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    这是一份[英语]广东省部分学校2024届高三下学期二轮复习联考(一)英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    Princetn University Art Event
    Prgram Infrmatin frGauch:A New Musical
    March 8-10,2024,in Wallace Theater
    Presented by the Lewis Center fr the Arts' Prgram in Theater &Music Theater.
    Gauch:A NewMusical
    Bk,music and lyries(歌词)by Princetn University senirs Aarn Ventresca and Emmu Ventresca; directed by lecturer Nicu Krell with music directin by guest artist Gia Gan.
    Run Time
    Apprximately 2 hurs(including a 10-minute intermissin).
    In this new musical set in nineteenth-century Argentina,the gauch(高乔人)cmmunity f San Antni de Arec (a twn in Buens Aires Prvince,Argentina)faces grwing threats t its traditinal way f life frm large landwners' newest technlgy-barbed(带刺的)wire fence. A yung gauch named Mate struggles t break free frm his family's dying way f life t becme a writer.Then with sme help,Mate escapes t Buens Aires.There,he meets Sfia,wh0 shakes his narrw-minded view f the wrld.As mdernity takes shape,Mate is trn between chices:his family r the ne he culd create,his culture r the mvements f the wrld.
    Special Ntes
    N flash phtgraphy permitted.Please silence all electrnic devices including mbile phne and watches,and avid text messaging fr the duratin f the perfrmance.
    Tickets &Details
    Perfrmances are free and pen t the public;advance tickets required.If a perfrmance is listed as sld ut,a wait list will be frmed at the dr with a limited number f tickets available.
    The Wallace Theater is an accessible venue with an assistive listening system.Guests in need f ther access accmmdatins are invited t cntact the Lewis Center at least ne week in advance at lewiscenter@princetn.edu
    1. Wh wrse the Gauch:A New Musical? A . Guest artist Gia Gan. B . Tw university students. C . Lecturer Nic Krell. D . Artists in the Wallace Theater.
    2. What is the theme f the musical? A . A rmantic lve stry. B . A mvement f culture. C . The change f lifestyle. D . The immigratin f a cmmunity.
    3. What are peple required t d t watch the musical? A . Pay fr perfrmances in advance. B . Wait in line at the dr f the theatre. C . Cntact the Lewis Center fr tickets. D . Switch ff their electrnic devices.
    My friend and I recently tk an art class tgether thrugh ur twn's cmmunity educatin prgram.Our classmates were a mix f ages,stages f life,and experience with making art.We std ut in the class—nt fr ur artistic talent,but fr ur cnsistent encuragement f urselves,each ther,and the grup.It gt me thinking hw encuragement had becme a rutine.
    It became smething f a jke between the tw f us t cmpliment(赞美)each ther,ffer a psitive cmment when anther student shwed his r her wrk,and generally chat arund the table abut hw fun ur prject was ging.But reflecting back,ur psitivist was anything but a jke.It was a bright light in my week,a space where I knew I culd be surrunded with kindness,gentleness,and psitivist.
    Here's the mst special thing abut it;my friend's and my psitive cnversatin wasn't just encuraging,it was true,We didn't g fr cheap r false cmpliments like,"This painting shuld be in a museum!"Instead,we went fr authentic(真实的)expressins f supprt and encuragement,like,"I lve hw yu did that clud!"
    Over time,the class became smething f a sacred space,because we had made a habit f using encuraging,supprtive language.Sentence-starters like,"I like,""I appreciate,""I want t try,"kept us present,psitive,and hnest.
    The encuragement als kept us engaged in the wrk f making art.I feel sure that I learned mre—and practiced mre at hme—because the activity was shwn in such cnsistently psitive terms,grunded in a grwth mindset,self-acceptance,and encuragement.
    Having a friend t share an encuragement habit is fantastic,but yu can practice it n yur wn as well.Cmpliment yurself in the mirrr every mrning.Keep a running"great wrk. "list f thing? yu are ding well tday.Trust in yur ability t find smething lving—and true-t cmment tday and every day.
    4. What d we knw abut the authr's classmates? A . They admired thse talented in art. B . They didn't take art class seriusly. C . They were f the same artistic level. D . They were n gd terms in the class.
