hw fun it will be t tell yur friends abut yur adventurus stry later will help yu stp cmplaining nw. (想象一下以后告诉你的朋友你的冒险故事会有多有趣,这会帮助你现在停止抱怨。)”说明想象和朋友讲冒险故事的好处,E项“And yu’ll feel cnnected t thers. (你会觉得和别人有联系。)”符合语境,进一步说明这件事的好处,承接前文的好处。故选E。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,他在波士顿的一家公共广播旗舰电台工作了40年。A. Instead相反;B. Otherwise否则;C. Therefre因此;D. Similarly同样。根据前文的“As a By, Jhn Kerr wanted t be a fireman r a park ranger”可知,约翰·科尔小时候想成为一名消防员或护林员,现在他在波士顿的一家公共广播旗舰电台工作了40年,两句话为转折关系。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:2005年,65岁的他退休了,没有任何特别的职业生涯后目标。A. returned返回;B. wrked工作;C. cntinued继续;D. retired退休。根据后文的“at the age f 65 withut any particular pstcareer 3 in mind.”可知,在65岁时他退休了。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:2005年,65岁的他退休了,没有任何特别的职业生涯后目标。A. care关心;B. gal目标;C. nte便条;D. risk风险。根据后文的“After several idle weeks”可知,他过了几个星期的闲散时光,因为他头脑中没有任何特别的职业生涯后目标。故选B项。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:途中,他偶然在黄石公园基金会前停了下来,该基金会为美国第一个国家公园黄石筹集资金。A. n duty值班;B. in secret秘密;C. f curse当然;D.by accident偶然。根据前文的“he decided t drive his camper t visit family in Jacksn Hle, Wyming.”可知,他决定开着他的露营车去拜访怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔的家人,可见在黄石公园基金会前停了下来是偶然的。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:途中,他偶然在黄石公园基金会前停了下来,该基金会为美国第一个国家公园黄石筹集资金。A. accepts接受;B. raises筹款;C. changes改变;D. receives接受。根据前文的“the Yellwstne Park Fundatin”和后文的“funds fr Yellwstne”可知,黄石公园基金会是为黄石公园筹集资金。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:碰巧的是,该基金会正在雇人向公园的游客介绍狼。A. hiring雇佣;B. rdering命令;C. firing解雇;D. frcing强迫。根据后文的“peple t educate park guests n wlves. Kerr signed n.”可知,基金会雇人工作。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来,在毕业于林业学校的女儿的敦促下,克尔向学生保护协会申请实习。A. aplgized t向……道歉;B. cntributed t有助于;C. applied t申请;D. referred t提到,查阅。根据后文的“the Student Cnservatin Assciatin fr an internship(实习).”可知,他向学生保护协会申请实习的机会。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,从某种意义上说,他从小就为此做好了准备。A. prepared准备;B. called呼叫;C. stpped停止;D. bserved观察到。根据后文的“His utdr 9 with his grandfather had given him a lve f 10 ”可知,他和祖父的户外冒险经历让他爱上了大自然,从这种意义上说,他从小就为此做好了准备。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和祖父的户外冒险经历让他爱上了大自然,并且成年后,他曾在当地消防部门帮忙处理医疗呼叫。A. jbs工作;B. adventures冒险;C. trades交易;D. prblems问题。根据前文的“ But, in a sense, he had been 8 fr this since his yuth. His utdr”可知,这是他没成年时和祖父出去,故这不是他的工作,这是户外的冒险。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和祖父的户外冒险经历让他爱上了大自然,并且成年后,他曾在当地消防部门帮忙处理医疗呼叫。A. animals动物;B. plants植物;C. nature自然;D. parks公园。根据前文的“His utdr 9 with his grandfather”可知,他爱上的是大自然。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和祖父的户外冒险经历让他爱上了大自然,并且成年后,他曾在当地消防部门帮忙处理医疗呼叫。A. kid孩子;B .by男孩;C. child孩子;D. adult成年人。根据后文的“he had helped ut at the lcal fire department n medical calls.”可知,他曾在当地消防部门帮忙处理医疗呼叫是他成年后做的事情。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:年龄在44岁到70岁之间的美国人有3100万,其中一些人退休了,正在寻找第三人生,一些人在寻找更令人满意的职业,寻找他们觉得自己在做出贡献的东西。A. burdensme繁重的;B. difficult困难的;C. dangerus危险的;D. satisfying令人满意的。根据后文的“fr smething where they feel as if they’re making a cntributin.”可知,这些工作是令人满意的。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:年龄在44岁到70岁之间的美国人有3100万,其中一些人退休了,正在寻找第三人生,一些人在寻找更令人满意的职业,寻找他们觉得自己在做出贡献的东西。A. allwing允许;B. applying应用;C. searching搜索;D. arranging排列。根据前文的“sme retired and lking fr a third act, sme lking fr a mre 12 career ”可知,退休的人们在寻找新的目标。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他很珍惜自己对这个他称之为地球上最美丽的地方之一的管理。A. treasures珍爱;B. replaces取代;C. recnsiders重新考虑;D. plans计划。根据前文的“As a By, Jhn Kerr wanted t be a fireman r a park ranger”和“Frm his internship, he mved up t ranger.”可知,他终于实现了儿时的梦想,故他很珍惜这份工组。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这些都是丰富而罕见的记忆,”科尔回忆道。A. tries尝试;B. warns警告;C. recalls回忆;D. imagines想象。根据前文的“These are rich and all-t-rare memries”可知,科尔回忆以前的记忆。故选C项。
    32.答案:pening;was added;t adjust;sustainable;an;which;daily;Influenced;int;and
    解析:①考查名词。句意:中国的太极拳,也被称为太极,是2008年北京奥运会开幕式的重要组成部分,在世界各地有众多练习者,在周四被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表名录。根据“ceremny”和句意可知,此处表示“开幕式”,空处应用pen的名词形式pening,构成固定表达pening ceremny。故填pening。