    5. Hw did the classmates turn their class int a sacred space? A . By shwing false cmpliments t thers. B . By decrating their class as a museum. C . By displaying abstract art wrks in the class. D . By ffering supprtive language arund them.
    6. What did the authr think f the art prject? A . It made him hpeful and cnfident. B . It needed t prvide mre practice. C . It was cheap and easy t carry ut. D . It prmted his cmmunicatin skills.
    7. What is the authr's purpse f writing the text? A . T intrduce a cmmunity educatin prgram. B . T call fr gd actin t supprt thse in need C . T describe hw t make encuragement a habit. D . T cmment n the pwer f authentic expressins.
    Plar bears are icns f the Arctic.Detailed mnitring f their ppulatins is crucial fr their cnservatin—but because plar bears are s difficult t find,we are missing critical data abut ppulatin size.Scientists have nw develped a new tl t help:DNA analysis using skin cells left in the bears' ftprints in the snw.
    The scientists were inspired by the techniques that can be applied t tiny,degraded DNA samples.With these techniques,it isn't necessary t physically capture bears,which can be stressful and dangerus fr bth bears and humans.Instead,the researchers can turn t the snw tracks f plar bears and lk at surces f DNA left in passing—envirnmental DNA. "The tracks usually cntain fresh cells,and the DNA is intact because f the cld' strage' temperature,"said Dr.Melanie Lancaster f the Wrld Wide Fund,lead authr.
    The scientists cllected snw frm individual tracks made by Alaskan plar bears in the wild. Additinal materials like hair and saliva(唾液)were sampled,cnfirming that the tracks prvided accurate gentype(基因型)
    24 wild plar bear tracks were sampled.The researchers melted and filtered the snw t cllect envirnmental DNA,then carried ut micr-satellite analysis.Althugh the cncentratins (浓度)f DNA taken frm trucks sampled in the wild were very lw,13 f the wild plar bear samples culd be gentype,identifying 12 different individuals.
    This technique has huge ptential t infrm cnservatin f these animals,t better understand their ppulatins and behavir.Althugh the sampling has a lwer success rate,ease f cllectin means that it can significantly expand sample sizes.
    "We hpe this methd will be taken up by the plar bear research cmmunity,with the invlvement f hunters,vlunteers,and lcal cmmunities,as a new way t cllect infrmatin n plar bears,"said Lancaster."We als hpe the methd will be expanded t ther animals living in snwy envirnments."
    8. Why d scientists develp the new methd? A . T imprve the envirnment in the Aretic. B . T prtect humans frm the plar bears attack. C . T find slutins t glbal climate change. D . T gather essential data fr mnitring plar bears.
    9. What des the underlined wrd"intact"mean in paragraph 2? A . Unknwn. B . Undamaged. C . Unusual. D . Unstable.
    10. What did the scientists d in the study? A . They tracked and caught plar bears in the wild. B . They recrded the bears' behavirs with cameras. C . They analyzed DNA frm plar bears' snwy ftprints. D . They cmpared the plar bears' gentype with ther animals?
    11. What is Lancaster's attitude tward the methd? A . Disapprving. B . Favrable. C . Uncertain. D . Suspicius.
    What d yu see in the image?The image can be challenging t interpret,and mst peple need a clue t see the pattern.It shws a Dalmatian dg.An interesting aspect f this experience is that nce yu've perceived the pattern,yu can't unset the dg.
    Whether we like it r nt,ur brains lk fr patterns in varius cntexts.Much f ur everyday understanding is linked t the cncepts we lean in schl and thrugh interactin with thers.On tp f this,there are learned cultural patterns t interpret wrks f art,music,pems,etc.Once we knw the patterns,they prfundly influence hw we perceive cultural prducts.S we see the wrld thrugh patterns we have acquired.
    These patterns can be applied in all frms f teaching.The great benefit f seeing a pattern in an area f knwledge is that it can be applied t new prblems.A student wh has understd a pattern can nt nly answer questins taken directly frm the learning material but can use it in ther types f tasks.The key questin,therefre,is hw a student can discver the relevant patterns and create real understanding.
    There are different ways t highlight patterns.Analgies(类比)are pwerful tls fr creating understanding.An example is the number line(数轴)in elementary mathematics. When children learn additin,it is easy fr cncrete cmbinatins f bjects:three apples plus tw apples make five apples.The same is true fr subtractin(减法):If yu have six apples and remve fur,yu are left with tw.
    But this desn't wrk when it cmes t negative numbers.Hw d yu explain that if yu have three apples and remve five,tw are missing?Then,an effective analgy is t see the number line as smething yu walk alng—the line becmes a path.Additin with three is like walking three steps frward,and subtractin with five is like walking five steps backward. N wnder that if yu walk three steps frward and then five steps back,yu are tw steps behind where yu started.
    In this way,the negative numbers acquire a meaning rted in experience.Mre patterns f numbers can nw be understd.
    12. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut? A . The underlying effect f patterns. B . The ability t acquire the art skills. C . The way t find the Dalmatian dg. D . The benefit f interacting with thers.
    13. Why shuld patterns be used in educatin? A . It is easy fr students t master them. B . All types f tasks have the same pattern. C . They can help students slve new prblems. D . They are the necessary learning materials.
    14. What des the example in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 suggest? A . There are different ways t acquire experience. B . Analgies are gd methds fr teaching patterns. C . Additin is much easier than subtractin in maths. D . The number line can slve all mathematics prblems.
    15. What is the best title f the text? A . Understanding Is Seeing a Pattern. B . The Best Principle fr Learning C . Walking Back and Frth n a Number Line. D . Using Patterns t Learn Mathematics
    Challenges are part f life and smething we can all expect t encunter at ne pint r anther during ur lifetime.We handle challenges differently;sme f us chse t face them head-n,while thers flee in uncertainty. 16 The fllwing are simple methds and strategies we can all emply t vercme challenges mre effectively.
    17 Nike culdn't have said it any better with their slgan,"Just d it!"Sme challenges require us t d just that.Grab the bull by its hrns and have the curage t cnquer it,n matter hw unsure we might feel.Sme challenges are urgent and require immediate attentin,leaving us with n ptin but t g ahead full-steam.
    Educate urselves.The reasn why sme issues prve challenging fr us is that we aren't familiar with them. 18 The internet,bks,frums,etc.,ffer platfrms where we can research and learn abut ur challenges t find strategies against them.Knwledge is definitely pwerful and essential in cnquering anything.
    Be persistent.This is what is required t accmplish anything,especially when it cmes t vercming challenges.N matter hw difficult ur challenges might be,we must be willing t push thrugh and try again and again until we achieve victry ver them. 19
    Ask fr help.There are times when we can't g it alne and need thers t help us cnquer whatever challenges we face. 20 Netwrking with like-minded individuals wh can ffer us supprt,suggestins,and slutins is useful in helping us vercme challenges.
    A.Meet them head-n.
    B.Adapt a different strategy.
    C.It is said that tw heads are better than ne.
    D.If we give up,we allw the challenges t cnquer us instead.
    E.Therefre,ur knwledge and ability t cnquer them is limited.
    F.Whatever ur psitins,we all wish t cnquer them and mve n.
    Thse in the fd industry understand the difficulty that cmes frm wrking with peple.N matter hw much yu try,sme custmers are never 21 .If yu make ne mistake,sme peple are likely t lse 22 .This situatin tk place at a McDnald's in suburban Atlanta.
    A custmer apprached the drive-thrugh windw 23 .He threw a drink back at the pregnant fast fd wrker wh handed it t him.Mst wuld find that unthinkable.Yet,he felt 24 because the drink was nt what he wanted.
    Bryanna was the 25 in this incident.It was s 26 t her that she culdn't even figure ut what was happening.She was 27 and cvered in ice and sda.
    The custmer next in line wh witnessed what happened was Ferza Eyed. She 28 the incident via Facebk after things tk place."I've never seen anyne 29 that way,especially t d that t a pregnant wrker,which was just 30 ."
    When Ferza apprached the drive-thrugh,she 31 the fast fd wrker a cash tip t cmfrt her.She had yet anther 32 —set up an nline registry fr Bryanna's baby.Ferza 33 maybe she culd raise $300 r $400 fr Bryanna t buy smething nice.But by 24 hurs later peple had dnated $1,700.Ferza was just bviusly ging crazy with 34 .
    Thrugh this,Ferza and Bryanna have becme friends.It's jus 35 t see such lve and happiness.