    ②考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:中国的太极拳,也被称为太极,是2008年北京奥运会开幕式的重要组成部分,在世界各地有众多练习者,在周四被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表名录。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,结合时间状语n Thursday可知,时态应用一般过去时,add和主语China’s taijiquan之间是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,且主语是单数,be动词应用was。故填was added。
    ③考查非谓语动词。句意:在其网站上,联合国教科文组织将这一文化标志描述为“一种传统的身体练习,其特点是放松、循环的动作,除了培养诚实和中立的心态外,还可以用来调节呼吸”。sth be used t d某物被用来做……,故填t adjust。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:受道家、儒家思想和中医理论的影响,这项运动已经发展成以家族或创立者的姓氏命名的几种流派或风格,如陈氏或杨氏。分析句子可知,空处作句子的原因状语,influence和the practice逻辑上是动宾关系,应用influence的过去分词形式influenced,且空处位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Influenced。
    ⑨考查介词。句意:受道家、儒家思想和中医理论的影响,这项运动已经发展成以家族或创立者的姓氏命名的几种流派或风格,如陈氏或杨氏。根据“develped”和句意可推知,此处用固定短语develp int,意为“发展成,演变成”,故填int。
    ⑩考查连词。句意:联合国教科文组织表示,它们是通过氏族传承或师徒模式传承下来的,建立在阴阳循环和对天人合一的文化理解之上。分析句子可知,空处连接前后两个谓语are passed dwn…和built upn…,两者之间是并列关系,应用并列连词and。故填and。
    One pssible versin:
    Speaking Abut My Favrite Histry Bk
    Aimed t aruse ur interest in English and histry, an English speech named “My favrite histry bk” was launched by Students’ Unin last Tuesday, which turned ut t be a hit.
    As scheduled, students gathered at the schl hall at 2 p.m. n Tuesday. After the hsts intrduced the tpic, 15 students delivered their speeches in turn. They were excellent in bth the language and the utline besides their perfect gestures and facial expressins.
    Nt nly did the activity imprve ur English ability, but it als prvided a great chance fr us t shw urselves.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    旨在:be aimed t→be intended t/be designed t/be meant t
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:After the hsts intrduced the tpic 15 students delivered their speeches in turn.
    拓展句:Fllwing the intrductin f the tpic by the hsts, 15 students tk turns delivering their speeches.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Aimed t aruse ur interest in English and histry, an English speech named “My favrite histry bk” was launched by Students’ Unin last Tuesday, which turned ut t be a hit. (运用了过去分词短语Aimed t…作状语、过去分词短语named “My favrite histry bk” 作speech的后置定语、关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] After the hsts intrduced the tpic, 15 students delivered their speeches in turn. (运用了从属连词After引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型3] Nt nly did the activity imprve ur English ability, but it als prvided a great chance fr us t shw urselves. (运用了Nt nly置于句首引起的部分倒装句)
    After selecting Carl as her partner, Jenny needed t start planning fr the dance cmpetitin at her schl. Having chsen the sng mst beautiful fr them, they began t learn dancing. Lacking relevant skills, Carl fund it challenging. Hwever, it didn’t discurage him. Fr the duratin f practising, Jenny always taught him patiently and encuraged him cnsistently. In an effrt t gain the first place, they were absrbed in dance training, smetimes even skipping meals. Hw time flew! Tw mnths slipped away, and the cmpetitin was arriving. It was the lng befre their turn.
    Jenny and Carl went up t the stage and were ready t perfrm. Upn hearing the music, nervus and excited, they tk a deep breath and started dancing, wearing sweet smiles n their faces. In the end, they cmpleted the perfrmance fluently and perfectly. The mment they finished dancing, applauses filled the hall. What surprised them was that they were champins. N wrds were enugh t cnvey the delight. All pictures f previus practice flashed acrss them. It was their hard wrk and perseverance that helped them succeed.
    ②时间流逝:slip away/ pass by
    ③成功:succeed /make it
    ①使沮丧:discurage /upset
    ②喜悦:delight /jy
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Lacking relevant skills, Carl fund it challenging. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] What surprised them was that they were champins. (运用了what引导主语从句和that引导的表语从句)

    湖南省岳阳市2024届高三下学期教学质量监测(二)英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖南省岳阳市2024届高三下学期教学质量监测(二)英语试卷(含答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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