    Yangk,a rural Chinese flk dance with a histry 36 (date) back thusands f years, riginates frm farming life in ancient times.The dance relates t sacrifices t the farmland gd when peple prayed fr a gd harvest.As time passed,the 37 (rigin)dance develped,taking in varius artistic frms and skills,including pera,acrbatics and martial arts,and eventually turned int the type f Yangk 38 is seen tday.
    39 (preserve)this Chinese flk culture,it was included in the inaugural(首批的)items f natinal intangible cultural heritage in 2006.It is 40 (cmmn) perfrmed in nrthern China during festivals,especially fr Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival. Perfrmances r cmpetitins 41 (rganize&in twns and villages t express peple's jy and their hpe fr a better life.
    Yangk emplys drumming,Suna,dancing and singing.Cntent is based 42 flk stries and legends.Cstumes are richly-clred and pera-styled,enabling 43 (character) t be easily identified.During a perfrmance,the actrs will dance and sing,fllwing lively and interesting acts such as stilt(高跷)walking 44 carrying a wedding sedan chair(花轿)are als included.As a part f traditinal Chinese culture, Yangk 45 (cncentrate the grup cnsciusness f the Chinese peple,and has utstanding histrical and cultural value.
    46. 书面表达
    假定你是李华,为推进科普教育.你校英语社团正在开展"学科学.用科学"的演讲活动.请你以"Intelligent Technlgy Enters Our Life"为题.写一篇演讲稿参加比赛,内容包括:1.智能科技在生活中的应用:2.学习智能科技的作用和意义。
    Dear teachers and students,
    Thank yu!
    47. 读后续写,阅读下面材料.根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Gratitude Jar
    Once upn a time in a small twn,there lived a wman named Emily.Emily was knwn fr her warm smile and cmpassinate heart.Despite facing life's challenges,she carried an atmsphere f gratitude that inspired everyne wh knew her.
    One day,Emily came acrss)an ld,dusty jar in the cmer f an antique shp.Interested, she picked it up and nticed a small label that read."The Gratitude Jar."The shpkeeper explained that the jar was meant fr cllecting mments f gratitude—tiny ntes that captured the essence(本质)f thankfulness.
    Excited by the idea,Emily decided t start a jurney f gratitude.Each day.befre the sun dipped belw the hrizn,she wuld sit dwn with her Gratitude Jar and reflect n the blessings f the day.Frm the warmth f the mrning sun t the laughter f children playing in the park.Emily fund jy in the simple things.She set dwn the jy in different tiny ntes and put them int the jar.
    As the days turned int weeks and the weeks int mnths.Emily's jar began t fill with an abundance f ntes f gratitude.She was amazed at hw her perspective n life had shifted.(Instead f thinking abut what she lacked)Emily fcused n the richness f what she had—the lve f family.the supprt f friends,and the beauty f the wrld arund her.
    One chilly autumn evening,Emily faced an unexpected challenge.The news f a jb lss cast a shadw ver her sunny dispsitin.Feeling a mix f uncertainty and fear,Emily sat dwn with her Gratitude Jar.wndering if she culd find anything t be thankful fr in such a trying time.
    As she read thrugh the gratitude ntes in the jar,smething magical happened.
    Tw weeks after the applicatin,she received a letter fr her new emplyment.题号

    A . cnfused
    B . frightened
    C . trubled
    D . satisfied
    A . temper
    B . passin
    C . sight
    D . temperature
    A . sadly
    B . angrily
    C . happily
    D . patiently
    A . cnvinced
    B . embarrassed
    C . justified
    D . misunderstd
    A . interviewer
    B . victim
    C . lker-n
    D . witness
    A . unpleasant
    B . reliable
    C . respnsible
    D . avidable
    A . warning
    B . weeping
    C . begging
    D . checking
    A . heard f
    B . thught f
    C . spke f
    D . dreamed f
    A . admit
    B . behave
    C . fllw
    D . apprve
    A . wnderful
    B . funny
    C . necessary
    D . awful
    A . paid
    B . charged
    C . ffered
    D . affrded
    A . principle
    B . prgram
    C . destinatin
    D . idea
    A . assumed
    B . realized
    C . recgnized
    D . recalled
    A . regret
    B . relief
    C . reward
    D . jy
    A . inspiring
    B . demanding
    C . amusing
    D . puzzling

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